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AWS AWS The Internet of Things Blog How to improve security at the edge with AWS IoT services https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/iot/how-to-improve-security-at-the-edge-with-aws-iot-services/ How to improve security at the edge with AWS IoT servicesIntroduction Edge computing also known as fog computing and mobile computing is a computing model that brings processing and data closer to the customer By moving data closer to the customer organizations need to review and possibly expand their security controls to ensure that their data is protected In this blog I want focus on … 2022-05-16 18:24:01
AWS AWS - Webinar Channel The Current State of Container Infrastructure & Management and What’s Next from AWS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkbeb2A1ecg The Current State of Container Infrastructure amp Management and What s Next from AWSJoin IDC and AWS for a live webcast about the current state of container infrastructure and management In this session Gary Chen Research Director for Software Defined Compute at IDC will talk about what he sees companies doing today what is working well for them in defining and executing container strategies and the trends he sees in the market that IT decision makers and Developers should understand Inbal Shani General Manager of Elastic Containers at AWS will talk about the AWS view how AWS has taken customer input to guide decisions and investments and what s next for Container services at AWS Learning Objectives Objective Learn from the Industry Analyst view point the current state of the containers market Objective Learn about trends issues and new approaches to deploying containers Objective Learn about where AWS is going in the future with Containers To learn more about the services featured in this talk please visit 2022-05-16 19:00:11
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 非同期でNo route mach Get... https://qiita.com/motohashi_ryuto/items/77cfc5f474d83dd619d8 javascript 2022-05-17 03:25:55
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Rails関連で記事にするほどじゃないけど、まとめておきたいものを列挙する感じの記事です https://qiita.com/Az2Ar/items/3e17f09effa2bea06a10 route 2022-05-17 03:32:53
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 非同期でNo route mach Get... https://qiita.com/motohashi_ryuto/items/77cfc5f474d83dd619d8 javascript 2022-05-17 03:25:55
海外TECH DEV Community MongoDB Native Driver module for NestJS 8.x framework 😻 https://dev.to/tony133/mongodb-native-driver-module-for-nestjs-8x-framework-4lop MongoDB Native Driver module for NestJS x framework In this post I will explain how to use my MongoDB Node Driver module for NestJS For those unfamiliar or unfamiliar with NestJS it is a TypeScript Node js framework that helps you build efficient and scalable enterprise grade Node js applications For those who have never used MongoDB Driver is the official package for MongoDb for NodeJS but you can also use it in other programming languages see here for more information on the drivers So let s get started by creating the NestJS app Open terminal and install CLI for NestJS if you already have it installed skip this step npm i g nestjs cli Then create a NestJS project nest new app cd app start the application npm run start devOpen the browser on localhost to verify that hello world is displayed then we create a docker compose yml file to create the service MongoDBversion services mongodb image mongo latest environment MONGODB DATABASE nest ports for those who do not know what docker is I leave the link here for more information Docker Well now let s proceed with the package installation Install MongoDbDriverModule and MongoDB dependencies npm install save nest mongodb driver mongodbSet MongoDbDriverModule in AppModuleimport Module from nestjs common import MongoDbDriverModule from nest mongodb driver Module imports MongoDbDriverModule forRoot url mongodb localhost nest export class AppModule Now let s create a REST API and call it users We open the terminal and run the commands to create the module the service and the controller for the users nest g mo users module nest g s users service nest g co users controllerUsersModule import Module from nestjs common import UsersService from users service import UsersController from users controller Module controllers UsersController providers UsersService export class UsersModule Before we start building our API create the Data Transfer Objects Dto class to create the usersimport IsEmail IsNotEmpty IsString from class validator export class CreateUserDto Notempty IsString firstName string Notempty IsString lastName string Notempty IsString IsEmail email string Remember to install this package before creating the dto class for the upgrade npm i nestjs mapped typesWell now to update the users data we extend the CreateUserDto class import PartialType from nestjs mapped types import CreateUserDto from create user dto export class UpdateUserDto extends PartialType CreateUserDto We then implement ours UserService import BadRequestException HttpException HttpStatus Injectable NotFoundException from nestjs common import InjectClient from nest mongodb driver import CreateUserDto from dto create user dto import UpdateUserDto from dto update user dto import Db ObjectId from mongodb Injectable export class UsersService constructor InjectClient private readonly db Db async findAll Promise lt any gt return await this db collection users find toArray async findOne id string Promise lt any gt if ObjectId isValid id throw new BadRequestException const result await this db collection users findOne id new ObjectId id if result throw new NotFoundException return result async create createUserDto CreateUserDto Promise lt any gt try return await this db collection users insertOne createUserDto catch err throw new HttpException err HttpStatus BAD REQUEST async update id string updateUserDto UpdateUserDto Promise lt any gt if ObjectId isValid id throw new BadRequestException try const result this db collection users updateOne id new ObjectId id set updateUserDto return result catch err throw new HttpException err HttpStatus BAD REQUEST async remove id string Promise lt void gt if ObjectId isValid id throw new BadRequestException const result await this db collection users deleteOne id new ObjectId id if result deletedCount throw new NotFoundException UsersController import Controller Get Post Body Put Param Delete from nestjs common import UsersService from users service import CreateUserDto from dto create user dto import UpdateUserDto from dto update user dto Controller api users export class UsersController constructor private readonly usersService UsersService Post create Body createUserDto CreateUserDto return this usersService create createUserDto Get findAll return this usersService findAll Get id findOne Param id id string return this usersService findOne id Put id update Param id id string Body updateUserDto UpdateUserDto return this usersService update id updateUserDto Delete id remove Param id id string return this usersService remove id well now we should have our API tested if everything works perfectly this commands from curl or whatever you prefer to use curl H content type application json v X GET api users curl H content type application json v X GET api users id curl H content type application json v X POST d firstName firstName lastName lastName email example nest it api users curl H content type application json v X PUT d firstName firstName update lastName lastName update email example nest it api users id curl H content type application json v X DELETE api users id For more information on MongoDB NodeJS Driver see here This module is compatible with version x of NestJS That s it Hope it can be useful in your projects For anything write me in the comments 2022-05-16 18:58:54
海外TECH DEV Community CSS isn't magic. My 3 favorite CSS tricks https://dev.to/melnik909/css-isnt-magic-my-3-favorite-css-tricks-1kim CSS isn x t magic My favorite CSS tricks margins and paddings without valuesA lot of time there is the practice of using the margin and padding shorthand that leads to complication of code maintaining in the future The problem is people set value when it doesn t need For example if they have to set top and bottom paddings to rem they ll write padding rem In this case the value will lead to you have to override it in the future And do that every time So you will go to overrides hell As a solution I recommend using new logical margin block margin inline padding block and padding inline properties don t do this example padding rem or example padding rem you can use this instead example padding block rem or example padding inline rem resize none vs resize verticalWhenever I see textarea with a fixed height I want to scream Give me userfriendly textarea I want to enter data comfortably Give me this I understand developers do that because textarea changing breaks the layout But we can find a more elegant solution Set a minimal comfortable height and save resizing of it but disable width changes using resize vertical And your users will not break the layout by chance don t do thistextarea height rem resize none you can use this insteadtextarea min height rem max height rem resize vertical The start and end keywordsWhen our website becomes popular there is the important issue of translating on different languages For example I often wanted to translate the website from English to Arabic The problem is following English is a matter of languages where the beginning of the line is on the left LTR and in Arabic the beginning of the line is on the right RTL So if I use the text align left for Arabic users they will be confused because the beginning of the line will be by the left and no right like he thought It happens because the left and right values don t consider text direction i e when we use the left or right value a text is aligned to the left or right edge always But we can fix it using the start and end values that consider the text direction If a browser of our user is setting in LTR language the beginning of the line will be by left And if it s setting in RTL language then by right don t do this example text align left or example text align right you can use this instead example text align start or example text align end My others articlesMy tips about Flexbox that will make your CSS betterCSS isn t magic All nuances about the display propertyP S ️I make unlimited Q amp A sessions about HTML CSS via email with expect responses in days I make HTML CSS reviews of your non commercial projects and recommendations for improvement ‍I help in searching high quality content about HTML CSSPlease use my email for communication melnik ya ruDiscover more free things from me 2022-05-16 18:56:25
海外TECH DEV Community When do you use a table in HTML vs more "modern" approaches? https://dev.to/warwait/when-do-you-use-a-table-in-html-vs-more-modern-approaches-2mon perspective 2022-05-16 18:49:53
海外TECH DEV Community Why quitting job articles are so popular? https://dev.to/khokon/why-quitting-job-articles-are-so-popular-1c44 Why quitting job articles are so popular We often see people posting about quitting their job I mean including all blogs and not just dev to And somehow they manage to attract a lot of attention What are your thoughts on this topic Is it like most people hate their job but don t have the courage to leave it so they seek inspiration in such blogs or something else Let us know know your thoughts on this Let s have a meaningful discussion on this topic 2022-05-16 18:48:34
海外TECH DEV Community How to use AWS EC2 with Boto3 & Python - Part 2 https://dev.to/kcdchennai/aws-5149 How to use AWS EC with Boto amp Python Part How to use AWS EC with Boto amp PythonHow to use AWS EC with Boto amp Python Part How to use AWS EC with Boto amp Python Part Boto is the Python SDK for AWS It can be used to directly interact with AWS resources from Python scripts In this article we will look at how we can use the Boto EC Python SDK to perform various operations on AWS EC PrerequisitesAWS accountPython v or later need to be installed on our local machine A code editor We can use any text editor to work with Python files AWS IAM user an access key ID and a secret key should be set up on our local machine with access to create and manage EC instances Boto Python AWS SDK should be already installed on the local machine If not refer this Boto documentation Starting Stopping and Terminating EC Instances with BotoOpen code editor code ec manage instance pyCopy and paste the Python script into code editor and save the file In the Python script based on the code we can stop stop instance start start instance or terminate the instance terminate instance with instance ID Open command line and execute the ec manage instance script python ec manage instance py Finding Specific Details of Multiple EC Instances at OnceBy using the describe instance method We can get specific attributes on many different EC instances Open code editor code ec multiple instances pyCopy and paste the Python script into code editor and save the file The Python script establishes a client connection to AWS Once connected it then uses the describe instances method as shown earlier to query various attributes of all running EC instances It s limiting results to only running instances by filtering on one of the available attributes instance state name with the value of running To return only certain attributes the script uses a for loop to iterate over each reservation and each instance inside of each reservation to print out the InstanceID InstanceType PrivateIPAddress and PublicIpAddress of each instance found Open command line and execute the ec manage instance script python ec multiple instances pyTo know more about using EC in Boto refer Boto documentationThanks for reading my article till end I hope you learned something special today If you enjoyed this article then please share to your friends and if you have suggestions or thoughts to share with me then please write in the comment box 2022-05-16 18:27:01
海外TECH DEV Community Bootstrap for Beginners - Code a Simple Dashboard Layout https://dev.to/sm0ke/bootstrap-for-beginners-code-a-simple-dashboard-layout-4h9e Bootstrap for Beginners Code a Simple Dashboard LayoutHello Coders This article explains how to code a simple One page Dashboard Layout in Bootstrap using the theory from a previous article Bootstrap Tutorial for Beginners The source code for the final project can be downloaded from Github and used in commercial projects or simply for eLearning activities For newcomers Bootstrap is a leading JS CSS framework used to code responsive websites and apps Thanks for reading Bootstrap Dashboard LIVE DemoBootstrap Dashboard Source CodeThis simple Dashboard provides also a dark mode switcher positioned on the left sidebar sources available on GH TopicsBootstrap Short PresentationHow to install and use BootstrapCoding the navbarCoding the sidebarMain Content cards charts and data tablesDark ModeLinks amp Resources Bootstrap Short IntroBootstrap is a popular JS CSS Framework for developing responsive and mobile first websites that provides HTML CSS and JavaScript based design templates for almost anything including but not limited to typography forms buttons navigation and other components The primary purpose of adding Bootstrap to a project is to apply Bootstrap s choices of color size font and layout to that project Currently Bootstrap is the newest version of Bootstrap with new components a faster stylesheet and more responsiveness For more information feel free to access the official website and docs How to use BootstrapThe easier way to use Bootstrap in a new project is to include all mandatory assets from a CDN Content Delivery Network Let s create a new directory for our project with an index html file where the new HTML code will be added lt html lang en gt lt head gt lt meta charset UTF gt lt meta http equiv X UA Compatible content IE edge gt lt meta name viewport content width device width initial scale gt lt title gt Bootstrap Landing Page lt title gt lt head gt lt body gt lt Page Content here gt lt body gt lt html gt To speed up our development we can use a modern programming editor like VsCode or Atom which comes with modules and many features like code completion and highlighting Below is the download link for the VsCode VsCode download pageOnce the VsCode is installed we can open our project by typing code in the working directory where index html is saved Coding the NavbarGo to this link and copy the first navbar that has the search bar Let s change both the navbar light and bg light to dark We will change the search bar to something nicer for this we ll use Input Groups lt div class input group gt lt input type text class form control placeholder Recipient s username aria label Recipient s username aria describedby button addon gt lt button class btn btn outline secondary type button id button addon gt Button lt button gt lt div gt To use Bootstrap icons we will import them using CDN lt link rel stylesheet href font bootstrap icons css gt Copy and paste this line of code inside your lt head gt element To make the navbar more appealing we will change the search button with an icon for a nicer layout To make this change we need to copy the search icon code and paste it into the button snippet We re going to do the same thing to the Dropdown text I m using an icon of a user lt i class bi bi person square gt lt i gt We have to fix the dropdown menu as well because right now it goes offscreen Add dropdown menu end to dropdown menu class This fixes the problem Let s make the navbar brand font bolder by adding fw bold to the navbar brand class At this point all we have is a simple navbar Let s move forward and code the sidebar Dashboard SidebarBootstrap provides Offcanvas a basic sidebar component that can be toggled via JavaScript to appear from any edge of the viewport Here is the code for our sidebar lt div class offcanvas offcanvas start side bar data bs scroll true tabindex id offcanvas aria labelledby offcanvas gt lt div class offcanvas header gt lt h class offcanvas title id offcanvas gt Sample Heading lt h gt lt button type button class btn close text reset data bs dismiss offcanvas aria label Close gt lt button gt lt div gt lt div class offcanvas body gt lt p gt Sample Paragraph lt p gt lt div gt lt div gt For a nice integration with the navbar we need to add some CSS code listed below sidebar width side bar width var offcanvas width sidebar links sidebar link display flex align items center sidebar link right icon display inline flex transition all ease s Main ContentAfter the sidebar we re going to create the main element with a class of mt pt Right now our content inside the main element is overlapping with our sidebar to fix it we need to style it Inside our css media tag create a new line for main Add this code inside it margin left var offcanvas width I m going to make our navbar fixed to the top To do this I need to add fixed top class to the navbar class Back in our index html file let s start adding content to our main class Add a container fluid row and a col md The center of the page will contain three rows Info cardsCharts Powered by Chart jsData Tables with paginated information Let s break down all these containers and code the HTML and CSS for each section Main Content CardsEach container cards charts will have a parent row where all the HTML code lives Here is the basic card code for the cards section lt div class card text white bg primary mb style max width rem gt lt div class card header gt Header lt div gt lt div class card body gt lt h class card title gt Primary card title lt h gt lt p class card text gt Some quick example truncated content lt p gt lt div gt lt div gt When we use col md we can fit cards next to each other because Bootstrap has a column grid For a colorful layout we can change the color of the cards by changing the line bg primary to danger warning etc Here is the output Main Content ChartsFor the charts section we will use a rd party open source JS library used to display a simple and colorful bar chart Each chart lives into a card responsive container that uses cells each To code this section here is the HTML for the card lt div class card gt lt div class card header gt Charts lt div gt lt div class card body gt lt canvas class chart width height gt lt canvas gt lt div gt lt div gt We have to make a new folder called js Inside it create a new file called script js Inside this new file the following code that builds the charts should be added const charts document querySelectorAll chart charts forEach function chart var ctx chart getContext d var myChart new Chart ctx type bar data labels Red Blue Yellow Green Purple Orange datasets label of Votes data backgroundColor rgba rgba rgba rgba rgba rgba borderColor rgba rgba rgba rgba rgba rgba borderWidth options scales y beginAtZero true In human language the above JavaScript snippet identifies the cards and injects the data that is translated by the Chart js library into colorful bar charts Of course Chart js should be added as a runtime dependency in the index html file via a distant CDN lt script src dist chart min js gt lt script gt Main Content Data TablesFor newcomers data tables provide access to a large amount of data using a paginated layout Once the necessary code is finished we should have something similar to this To code this useful component we need a new row a card and a card header After that we will create a card body and then a table responsive div class Go to this link Bootstrap Component and copy the whole HTML section Paste the whole thing after your table responsive class Change the class display to class table data table Main Content StylingAt this point our dashboard page has all the elements top cards charts and data tables but the layout is not yet optimized for a nice user experience Here are the steps for a nicer layout Add br elements after charts and data tables sectionsThis action will increase the space between the rows so the users enjoy more the content provided by each section Let s make the card borders round and give charts data table new colors The CSS code that should be added to the style css file table styling card card chart card table border radius px card chart background rgb chart background rgb border radius px card table background rgb We ll make our table have the striped effect by coloring every even row striped table effect tr nth child even background color rgb The complete CSS code for all the above sections can be found on Github Bootstrap Dashboard CSS Style Now we have a basic minimal dashboard How about adding a dark mode and letting users decide the color schema Coding the Dark ModeThis feature aims to let the users choose how the app renders the containers using a light or a dark background To achieve this goal the first thing we need to do is create two files in our js folder dark mode switch js and dark mode switch min js open source JS library This will handle the switching between dark mode and light mode using the browser s local storage The next step is to code the dark mode control switcher as a small sidebar button lt li class my gt lt hr class dropdown divider gt lt li gt lt div class custom control custom switch px gt lt label class custom control label for darkSwitch gt lt span class fw bold gt lt i class bi bi moon me gt lt i gt Dark Mode lt span gt lt label gt lt input type checkbox class custom control input checkbox ms auto id darkSwitch gt lt div gt And the necessary CSS code checkbox input type checkbox height px width px visibility hidden label cursor pointer Of course we need to include the CSS code that styles the dark mode to the index html file lt link rel stylesheet href css dark mode css gt The full code for the dark mode css is quite short and self explanatory data theme dark background rgb color fff data theme dark bg black background color fff important data theme dark bg dark background color important data theme dark bg light background color important data theme dark bg white background color important At this point we re pretty much done with the dark mode now all you gotta do is go on and style the charts and tables separately Links amp ResourcesThanks for reading Curious minds can go further with their study by accessing the resources presented below Bootstrap Basics a comprehensive tutorial for beginnersMore Free Dashboards crafted in Django Flask and React 2022-05-16 18:09:13
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Popular interest in technology is declining, but tech giants aren't going anywhere https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/05/16/popular-interest-in-technology-is-declining-but-tech-giants-arent-going-anywhere?utm_medium=rss Popular interest in technology is declining but tech giants aren x t going anywhereOverall interest in Apple products and the technology industry at large have been on a downturn for years While there is no obvious short term impact big tech has already begun shifting away some of its financial power and focus away from hardware and onto greener pastures Credit zhang kaiyv UnsplashAccording to Google s own data searches for technology companies like Apple and others have been on an overall downward trajectory since Although that doesn t prove anything on its own it and other data points suggest an overall decline in interest in the technology sphere from the populace as a whole Read more 2022-05-16 18:30:28
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News UAG's Rugged Bluetooth Keyboard for iPad can survive an 8-foot drop https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/05/16/uags-rugged-bluetooth-keyboard-for-ipad-can-survive-an-8-foot-drop?utm_medium=rss UAG x s Rugged Bluetooth Keyboard for iPad can survive an foot dropAccessory producer Urban Armor Gear has moved into hardware with the Rugged Bluetooth Keyboard with Trackpad a case for the inch iPad that offers text entry and protection for the tablet The UAG Rugged Bluetooth Keyboard with Trackpad is the company s first foray into hardware Retaining the manufacturer s signature protectiveness of its other accessories the keyboard case can provide a defense against knocks and scrapes as well as drops at up to foot in height The keyboard connects over Bluetooth and sports an extra large trackpad complete with multi touch support Recharged via USB C its battery can last for up to hours from a single charge Read more 2022-05-16 18:03:29
海外TECH Engadget Apple rolls out iOS 15.5 with upgrades to Apple Cash and Podcasts https://www.engadget.com/apple-ios-15-5-180800179.html?src=rss Apple rolls out iOS with upgrades to Apple Cash and PodcastsApple is quickly acting on its promise to deliver some useful upgrades before WWDC The company has released iOS and its iPadOS counterpart with improvements to both Apple Cash and as mentioned earlier Podcasts Cash users can now send and receive money from their card while Podcasts users can have the app automatically limit episode storage based on criteria like the number of shows or time since release A corresponding macOS update adds the relevant Podcasts features You can also grab a previously teased firmware fix for the Studio Display s mediocre webcam quality Apple has also released watchOS tvOS and HomePod updates although those focus on bug fixes and performance rather than any significant features The iOS iPadOS and macOS updates aren t huge but that s not surprising Apple has historically wound down significant upgrades to its current operating systems around this time of year The focus now is likely on iOS and other big revisions likely to arrive in the fall 2022-05-16 18:08:00
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles News Track - News Aggregator https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5299293/News-Track-News-Aggregator certain 2022-05-16 18:26:00
海外科学 NYT > Science A Total Lunar Eclipse in Prime-Time https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/15/science/total-lunar-eclipse-blood-moon-how-to-watch.html natural 2022-05-16 18:23:47
ニュース BBC News - Home Queen's and Eastbourne to keep full ATP ranking points but Wimbledon decision still under review https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/tennis/61472534?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Queen x s and Eastbourne to keep full ATP ranking points but Wimbledon decision still under reviewThis summer s tournaments at Queen s and Eastbourne will not be stripped of ATP ranking points over a decision to ban players from Russia and Belarus 2022-05-16 18:52:04
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 JR九州特急「あそぼーい!」が倒木に突進…異常な衝突事故が起きた理由 - News&Analysis https://diamond.jp/articles/-/303248 newsampampanalysis 2022-05-17 03:55:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 日本企業が直面する「サイバー空間の地政学的リスク」、脅威の傾向と防衛策とは - News&Analysis https://diamond.jp/articles/-/302644 newsampampanalysis 2022-05-17 03:50:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 高インフレ下の押し目買い 5つの心得 - WSJ PickUp https://diamond.jp/articles/-/303244 wsjpickup 2022-05-17 03:45:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 中国コロナ封鎖にしびれ、中間層が海外移住計画 - WSJ PickUp https://diamond.jp/articles/-/303246 wsjpickup 2022-05-17 03:40:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 ネットフリックスから社員へ「コンテンツ不本意なら退職やむなし」 - WSJ PickUp https://diamond.jp/articles/-/303247 wsjpickup 2022-05-17 03:35:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「絶滅する組織」と「生き残る組織」の違い、世界トップ2に選出された経営学者が徹底解説! - 進化する組織 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/303242 経営学者 2022-05-17 03:32:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 子どもに「何やってんだ!」は逆効果、ポジティブ体験が乏しい日本のスポーツ - 識者に聞く「幸せな運動」のススメ https://diamond.jp/articles/-/303316 子どもに「何やってんだ」は逆効果、ポジティブ体験が乏しい日本のスポーツ識者に聞く「幸せな運動」のススメ近年スポーツ界では、選手とコーチとの間でポジティブな発想からパフォーマンス向上を目指すパターンが増えている。 2022-05-17 03:30:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 首都圏「中高一貫校」4月模試で人気上昇の学校と入試【2023年女子受験生編】 - 中学受験への道 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/303266 首都圏「中高一貫校」月模試で人気上昇の学校と入試【年女子受験生編】中学受験への道年入試の受験生が年生になって最初に受ける模擬試験が月模試だ。 2022-05-17 03:25:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【TBSアナウンサーが教える】 最初のアナウンサー採用試験に落ちて 思いついた秘策とは? - 伝わるチカラ https://diamond.jp/articles/-/301783 2022-05-17 03:20:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【92歳の現役課長が教える】 当たり前のことを続ける もっとも大きなメリット - 92歳 総務課長の教え https://diamond.jp/articles/-/301761 【歳の現役課長が教える】当たり前のことを続けるもっとも大きなメリット歳総務課長の教え本田健氏絶賛「すべての幸せがこの冊に詰まっている」『歳総務課長の教え』の著者で、大阪の商社に勤務する歳の玉置泰子さん。 2022-05-17 03:15:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 美意識を磨くために、誰にでもできる最良の方法とは? - 日本の美意識で世界初に挑む https://diamond.jp/articles/-/302904 2022-05-17 03:10:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「北欧ってどんな地域?」2分で学ぶ国際社会 - 読むだけで世界地図が頭に入る本 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/303254 2022-05-17 03:05:00



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