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IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] オーディオテクニカのアウトドアブランド「AUTEC CAMP」 2022年初夏始動 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2205/17/news066.html auteccamp 2022-05-17 09:44:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 海外は「賃上げラッシュ」なのに、なぜ“安いニッポン”は我が道を行くのか https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2205/17/news053.html itmedia 2022-05-17 09:41:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 北大路ビブレが「イオンモール北大路」にリニューアル 大型専門店や「ブック&カフェ」も誕生 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2205/17/news067.html itmedia 2022-05-17 09:40:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia Mobile] Apple、サブスク制アプリの値上げを通知のみの自動更新に https://www.itmedia.co.jp/mobile/articles/2205/17/news070.html apple 2022-05-17 09:36:00
TECH Techable(テッカブル) メルカリ取引データから価格や流通量を見える化、消費動向等の需要把握支援へ https://techable.jp/archives/178740 東京大学 2022-05-17 00:00:29
デザイン コリス UIデザイナーは要チェック! 新しくなったMaterial Design 3は可変フォントやアイコン、アクセシブルで使いやすいカラーに https://coliss.com/articles/build-websites/operation/work/material-design-3-whats-new.html 続きを読む 2022-05-17 00:36:27
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【PlayCanvas】Twitchのコメントを受け取って3Dのキャラクターが反応する仕組みを作る https://qiita.com/yushimatenjin/items/0c69e62004f66f5ca169 playcanvas 2022-05-17 09:20:49
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita EC2 に tomcat を構築する方法 https://qiita.com/kento-123/items/55eefe1b687a83e99671 tomcat 2022-05-17 09:31:57
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita JavascriptからActionTextに値を設定/取得する方法 https://qiita.com/khinatas3/items/d56bf918261074a114a2 trixed 2022-05-17 09:46:14
技術ブログ Developers.IO CloudTrailのデータイベントログ(S3)の形式を実際のログを見ながら確認してみた https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/cloudtrail-s3-data-event-log/ cloudtrail 2022-05-17 00:30:51
技術ブログ Developers.IO S3サーバーアクセスログの形式を実際のログを見ながら確認してみた https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/s3-server-access-log-format-and-actual-log/ putobject 2022-05-17 00:30:44
海外TECH DEV Community Setup Jest and React Testing Library in a React project | a step-by-step guide https://dev.to/yvad60/setup-jest-and-react-testing-library-in-a-react-project-a-step-by-step-guide-1mf0 Setup Jest and React Testing Library in a React project a step by step guideNot long ago that I came across with the concept of testing specifically writing tests I used to test everything by running opening browsers and doing everything manually but you can t know what can go wrong when you change something and usually it does The point is that real apps need testing to ensure that our features will not break unexpectedly In this tutorial I will walk you through in the process of setting up Jest and React testing library RTL for testing React applicationsNote this is a third article in the series of setting up a React environment from scratch in the first article we created a brand new React project from scratch without using create react app the second article we configured ESLint Prettier and Husky and we will base on this progress to setup a Jest and RTL and write our first test PrerequisitesI will assume that you have a react app running and everything we built from previous articles you can also follow along if you need this article for other purposes but note that it may look different than what I haveVS code I will be using Vs code as our code editor but feel free to use any of your preferencethat s all you need let s get started Why testing Tests can be boring to write and useless in some cases but I can t stress enough the importance of testing extensively your application how you ensure that your app still works after adding new code gt you write tests how do you spot bugs that you never though they existed by writing test it is recommended that you test everything you write to have confidence that your app is running as expected Testing is very strictly enforced at many organizations and some use the Test driven development where tests are written before you implement featuresJestJest is an open source test framework created by Facebook and is well integrated with React it have many built in like snapshot testing function mocking coverage collection and is usually easy to configure and use in this configuration we will be using Jest to run all tests we write know which one failed or passed and collect coverage i e tell us lines that are not covered tested in our codebase learn more about Jest hereReact Testing Library React testing library RTL is a lightweight is a testing Library that enable us to test React by simulating how users will interact with our application as mentioned Here the official React documentation recommends using RTL to enable and encourage writing tests that use your components as the end users do learn more about RTL herein our configuration we will be using both Jest and RTL but note that any can be used on it s own or with other tools for better testing we will be using React testing Library to find our components and manipulate them while Jest will determine passing and failing tests and testing coverage This guide will be more of configuration so I won t cover much about writing tests for more about testing React application check this great article hereEnough with the talking let s get this party started follow the following stepsfrom the previous articles here is the current Install React testing library dependenciesrun the following command to install RTL dependencies as dev dependencies npm install save dev testing library react testing library jest domif you prefer yarnyarn add dev testing library react testing library jest dom testing library react the core dependency that install react testing library testing library jest dom allow us to use custom jest matchers to extend jest with react testing library there matchers will make your tests more declarative clear to read and to maintain More on this later Install Jestrun the following command to install jest as a dev dependencynpm install save dev jest jest environment jsdomif you prefer yarnyarn add dev jest jest environment jsdom jest the core dependency required for Jest to workjest environment jsdom this will allow us to use jsdom and we will use it together with testing library jest dom Configure JestYou can configure Jest by adding jest entry in the package json or add a file named jest config js in the root folder To keep package json clean we will use jest config jscreate a file named jest config js in the root folder and add the following code configuration Most of jest configured are well configured by default but you can customize everything by adding more fields in this file Learn more about all configurations heremodule export collectCoverage true collectCoverageFrom src js jsx coverageDirectory coverage testEnvironment jsdom understand this configurationcollectCoverage enables collecting coveragecollectCoverageFrom specifies files to collect coverage from this will be from files files in all js and jsx from src foldercoverageDirectory specifies folder jest will put coverage files testEnvironment The test environment that will be used for testing note that we are setting it to jsdom and this will be coming from testing library jest dom and jest environment jsdom packages we installed earlier Integrate Jest with React testing Libraryin the root folder create a file named jest setup jsenter the following line of codeimport testing library jest dom this means that we are importing everything from testing library jest dom packagein the jest config js file we created earlier add another field of setupFilesAfterEnv and set it s value to be lt rootDir gt jest setup js this will tell jest for every test we write it will load configuration from jest setup js i e use React testing libralyyour jest config js should look like thismodules export collectCoverage true collectCoverageFrom src js jsx coverageDirectory coverage testEnvironment jsdom setupFilesAfterEnv lt rootDir gt jest setup js Integrate Jest with ESLintIn the second article we setup ESLint and by default if you use Jest Eslint will give errors because we don t import some functions that we use in Jest and eslint doesn t accept that follow the following stepsRun the following command to install eslint plugin jest which will make Eslint recognise Jest codenpm install save dev eslint plugin jestyarn add dev eslint plugin jestin the eslintrc json add jest in the plugins array in the eslintrc json add plugin jest recommended in the extends to use recommended jest syntaxin the eslintrc json in the env entry add jest globals trueYour eslintrc json should end up looking like this env browser true es true jest globals true extends plugin react recommended plugin jest recommended airbnb prettier parserOptions ecmaFeatures jsx true ecmaVersion latest sourceType module plugins react jest rules no underscore dangle import extensions error ignorePackages js always jsx always Adding testing scriptsin the package json in the script object add the following scriptsscripts scripts you already havetest jest coverage jest coverage test jest will find all our test to which whicha passing and failingcoverage jest coverage will run our tests too and also collect our coverageThat s all the configuration now you can write some testsWriting testsBy convection we create a folder called test or test in the folder you have files you want to test and tests will have name foo test js or bar test jsin the src folder create a test folder and add App test jsx to test App jsx and the following codeimport render screen from testing library react import React from react import App from App jsx describe App tests gt it should contains the heading gt render lt App gt const heading screen getByText Hello world I am using React i expect heading toBeInTheDocument run test by running npm run test and it should pass in this test we are testing that we have text Hello world I am using React in our page and this should pass as that s the text we used in article There you have it that s how we setup Jest and React Testing Library to test React applicationsFor reference of code mentioned in this article check this GitHub repository 2022-05-17 00:22:19
海外TECH DEV Community May 16th, 2022: VS Code Tip of the Week https://dev.to/vscodetips/may-16th-2022-vs-code-tip-of-the-week-151c May th VS Code Tip of the WeekThis week s tip of the week is care of Matt Bierner from the Twitters TIL you can refactor markdown headers so you don t end up with broken links Matt Bierner mattbierner Today s code tip Rename markdown headersUse rename F to change a markdown header while also updating all links to that header in the current workspaceThis ensures you don t accidentally create broken links when changing a header s text code PM May Thanks for the tip Matt and happy VS Coding 2022-05-17 00:19:08
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Everything new in iOS 15.5 for iPhone https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/05/17/everything-new-in-ios-155-for-iphone?utm_medium=rss Everything new in iOS for iPhoneWith iOS officially released we walk you through all of the changes found in this new update for iPhone including improvements to Wallet Home and Podcasts iOS After the typical rolling waves of betas Apple has released iOS to the masses Often referred to as point updates they can contain minor new features and help solidify the user experience Read more 2022-05-17 00:12:08
海外TECH Engadget With Twitter deal on hold, Musk says a lower sale price isn't 'out of the question’ https://www.engadget.com/twitter-musk-bots-lower-price-002142863.html?src=rss With Twitter deal on hold Musk says a lower sale price isn x t x out of the question Billionaire Elon Musk is continuing to clash with Twitter over the accuracy of its bot count and hinted today that he may try to renegotiate the billion deal Musk told attendees at a Miami conference that a deal at a lower price wasn t “out of the question quot reportedBloomberg Musk s potential bid for a lower price is an unexpected twist given that the SpaceX exec agreed to pay a percent premium on Twitter when he reached a deal with the company s board back in April “Currently what I m being told is that there s just no way to know the number of bots Musk said at the conference “It s like as unknowable as the human soul quot Musk s potential bid for a lower price is an unexpected twist given that the SpaceX exec agreed to pay a percent premium on Twitter when he reached a deal with the company s board back in April nbsp Last Friday Musk had announced that a buyout of Twitter was “temporarily on hold due to concerns that the number of bots on the platform was much higher than the company estimated The billionaire tweeted that his team would do an independent analysis on bot count and also tried to crowdsource bot estimates from his own followers Musk was later reprimanded by Twitter s legal team for revealing ーin a tweet of course ーthe company s methodology for estimating the proportion of bot accounts across the platform Earlier today Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal explained in a series of tweets that external estimates of bots are likely wrong since the platform includes private data in its count “Unfortunately we don t believe that this specific estimation can be performed externally given the critical need to use both public and private information which we can t share tweeted Agrawal Musk responded to Agrawal s explanation with a series of his own tweets one that included a single poop emoji Musk also suggested that Twitter verify whether users are human or not by calling them on the phone Tesla expert Dan Ives ーan analyst at financial advisory firm Wedbush Securities ーput the chances of Musk going through with the deal at under percent If Musk chooses to walk away he ll be subject to a billion “kill fee But according to legal experts who spoke to The Washington Post Twitter could sue Musk for the financial damages inflicted on the company due to the hasty reversal of the deal 2022-05-17 00:21:42
Cisco Cisco Blog Tour the RSA Conference 2022 Security Operations Center https://blogs.cisco.com/security/tour-the-rsa-conference-2022-security-operations-center Tour the RSA Conference Security Operations CenterRegister now for your free tour of the RSA Conference Security Operations Center SOC where engineers are monitoring all traffic on the Moscone Wireless Network for security threats The SOC is sponsored by NetWitness and Cisco Secure 2022-05-17 00:33:29
医療系 医療介護 CBnews 骨太方針の骨子案を了承、諮問会議-6月中旬ごろ閣議決定へ https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20220517091141 社会保障 2022-05-17 09:20:00
金融 ニッセイ基礎研究所 Japan Real Estate Market Quarterly Review-First Quarter 2022 https://www.nli-research.co.jp/topics_detail1/id=71110?site=nli JapanRealEstateMarketQuarterlyReviewFirstQuarterMacroEconomynbspJapanrsquosrealGDPisexpectedtodeclinebyqoqannualizeddeclineinQdraggedbythequasistateofemergencyandadecreaseinnetexportJapanrsquosrealGDPisexpectedtoexpandbyreviseddownwardbyfromthepreviousforecastduetoRussiasinvasionofUkraineRealEstateMarketnbspIntheTokyoGradeAofficemarketvacancyratesremainedflatbutrentscontinuetofallamidsttheconcernsoverlargesupplyinMultifamilyrentsinTokyodeclinedmodestlyinsingletypebutroseinfamilytypeRecoveryinhotelsandretailsremainedstagnantweighedbyaquasistateofemergencyInGreaterTokyologisticsmarketsthesupplydemandbalancestartedtoeaseCapitalMarketnbspJREITIndexdeclinedbyqoqinQtradingatapricetoNAVratioofxdividendyieldatanddividendandJGBspreadatJREITsacquiredpropertyassetstotalingJPYbillioninQdecreaseyoynbspnbspThisreportincludesdatafromvarioussourcesandNLIResearchInstitutedoesnotguaranteetheaccuracyandreliabilityInadditionthisreportisintendedonlyforprovidinginformationandtheopinionsandforecastsarenotintendedtomakeorbreakanycontracts【関連レポート】東京オフィス市場は賃料下落が継続。 2022-05-17 10:00:03
金融 ニッセイ基礎研究所 「名古屋オフィス市場」の現況と見通し(2022年) https://www.nli-research.co.jp/topics_detail1/id=71109?site=nli 目次はじめに名古屋オフィス市場の現況空室率および賃料の動向オフィス市場の需給動向空室率と募集賃料のエリア別動向名古屋オフィス市場の見通し新規需要の見通しオフィスビルの新規供給見通し賃料見通し名古屋のオフィス市場は、テレワークの普及など先行き不透明感が広がるなか、新規供給面積が年ぶりに万坪を超え、空室率は上昇基調で推移している。 2022-05-17 09:55:47
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Ukrainian troops evacuate from Mariupol, ceding control to Russia https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/05/17/world/ukraine-mariupol-evacuation/ ukraine 2022-05-17 09:23:21
ニュース BBC News - Home US agrees to ease Trump-era sanctions on Cuba https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-61473884?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA processing 2022-05-17 00:22:59
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 テラUSD急落、考案者は「再生計画」発表 - WSJ発 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/303332 計画 2022-05-17 09:22:00
北海道 北海道新聞 春の高校野球 釧工が全道切符 代表16校出そろう https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/681605/ 春の高校野球 2022-05-17 09:18:46
北海道 北海道新聞 製鉄所から兵士ら退避開始 マリウポリ、事実上投降か https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/681627/ 開始 2022-05-17 09:01:00
北海道 北海道新聞 日本ハム 17日からオリックス2連戦 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/681563/ 日本ハム 2022-05-17 09:01:11
ビジネス 東洋経済オンライン インフレ時代到来?「安物買い」を見直すべき理由 貴金属やブランド品の買い取り店も増加? | トクを積む習慣 | 東洋経済オンライン https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/587976?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=http&utm_campaign=link_back 東洋経済オンライン 2022-05-17 09:30:00
マーケティング AdverTimes マーケティングの4Pすべてが流動化する時代の広告ビジネス(前篇) 安藤元博×音部大輔 https://www.advertimes.com/20220517/article383866/ マーケティングのPすべてが流動化する時代の広告ビジネス前篇安藤元博×音部大輔消費者のパーセプション認識の変化に着目してマーケティング活動を設計する「パーセプションフロー・モデル」について解説した著書『TheArtofMarketingマーケティングの技法』を刊行した音部大輔氏。 2022-05-17 00:30:53



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