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IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] 「キラキラドンキ」お台場に開店 SNSに着目した新業態 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2204/21/news192.html itmedia 2022-04-21 20:53:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 動画配信ランキング 初登場の「SPY×FAMILY」をおさえ、1位になったのは? https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2204/21/news165.html 名探偵コナン 2022-04-21 20:34:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] 動き出したエアコンのサブスク 戸田市は富士通ゼネラルの最上位機種で月額2000円から https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2204/21/news188.html itmedia 2022-04-21 20:09:00
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita PythonのTypedDictのキーの有無・値の型をチェックするツールtypeddict-validatorを作った https://qiita.com/SogoK/items/a29b339e7c4b6c7b8f17 typeddict 2022-04-21 20:55:36
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Ruby on Rails 投稿フォームでの改行を反映 https://qiita.com/seiyarick/items/de6ee638d0a090bf575b rubyonrails 2022-04-21 20:35:41
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Ruby on Rails 投稿フォームでの改行を反映 https://qiita.com/seiyarick/items/de6ee638d0a090bf575b rubyonrails 2022-04-21 20:35:41
海外TECH MakeUseOf Big Tech Censorship: What Is It and Why Should You Be Concerned? https://www.makeuseof.com/what-is-big-tech-censorship/ Big Tech Censorship What Is It and Why Should You Be Concerned Undoubtedly you ve seen big tech censorship discussed But what exactly is it and why should you be concerned Here s everything you need to know 2022-04-21 11:30:13
海外TECH DEV Community How to customize Keycloak themes https://dev.to/trigo/how-to-customize-keycloak-themes-545 How to customize Keycloak themesIn this insight you will learn how Keycloak Themes are structured and how to come up with your own custom theme Because we believe that learning is best done when putting everything into practices we will start off by setting up a development environment Right after we will go over the types of themes and the folder structure Closing with how to add customization and build your own Keycloak theme Before we get started with all the details a quick recap of what Keycloak is and why we care about it What is Keycloak Keycloak is an open source identity and access management or IAM solution that can be used as a third party authorization server to manage your web or mobile applications authentication and authorization requirements It lifts the heavy weight of implementing a stable and secure user authorization and authentication from the shoulders of developers At TRIGO we use it for all of our projects It saved tons of time and money Kept us staying sane when integrating AuthN AuthZ into an application We love Keycloak Now let s dive right into it Setting up a development environmentYou could either download Keycloak and run it natively on your machine or spin up some container using docker or podman We at TRIGO are heavily into containerization Therefore we will use the second option for this tutorial To make things even simpler for you we have prepared a fully functional setup as Git repository Before proceeding with this tutorial please take your time to check out the repository and follow the instructions found in the README file If you got any questions please feel free to open an issue Theme typesWith a single theme you can provide one or more types of customization An overview TypeDescriptionLocation of the demo repositoryCommonFiles resources shared along all theme typesthemes keycloak provided themes keycloak commonAccountAll things related to the Account management self service area themes keycloak provided themes base account and themes keycloak provided themes keycloak v accountAdminThe admin console Yes the very extensive area can be customized too themes keycloak provided themes base admin and themes keycloak provided themes keycloak v adminEmailsEverything you need to customize Emails sent by Keycloakthemes keycloak provided themes base emailLoginUser facing public pages like login password reset and so on themes keycloak provided themes base login and themes keycloak provided themes keycloak loginWelcomeThe welcome page shown when spinning up Keycloak and opening its landing pagethemes keycloak provided themes keycloak welcomeHint Instructions on how to configure a theme can be found in the Keycloak Documentation Structure of a theme folderEvery theme must consist of one or more type related subdirectories It s a reference to the theme types mentioned above Structure of a theme type folderEvery theme type folder must have at least a theme properties file It contains basic instructions for Keycloak Furthermore it consists of one or more of the following foldersFolderDescriptionmessagesContains one or more messages XX properties files They are part of the in mechanism of KeycloakresourcesEvery image CSS or JavaScript file that is required to power the theme type is found here Note The email type is a little different It contains an HTML and text folder containing the email templates for HTML and text emails All as FTL files Besides that a theme type folder usually comes with many template files ftl file ending They represent all the different pages Keycloak has All your base belongs to me Theme Inheritance explainedYou might have noticed that for most types there are multiple places where you can find related files That s because Keycloak themes are built with inheritance in mind Everything is or it can be based on base phun intended You could theoretically start from scratch but we don t recommend that unless you have a special use case It s just a lot of work to provide everything you need for a fully functional theme Theme type entry point theme propertiesLet s have a look at the entry point of the login type This is from themes keycloak provided themes keycloak loginThe first line of theme properties is parent baseWith this we instruct Keycloak to inherit our login type from the base theme We can then focus on the things we like to change instead of starting from zero FTL Faster than light or FreemarkerFreemarker is a template language like Pug Mustache or EJS If you are familiar with the primary template language of your ecosystem you should be familiar with the core concepts of freemarker too I still recommend going through the “Template Author Guide The Keycloak Login Theme makes heavy use of the FTL inheritance features So better be prepared to dig in deep Data Models for your templatesKeycloak uses numerous data models within their template files They are let just put it that way not very well documented To get at least a basic understanding these two files from the Keycloak Source Code are a good starting point For Theme Type Login For Theme Type Account What other tech is included For the time of writing this insight Keycloak is the newest version available There are announcements that the current angular based admin and account theme is replaced by a React based solution anytime soon Keycloak already has an early version of that included It can be found as keycloak v theme here themes keycloak provided themes keycloak vThe Login part of the theme uses an earlier version of the Patternfly Framework Files themes keycloak provided themes keycloak common resources web modules patternflySince there is no version information available it s hard to tell which version of Patternfly it is but all required resources are included v of Patternfly is a remarkable framework found here How to customize a theme type For all of you who me included are like Ok Patternfly is cool and what not but I want to bring my own stuff to the table Tailwind Vue Svelte Chakra just a little more patience Before we explore how to create a custom theme with your favorite tech stack I think it s important to understand the structure of the default theme For this tutorial I will focus on the login theme type further on I assume that that s the type most of you want to customize anyway Also when you understand that part of a theme the e g account part is a piece of cake for you The first file you should examine closer is template ftl It contains the basic HTML page structure and all lt nested gt instructions that are used in the various templates It defines a macro that is used in pages like login register login reset password …Speaking of the different templates A quick excursion on what files are the more relevant ones Login theme type most relevant templatesFolderDescriptionlogin ftlUsername Password loginregister ftlUser registrationlogin reset password ftlPassword Resetlogin update password ftlPassword Updatelogin otp ftlOTP FA loginerror ftlError page Back to customizing the login theme typeWithin the FTL templates various data models are used as mentioned above It s beyond the scope of this tutorial to explain every detail I strongly recommend to set aside some time to go through ALL the files and explore how the various properties are used and for what purpose If you got any questions please feel free to drop me an email at david trigodev com CSS Classes confusionSaid that there is one detail I like to explain a bit How CSS classes are handled It was a source of confusion for me when starting with Keycloak theme development CSS Classes are set via properties that are defined in the theme properties file of the login theme type Example I don t get the reason behind that decision I guess the idea was to provide a way to customize the CSS classes in a central way It was one of the first things I dropped when building the first themes for ourselves Included Messages for inLet s assume you have added some new in message to one of the message xx properties files in the messages folder For example some marketing information you want to include on the login page Freemarker provides a msg function to include in messages Note It will refer to the language currently selected by the user Keycloak uses Browser information to determine the language but only if the language is configured Example msg doForgotPassword Some notes on securityAll things you know about web security are relevant for Keycloak themes too Keep in mind that you are basically building a website or web application for the account admin theme type Therefore just a few short notes on security Sanitizing all user generated contentKeycloak provides a kcSanitize function to sanitize HTML content I highly recommend using that function when including user provided HTML content in any way Example kcSanitize message summary no esc Code found here CSRF ProtectionAccording to the OAUTH Specification CSRF Protection is done via a state query parameter Keycloak handles that for us via the url loginAction property used as form action lt form id kc form login onsubmit login disabled true return true action url loginAction method post gt Don t change that unless you know exactly what you are doing here A more detailed explanation on how the state parameter helps to prevent CSRF attacks can be found here Bring your own stuffAs you might have guessed besides learning all the details about the tech stack involved and some innards about the data model used there is nothing special to a Keycloak theme It s just web development So why not bring your well known framework of choice to the table The good news is that there is no reason not to go down that road In fact we do that by using Tailwind to style our themes I ve included an example to the Git Repository You are welcome to use that as a starting point see themes folder Note The themes are mapped into the docker compose yml to make them visible to Keycloak You have to add your own theme to that by duplicating and adopt this line in the docker compose yml themes tailwind example opt jboss keycloak themes tailwind example RecapWe have learned how Keycloak themes are structured what files are important how inheritance works for themes and how to get started with custom themes I ve tried to add as many lessons learned as possible If anything isn t super clear or missing please point that out Again if you got any questions please reach out to me 2022-04-21 11:55:52
海外TECH DEV Community Things to try before Neural Networks. https://dev.to/codewithsom/things-to-try-before-neural-networks-1061 Things to try before Neural Networks It is not always the big stuff or the latest packages that help improve the accuracy or performance of our machine learning models At times we overlook the basics of Machine Learning and rush higher order solution When the solution is just right there in front of us Here are the simple things you should remember to try first before throwing in the towel and jumping straight to RNNs and CNNs of course there are datasets which merit you to start straight from LSTMs and BERT Let us remind ourselves of our checklist before bringing out our Calculus skills Domain Knowledge Try to understand as much as about the domain asyou can This will greatly help you in your predictivemodels and in coming up with great features Get More Data You can simply request for more data The data youhave might not be enough to give you an accuratemodel with a good bias variance output Treat Outliers When using optimizers like RMSE or MSE leavingoutliers untreated in your dataset would lead verypoor results Try transforming your Data Simple transformations like square or squareroot can give your model ideas to better seepatterns in your dataset And of course if yoususpect a lognormal distribution then taking logs onyour features would be very beneficial especiallywhen using linear models Do feature selection The curse of dimensionality is not good So selectingthe most relevant features to include in your model not only helps you reduce overfitting it also helpsyour model run faster So throw in some LASSO andlet s see which features would survive Do cross validation Your test dataset should really be like your lastdefender before taking your model to production Souse cross validation to reduce variance and obtain amodel which generalizes well with new data Try many algorithms In beginning you are not very sure of the distributionof your data So try a couple of models and see whichone optimizes your objectives or criteria with timeyou would be better at knowing which model to use Hyperparameter Tuning Off course you have to tune those hyper parameterslike Learning Rate so that your gradient descent isable to avoid being trapped in a local minima Youneed to prune those decision trees to avoid overfitting Use Ensemble Bagging and Boosting have helped many win kaggle competitions why not try same with your dataset Reshuffling your data Yes You read it right The best ideas are the simplest Just try it Merely reshuffling data often helps improvethe performance Who said machine learning modelsdo nor need our help to avoid bias 2022-04-21 11:28:26
海外TECH DEV Community Fish Shell Function https://dev.to/jeongoon/fish-shell-function-p2l Fish Shell Function My PATH has so duplicated pathsI was cleaning up my PATH environment value yesterdayand I found my path has so many duplicated paths inside My duplicated PATH env gt set S PATH PATH set in global scope exported a path variable with elements PATH home myoungjin local share go bin PATH home myoungjin local share rakudo share perl site bin PATH home myoungjin local share rakudo bin PATH home myoungjin rakudo install share perl site bin PATH home myoungjin rakudo install bin PATH home myoungjin ghcup bin PATH home myoungjin local bin PATH home myoungjin perl bin PATH home myoungjin sbin PATH home myoungjin bin PATH home myoungjin perl bin PATH home myoungjin bin PATH home myoungjin local share go bin PATH home myoungjin local share rakudo share perl site bin PATH home myoungjin local share rakudo bin PATH home myoungjin rakudo install share perl site bin PATH home myoungjin rakudo install bin PATH home myoungjin ghcup bin PATH home myoungjin local bin PATH home myoungjin perl bin PATH home myoungjin sbin PATH home myoungjin bin PATH usr local bin PATH usr bin PATH usr bin site perl PATH usr bin vendor perl PATH usr bin core perl Starting making block of code function So I found that when I added some new path for my apps in new PATH I hadn t check its possibility of existence already in there There are millions of way to check A famous way maybe doneby external programme function elem d find first value is in the list of rest values note fish index start from for p in argv echo p end grep q argv endBut how about just using pure fish shell script byuse basicarray of fish provides so my first try was likefunction elem d find first value is in the list of rest values set found for arg in argv if test found eq amp amp test arg argv set found break end end if test found eq true else false endend gt elem gt echo status Add A function in your fish shell permanentlynow you can make a file which has file path of config fish functions elem fishso that you can use it whenever you want to use it Now we did make how to check we could make append to path or prepend to path function like this config functions fish append to path fishfunction append to path d append given path into PATH environment variable with checking if elem argv PATH set x append PATH argv endendSo we can append a path safely now middle of config fish config fishfor p in perl bin local share go bin ghcup bin cabal bin append to path pendThank you for reading If you would like to know more about fish functionplease visit my blog post please Good So so Bad about Fish ShellDRY Do not Repeat Yourself in fish 2022-04-21 11:03:13
海外TECH DEV Community Sửa lỗi font tiếng việt trên Facebook mới nhất 2022 https://dev.to/dangquoc111/sua-loi-font-tieng-viet-tren-facebook-moi-nhat-2022-4eoh Sửa lỗi font tiếng việt trên Facebook mới nhất Chào những người ngày hôm nay mình sẽchỉdẫn phương án cải thiện lỗi font tiếng việt trên mạng xãhội facebook Làm cho bạn không phải không thoải mái nhưmình lúc gõtin nhắn đăng status bịcác lỗi như các chữnhắc ngỡ sẽ nặng đặng màdấu của chúng bịlệnh sang một bên hoặc không hiện thị Mặt mạnh của kỹthuật sửa lỗi font trên mạng xãhội facebook này thực sựlàbạn không còn phải lắp đặt bất cứextension nào lên trình duyệt web cả Hãy cùng blog thiên minh điều tra nhé Chỉdẫn phương pháp sửa lỗi font tiếng việt trên mạng xãhội facebook hiệu quảBạn đang xem Hướng dẫn cách sửa lỗi font tiếng việt trên Facebook hiệu quảKiểm tra thêm tải app ku casino chính thức tại trang web https taikubet Vip Nhàcái kubet casino được đông đảo mọi người chơi tại đất nước chúng ta dùng Ngày nay kubet casino đang cónhiều ưu đại dành cho người mới đến nạp lần đầu tiên Lído lỗi font kết nối thông tin mạng xãhội bản mớiSau một thời gian điều tra được thìlỗi font trên kết nối thông tin mới của mạng xãhội chính làvìkết nối thông tin mới mạng xãhội dùng phông chữsegoe ui historic vànókhông phùhợp với ngôn ngữtiếng việt Nên dễgặp những vấn đềghi dấu không hiện thịhoặc bịlệch sang một bên nhưhình dưới Bảo ban kỹthuật sửa lỗi font tiếng việt trên mạng xãhội facebook hiệu quảThídụvềlỗi font tiếng việt trên facebookBảo ban kỹthuật sửa lỗi font kết nối thông tin mạng xãhội mớiBước mởhộp thoại run nhấn tập hợp phím windows r gõregedit vànhấn okBảo ban kỹthuật sửa lỗi font tiếng việt trên mạng xãhội facebook hiệu quảBước mởtheo đường link sau Computer hkey local machine software microsoft windows nt currentversion fontsBước đi đến font segoe ui historic chuột phải vàchọn deleteBảo ban kỹthuật sửa lỗi font tiếng việt trên mạng xãhội facebook hiệu quảBước tái khởi động máy Bước điều tra xem còn phông chữhay không Bạn hãy mởfile explorer theo đường link c windows fonts vàtìm phông chữsegoe ui historic nếu cóthìhãy chuột phải vào font đóvàchọn deleteđểý trước thời điểm xóa font này phải tắt tổng cộng trình duyệt web đang mởtab mạng xãhội đểnélỗi chẳng thểxóa do font đang được ứng dụng Bước mởtrình duyệt web rồi mởmạng xãhội lên vàhưởng thụthành tựu Kết luậnNhưtrên làgiải pháp cải thiện được lỗi font mạng xãhội kết nối thông tin mới Hy vọng sẽgiúp bạn khẩn trương cải thiện được khuyết điểm mau chóng vàhoàn lại cảm nhận thật yohmost lúc xem tin nhắn hay bản tin trên mạng xãhội facebook của bản thân nhé Thông tin liên hệnhàcái Taikubet vip Website taikubet vipĐịa Chỉ Ngõ Cầu Giấy Dịch Vọng Cầu Giấy HàNội Việt NamHotline taikubetvip taikubet taikubetcasino taiappkubet taikucasino kubet 2022-04-21 11:02:41
海外TECH DEV Community Migrate C# project to Istio https://dev.to/galenam/migrate-c-project-to-istio-2p93 Migrate C project to IstioMy team has a C project This project is deployed using ks There was a task to migrate to corpotive Istio using a certificate a gateways and a virtual service but without a service mesh If you have such type of a task there are my recomendations It s needed to create a file with a certificate apiVersion cert manager io valphakind Certificatemetadata labels istio certificate true if it would be used with gateway object the value should be set to true app kubernetes io managed by Release Service name Values environment servicename spec dnsNames Values service name Release Namespace Values environment cluster issuerRef kind ClusterIssuer name certificates issuer secretName Values environment servicename the secretName should be equals to the certificate nameIf you want to learn more about certificate resources there is pretty documentaions hereThe second thing is needed to do is to add a gateway description The istio gateway provides a description of ports amp protocols which will be used More information hereapiVersion networking istio io valphakind Gatewaymetadata name Values service name spec selector company istio ingressgateway common servers port number name https protocol HTTPS tls mode SIMPLE credentialName Values environment servicename hosts Values service name Release Namespace Values environment cluster use a correct hostname for your namespace Istio VirtualService describes routing It s needed to specify hosts ports and other things All documentation available hereapiVersion networking istio io valphakind VirtualServicemetadata name Values service name spec hosts Values service name Release Namespace Values environment cluster gateways Values service name join the virtualService with the gateway http name default route destination port number Values environment serviceport host Values environment servicename service 2022-04-21 11:02:39
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Tidal adds Siri support, but not for HomePod mini https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/04/21/tidal-adds-siri-support-but-not-for-homepod-mini?utm_medium=rss Tidal adds Siri support but not for HomePod miniMusic streamer Tidal has added Siri integration for subscribers using iPhones yet the same users can t control the service by voice on HomePod mini Since SquareSpace bought Tidal in it has added offline playback for Apple Watch users Now it s added Siri integration but only for iPhone TIDAL meets Siri mdash TIDAL TIDAL April Read more 2022-04-21 11:45:25
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple's Dr. Sumbul Desai to speak at Life Itself health conference https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/04/21/apples-dr-sumbul-desai-to-speak-at-life-itself-health-conference?utm_medium=rss Apple x s Dr Sumbul Desai to speak at Life Itself health conferenceApple s vice president of health Dr Sumbul Desai will talk about the company s medical research at the Life Itself conference ーwhich also features John Sculley Dr Sumbul DesaiAlongside her work in what she sees as Apple s responsibility to keep users healthy Dr Desai is a clinical associate professor in the Department of Medicine at the Stanford School of Medicine But it s Apple s health initiatives that are to be the focus of her speech going by the Life Itself website s description of her topics Read more 2022-04-21 11:24:17
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple rolls out 'all-new' Apple Maps for Germany & Singapore https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/04/21/apple-rolls-out-all-new-apple-maps-for-germany-singapore?utm_medium=rss Apple rolls out x all new x Apple Maps for Germany amp SingaporeBoth Germany and Singapore now have added Apple Maps features including Look Around improved navigation and D landmarks Germany s Brandenburg Gate is one of the many tourist destinations now shown in DAs Apple continues to map Germany and over a year since Apple Maps cars prepared Look Around for Singapore both countries have now gained the revamped mapping service Apple frequently updates Apple Maps without notice but this overhaul is significant enough to warrant announcements in the two countries Read more 2022-04-21 11:07:23
海外TECH Engadget NASA enlists SpaceX and Amazon to help develop next-gen space communications https://www.engadget.com/nasa-spacex-amazon-next-gen-space-communications-114045951.html?src=rss NASA enlists SpaceX and Amazon to help develop next gen space communicationsNASA has pickedSpaceX Amazon and four other American companies to develop the next generation of near Earth space communication services meant to support its future missions The agency started looking for partners under the Communication Services Project CSP in mid explaining that the use of commercially provided SATCOM will reduce costs and allow it to focus its efforts on deep space exploration and science missions quot Adopting commercial SATCOM capabilities will empower missions to leverage private sector investment that far exceeds what government can do quot NASA wrote in the official project page By using technology developed by commercial companies the agency will have continued access to any innovation they incorporate into the system At the moment NASA relies on its Tracking and Data Relay Satellite TDRS system for near Earth space communications Many of its satellites were launched in the s and s though and it s set to be decommissioned in the coming years nbsp The funded agreements under NASA s Communication Services Project has a combined value of million with SpaceX getting the highest cut NASA expects the companies to match and exceed its contribution during the five year development period SpaceX which proposed a quot commercial optical low Earth orbiting relay network for high rate SATCOM services quot has been awarded million Amazon s Project Kuiper is getting the second highest cut and has been awarded million while Viasat Incorporated has been awarded million The other three awardees are Telesat US Services million SES Government Solutions million and Inmarsat Government Inc million All the participants are expected to be able to conduct in space demonstrations by and show that their technology is capable of quot new high rate and high capacity two way communications quot NASA will sign multiple long term contracts with the companies that succeed in developing effective communication technologies for near Earth operations by 2022-04-21 11:40:45
海外TECH Engadget The Morning After: Netflix plans cheaper, ad-supported subscription tiers https://www.engadget.com/the-morning-after-netflix-plans-cheaper-ad-supported-subscription-tiers-111500476.html?src=rss The Morning After Netflix plans cheaper ad supported subscription tiersNetflix might offer cheaper ad supported plans in the coming years In the company s most recent earnings call co CEO Reed Hastings said the company is working on the offering and it ll finalize details for those plans quot over the next year or two quot The service lost around subscribers in the first quarter of a development it blamed on stiffer competition inability to expand in some territories due to technological limitations and pesky account sharing It also lost subscribers in early March after its decision to suspend service in Russia To tackle account sharing Netflix has tested a feature in Chile Costa Rica and Peru that allowed subscribers to add two quot sub members quot who ll get their own log ins and profiles for ーmuch less than the typical subscription cost Netflix executives noted on its earning call that this model could expand to other countries We ve put our account sharing parents and children on notice ーMat SmithThe biggest stories you might have missedThe Obamas are reportedly leaving SpotifyApple Music now offers DJ mixes in spatial audioBMW s first all electric series starts at Lexus announces the RZ its first purpose built EVUK court orders US extradition of Julian Assange on espionage chargesOkta says Lapsus breach affected only two clientsUK regulators will allow drivers to watch TV in autonomous carsA Ghostbusters VR game is coming to Meta Quest Tesla nearly doubled its revenue in Q despite industry wide supply chain woesRevenue rose to billion in the face of rising inflation Tesla built vehicles in the first quot exceptionally difficult quot quarter of this year delivered vehicles to customers and opened new factories in Berlin and Austin ーall while CEO Elon Musk sought a highly publicized hostile takeover of Twitter And just generally made headlines Like many companies Tesla faces an increasingly tight supply of critical semiconductors and rising prices spurred by inflation brought on by Russia s invasion of Ukraine It s also currently navigating the shuttering of its Gigafactory in Shanghai which closed due to COVID outbreaks in the region Continue reading Glorious PC Gaming Race is ditching its awful old nameThe peripheral maker is now called Glorious Glorious PC Gaming Race the maker of the Model O gaming mouse the GMMK Pro mechanical keyboard and other popular peripherals is changing its name In rebranding as Glorious the company is hoping to leave behind a name tinged with racial overtones “While we remain committed to serving PC gamers and not taking ourselves too seriously we have also grown and matured significantly as a brand Shazim Mohammad the founder and CEO of Glorious said in a statement Continue reading Delta worked with SpaceX to trial Starlink s satellite internet on planesSpaceX has wanted to put Starlink internet on planes for quite some time Delta Chief Executive Ed Bastian has revealed in an interview that the airline held talks with SpaceX and conducted quot exploratory tests quot of Starlink s internet technology for its planes According to The Wall Street Journal Bastian declined to divulge specifics about the test but SpaceX s Jonathan Hofeller mentioned the company s discussions with several airlines back in mid Continue reading Sonic is back again remastered Sonic Origins includes the first four Sonic games SegaSega has announced its Sonic Origins collection will debut June rd on PC PS PS Xbox One Xbox Series X S and Switch The £ standard version will include remasters of Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic amp Knuckles and Sonic CD while a £ Digital Deluxe edition adds difficult missions exclusive music and cosmetics Because it s Continue reading Brave s browser can automatically bypass Google s AMP pages AMP harms users privacy security and internet experience Brave is bypassing any pages rendered with AMP and taking users directly to the original website quot Where possible De AMP will rewrite links and URLs to prevent users from visiting AMP pages altogether the company wrote in a blog post The faster load times you might experience with Google s AMP pages ーhard to complain about that ーare undercut by the way they offer Google a much tighter grip on advertising hosting content on its servers A group of publishers recently announced it was moving away from AMP and a lawsuit filed by several US states accuses Google of running a monopoly that harmed both advertising rivals and publishers Continue reading This startup s first vehicle is part EV part gaming PCA user accessible computer will be able to run full Windows apps EngadgetOK I m listening Continue reading 2022-04-21 11:15:00
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles Cross-Domain Embedding: Making Third-Party Cookies Work Again https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5330276/Cross-Domain-Embedding-Making-Third-Party-Cookies example 2022-04-21 11:32:00
医療系 医療介護 CBnews 宿日直許可の未取得、自治体病院の3割超-全自病、柔軟な対応要望へ https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20220421204022 全国自治体病院協議会 2022-04-21 20:58:00
ニュース BBC News - Home $50bn wiped off Netflix’s value as subscribers quit https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-61173561?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA times 2022-04-21 11:33:12
ニュース BBC News - Home Wimbledon: Elina Svitolina says Russians who denounce Ukraine invasion should play https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/tennis/61172686?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Wimbledon Elina Svitolina says Russians who denounce Ukraine invasion should playRussian and Belarusian players who speak out against Russia s invasion of Ukraine should be allowed to compete at Wimbledon says Elina Svitolina 2022-04-21 11:23:58
ニュース BBC News - Home Erik ten Hag: Manchester United appoint Ajax coach as next manager https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/61079115?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA manchester 2022-04-21 11:38:45
ニュース BBC News - Home The Queen's Guard play Happy Birthday to celebrate Queen's 96th birthday https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-61177399?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA ceremony 2022-04-21 11:41:03
ニュース BBC News - Home Chelsea takeover: Lewis Hamilton & Serena Williams back Sir Martin Broughton's bid https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/61174608?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA chelsea 2022-04-21 11:44:18
北海道 北海道新聞 赤潮、海洋熱波が原因か 道総研中間発表 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/672446/ 道立 2022-04-21 20:19:50
北海道 北海道新聞 真道ゴー「男子のリングに挑戦」 WBC女子フライ級の元王者 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/672457/ 世界ボクシング評議会 2022-04-21 20:15:00
北海道 北海道新聞 景気判断4カ月ぶり改善 4月の月例経済報告 サービス消費が回復 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/672456/ 月例経済報告 2022-04-21 20:15:00
北海道 北海道新聞 道内主要スーパー4社減益 設備投資や燃料高響く 22年2、3月期決算 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/672455/ 設備投資 2022-04-21 20:07:00
北海道 北海道新聞 長万部駅名物「かにめし」冷凍自販機で 本店に設置、観光客や住民に人気 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/672403/ 長万部駅 2022-04-21 20:03:44



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