IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] キヤノン、MR用HMD「MREAL X1」発表 視野は前モデルの2.5倍広く 本体価格は約200万円 |
itmedia |
2022-04-21 21:30:00 |
AWS Japan Blog |
AWS LambdaのWebアプリケーションをAmazon CloudFrontで高速化する |
コンテンツ配信ネットワークCDNサービスであるAmazonCloudFrontは、コンテンツ配信を高速化し、ミッションクリティカルなアプリケーションの全体的なセキュリティを向上させることができます。 |
2022-04-21 12:39:23 |
Google |
Official Google Blog |
New cookie choices in Europe |
New cookie choices in EuropeIf you ve visited a website in Europe chances are you ve seen a cookie consent banner Cookies help sites remember information about your visit so they can do things like display text in your preferred language make sure you re a real user and not a pesky bot or estimate whether or not an ad campaign is working In the past year regulators who interpret European laws requiring these banners including data protection authorities in France Germany Ireland Italy Spain and the U K have updated their guidance for compliance We re committed to meeting the standards of that updated guidance and have been working with a number of these authorities Based on these conversations and specific direction from France s Commission Nationale de l Informatique et des Libertés CNIL we have now completed a full redesign of our approach including changes to the infrastructure we use to handle cookies Our new cookie banners began rolling out earlier this month on YouTube in France and will soon be coming to all Google users in EuropeSoon anyone visiting Search and YouTube in Europe while signed out or in Incognito Mode will see a new cookie consent choice This update which began rolling out earlier this month on YouTube will provide you with equal “Reject all and “Accept all buttons on the first screen in your preferred language You can also still choose to customize your choice in more detail with “More options We ve kicked off the launch in France and will be extending this experience across the rest of the European Economic Area the U K and Switzerland Before long users in the region will have a new cookie choice ーone that can be accepted or rejected with a single click Not just a new buttonThis update meant we needed to re engineer the way cookies work on Google sites and to make deep coordinated changes to critical Google infrastructure Moreover we knew that these changes would impact not only Search and YouTube but also the sites and content creators who use them to help grow their businesses and make a living We believe this update responds to updated regulatory guidance and is aligned with our broader goal of helping build a more sustainable future for the web We ve committed to building new privacy preserving technologies in the Privacy Sandbox for the same reason We believe it is possible both to protect people s privacy online and to give companies and developers tools to build thriving digital businesses |
2022-04-21 13:00:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
私が書いた記事×2 |
過去 |
2022-04-21 21:15:23 |
Linux |
Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Evinceで開いたPDFの中のURLをクリックしても、ブラウザで開かない事象と対応方法のメモ(Ubuntu 21.10) |
apparmordeniedoperat |
2022-04-21 21:23:08 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[自主学習]しょぼちむさんがAWSのS3で静的Webサイトを公開する方法を紹介していたので試してみました |
自主学習 |
2022-04-21 21:13:01 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Stone Age people may have gathered at night to watch animated “fireside art” |
fireside |
2022-04-21 12:30:31 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Watch Local TV Channels on Roku for Free: 7 Methods |
access |
2022-04-21 12:15:14 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
5 Positive Changes That an Edit Button Will Bring to Twitter |
Positive Changes That an Edit Button Will Bring to TwitterAfter years of refusing the idea Twitter is finally working on an edit button Here we ll discuss how it can change the platform for the better |
2022-04-21 12:13:12 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Making a Christmas Tree |
Making a Christmas TreeWhy make a Christmas tree in April I don t know but it s harder than you might think if you want a good one at least To make a good Christmas tree you have to have at least four components the trunk leaves pot and baubles Trunk colour rect The trunk is simple a brown coloured rectangle To make brown with RGB you simple have to make orange red plus a little green Then just simply reduce the numbers to make brown which is to the best of my knowledge a dark orange Leaves for int y y gt y y int w y int h y int green y colour green tri w y w y y h The Leaves are not as simple I did some special things to make the trees leaves look like a golden cyprus I am making the tree out of triangles The loop counts backwards from y to y pixels at a time I am starting at which is near the bottom of the × canvas I calculate the width w and height h of the triangle based on the y coordinate so that the triangles get smaller towards the top of the tree To make the tree become gradually lighter closer to the top of the canvas I vary the amount of green based on the y coordinate The y coordinate ranges from to First divide by to make it approximately between and Then multiply by to put it on the RGB scale from to Subtract from so that the amount of green ranges roughly between for the light green at the top of the tree and for the dark green at the bottom of the tree Pot colour quad colour rect Now we have a basic pine tree but it doesn t have a place to live So let s put it in a comically small pot All we need to do is put a quadrilateral with a smaller base for the body of the pot and a skinny rectangle at the top to be the brim BAUBLES srandom for int i i lt i if i colour else colour int x y int w do y random x random w y while x lt w x gt w circle x y Finally we have to show that is isn t just a pine tree so let s add some baubles To be honest I didn t program this my dad did and I have no idea how this was done So let s hand over to dad We want to draw baubles so we have a loop to count from i to The odd numbered ones where i are red and the even numbered ones are gold but we can t make them shiny at least not today We choose a random point in a rectangle that surrounds the tree its bounding box then work out the width of the tree at that y position If the point is to the left or right of the tree it tries again with a new random point using a do while loop Finally we draw a small circle of radius pixels at the chosen point Here is the full code to draw the Christmas tree |
2022-04-21 12:34:25 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Why you shouldn't major in computer science |
Why you shouldn x t major in computer scienceWhen I started learning programming I wanted to study computer science as a years old now I am and I changed my mind because it s too generalIf you want to be a web developer for example they are gonna teach you things you don t need like data structures and algorithms some things are oldMost colleges are gonna teach you C and they are gonna start from old to new things claiming it does make you understand better although I don t think it s necessary And they are going to force you to use old ways to solve stuff waste of moneyWhat you can learn in YouTube and other websites for free you have to pay for it waste of timeAgian not every thing you are gonna learn is needed overveiw I am not saying that no one should major in cs rather it depends on the person eg if you were sure you want to become a cyber security expert you should major in cyber security obviously |
2022-04-21 12:28:08 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Cheatsheet for YAML |
Cheatsheet for YAMLYAML is a data serialization language commonly used to create configuration files YAML stands for yet another markup language or YAML ain t markup language a recursive acronym depending on who you ask emphasizing that YAML is for data rather than documents Syntax for YAMLPerl C XML HTML and other programming languages are all represented in YAML JSON files are valid in YAML because it is a superset of JSON Nesting is shown in YAML using Python style indentation Because tab characters are not permitted whitespace is used instead Braces square brackets closing tags and quotation marks are not included in the standard format The extension of YAML files is yml or yaml The creation of configuration files is one of the most prevalent uses for YAML Even though they can be used interchangeably in most circumstances it is advised that configuration files be written in YAML rather than JSON because YAML is easier to read and understand YAML is utilized for Kubernetes resources and deployments in addition to Ansible One advantage of utilizing YAML is that it can be incorporated to source control systems like GitHub allowing changes to be recorded and audited See you soon |
2022-04-21 12:21:28 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
box model |
box model |
2022-04-21 12:13:03 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
FETCH SELECTIVE SECRETS WITH NO ACCESS TO KEY VAULT USING DEVOPS PIPELINESGreetings my fellow Technology Advocates and Specialists This Blog post is a follow up to my previous post Fetch Secrets with no access to key vaultMY SUGGESTION Please Read my previous blog first to better understand the Use CaseUSE CASES Fetch Secrets only with Tags any Fetch Secrets only with Specific defined TagsREQUIREMENTS Azure Key VaultFour Sample Secrets in Azure Key VaultAdd Tags to One or More Secrets Azure Resource Manager Service Connection Azure DevOps Pipeline YAML NOTE The Service Principal which is required to Create Service Connection should at minimum have GET and LIST Access Policy Permissions in Azure Key Vault BELOW DISPLAYS THE SAMPLE SECRETS IN KEY VAULT WHERE DO WE APPLY TAGS IN KEY VAULT SECRET BELOW DISPLAYS THE SECRET TAGS IN KEY VAULT NAME OF THE SECRETTAGS ASSOCIATED WITH SECRETAMSecretAMSecretAMSecretNo Tags ConfiguredAMSecret PIPELINE TASKS AZURE KEY VAULT TASKS FETCH ALL SECRETS WITH TAGS OR ALL SECRETS WITH SPECIFIC TAG EXPORT IT THEN IN A TEXT FILE COPY THE SECRETS TEXT FILE TO ARTIFACTS STAGING DIRECTORY PUBLISH THE ARTIFACTSCODE REPOSITORY arindam Fetch Secrets With Tags DevOps Below follows the contents of the YAML File Azure DevOps trigger none DECLARE VARIABLES variables SubscriptionID ecb cf e daa cadab ServiceConnection amcloud cicd service connection KVName ampockv Artifact AM KVTag RequiredBy CloudProvider KVNoTag Declare Build Agents pool vmImage windows latest Declare Stages stages stage USECASE DISPLAY ALL SECRETS AND VALUES jobs job DISPLAY SECRETS AND VALUES displayName DISPLAY SECRETS AND VALUES steps Azure Key Vault Task Display the name of Key Vault Display the No of Secrets found in Key Vault Display the No of enabled and unexpired Secrets found in Key Vault Downloads values of Each Secret in Key Vault task AzureKeyVault displayName AZ KEYVAULT TASK inputs azureSubscription ServiceConnection KeyVaultName KVName SecretsFilter RunAsPreJob false Integers can be compared with these operators eq Equal ne Not equal lt Less than le Less than or equal gt Greater than ge Greater than or equal Export the Secret with Tags only to Secrets Text File Copy the Secrets Text file to Artifacts Staging Directory task AzureCLI displayName FETCH ALL SECRETS WITH TAGS inputs azureSubscription ServiceConnection scriptType ps scriptLocation inlineScript inlineScript az version az account set subscription SubscriptionID az account show count az keyvault secret list vault name KVName query length For i i lt count i sectag az keyvault secret list vault name KVName query i tags o yaml if sectag eq KVNoTag secretname az keyvault secret list vault name KVName query i name o tsv echo THERE IS NO TAGS FOR THE secretname else secretname az keyvault secret list vault name KVName query i name o tsv secretvalue az keyvault secret show vault name KVName name secretname query value o tsv echo secretname secretvalue gt gt Secrets txt echo VALUE of secretname IS EXPORTED TO SECRETS TEXT FILE Export the Secret with Specific Tag RequiredBy CloudProvider only to Secrets Text File Copy the Secrets Text file to Artifacts Staging Directory task AzureCLI displayName FETCH ALL SECRETS WITH SPECIFIC TAGS inputs azureSubscription ServiceConnection scriptType ps scriptLocation inlineScript inlineScript az version az account set subscription SubscriptionID az account show count az keyvault secret list vault name KVName query length For i i lt count i sectag az keyvault secret list vault name KVName query i tags o yaml if sectag eq KVNoTag secretname az keyvault secret list vault name KVName query i name o tsv echo THERE IS NO TAGS FOR THE secretname elseif sectag eq KVTag secretname az keyvault secret list vault name KVName query i name o tsv secretvalue az keyvault secret show vault name KVName name secretname query value o tsv echo secretname secretvalue gt gt Secrets txt echo VALUE of secretname IS EXPORTED TO SECRETS TEXT FILE else secretname az keyvault secret list vault name KVName query i name o tsv echo There are other TAG S configured apart from Tag KVTag for secretname Copy the Secrets text file to Artifacts Staging Directory task CopyFiles displayName COPY TO ARTIFACTS STAGING DIRECTORY inputs Contents Secrets txt targetFolder Build ArtifactStagingDirectory Publish the Artifacts task PublishBuildArtifacts displayName PUBLISH ARTIFACTS inputs PathtoPublish Build ArtifactStagingDirectory ArtifactName Artifact publishLocation Container Values of the VARIABLES incase if you wish to change DECLARE VARIABLES variables SubscriptionID ecb cf e daa cadab ServiceConnection amcloud cicd service connection KVName ampockv Artifact AM KVTag RequiredBy CloudProvider KVNoTag Purpose of the VARIABLE KVNoTag If the Key Vault Secret Version does not have any Tag configured it still returns value Hence we defined it as a variable and during runtime we compare the output to the value of the variable If the Value matches we then know that the Secret Version does not have any Tag Configured Change the Agent Pool from MICROSOFT HOSTED BUILD AGENT to SELF HOSTED BUILD AGENT otherwise below error is encountered Below follows the code snippet for Use Case Fetch Secrets only with Tags any Export the Secret with Tags only to Secrets Text File Copy the Secrets Text file to Artifacts Staging Directory task AzureCLI displayName FETCH ALL SECRETS WITH TAGS inputs azureSubscription ServiceConnection scriptType ps scriptLocation inlineScript inlineScript az version az account set subscription SubscriptionID az account show count az keyvault secret list vault name KVName query length For i i lt count i sectag az keyvault secret list vault name KVName query i tags o yaml if sectag eq KVNoTag secretname az keyvault secret list vault name KVName query i name o tsv echo THERE IS NO TAGS FOR THE secretname else secretname az keyvault secret list vault name KVName query i name o tsv secretvalue az keyvault secret show vault name KVName name secretname query value o tsv echo secretname secretvalue gt gt Secrets txt echo VALUE of secretname IS EXPORTED TO SECRETS TEXT FILE Below follows the code snippet for Use Case Fetch Secrets only with Specific defined Tags RequiredBy CloudProvider Export the Secret with Specific Tag RequiredBy CloudProvider only to Secrets Text File Copy the Secrets Text file to Artifacts Staging Directory task AzureCLI displayName FETCH ALL SECRETS WITH SPECIFIC TAGS inputs azureSubscription ServiceConnection scriptType ps scriptLocation inlineScript inlineScript az version az account set subscription SubscriptionID az account show count az keyvault secret list vault name KVName query length For i i lt count i sectag az keyvault secret list vault name KVName query i tags o yaml if sectag eq KVNoTag secretname az keyvault secret list vault name KVName query i name o tsv echo THERE IS NO TAGS FOR THE secretname elseif sectag eq KVTag secretname az keyvault secret list vault name KVName query i name o tsv secretvalue az keyvault secret show vault name KVName name secretname query value o tsv echo secretname secretvalue gt gt Secrets txt echo VALUE of secretname IS EXPORTED TO SECRETS TEXT FILE else secretname az keyvault secret list vault name KVName query i name o tsv echo There are other TAG S configured apart from Tag KVTag for secretname IMPORTANT NOTE You can comment and uncomment the Task based on your requirement Use Case or Use Case For this Blog I am focusing on Exporting Secret with Specific Defined Tags RequiredBy CloudProvider which is Use Case PIPELINE RESULTS SECRETS TEXT FILE PUBLISHED IN ARTIFACTS DOWNLOAD AND VIEW THE SECRETS TEXT FILE The Output Format in Secrets Text file is NAME OF THE SECRET VALUE OF THE SECRET As the Secrets AMSecret and AMSecret has similar tags RequiredBy CloudProvider only those secrets with values got exported to Secrets txt file Rest of the Secrets AMSecret and AMSecret got ignored |
2022-04-21 12:10:46 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
ERROR Server |
ERROR ServerHello I am a beginner here and in web development I need some advice Am working on a shopping cart program and i keep getting this Web Server Apr WARN SERVER GET ip Application Apr ERROR REQUES Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony Component HttpKernel Exception NotFoundHttpException No route found for GET at C Users my caddie vendor symfony http kernel EventListener RouterListener php line |
2022-04-21 12:06:35 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Redux beginner's code reference... |
Redux beginner x s code reference Redux is a state management library that keeps the state available application wide see the code of Redux without reactjs belowalso now CreateStore is deprecated Redux Program keywords reducer gt store gt subscribe gt dispatch gt actionrun like a simple javascript file npm initnode mycode jsconst redux require redux const counterReducer state counter action gt if action type increment return counter state counter if action type decrement return counter state counter if action type multi return counter state counter const store redux createStore counterReducer const counterSubscriber gt console log store getState store subscribe counterSubscriber store dispatch type increment store dispatch type multi store dispatch type decrement redux toolkit program do npm initnode redux toolkit jsimport pkg from reduxjs toolkit const configureStore pkg const initialState value myName Govind function counterReducer state initialState action Check to see if the reducer cares about this action if action type counter increment If so make a copy of state return state and update the copy with the new value value state value otherwise return the existing state unchanged return state const store configureStore reducer counterReducer console log store getState store dispatch type counter increment console log store getState We can call action creators to dispatch the required actionconst increment gt return type counter increment store dispatch increment console log store getState value Selectors Selectors are functions that know how to extract specific pieces of information from a store state value const selectCounterValue state gt state value const currentValue selectCounterValue store getState console log currentValue const selectMyName state gt state myName const name selectMyName store getState console log name |
2022-04-21 12:02:57 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Samsung Electro-Mechanics to provide key components for Apple M2 in 2022 |
Samsung Electro Mechanics to provide key components for Apple M in Samsung Electro Mechanics is expected to participate in the manufacturing process of the M Apple Silicon with production output starting before the end of Samsung Electro Mechanics may build key components for the MThe process that Samsung Electro Mechanics is expected to be developing is called flip chip ball grid array or FC BGA It is a semiconductor substrate that connects the chip to the main substrate Read more |
2022-04-21 12:49:53 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Elon Musk's Boring Company plans to 'significantly' expand after funding round |
Elon Musk x s Boring Company plans to x significantly x expand after funding roundElon Musk s The Boring Company TBC is now worth up to billion after a funding round that saw it raise million TechCrunch reported The company plans to use the funds to quot significantly increase hiring across engineering operations and production to build and scale Loop projects quot it wrote in a press release nbsp TBC believes it could mine miles of tunnels per year in the near term using its current Prufrock machines that can dig up to a mile of tunnels per week That would increase significantly with Prufrock a next gen machine that will supposedly be able to handle miles per day quot As a point of reference less than miles of underground subway tunnel has been constructed in the United States in the last years quot the company noted The Boring CompanyIt will also use the money to quot build and scale Loop projects including Vegas Loop and others quot though it didn t list any other projects by name The company is targeting quot throughput of up to passengers per hour quot on the mile station Vegas Loop calling it the quot largest subsurface transportation project in the United States quot That s still far in the future though and TBC has a list of announced projects that never went anywhere In Elon Musk tweeted that the company had a permit in Washington DC but officials said no such thing had been issued A preliminary digging permit was issued later but the Boring Company no longer lists the project on its website Others in Chicago and Los Angeles were quietly cancelled or also removed from TBC s website nbsp |
2022-04-21 12:45:27 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Queen celebrates 96th birthday in Sandringham |
norfolk |
2022-04-21 12:28:28 |
ビジネス |
不景気.com |
福岡の建築業「建商」が破産申請、総合電商の元子会社 - 不景気.com |
株式会社建商 |
2022-04-21 12:37:37 |
ビジネス |
不景気.com |
愛知の自転車販売「ハチスカ」に破産決定、負債10億円 - 不景気.com |
愛知県岡崎市 |
2022-04-21 12:07:06 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
ガソリン補助、上限35円に 政府、目標168円へ下げ |
高騰 |
2022-04-21 21:20:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
施設向け給食最大8000食 幕別に来春センター 博愛会 |
介護施設 |
2022-04-21 21:20:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
初のワイン7銘柄 池田 十勝まきばの家で販売 |
運営会社 |
2022-04-21 21:18:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
東芝、株買い取りスポンサー募集 非上場化へ総会後に選定 |
買い取り |
2022-04-21 21:17:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
足寄高 野球全道今年こそ 部員最多29人で今季始動 池田監督最終年度「勝って地元に元気」 |
新チーム |
2022-04-21 21:16:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
全日本体操、山田千遥がトップ 宮田笙子が2位 |
世界選手権 |
2022-04-21 21:12:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
美幌峠ににぎわい 道の駅 レストハウス新装開店 |
開店 |
2022-04-21 21:09:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
札幌五輪招致へ5月にも市長と協議 道知事インタビュー |
北海道新聞 |
2022-04-21 21:04:20 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
胆振194人感染 日高管内26人 新型コロナ |
新型コロナウイルス |
2022-04-21 21:03:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
エリザベス女王の写真公開 在位70年、96歳誕生日 |
女王 |
2022-04-21 21:03:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
道知事との一問一答 |
一問一答 |
2022-04-21 21:02:09 |