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js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita パスパラメータ"/:id(\\d)"はどういう意味? Node.js Expressのパスパラメータの設定の色々 https://qiita.com/yuta-katayama-23/items/8833339b74291aa8e7de appgetpostsiddreqresgtcon 2022-05-17 21:48:44
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita CloudFormationで最低限のセキュリティ設計を考慮したクラウド環境をさくっと建てる https://qiita.com/kanamekun/items/7f5106df8555041fcb67 cloudformation 2022-05-17 21:31:29
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita インフラエンジニアがTECHCAMPを受講してみた感想 https://qiita.com/Catalyst3104/items/b5e89d300bf2a87905ad techcamp 2022-05-17 21:56:09
技術ブログ Developers.IO [アップデート] Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAPのデプロイタイプにSingle-AZが追加されました https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/amazon-fsx-netapp-ontap-single-availability-zone-deployment/ amazonfsxfornetappontap 2022-05-17 12:59:12
技術ブログ Developers.IO Cloudflare StreamでライブストリーミングのIngest先に独自ドメインを設定できるようになりました! https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/cloudflare-stream-bring-your-own-ingest-domain-to-stream-live/ cloudflare 2022-05-17 12:45:21
海外TECH MakeUseOf The 7 Best Apps to Help You Automate Repetitive Tasks https://www.makeuseof.com/apps-to-automate-repetitive-tasks/ The Best Apps to Help You Automate Repetitive TasksAutomation technology can help you boost efficiency and productivity in your everyday tasks Here are some automation tools to make your life easier 2022-05-17 12:30:14
海外TECH MakeUseOf Everything You Need to Know About Instagram Screenshot Notifications https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/does-instagram-notify-when-you-screenshot-a-story-post-dm-photo/ Everything You Need to Know About Instagram Screenshot NotificationsDoes Instagram notify people when you screenshot a Story post or DM Here s what you need to know about its screenshot notifications 2022-05-17 12:10:13
海外TECH DEV Community Setup for Success: Creating Web3 Projects with the Truffle for VS Code Extension https://dev.to/mbogan/setup-for-success-creating-web3-projects-with-the-truffle-for-vs-code-extension-2bbe Setup for Success Creating Web Projects with the Truffle for VS Code Extension IntroductionWorking with any new technology can be both an exciting and scary experience On one hand you might feel excited about building with a new set of tools But knowing how to choose the right ones amongst all the tools available can also be overwhelming Whether you re just starting to learn Web or are an experienced builder you will understand this daunting experience well Developers need to have knowledge not only of Web specific concepts like blockchains and smart contracts but also of an entirely new tool stack to develop on these concepts However with the right steps and proper tools developers can build on Web technologies relatively quickly and efficiently In this article we ll give a brief overview of the steps needed to create a Web smart contract At the same time we ll look at how you can navigate those steps successfully by writing deploying and testing smart contracts using a tool you already know ーVisual Studio Code VS Code ーand the Truffle for VS Code extension Choosing the Right ToolsAfter learning the foundations of blockchain and Ethereum you probably became inspired to start applying your knowledge to build your own Web projects Along the way you may have collected a long list of tools from various projects and tutorials Instead of getting lost in that list let s focus on exploring the steps needed to start a new smart contract project by using one of those toolsーthe Truffle for VS Code extensionーand exploring how it can help through some of the steps of your smart contract s development such as creation debugging deploying and security Project CreationFirst let s look at creating your initial project A successful project often starts with a good setup and file structure Since many problems can arise from not properly setting up your project making sure your file structure is consistent and intuitive in its naming is crucial A nice benefit of using the Truffle for VS Code extension is that you can quickly build a new project with the correct structure from the beginning either by creating a new folder with a templated file structure and starter files or by simply creating a project from a Truffle Box To see what a proper file structure looks like let s start a new project First you ll need to install the Truffle for VS Code extension For detailed installation instructions and to get even more info about its capabilities check out this post Once the extension is installed press the keys SHIFT CTRL CMD P to open up the command palette Next type in the command Truffle New Solidity Project and select the option Create basic project After choosing the project path a new project will be created with the proper file structure As you can see the template project has a folder containing smart contracts another for migrations to blockchain environments a third folder for scripts and yet another folder for tests The project also includes a gitignore for storing information you don t want to push to a repository an open source license agreement and a truffle config js file This file structure keeps everything neat and organized so importing from one file to the other or running Truffle commands is straightforward and less prone to errors Debugging Your ContractUnfortunately we don t live in a perfect world where there are no errors in our code And when building your smart contract you will encounter error messages you may not have seen before Debugging these transactions can be tricky if you always need to reference a blockchain explorer like Etherscan for information One solution is to use the Debug Transaction feature via the Truffle for VS Code extension To work with the debugger open the command palette again and type Truffle Debug Transaction From there you can view transaction messages and work through them step by step This is important for developers as oftentimes there can be errors in a certain transaction that would cause the next transaction attempts to fail like funds being unavailable in a specific wallet After selecting a transaction the debugger will become available Here you can perform typical debugging functions such as step in out over view the call stack watch windows and so on Deploying Your ContractAfter you have a working smart contract it s time to deploy There are three avenues to approach here The best practice is to first deploy to a local blockchain instance for testing such as Ganache Afterward you would want to deploy to a testnet to verify it s working correctly in a live environment Then only after all the testing is complete would you launch your project to the mainnet All this testing will help you avoid costly and sometimes irreversible errors in your smart contracts Within the Truffle extension you can deploy to all three types of networks without needing to leave VS Code You can do this by right clicking on the SOL file you would like to deploy and selecting Deploy Contracts Local Blockchain Using the Ganache Service is a simple way to create a local blockchain with multiple wallet addresses and test Eth that you can use to interact with your smart contract From the extension you can create a new Ganache network under the Truffle Networks pane in VS Code After creating a network you can start stop and restart the server as needed Testnets Testnets are designed to work in a similar way to the Ethereum mainnet without the financial costs and risks of deploying directly to the mainnet Using a testnet is a great way to get a better understanding of how your contract will function once deployed to mainnet There are several Ethereum testnets to choose from and they can all be connected to by using a node provider service such as Infura After setting up your Infura account within the extension you have access to your existing Infura projects or you can easily create new ones Mainnet If testnets are like staging servers for your smart contract code deploying to mainnet is like pushing the code to production The importance of testing your smart contract code cannot be stressed enough If there are any errors or loopholes they can and will be exploited by attackers These mistakes can be costly for both organizations and users alike Let s look at how we can secure our contract using the right tools and best practices before we deploy to mainnet Securing Your ContractSecurity should always be a major priority when developing smart contracts Millions of dollars are lost to hackers on what seems like a regular basis As a Web developer you need to continuously stay up to date on the latest security best practices Running your smart contracts through tools like Diligence Fuzzing or their open source alternative Scribble can help you catch many common security vulnerabilities However if your project aims to handle the funds of millions of users it s best practice to professionally audit your smart contracts Still developers should be aware of common vulnerabilities while building their projects One frequent attack vector in Web is when hackers use bots to scan deployed contracts for potential vulnerabilities and secret information such as wallet private keys left in the code from testing Using a tool like Truffle Dashboard is one way to avoid losing funds and assets from development mistakes Truffle Dashboard removes the need for developers to store private keys within a config file in the Solidity project Developers can do a one time setup process of connecting their Metamask wallet to a locally hosted dashboard on the browser After this is done using the dashboard keyword instead of copying and pasting keys into a config file is enough It is compatible with other development frameworks as well such as Hardhat To use the Truffle Dashboard install the latest version of Truffle and enter the command truffle dashboard in your terminal Now any actions that would have required your private keys can get routed through the dashboard instead For example to deploy your contract ensure the proper port is specified in your truffle config js file by default this is then just right click your contract to deploy it and select dashboard The Right Tools The Right Way ForwardBuilding a Web project doesn t have to be complicated With the right tools the path forward becomes clear There are many ways to improve your workflow but having the Truffle for VS Code Extension at your disposal will help you work efficiently from an environment you may already be familiar with This space moves pretty fast and new tools are created all the time So hopefully this article gave you an idea of an easy way to streamline the development process while navigating the Web tool stack 2022-05-17 12:34:49
海外TECH DEV Community A Guide to Event-Driven Architecture in Elixir https://dev.to/appsignal/a-guide-to-event-driven-architecture-in-elixir-1cje A Guide to Event Driven Architecture in ElixirIn this post we will explore how event driven architecture can make your app more responsive for users and decouple your modules for a better developer experience We will also look at several methods of implementing event driven architecture with Elixir Elixir is particularly good for this because of the advanced and concise message passing APIs that it offers and BEAM s outstanding support for concurrency But first what is event driven architecture exactly Event Driven Architecture An IntroductionEvent driven architecture is an architecture where events control the behavior and flow of your application The main components of the architecture are event producers event bus and event consumers An event could be anything that represents a change of state in the system For example in an e commerce application the purchase of a product by the user could produce a sold event which the consumer can then process to update inventory An event based architecture allows applications to act on events as they occur Different parts of an application work and develop relatively independently in well crafted event based design Organizations can assign separate teams to focused parts of the application and streamline the workflow This also creates a clear boundary between different parts of an application assisting in future scalability exercises Event driven architecture has mainly gained popularity with microservice based products but can also be used for a monolith Things are always clearer with an example so let s look at one Building Blocks of Event Driven ArchitectureLet s discuss each building block in detail using an e commerce application as an example Imagine that a user makes a new purchase on a website The new order is an event generated by the part that controls the ordering the event producer The event can be pushed onto an event bus The event bus could be anything such as A table in the database An in memory event queue inside the app An external tool like RabbitMQ or Apache Kafka The event consumers interested in this type of event can subscribe to the event bus The event is delivered to them and they do some processing on top of it For example an inventory management system would subscribe to the new order event and update the inventory of the product Another system could also pick the same event in the application ーfor example a fulfillment service might process that event and create a delivery route for the product Benefits of Event Driven ArchitectureThere are several advantages of using an event driven architecture instead of one that processes everything sequentially An event driven architecture allows us to build several independent parts of an application to work off the same event and do different focused tasks This can be advantageous for a couple of reasons One team needs to focus on only one part The application code for small parts can be simple Another advantage of the design is that it allows us to deliver a snappy interface to the user As an example from the above application a user needs to make an order The application can continue processing all other non interactive tasks like updating its inventory and interacting with the delivery application without the user s attention This also makes adding new processing steps in the event pipeline very easy For example let s say we need an additional task to be performed from an event We only need to add a new consumer to handle the event without touching any other parts of the application Finally it is much easier to scale each individual module if it is decoupled from the others than to scale a whole application together This is even more beneficial when you have a part that takes much more resources than its counterparts in the event processing pipeline But event driven architecture does not come without disadvantages when not properly thought out If applied to very simple problems it can lead to complex workflows that are slow and difficult to debug Let s explore some simple ways event driven architecture can be implemented with Elixir without the need to write complex pieces of code Synchronous Event Driven Architecture in ElixirThe simplest and most inefficient way to run the above flow would be to do everything synchronously in the user request So if you have an Orders module that processes a user s order request the synchronous implementation could look like this defmodule Orders do def create order attrs do ok order save order attrs ok inventory update inventory order ok delivery create delivery order ok order endendWe can improve this to more easily scale for new event consumers defmodule Orders do event consumers Inventory handle event Delivery handle event def create order attrs do ok order save order attrs event Orders Event type new order payload order event consumers gt Enum each fn module func gt apply module func event end ok order endendWith this implementation all we need to do to add new consumers is to add the specification in the event consumers array and those consumers can work independently While the synchronous approach works well for a small number of consumers it has a disadvantage Creating an order might take a long time because you will need to wait for the inventory to update and the delivery to be created These are all internal tasks that can be performed without user interaction and moved from the synchronous chain Let s see how we can further streamline event driven architecture using GenServer Using GenServer for Event Driven Architecture in ElixirFor this implementation we will run a separate process for each consumer These will subscribe to an event from a producer and run their tasks concurrently For the event bus we can use Phoenix PubSub Note that it is possible for apps that don t use Phoenix to directly use Registry as a PubSub First let s look at the producer defmodule Orders do def create order attrs do ok order save order attrs event Orders Event type new order payload order Phoenix PubSub broadcast my app new order event ok order endendOn a new order we create the event struct and use Phoenix PubSub broadcast to broadcast that event on the bus As you can see it is much simpler than the previous implementation where the Orders module processed tasks from the other module serially The consumers can then subscribe to the new order topic and implement the handle info to be notified every time a new event is published by the producer defmodule Inventory do use GenServer def start link opts do GenServer start link MODULE opts name MODULE def init opts do Phoenix PubSub subscribe my app new order end def handle info Orders Event type new order payload order state do state consume state order product noreply state endendThe Delivery module will be very similar to the above so I am skipping it here As you can see this is much better than the previous implementations Inventory and Delivery modules can independently subscribe to the new order topic The Orders module broadcasts to this topic on new orders and events are delivered to the subscribed processes You could even distribute this between multiple nodes and Phoenix PubSub with a PG Redis or other adapter spreading the events to all nodes Great right Not really There are several issues with this approach PubSub provides a real time broadcast without message queueing so if one of the subscriber processes is down it might miss the broadcasts If the subscriber does some heavy work it might not be able to keep up with the incoming messages resulting in timeouts and consequently crashing the process tree If the subscriber experiences an error when processing a message it is considered consumed and won t be retried later So this approach is a bad one to follow for our current use case However the approach still has its use cases It can be used for tasks that aren t critical or that can be corrected with the next message for example if a task computes the suggestions for a user s next purchases based on their last purchase While this would also need to be triggered on a new order it isn t exactly critical for a traditional e commerce website and can re compute suggestions for a user on their next purchase Event Driven Implementation Using GenStage in ElixirIn the previous section we saw a great implementation of our event driven system using GenServer But it didn t come without its limitations Let s see how GenStage fares GenStage makes a clear distinction between producers consumers and producer consumers and each process has to pick one when it starts in its init In our case both Inventory and Deliver are consumers and Orders is a producer This is where things start to get a little complicated GenStage has a concept of demand Each consumer can issue a demand of how many events it can handle The producer needs to send those events to the consumer Let s see a basic producer in action defmodule Orders do use GenStage def start link opts do GenStage start link MODULE opts name MODULE end def init opts do producer some state which does not currently mattere end def create order pid attrs do GenStage cast pid create order attrs end def handle cast create order attrs state do ok order save order attrs noreply Orders Event type new order payload order state end def handle demand demand state do noreply state endThe meat of our code is in handle cast where we save the order and return a tuple like noreply events new state The new events are stored in an internal GenStage buffer and dispatched to the consumers as they make new demands or immediately if there are consumers with unmet demand Let s check out a sample implementation of the consumer defmodule Inventory do use GenStage def start link opts do GenStage start link MODULE opts name MODULE end def init opts do consumer subscribe to Orders end def handle events events from state do state Enum reduce events state amp handle event amp amp noreply state end def handle event Orders Event type new order payload order state do new state update inventory order new state endendIn the consumer first notice that we have a subscribe to inside init This automatically subscribes Inventory to any events published by Orders Please check the GenStage documentation for additional options available in init Here most of the work happens inside handle events which is automatically called by GenStage as soon as new events become available We handle the new order event here updating the inventory and returning a new state With this simple implementation we get several benefits that outpace the GenServer implementation Automatic buffering of events inside GenStage s internal buffer when the producer has new events without any available consumer Even if consumers are down when some events are produced we are still guaranteed to receive them when the consumer comes back up Check out Genstage s guide on buffering demand for advanced buffering logic Automatic distribution of work on multiple consumers If you have heavy consumer tasks you can start multiple consumer processes The default DemandDispatcher for GenStage will distribute the work evenly across all processes See GenStage Dispatcher for other dispatch strategies to distribute events to all consumers or partition distribution to consumers based on a hash function But as with GenServer or synchronous implementation using GenStage does not come without its problems If a consumer crashes while it is processing an event GenStage will consider the event delivered and will not send it again when the consumer comes back up To make sure that you properly track crashes you can use a monitoring service like AppSignal AppSignal is easy to install for your Elixir app and helps you monitor performance as well as track errors Here s an example of an error tracking dashboard that AppSignal provides You can set up notifications for crashes via AppSignal as well On the app side you can cache such events in a persistent store once they are delivered to the consumer If the consumer crashes then once it recovers it can revert to the cached events Be very cautious about producing too many events without enough consumers though While GenStage offers automatic buffering of events this buffer has a configurable maximum size and a practical maximum size constrained by the server s memory If you don t control the frequency with which events are produced consider using an external data store like Redis or Postgres to buffer events Wrap Up Event Driven Architecture in Elixir ーGoing Beyond GenStageIn this post we examined three approaches to implementing an event driven system in Elixir synchronously using GenServer and finally using GenStage We took a look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of each approach The simple GenStage example can be a starting point for implementing complex event driven data processing pipelines that span multiple nodes I suggest you read the great GenStage documentation for more information If you are looking for an even higher level abstraction Broadway is a good starting point It is built on top of GenStage and offers several additional features including consuming data from external queues like Amazon SQS Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ Until next time happy coding P S If you d like to read Elixir Alchemy posts as soon as they get off the press subscribe to our Elixir Alchemy newsletter and never miss a single post 2022-05-17 12:14:37
海外TECH DEV Community Most popular PostgreSQL GUIs in 2022: the (almost) scientific list https://dev.to/forestadmin/most-popular-postgresql-guis-in-2022-the-almost-scientific-list-3e22 Most popular PostgreSQL GUIs in the almost scientific listWjether you re starting with PostgreSQL in which case you might fancy a cheat sheet and looking for the best postgres GUI or postgres client to get started or you re a veteran in which case you might also fancy a cheat sheet and you ve hit the limit of your current tool ーor you just can t stand it anymore this list is for you We ve compiled the most popular postgreSQL GUIs and clients among your postgres developers peers Before we jump in a few words about the methodology we started from the list of PostgreSQL clients referenced on the PostgreSQL official wiki For each client we looked at the number of occurrences of their name in r PostgreSQL discussions and comments Of course this methodology has some limitations including r PostgreSQL developers are not all the PostgreSQL developers in the world and we only count the postgres clients mentions not whether a mention is positive or negative So it s not a list of best postgres GUIs But what s a best postgres GUI anyway as its value will most likely depend on your needs Let s start pgAdminpgAdmin is the most popular PostgreSQL GUI It is purpose built for Postgres and supports all its features and operations pgAdmin is open source and also supports Postgres derivative databases such as EDB Postgres Advanced Server You can test it live here pgAdmin supported platformsYou can install pgAdmin on Linux macOS WindowsAnd then access it locally or over internet via your navigator Pros You can run pgAdmin as a web application on your computer or on any server meaning you can use pgAdmin to access and manage distributed Postgres databases from anywhere pgAdmin allows you to create read and edit all PostgreSQL objects You can easily rearrange its UI pgAdmin offers advanced server monitoring capabilitiesCons pgAdmin isn t as straight forward to install on your desktop as other postgres clients pgAdmin is more suited for administrating your PostgreSQL than developing on itpgAdmin pricing pgAdmin is free and open source DBeaverDBeaver is a widely used multi database GUI tool particularly popular among postgreSQL developers Just like pgAdmin it s open source In addition to postgreSQL it supports MySQL PostgreSQL SQLite Oracle DB SQL Server Sybase MS Access Teradata Firebird Apache Hive Phoenix Presto and more DBeaver supported platforms Linux macOS WindowsPros DBeaver is super easy to install as a desktop application and to connect to your PostgreSQL database DBeaver offers a visual query builder to create advanced SQL queries without advanced or any knowledge of SQL It comes with strong data access search visualization and edition capabilities DBeaver also offers a fake data generator to populate your database and test it and the applications built on itCons DBeaver runs locally and is sometimes resource intensive which can lead to performance issues And that s pretty much it Other than that PostgreSQL DBeaver users haven t expressed strong concerns DBeaver pricing DBeaver is free and open source PosticoPostico is macOS PostgreSQL client for reading data doing basic manual data entry and editing your database structure Postico supported platforms macOSPros Postico is extremely straight forward to execute basic tasks over your PostgreSQL database Postico easy to install and to securely connect to your Postgres databaseCons Postico s strenghts are also its weaknesses it doesn t offer advanced administration monitoring or querying capabilities Postico is only available on macOSPostico pricing for user for users free trial with feature limitations but no time limit DataGripDataGrip is a multi database IDE to install locally that can act as your Postgres GUI and much more It is developed by JetBrains who are known for their numerous dev tools On top of Postgres it supports MySQL Oracle Database Redshift MariaDB Cassandra MongoDB and more DataGrip supported platforms Linux macOS WindowsPros Powerful data viewer and editor Great and customisable UI A lot of powerful features to develop on your PostgreSQL database such as context and schema based code completion and real time bug detection in your code and fix suggestions Cons DataGrip can be resource intensive Because it s much more than a Postgres client DataGrip can be a bit overwhelming for beginnersDataGrip pricing per year for individual users per user per year for organisations with commitment and product packs options NavicatNavicat is a GUI focused on database development As it is multi database on top of acting as your PostgreSQL GUI it can connect MySQL MariaDB MongoDB SQL Server Oracle PostgreSQL and SQLite Navicat supported platforms Linux macOS iOS WindowsPros Easy and powerful SQL development tools such as a visual SQL builder code completion and customisable Code Snippets Good database structure visualisation and edition capabilities Collaboration featureCons Limited PostgreSQL database administration capabilitiesNavicat pricing per year for non commercial usage per year for commercial usage with different commitment options TablePlusTablePlus is a database management GUI supporting various databases including MySQL Redshift Redis MongoDB and of course PostgreSQL TablePlus supported platforms Linux macOS iOS iPadOS WindowsPros Clean and intuitive data browsing querying and editing UI Various and easy to use security features Good query editor including autocomplete highlight syntax query reformatter and history Cons TablePlus doesn t go deep in any specific area for instance PostgreSQL development or monitoring But is it really a con TablePlus pricing from to OmniDBOmniDB is a browser based app to access and manage various databases such as Oracle and MySQL And of course it can act as your PostgreSQL client OmniDB supported platforms Linux macOS WindowsPros OmniDB supports plugins so developers can add functionalities to their PostgreSQL GUI It can be accessed by multiple users from several computers making it a good option to collaborate on your PostgreSQL databases OmniDB offers intuitive data editing features such as ability to copy and paste blocks Good SQL editing with a customisable SQL editor featuring syntax highlight and code completionCons Light documentation especially on the usage of the tool OmniDB is more complex than a Postico or TablePlus but less advanced than a DataGrip or Navicat It s a good free option but maybe less complete than DBeaver which has a better documentation and a seemingly larger community OmniDB pricing free and open source SQuirreL SQLSquirreL SQL is a Java tool to view the structure of databases browse their data issue SQL commands and more It supports many databases including SQL Server MySQL Oracle Database and of course PostgreSQL Squirrel SQL Supported platforms Linux Mac OS WindowsPros SquirreL SQL supports Java plugins to extend its capabilitiesCons Configuration is hard for first time users The interface isn t the most intuitiveSquirreL SQL pricing free and open source HeidiSQLHeidiSQL is a client supporting various databases including MariaDB MySQL and PostgreSQL It s been built with the goal of being easy to learn HeidiSQL supported platforms WindowsPros HeidiSQL is particularly good at managing several databases servers simultaneously Not only it can connect to multiple servers but allows direct exports from one server or database to another and search across all the connected databases from the same server HeidiSQL is easy to install as a Windows app Cons Limited to Windows Users have reported that the tool can be quite buggy HeidiSQL doesn t provide advanced code debugging featuresHeidiSQL pricing free and open source Shameless plug Forest AdminForest Admin is an admin panel builder that can easily act as your Postgres GUI It s packaged as a web application with backend component to install on your servers Upon installation Forest Admin introspects your database and automatically creates a GUI including CRUD operations and tables visualisation as well as functionalities like search filters pagination exports and more You can then customise it add your custom actions or data visualisations Forest Admin is focused on easing the visualisation and manipulation of your PostgreSQL database data even by non technical users from anywhere with an internet connection Forest Admin pricing free for user then to per user per month commitment options Need to build admin panels or a GUI tool for PostgreSQL Check out Forest Admin for PostgreSQL 2022-05-17 12:12:03
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple announces iOS 16 door detection, live captions, and more accessibility features https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/05/17/apple-announces-door-detection-live-captions-and-more-accessibility-features?utm_medium=rss Apple announces iOS door detection live captions and more accessibility featuresAs part of Global Accessibility Awareness Day Apple has announced a slew of new iOS featuresiPhone and Apple Watch users who are deaf hard of hearing blind or have low vision Apple has repeatedly been honored for its accessibility work and has previously marked Global Accessibility Awareness Day by promoting its work in the field Now it s announced a whole series of accessibility features that will be coming later this year with software updates across Apple platforms Apple embeds accessibility into every aspect of our work and we are committed to designing the best products and services for everyone Sarah Herrlinger Apple s senior director of Accessibility Policy and Initiatives said in a statement We re excited to introduce these new features which combine innovation and creativity from teams across Apple to give users more options to use our products in ways that best suit their needs and lives Read more 2022-05-17 12:56:50
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Daily deals May 17: $783 refurb M1 MacBook Air, $300 off Canon EOS R camera, $500 65-inch 4K TV, more https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/05/17/daily-deals-may-17-783-refurb-m1-macbook-air-300-off-canon-eos-r-camera-500-65-inch-4k-tv-more?utm_medium=rss Daily deals May refurb M MacBook Air off Canon EOS R camera inch K TV moreTuesday s best deals include a renewed M MacBook air for a renewed M Mac mini for under Razer s DeathAdder Essential gaming mouse for a Toshiba inch K Smart TV and much more May s deals include money off a renewed M MacBook Air a renewed M Mac mini and the Canon EOS R Every day AppleInsider searches the Internet for deals and offers on Apple products smartphones smart TVs and lots of other hardware compiling what we found into our daily deals list Read more 2022-05-17 12:10:52
海外TECH Engadget The best online resources for cooking at all skill levels https://www.engadget.com/quarantine-cooking-online-resources-163009672.html?src=rss The best online resources for cooking at all skill levelsA key part of adulting is learning to feed ourselves Some might opt for restaurants or takeout for sustenance but that can get expensive The best option is to learn to cook your own meals That might sound harsh especially if cooking doesn t sound fun to you but there are a plethora of resources online for cooks of all levels Be it beginner how tos or deep dive YouTube videos we hope this list of Engadget staff favorites will get you started on your path to culinary confidence Oh and if you re ever confused about measurements a tool like this recipe converter is a good reference to keep on your bookmarks tab Recipe sitesSerious EatsIf you self identify as a nerd and you re also into cooking you probably already know about Serious Eats The site rose to prominence several years ago under the helm of J Kenji Lopez Alt who often takes a decidedly scientific approach to cooking Lopez Alt has since transitioned to a consulting role at Serious Eats he has his own vlog which is well worth following as well but the site remains strong under new leadership It offers tips on basics like food prep and storage as well as a slew of how tos and step by step instructions for everything from breaking down a chicken to kneading your own bread Try this Quick and Easy Pressure Cooker Black Beans with ChorizoNYT CookingThis is the only recommendation on this list that requires payment ー a week or a year ーbut I personally think it s worth it The site and accompanying app for iOS and Android is well organized and intuitive to use with bright and colorful photos along with an ever changing list of curated recipe recommendations and suggestions I especially like the search function where you can not only enter in the ingredients you have on hand but also filter by the sort of meal you want to make iIs it for breakfast A snack Or dinner along with any dietary restrictions If you don t want to cough up the subscription fee however NYT s YouTube channel is a great resource as well Try this Spiced chickpea stew with coconut and turmeric YouTube The KitchnThe Kitchn is a daily food magazine that s been around since the mid s and it frequently serves up not just recipes but also fun features like a celebrity recipe showdown check out this one that compares the pot roast recipes between Alton Brown Ina Garten Taste of Home and the Pioneer Woman Of course The Kitchn also publishes plenty of tips and tricks to help readers be a better cook nbsp Try this Maple Corn CakesYouTube channelsFood Wishes“Hello I m Chef John from Food Wishes dot com is the familiar refrain that you ll hear at the beginning of every Food Wishes video and it never fails to warm my heart His tone is so welcoming and cheerful that it cheers me up every time I hear it A YouTube favorite he has over four million subscribers he s also a favorite among a few Engadget staffers and for good reason Not only is he goofy and charming his recipes are also almost always geared toward the novice chef with clear and concise instructions He also encourages viewers to experiment use their senses play around with food and to think of cooking as art as much as science Try this No Knead Country BreadBinging with BabishBinging with Babish is a popular YouTube channel over million subscribers that s primarily focused on recreating foods from TV shows and movies Some famous examples include the Krabby Patty from Spongebob Squarepants and ratatouille from well Ratatouille But host Andrew Rea can cook “normal foods too and the popularity of his channel led him to host a spin off series called “Basics with Babish that s geared toward the beginner Try this ChickpeasFoodThe Food website can be considered a one stop shop for cooking enthusiasts as there s an online store along with recipes and a community board But the real highlight for me is its YouTube channel which features excellent shows such as Sweet Heat by Rick Martinez the former Bon Appetit editor showcases recipes with both a sweet and spicy element Big Little Recipes focuses on recipes with a short ingredient list and Genius Recipes which well shows “genius recipes created by notable chefs Try this How to Make the Easiest Beefy Mac Rice CakesDessert PersonHave a sweet tooth Then look no further than Claire Saffitz s YouTube channel where she bakes up everything from apple pies to oatmeal pecan cookies Her personality is a combination of cranky and lovable which I adore but more importantly her recipes are excellent She gives very detailed instructions and the results are almost always delicious She makes a lot of savory baked goods as well such as sourdough bread and quiche Try this The Best Oatmeal CookiesMaangchiMaagchi has been referred to by The New York Times as the Julia Child of Korean cooking and the description couldn t be more apt Not only does she have a friendly and bubbly personality she does a wonderful job of demystifying Korean cooking and making it approachable to beginners and advanced cooks alike From Korean classics like kimchi jjigae and bibimbap to sweet treats like Korean doughnuts she makes it all seem within reach nbsp Try this Korean Street Toast Gilgeori Toast Dietary concerns or special diets CookbooksFor a site that is entirely dedicated to vegetarian cuisine I highly recommend Cookbooks by Heidi Swanson which has been an online favorite for decades I m a huge fan of her simple straightforward recipes that are able to turn a carnivore like me into a lover of plant based meals a personal favorite is this cauliflower soup Try this Chickpea and Rice soup with Garlic Chile OilNom Nom PaleoYou don t need to be on the paleo diet to fall in love with Nom Nom Paleo a mini empire that consists of a food blog two award winning cookbooks and a podcast among other things The New York Times has referred to Michelle Tam the creator of the site as the Martha Stewart of Paleo because of how accessible she makes it seem After perusing her site and trying her recipes you ll no longer think of the paleo diet as restrictive instead you might find yourself eating more than ever Tam has also tailored some of her recipes to fit Whole or keto diets as well Try this Garbage Stir Fry with Curried CabbageClean and DeliciousIf you re not strictly vegetarian or paleo but you still want a healthy diet check out the Clean and Delicious food blog by Dani Spies A wellness and weight loss coach Spies believes in a balanced diet and “clean eating but without foregoing the foods you love For example there s a recipe for lemon bars on her site but it s made with whole wheat flour and doesn t have dairy or refined sugar All of the recipes on her site reflect this philosophy they re either gluten free paleo vegan or vegetarian and they are also often low carb keto dairy free or nut free I also like her Instagram and YouTube channel where she also shares tips on mindful eating and healthy living Try this Healthy Banana Bread Muffins YouTube Staff recommendationsThere are simply way too many food sites on the internet to list them all but here are a few more that were recommended by our staff that you might find useful Chinese Cooking DemystifiedThis is one of the best YouTube channels for learning all the ins and outs of authentic Chinese cooking from people who actually live in China It s very detailed well produced and offers great advice on recreating these dishes in a Western kitchen I also love that it teaches technique in addition to just recipes To this day I still come back to this video on how to stir fry any vegetable Minimalist BakerThe blog Minimalist Baker features recipes that use ingredients or less and only take about minutes to make Weekend Editor Igor Bonifacic is a big fan as well mostly due to the site s wealth of vegetarian recipes like this curried cauliflower lentil soup Budget BytesBudget Bytes is a great resource for those watching their wallets as each recipe gives you a breakdown of estimated costs for each ingredient Commerce Editor Valentina Palladino said that the site is also really good for beginners Rainbow Plant LifeIf you re looking for vegan recipes Rainbow Plant Life has a ton of them Palladino loves the cashew cream recipe and appreciates that the site s founder Nisha has a trove of vegan friendly Instant Pot recipes to try as well Pick Up LimesAnother staple for accessible vegan recipes is Pick Up Limes Palladino says that the Healthiest Ever Granola recipe is one of her favorites and she likes that the Pick Up Limes website makes it easy to filter recipes by type of ingredients preparation time allergens and more Richard Bertinet s White Bread MasterclassRichard Bertinet s video on white bread comes highly recommended for its sheer simplicity It proves that all you need to make bread is bread flour yeast and salt Senior Reporter Dan Cooper says the video is also a sure fire way of calming him down when stressed Half Baked HarvestEditor in Chief Dana Wollman and Senior News Editor Billy Steele frequently trade Slack messages with dinner recommendations What s for dinner Ask a coworker of course The answer from either person is often a Half Baked Harvest link The site is home to a vast library of free recipes that in our experience tend to work as advertised We re fans of her nightly Instagram Story cooking demos as well not to mention her tacos Joy the BakerWollman says she discovered Joy by accident through her warm self effacing Insta Stories only to discover she has an equally clever blog offering a mix of sweet and savory baking recipes 2022-05-17 12:55:24
海外TECH Engadget WhatsApp is testing a feature that lets you quietly leave groups https://www.engadget.com/whatsapp-feature-quietly-leave-groups-testing-122012177.html?src=rss WhatsApp is testing a feature that lets you quietly leave groupsIf you choose to leave a WhatsApp group that has become increasingly noisy or irrelevant the app will post a notification that anybody can see in chat It s probably not a big deal in most instances unless it s a group with relatives or friends who are inclined to ask why you d left According to WABetaInfo WhatsApp is working on an upcoming feature that could prevent awkward confrontations by letting you exit groups without posting a notification everybody could see nbsp To note the app will still notify the group admins that you re leaving when the feature becomes available but everybody else wouldn t know unless you tell them WABetaInfo first talked about the feature when Meta discussed experimenting with Communities which people can use to combine separate group chats quot under one umbrella with a structure that works for them quot back in April Now the publication has obtained a screenshot of WhatsApp beta on desktop that shows an exit prompt that reads quot Only you and group admins will be notified that you left the group quot Hopefully the feature will also roll out for WhatsApp on mobile when it becomes available on desktop nbsp And in case you don t want specific contacts to add you back or to add you into another group chat with them don t forget that you can always block them from doing so Under your Privacy settings in Account you can choose the people who can add you to groups with the options being quot Everyone quot quot My Contacts quot and quot My contacts except quot the people you exclude nbsp 2022-05-17 12:20:12
海外TECH Engadget Apple adds systemwide Live Captions as part of larger accessibility update https://www.engadget.com/apple-accessibility-updates-live-captions-magnifier-door-detection-assistive-touch-120056407.html?src=rss Apple adds systemwide Live Captions as part of larger accessibility updateGlobal Accessibility Awareness Day is this Thursday May th and Apple like many other companies is announcing assistive updates in honor of the occasion The company is bringing new features across iPhone iPad Mac and Apple Watch and the most intriguing of the lot is systemwide Live Captions Similar to Google s implementation on Android Apple s Live Captions will transcribe audio playing on your iPhone iPad or Mac in real time displaying subtitles onscreen It will also caption sound around you so you can use it to follow along conversations in the real world You ll be able to adjust the size and position of the caption box and also choose different font sizes for the words The transcription is generated on device too But unlike on Android Live Captions on FaceTime calls will also clearly distinguish between speakers using icons and names for attribution of what s being said Plus those using Macs will be able to type a response and have it spoken aloud in real time for others in the conversation Live Captions will be available as a beta in English for those in the US and Canada nbsp Apple is also updating its existing sound recognition tool which lets iPhones continuously listen out for noises like alarms sirens doorbells or crying babies With a coming update users will be able to train their iPhones or iPads to listen for custom sounds like your washing machine s quot I m done quot song or your pet duck quacking perhaps A new feature called Siri Pause Time will also let you extend the assistant s wait time when you re responding or asking for something so you can take your time to finish saying what you need nbsp AppleThe company is updating its Magnifier app that helps people who are visually impaired better interact with people and objects around them Expanding on a previous People Detection tool that told users how far away others around them were Apple is adding a new Door Detection feature This will use the iPhone s LiDAR and camera to not only locate and identify doors but will also read out text or symbols on display like hours of operation and signs depicting restrooms or accessible entrances In addition it will describe the handles whether it requires a push pull or turn of a knob as well as the door s color shape material and whether it s closed or open Together People and Door Detection will be part of the new Detection mode in Magnifier nbsp Updates are also coming to Apple Watch Last year the company introduced Assistive Touch which allowed people to interact with the wearable without touching the screen The Watch would sense if the hand that it s on was making a fist or if the wearer was touching their index finger and thumb together for a quot pinch quot action With an upcoming software update it should be faster and easier to enable Quick Actions in assistive touch which would then let you use gestures like double pinching to answer or end calls take photos start a workout or pause media playback But Assistive Touch isn t a method that everyone can use For those with physical or motor disabilities that preclude them from using hand gestures altogether the company is bringing a form of voice and switch control to its smartwatch The feature is called Apple Watch Mirroring and uses hardware and software including AirPlay to carry over a user s preset voice or switch control preferences from their iPhones for example to the wearable This would allow them to use their head tracking sound actions and Made For iPhone switches to interact with their Apple Watch nbsp Apple is adding more customization options to the Books app letting users apply new themes and tweak line heights word and character spacings and more Its screen reader VoiceOver will also soon be available in more than new languages and locales including Bengali Bulgarian Catalan Ukrainian and Vietnamese Dozens of new voices will be added too as is a spelling mode for voice control that allows you to dictate custom spellings using letter by letter inputFinally the company is launching a new feature called Buddy Controller that will let people use two controllers to drive a single player which would be helpful for users with disabilities who want to partner up with their care providers Buddy Controller will work with supported game controllers for iPhone iPad Mac and Apple TV There are plenty more updates coming throughout the Apple ecosystem including on demand American Sign Language interpreters expanding to Apple Store and Support in Canada as well as a new guide in Maps curated playlists in Apple TV and Music and the addition of the Accessibility Assistant to the Shortcuts app on Mac and Watch The features previewed today will be available later this year 2022-05-17 12:00:56
Cisco Cisco Blog Welcoming new European law to ward off cyberattacks on critical infrastructure https://blogs.cisco.com/gov/welcoming-new-european-law-to-ward-off-cyberattacks-critical-infrastructure Welcoming new European law to ward off cyberattacks on critical infrastructureEuropean policymakers reached a deal on a new law regulating cybersecurity for critical infrastructure entities Cisco welcomes this agreement and the continued attention that the European Union is dedicating to secure critical infrastructure 2022-05-17 12:54:58
Cisco Cisco Blog Securing Your Migration to the Cloud https://blogs.cisco.com/security/securing-your-migration-to-the-cloud Securing Your Migration to the CloudCisco Secure powers security resilience enabling you to protect the integrity of your business amidst unpredictable threats and major change such as migrating to the cloud 2022-05-17 12:00:59
Cisco Cisco Blog How to Make Coherent Optics Small and Pluggable (Part 5 of 5): Cisco Optics Podcast Episode 24 notes https://blogs.cisco.com/sp/how-to-make-coherent-optics-small-and-pluggable-part-5-of-5-cisco-optics-podcast-episode-24-notes How to Make Coherent Optics Small and Pluggable Part of Cisco Optics Podcast Episode notesJoin us for Episode of the Cisco Optics Podcast where we continue our conversation with Tom Williams Director of Technical Marketing in the Cisco group that came to us through the Acacia acquisition 2022-05-17 12:00:50
海外科学 NYT > Science F.D.A. and Abbott Reach Agreement on Baby Formula to Try to Ease Shortage https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/16/health/baby-formula-shortage-fda.html shelves 2022-05-17 12:10:12
ニュース BBC News - Home Elizabeth line: Queen makes surprise visit to Paddington Station https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-61465207?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA development 2022-05-17 12:13:27
ニュース BBC News - Home Job vacancies outpace unemployment for first time https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-61475720?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA march 2022-05-17 12:05:07
ニュース BBC News - Home National Action: Nazi Alex Davies guilty of fascist group membership https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-61428054?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA action 2022-05-17 12:36:17
ニュース BBC News - Home Rochdale dog attack: Man arrested after boy, 3, dies https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-61481535?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA rochdale 2022-05-17 12:03:24
ニュース BBC News - Home Warning poorest households are struggling to get £150 energy rebate https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-61421199?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA council 2022-05-17 12:01:01
ニュース BBC News - Home Runner loses wedding ring during a 100k Jurassic Coast race https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-61478076?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA cliffs 2022-05-17 12:10:11
ニュース BBC News - Home Team GB's Charley Davison on motherhood, comeback and Olympics https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/boxing/61395248?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Team GB x s Charley Davison on motherhood comeback and OlympicsTeam GB boxer and mother of three Charley Davison shares her remarkable story of taking a seven year break from the sport to eyeing a second Olympics 2022-05-17 12:11:42
ニュース BBC News - Home Georgia Stanway joins Bayern Munich after leaving Manchester City https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/61478738?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA bayern 2022-05-17 12:54:56
北海道 北海道新聞 オホーツク管内66人感染 新型コロナ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/682016/ 新型コロナウイルス 2022-05-17 21:18:00
北海道 北海道新聞 中0―4D(17日) DeNAの今永3季ぶり完封 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/682017/ 永季 2022-05-17 21:18:00
北海道 北海道新聞 「ゼロカーボン」への支援要請 道知事、自民や国に予算要望 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/682015/ 支援要請 2022-05-17 21:17:00
北海道 北海道新聞 手術動画、厚労省が事実関係確認 無断提供し謝礼得ていた問題 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/682014/ 事実関係 2022-05-17 21:16:00
北海道 北海道新聞 函大有斗・古溝監督退任 高校野球部 後任に片口部長 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/682010/ 古溝克之 2022-05-17 21:12:00
北海道 北海道新聞 子どものマスク緩和に慎重姿勢 厚労相が平井知事会長に https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/682009/ 厚生労働相 2022-05-17 21:09:00
北海道 北海道新聞 文科省「マイスター」に厚岸翔洋高 最先端の漁業者育成 現場見学や料理研究 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/682008/ 文部科学省 2022-05-17 21:08:00
北海道 北海道新聞 海難救助体制の拡充を 道知事、国交相に緊急要望書 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/682002/ 海難救助 2022-05-17 21:06:50
北海道 北海道新聞 新任判事補73人に辞令交付 長官「裁判の畏れ持ち続けて」 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/682007/ 司法試験 2022-05-17 21:04:00
北海道 北海道新聞 「運航管理補助者は船長だけ」 知床・観光船事故で社長、国交省に説明 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/681999/ 知床半島 2022-05-17 21:04:21



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