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ROBOT ロボスタ 「BOCCO emo」に話しかけて乗合タクシーを簡単予約 宇都宮市 地域交通課題の実証実験に採用 https://robotstart.info/2022/04/21/bocco-emo-demand-tix-utsunomiya.html 2022-04-21 03:42:07
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] 沖縄企業が“バーチャル首里城”公開 焼失した正殿もVRで観光 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2204/21/news114.html itmedia 2022-04-21 12:50:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 電動キックボード免許不要、自動運転「レベル4」解禁へ 改正道交法のポイントまとめ https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2204/20/news147.html itmedia 2022-04-21 12:23:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia PC USER] ゼンハイザー、シーンに応じてイヤーピースの使い分けができるスポーツ向け完全ワイヤレスイヤフォン https://www.itmedia.co.jp/pcuser/articles/2204/21/news109.html itmediapcuser 2022-04-21 12:20:00
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IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia Mobile] ソニー、ウェアラブルサーモデバイス「REON POCKET 3」を4月21日に発売 冷却性能と駆動時間が向上 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/mobile/articles/2204/21/news105.html itmediamobile 2022-04-21 12:02:00
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IT 情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders 富士通、ジョブ型人事制度を全階層に拡大、国内グループの一般社員4万5000人向けに導入 | IT Leaders https://it.impress.co.jp/articles/-/23063 itleaders 2022-04-21 12:13:00
AWS lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 初心者がAWS Lambdaを活用してログインが必要なGoogle Formに自動回答するプログラムを作ってみた https://qiita.com/XinDrone/items/f96131ab3838820fdcb2 awslambda 2022-04-21 12:21:23
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 初心者がAWS Lambdaを活用してログインが必要なGoogle Formに自動回答するプログラムを作ってみた https://qiita.com/XinDrone/items/f96131ab3838820fdcb2 awslambda 2022-04-21 12:21:23
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita ローカルブランチとリモートブランチが紐づいているか確認する(git branch -vv) https://qiita.com/kitutune/items/ca2c0c9e083737e76e5b gitbranchvv 2022-04-21 12:56:01
技術ブログ Developers.IO AWS リソースが知らないうちに消えていました。なぜでしょうか。 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/tsnote-cloudtrail-when-did-the-aws-resource-disappear/ 問い合わせ 2022-04-21 03:21:29
技術ブログ Developers.IO Bioconda のコンテナイメージをベースにツールのインストールと、AWS CLI をインストールしてみる https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/bioconda-and-awscli-combination/ awsbatch 2022-04-21 03:20:02
海外TECH DEV Community Foxmovers https://dev.to/dellpower/foxmovers-4fpa FoxmoversThen in truth you could find out too much of good data on from most Movers and Packers in Marina Dubai websites They find yourself paying loads greater than they ought to Customers have made the error of dealing with such fraudulent parties who ask for extra money after the move is over Sometimes you can pack your personal stuff by your self because of some personal causes or you need to avoid wasting money Before moving it s best to dispose off stuff that you are unlikely to find helpful in future Thus consider all options and when you discover the place contact the suitable party to do the inspection of the house for you You will discover each furnished and unfurnished apartments and houses for sale or lease if that is one thing that will assist you to start your new life in sharjha Next step could be to ask the few chosen Movers and Packers in Marina Dubai for references and actually call them and ask about their shifting experience  Call now for Movers and Packers in Marina Dubai will assist you to do the packing course of We all anticipate that when the native Movers and Packers in Marina Dubai come they are going to do all the things for us and be sure that the transferring course of is a easy as we think about it to be Those who re wanting to move from Jacksonville to a different metropolis or to a different state can now rest east because movers in Jacksonville FL are standing by that can assist you get the load off your again literally •Compare and distinction the prices of different movers in Dubai The outcome of your move relies upon very a lot on how much effort you put to research the Movers and Packers in Marina Dubai and on how specialized and environment friendly your movers are in handling all varieties of strikes Movers and Packers in Marina Dubai precedence has always been the security and safety of their prospects goods affordability of the companies and effectivity of the shifting crews and gear With the professional Movers and Packers in Marina Dubai Relocation Systems you can have nearly any sort of relocation completed whether you re simply an individual transferring or a complete company altering its office location The Best and Top Services Truth About Get Best Price Movers and Packers in Marina Dubai Little doubt there are numbers of movers in the region but Relocators is offering the services at inexpensive rates for all our clients It s essential to search for DOT and MC numbers We will offer you an in depth breakdown of costs for the providers you want Established Movers and Packers in Marina Dubai will keep the smile in your face and preserve the real excitement of shopping for and shifting to a brand new home by providing skilled transferring providers When all is said and done and your home secured you want to start searching for skilled Miami movers There are a whole lot of rental choices in Miami There are hundreds of consumer reviews web site but be cheap and do not trust all you see online Movers in the business you possibly can belief on As such it could also be quite troublesome for you to choose the greatest names of skilled and low cost Movers and Packers in Marina Dubai So we must hire trusty and skilled automobile service service provider who can present us surety Highly skilled movers in our crew with years of experience throughout this domain of service Years to years we received a deep knowledge of the house shifting process we worked on all of the feedback amp tried to make us as extra as helpful for our customers Having performed so many home moves since our firm was launched some one hundred years ago we ve really refined our transferring model If the roads are very dangerous then skilled drivers from house movers Melbourne are sent However with the great advancement within the Movers and Packers in Marina Dubai the duty of looking for the native transport is fast vanishing and is well heading in the right direction to become a factor of the previous The professional companies can handle it properly as a result of they ve the required infrastructure and human sources So earlier than shopping for one examine the machine effectively Just because it is used it doesn t imply that the machine is in dangerous form Take the machine on a check drive to see that it s free from hydraulic mechanical and electrical points Inspect the elements to see that all of them are functioning properly 2022-04-21 03:16:12
海外TECH DEV Community How view branches sorted by date in specific format and order https://dev.to/abdlrahmansaberabdo/how-view-branches-sorted-by-date-in-specific-format-and-order-34g7 How view branches sorted by date in specific format and orderThis a short tutorial from a git tricks series Let s know how we can list all branches sorted by date View branch sorted by datedisplay a list of all local branches and sort them based on the date of their last commit sort desc committerdate git branch sort committerdate sort asc committerdate git branch sort committerdateIf you d like to make a custom format you can use for each ref with sort option and format option to write your format git for each ref sort committerdate format refname committerdate refs headsIn the above command I print the refname first then commitdate in format option the output will be like thisrefs heads branch name commitdaterefs heads branch name commitdate real outputrefs heads new design Wed Apr refs heads design assets Wed Apr If you want to print the date first then refname the option format will be like this format committerdate refname Let s say you don t want to print refs heads and want print just the branch name each time how we can do this by using sed git for each ref sort committerdate format refname committerdate refs heads sed s refs heads outputbranch name commitdatebranch name commitdate real outputnew design Wed Apr design assets Wed Apr I find these commands incredibly helpful when returning to work from a weekend or just jumping from project to project Hopefully you can use these commands too If you found this post useful please share it with your friends Let s connect on LinkedIn Twitter 2022-04-21 03:13:20
海外TECH DEV Community CI/CD: Branch-based Terraform Deployment https://dev.to/alexeversmeyer/cicd-branch-based-terraform-deployment-m5e CI CD Branch based Terraform DeploymentFor my Skyboy project I chose to use Terraform to provision the application s infrastructure on Amazon Web Services AWS both because Terraform is already familiar to me and because I wanted to practice coding a more complex modular configuration This decision led to several challenges and lots of good learning Terraform ModulesWith a very simple set of resources it might be appropriate to limit a Terraform configuration to one directory and the usual set of files main tf providers tf variables tf and so on This project however would require several different categories of resources a VPC an ECS cluster service and task definition some IAM roles and permissions and a load balancer I broke up these categories into a directory structure like this terraform containers task definitions main tf iam main tf loadbalancing main tf vpc main tf main tf providers tf where the represents the other files needed within each module variables tf and or outputs tf among others To keep myself from getting too confused as my configuration grew I added a comment at the top of every Terraform file such as loadbalancing main tf with the path and file name The VPC and IAM modules were straightforward and didn t require many inputs or variables Things got more interesting as I started setting up my load balancer and ECS resources These modules needed certain pieces of information from other modules for example the load balancer has to know about the VPC subnets and the ECS task definition looks for the ARN of its IAM task and execution role s Setting an output for subnet IDs in the VPC module s outputs tf file output lb subnets value for subnet in aws subnet skyboy public subnet subnet id allows the list of subnet IDs to be passed to the Containers module in the root main tf file module containers service subnets module vpc lb subnets which then gets passed to an ECS service within the Containers module in the main tf file resource aws ecs service skyboy service network configuration subnets var service subnets with the additional requirement that var service subnets is defined within the variables tf file in the Containers module as well It can get a little tricky to keep track of what s been defined in which files thankfully my IDE of choice for this project PyCharm has a great Terraform plugin that detects the presence or absence of variable definitions between files and modules which helped to keep things straight Deployment ConsiderationsAs I was preparing to deploy my project I created an AWS organization that oversees a development account and a production account That meant I would need to figure out how to deploy the Terraform configuration to the appropriate account so that once I had infrastructure spun up in production I could spin up a new stack to test changes and not worry about any conflicts that might take the application down Problems to solve included storing dev and prod state files in separate locations using the correct AWS account credentials having a way to easily tear down provisioned infrastructure passing the correct Docker image URI to Terraform and creating the correct load balancer listeners The dev account does not use a Route Hosted Zone with a registered domain for DNS routing to the load balancer so that account only needs a listener on port making an HTTP request to the load balancer endpoint is sufficient to ensure the infrastructure is set up correctly The prod account on the other hand needs two listeners one to redirect HTTP traffic on port to HTTPS on port and another to forward HTTPS traffic to the load balancer target group Requests to the application s domain can verify that the domain s certificate is valid and then trigger the application to launch The final consideration was that I wanted to do all of this with as little code repetition as possible Since I had already set up a reusable GitHub Actions workflow for building and pushing the application image I chose to stay consistent and do the same for Terraform Branch based ActionsI created three YAML files in the repository s github workflows directory apply terraform ymldev apply tf ymlmain apply tf ymlThe first file apply terraform yml is the reusable workflow In the on section which defines the workflow s trigger s instead of a git action push pull request etc I used workflow call which indicates that this workflow can be called by another workflow Within workflow call I defined inputs and secrets that would be passed into this workflow at calling time The jobs section looks like any other GitHub Actions workflow with one exception where repository secrets might otherwise be called the code instead references the secrets that are passed in via the workflow call At one point this led to several minutes of frustration as I attempted to pass a Terraform Cloud token directly into the reusable workflow but kept getting errors and aborted workflow runs The solution oddly was to call the repository secret in the branch based workflow and pass it into the reusable workflow The two branch based workflows are identical in structure and are both quite short as workflows go name Call apply terrafom from dev branchon push branches dev paths terraform jobs apply tf uses github workflows apply terraform yml with workspace name skyboy dev listeners devlisteners secrets image uri secrets DEV IMAGE URI tf token secrets TERRAFORM TOKEN The workflow is triggered by a push in this case to the dev branch and also only if changes are made within the terraform directory of the repository I don t want changes to the application itself which is in the same repository to trigger Terraform runs See the Wrap up for more thoughts on this The single workflow job uses the reusable workflow and passes in certain inputs and repository secrets defined in the GitHub web console Solving Those ProblemsSo how does all that help me solve my multi account deployment problems After checking out the repository s code the next step in the reusable workflow is to run a short bash script name Run tf files script env WORKSPACE inputs workspace name IMAGE secrets image uri LISTENERS inputs listeners run github scripts tf files shThe script can easily access the environment variables that this step sets up and it performs some basic file manipulations using templates sets the Terraform Cloud workspace name in backends tf so that the dev and main branch states are stored separately Every terraform apply happens remotely on Terraform Cloud giving me the opportunity to store credentials within each workspace and to tear down the deployed infrastructure easily inserts the correct Docker image URI from the correct Elastic Container Repository into a task definition and appends the correct listener s to the load balancing module s main tf file After the script has completed on the GitHub runner the workflow logs in to Terraform Cloud runs terraform init fmt and validate and finally apply Wrap upAddressing the path based push trigger why not separate the application and infrastructure into separate repositories Answer because that would be too easy I recognize that having the two in the same repository might not be a best practice and if the application grows I may separate them out The current setup does allow me to keep the entire project in one IDE window and makes it easier for anyone interested to see all the work that has gone into launching the Skyboy app I m pleased that I was able to set up a modular Terraform configuration for my app Despite seeming simple in retrospect adding a script and performing file manipulations during the GitHub Action workflow was another good complexity challenge to overcome and will still be applicable if I break the infrastructure off into a separate repository This write up is only intended to convey my thought process and an outline of my solutions and doesn t present enough detail to function as a guided tutorial Feel free to get in touch if you re attempting something similar and would like clarification about anything I did I ll do my best to help Related articles Introducing the Skyboy AppCI CD GitHub Actions with Docker and Amazon ECR 2022-04-21 03:08:43
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Kishida sends ritual offering to war-linked Yasukuni Shrine https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/04/21/national/politics-diplomacy/kishida-yasukuni-shrine-ritual-offering/ festival 2022-04-21 12:52:25
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Government considers cash handouts for children in low-income families https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/04/21/national/handouts-low-income/ Government considers cash handouts for children in low income familiesThe program will provide for a child aged or younger from a single parent family or a household that has been exempt from residential 2022-04-21 12:22:18
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IT 週刊アスキー 「CLIP STUDIO PAINT」が「Galaxy Tab S8+/S8 Ultra」にプリインストール、スマホを片手入力デバイスにできる機能「コンパニオンモード」も配信 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/089/4089797/ clipstudiopaint 2022-04-21 12:30:00
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ニュース THE BRIDGE スタートアップとキーパーソンをつなぐSNS「STORIUM」公開、トップティアVC中心に200社集う https://thebridge.jp/2022/04/storium-launch スタートアップとキーパーソンをつなぐSNS「STORIUM」公開、トップティアVC中心に社集うニュースサマリグランストーリーは月日、スタートアップと国内外の投資家、大企業キーパーソンをつなぐSNS、「STORIUMストリウム」を正式公開した。 2022-04-21 03:40:03



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