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カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
IT 気になる、記になる… 「フロントミッション」シリーズの最新作『Front Mission: Borderscape』発表 − iOSやAndroid向けにリリースへ https://taisy0.com/2022/04/21/156059.html blackj 2022-04-21 08:27:07
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 冷蔵庫のAI・スマホ連携 省エネ運転や温度管理が人気 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2204/21/news168.html itmedia 2022-04-21 17:28:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] パナソニック、キッチンの新ブランド「カレサ」立ち上げ https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2204/21/news149.html caresa 2022-04-21 17:10:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] ダイエー西宮店、食品売場を刷新 近畿エリアの旗艦店舗“地域で最も支持される店舗を目指す” https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2204/21/news161.html itmedia 2022-04-21 17:05:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 株式会社ブランドジャーナリズムが設立 編集の力で企業の発信活動を支援 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2204/21/news151.html itmedia 2022-04-21 17:04:00
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 大好きな有名人の画像ばかりで機械学習した、オリジナルの顔判定ツールを作ってみた! https://qiita.com/Nori777/items/4370619839af6125b979 作ってみた 2022-04-21 17:24:25
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Laravel8 jQuery 画像動的表示 https://qiita.com/yyy752/items/409f5b1be4fd23b8a3f0 addbla 2022-04-21 17:23:53
Linux Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Mac mini (2011年モデル) にUbuntu 20.04 LTS をデュアルブート https://qiita.com/naozo-se/items/c63a50385b4f7b2ecdbe macmini 2022-04-21 17:49:51
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Dockerで構築したローカルのWebサーバー上で自分のIPアドレスがわからなかった話 https://qiita.com/Nana_y/items/c2d26677442a108ea91d htaccesserrordocument 2022-04-21 17:07:43
golang Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita goで変数をtemplateの名前として利用する https://qiita.com/sasakuna/items/e39850dcb294218ddc56 panic 2022-04-21 17:02:52
GCP gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Cloud Run の認証が必要なサービスを Cloud Scheduler から実行する https://qiita.com/nirasan/items/8bb7ce4be0f0c4f18047 cloudrun 2022-04-21 17:44:14
Azure Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Azure IoT Hubを久しぶりに触ってみたので個人的な備忘録 https://qiita.com/mstakaha1113/items/ff5e86ce969caceccb8d azure 2022-04-21 17:59:07
技術ブログ Developers.IO Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose に Coralogix統合機能が追加されたのでためしてみた https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/amazon-kinesis-data-firehose-integrated-coralogix/ amazonkinesisdatafirehose 2022-04-21 08:25:39
技術ブログ Developers.IO IAM 살펴보기 심화편 – 자격 증명 기반 정책과 리소스 기반 정책에 대해 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/what-is-aws-iam-policies-kr/ 2022-04-21 08:15:01
海外TECH DEV Community How to kickstart your freelancing business in 2022 https://dev.to/join_hyve/how-to-kickstart-your-freelancing-business-in-2022-46eo How to kickstart your freelancing business in You can find the article here With the rise of technology the future of work is undergoing a massive shift mostly triggered by the COVID pandemic With most jobs allowing for remote delivery and many employees feeling disgruntled with their regular positions people have taken up freelancing either as a side hustle or a full time occupation Freelancing gives you the freedom to earn up to figures from the comfort of your own home while setting your own targets and deadlines and being your own boss Nevertheless starting and managing a freelancing business is far from a simple task You ll be responsible for handling all admin aspects including setting your own rates pursuing potential work opportunities and paying taxes Sure it s going to require determination time and resilience but you can do it Is there a better way to calm down the rising anxiety Start planning in advance Anticipation is vitalーdon t risk giving yourself a big headache later down your freelancing journey Let s explore the key points you ll have to address before starting your freelancing business in Build your own brandA personal brand is a must have since it allows you to build your freelancing business differentiate from the rest and consequently increase your income Firstly you need to decide what type of work your freelance business will be specialized in Are you skilled at writing Do you have a robust background in web design or SEO A good looking website that s easy to navigate showcasing your professional skills will persuade potential clients Trust us it s important to show your clients that your freelancing business is legitimate Don t forget about social media LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Instagram are incredibly useful Start posting updates on your latest projects and useful information related to your freelancing services in order to reach your target audience Have a clear understanding of your financial situationFamiliarize yourself with personal and business related expenses and calculate how long your savings can support you Examine your financial situation carefully and identify the point where you might have to jump ship if things don t go as planned Clients may not always pay on time and projects may fall through last minute Understanding your personal finances will help you get a clear picture of what you can expect going forward thus giving you an idea of how to handle any upcoming problems You ll need to figure out your exact expenses such as income taxes health insurance and living costs and later make a budget that works for you Set measurable goalsAccording to Forbes of hiring managers are more likely to employ independent professionals due to the COVID crisis Not only is it more popular to become a freelancer than ever before but companies are getting increasingly comfortable with the idea of hiring freelancers rather than having full time employees It is more cost effective and allows for further choice in terms of skill planning for projects compared to having a regular employed professional Therefore with such high demand it is the perfect timing for YOU to become self employed and start a freelancing business What do you want to achieve in your freelancing business within the next five years How much are you willing to prioritize your business Do you want to raise your rates to a certain level or cut your working hours to a specific point These are only goal setting questions that can help you identify optimal business objectives at this point Be sure to set different kinds of goals ーspecifically short term long term and ongoing Moving forward it is necessary to keep track of your key performance indicators Set your freelancing ratesIf you are just starting out your freelancing business then you need to carefully consider your competition and then decide on your pricing strategy Your rates will likely vary depending on each client project deliverable or even client location Usually high qualifications coupled with many years of experience involve higher rates If you are highly specialized make sure you are earning a fair amount It could be helpful to reach out to other professionals in the freelancing industry to see their rates and how those price points are working out for them Knowing how to manage your business is essential to your success Prepare to scaleScaling your freelancing business can help you meet increasing market needs and keep burnout away At a certain point it simply becomes impossible to take on every single aspect of running your business alone Not only do you risk burnout but your potential income is limited If you don t want to or can t really acquire a new skill yourself consider partnering For example if you are a freelance marketing social media specialist you could join forces with a marketing strategist to offer your combined services to clients By doing so you can open the way for new clients and keep on increasing your rates Find prospective clients on freelancing platformsPrioritize learning how to effectively market yourself as a freelancer it does you no good if you re the best in the industry but nobody knows you Traditional freelancing platforms are quite consolidated with many finding it hard to stand out compared to others Furthermore the perceived usage fees usually take up a good chunk of your hard worked income So the best advice is to be a first mover and find a high potential platform with room for growth where you can showcase your skills and build a strong reputation HYVE is a great platform where you can find jobs or gigs and grow your freelancing business Being a blockchain based decentralized platform HYVE is entirely community driven ensuring collaboration in a secure manner HYVE has managed to automate trust between parties through a built in dispute resolution system as well as escrowed payments which are instantly released upon completion of a task The next step is to create an outstanding profile on HYVE highlight your skills and make yourself visible to potential clients The best part It only takes a few minutes to set up your profile and you now have the opportunity to access a freelancing marketplace Not only does HYVE ensure privacy fairness and transparency but it also eliminates transaction fees and provides unique collaborative tools making it more than just an enticing option for you to start your freelancing business Perks like setting your own working hours and pursuing your dreams are certainly appealing ーbut a significant amount of energy strategy and planning goes into earning those benefits The process of starting a freelance business is definitely overwhelming but all the hard work is totally worth it It takes time energy and a ton of networking to build a successful business However there is no better time to try it out and no better place than HYVE Just keep in mind that you should be professional and consistent and most importantly keep your clients happy Want to learn more about HYVE Follow us on Twitter ️Join our Telegram Group Join our Announcement Channel Join our Discord Follow us on Instagram Like us on Facebook Visit our Website 2022-04-21 08:35:55
海外TECH DEV Community Launching system from GRUB2 console https://dev.to/pgrz/launching-system-from-grub2-console-2pgm Launching system from GRUB consoleNote these are my self help notes Please let me know if they re wrong A Linux system that isn t visible in Grub can be launched using Grub console Entering the consoleTo enter the grub console you need to press c key Choosing the deviceThe ls command prints out all the disk devices formatted as hd hd msdos hd msdos which translates to dev sda dev sda dev sda You choose the disk using set root hd Choosing the kernel and system imageNow you can view the disk content using ls You should be looking for vmlinuz and initrd files in boot subdirectory After finding them you need to set them linux boot vmlinuz generic root dev sdainitrd boot initrd img genericThe root argument isn t required but omitting it may result in errors when grub runs from another device like a pendrive or live cd It s crucial to point to the same version in both commands In case the system became unbootable after kernel upgrade you obviously need to specify the older version BootingThe final touch is the boot command 2022-04-21 08:21:07
海外TECH DEV Community How to Create a Price Comparison Tool With Python BeautifulSoup https://dev.to/webautomationio/how-to-create-a-price-comparison-tool-with-python-beautifulsoup-gda How to Create a Price Comparison Tool With Python BeautifulSoup Introduction In today s world where most of us depend on buying products online it takes a lot of manual effort to find out on which website the price tag is lowest So what most of us do is go to one of the most popular websites like Amazon or eBay and buy those products What if we could easily develop a price comparison tool that can compare the prices from different websites and can then show any user the optimal prices and associated information about that product from different websites in a single place That is what we are going to do in today s project Our Goal In this tutorial we will focus on the below to achieve our goalFetching price data from three different websitesProcessing data including cleaning it for our purposeComparing pricesStoring DataVisualizing PricesProgram to send Notifications about price changeUsing webautomation io for speeding up Scraping  Web Scraping Setup Web Scraping is a process of collecting relevant information from a particular webpage and then exporting that information in a proper format according to our needs  Python package for web scraping Beautiful Soup is a python library that helps in extracting data out of markup languages like HTML and XML  Other python packages involved requestsNote We recommend using google colab jupyter notebook as editor for this project although it is not mandatory Step Install prerequisites Install Python Install requests pip install requests Step Import packages import requestsfrom bs import BeautifulSoup For web scraping Step Go to the product page of different websites and get the URL  amazon product url creative amp creativeASIN BXMPGLQ amp linkCode df  onbuy product url exta prirun amp stat eyJpcCIIjUOSwMCIsImRwIjowLCJsaWQiOiIMDcMTkNyIsInMiOiIxIiwidCIMTYyMjINDENCwiYmjIjowfQ  wexphotovideo url sv tax affiliate amp sv tax pricerunner amp sv tax amp sv affiliate id amp awc bfebceebe amp utm source aw  Step Populate headers headers user agent Mozilla Macintosh Intel Mac OS X AppleWebKit KHTML like Gecko Chrome Safari  To get user agent google my user agent   Fetching Data amp Cleaning it  For Amazon page requests get url amazon product url headers headers soup BeautifulSoup page content lxml print soup prettify  Now go to the Amazon page right click on the product title and inspect You will get the following screen after clicking on inspect As you can see in the HTML source code element with id productTitle contains the title of the product  title soup find id productTitle  This will get us the product title but the data should be cleaned to process further As we can see the data has HTML tags  To remove tags  text title get text Will get text from html tagsproduct title text strip Removing special characters like n newline print product title  We got the product title which is stored in variable product titleSimilarly when we click on price tag and do inspect we get the following html source code Here id priceblock ourprice  contains the price tag So to fetch the price we need following code price soup find id priceblock ourprice price price get text Will get text from html tagsamazon product price price strip Removing special characters like n newline print amazon product price Now we have the product price from amazon in variable amazon product price In the same manner we will get the price tags from other two ecommerce websites as well For Onbuy page requests get url onbuy product url headers headers soup BeautifulSoup page content lxml print soup prettify Visit to onbuy page right click on the product price and inspect We get the following html elements from inspect   As you can see this layout is a little bit different Here we will have to fetch the price tag from a class element as opposed to span in Amazon s case So to fetch data from class element in html  For Wexphotovideo Wexphotovideo has the same layout as onbuy So we can repeat same process here  inspect Get html data  Clean and extract price from html tags tag soup find span class price get price elementtext tag get text Removing html tagswex product price text strip Cleaning Datawex product priceStoring Data import pickledef storeData initializing data to be stored in db amazon key amazon product name Canon EOS M price amazon product price onbuy key onbuy product name Canon EOS M price onbuy product price wex key wex product name Canon EOS M price wex product price database db db amazon amazon db onbuy onbuy db wex wex Its important to use binary mode dbfile open price data ab source destination pickle dump db dbfile dbfile close Loading Stored Datadef read data dbfile open price data rb sb store pickle load dbfile for items in db store print items db items dbfile close  Compare Prices Removing currency symbols and converting prices from string to float for comparison amazon product price float amazon product price onbuy product price float onbuy product price wex product price float wex product price  Finding minimum  min price min amazon product price onbuy price wex product price  if min price amazon product price Company Amazon URL amazon product urlelse if min price onbuy product price Company Onbuy URL onbuy product urlelse if min price wex product price Company wex URL wexphotovideo url Company and URL contain the website name and URL for the product which has the minimum price We can write a function to send the notification to our mail IDs using SMTP  Check out our ready made Airbnb scraper for your price comparison website Data Visualization Now when we have the prices of data it is easier to use a bar chart to compare the prices instead of looking at the numbers Visualization becomes more useful as the number of data points increases  We have shown here how easy it is to visualize price data from three different websites using a python library called matplotlib We are using matplotlib bar chart to Visualize the different prices here   How good can it be to get a notification about any price change that interests you We have shown in the following code how one can write a simple python script to get notifications via email  The script here sends a notification about the company with the lowest price with a link that can be used to buy the product Variable body in the code can be changed according to our needs   def notifications server smtplib SMTP smtp gmail com server ehlo server starttls server ehlo server login username password subject Prices Fell Down body Please check company click her url formay company Company url URL msg f Subject subject n n body server sendmail receivermailid msg print mail send server quit  We can schedule this above code to run periodically and send us notifications whenever the price falls  Using Webautomation io to Speed up ScrapingAlternatively if you just want a plug and play solution where you can just enter the URL and you get the data without even writing a line of code WebAutomation is just the tool for you  Try an easy to use pre built scraper from All you have to do is enter the starting URL of web pages you want to scrap and it will give you the data you want in a nice and clean format that is downloadable Steps To Follow Sign up for a free trial here You can use a readymade scraper for popular websites like amazon for free at You can scrape any link with the help of raw data extractor This extractor will help you to extract all html sources of visited links operation Scrape You can also use the API to get structured data  WEBAUTOMATION IO PRE DEFINED EXTRACTORSWe aim to make the process of extracting web data quick and efficient so you can focus your resources on what s truly important using the data to achieve your business goals In our marketplace you can choose from hundreds of pre defined extractors PDEs for the world s biggest websites These pre built data extractors turn almost any website into a spreadsheet or API with just a few clicks The best part We build and maintain them for you so the data is always in a structured form   Related Blog PostsHow to use web scraping for your price comparison websiteWebinar How to start a price comparison site using web scraping 2022-04-21 08:19:26
海外TECH DEV Community ReactJS's components written in Typescript https://dev.to/mokadevlight/reactjss-components-written-in-typescript-6cj ReactJS x s components written in TypescriptActually you can use ReactJS s components in Typescript as in facebook s example Just replace jsx file s extension to tsx helloMessage tsx var HelloMessage React createClass  render function  return lt div gt Hello this props name lt div gt   ReactDOM render lt HelloMessage name John gt mountNode But in order to make full use of Typescript s main feature static type checking should be done couple things convert React createClass example to ES Class helloMessage tsx class HelloMessage extends React Component  render  return lt div gt Hello this props name lt div gt   ReactDOM render lt HelloMessage name John gt mountNode next add Props and State interfaces interface IHelloMessageProps name string interface IHelloMessageState empty in our case class HelloMessage extends React Component constructor super render return lt div gt Hello this props name lt div gt ReactDOM render mountNode Now Typescript will display an error if the programmer forgets to pass props Or if they added props that are not defined in the interface References ReactJSNotesForProfessionals Book 2022-04-21 08:13:13
海外TECH DEV Community Creating blockchain NFT-based customer experiences with Daml https://dev.to/damldriven/creating-blockchain-nft-based-customer-experiences-with-daml-1kee Creating blockchain NFT based customer experiences with DamlThe post was originally published on Daml Blog Blockchain non fungible tokens NFTs have come a long way from their beginnings as proof of ownership of digital assets on the blockchain As more and more creative digital assets are minted as NFTs on the blockchain using smart contracts we have entered the next phase of evolution Now the question many brands are asking is How can we use blockchain NFTs to deliver differentiated experiences to customers who own our NFTs This emerging trend of blockchain NFT experiences was also covered in a previous post Top five Enterprise Blockchain Priorities for In this post we will attempt to define an NFT blockchain platform and discuss how to deliver blockchain NFT based experiences To illustrate this we will be looking at Daml a portable smart contracts language that allows for interoperability between public and enterprise blockchains as well as traditional databasesーwhether on cloud or on premise Options for creating blockchain NFT experiencesCreating experiences based on NFTs can be accomplished in two ways By creating an NFT on a blockchain platform so that people can own it and then by building a traditional software ecosystem around the NFT that checks ownership and provides various NFT experiences and privileges or By making NFTs smarter so that we can embed an extensible business logic directly into the NFT Using Daml we ll demonstrate how to create NFT based experiences using the second option introduced above The key benefit of option two here is that the entire process becomes much more transparent and accountable as all of the actions can be tracked on the blockchain as smart contracts We can still use the traditional format featuring a URL to a digital image along with transfer rights Daml also allows the same blockchain NFT to reside on a permissioned enterprise blockchain thus allowing brands tremendous flexibility in how they use the NFT to provide new experiences with this technology If you or your developer team haven t yet installed Daml you can install it here Once installed simply navigate to where you d like to create the project and create a new Daml smart contract project using the Daml assistant Creating our blockchain NFT based experienceFor our purposes we will use the example of a rock band issuing an NFT that also serves as a ticket to their concert We ll then add additional programming or rights and obligations to the blockchain NFT so that new experiences can be created using the NFT in a transparent mannerーdirectly on the blockchain In the new project we ve created we remove everything from main daml except the line declaring the main modulem and simply type in the following template RockBandNFT with uniqueNFTId Text imageUrl Text band Party fan Party benefits Benefits issuedDate Date where signatory band fanThis signifies a basic NFT contract The Party datatype is what defines a unique party on the blockchain The signatory keyword indicates that this token cannot be created without the consent of both the rock band and the fan This is a unique advantage of Daml s rights and obligations guarantee because it ensures that a token cannot be created without each of the signatories explicitly approving the transaction These checks and balances are built into the platform so developers don t have to code any additional business logic Since this smart contract has two signatories it must be created only after approval from both parties See this video on how to use this powerful feature of Daml Now that we have the core blockchain NFT or smart contract on the blockchain we can start adding some rights and obligations to it In our case we ll offer the fans an individually signed t shirt also an NFT if they attend the next concert Now let s have the band create a new concert using the rights we have coded for them on the blockchain NFT For that Daml allows us to create a choice a right on the NFT smart contract Here s how that looks controller band can CreateConcert ContractId Concert with concertDate Date concertName Text do create Concert with Note that only the band can create a concertーenforced here by the controller keyword So if any party other than the band tries to create a contract the execution will fail This is another example of the Daml rights and obligations model available out of the box to developers The new concert looks like the following as you can see it also provides the customer a right to buy a ticket template Concert with concertDate Date concertName Text fan Party band Party where signatory band controller fan can BuyConcertPass ContractId ConcertPass with purchaseDate Date amount Decimal do create ConcertPass with As before in our example only the customer can buy a ticketーagain enforced by the controller keyword in Daml And when they do they receive a concert pass Since the concert pass is also a smart contract once customers have a concert pass then the bandーalso a controller on that smart contractーcan now issue them a blockchain NFT for a T shirt The NFT for the T shirt is of course also a smart contract allowing for future extensibility template ConcertPass with concertDate Date concertName Text purchaseDate Date amount Decimal fan Party band Party where signatory fan observer band controller band can IssueTShirtNFT ContractId ConcertTShirtNFT with digitalURL Text do create ConcertTShirtNFT with template ConcertTShirtNFT with concertDate Date concertName Text digitalURL Text fan Party band Party where signatory band fan The t shirt NFT takes the URL for the digital image So now we have two NFTs on the blockchainーone to represent the ticket and one to represent the t shirt What we can do to build on the NFT experiences is limited only by our imagination For example this t shirt NFT can be redeemed or further gifted Why Daml for blockchain NFT experiences As of the writing of this blog multiple layer one blockchains such as Solana Avalanche and Cardon have surfaced in addition to Ethereum indicating a maturing of this space So when we create blockchain NFTs we should keep portability of our smart contracts in mind you shouldn t have to tackle additional complex technical initiatives in addition to running a blockchain NFT customer experience program Second the future of the DeFi and blockchain space hinges on interoperability Daml allows blockchain NFT smart contracts to interoperate with each other when deployed on multiple blockchains This is a huge advantage Finally Daml also runs on databases so you could create an intra enterprise NFT without having to work with a blockchain layer all while keeping your smart contracts interoperable with an external blockchain network Finally as you see in the code above Daml focuses entirely on the business logic All the underlying plumbing and idiosyncrasies of the underlying ledger platform are abstracted away and hidden from the developers making for extremely rapid business deployment and validation The power of blockchain NFTs is beginning to emerge as a key tool for customer experiences As ownership gives way to the need for providing experiences it will be important to make the technical plumbing transparent to both users and developers in the enterprise Interoperability and the flexibility of deploying NFTs on multiple blockchains is emerging as a critical success factor Take a look at this article on tokenization and this one on asset tokenization that explore how blockchain NFTs will connect the world Damlprovides an excellent foundation from which brands can build on what they need to do to grow their eminence Creating the immersive NFT based customer experiences of the future 2022-04-21 08:10:09
海外TECH DEV Community PowerShell(pwsh) Tutorial for Perl https://dev.to/yukikimoto/powershellpwsh-tutorial-for-perl-26bh PowerShell pwsh Tutorial for PerlPowerShell pwsh is a CLI tool to run programs on Windows This article is originally PowerShell pwsh Tutorial for Perl Perl ABCUTF Linux UNIX like Shellls echo commands etcA string is quoted and Installation of PowerShell pwsh PowerShell pwsh can be downloaded from the following page Installing PowerShell on WindowsClick the following link to download PowerShell pwsh PowerShell win x msiAnd double click the downloaded file The installer is executed Next Next Next Install Finish Execution of PowerShell pwshLet s execute PowerShell pwsh Start Menu Apps PowerShell PowerShell x Your home directory is shown on PowerShell pwsh PS C Users kimot Showing File ExtensionsThe extension of Perl program is pl It is useful if extensions of files are displayed The way to show file extensions is described in the following page How to Make Windows Show File Extensions Execution of NotepadPerl programs are text files You can create your Perl programs using Notepad The way to use Notepad is described in the following page ways to start Notepad in Windows Creating Perl ProgramsLet s create a Perl program Create a file named start pl at your home directory C Users kimot start plAnd write the following text print Hello World And save it Running Perl ProgramsYou can run your Perl program using perl command perl start plThe output is Hello World Commands of PowerShell pwshIntroduce often used commands of PowerShell pwsh lsThe ls command displays the list of files ls cdThe cd command changes the working directory cd DirectoryName is the file name that means the folder one level higher cd Changing DrivesYou can change drives using c or d Set Location Path c Set Location Path d Seeing Command HistoriesYou can see command histories using ↑ and ↓ keys ↑↓ Show Environment VariablesShow environment variables ls env Getting Environment VariablesYou can get and show an environment variable as the following echo env PATH env MYENV This is my env Setting Environment VariableYou can set an environment variable as the following env DATE 2022-04-21 08:09:49
海外TECH DEV Community Do You Need a Lawyer to Make a Contract? https://dev.to/swatilalwani/do-you-need-a-lawyer-to-make-a-contract-4iof Do You Need a Lawyer to Make a Contract Relationships are the lifeblood of any organisation but contractual agreements are what legally binds corporate deals together Employees suppliers and business partners as well as investors consumers and landlords are all affected by contractual business agreements Every sentence every word and every bit of punctuation important in legal contracts because they ensure that your and others obligations are honoured Lawyer in Amsterdam aren t just good at pointing out flaws they can also be innovative and suggest alternatives that will help your organisation achieve its objectives 2022-04-21 08:07:34
海外TECH Engadget 'Buy with Prime' lets third-party retailers use Amazon's shipping service https://www.engadget.com/amazons-buy-with-prime-lets-other-retailers-uses-its-shipping-service-085011642.html?src=rss x Buy with Prime x lets third party retailers use Amazon x s shipping serviceAmazon has unveiled quot Buy with Prime quot a service that let s other online retailers use its vast delivery network to fulfill orders on their own websites At the same time it will be another Prime subscriber perk for goods they might not be able to find directly on Amazon Merchants using it will be able to put the Prime badge on their own websites beside eligible items available for free next day or two day delivery Then Prime members can purchase the product using the payment and shipping details already stored on their Amazon accounts nbsp Sellers will pay for the service with fees depending on the card processor fulfillment and more To start with it s launching by invitation to Amazon sellers already using Fulfillment by Amazon FBA but will eventually expand to other merchants even if they re not on Amazon nbsp FBA retailers currently pay to store inventory in Amazon s warehouses and use its shipping services and in return get the valued Prime logo on Amazon listed products Amazon recently announced that it would charge them an additional percent fuel and inflation surcharge on top of the FBA fees they re already paying It also has a program called Multi Channel Fulfillment that allows retailers to store and ship goods using its logistics chain Using FBA may have been akin to a deal with the devil for some sellers however Amazon has been accused in the past of using seller data to create its own private label products like car trunk organizers and Peak Design bags The Wall Street Journal reported back in Amazon denied this but the SEC recently launched an investigation into the practice nbsp Buy with Prime also means Amazon will be competing directly with shipping services like FedEx and UPS The company recently said that it was about to become the largest delivery service in the US according to CNBC It also recently reported that its third part seller services including shipping fulfillment and others brought in billion in the last quarter alone nbsp 2022-04-21 08:50:46
金融 日本銀行:RSS 金利指標フォーラム第1回会合を開催しました http://www.boj.or.jp/announcements/release_2022/rel220421a.htm 金利 2022-04-21 18:00:00
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 円、対ユーロで140円台に下落 15年6月以来 https://t.co/OuM27AQ3g4 https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1517062267866550272 年月 2022-04-21 08:46:44
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 日本電産の永守氏「業績改善へ短期的に指揮」 CEO復帰 https://t.co/BPzV1d6Ms4 https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1517057457402437632 日本電産 2022-04-21 08:27:38
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 プーチン大統領、マリウポリ製鉄所の掃討中止を命令 https://t.co/eAsZVkKU1X https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1517053704020848640 製鉄 2022-04-21 08:12:43
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 東京都、新たに6713人感染 7日平均で前週の78.7% https://t.co/onIAe0GPZi https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1517052180611874818 東京都 2022-04-21 08:06:39
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 日本電産が狙うEVの心臓 新しいケイレツは京都から 【2022年2月 読まれた記事】 https://t.co/j2J5Pyxk6Q https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1517052036294053889 日本電産 2022-04-21 08:06:05
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Philippine ‘Avengers’ battle disinformation before election https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/04/21/asia-pacific/philippine-avengers-battle-disinformation/ checkers 2022-04-21 17:27:12
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles End of Wakayama bid leaves only Osaka and Nagasaki in race for Japan’s first casinos https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/04/21/national/wakayama-casino-resort-rejection/ End of Wakayama bid leaves only Osaka and Nagasaki in race for Japan s first casinosThe prefecture s withdrawal due to unclear financing for the project undermines a major initiative by the central government to revitalize local economies 2022-04-21 17:13:31
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Tennis’ ATP and WTA join hands to launch joint mobile app https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2022/04/21/tennis/wta-atp-app-tennis/ official 2022-04-21 17:14:24
ニュース BBC News - Home Queen celebrates 96th birthday in Sandringham https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-61167593?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA norfolk 2022-04-21 08:25:52
ニュース BBC News - Home Wimbledon: Elina Svitolina says Russians who denounce Ukraine invasion should play https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/tennis/61172686?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Wimbledon Elina Svitolina says Russians who denounce Ukraine invasion should playRussian and Belarusian players who speak out against Russia s invasion of Ukraine should be allowed to compete at Wimbledon says Elina Svitolina 2022-04-21 08:47:15
ニュース BBC News - Home Carlos Sainz: Ferrari driver signs new contract until 2024 https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/formula1/61174774?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA ferrari 2022-04-21 08:40:49
北海道 北海道新聞 2・5兆円の補正予算編成へ 緊急対策財源、自公が合意 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/672359/ 石井啓一 2022-04-21 17:21:00
北海道 北海道新聞 スピードスケート指導陣に長島、加藤両氏 五輪メダリスト https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/672358/ 日本スケート連盟 2022-04-21 17:20:00
北海道 北海道新聞 案内はキティロボにお任せ サンリオ、NTT東が開発 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/672357/ 開発 2022-04-21 17:18:00
ニュース Newsweek 誰もが予想した軍事大国アメリカの「不備」──中国に「船」で苦戦する理由 https://www.newsweekjapan.jp/stories/world/2022/04/post-98547.php 2022-04-21 17:07:34
マーケティング MarkeZine 実店舗データとdポイントクラブの会員基盤などを活用し、販促の有効性を分析 NTTコムらが実証実験へ http://markezine.jp/article/detail/38856 実証実験 2022-04-21 17:30:00
マーケティング MarkeZine ウサギオンライン、公式通販サイトに「ZETA VOICE」導入 商品検討ユーザの購買を後押し http://markezine.jp/article/detail/38860 zetavoice 2022-04-21 17:15:00
IT 週刊アスキー DMM GAMES、大人気ストラテジーゲーム「Stellaris」PS4版に2種類のDLCセットが付属した「THE ROYAL」と新価格版を発表 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/089/4089845/ dmmgames 2022-04-21 17:30:00
IT 週刊アスキー 条件達成で無料のラップ&バックアクセサリーをゲット!『フォートナイト』4月20日~4月25日にかけて「ランタントライアル」が開催中 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/089/4089855/ epicgames 2022-04-21 17:15:00
IT 週刊アスキー KONAMIがSteam向け非対称型対戦アクションゲーム『オバケイドロ!』を2022年に配信決定! https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/089/4089856/ konami 2022-04-21 17:15:00



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