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カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] ガラスに貼れる透明な吸音パネル イトーキ、落合陽一さんの「PxDT」が共同開発 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2204/21/news116.html itmedia 2022-04-21 13:27:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia PC USER] キヤノン、広視野角表示を実現した業務向けの小型軽量MR HMD「MREAL X1」 ユニット単体で200万円強~ https://www.itmedia.co.jp/pcuser/articles/2204/21/news119.html itmediapcuser 2022-04-21 13:11:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] ソニーの“着るエアコン”に進化版 USB給電で強力に冷やす「レオンポケット3」 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2204/21/news117.html itmedia 2022-04-21 13:01:00
IT 情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders キヤノン、複合現実ヘッドマウントディスプレイに広視野角モデル「MREAL X1」、現場での作業性を向上 | IT Leaders https://it.impress.co.jp/articles/-/23060 キヤノン、複合現実ヘッドマウントディスプレイに広視野角モデル「MREALX」、現場での作業性を向上ITLeadersキヤノン、キヤノンマーケティングジャパン、キヤノンITソリューションズの社は年月日、MRMixedReality複合現実システム「MREALエムリアル」シリーズの新製品として、広視野角ヘッドマウントディスプレイ「MREALX」を発表した。 2022-04-21 13:30:00
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Ruby標準入力あれこれまとめ https://qiita.com/Yuzu_Ginger/items/40df258f03115c3f0ac2 hello 2022-04-21 13:08:08
技術ブログ Developers.IO 【やってみた】【Tableau Server】ライセンスの使用状況の確認方法 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/tableau-server-license1031/ tableau 2022-04-21 04:55:34
海外TECH DEV Community NodeJS with ExpressJS and TypeScript part 2. https://dev.to/jordandev/nodejs-with-expressjs-and-typescript-part-2-40lk NodeJS with ExpressJS and TypeScript part In this second part we are going to see how to increase the development time with nodemon so as not to have to compile every time we make a change in our server since now as we have it if we make a change in the code we must interrupt the execution of our server and recompile it to start it then to speed this up we will use nodemon which is a tool that will automatically restart the server every time it detects a change in our code without compiling To install nodemos we have to execute the following command npm i D nodemonRemember that nodemon is to speed up development so we install only as a development dependency Now that we have nodemon we are going to execute nodemon npx src index tsThis will start our server without generating production code and when we make a change the server will automatically restart I will change the console message when my server startsapp listen gt console log Server on port Then we will see the following console output ❯npx nodemon src index ts nodemon nodemon to restart at any time enter rs nodemon viewing path s nodemon seeing extensions ts json nodemon starting ts node src index ts The application is listening on port nodemon rebooting due to changes nodemon starting ts node src index ts Server on port Done now if we can move much faster in our development Finally I m going to create a script in my package json hyphens build npx tsc project start node build index js dev nodemon src index ts test echo Error no test specified amp amp exit As you can see I have created dev command which only has nodemon we don t use npx npx This command allows you to run an arbitrary command from an npm package either one installed locally or obtained remotely in a context similar to running it via npm run so when you create a script in the package json no longer need to prepend npx QueryParametersQuery parameters are optional key value pairs that appear to the right of the in a URL For example the following URL has two query parameters rating and page with respective values ​​​​of ASC and page In this url we see that we have query params which take the name of sort and page you can send many query params but they must be separated by the amp and to assign a value with the Query parameters allow additional application state to be serialized to the URL that would not otherwise fit in the URL path ie everything to the left of the Common use cases for query parameters include rendering the current page number in a paginated collection filter criteria or sort criteria In web development query parameters are used within a URL as described above but they can also be used in API requests that retrieve data Ember treats them as two different concepts Dynamic response via query paramsNow we are going to see how we can return a string sent by the params of our request in the endpoint of type get that we created Previously we only returned hello world but now we are going to return a name that the user will provide us through the example query params http localhost name jordanOur answer should be hello jordanLet s see how we can do it In our endpoint we have a callback that takes a req Request and res Response in the request we have a very large object which brings information about the request made by the user Let s print req Request to the console app get req Request res Response gt console log req res send Hello World Now let s reload our server page with the following query param http localhost name jordanLet s see the console baseUrl originalUrl name jordan parsedUrl Url protocol null slashes null auth null host null port null hostname null hash null search name jordan query name jordan pathname path name jordan href name jordan raw name jordan params query name jordan res lt ref gt ServerResponse events Object null prototype finish Function bound resOnFinish eventsCount maxListeners undefined outputData outputSize This is a small part of that immense object but let s see a part that matters a lot to us since we have valuable information As you can see we have the base url that as it is does not show us anything we have the href original url and we also have the query params query name jordan So it means that we can access this by res query nameThen we already have the answer to our exercise we only have to validate since the query params are optional so we will do an if in our endpoint and it will be as follows app get req Request res Response gt if req query name res send Hello req query name else res send Hello guest Now we can answer the same thing in json with res json message message To implement it in our exercise it would be app get req Request res Response gt if req query name res send Hello req query name send response type text res json message Hello req query name send response type json else res send Hello guest send response type text res json message Hello guest send response type json What this will do is that if you do not send a name it will reply hello guest Let s see how it turned out With query param Without query param In case you are wondering why my browser looks like this when I answer json it is because of this extension json viewer ChallengeAs a challenge I would like you to send more properties and send them all in the response as json Leave me your solution in the comments is much easier than it seems Remember that you don t know what property the user can submit I m excited to see your answer In the next blog we will see how to respond to arrays of the amount specified by the user and we will also see the posts verb So if you have any questions or recommendations comment Remember to meet the challenge and show yourself that you can You can access the code from the repository 2022-04-21 04:36:02
海外TECH DEV Community I have built a Next.js + MongoDB + Tailwind + TypeScript template Have a look and guide for using it. https://dev.to/theabhayprajapati/i-have-build-a-nextjs-mongodb-tailwind-typescript-template-have-a-look-and-guide-for-using-it-8ce I have built a Next js MongoDB Tailwind TypeScript template Have a look and guide for using it Next js MongoDB Tailwind TypeScript templateNext js MongoDB Tailwind TypeScript template Reason for making this templateActually I don t like to do configuration of my project again and again which leads me to go out and find a template and I got one which was officially from MongoDB template from MongoDB Why I am not using that The template which was configured for Next js MongoDB but not for TypeScript and Tailwind And then what I got and for making one for myself at that moment i don t know to make a template but it is very easy to make one thanks Github How to use it npx create next app e with mongo tail appFolder Structure Pay attention to lib folder Libit includes MongoDB ts ‍ ️What does the MongoDB ts do The Main function of this file is to get your MongoDB URL and make a function that can use anywhere where you need MongoDB access But in most cases you don t need to touch it it has been ‍configured for you Things you need to perform to make use of it go to env local example add your MongoDB URI which you can easily get from MongoDB After adding your MongoDB URI you need to run npm run dev to make sure that it works Change the name of file env local example to env local Congo It works now you can easily work with MongoDB in Next jsGot any issues or suggestions Connect me on Twitter ️ Abhayprajapati Github theabhayprajapatiLinkedin abhayprajaapatiYoutube Abhayprajapati 2022-04-21 04:19:34
海外TECH DEV Community Tab/window management with titles https://dev.to/mdh81/tabwindow-management-with-titles-2db8 Tab window management with titlesDo you get lost managing multiple tabs or windows in your terminal emulator If so this trick might be handy to your shell toolbox Define a function like this in your shell profilefunction title echo ne And then when you open your all important terminal window or tab call the function and pass a string to it like so title lt title string gt Viola you have a handy way of identifying your terminal window tab and not be lost in a forest of tabs or windows Isn t this neat Now let s explain this function a bit echo needs no introduction n stands tells echo not to print a new line after the message etells echo to interpret escape sequences The trick that makes this work is the text flanked by xterm escape sequences and sequences themselves Escape Bell Identifier for window title and icon String that contains all arguments passed to echoMost terminal emulators support these xterm sequences I tested in iterm and it works beautifully Go ahead try it out and help yourself navigate the terminal tab window maze References Stackoverflow threads on this topic 2022-04-21 04:16:12
海外TECH DEV Community จด react lifecycle https://dev.to/nantipatsoften/cchd-react-lifecycle-2e5j จดreact lifecycle 2022-04-21 04:15:05
海外TECH DEV Community Link Sosial Media https://dev.to/pajalasak404/link-sosial-media-5hio Link Sosial MediaLinkpx com p egiteknocom EGITEKNOCOM egiteknocomslashdot org submission cara meningkatkan daya baterai xiaomi poco m protelegra ph Cara Meningkatkan Daya Baterai Xiaomi Poco M Pro www artstation com egiteknocomwww instapaper com read pbase com topics egiteknocom tips hemat baterai xiaomi pocowww authorstream com egiteknocom list ly pajalasak listspeatix com user viewwww empowher com users pajalasakegiteknocom carrd coyoutube comask fmcc naver jpglogster comdir bg 2022-04-21 04:11:51
海外TECH DEV Community Một Số Lỗi Cửa Cuốn Nhanh Thường Gặp Và Cách Khắc Phục https://dev.to/remnhuapvcmeci/mot-so-loi-cua-cuon-nhanh-thuong-gap-va-cach-khac-phuc-49mg Một SốLỗi Cửa Cuốn Nhanh Thường Gặp VàCách Khắc PhụcCửa cuốn nhanh pvc hiện tại làmột sản phẩm được nhiều người sửdụng vàyêu thích của các nhàmáy nhàmái che hiện nay Nhờvào tiện ích thông minh hiệu quảmàcửa cuốn pvc trởlại màđãgiúp đỡcho họrất nhiều trong quátrình sản xuất vàlàcông việc Khi lắp đặt cửa cuốn nhanh sẽcóđôi khi bạn gặp sựcốtrong lúc sửdụng Thay vìgọi điện cho bên bảo hành xuống kiểm tra sau đây Meci sẽđưa ra các cách giải quyết nhanh chóng đơn giản màkhông mất nhiều thời gian đểphải chờđợi Xem thêm TẠI ĐÂYHãy nhắn cho chúng tôi đểđược báo giácửa cuốn tốc độcao này Với thời gian bảo hành lên đến năm chúng tôi luôn sát cánh cùng bạn hỗtrợkhi bạn cần Meci cũng khuyến khích khách hàng khi sửdụng sản phẩm hãy cốgắng thường xuyên bảo trì bảo dưỡng định kỳ tháng lần Đểchúng tôi cóthểdễdàng kiểm soát được chất lượng cũng nhưsựvận hành của sản phẩm đồng thời cũng giúp nâng cao tuổi thọsản phẩm vàtránh các tình trạng hưhỏng nặng màkịp thời xửlý Qúy khách cóthểtham khảo thêm chương trình ưu đãi cửa cuốn nhanh tháng ー CÔNG TY CỔPHẦN CÔNG NGHỆMECI SÀI GÒNTrang web Hotline Địa chỉ QL A KP A P Tân Thới Hiệp Quận TP HCM 2022-04-21 04:10:31
海外TECH DEV Community **Exploring state-of-the-art generation for tomorrow's possibilities. https://dev.to/sabaraj44850217/exploring-state-of-the-art-generation-for-tomorrows-possibilities-k4g Exploring state of the art generation for tomorrow x s possibilities Exploring state of the art generation for tomorrow s possibilities Percentage a way to screenshot on hp pc or laptop computer systems on facebookshare the way to screenshot on hp computer or laptop computer systems on linkedin share a way to screenshot on hp How to take screen shot in laptop How to screenshot on laptop laptop or computing device computer systems on twittershare the way to screenshot on hp pc or laptop computer systems on redditshare how to screenshot on hp pc or computer computer systems via emailcopy theHyperlink to share the way to screenshot on hp pc or computing device computer systems How to screenshot on hp laptop or desktop computers Tulie finley moisesome thing you want to call them this specific operation permits you to capture an photo of your pc laptop Screenshotting is available in accessible at paintings while you want to expose coworkers web site edits or when skype calling in the course of the holidays and also you want to snap a percent of your own family from throughout the us of a Being able to snatch those moments directly from your display screen and keep them as photograph files is one among the sport changers of the current computer age As one of the global s enterprise leaders in laptop manufacturing hpmaintains to make large leaps and strides in the direction of optimizing computer convenience we ll walk you thru the numerous methods you may seize an photograph of your laptop from urgent some keyboard buttons to using display casting software program A way to take a screenshot on an hp computer TheDefault way for complete display screen Hp desktops and laptops run home windows or chrome running structures because of this you can snap screenshots via a easy keyboard click typically positioned at the top proper of your keyboard the print screen key can be abbreviated as prtscn or prt sc this button will let you capture your complete desktop display But the captured picture is not at once stored it s certainly copied for your pc s clipboard comply with those steps to turn that floating screen grab intoAn photo report you can keep Press the home windows key and print screen at the same time to capture the entire display screen your screen will dim for a moment to suggest a successful photograph Open a photo editing software microsoft paint gimp photoshop and paintshop seasoned will all paintings Open a new photo and press ctrl v to paste the screenshot you can additionally right click on and press paste Store the report as a jpg or png and area it into an without difficulty on hand folder for short sharing The opportunityDefault way for partial display screenWhile you don t need to take a screenshot of your complete screen but alternatively a part of your screen the use of snip amp cartoon makes selective screenshotting less difficult than ever Home windows laptops introduced the brand new default function in an october update correctly allowing users to seize quantities of their display with out the want for celebration programs those steps will guide you via the grab and save technique Press the windows key shift s at the identicalTime your screen will fade to a white overlay and your cursor will alternate from a pointed cursor to a crosshair cursor Choose the portion of your screen which you want to grab the snippet will disappear from your display and copy onto your pc s clipboard Open an picture modifying program Open a new image and tap ctrl v to paste the screenshot Keep the screenshot as a jpg or png document and area it into an smooth get right of entry to folder Snipping toolWhether your laptop operates on home windows vista Home windows eight or the snipping tool is an incredible integrated function that allows you to pick any length portions of your screen for instant grabbing In view that all windows computing device computer systems come geared up with the snipping device the utility lives within your begin menu once accessed these steps will lead you via a unbroken step screenshotting method In the snipping device software press “new or ctrl n to create a new snip The usage of the crosshair cursor drag the cursor toMake a rectangular outline of the desired area In the snipping tool toolbar press the disk icon to store the screenshot as a png or jpeg file The snipping tool comes with a number of delivered perks that allow you to switch modes further to the usual rectangular snip you may snip in different ways Loose form snip permits you to capture in any form or form circles ovals or figure s are easily captured with the free shape mode Window snip takes a screenshot of your lively windowWith one smooth click Full display screen snip captures an entire show this is specially on hand for dual reveal display customers who want to screenshot both monitors right now Snipping device additionally features a pen and highlighter option that lets in you to attract in your screenshot to make annotations and point outs clear and easy SnagitPerfect for the avid annotator and picture editor snagit gives an easy to use interface and some of added capabilities that make screenshotting a breeze From shootingScreenshots to resizing and modifying them snagit also helps video grabbing which could file a scrolling display those steps will make certain you re screen grabbing with performance Once downloaded open the snagit software On the top of your screen press the crimson circle button to access the screenshot digicam Pick out the camera icon for a screenshotted photo or the recorder icon for a screenshotted video Pick out the part of the screen you want to snap Your laptop photograph will appear within theSnagit software you may edit annotate resize replica and store the clipped picture from there A way to take a screenshot on an hp tabletThe default mannerWhether or not your hp pill operates on home windows or android figuring out a way to screenshot on a tablet is a bit specific than a way to screenshot on an hp desktop or computer in preference to the usage of keyboard buttons or integrated screenshot equipment you ll only want to observe an smooth step technique Press and maintain the strength button and extent down button atThe same time after approximately a nd preserve the screen will flash indicating a screenshot has been taken Cross into your tablet s photo folder to discover the screenshotted photo Exquisite screenshotEven though your device s included photo editor may additionally have cropping and resizing capability it can now not be as efficient as the use of an software that lets in portioned screen grabs Great screenshot permits you to pick the preferred region whilst supplying you with delivered features like text annotations blurring and resizing Awesome screenshot also functions an smooth proportion button that helps you to ship your photo to every other file vicinity with a easy button press method Something technique you pick the potential to screenshot means you may hold critical documents or pictures whether which means you re taking a display snatch of your film tickets or just a humorous textual content conversation 2022-04-21 04:10:06
海外TECH DEV Community Integrating Tailwind into an ASP.NET Core Project https://dev.to/gemcloud/integrating-tailwind-into-an-aspnet-core-project-3g4n Integrating Tailwind into an ASP NET Core ProjectWe use Visual Studio Community You can find out codes at Gem NetTailwind Create ASP NET Core empty web application and add razor page structure Add npm support to our project The file package json added into our project Install tailwind by Package Manager Console PM gt cd Gem NetTailwindPM gt npm install D tailwindcss cross envPM gt npx tailwindcss initThe node modules was installed The tailwind config js file was created To config the tailwind update the tailwind config js file to include all your razor and cshtml files create the Tailwind input stylesheet Styles input css tailwind base tailwind components tailwind utilities Finally update the package json file to add this script section scripts tailwind cross env NODE ENV development node modules tailwindcss lib cli js i Styles input css o wwwroot css output css watch Add Tailwind Extensions AspNetCore into our project to install the Tailwind AspNetCore NuGet package to Program cs and add this code before app Run if app Environment IsDevelopment app RunTailwind tailwind orapp RunTailwind tailwind Client add this using statement on Program csusing Tailwind Integrating NPM into an ASP Net Core project to use the MSBuild and modify your csproj file lt PropertyGroup gt lt NpmLastInstall gt node modules last install lt NpmLastInstall gt lt PropertyGroup gt lt Check whether npm install or not gt lt Target Name CheckForNpm BeforeTargets NpmInstall gt lt Exec Command npm v ContinueOnError true gt lt Output TaskParameter ExitCode PropertyName ErrorCode gt lt Exec gt lt Error Condition ErrorCode Text You must install NPM to build this project gt lt Target gt lt install package json package auto node modules gt lt Target Name NpmInstall BeforeTargets Compile Inputs package json Outputs NpmLastInstall gt lt Exec Command npm install gt lt Touch Files NpmLastInstall AlwaysCreate true gt lt Target gt Next step we will add Theme features into our project stay tune 2022-04-21 04:09:51
海外TECH DEV Community Lambda function with persistent file store using AWS CDK and AWS EFS https://dev.to/wesleycheek/lambda-function-with-persistent-file-store-using-aws-cdk-and-aws-efs-45h8 Lambda function with persistent file store using AWS CDK and AWS EFSHave you ever wanted Lambda functions to be able to save and load files locally without needing to transfer data between an S bucket This article is for you By using AWS EFS we can attach a persistent filesystem to your Lambda function GitHub Repository CDK init amp deployI won t cover setting up CDK and bootstrapping the environment You can find that information here Once you have set up CDK we need to set up the project mkdir cdk docker lambda amp amp cd cdk docker lambdacdk init language pythonsource venv bin activatepip install r requirements txt amp amp pip install r requirements dev txtNow deploy empty stack to AWS cdk deploy Stack designOur CDK stack is going to deploy an EFS filesystem a Lambda function and an access point which will allow us to attach the filesystem to the function cdk lambda efs cdk lambda efs stack pyfrom aws cdk import Stackfrom aws cdk import aws ec as ecfrom aws cdk import aws efs as efsfrom aws cdk import aws lambda as lambdafrom constructs import Constructfrom aws cdk import RemovalPolicyclass CdkLambdaEfsStack Stack def init self scope Construct construct id str kwargs gt None super init scope construct id kwargs I like to define all my pieces in init self vpc None self access point None self lambda func None self build infrastructure def build infrastructure self self build vpc self build filesystem self build lambda func def build vpc self Build the VPC where both EFS and Lambda will sit self vpc ec Vpc self VPC def build filesystem self file system efs FileSystem scope self id Efs vpc self vpc file system name ExampleLambdaAttachedEFS Makes sure to delete EFS when stack goes down removal policy RemovalPolicy DESTROY create a new access point from the filesystem self access point file system add access point AccessPoint set export lambda as the root of the access point path export lambda as export lambda does not exist in a new efs filesystem the efs will create the directory with the following createAcl create acl efs Acl owner uid owner gid permissions enforce the POSIX identity so lambda function will access with this identity posix user efs PosixUser uid gid def build lambda func self I m just using the normal CDK lambda function here See my other articles for additional building methods lambda Function self LambdaWithEFS runtime lambda Runtime PYTHON lambda function file name handler function handler lambda EFS handler Points to directory of lambda function code lambda Code from asset cdk lambda efs lambda EFS Lambda needs to be in same VPC as EFS vpc self vpc filesystem lambda FileSystem from efs access point ap self access point mount path mnt filesystem if self access point else None Lambda functionI will deploy a lambda function without any additional dependencies If you need dependencies you will need to use different CDK constructs to do it Here is an example of using aws lambda python alpha and here is an example of building using Docker This lambda function opens a file on the EFS filesystem writes a string to it then opens it again and returns the result cdk lambda efs lambda EFS lambda EFS pyfrom pathlib import Pathdef handler event context Writing to a file on the EFS filesystem path Path mnt filesystem test txt with path open w as f f write Test Now open the file read the text return with path open r as f text f read return f Hello Lambda text Test the lambda function with attached filesystemNavigate to the Lambda console on AWS First notice the filesystem has been successfully attached to your lambda functionNow go ahead and test it using any kind of event I hope this article has helped you to solve your problem of lambda not persisting data EFS is an easy to use and versatile solution to memory problems Make sure to cdk destroy when you re done to avoid any charges 2022-04-21 04:09:01
海外TECH DEV Community Kinobi Scholarship Open to Apply: Last Date, Eligibility https://dev.to/travisross/kinobi-scholarship-open-to-apply-last-date-eligibility-114d Kinobi Scholarship Open to Apply Last Date EligibilityKinobi Scholarship is a scholarship program offered by Kinobi a career development company to students in the Philippines in order to assist them in continuing their education in order to achieve a brighter future Other than the funds provided for the students the Kinobi Scholaship program also offered scholarship grantees access to Kinobi Lite and a one semester career mentorship program from experienced mentors to help them prepare for a better career OpportunityForAll BenefitsEducation Money Php student per semesterFree Career Mentoring for semesterKinobi Lite Membership for semesterTerms and ConditionsMust be a Filipino citizenNo age limit is requiredCurrently enrolled as an undergraduate student at a university any major is acceptable Students in a private or public university can applyNo minimum GPAAll students can join OpportunityForAllThe TimelineOpening of Registration January February Closing of Registration February File Selection Process February February Announcement of File Selection Candidates February Selection Phase Two March March Announcement for Selection Phase Two March Selection Phase Three March March Announcement of Scholarship Grantees March Registration ProcedureKindly follow kinobi ph and kinobi asia on Instagram and Kinobi Philippines on Facebook Like and share this post and tag friends in the comment section below Join our DP Blast and copy the spiel through this link twb nz kinobiphscholarshipBefore applying make sure that you fulfill the requirements mentioned above and have a Resume Cover Letter and Organizational Certificate optional already prepared You may visit app kinobi asia to create your Resume and Cover Letter How to Apply STEP Registration Make sure you accomplish all the registration procedure first before you apply for the scholarship STEP Apply Go to bit ly kinobischolarship and click on “Apply Now STEP Prepare Answer the questions provided in the Google Forms and submit the required documents such as a resume and cover letter to complete the registration process STEP Announcement You re ready to go You may now simply wait for the announcement of the chosen applicants during the file selection process stage Apply Kinobi scholarship 2022-04-21 04:06:36
海外TECH DEV Community OpenBB is hiring Junior Python Developers and Senior Software Engineers passionate about the future of finance! https://dev.to/danglewood/openbb-is-hiring-junior-python-developers-and-senior-software-engineers-passionate-about-the-future-of-finance-53d0 OpenBB is hiring Junior Python Developers and Senior Software Engineers passionate about the future of finance We are growing come grow with us I know there s some talented MOFO s lurking here maybe also looking for path for career growth Are you a Python developer who is also a degenerate options day trader Are you a Senior Software Engineer wanting to break free from the shackles of Big Fintech We want to talk to you If you re here it s quite likely that you have been pitched startups like it was so I ll save that for later Apply here If a picture can say a thousand words a star can inspire millions more 2022-04-21 04:04:18
医療系 医療介護 CBnews GWに向け移動・接触増加「影響に注意が必要」-厚労省がコロナアドバイザリーボードの分析公表 https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20220421125353 厚生労働省 2022-04-21 13:31:00
金融 ニッセイ基礎研究所 2020・2021年度特別調査 「第8回 新型コロナによる暮らしの変化に関する調査」 調査結果概要 https://www.nli-research.co.jp/topics_detail1/id=70917?site=nli 調査時期年月日日調査対象全国の歳の男女株式会社マクロミルのモニター調査方法インターネット調査有効回答数nbsp調査内容nbspトピックス新型コロナウイルスのワクチン接種状況子ども歳のワクチン接種状況サステナビリティに関する意識と消費行動新型コロナによる行動変容店舗やネットショッピングの利用シェアリングサービスの利用移動手段の利用食事サービスの利用メディアの利用働き方新型コロナによる生活不安感染に関わる不安高齢家族に関わる不安子どもに関わる不安経済不安人間関係不安働き方不安在宅勤務が増えることへの不安今後の見通し感染拡大の収束・経済の見通し家庭生活の見通し働き方の見通し回答者プロフィールnbsp※調査結果の詳細については、随時、レポート等で公表予定。 2022-04-21 13:48:24
ニュース ジェトロ ビジネスニュース(通商弘報) 屋内でのマスク着用義務を原則解除、公共交通機関や病院以外で https://www.jetro.go.jp/biznews/2022/04/3ea03d189e514f7d.html 公共交通機関 2022-04-21 04:20:00
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ニュース BBC News - Home French election: Macron and Le Pen clash in TV presidential debate https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-61166601?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA debateemmanuel 2022-04-21 04:40:59
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 AIがビジネス変えるにはあと10年 IBMトップ - WSJ発 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/302129 Detail Nothing 2022-04-21 13:20:00
北海道 北海道新聞 山下審判員、初の女性主審 サッカーACL、バンコク https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/672269/ 連盟 2022-04-21 13:20:00
ビジネス 東洋経済オンライン 漫画「キングダム」(第15話)呂丞相の魂胆 壮大な物語の序章「30話」を一挙公開! | キングダム | 東洋経済オンライン https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/539846?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=http&utm_campaign=link_back 春秋戦国時代 2022-04-21 13:30:00
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マーケティング AdverTimes 「完全食栄養食」は食文化を変えるのか? ベースフードCMOに聞く食の未来 https://www.advertimes.com/20220421/article382227/ 2022-04-21 04:44:36
マーケティング AdverTimes 新たな「広報の概念」定義に向け、日本広報学会内で調査を実施 https://www.advertimes.com/20220421/article382279/ 日本広報学会 2022-04-21 04:23:38



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