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IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 「かつや」、おつまみのなとりとコラボ 「カツっ!全力かつやカツ丼味」販売の狙いは? https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2205/17/news148.html itmedia 2022-05-17 20:47:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] ミツカンが「BEAMS T」とコラボ 「味ぽん」から初のファッションアイテムを投入 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2205/17/news160.html beamst 2022-05-17 20:39:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] 無償版「G Suite」継続へ 非営利目的に限り カスタムドメインの「Gmail」も https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2205/17/news177.html gmail 2022-05-17 20:30:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] スマホ版「Apex Legends」配信開始 プレイヤー数1億人超の人気ゲーム 「APEXモバイル」がTwitterトレンド入り https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2205/17/news176.html android 2022-05-17 20:13:00
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Rails】sidekiqでログを出力するための方法を、公式リファレンスから理解する https://qiita.com/yuki-b4/items/f7de8891bb6c210917d4 docker 2022-05-17 20:49:48
golang Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Go製のORM である Facebook / ent を使ってみたらなかなかイケてた話 https://qiita.com/takuyanagai0213/items/71221378a214099e2936 facebook 2022-05-17 20:08:38
golang Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Github ActionsでGolang & gRPCのテストを実行する https://qiita.com/takuyanagai0213/items/c1faedb90f1aa081892b githubactions 2022-05-17 20:07:55
Azure Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Azure CycleCloudでAzureにおけるゲノムデータ解析を支援 https://qiita.com/taka_yayoi/items/f213443cf9c02e58e100 blogandupdatesmicrosof 2022-05-17 20:23:26
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Rails】sidekiqでログを出力するための方法を、公式リファレンスから理解する https://qiita.com/yuki-b4/items/f7de8891bb6c210917d4 docker 2022-05-17 20:49:48
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Capybara で select2 項目を選択する https://qiita.com/tommy-012/items/084c85ca1ea54e4ca1d4 fromla 2022-05-17 20:13:22
技術ブログ Developers.IO [레포트] 랜딩존 구현의 핵심, AWS의 컨트롤 타워 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/the-core-of-the-landing-zone-implementation-the-control-tower-of-aws/ 레포트 랜딩존구현의핵심 AWS의컨트롤타워안녕하세요클래스메소드김재욱 Kim Jaewook 입니다 이번에는AWS Partner Summit Korea 세션중「랜딩존구현의핵심 AWS의컨트롤타워」세션을정리해봤습니다 2022-05-17 11:50:09
技術ブログ Developers.IO [備忘録] EC2に立てた機械学習の推論サーバをライフサイクルフックでVPC LambdaからウォームアップしてからAuto Scalingで増やしてみた。 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/lifecyclehook-with-lambda-inside-vpc/ sagemaker 2022-05-17 11:36:17
海外TECH MakeUseOf USB Hub vs. Docking Station: What's the Difference? Which One Is Better? https://www.makeuseof.com/usb-hub-vs-docking-station-whats-the-difference/ difference 2022-05-17 11:15:13
海外TECH DEV Community Would You Make A Svelte Todo App? https://dev.to/hr21don/would-you-make-a-svelte-todo-app-pb2 Would You Make A Svelte Todo App What Is Svelte Svelte is a new javascript tool that is easy to learn and use for building fast web applications However it s unique compared to other frameworks where it doesn t work with concepts like virtual DOM In my opinion the best way to get started is to fork the SvelteTodoApp hosted on GitHub and then the job s done Deployed Version Control Documentation License This project is under the MIT License MIT See the LICENSE for more information ContributionsContributions are always welcome Fork the repositoryImprove current program byimproving functionalityadding a new featurebug fixesPush your work and Create a Pull Request Useful Resources 2022-05-17 11:26:41
海外TECH DEV Community How to build a search bar component with Tailwind CSS and Flowbite https://dev.to/themesberg/how-to-build-a-search-bar-component-with-tailwind-css-and-flowbite-527b How to build a search bar component with Tailwind CSS and FlowbiteOne of my favourite front end stacks to work with when building website pages is Tailwind CSS and Flowbite because of the utility first approach and the large collection of interactive components from Flowbite Flowbite is the most popular component library built based on Tailwind CSS including interactive elements such as navbar modals datepickers buttons and more Tailwind CSS is the most popular utility first CSS framework that helps you develop websites much easier without having to leave your HTML Today I want to show you how you can build a pretty common component called a search bar that is often found on websites such as blogs listing directories applications and more It can be used to allow the users to search pages and content based on a word or multiple words that will later be used in a database query Here s how it will look in the end Without further ado let s get started Tailwind CSS Search BarFirst of all we need to make sure that the HTML semantics are correct so we will use a form tag and an input tag for starters lt form gt lt label for voice search class sr only gt Search lt label gt lt input type text id voice search required gt lt button type submit gt Search lt button gt lt form gt There is not too much going on and it looks pretty simple but we will soon style the component and also add some more elements Notice that we also added a label tag but we also hide it This helps screen readers understand what the input stands for Now let s wrap input component into a div and add an icon inside with some Tailwind CSS classes to show a search icon at the start of the input lt form class flex items center gt lt label for voice search class sr only gt Search lt label gt lt div class relative w full gt lt div class flex absolute inset y left items center pl pointer events none gt lt svg class w h text gray dark text gray fill currentColor viewBox xmlns gt lt path fill rule evenodd d M a zM a l a l A z clip rule evenodd gt lt path gt lt svg gt lt div gt lt input type text id voice search class bg gray border border gray text gray text sm rounded lg focus ring blue focus border blue block w full pl p placeholder Search Mockups Logos Design Templates required gt lt div gt lt button type submit gt Search lt button gt lt form gt Looking much better Now let s also style the search button and add an icon inside it lt form class flex items center gt lt label for voice search class sr only gt Search lt label gt lt div class relative w full gt lt div class flex absolute inset y left items center pl pointer events none gt lt svg class w h text gray dark text gray fill currentColor viewBox xmlns gt lt path fill rule evenodd d M a zM a l a l A z clip rule evenodd gt lt path gt lt svg gt lt div gt lt input type text id voice search class bg gray border border gray text gray text sm rounded lg focus ring blue focus border blue block w full pl p placeholder Search Mockups Logos Design Templates required gt lt div gt lt button type submit class inline flex items center py px ml text sm font medium text white bg blue rounded lg border border blue hover bg blue focus ring focus outline none focus ring blue dark bg blue dark hover bg blue dark focus ring blue gt lt svg class mr ml w h fill none stroke currentColor viewBox xmlns gt lt path stroke linecap round stroke linejoin round stroke width d M l m a z gt lt path gt lt svg gt Search lt button gt lt form gt Maybe you have noticed but we also added a voice icon that you may use to active voice search Add the following code lt form class flex items center gt lt label for voice search class sr only gt Search lt label gt lt div class relative w full gt lt div class flex absolute inset y left items center pl pointer events none gt lt svg class w h text gray dark text gray fill currentColor viewBox xmlns gt lt path fill rule evenodd d M a zM a l a l A z clip rule evenodd gt lt path gt lt svg gt lt div gt lt input type text id voice search class bg gray border border gray text gray text sm rounded lg focus ring blue focus border blue block w full pl p dark bg gray dark border gray dark placeholder gray dark text white dark focus ring blue dark focus border blue placeholder Search Mockups Logos Design Templates required gt lt button type button class flex absolute inset y right items center pr gt lt svg class w h text gray dark text gray hover text gray dark hover text white fill currentColor viewBox xmlns gt lt path fill rule evenodd d M a va Vzm A a A a VHa ha h v z clip rule evenodd gt lt path gt lt svg gt lt button gt lt div gt lt button type submit class inline flex items center py px ml text sm font medium text white bg blue rounded lg border border blue hover bg blue focus ring focus outline none focus ring blue dark bg blue dark hover bg blue dark focus ring blue gt lt svg class mr ml w h fill none stroke currentColor viewBox xmlns gt lt path stroke linecap round stroke linejoin round stroke width d M l m a z gt lt path gt lt svg gt Search lt button gt lt form gt Notice that we also added the dark variant classes Here s how the search bar looks in dark mode Awesome that s about it You can now use this component with any front end and back end technology like React Vue Laravel as it is a simple input This Tailwind CSS search bar component is taken as an example from the Flowbite library and you can check out the whole collection of search bar variants on the official documentation Useful links Tailwind CSS Search Bar FlowbiteFlowbite Tailwind CSS Components 2022-05-17 11:22:17
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple is working on improving iPhone water and pressure resistance https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/05/17/apple-is-working-on-improving-iphone-water-and-pressure-resistance?utm_medium=rss Apple is working on improving iPhone water and pressure resistanceNewly revealed research shows that Apple is investigating how to keep iPhone sensors working accurately while protected from high water pressure or low air pressure Usually when Apple is granted a patent about pressure it s to do with controlling a device with touch But iPhones are also routinely exposed to environmental pressures and especially being transported and used in flight or under water Electronic device with an integrated pressure sensor is a newly granted patent that s concerned with preventing external pressure or pressure changes from either damaging the iPhone or affecting the accuracy of its sensors Read more 2022-05-17 11:36:03
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Musk threatens to walk away from Twitter deal over high fake user count https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/05/17/musk-threatens-to-walk-away-from-twitter-deal-over-high-fake-user-count?utm_medium=rss Musk threatens to walk away from Twitter deal over high fake user countElon Musk insists that the billion deal for Twitter cannot continue ーor the price should be lowered ーunless Twitter proves claims that fake users are less than of all accounts After Musk temporarily put the deal to buy Twitter on hold on Friday over Twitter s claim that fewer than of its accounts on the service are fake relations between the different parties haven t improved over the following days On Monday Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal tweeted a thread about Twitter spam seemingly in response to Musk s assurance that the figure was realistically closer to In the thread Agrawal explained about the complexities of catching spam and reviewing it as well as an assertion that Twitter s actual internal estimates for the last four quarters were all well under using internal data Read more 2022-05-17 11:25:21
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple testing color Electronic Paper Display foldable screens, says Kuo https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/05/17/apple-testing-color-e-ink-for-foldable-displays-says-kuo?utm_medium=rss Apple testing color Electronic Paper Display foldable screens says KuoAnalyst Ming Chi Kuo claims that Apple is testing with an Electronic Paper Display EPD from a company named E Ink which could be for a cover or part of a folding screen Future iPads could have folding screens Read more 2022-05-17 11:55:48
海外TECH Engadget The Morning After: The best air fryers https://www.engadget.com/the-morning-after-a-rookies-guide-to-air-fryers-111552215.html?src=rss The Morning After The best air fryersI am not a chef I m not a cook I m barely a functioning male adult but I wanted an air fryer Not because I live on chicken fingers and fries but because there s no quicker way for me to make crispy gyoza from frozen to make relatively healthy not quite fried chicken and douse it in fiery Korean sauces and sesame seeds More broadly air fryers have expanded my kitchen repertoire without forcing me to heat up my oven and time things meticulously EngadgetThe Engadget team called in a bunch of air fryers complained about cleaning some of them and highlighted the best The boring measured advice is that the best air fryer for you depends on your own circumstances Got plenty of kitchen space Get the convection oven styled ones Living alone You can get percent of the benefits with the smallest pod air fryers My pro tip Reheated pizza Try it in the air fryer and never look back ーMat SmithThe biggest stories you might have missedIs this smart toaster worth Fall Guys lands on Switch Xbox and Epic Games Store on June stCadillac s Lyriq EV will start at Peloton and iFit settle patent feudApple will allow some apps to automatically charge you higher subscription pricesTesla starts taking Semi truck reservations five years laterAmazon s Fire TV sale cuts its streaming devices by up to percent TP Link s new smart home line includes affordable K security camerasApple staff are already using Tap to Pay at the HQ visitor centerContactless payments using only an iPhone In February Apple unveiled Tap to Pay a new feature for merchants to accept payments with only an iPhone The company is already testing the feature in the wild…sort of Staff are using the feature at the Apple Park visitor center in Cupertino where customers can make an Apple Pay payment directly to an Apple staffer s iPhone with no payment terminal in sight Continue reading Here are the new games included in ​​PlayStation Plus new high end tiersAlongside Ghost of Tsushima there are some classics from the past Sony has revealed the first games to arrive with the launch of its new PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium subscription services PlayStation Studios titles include Demon s Souls and Ghost of Tsushima Director s Cut along with third party games like Assassin s Creed Valhalla and NBA K Those games will arrive in the quot launch time frame quot starting May th Premium members will also get access to classic games quot with some titles that will show improved frame rates and higher quality resolution compared to their original launch versions quot Sony wrote Think Ape Escape Hot Shots Golf Tekken and Worms Armageddon along with remasters like Dark Cloud and Rogue Galaxy Continue reading Apple rolls out iOS There are upgrades for Apple Cash and Podcasts Apple has released iOS and its iPadOS counterpart with improvements to both Apple Cash and Podcasts Cash users can now send and receive money from their card while Podcasts users can automatically limit episode storage based on criteria like the number of shows or time since release Oh by the way have you subscribed to The Morning Edition Continue reading Uber Eats is launching two autonomous delivery pilot schemesBoth in Los Angeles UberUber Eats is testing autonomous deliveries hard The first pilot is an autonomous vehicle partnership with Motional originally announced in December and the second is with sidewalk delivery firm Serve Robotics a company that spun out of Uber itself Both in Los Angeles Trials are limited for now with deliveries from just a few merchants like the Kreation Organic Kafe and Juicery Serve will do short delivery routes in West Hollywood while Motional will take care of longer deliveries in Santa Monica Continue reading A new Black Mirror season is in the works after a long hiatusCasting is underway for the upcoming episodes according to Variety Black Mirror is coming back Variety reports Netflix has greenlit a sixth season with more episodes than season five It seems casting is in progress for an even more cinematic season than before Continue reading With Twitter deal on hold Musk says a lower sale price isn t out of the question On and on it goes ReutersElon Musk is continuing to clash with Twitter over the accuracy of its bot count and hinted yesterday that he may try to renegotiate the billion deal According to a Bloomberg report Musk told attendees at a Miami conference that a deal at a lower price wasn t “out of the question quot Continue reading 2022-05-17 11:15:52
海外TECH Engadget Google opens its Bay View HQ, the first campus it designed itself https://www.engadget.com/google-opens-bay-view-campus-110547124.html?src=rss Google opens its Bay View HQ the first campus it designed itselfGoogle has finally opened its Bay View campus to employees almost years after revealing its initial plans for the new facility back in It s the first Google campus the company has developed itself and it definitely doesn t look like the traditional offices you re used to One of the first things you ll probably notice about the new HQ for instance is its roof that looks like dragonscales from afar nbsp This quot dragonscale skin quot design is actually made up of silver solar panels capable of generating almost seven megawatts of energy or up to percent of the new offices energy needs Wind farms nearby will also provide the energy needed to run the all electric HQ that has two kitchens equipped with electric equipment instead of gas In addition the campus has automated window shades to let a lot of natural lighting in during the day and a ventilation system that uses percent outside air nbsp The new campus also houses the largest geothermal installation in North America that will help heat and cool the campus without the use of fossil fuels It even reduces the amount of water used for cooling by percent This geothermal pile system uses pumps to absorb heat from the ground during wintertime and to send heat into the ground in the summer Google only recently started transitioning its workforce to a hybrid work schedule that would require employees to work in its offices a few times a week The Bay View HQ s natural lighting greenery and wide open spaces could help make the transition easier for people who ve been working from home these past two years nbsp 2022-05-17 11:05:47
ニュース BBC News - Home Warning over shrinking school meals as prices rise https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-61477584?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA major 2022-05-17 11:26:42
ニュース BBC News - Home Job vacancies outpace unemployment for first time https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-61475720?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA march 2022-05-17 11:08:12
ニュース BBC News - Home Elizabeth line: Queen makes surprise visit to Paddington Station https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-61465207?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA development 2022-05-17 11:27:45
ニュース BBC News - Home National Action: Alex Davies guilty of Nazi group membership https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-61428054?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA action 2022-05-17 11:56:46
ニュース BBC News - Home Rochdale dog attack: Man arrested after boy, 3, dies https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-61481535?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA rochdale 2022-05-17 11:53:31
ニュース BBC News - Home Elon Musk warns Twitter deal stuck without fake account proof https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-61432483?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA account 2022-05-17 11:28:54
ニュース BBC News - Home Dan Walker's memorable BBC Breakfast moments https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-61481215?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA breakfast 2022-05-17 11:20:06
ニュース BBC News - Home Jake Daniels: Gary Lineker says forward will be 'massively accepted' after coming out https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/61472894?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Jake Daniels Gary Lineker says forward will be x massively accepted x after coming outGary Lineker expects other footballers to follow Jake Daniels in coming out while others point to a landmark announcement for football 2022-05-17 11:17:06
ビジネス 不景気.com 仏「ルノー」がロシアから撤退、アフトヴァーズ株を売却 - 不景気com https://www.fukeiki.com/2022/05/renault-quit-russia.html 自動車メーカー 2022-05-17 11:55:23
北海道 北海道新聞 声出し応援を段階的に導入 Jリーグ、6月から検証 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/681958/ 感染拡大 2022-05-17 20:07:09
北海道 北海道新聞 オリックスの山岡、危険球で退場 日本ハム9回戦 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/681989/ 山岡泰輔 2022-05-17 20:22:00
北海道 北海道新聞 ダイイチ決算発表を延期 前社長在任中の不適切会計判明 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/681984/ 不適切会計 2022-05-17 20:20:17
北海道 北海道新聞 2・7兆円の補正予算決定 燃油高補助と予備費補填 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/681953/ 補正予算 2022-05-17 20:19:54
北海道 北海道新聞 札幌・手稲区で再び火災 付近で16日に不審火3件 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/681969/ 前田のの 2022-05-17 20:15:57
北海道 北海道新聞 安倍氏、安保巡り発信強化 参院選へ保守層支持固め https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/681986/ 清和政策研究会 2022-05-17 20:12:00
北海道 北海道新聞 小型観光船運航3社に不備12点 道運輸局が緊急点検 ウトロ港拠点 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/681982/ 北海道運輸局 2022-05-17 20:04:00
北海道 北海道新聞 宗谷管内36人感染、留萌管内は13人 新型コロナ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/681968/ 宗谷管内 2022-05-17 20:04:26
北海道 北海道新聞 濃厚接触者、陰性で決勝登録可 バスケットのBリーグ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/681974/ 陰性 2022-05-17 20:01:00
海外TECH reddit Bought these two beauties to replay them with my son on the SuperNT - What are other must-haves for SNES? https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/urk4rn/bought_these_two_beauties_to_replay_them_with_my/ Bought these two beauties to replay them with my son on the SuperNT What are other must haves for SNES submitted by u inkvine to r gaming link comments 2022-05-17 11:17:14



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