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AWS AWS Start Your Career in an AWS Data Center | Amazon Web Services https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4b0x7oBeZI Start Your Career in an AWS Data Center Amazon Web ServicesView open roles at AWS Learn about Student and Graduate internships at AWS Why start your career at AWS We provide opportunities for students and recent graduates to cultivate their passions and sharpen their skills Subscribe More AWS videos More AWS events videos ABOUT AWSAmazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform offering over fully featured services from data centers globally Millions of customers ーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agencies ーare using AWS to lower costs become more agile and innovate faster AWS AmazonWebServices CloudComputing 2022-05-16 14:07:32
AWS AWS Upskill Your Career from a Fulfillment Center to an AWS Data Center | Amazon Web Services https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpIo0RY-T7g Upskill Your Career from a Fulfillment Center to an AWS Data Center Amazon Web ServicesView open roles at AWS Learn about AWS culture Learn how Amazon fulfillment associates can receive free training to start working in AWS data centers Subscribe More AWS videos More AWS events videos ABOUT AWSAmazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform offering over fully featured services from data centers globally Millions of customers ーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agencies ーare using AWS to lower costs become more agile and innovate faster AWS AmazonWebServices CloudComputing 2022-05-16 14:05:08
Linux Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Ubuntu on IBM Cloud Infrastructureにoctaveとdynareをインストール + モデルシミュレーション https://qiita.com/ynakamura1234/items/cd8d87030e090dd774a3 forcla 2022-05-16 23:24:28
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【初心者】AWS Site-to-Site VPN を使ってみる (GCPとのVPN接続) https://qiita.com/mksamba/items/f6f2896a9456dd68bed8 awssitetositevpn 2022-05-16 23:22:34
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【初心者】機械学習のクラスタリングを調べてみた https://qiita.com/zumax/items/41f1366f4f1a00eee1f0 機械学習 2022-05-16 23:00:53
GCP gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 個人サービスを公開するまでに必ずやるべきこと https://qiita.com/ikuosaito1989/items/61b285ce200257047cef 毎回 2022-05-16 23:48:09
Azure Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita TerraformでAzure環境構築するための事前のAzure認証設定 https://qiita.com/duelist2020jp/items/c2b99ecfba2196ae65fc azure 2022-05-16 23:35:57
技術ブログ Developers.IO Draw.io(diagrams.net)で作成したダイアグラムをiframeタグでブログに埋め込んでみた https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/embedding-a-diagram-created-with-drawio-diagramsnet-in-a-blog-with-an-iframe-tag/ drawiodiagramsnet 2022-05-16 14:51:13
海外TECH Ars Technica Porsche develops its EV sports car platform with this special Cayman GT4 https://arstechnica.com/?p=1854363 technology 2022-05-16 14:11:56
海外TECH MakeUseOf Hands-On With Huawei Super Device: What Is It, and How Does It Work? https://www.makeuseof.com/huawei-super-device-explained/ process 2022-05-16 14:51:33
海外TECH MakeUseOf The 11 Best Apps to Animate Photos on Android and iPhone https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/apps-animate-photos/ android 2022-05-16 14:45:13
海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Use Portal to Immerse Yourself in Relaxation and Promote Wellness https://www.makeuseof.com/how-use-portal-immerse-relaxation-wellness/ How to Use Portal to Immerse Yourself in Relaxation and Promote WellnessThe Portal app aims for a new kind of immersion letting you integrate sounds visuals and even smart lighting in your home for deeper relaxation 2022-05-16 14:30:14
海外TECH MakeUseOf 13 Essential and Must-Have Applications for Linux Users https://www.makeuseof.com/must-have-applications-for-linux-users/ linux 2022-05-16 14:03:13
海外TECH DEV Community Debugging Java Collections Framework Issues in Production https://dev.to/codenameone/debugging-java-collections-framework-issues-in-production-5hl5 Debugging Java Collections Framework Issues in ProductionThe Java Collections Framework was a huge leap forward when it was introduced as part of Java JDK Thanks to the included collection classes we finally moved beyond the limits of Vector and Hashtable to more mature and generic solutions With the introduction of streams and functional concepts in Java the framework took everything to the next level One of the core principles underlying the framework is coding to the interface As such you would use the List interface or a Collection interface instead of the concrete implementation This is great engineering but it makes debugging the Java Collections far more challenging When we debug a typical class we can inspect the variables or the implementation In this case the collection of objects is often hidden behind an abstraction which masks a complex internal structure e g red black tree etc Local Debugging is EasyWith local debugging we can just add an inspection such aslist toArray This will perform poorly but will still work However in a production environment when using Lightrun this will fail When trying to print out a complex list we can fail on the method invocation itself which might fall below quota or simply the length of the output which might be cropped Printing the content of a collection of elements is problematic Even if you have code that uses the Iterable interface to loop over the entire list the likelihood of avoiding quota restrictions is low Printing a primitive type array is easy but printing objects requires more Erasure of Collection ElementsThe collection framework includes another challenge when debugging erasures In Java one would expect code like this to work List lt MyObject gt myList new ArrayList lt gt Then the log might look like this The property value of the first element is myList get getProperty This will fail Generics in Java are removed during compilation and have no effect in the bytecode As such Lightrun which works at the bytecode level is oblivious to them The solution is to write the code as if the generic isn t present and cast to the appropriate class The property value of the first element is MyObject myList get getProperty Getting Around Quota Limits What s Quota Lightun executes user code in a sandbox Use code would qualify as any condition expression log etc The sandbox lets us guarantee that The code is read only and doesn t impact state in any way Not even if you invoke additional methods etc The code doesn t fail throw an exception etc The code is performant and doesn t take up too much CPUThis sandboxing has its own overhead This is the “quota limit the amount of CPU processing allocated to user code Note that this is configurable on a per agent basis Quota may be impacted if the object dependency graph is deep and requires access to many class objects ֿThere are however two things we can do to extract some debuggable value from a collection interface Use SnapshotsSnapshots provide far more detail about all types of collections Since they access object internal state with a single shot they tend to grab a lot of applicable data in the class E g take for instance this snapshot from the pet clinic Spring Boot demo It lists a vector and the elements within it The values of individual objects within are clearly visible in the snapshot and can be traversed easily Use Size and Related MethodsDebugging is the process of making assumptions and validating them The size method from java collections is very efficient and can be used almost freely If you expect a result to include a fixed set of elements you can easily use the size or isEmpty methods to indicate if a collection fits expectations The method invocation here will be very efficient You can use it as a condition or within the log format itself Logging an Individual EntryAs we mentioned before if we re in a loop and try to log all the elements we ll hit quota pretty fast But if we only log the element we need from the collections class we ll be able to stay within the quota This applies to positional access as well assuming we have the offset of the element The code below uses the java streams API to covert elements In that conversion code I can stick a log and only print it if the vet is me This is the condition which uses the getFirstName method of the Vet class vet getFirstName equals Shai If it s met I can print out the full details for the entry Current vet is newVet PreparationDebugging Java Collections is harder when we aren t prepared The nice thing is that preparation is also the first step in writing better code for long term maintenance It applies to all kinds of collections it also works well for collections and stream operations The biggest fault by a far is code that s overly concise I m at fault here too…E g this code returns directly from the method return vets findAllByOrderById Pageable ofSize withPage page stream map vet gt VetDTO newVet new VetDTO newVet setId vet getId newVet setLastName vet getLastName newVet setFirstName vet getFirstName Set lt PetDTO gt pets findPetDTOSet vet getId newVet setPets pets return newVet collect Collectors toList It seems so much cooler than this code which returns from the method after value assignment List lt VetDTO gt returnValue vets findAllByOrderById Pageable ofSize withPage page stream map vet gt VetDTO newVet new VetDTO newVet setId vet getId newVet setLastName vet getLastName newVet setFirstName vet getFirstName Set lt PetDTO gt pets findPetDTOSet vet getId newVet setPets pets return newVet collect Collectors toList return returnValue But the second one lets us debug the collection locally as well as remotely It also makes it much easier to add a log statement covering the collection result value which is something you should generally consider This is especially true when dealing with Java streams which emphasize such terse syntax Include a Proper toString MethodsI cannot stress this enough if it goes into the collection framework it should have a toString method in the class This makes debugging the elements so much easier When we include the class in a snapshot or a log thetoString method is invoked If there s no implementation in the class we will see the object ID which isn t as useful SummarySnapshots are superior for debugging collection framework objects as they display more of the hierarchy Java Streams can be debugged but because of their terse nature by default they are more challenging We should try and write code that s not as terse both for easier logging and debugging Printing everything in an Iterable interface won t work but using a conditional statement to print only the line that matters can work rather well Standard methods in the collection might still be too expensive for the quota CPU time mechanism But APIs such as isEmpty or size are efficient 2022-05-16 14:48:51
海外TECH DEV Community Pitch me on TypeScript https://dev.to/ben/pitch-me-on-typescript-1n5n Pitch me on TypeScriptPart of a new series Feel welcome to dip in and weigh in on a past question Let s say I ve never used TypeScript before Can anyone give the run down of what the language does and why you prefer it Feel free to touch on drawbacks as well 2022-05-16 14:24:59
海外TECH DEV Community Not Your Usual Study Guide To Cracking Technical Interviews https://dev.to/nouranbakry/not-your-usual-study-guide-to-cracking-technical-interviews-3f2l Not Your Usual Study Guide To Cracking Technical InterviewsPreparing for interviews can be a pain I have been practicing problem solving for a while and I have successfully landed offers I wanted to share my experience so you can also learn from my mistakes and maybe this can help you develop an effective strategy for your interview preparation Before you begin your interview preparation have a clear goal in mind what kind of company you want to work at some strategies will be effective for some companies and not effective in others Some companies are looking for engineers that are experienced in a particular field like a Java Developer or An Android Developer or an IOS developer while for some of these job opportunities you may be asked to solve coding problems but that will mostly be a small scope of the interview The interview will mainly focus on that particular technology In this article I am discussing preparing for general Software Engineering roles at companies that focus on algorithms data structures and system design Before you start solving problems Pick a programming language that is easy for you and one that you are familiar with it doesn t matter which one from my experience most large companies let you pick whatever language you want Next is you need to make sure that you review data structures and all the popular algorithms I have a few recommendations Everyone will probably recommend CTCI Cracking the coding Interview By Gayle Mcdowell From my experience it is a great reference but I see it more of a study guide I will tell you what worked for me LearningI watched MIT Data Structures and Algorithms lectures and I have looked through their notes I also went through Cormen s Introduction to Algorithms As for System Design this depends on your level if you are a junior check with your recruiter if you will be asked system design questions try to get familiar with Object Oriented Programming Design Patterns and Databases If you have more experience you will need to look for more references I used this github repository along with some youtube videos you can also Check out Ustav s video on System Design You don t have to watch all the lectures or read all the references Make a list of all the important topics and for each topic make sure you completely understand the concept How do you know you understand it Well can you explain it to somebody else If you can explain it to any of your friends then do so and get feedback from them or if you are by yourself record yourself explaining the topic try to draw any diagrams and write on a board or paper This way you can make sure you fully grasp the concept Solving problemsYou solve questions per topic For this I used Elements of Programming Interviews in Java there are other editions in other languages I personally solved problems in java that is why I used this edition This is an excellent guide it has detailed explanations and great problems of different difficulties and it covers all the major topics At the beginning of the book there are also very helpful tips and tables that can help you create a timeline Next you can start solving on coding platforms I have used leetcode and hackerrank While solving you will need to time yourself it is preferable that you write code on paper or a notepad or if you use a code editor don t use an editor that can correct your syntax Don t run your code before you are done Wait till you finish and your time is over and then you can run your code EvaluationNow for the most important part that really made me improve significantly at solving problems You need to evaluate yourself For each problem that you solve once your time is over and you are done look at what went wrong what could have made your solution more optimal and then score your solution I learnt this from Engineering with Ustav s guide to coding interviews This was a game changer for me I made a trello board dedicated to problem solving and I created three lists to do repeat done In the to do list I added all the problems I wanted to solve from leetcode hackerrank or any books or references and everytime I solved a problem I scored it if I didn t get I would add it to the repeat list depending on my score if my score was high I would add it to the bottom of the list if it was low I added it to the top of the list You can also use notion or pen and paper or any simple to do list to apply this method In my board all the to do problems were problems I never solved before problems in the repeat list are problems I want to solve again and the problems in the done list are the problems I can solve confidently and this is the list I am most proud of Every time I want to solve problems I would pick problems from the top of my to do list and from the top of my repeat list Mock InterviewsThis is also an important part of your preparation Mock interviews are where you apply everything you practiced You need to reach a state where you are confident and calm during mock interviews One video that gave me great tips on mock interviews was Chris Jereza s video on coding interviews If you have a friend that is with you on your journey then do schedule time for mock interviewing one another if not then you can schedule a mock interview on pramp com another method is you can try to replicate your interview experience get dressed and record yourself solving problems with a timer This is also a very useful way to become more confident with coding interviews Real interviews with companies is also another way try to schedule actual interviews and treat them as mock interviews if you pass and get an offer yaaay if not then this was basically a mock interview Things to keep in mind while solving problems Quality over quantity It doesn t matter how many problems you have solved The quality of your problems the time taken on each problem and the way you approach the problem is more important Explain your solution and your approach clearly before you think of how to write code This is the most important part of solving problems if you have a clear approach your interviewer will know that you are capable of solving the problem and you will be able to easily translate it into code You don t have to get the most optimal solution right away If you are stuck think of the most simple solution or a brute force solution once you have that then you can look for bottlenecks or spots where you can use a data structure maybe a hash map or maybe you need to use a particular algorithm Once you have a clear correct brute force solution you can optimize it There is no such thing as failure Don t get discouraged by rejections or if you don t know how to solve a problem I can t even count how many times I have failed it doesn t really matter think of it as trial and error and try to enjoy the process don t think of the future and try to mindfully practice for your interviews one step at a time Problem solving is a skill you will need throughout your career Try to find what you like about it and look at it as a skill that you will constantly need to improve You will always have interviews if you want to work full time so you probably need to always nourish this skill Lessons I learnt along the way Stress and overthinking will only get in your way Try to be as calm as you can be if you are not in a position to put yourself under the stress of an interview then maybe take some time off if you can afford it and think of how to improve this process for you Think what you really want to be doing and how you want to go about it Mass applying is not effective Be mindful with applying for jobs I understand how looking for a job can be a painful experience but make sure you are applying for the right companies Before applying to a role look at the company and the role and try to understand more about it is it what you want to do what kind of interview preparation is required for this role Do you know somebody who works at the company or someone who interviewed with them Try to gather some information that can make the process easier Putting a deadline for landing an offer is toxic Imagine putting a deadline on something you can never predict luck and fate has a major role in you getting an offer or not If you keep expecting to land a job by a particular date you will only get discouraged Try to learn from the process as you go in a calm manner employ the same evaluation strategy that you used with problem solving in your interviews try to evaluate each interview experience and think of what could have gone better ConclusionAt the end of the day career is only one part of your life This is your way of getting an income interview preparation is the way to land a good opportunity This is all meant to improve your life be mindful while learning and also be easy on yourself and don t let it become a stressful experience that may decline your life quality or your mental health I have gone through so many interviews and I have explored my way through different routes and methods so feel free to leave any questions and I will try to answer I wish everyone who is interviewing the best of luck 2022-05-16 14:02:28
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Deals: Apple's 1TB 14-inch MacBook Pro (16-core GPU) is $200 off, in stock https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/05/16/deals-apples-1tb-14-inch-macbook-pro-16-core-gpu-is-200-off-in-stock?utm_medium=rss Deals Apple x s TB inch MacBook Pro core GPU is off in stockBackordered at Apple until late July Apple Authorized Reseller Adorama has inch MacBook Pro units in stock and ready to ship right now when equipped with a core GPU and TB SSD Limited inch MacBook Pro inventory is in stock with exclusive discountsInventory shortages continue to impact Apple s inch MacBook Pro line causing wait times to exceed two months But Apple Authorized Reseller Adorama has an upgraded configuration in stock right now ーand it s off with promo code APINSIDER using the activation instructions below Read more 2022-05-16 14:55:02
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple unveils full trailer for season 3 of 'For All Mankind' https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/05/16/apple-unveils-full-trailer-for-season-3-of-for-all-mankind?utm_medium=rss Apple unveils full trailer for season of x For All Mankind x A full length trailer for the new third season of For All Mankind on Apple TV shows the race to Mars and the dangers to be found there as the acclaimed drama returns on June Following an earlier teaser showing characters standing on the surface of Mars Apple has now debuted a minute trailer Created by Ronald D Moore and showrunners Ben Nedivi and Matt Wolpert For All Mankind was an early commission for Apple TV and has proved to be a critical success Read more 2022-05-16 14:52:26
海外TECH Engadget A new 'Black Mirror' season is in the works after a long hiatus https://www.engadget.com/netflix-black-mirror-season-six-142210292.html?src=rss A new x Black Mirror x season is in the works after a long hiatusIt seems Black Mirror is making a comeback Three years after the fifth season of the sci fi anthology series arrived Variety reports that Netflix has greenlit a sixth season Details are scant for now though it seems casting is in progress for a season that s expected to have more episodes than season five s three instalments The new episodes are said to be even more cinematic in scope than previous ones as well Critics have suggested Black Mirror was running out of steam in later seasons with its previously incisive criticism of where technology was headed perhaps waning The long gap between seasons might have helped the creative team develop more impactful ideas and scripts The lengthy delay between seasons isn t only because of creative reasons though if that has indeed been a problem Black Mirror has been held up due to a rights issue In January creator Charlie Brooker and executive producer Annabel Jones left their production company House of Tomorrow which had backing from Endemol The duo set up a new production company Broke and Bones which quickly struck a long term deal with Netflix However Endemol retained the rights to Black Mirror meaning Brooker and Jones were unable to produce more episodes until they or Netflix struck a deal with Endemol s new owner Banijay Group In the meantime Brooker and Jones have developed other projects for Netflix They created a year in review special called Death to nbsp a spin on Brooker s previous Wipe series which had a sequel last year Brooker was also behind an interactive animated project called Cat Burglar which required players to get trivia questions correct to advance the story Netflix will surely be glad Brooker and Jones are working on Black Mirror again however The company scooped up the series which debuted on the UK s Channel in Since then Black Mirror has won eight Emmys and a host of other awards including for Bandersnatch one of Netflix s first forays into interactive programming 2022-05-16 14:22:10
海外TECH The Apache Software Foundation Blog The Apache News Round-up: week ending 13 May 2022 https://blogs.apache.org/foundation/entry/the-apache-news-round-up256 The Apache News Round up week ending May Hello everyone let s review the Apache community s activities from over the past week ApacheCon nbsp the ASF s official global conference series bringing Tomorrow s Technology Today since nbsp CFP open ApacheCon Asia July online nbsp CFP open ApacheCon North America October New Orleans nbsp Travel Assistance applications open for ApacheCon North America Apply today ASF Board nbsp management and oversight of the business affairs of the corporation in accordance with the Foundation s bylaws nbsp Next Board Meeting May Running nbsp Board calendar and minutes nbsp are available ASF Infrastructure nbsp our distributed team on three continents keeps the ASF s infrastructure running around the clock nbsp M weekly checks yield uptime at Performance checks across different service components spread over more than machines in data centers around the world View the nbsp ASF s Infrastructure Uptime site to see the most recent averages Apache Code Snapshot nbsp Over the past week Apache Committers and contributors changed lines of code over commits Top contributors in order are Mark Thomas Liang Zhang Claus Ibsen Jarek Potiuk and Andi Huber nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp Apache Project Announcements nbsp the latest updates by category Big Data nbsp Apache Arrow released nbsp nbsp Apache Calcite released nbsp nbsp Apache BookKeeper released nbsp nbsp Apache Flink Table Store released Content nbsp nbsp Apache UIMA Java SDK released nbsp nbsp Apache OpenOffice released Embedded OS nbsp Apache Mynewt and Apache NimBLE released FinTech nbsp Apache Fineract released Libraries nbsp Apache Commons Daemon releasedSearch nbsp Apache Solr released Servers nbsp Apache Tomcat Native released nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp CVE EncryptInterceptor DoS nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp CVE Request Mix up Did You Know Did you know that China Unicom uses Apache DolphinScheduler for cross cluster calls in automated billing procedures including auditing revenue sharing and other operations to serve billion voice orders per day Did you know that Beam Summit July Hybrid has announced hands on Workshops Did you know that the Apache Cassandra project is requesting community members to share their experiences of ApacheCon Apache Community Notices nbsp Apache in nbsp By The Digits nbsp nbsp Video highlights nbsp nbsp Watch quot Trillions and Trillions Served quot the documentary on the ASF nbsp full feature nbsp min quot Apache Everywhere quot min quot Why Apache quot min nbsp quot Apache Innovation quot min nbsp nbsp ASF Annual Report FY PDF nbsp The Apache Way to nbsp Sustainable Open Source Success nbsp nbsp nbsp Foundation Reports and Statements nbsp Presentations from s ApacheCon Asia and ApacheCon Home are available on the nbsp ASF YouTube channel nbsp quot Success at Apache quot focuses on the people and processes behind why the ASF quot just works quot nbsp nbsp Follow the ASF on social media nbsp TheASF on Twitter nbsp and nbsp The ASF page LinkedIn nbsp nbsp Follow the nbsp Apache Community on Facebook nbsp and nbsp Twitter nbsp nbsp Are your software solutions Powered by Apache nbsp Download amp use our quot Powered By quot logos Stay updated about The ASFFor real time updates sign up for Apache related news by sending mail to announce subscribe apache org and follow TheASF on Twitter For a broader spectrum from the Apache community nbsp Planet Apache nbsp provides an aggregate of Project activities as well as the personal blogs and tweets of select ASF Committers 2022-05-16 14:32:57
海外科学 NYT > Science A Total Lunar Eclipse in Prime-Time https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/15/science/total-lunar-eclipse-blood-moon-how-to-watch.html natural 2022-05-16 14:43:14
海外TECH WIRED Feds Warn Employers Against Discriminatory Hiring Algorithms https://www.wired.com/story/ai-hiring-bias-doj-eocc-guidance against 2022-05-16 14:25:44
金融 RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 株式投資型クラウドファンディングの統計情報・取扱状況 https://www.jsda.or.jp/shiryoshitsu/toukei/kabucrowdfunding/index.html 株式投資 2022-05-16 15:30:00
金融 RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 J-IRISS https://www.jsda.or.jp/anshin/j-iriss/index.html iriss 2022-05-16 15:07:00
金融 JPX マーケットニュース [東証]株式会社ハイパーの四半期報告書の提出状況に関するご注意 https://www.jpx.co.jp/news/1023/20220516-99.html 四半期報告書 2022-05-16 23:45:00
金融 JPX マーケットニュース [東証]監理銘柄(確認中)の指定:(株)大日光・エンジニアリング https://www.jpx.co.jp/news/1023/20220516-12.html 監理銘柄 2022-05-16 23:10:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 審判期日の予定を更新しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/policy/kachoukin/06.html 期日 2022-05-16 16:00:00
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 NYダウ、反落で始まる 製造業の景況感悪化を嫌気 https://t.co/pyi6bRklic https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1526201496219492352 製造業 2022-05-16 14:02:46
ニュース BBC News - Home McDonald's to leave Russia for good after 30 years https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-61463876?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA brands 2022-05-16 14:13:33
ニュース BBC News - Home Northern Ireland: PM meets Stormont parties to avert crisis https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-61456677?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA meeting 2022-05-16 14:41:19
北海道 北海道新聞 「もっと力強く北海道を発展」船橋氏、参院選向け事務所開き https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/681546/ 衆院議員 2022-05-16 23:14:00
海外TECH reddit ULPT: If you are a straight person applying to a company that promotes diversity and their online application asks if you want to declare yourself as a member of the LGBTQ community, always put you are bisexual. https://www.reddit.com/r/UnethicalLifeProTips/comments/uqx294/ulpt_if_you_are_a_straight_person_applying_to_a/ ULPT If you are a straight person applying to a company that promotes diversity and their online application asks if you want to declare yourself as a member of the LGBTQ community always put you are bisexual Many companies now have started having quotas regarding certain demographics to avoid discrimination lawsuits and the like and oftentimes use things like this as a form of tie breaker between candidates To ensure this does not happen to you claim you are bisexual I have done this several times and I have never once been asked about it Also due to the fluidity of sexuality this is essentially impossible to prove and could quite possibly open them up to a lawsuit if they ever tried to call your bluff submitted by u CheesecakeFactoryev to r UnethicalLifeProTips link comments 2022-05-16 14:19:43



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