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ROBOT ロボスタ ラピュタロボティクス ゴールドマン・サックスらより約64億円の資金調達 累計調達額は約106億円 https://robotstart.info/2022/04/21/rapyuta-robotics-financing.html ラピュタロボティクスゴールドマン・サックスらより約億円の資金調達累計調達額は約億円シェアツイートはてブロボティクスプラットフォームを提供するラピュタロボティクス株式会社は、ゴールドマン・サックスをリードインベスターとして億万円の資金調達を実施したことを発表した。 2022-04-21 10:27:46
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] マツダミュージアムが5月23日に一般公開を開始 全面リニューアルでブランド発信拠点としての機能を強化 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2204/21/news185.html itmedia 2022-04-21 19:36:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia PC USER] 「Radeon RX 6400」搭載グラボが4月22日から一般販売 想定価格は約2.5万円から https://www.itmedia.co.jp/pcuser/articles/2204/21/news183.html itmediapcuser 2022-04-21 19:30:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] Javaに認証なしで不正操作できる脆弱性 影響範囲広く「早急に修正プログラム適用を」 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2204/21/news184.html itmedianewsjava 2022-04-21 19:30:00
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python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita argparseのヘルプメッセージ改行位置を変更する方法 https://qiita.com/moshi/items/f354a2e24424244c0451 argparse 2022-04-21 19:18:45
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AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty (ANS) 取得向けて利用したリンク https://qiita.com/watanabe-tsuyoshi/items/de4dac00494b9f4996db cednetworkingspecialtyans 2022-04-21 19:05:25
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技術ブログ Mercari Engineering Blog メルペイDataPlatformのCDC DataPipeline https://engineering.mercari.com/blog/entry/20220420-5d89f9d9c7/ hellip 2022-04-21 10:00:50
海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Enable Auto-Delete on a Telegram Chat https://www.makeuseof.com/enable-auto-delete-telegram-chat/ chatyou 2022-04-21 11:00:14
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海外TECH MakeUseOf Elon Musk Buys All the Tweets, Nintendo Switch Dockless on a TV, and How to Say Sorry in an Email https://www.makeuseof.com/elon-musk-buys-twitter-nintendo-switch-on-tv-without-a-dock-how-to-say-sorry-in-email/ Elon Musk Buys All the Tweets Nintendo Switch Dockless on a TV and How to Say Sorry in an EmailWe bring you up to speed on Elon Musk s Twitter buyout explain how to connect a Nintendo Switch to a TV without the dock and more tips and tricks 2022-04-21 10:36:13
海外TECH MakeUseOf What Is FIFA+? A Free Streaming Service for Football Fans https://www.makeuseof.com/what-is-fifa-plus/ beautiful 2022-04-21 10:24:37
海外TECH DEV Community JWT Authentication in Typescript with Express https://dev.to/juliecherner/authentication-with-jwt-tokens-in-typescript-with-express-3gb1 JWT Authentication in Typescript with ExpressI started my journey to the world of authentication in Typescript with the need to authenticate users on the front and the backend of the application The magic recipe for this was Backend part post routes for user authentication for sign up and login controller service model collection in MongoDb bcrypt package for hashing and comparing passwords its types JWT package for creating and verification of tokens its types middleware for authenticationFrontend part Getting a token from the backend and storing itGetting a token from storage and putting in headersWe have a plan so let s start our journey Step Creating routes controllers services modelsThis project was built according to MVC pattern such a structure was created for logic division Routesimport as userController from controllers user controller Router post login userController loginOne Router post register userController registerOne Controllerimport Request Response from express import getErrorMessage from utils errors util import as userServices from services user service import CustomRequest from middleware auth export const loginOne async req Request res Response gt try const foundUser await userServices login req body res status send foundUser catch error return res status send getErrorMessage error export const registerOne async req Request res Response gt try await userServices register req body res status send Inserted successfully catch error return res status send getErrorMessage error Function getErrorMessage from utils folder includes export function getErrorMessage error unknown if error instanceof Error return error message return String error Serviceimport DocumentDefinition from mongoose import UserModel I UserDocument from models user model export async function register user DocumentDefinition lt I UserDocument gt Promise lt void gt try await UserModel create user catch error throw error export async function login user DocumentDefinition lt I UserDocument gt try const foundUser await UserModel findOne name user name password user password catch error throw error Modelimport mongoose from mongoose export interface I UserDocument extends mongoose Document name string password string const UserSchema mongoose Schema lt I UserDocument gt new mongoose Schema name type String unique true password type String const UserModel mongoose model lt I UserDocument gt User UserSchema I didn t include id in interface I UserDocument because he extends mongoose Document and already includes id Use Postman to check the results Step Hashing passwordsHashing is different from encrypting in that it is a one way action we get the password and salt to it and get a line of letters numbers and symbols The crucial difference is that there is no way to get the initial password So each time that user sets his password this password will be hashed the same way and hashed result will be the same Example of hashed password b LSAG cRp tSlvTWzppwoebDWEDjLfKPsyORzfC PxJYZeauWhile this step we keep in mind aims Hash the password right after the signing upWhile logging in check if the hashed version of the password is the same as stored in MongoInstall Bcrypt and its types npm i bcrypt types bcryptHashing the password while signing upHere we use the option of schema to use middleware We check the password and change it bcrypt and its salt A plain password is hashed with salt a random string that has an unpredictable result The salt gets automatically included with the hash so you do not need to store it in a database In this case number means salt rounds the minimum that is recommended is Modelimport mongoose from mongoose import bcrypt from bcrypt const saltRounds UserSchema pre save async function next const user this if user isModified password user password await bcrypt hash user password saltRounds next As a result of using middleware on the model we hash the password and store it hashed in the database Comparing the received password and hashed oneServiceexport async function login user DocumentDefinition lt I UserDocument gt try const foundUser await UserModel findOne name user name if foundUser throw new Error Name of user is not correct const isMatch bcrypt compareSync user password foundUser password if isMatch return foundUser else throw new Error Password is not correct catch error throw error We search user by name and if the user with such name exists in the database we start comparing the received password from the user and the hashed password stored in the database with bcrypt compareSync password from user password from database If passwords are the same we return the user Step Tokens ImplementationOur aims for this step Create a token while logging inVerify token while loggingSend token to the frontendWhat is it token It is a safe means that includes header payload and signature How a token may look like eyJhbGciOiJIUzINiIsInRcCIIkpXVCJ eyJzdWIiOiIxMjMNTYODkwIiwibmFtZSIIkpvaGgRGlIiwiaWFIjoxNTEMjMMDIyfQ vaYmiwAFIP RGnjvfY MUYwghZdrZzeDeZxiQmkThe first part before the dot is a header that includes the algorithm and token type The second is a payload that includes all data you want to set into a token and timestamps that indicate token s expiration timeThe third is a signature that you choose by yourself You can check your JWT on An example of a decoded token Important We don t need to store JWT tokens in the database Creating tokens while logging inInstall JWT and its types npm i jsonwebtoken types jsonwebt Serviceif isMatch const token jwt sign id foundUser id toString name foundUser name SECRET KEY expiresIn days return user id name token token else throw new Error Password is not correct In the part with isMatch conditions I created a token and return it with the user In the token s payload I put the user s id and user s name and didn t send also the password SECRET KEY is a plain text that also is my personal signature for token that I imported Verifying decoding tokensFor this we need middleware that happens between controllers and service I created file auth ts in folder middleware import jwt Secret JwtPayload from jsonwebtoken import Request Response NextFunction from express export const SECRET KEY Secret your secret key here export interface CustomRequest extends Request token string JwtPayload export const auth async req Request res Response next NextFunction gt try const token req header Authorization replace Bearer if token throw new Error const decoded jwt verify token SECRET KEY req as CustomRequest token decoded next catch err res status send Please authenticate We get a token from a header by deleting “Bearer “from the string decode the token and add to the user decoded signatured token So we come back to controllers to function LoginOneControllersexport const loginOne async req Request res Response gt try const foundUser await userServices login req body console log found user foundUser token res status send foundUser catch error return res status send getErrorMessage error Now due to the middleware we get not only the user but also the user token with signatured token Important We import auth and set it on all routes that we want to be authenticated routes that couldn t be authenticated they are routes for signing in and signing up An example of another roots with required authentication Router get all auth searchController getAll Router post auth searchController addOne Router delete id auth searchController deleteOne We finished with JWT Authentication on the backend so let s move to the front Step Move to frontOur steps on the frontend Get a token from the backendStore a tokenExtract token from storage and add it to the header for chosen axios requests excluding signing up and signing Change UIWe won t go throw all steps in detail I will give only a general description how it can be implemented On the frontend I used React js and axios package Get a token from the backend with axios request done Storing the tokenOptions for storing Global State Redux Context CookiesLocal or session storageGetting the token from storage and puting it in the HeaderI stored the token in cookies so I created and imported the function that gets the token from cookies I AuthHeader is a custom interface export const authHeader I AuthHeader gt const token getTokenFromCookies return headers Authorization Bearer token An example of adding headerimport axios from axios let baseUrl http localhost const ApiHeader axios create baseURL baseUrl export const getSearchWords async Promise lt I Search gt gt try const data await ApiHeader get api search all authHeader return data catch error console error error throw error Enjoy improving UI I will get your feedback in comments 2022-04-21 10:15:43
海外TECH DEV Community cluster-aware psycopg2 🚀 https://dev.to/franckpachot/cluster-aware-psycopg2-405i cluster aware psycopg With a YugabyteDB database you can connect your PostgreSQL application to any node in the cluster Or you can choose a subset of nodes that are closer limited to your availability zone or region The PostgreSQL drivers are not clustered aware because they were built for a monolithic database where only the primary node can serve reads and writes You can manually balance your nodes but with a distributed SQL database like YugabyteDB nodes can be added or removed transparently to scale with the load or be resilient to failures You can use a load balancer like in a Kubernetes cluster But to make it easy without a specific configuration the YugabyteDB Smart Drivers detect the available nodes and balance the connections among them The Smart Driver for Java exists for some time Here is the Python one a fork from psycopg psycopgI m using a virtual environment for this test installing pandasfor easy query and display sqlalchemy to get a connection pool and psycopg to connect to YugabyteDB through the PostgreSQL protocol Franck python m venv demo Franck demo bin activate demo Franck demo Franck pip install upgrade pip Successfully installed pip demo Franck python m pip install sqlalchemy pandas psycopg demo Franck There here is my simple program to run with python import sqlalchemyimport threadingimport pandaspandas set option display max colwidth None Connection pool to YugabyteDB databaseyb sqlalchemy create engine postgresql psycopg yugabyte yugabyte yb pachot net yugabyte pool size max overflow function to grab a connection and show where I m connected timesdef mythread for i in range print pandas read sql query f select pg sleep format Thread s connected to s threading current thread name replace current setting listen addresses host inet server addr text yb connect to string index False header False start threadsmythreads for i in range t threading Thread target mythread mythreads append t t start wait and exitfor i in mythreads t join endThis connects to my lab that is opened on the public internet YugabyteDB is installed in multiple regions with VMs in the Oracle Cloud free tier You can try this connection string and see the same if I m not breaking my lab at that time I provided the endpoint yb pachot net which resolves to in the public internet and bound to the private IP in my VPC subnet The program connects with multiple threads and displays the private IP with inet server addr Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to All threads are connected to the same endpoint This is the default behavior of the psycopg driver It does the same as connecting directly to one node and using this connection Franck psql h yb pachot net p c create temporary table demo me text copy demo from program wget qO ifconfig me with rows per transaction select me inet server addr from demo me inet server addr psycopg yugabytedbI m now installing the YugabyteDB Smart Driver which overrides the psycopg installation with this cluster aware fork demo Franck python m pip install psycopg yugabytedbCollecting psycopg yugabytedb Successfully installed psycopg yugabytedb post load balance trueI ll run the same program with only one change adding load balance true to the connection URLyb sqlalchemy create engine postgresql psycopg yugabyte yugabyte yb pachot net yugabyte load balance true pool size max overflow This enables the additional cluster aware logic There is the output Couldn t connect to adding to failed listFor cleanup purposes Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to I can see many connections to different hosts And a message that is unavailable The driver now tries all known nodes and detects which ones are available I have blocked the which is yb pachot net and its host name badae but not opening the port Here is how my cluster looks like and you see host names here Note that the private IP is the only easy one to display from a connection with inet server addr but some of my nodes are on docker and show the same private IP There other node in same region Marseille is yb pachot net also showing as private IP yb servers The smart driver is able to discover the other nodes because this is exposed by YugabyteDB with yb servers Franck psql h yb pachot net p c select from yb servers host port num connections node type cloud region zone public ip ab primary Oracle Europe FR Provence Alpes Cote d Azur badae primary Oracle Europe FR Provence Alpes Cote d Azur yb pachot net primary Oracle Europe CH Zurich yb pachot net primary Oracle Europe DE Hesse dfec primary Oracle Europe GB England fdfc primary Oracle America US Virginia yb pachot net primary Oracle Europe DE Hesse rows This view shows the host name with resolves to the private IP and the public ip When you connect the host used in the connection string is resolved and compared to public ip to detect that we connect from the public network Or compared to the resolved host to detect that we connect in the private subnet Then the list of other addresses in the same private or public is read and the driver will load balance new connections to them topology keys cloud region zone cloud region zoneIn the above yb servers you can see that each host has a cloud region and zone information Those are defined when starting the yb tserver with the placement flags This can be automatically gathered from the cloud provider metadata and I could have used this to set the oracle com cloud provider here its Region and Availability Domain placement cloud curl s placement region curl s placement zone curl s In my lab I ve set them from ipinfo io to the geographical location of the IP address placement cloud curl s ipinfo io jq r org cut f d iconv f utf t ascii TRANSLIT tr placement region curl s ipinfo io jq r timezone cut d f iconv f utf t ascii TRANSLIT tr placement zone curl s ipinfo io jq r country region iconv f utf t ascii TRANSLIT tr use private ip zone This has set the following topology This cloud region and zone information can be used to connect to a subset of the cluster Typically you run your application servers in multiple Availability Zones and it makes sense that each one connects to the same zone Because in case of AZ failure both go down at the same time and the others are not impacted In order to do that we can add a topology keys yb sqlalchemy create engine postgresql psycopg yugabyte yugabyte yb pachot net yugabyte load balance true amp topology keys Oracle Europe FR Provence Alpes Cote d Azur pool size max overflow Here is the output demo Franck python home opc demo tmp test yb smart driver pyCouldnt connect to adding to failed listFor cleanup purposes Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to is one of my host in Marseille The other is the one with public IP for which the ports are not open The initial endpoint even when not in the topology zone defined is still used in the pool This is different from the JDBC Smart Driver but remember that they are in beta version I ll update this post after checking if it is expected The topology keys can be a comma separated list so now you understand my tr to avoid commas dots and spaces in the placement names like this yb sqlalchemy create engine postgresql psycopg yugabyte yugabyte yb pachot net yugabyte load balance true amp topology keys Oracle Europe CH Zurich Oracle Europe DE Hesse Oracle Europe FR Provence Alpes Cote d Azur pool size max overflow I ve run my program with this connection string though sort uniq c Couldnt connect to adding to failed listFor cleanup purposes Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to Thread Thread connected to This shows that my connections were distributed to multiple hosts The project is on Your feedback is welcome here twitter t dWHVsJscfdHGDRDJvxLw or the Yugabyte community channels 2022-04-21 10:14:46
海外TECH DEV Community Serverless: Stage as Environment Variable from GitHub Actions https://dev.to/zirkelc/serverless-stage-as-environment-variable-from-github-actions-2n9a Serverless Stage as Environment Variable from GitHub ActionsThe Serverless Framework allows to deploy one service to multiple stages for example dev qual and prod The stage can be set on the provider property serverless ymlservice myserviceprovider name aws stage dev region us east The stage is appended to the CloudFormation stack name and added to all Lambda functions and most other resources in the service It can also be overridden during deployment with the command line flag stage or s serverless deploy stage prod region eu central gt Deploying myservice to stage prod eu central gt Service deployed to stack myservice prod s gt functions gt hello myservice prod hello kB Now you may have a CI CD environment such as GitHub Workflows where you continuously deploy changes based on a commit or pull request These changes need to be tested separately from the development or production state One way is to deploy them in a separate stage e g qual or the name of the branch commit pull request and then run your test scripts Instead of appending stage to each of my deployment scripts I like to use environment variables to set the stage dynamically At the beginning of my GitHub workflow I set the environment variables based on the pull request that triggered the workflow run github workflows ci ymlname GitHub CI Testingon pull requestenv PR NUMBER github event number e g BRANCH github head ref e g bugfix issue STAGE pr github event number gt pr In order for the Serverless Framework to fetch the correct stage from the environment we need to overwrite the stage with a variable resolution serverless ymlprovider stage opt stage env STAGE dev This variable defines the order in which the stage is being resolved during deployment First the stage flag is checked If it is not available the environment variable STAGE is checked If it is not available either the default value dev is used In this example the Serverless Framework would provide the service as myservice pr If you need to access the stage within the serverless yml file for example to name other resources and exports you can use the buil in variable sls stage which resolves against the provider stage variable from above LinksServerless VariablesGitHub Actions Environment VariablesGitHub Actions Context 2022-04-21 10:14:26
海外TECH DEV Community Integrating Svelte Kit and Prisma without wrapper class to workaround https://dev.to/tnzk/integrating-svelte-kit-and-prisma-without-wrapper-class-to-workaround-1lc Integrating Svelte Kit and Prisma without wrapper class to workaroundSvelte Kit and Prisma is a go to stack for me these days I like its great ergonomics in frontend and less cost of cognitive load from context switches between server sides Users of Svelte Kit Nuxt or other Vite based frameworks haven t been able to import PrismaClient or other exports in the way the documentation suggests which leads you to see import Prisma PrismaClient from prisma client SyntaxError Named export PrismaClient not found The requested module prisma client is a CommonJS module which may not support all module exports as named exports CommonJS modules can always be imported via the default export for example using import pkg from prisma client const PrismaClient pkg While there s several workarounds known in the community they still have some shortcomings like inability to import Enum values or Prisma object for SQL templates nicely For the context when you use Prisma what you use is not something in prisma client but a code locally generated prisma generate command which in turn prisma client would import inside Since Prisma need to provide you a custom made API that reflects your schema it wouldn t able to come as like an ordinary package As a result prisma client contains just a line of code or two to import the custom made client supposedly generated at the time of deployment It s really small piece of code const prisma require prisma client index module exports prismaSince this glues the application code and generated code I would call this as Prisma s glue code This works fine for CJS code to require Similarly the code that would be transpired by TypeScript or other bundlers can work with this since those tools take care at compile time The problem is ES modules who cannot recognize any exports other than default exports Svelte Kit as far as I know also Nuxt or other Vite based frameworks depending on configs emits ES modules as their build artifacts unlike Next that emits CJS bundles and encounters this problem But why When an ES module tries to import named exports from other CJS modules Node recognizes only the exports that explicitly defiend in specific syntax They would be detected before they get executed with static analysis For better compatibility with existing usage in the JS ecosystem Node js in addition attempts to determine the CommonJS named exports of every imported CommonJS module to provide them as separate ES module exports using a static analysis process The detection of named exports is based on common syntax patterns but does not always correctly detect named exports Because of this Prisma s glue code effectively reexports just default export from perspective of Node while TS compiler somehow recognized the named exports This causes a weird situation where they would work fine in dev server but fails with the error message like this once they have been bundled for production as ES modules with static import s Fortunately Node doesn t detect only export name value It seems to support more involved syntax like module exports require prisma client index Which I sent as a PR to Prisma I m not sure when or even if it would be accepted I assume you would be able to use this hook in package json for the time being postbuild cp prisma fixed glue js node modules prisma client index js not tested at the time of writing will do tomorrow and update then   commonjs namespaces 2022-04-21 10:14:22
海外TECH DEV Community Entering the Web3 World with the BrightTreasury App https://dev.to/brightdevs/entering-the-web3-world-with-the-brighttreasury-app-ek Entering the Web World with the BrightTreasury AppBrightTreasury app helps you get cryptocurrency to develop your ideas and contribute to communities built around Web ideas To receive the funds you don t have to be a blockchain expert Yet at some point in this journey you should set up your Web identity Find out more about a Web account What is the BrighTreasury application BrightTreasury is a web application that makes it easier to contribute to the community and receive funds for ideas developing Web You don t have to be a developer to use this app The goal is to attract professionals who may not be substrate blockchain developers but still could contribute in a significant way These could be for example graphic designers marketing specialists or filmmakers who could get funds to promote Kusama and Polkadot communities contributions to Web The basic flow to get funds via BrightTreasury consists of these steps Submit an IdeaAnyone can submit an idea on the BrightTreasury app in a couple of minutes Discuss your ideaThis step is crucial Wait for the feedback from the community to find out if your idea has a chance to be approved Turn the idea into a proposalIf you feel that your idea has a chance to receive funds you can turn it into a proposal Then the community can vote on your solution Get the finals decision about the treasury grantIf your proposal is approved you will receive the cryptocurrency Polkadot DOT or Kusama KSM to make it happen Login options on BrightTreasuryWhile developing the app we had to have in mind that it is not only for substrate blockchain enthusiasts We felt that flexibility was the key Thus to help you enter this world we enabled two sign up options Traditional sign up and log in by entering a username email address and password a friendly option for non blockchain experts Sign up and log in through your Web address an option well known by every Web enthusiast As the first option is quite obvious let s dive into the latter What is a Web address First of all let us quickly tell you what actually Web is This is the concept of the internet of the future which will be decentralized and controlled by a community and not by any tech giant Web address is a pillar of the whole Web idea Don t think of it as a user account because it does not exist anywhere physically Web address is your identity hidden in a character string It is your public address in the blockchain community Thanks to cryptography you own the key that enables you to confirm this address Only you Why does it matter Because Web goal is to take control over your identity When you verify your address with the key you sent a request to a blockchain that is owned by a community and not by any kind of tech giants It comes in opposition to popular Web practices like logging in via Facebook or Gmail to various services That is quite an easy way to log in so it is popular Yet how many problems might occur because of that What if Facebook stops supporting this particular logging option or simply stops operating in your country Then you have a problem One could say that these are not realistic threads but do you want to risk your own identity and pass control over it to others When you have your own Web address then you own it and no one can deny you access to it If you keep reading this article you will find out that logging in with a Web account is as simple as logging in via Facebook or Twitter and more Web address on BrightTreasuryIt is a natural choice for us to support this login option since BrightTreasury is an app whose goal is to participate in Web However the app is supposed to attract people less familiar with the substrate blockchain community so we do not want to force anyone to set up a Web account at the very beginning of their interaction with our app So if you want to submit an idea at BrightTreasury you can set up a traditional account to do so When you feel ready then you turn your idea into a proposal To do it you need to switch to a Web account which is easily possible on our app At this point you need to have a Web account because it enables you to store crypto While submitting a proposal you have to put a crypto deposit which will be restored if the proposal will be approved How to Set up a Web AccountIn order to get funds via BrightTreasury you have to have your blockchain identity accessible for Polkadot and or Kusama network Let me show you how to create a Web account with Polkadot extension which is mandatory in this case Steps to take to set own Web Access Login Account Download the polkadot js extension for browsers which enables you to create the account and generate the key Start to create an account to generate your private key that will verify that you are the owner of that account You will receive a characters string which in fact is a unique name of your identity The account details have been displayed only for educational purposes This account is not used to store cryptocurrency Also there will be a mnemonic seed generated which is mandatory to restore your access to the account so you should copy it and store it somewhere safe Now you can enter a name for your account and a password This password is in fact the password you would use on daily basis to sign up with your account Make sure that you are enabled to use it on Polkadot or Kusama network to be able to work on the BrightTreasury app but you can also enable it to work on any network And that is it Keep this extension in your browser and you can freely explore the Web world You will quickly see that using Web is as much convenient and fast as logging in via Facebook This is only one click that separates you from logging somewhere Just like with logging via Facebook Yet you stay independent You do not need Facebook to authorize your logging Blockchain decentralized community does it for you Switching between login options on BrightTreasuryWhether you choose to sign up with a Web account or in the traditional way you can always change your logging option From the very beginning we wanted users to feel free to choose the most convenient way So you can easily change your login to Web or even do a switch in the opposite direction How to do it Let s assume that you first log in with a Web account In that case you just need to add your email credentials which basically means entering your username login and password As a result you will have two options to log in with a Web account or with email This is an example of the account provided with the Web account info as well as email details I hope you are ready to visit the Web world Let your first step be our BrightTreasury app 2022-04-21 10:05:29
海外TECH DEV Community Watching videos on 720p instead of 1080p cuts the energy consumption of your phone in half! https://dev.to/_vsaw/watching-videos-on-720p-instead-of-1080p-cuts-the-energy-consumption-of-your-phone-in-half-1b49 Watching videos on p instead of p cuts the energy consumption of your phone in half I just stumbled upon this The impact of video quality on energy efficiency and network usage for video streaming applications on Android According to their research the energy savings are significant Makes me wonder if I can somehow fix it to p on all me devices especially since my phone s display does not support p natively and would have to downsize the image anyway Also last week I stumbled upon a paper which said that only of GitHub Actions use Caching which makes me wonder how much low hanging fruit is out there that we can use the make SW more energy efficient and performant 2022-04-21 10:03:26
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple rolls out 'all-new' Apple Maps for Germany, Singapore https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/04/21/apple-rolls-out-all-new-apple-maps-for-germany-singapore?utm_medium=rss Apple rolls out x all new x Apple Maps for Germany SingaporeApple Maps for both Germany and Singapore has now added features including Look Around improved navigation and D landmarks Germany s Brandenburg Gate is one of the many tourist destinations now shown in DAs Apple continues to map Germany and over a year since Apple Maps cars prepared Look Around for Singapore both countries have now gained the revamped mapping service Apple frequently updates Apple Maps without notice but this overhaul is significant enough to warrant announcements in the two countries Read more 2022-04-21 10:46:32
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News How to blur sensitive information in images on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac https://appleinsider.com/inside/macos/tips/how-to-blur-sensitive-information-in-images-on-your-iphone-ipad-or-mac?utm_medium=rss How to blur sensitive information in images on your iPhone iPad or MacIf you re looking to share a screenshot or photo but you don t want to expose anything too personal here s how you can blur or otherwise censor them on your Mac iPhone or iPad Learning how to blur sensitive information in your photos and screenshots is an extremely useful trick to keep handy After all the last thing you want to do is expose someone s personal information without their consent ーand this includes your info There are several ways to hide sensitive information on an Apple device but we ll show you some of the easiest Read more 2022-04-21 10:23:06
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple spends record high to lobby against antitrust issues https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/04/21/apple-spends-record-high-to-lobby-against-antitrust-issues?utm_medium=rss Apple spends record high to lobby against antitrust issuesApple spent million on political lobbying in the first quarter of a record high as the company faces increased App Store antitrust pressure from Congress In it was Amazon and Meta that were spending record high amounts on lobbying while Apple actually decreased its own spend Now filings covering the first quarter of show that Apple has stepped up its efforts as it tries to combat proposed legislation that could mean changes to its App Store According to Bloomberg Apple spent million from January through to March That s an increase of over on its million spend in Q and more than higher than the previous record of million in Q Read more 2022-04-21 10:15:46
海外TECH Engadget FAA blamed after parachute show leads to Congress evacuation https://www.engadget.com/washington-dc-briefly-evacuated-after-faa-fails-to-tell-police-about-a-parachute-show-100514256.html?src=rss FAA blamed after parachute show leads to Congress evacuationUS Congress was evacuated yesterday after Capitol Police said it was quot tracking an aircraft that poses a possible threat to the Capitol Complex quot CBS News reported Everyone stood down a short time later when it turned out to be a parachute demonstration but the incident caused a lot of ire quot The Federal Aviation Administration s apparent failure to notify Capitol Police of the pre planned flyover at Nationals Stadium is outrageous and inexcusable quot wrote House Speaker Nancy Pelosi nbsp The plane belonged to the Army Golden Knights parachuting team dropping parachutists into the stadium for Military Appreciation Day The pilot reportedly avoided flying over the restricted airspace over the Capitol Building and was coordinating with the control tower but may not have had proper clearance according to The Associated Press nbsp FlightRadarThe FAA acknowledged the incident and promised an quot expeditious quot review quot We know our actions affect others especially in our nation s capital region and we must communicate early and often with our law enforcement partners quot it said in a statement The plane s entire voyage was tracked by FlightRadar above The incident demonstrates the level of coordination needed between FAA law enforcement and other interested parties particularly near restricted areas As such it may be an example of why the agency has been so careful in permitting passenger or delivery drones to operate in populated or sensitive areas Such incidents are rare nowadays but things could get chaotic with thousands of new drones plying the skies if the government doesn t have a comprehensive plan 2022-04-21 10:05:14
ラズパイ Raspberry Pi AI literacy research: Children and families working together around smart devices https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/ai-literacy-children-families-working-together-ai-education-research/ AI literacy research Children and families working together around smart devicesBetween September and March we ve been partnering with The Alan Turing Institute to host a series of free research seminars about how to young people about AI and data science In the final seminar of the series we were excited to hear from Stefania Druga from the University of Washington who presented on The post AI literacy research Children and families working together around smart devices appeared first on Raspberry Pi 2022-04-21 10:35:37
医療系 医療介護 CBnews 福祉用具の購入費、要介護5の5%が10万円以上-自動処理排泄装置の交換部品は約2万円、厚労省 https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20220421194206 厚生労働省 2022-04-21 19:57:00
医療系 医療介護 CBnews 高度・専門医療は集約化、日医の会議-「地域密着型」と役割分担・連携 https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20220421190538 地域密着型 2022-04-21 19:40:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 職員を募集しています。(企画市場局企業開示課において、スチュワードシップやコーポレートガバナンスに関連する業務等に従事する管理職級職員【弁護士資格を有する者】) https://www.fsa.go.jp/common/recruit/r4/kikaku-01.html 企画市場局 2022-04-21 11:00:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Queen celebrates 96th birthday in Sandringham https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-61167593?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA norfolk 2022-04-21 10:01:03
ニュース BBC News - Home Erik ten Hag: Manchester United appoint Ajax coach as next manager https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/61079115?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA manchester 2022-04-21 10:53:32
ニュース BBC News - Home TikTok helps UK book sales hit record levels, Publishers Association says https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-61173810?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA numbers 2022-04-21 10:02:54
ニュース BBC News - Home Erik ten Hag: The challenges facing Manchester United's new boss https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/61128731?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Erik ten Hag The challenges facing Manchester United x s new bossErik ten Hag is Manchester United s fifth permanent manager since Sir Alex Ferguson BBC Sport looks at the challenges he faces at Old Trafford 2022-04-21 10:26:04
ニュース BBC News - Home Erik ten Hag: Man Utd fans have their say on new manager https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/61107068?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA trafford 2022-04-21 10:11:41
ニュース BBC News - Home Can you name every foreign manager in Premier League history? https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/61111435?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA bosses 2022-04-21 10:21:20
ニュース BBC News - Home Ukraine war in maps: Tracking the Russian invasion https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-60506682?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA ukrainian 2022-04-21 10:04:48
北海道 北海道新聞 秋篠宮ご夫妻、奈良・橿原に到着 神武天皇陵を参拝へ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/672406/ 三重県伊勢市 2022-04-21 19:02:03
ニュース Newsweek 【映像】巨大ワニが近所を「散歩」するフロリダの日常 https://www.newsweekjapan.jp/stories/world/2022/04/post-98544.php 2022-04-21 19:45:00
ニュース Newsweek 「死にたい」と言った私を救った、母の「意外な言葉」──サヘル・ローズさん https://www.newsweekjapan.jp/stories/culture/2022/04/post-98532.php 自分は生きていたんじゃなく、生かされていたと気付かされました。 2022-04-21 19:37:00
IT 週刊アスキー 「デジモン」シリーズ最新作!PS4/Switch『デジモンサヴァイブ』が7月28日に発売決定 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/089/4089874/ switch 2022-04-21 19:50:00
IT 週刊アスキー スマホアプリ『ガーディアンテイルズ』にてSSR英雄「酔剣士 リン」などのピックアップ召喚が開催中 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/089/4089872/ iosandroid 2022-04-21 19:45:00



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