Engadget Japanese |
自然豊かなダートコースに挑戦!アクロバティック走行を楽しむ『Airborne MX』:発掘!スマホゲーム |
airbornemx |
2022-03-27 21:10:49 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 576通りのフタで売り上げ増 明治 エッセル スーパーカップとモンストのコラボが成功した3つの理由 |
itmedia |
2022-03-28 06:30:00 |
Google |
カグア!Google Analytics 活用塾:事例や使い方 |
ツイキャスのモイが上場へ、4年で売上10倍、34人で売上54億など、いろいろ数字がバグってて異次元の成長ぶり |
仲間入り |
2022-03-27 21:00:29 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Pythonを使ってPDFの改行無しの翻訳をDeepLで実行する |
DeepLが開いてDeepLに移動するまで少し時間がかかるため少し待つtimesleepDeepLの入力欄をクリックし以前のテキストをすべて選択し、上書きペーストするpyautoguileftClickxypyautoguihotkeyctrlapyautoguihotkeyctrlv実行ifnamemainショートカットキーを押すとmain関数を実行するkeyboardaddhotkeyショートカットキーmainescを押すとプログラムが終了するkeyboardwaitescファイル全体このスクリプトを保存しファイルを実行すれば終了するまでショートカットキーを押せば改行無しで翻訳をすることができる。 |
2022-03-28 06:25:58 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Teamsのステータスを自動で変更する |
Teamsのステータスを応答不可にすれば通知に気づかなくて済むのですが、こまめにステータスを切り替えることを忘れがち。 |
2022-03-28 06:02:38 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Muvaffaqiyatli Git filialash modeli (A successful Git branching model) |
Muvaffaqiyatli Git filialash modeli A successful Git branching model IntroUshbu maqolada men turli loyihalarni ishlab chiqish jarayonida tadbiq qilsa bo ladigan rivojlanish modelini yoritib beraman Aynan ushbu modelni qo llashdan oldin judayam ko plab noqulaylik va muammolarga duch kelgan edim Ushbu maqolani birqancha resurslardan olgan firklarim va ozgina to plagan tajribam asosida yozishga qaror qildim Bu maqola sizga tarmoqlanish strategiyasi branching strategy va relizlarni boshqarish release management masalalarida foydali bo ladi degan umiddaman Git va Nima uchun Git Gitning boshqa tizimlarga nisbatan farqlarini batafsil ma lumotlar yetarlicha shu sababdan bu mavzuga batafsil to xtalmayman Ammo gitni boshqa alternativ vcs vositalaridan afzal ko raman Ushbu tizim bir qancha ishlab chiqaruvchilar ishini birlashtira oladigan eng yaxshi tizim Shu bilan birga git bilan bu jarayon juda sodda va oson Git haqida asosiy ma lumotlar bo limlarda yortilgan Undan tashqari ushbu mavzuga aloqador boshqa ko plab resurslar topishingiz Men foydalangan va foydalanadigan manbalarni post ohirida qoldiraman Qo shimcha sifatida ayta olamanki Gitda branching va merging amaliyotlari juda ham oson tadbiq qilingan Versiyani boshqarish vositalari hamma narsadan ko ra ko proq tarmoqlanish birlashishda yordam berishi kerak Asboblar haqida etarli keling ishlab chiqish modeliga o taylik Men bu erda taqdim etmoqchi bo lgan model aslida boshqariladigan dasturiy ta minotni ishlab chiqish jarayoniga kelish uchun har bir jamoa a zosi amal qilishi kerak bo lgan protseduralar to plamidan iborat Asosiy filiallar The main branches Eng asosiysi ushbu rivojlanish modeliga ko ra markaziy repositoryda cheksiz umrga ega ta filial bo lishi kerakmaster or maindevelop or devmaster branch har bir Git foydalanuvchisi uchun tanish bo lishi kerak Asosiy branchga paralell ravishta dev deb nomlangan branch bo lishi kerak origin masterda mavjud bo lgan HEAD manba kodini source code productionga tayyor deb hisoblaymiz origin developda mavjud bo lgan so ngi HEAD manba kodi source code keyingi taqdimot production relase uchun ohirgi ishlab chiqarish o zgarishlari development changes holatni aks ettiradi Bazilar buni integration branch deb atashadi Bu yerda har qanday avtomatik buildlar sodir bo ladi develop bo limidagi manba kodi source code barqaror stable kelib tayyor bo lganida barcha o zgarishlar master branchga biriktirilishi marge va reliz uchun belgilanishi kerak Bu jarayon birmuncha intensiv yondoshuvni ham talab etadi Misol uchun relizlarni versiyalash ham mumkin Barcha hali reliz qilinmagan o zgarishlar ushbu branchga birlashadiShuning uchun har safar o zgarishlar masterga birlashtirilganda by yangi nashr relase ekanini anglatadi Biz ushbu masalaga jiddiy qarashimiz lozim Dasturiy ta minotni ishlab chiqish jarayonida yangi reliz uchun maksimal darajada ishonchli va barqaror bo lishi kerak Bu bizga loyihamiz sifatli bo lishini ta minlaydi Qo llab quvvatlovchi filiallar Supporting branches Asosiy filiallar master va develop bilan bir qatorda bizning rivojlanish modelimiz jamoa a zolari o rtasida paralell rivojlanishga yordam berish yangilanishlarni kuzatishni onsonlashtirish relizlardan keyingi chiqgan muammolarni tuzatishga yordam berish uchun turli yordamchi branchlardan foydalaniladi Asosiy branchlardan farli o laroq ushbu branchlar vaqtinchalik xisoblanadi chunki ular kerakli ishlar yakunlangach olib tashlanadi Biz foydalanishimiz mumkin bo lgan har xil turdagi branchlar Feature branches Yangi xususiyatlar Release branches Relizlar Hotfix branches Relizda chiqgan xatolarni tuzatish uchun Ushbu filiallarning har biri o ziga xos maqsadga ega va qaysi filiallar ularning boshlang ich filiali bo lishi mumkinligi va qaysi filiallar ularni birlashtirish maqsadlari bo lishi kerakligi haqidagi qat iy qoidalarga bog liq Hech qanday holatda bu filiallar texnik nuqtai nazardan maxsus emas Filial turlari biz ulardan qanday foydalanishimizga qarab tasniflanadi Ular albatta oddiy eski Git branchlari Shunchaki semantik nuqtai nazardan qarash to g ri bo ladi Xususiyatli filiallar Feature branches Quyidagidan bo linishi mumkin developQayta birlashishi kerak developFilial nomlash qoidalari branch naming convention Barcha nomlar faqat quyidagilardan tashqari master develop release hotfix Xususiyat feature yoki biror imkoniyat branchlari bazan topic branch deb ataladi chunki biror imkoniyat nomi bilan nomlanishi mumkin masalan authentication yoki auth feauture yaqin yoki uzoq kelajakdagi versiya uchun yangi imkoniyatlarni ishlab chiqish uchun ishlatiladi Imkoniyatni ishlab chiqish boshlanganda ushbu imkoniyat birlashtiriladigan versiya xozircha nomalum bo lishi mumkin Xususiyat yoki imkoniyat feauture branchining mohiyati shundaki u xusisiyat ishlab chiqarilgunga qadar mavjud bo ladi lekin oxir oqibat developga qayta brilashadi biror ishlab chiqilgan xususiyatni ma lum versiyaga qo shish uchun yoki ochirib tashlanadi xafagarchilik tug diradigan tajriba bo lsa Xususiyat tarmoqlari odatda origin emas faqat ishlab chiquvchi repolarida mavjud Xususiyat bo limi yasashYangi xususiyat ustida ishlashni boshlaganingizda develop bo limidan branch ajralib chiqing git checkout b myfeature developSwitched to a new branch myfeature Tugallangan xususiyatni develop branchiga birlashtirish marge Yakunlangan xususiyatlar ularni kelgusi relizga qo shish uchun ishlab chiqish bo limiga birlashtirilishi mumkin git checkout developSwitched to branch develop git merge no ff myfeatureUpdating eaba e Summary of changes git branch d myfeatureDeleted branch myfeature was e git push origin develop no ff bayrog i birlashma har doim yangi topshiriq ob ektini yaratishga olib keladi hatto birlashtirish oldinga siljish bilan amalga oshirilishi mumkin bo lsa ham Bu xususiyat filialining tarixiy mavjudligi haqidagi ma lumotni yo qotib qo ymaydi va ushbu xususiyatni birgalikda qo shgan barcha majburiyatlarni birgalikda guruhlaydi Quyidagi rasmni ko ring Ikkinchi holda Git tarixidan ob ektlarning qaysi biri birgalikda xususiyatni amalga oshirganligini ko rishning iloji yo q barcha jurnal xabarlarini qo lda o qish kerak bo ladi Butun xususiyatni ya ni bir guruh majburiyatlarni qaytarish oxirgi vaziyatda haqiqiy bosh og rig idir holbuki no ff bayrog i ishlatilsa buni osonlikcha bajarish mumkin Ha u yana bir nechta bo sh ob ektlarni yasaydi foydasi zaraidan katta Reliz branchlari Release branches Quyidagidan bo linishi mumkin developQayta birlashishi kerak develop va masterFilial nomlash qoidalari relase Reliz branchlari yangi reliz nashrini new production relase tayyorlashni qo llab quvvatlaydi Bundan tashqari ular kichik xatolarni tuzatishga va meta ma lumotlarni relizlar uchun tayyorlashga imkon beradi versiya raqami tuzilish sanalari va boshqalar Ushbu barcha ishlarni reliz bo limida bajarish orqali ishlab chiqish bo limi develop branch keyingi katta versiya uchun xususiyatlarni olish uchun tozalanadi Yangi versiyani develop branchdan ajratishning asosiy maqsadi ishlab chiqarish jarayonida aynan ma lum relizda qilinishi kerak bo lgan imkoniyatlar yoki tuzatish ishlarini aynan shu relizga bog lab uni ishlab chiqarish bilan ham birlashtirishdan iborat Kelajakdagi versiyalarga mo ljallangan barcha xususiyatlar bo lmasligi mumkin ular relizlar tarmog i bo linmaguncha kutishlari kerak Aynan relizlar bo limining boshida bo lajak versiyaga versiya raqami beriladi O sha paytgacha ishlab chiqish bo limi keyingi versiya uchun o zgarishlarni aks ettirdi ammo bu keyingi reliz oxir oqibat yoki bo ladimi toki reliz bo limi ishga tushirilgunga qadar noma lum Ushbu qaror relizlar bo limining boshlanishi bilan qabul qilinadi va loyihaning versiya raqamini buzish qoidalari bilan amalga oshiriladi Reliz branchini yasash Creating a release branch Reliz branchlari ishlab chiqish develop branchidan yasaladi Misol uchun versiyasi joriy ishlab chiqarish versiyasidir va bizda katta reliz bor Rivojlanish holati “keyingi versiya ga tayyor va biz bu versiya yoki oʻrniga boʻlishiga qaror qildik Shunday qilib biz filialni ajratamiz va reliz branchiga yangi versiya raqamini aks ettiruvchi nom beramiz git checkout b release developSwitched to a new branch release bump version sh Files modified successfully version bumped to git commit a m Bumped version number to release d Bumped version number to files changed insertions deletions Yangi branchni yasab unga o tgandan so ng biz versiya raqamini ko ramiz Bu yerda bump version sh yangi versiyani aks ettirish uchun ishchi nusxadagi ba zi fayllarni o zgartiradigan xayoliy qobiq skript Bu albatta qo lda o zgartirish bo lishi mumkin bu ba zi fayllarning o zgarishidir Bizning holatda ushbu jarayoni avtomatlashtirib qo yilgan deb tassavur qilamiz Jarayon abstakt bo lgani uchun skript fayl misolida keltirildi Keyin buzilgan versiya raqami amalga oshiriladi Bu yangi branch albatta chiqarilgunga qadar bir muddat mavjud bo lishi mumkin Bu vaqt ichida xatolarni tuzatishlar ushbu branchda qo llanilishi mumkin ishlab chiqish develop branchda emas Bu yerda yangi katta funksiyalarni qo shish qat iyan man etiladi Ular ishlab chiqishga birlashtirilishi kerak agar katta funksionallar qo shilishi kerak bo lsa bularni keying relizga o tkazish kerak bo ladi Reliz branchni tugatish Finishing a release branch Reliz branchning holati haqiqiy reliz bo lishga tayyor bo lganda ba zi harakatlarni bajarish kerak Birinchidan reliz filiali masterga birlashtiriladi chunki masterdagi har bir topshiriq ta rifi bo yicha yangi relizdir esda tuting Keyinchalik ushbu tarixiy versiyaga kelajakda oson murojaat qilish uchun master bo yicha ushbu majburiyat belgilanishi kerak Va nihoyat relizlar bo limiga kiritilgan o zgarishlarni ishlab chiqishda qayta birlashtirish kerak shunda kelajakdagi productionlarda ham ushbu xatolar tuzatiladi Gitdagi dastlabki ikki qadam git checkout masterSwitched to branch master git merge no ff release Merge made by recursive Summary of changes git tag a Chiqarish tugallandi va kelajakda foydalanish uchun belgilandi Tahrirlash Tegingizni kriptografik tarzda imzolash uchun s yoki u lt key gt bayroqlaridan foydalanishningiz ham mumkin Reliz branchida kiritilgan o zgarishlarni saqlab qolish uchun biz ularni qayta ishlab chiqishga develop birlashtirishimiz marge kerak Gitda git checkout developSwitched to branch develop git merge no ff release Merge made by recursive Summary of changes Ushbu qadam birlashma mojarosiga marge conflict olib kelishi mumkin ehtimol hatto versiya raqamini o zgartirganimiz uchun Agar shunday bo lsa uni tuzating va majburiyatni bajaring Endi biz haqiqatan ham tayyormiz va reliz filiali olib tashlanishi mumkin chunki bizga endi kerak emas git branch d release Tuzatish filiallari Hotfix branches Quyidagidan bo linishi mumkin masterQayta birlashishi kerak develop va masterFilial nomlash qoidalari hotfix Tuzatish branchlari reliz branchlarga juda o xshaydi chunki ular rejalashtirilmagan bo lsa ham yangi ishlab chiqarish relizlariga tayyorgarlik ko rish uchun mo ljallangan Ular jonli ishlab chiqarish versiyasining istalmagan holatiga darhol harakat qilish zaruratidan kelib chiqadi Ishlab chiqarish versiyasidagi muhim xatolik darhol hal qilinishi kerak bo lsa tuzatish filiali ishlab chiqarish versiyasini belgilaydigan asosiy filialdagi tegishli tegdan ajratilishi mumkin Mohiyat shundan iboratki jamoa a zolarining ishi rivojlanish bo limida davom etishi mumkin boshqa bir kishi esa tezkor ishlab chiqarishni tuzatishni tayyorlamoqda Tuzatish branchini yasash Creating the hotfix branch Tuzatish branchlari master branchdan yasalgan Misol uchun aytaylik versiyasi jonli ishlayotgan va jiddiy xato tufayli muammolarni keltirib chiqaradigan joriy ishlab chiqarish versiyasidir Ammo rivojlanishdagi o zgarishlar hali ham barqaror emas Keyin tuzatish filialini ajratib muammoni hal qilishni boshlashimiz mumkin git checkout b hotfix masterSwitched to a new branch hotfix bump version sh Files modified successfully version bumped to git commit a m Bumped version number to hotfix ebb Bumped version number to files changed insertions deletions Tarqalgandan keyin versiya raqamini ko rsatishni unutmang Keyin xatoni tuzating va tuzatishni bir yoki bir nechta alohida topshiriqlarda commit bajaring git commit m Fixed severe production problem hotfix abbed Fixed severe production problem files changed insertions deletions Tuzatish branchini yakunlash Finishing a hotfix branch Tugallangach xato tuzatish hotfix yana masterga birlashtirilishi marge kerak lekin xato tuzatish keyingi versiyaga ham kiritilishini taʼminlash uchun uni yana ishlab chiqishga birlashtirish kerak Bu reliz branchlari qanday tugaganiga to liq o xshaydi Birinchidan masterni yangilang va relizni belgilang git checkout masterSwitched to branch master git merge no ff hotfix Merge made by recursive Summary of changes git tag a Tahrirlash Tegingizni kriptografik tarzda imzolash uchun s yoki u lt key gt bayroqlaridan foydalanishningiz ham mumkin Keyinchalik ishlab chiqishda develop xato tuzatishni ham kiriting git checkout developSwitched to branch develop git merge no ff hotfix Merge made by recursive Summary of changes Bu erdagi qoidadan bitta istisno shundaki agar hozirda reliz branch mavjud bo lsa tuzatish o zgarishlarini ishlab chiqish develop o rniga o sha reliz bo limiga birlashtirish kerak Tuzatishning reliz bo limiga qayta birlashtirilishi oxir oqibat reliz bo limi tugagach xato tuzatuvchining ham ishlab chiqishga birlashishiga olib keladi Agar ishlab chiqishda ish shu zahotiyoq xatoni tuzatishni talab qilsa va reliz bo limi tugashini kutmasa xato tuzatishni hozirda ishlab chiqishga xavfsiz tarzda birlashtirishingiz mumkin Nihoyat vaqtinchalik branchni olib tashlang git branch d hotfix Deleted branch hotfix was abbed |
2022-03-27 21:33:58 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
[TIL] Cloudflare origin certificate limitation |
TIL Cloudflare origin certificate limitationThis will be a series of issues that I faced and found a solution for which could help someone or my future selfCloudflare provides SSL out of the box and also you can generate origin certificate that you can use to add HTTPS to your website and its subdomains via the usage of wildcardsBut unfortunately this had some limitation so it only applies for first level subdomains Issues Related ERR SSL VERSION OR CIPHER MISMATCHssl read bytes sslv alert handshake failureReferences h ed cd cc cdbaedb |
2022-03-27 21:30:18 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Creating a User Interface to the Database: Setup |
Creating a User Interface to the Database SetupA standalone database is not very useful because editing and viewing from the REPL is quite limited We need a graphical interface in order to work with it properly Let s see how we can use the browser to display search and edit data This post and the following overlap thematically with the Web Application Tutorial It is recommended that you have read them especially regarding the PicoLisp GUI Framework The GoalLet s write a single page script that accesses the database and displays the family tree of any record that is specified via the URL for example A As a result we get a recursive print out of that person s partner and all children and children s children In the end it should look like this However before we can work on that we first need to have the server and database ready Setting up the scriptLet s think about what our little program needs to contain Some global definitions namespace libraries constants The entities relationship model Opening the database file Starting the server A html function in which we get and display the data We go through it step by step Namespace libraries constantsFirst of all we need to import the libraries related to the PicoLisp GUI framework http l xhtml l forml Secondly we need to set the name space in order to ensure that the objects are unique even if we expand our program and integrate more classes Let s initialize a new namespace family and set the standard namespace pico as second in the list when a symbol cannot be found in family the interpreter will search in pico next Last let s also define some global constants for example Css load lib http l lib xhtml l lib form l setq Css lib css css bootstrap css symbols family pico The E R ModelNext comes the E R model that we have discussed in the previous post It needs to include all classes and relations plus the information how the data is spread across the database files class Person Entity rel nm Need Sn Idx String Name rel pa Joint kids Man Father dbs Person A Person nm B Person job dat fin C Opening the Database FileNow let s write a short function that opens the database file We have done this manually from the REPL in the last post It included two steps Set the namespace Open the files assuming they are all in the folder family de main symbols family pico pool family Dbs Exception handling since we re opening an external file we should also think about what happens if it fails for example because it doesn t exist yet If it failed then our global variable DB will be empty If this happens let s just create a new database and put new entries inside unless val DB put gt set DB request Man nm Adam mate request Woman nm Eve commit Starting the serverNext we define the function which starts the server In order to have a clean database first of all we execute rollback first to clean the RAM from cached objects The server function accepts an optional URL argument We can choose between three options If the path starts with an exclamation mark the rest without the is taken as the name of a Lisp function to be called All arguments following the question mark are passed to that function If a path ends with l a dot and a lower case L it is taken as a Lisp source file name to be loaded If the extension of a file name matches an entry in the global mime type table Mime the file is sent to the client with mime type and max age values taken from that table Otherwise the file is sent to the client with a mime type of application octet stream and a max age of second For our example let s call the server with the function treeReport which we will define in the next step de go rollback server treeReport The treeReport functionNow finally we re coming to the interesting part We said that we want to pass the parameters from the URL How does that work The URL is evaluated as follows First comes the desired URI then comes a question mark and then an arbitrary number of values can be passed They are encoded as follows An internal symbol starts with a dollar sign A number starts with a plus sign An external database symbol starts with dash A list one level only is encoded with underscores Otherwise it is a transient symbol i e a plain string In other words if we want to pass the database record A we can pass it like this Link to page A That means our treeReport function needs to accept one argument which is a database record We set it as current object de treeReport This Then we define our normal HTML function As proof of concept let s try to print the current record s name property as headline de treeReport This html Family Tree View Css NIL lt h gt NIL prinl nm Now let s start our script from the command line In general functions can be started from the command line by a prepending dash However for our main and go functions we need the namespace to family first syntax lt namespace gt lt function gt note the namespace delimitor is a tilde not a dash In other words like this pil family treeview l familymain go Since the server is running at port we can now point or browser to http localhost A and see the name of the A record expanded It works Some words about securityIf you read this post carefully you might have noticed that it s possible to execute basically any PicoLisp function or file via the command line Needless to say that this is a huge security hole that needs to be addressed The access to resources is controlled via the global variable Allow which is checked by the server before delivering any data to the client We can set this variable via the allowed function In our example it coud look like this allowed css lib css treeReport Access is allowed to everything inside the folder css as well as the library file lib css and the function treeReport Everything else is blocked The file up to this point can be downloaded here In the next post we will expand our function treeReport to display the family tree of the current record Sources |
2022-03-27 21:29:48 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
object oriented programming in Javascript (part 2) |
object oriented programming in Javascript part in the last post we talked about the basics of oop in Javascript in this post we will explain constructor functions in more detail and add some methods to our blueprint that we created How constructor functions workwe learned that to create an object from our blueprint we created we do const customer new Customer Alex alex gmail com what s strange about this is that new keyword used in the function call and it is important to understand why we use it the new keyword does things it creates a new empty objectit calls the function with the this keyword set to that new empty objectit makes the function return that object after executionthis explains why we attach the props to the this object inside the function summary the function is called with the this keyword set to an empty object it attaches the passed props to that object it returns that object with all the props without using a return statementnow that you understand how it all works try to make the Food constructor function with a name description and an image Adding methods to the constructor functionwe will add methods to the Customer function one for and one for ordering a mealfunction Customer name email password settings cart this name name this email email this password password this settings settings this cart cart this setSettings function newSettings this settings newSettings this orderFood function food console log ordering food as you can see adding methods is easy now let s see them in actioncustomer setSettings notifications true customer orderFood Pizza ordering Pizzahowever adding methods this way is not the best if you have few instances this should be ok but if you have a lot of instances it s going to be a problem because it will consume more memory than needed in the next post we will discuss a better way of adding methodsnote feel free to add more information or give feedback in the comments |
2022-03-27 21:29:24 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
A Solution: How to successfully fetch data from Firestore Database |
A Solution How to successfully fetch data from Firestore DatabaseWhen trying to fetch a set of data from Firestore Database I stumbled into a pretty basic challenge the data is not shown on the screen This article suggests a solution for those who are learning Firebase and got caught by a similar problem What was the Situation When I was learning how to use Firebase V with a Udemy course I was struggling to get the data that I manually created on Cloud Firestore I went through all the following processes twice just to make sure I don t miss any essential steps to successfully fetch the data into my browser Create a Firebase ProjectCreate a web app under the projectCopy the config and paste on a file in my local projectInitialise firebase in the file using the copied configInitialise firestore and export the particular database from the fileInstall the latest firebase Run the application at localhost ProblemNo error message all seems fine except that no data from the database was shown in the place that it should be Solution Did All The Process AgainScraping the project to the bin I downloaded the course file again wrote the code again by watching the course video very carefully and made sure that I didn t miss any step Checked if My Code Looks Exactly the Same as the TutorialNo typo and no mistake It s impossible to be wrong Solution Firebase RulesIf my code is perfect then the problem should be on the side of firebase And here it is the rules were written as below The if false part was the cause of the problem If the part is false no one can read and write the data For the sake of experimenting with data fetching for this tutorial I temporarily edited the sentence to allow read write if true And now on the screen I can see the data that I manually added on Firestore Database This means the data is successfully fetched Please note that this is a bad practice if you re actually developing an app with personal information as it allows any person can access and change the contents But if you re just a beginner wanting to understand some basic functions of firebase and haven t learned about the firebase rules yet this could be a temporary solution You can always come back and modify the rules as you go |
2022-03-27 21:27:49 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Breve resumo dos meus projetos desta semana |
Breve resumo dos meus projetos desta semanaBom dia boa tarde e quem sabe boa noite a quem este post possa interessar Mais uma vez venho compartilhar o que fiz esta semana relacionado aos meus projetos pessoais Tentarei ser breve aqui Pra quem ainda não sabe na semana passada publiquei um post sódizendo que não estava bem pra estudar e nem pra nada sinceramente e sócoloquei uma tag famosa ou brasil ou braziliandev porque não queria mesmo que muitas pessoas o lessem E pra quem não lembra estou com praticamente dois projetos pessoais esses dias um étreinamento de angular que decidi usar o appideas pra fazer os projetos e outro éum projeto de plataforma de blog que criei jáo back end e agora estou fazendo o frontend O que dáangular ou angular Tácontinue E essa semana voltei a desenvolver o frontend da aplicação de blog com angular Jáhavia desenvolvido a tela inicial que carrega os posts com a barra de menu E então fiz algumas coisas nele movi a parte dos posts do blog para um componente que dei o nome de index posts e deixei a barra de menu com o appcomponent Para fazer essa transição foi relativamente simples sócopiei e colei a div container posts completa no componente criado Copiei também a parte do css relacionado a isso E colei a lógica do arquivo ts que farácarregar os posts Criei um componente para registros de usuários onde no html simplesmente adicionei os campos referentes a um usuario email senha nome e bio e no css sóenlargueci eles para ocupar a largura da tela No arquivo ts eu simplesmente falei para dar um console warn e mostrar os dados inseridos no console depois terei de implementar a lógica de inserir o usuário Ah e coloquei para que o item do menu que criei na ultima vez que tinha um item lápara registrar A imagem abaixo mostra o item de menu que citei E aqui abaixo como estáo componente criado E aíteve alguma dificuldade com o angular Minha maior dificuldade foi e estásendo para exibir esse componente Primeiramente queria que quando abrisse o componente de registro fechasse o index posts mas como o angular foi feito para single page ele abre na mesma página que o index posts exibindo assim a página de registro e os posts Se alguém souber como fazer isso eu agradeço imensamente E o resto que échamar o componente quando clicar no menuitem atéque foi tranquilo E vamos aítentando continuar a vida e os projetos pessoais de estudo AgradecimentosAgradeço a todos que leem estes meus posts registro de atividades em projetos pessoais vocês são demais mesmo Semana que vem posto o que fizer mais |
2022-03-27 21:01:48 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Man arrested for tracking car by attaching Apple Watch to a wheel |
Man arrested for tracking car by attaching Apple Watch to a wheelA man in Nashville Tennessee has been arrested for tracking the location of his girlfriend by attaching an Apple Watch to the vehicle and using a tracking app Lawrence Welch was arrested on Friday and charged with attaching an electronic tracking device to a vehicle an affidavit states In this instance Welsh elected to use an Apple Watch for tracking rather than using an AirTags Police arrived at a Family Safety Center in response to a call from security that the boyfriend of a victim had turned up while an order of protection was being acquired The victim had claimed threats to kill were made against her multiple times reports WSMV and that she had attended the center in the past Read more |
2022-03-27 21:45:31 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
How to watch the 94th Academy Awards on your iPhone, iPad, Mac, or Apple TV |
How to watch the th Academy Awards on your iPhone iPad Mac or Apple TVThe Oscars are the biggest media awards of the year and this time Apple TV films stand a chance of winning some major prizes Here s how to watch the th Academy Awards from the comfort of your sofa via Rodnae PexelsThe Academy Awards on Sunday will be a high stakes event for Apple as a pair of its films are up for awards Both CODA and The Tragedy of Macbeth are up for three with the former up for the big prize of Best Picture Read more |
2022-03-27 21:18:35 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
‘Bloodborne Kart’ reimagines FromSoftware’s classic RPG as a PS1-era arcade racer |
Bloodborne Kart reimagines FromSoftware s classic RPG as a PS era arcade racerA hunter must hunt and so too must they race according to the creator of the recently released PS “demake of FromSoftware s classic action role playing game This week Bloodborne PSX developer Lilith Walther announced she s working on Bloodborne Kart a project she plans to release “when it s ready As you can probably guess from its title Bloodborne Kart looks to nbsp reimagine the sprawling city of Yharnam as the setting for an arcade racer An announcement pic twitter com miydPUzZbRー🪄Lilith zip️⚧️ ps goth girl BLM ACAB btster March The teaser Walther shared didn t include much in the way of gameplay but we do get to see Bloodborne s protagonist and their slick new motorcycle depicted in the iconic pixelated style of a classic PS era game In an interview with Kotaku Walther said she hopes it won t take her as long to finish Bloodborne Kart as it did her original demake That s due in part to the fact she already has existing assets and code to work with In the meantime you can follow her progress in an ongoing Twitter thread dedicated to the project s development |
2022-03-27 21:55:41 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
action |
2022-03-27 21:53:37 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Oscars 2022: Hollywood hosts its biggest night |
oscars |
2022-03-27 21:57:30 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Russia transfers thousands of Mariupol civilians to its territory |
mariupol |
2022-03-27 21:50:38 |
サブカルネタ |
ラーブロ |
Ramen ThreE(ラーメン すりぃ)。。 |
ramenthree |
2022-03-27 22:33:33 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
チェルノブイリ原発周辺で山火事 放射性物質の拡散懸念 |
放射性物質 |
2022-03-28 06:23:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
対ロシア「一致した行動を」 日アフリカ会合で林外相 |
ticad |
2022-03-28 06:13:02 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
「日本株は大幅な円安だから上昇継続」でいいのか 1ドル=120円超のドル高円安が示唆すること | 市場観測 | 東洋経済オンライン |
東洋経済オンライン |
2022-03-28 06:30:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
「休日仕事してますアピール」が心を貧しくする訳 経済学者も陥った「幸福感蝕むワーキズム」の罠 | 読書 | 東洋経済オンライン |
心理学者 |
2022-03-28 06:30:00 |
マーケティング |
MarkeZine |
支援会社と事業会社、双方に求められるマーケターのスキルとマインド |
支援会社と事業会社、双方に求められるマーケターのスキルとマインドマーケターのキャリアの選択肢として大きな割合を占めるのが、事業会社への転職と広告会社をはじめとした支援会社への転職だ。 |
2022-03-28 06:30:00 |