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IT 気になる、記になる… Nothing、新型ワイヤレスイヤホン「ear (2)」をまもなく正式発表か − 12月発売との情報も https://taisy0.com/2022/11/01/164556.html nothing 2022-11-01 14:24:04
IT 気になる、記になる… Amazon Music、プライム会員は追加料金なしで1億曲以上を再生可能に https://taisy0.com/2022/11/01/164553.html amazon 2022-11-01 14:11:54
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IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia Mobile] au/UQ mobile/povo携帯電話で一時通信障害 原因は 「パケット交換機の故障」 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/mobile/articles/2211/01/news197.html itmedia 2022-11-01 23:16:00
AWS AWS MongoDB cultivates a cybersecurity culture and shrinks security skills gap | Amazon Web Services https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eibk542oJ2E MongoDB cultivates a cybersecurity culture and shrinks security skills gap Amazon Web ServicesIn this sit down interview Clarke Rodgers Enterprise Security Strategist with AWS talks with Lena Smart Chief Information Security Officer CISO with MongoDB about her experience in cybersecurity being the first CISO at MongoDB and how the role is evolving Lena also discusses what she is currently doing to help build a cybersecurity culture within MongoDB through a new security training program Learn more Subscribe More AWS videos More AWS events videos ABOUT AWSAmazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform offering over fully featured services from data centers globally Millions of customers ーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agencies ーare using AWS to lower costs become more agile and innovate faster Cybersecurity MongoDB AWS AmazonWebServices CloudComputing 2022-11-01 14:36:30
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海外TECH DEV Community How to do marketing to developers. A big guide https://dev.to/flatlogic/how-to-do-marketing-to-developers-a-big-guide-3p1p How to do marketing to developers A big guide Initial thoughtsThis article was written by the marketing team of Flatlogic Flatlogic full stack web application generator is a tool for the fast creation of web applications from scratch The tool provides the UIfor creating the database schema from which you generate the application code base All you have to do is to think about the database schema of your future application You can create almost any type of web application with the help of the tool CRM Headless CMS E commerce CMS Admin Panel Data management app Inventory management application UI for the database You may ask why this article might be useful to you and why you should trust the Flatlogic team Our products are used by developers from companies such as Google Samsung Walmart Whirpool etc For years our site has been visited by more than a million developers Our products have been bought or subscribed more than times About thousand developers visit our site every month We have grown the audience of developers and sales almost from scratch ChallengeThe main problem facing the tools that developers are users of is that marketers are trying to use approaches to popularize BC products Which at first glance is the right decision since developers are individual consumers not businesses But their behavior and thinking are fundamentally different from other users We will explore these features in more detail later in this article What is developer marketing or marketing to developers Marketing to developers is a mix of tactics strategies and growth hacking tricks to acquire engineers in your tools saas services and other products In other words all action to get your product adopted by software developers Marketing to developers is a trend that has been actively developing lately see a screenshot from Google Trends This is because the number of developer tools is growing as well as the number of investments And also the number of developers is growing Perhaps someone thinks that marketing for developers is no different from other groups and can show that it is simple but that is not true Later in this article we see how it is different from other marketing to other groups of customers Why you need to do marketing for developersProducts are becoming more complex and comprehensive so if your audience is not developers initially then later it is not always obvious who will use the product or integrate it Thus in the modern world developers are increasingly influencing decisions about the use of a particular product For example we all know advanced analytics systems such as Mixpanel or Amplitude which are fundamentally the same The implementation of these products requires the help of the developer so the product that communicates clearly with the developer through clear documentation or tutorials can capture a large market share The second important point and here we ll be brief and agree with most of our industry peers is that traditional marketing approaches often don t work with developer audiences To be successful you often need to take counterintuitive actions For example tell developers not about benefits but the features of your product What you can market to software developerYou might promote open source software dev tools APIs SaaS platforms SDKs or everything in between You can even market tools that were designed not for developers initially the implementation of those tools almost completely depends on developers so they decide whether to use those tools or not The best example is Stripe where the main users are businesses but to start using Stripe you should ask for help for developers Principles of marketing to developers Honesty Don t trick themBe honest about your product If it has flaws you can write about them and it will be appreciated If you state that you are doing that times faster believe the developers will check it UsefulnessMake sure the marketing materials you distribute to the public are genuinely beneficial Because they are inherently inquisitive engineers are much more likely to be interested in information that teaches them something than in content that only tries to sell them something ClarityEngineers love clean text Even if you are writing an article for a blog it can be similar to technical documentation without unnecessary epithets and with code examples Developers love to learn new stuffAnother important principle is that developers want to learn develop and compare several types of products and decide for themselves what to buy BUT developers don t like it when they convince you to buy something i e Sell Counterintuitive approachDo the opposite with what you are told in classic marketing approaches for example sell value not features On the contrary developers can sell dry text about features and not about value Free stuffEngineers love to test things before they buy so be sure to include free plans or demos with your product Which products should invest in marketing to developers If your product solves the problems of software engineers then you will naturally have to invest in marketing for developers Also if the implementation of your product requires the help of a developer you should give a fair amount of marketing to the developer Since it will influence the decision to use a particular product Also marketing for developers will be useful for those organizations that profess an approach to sales from the bottom up This is when a few people start using your tool and then they distribute your tool to the entire organization Why classical marketing tactics aren t working for developers Disclaimer this section will be full of cliches so do not take what is written here as a guide to action because any principle listed here can still work with the developer audience And so let s go in order of why conventional marketing strategies and tactics may not work with developers Developers due to their professional characteristics are quite skeptical customers and users They prefer to try the product before they buy it and you can often hear the phrase “I ll do it myself Compared to a wide audience of clients developers have few or no sites where only they exist Accordingly there is no platform where you can catch all the developers unlike for example if you are doing marketing for an online store with a wide range of products Engineers often use ad blockers or anonymization tools eg anti detect browsers such as gologin com and VPN services Accordingly it can be quite difficult for you to understand the demographics of your users and for example set up ads correctly or even show them at all Developers naturally hate marketing Often they have some kind of natural flair for marketing techniques and content that is not honest with them More precisely they do not like it when they shove something and sell or manipulate it For most devs however “marketing “advertising Developers tend not to charge for services that are either free or easy to perform on your own However they may and will gladly accept payment when There are no viable choices Or they tried this little GitHub repo and couldn t get it to work or they got burnt to attempt to create it themselves or they realize the actual cost of tools isn t in the licensing but maintenance and support Software developers are more interested in a product s features than its advantages As a result you are not required to sell them anything in the traditional sense Questions to test whether you have marketing to developersLet s also determine if you already have any of the developer marketing elements To do this you can ask a few test questions to yourself and the product Does your product solve any problems for developers Is there an element in your product that requires the work of an engineer Does your product have an API Do you have separately written documentation for developers Do you have or produce content specifically for developers Do developers talk about your product or not Is your product shared in the developer community or not Do you communicate with developers in any community Do developers give feedback on your product or not The answers to these questions will help you decide on a statistical point where to start your journey of marketing your product to engineers Strategy for marketing to developersSo now let s move on to the most interesting and tasty part of this article How to interact with developers so that they love your product use it and share it The most important thing you should decide on is to know your user very well Ask questions such as What technologies does he use What resources does he read For example blogs and newsletters What do developers think From the answers to these questions you will determine your positioning and the message of your product as well as determine the channels through which to promote your product In the opinion of the Flatlogic team the coolest strategy to attract engineers to your product is to make a useful product Voila He can solve a very small problem but really solve it and then just honestly share this solution with the community After that if you just communicate honestly and openly with users the developers themselves will advise you Now this approach is formally called product led growth When you attract more and more new users with your product Example We at Flatlogic help to get a web application up and running quickly compared to developers making their toolset to create an application s boilerplate This is confirmed by the fact that our products have already been downloaded tens of thousands of times and bought more than a thousand times Another important approach to attracting developers to your product is solving real world developer problems Providing products resources and solutions to help augment developer tech stacks to improve workflow and development efficiency It can be useful blog posts guides free products and open source products Example Flatlogic has open source products that have collected more than thousand stars and almost forks on GitHub and solve urgent problems for developers and other products of our public page on GitHub In general these two broadcast and cost to develop tactics for marketing to developers Channels and tactics on how to attract developers to your toolLet s list the channels and tactics that you can use to attract developers to your product or service Channels Social mediaOne of the most effective channels It can work both as a communication channel with developers and as a channel for distributing your content If we take specific platforms then most often developers spend on LinkedIn and Reddit The educational content on TikTok is also gaining popularity right now Developer communitiesThe developer community is quite fragmented and divided based on different technologies As for platforms you can find different communities on Reddit Discord and Slack chats Developer media platformsIn the past few years such platforms have emerged to write content only for developers You can write content both from yourself and from your company on sites such as Dev to Hashnode Gitconnected AdsTo attract developers you can use classic advertising networks such as Google Ads Facebook Ads Twitter Ads and niche sites like Carbon Ads which are specifically built to promote developer tools You can also use ads on Quora or Stackoverflow where the main audience is software engineers News Content aggregatorsAnd of course one of the most effective ways to spread the word about your product is to post on sites like ProductHunt Hackernews and others But do not abuse these tools if you spam you will most likely get banned Listings Review PlatformsYou can also list your product on product review aggregators such as GCrowd Capterra and Trustpilot If you get enough good reviews there then you will attract good traffic from those people who are already looking for a solution to their problem Tactics of marketing to developersNow let s move on to the actual execution part What can you do to attract developers to your product Let s Go Writing valuable contentOne of the most important components in marketing for a developer is the production of useful content And here this work is broken down depending on the platform where you will produce content what kind of content you will make and how you will find ideas for content Documentation and changelogYes yes one of the most effective ways to make your product attractive is to write good documentation with guides and examples well readable and constantly updated The changelog is also a thing that allows developers to see how the product has developed and how often it can wait for releases with updates Company blogIn a blog you can write both press releases about your product and comprehensive guides on how to solve the pressing problems of developers You can also write about common topics in the software development world this is called awareness driven content and it helps to fill the top of the funnel and also increases your brand awareness Contribute to the blog of other companiesYou can also write content for other companies blogs If you write good content then your partner will be happy to link to your product To generate this kind of content it may be a good strategy to bring in engineers who work for your company as the best content comes from when developers write for developers You can also write with a request to contribute to your blog and other developers For example you can go to the Digital Ocean blog and see the authors who write content for them and contact them with a request to write an article for you Ideas for what content to write You can look at what questions engineers ask on StackOverflow and write more detailed answers to these questions You can also write better articles than competitors A useful tool would be to use tools like ahrefs moz se ranking to keep track of the number of requests for a particular issue Guides on how to do something useful with your product would also be good content for example Use quality adsAdvertising is also a good way to promote your product In general developers do not really like being advertised for something but some tools allow you to make advertising very intuitive and not annoying For example Carbon Ads where your ads appear next to content that s valuable to your audience and relevant to your brand in the form of a non irritating banner In addition you can order advertising in a large newsletter for developers Probably the biggest resource is email newsletters from cooper press media Partnership with open source toolsSponsorship of open source tools is a good channel to attract traffic and brand awareness You can sponsor open source products in your niche through open collective or directly through GitHub Community buildingUtilize developer communities to establish nurture and strengthen connections with developers developers As previously indicated a successful social media marketing approach for BD enterprises incorporates Developer Relations and Developer Marketing efforts DevRel Make your technology open sourceOne of the coolest tactics is when you decide right at the beginning of the product that your product will be open source Thus if you can build a great community around your product then you will get yourself the most devoted fans and proselytes of your product If you already have a product that is distributed under a commercial license then you might consider making some of the modules or extensions for your open source product Create free developer toolsAnd then one of the coolest channels can be the development of a free but very useful product for developers A great example is Retool with their Developer Utility tools where they have different tools like Convert CSV to JSON or Comma Separator Moreover their free products are made based on their tool Make video contentAt present this can be the main channel for promoting content and product The younger generation of developers learns to program on YouTube a lot Accordingly to catch them there you can release useful video content and you can also organize live coding streams on Twitch Well of course TikTok more and more people are watching the content on this platform and getting some useful information from there Influencer marketingYou can also buy a review or integration of your product from famous software development bloggers As a rule if a blogger already has several tens of thousands of subscribers he has already worked out a system for selling advertising and he knows approximately the number of leads that he will bring We at Flatlogic somehow partnered with bloggers on TikTok here is a video and the ROI was high After that several clients converted to our platform Attend or create events or meetupsYou can either go to some existing conferences and collect real feedback from the developers you can also sponsor such conferences or you can organize conferences yourself Either way it s a great way to get your product out there In conclusion I would like to say that you just need to try and test each of the channels and tactics and also not be limited to only one way All you need to do is start MetricsHow to identify that you are doing the right things Sales and revenue All your efforts must end with these metrics But before that you can also determine by other metrics whether a particular channel or tactic is working well So let s look at core metrics TrafficOne of the main metrics by which you can determine whether you are doing your actions well The more quality traffic comes through each channel the more likely your product will be noticed and used Number of registrationsIf your product requires registration to use it then this is also one of the metrics that help you understand how high quality traffic you attract and how well the positioning and message the content of your product works Conversion rateThis indicator shows how well your product solves the tasks of developers in general as well as how well your marketing works i e Were you able to make it clear to the developer that your tool is useful Cost of acquisitionThis indicator reflects how much you spent on the acquisition of one user Depending on the product paid or free Actually according to this indicator the ROI of each marketing channel is considered Accordingly the less CAC the better for your business and the more you need to scale the marketing channel Social media followersThis indicator is important if you are developing an SMM channel In this case the most important thing will probably not even be the number of subscribers but their quality and engagement TL DR What you need to do to successfully market your product to software developers Developer marketing is a collection of techniques intended to recruit engage and encourage developers to use your product Not only do you need to promote developer tools but also the products whose implementation requires developer effort Six guiding principles apply to marketing to developers Sincerity utility and clarity Devs love to learn new things use counterintuitive strategies and provide free items There are relatively few venues where you would discover developers to promote them because the developer community is diverse and dispersed Software developers are more interested in a product s features than its advantages There are six primary ways to get in touch with developers Advertisements news content aggregators developer communities and platforms for developer media Your developer marketing campaign s performance may be evaluated using the following five KPIs Traffic registrations conversion rate acquisition costs and social media following are all important metrics There are nine typical developer marketing strategies Writing informative articles using effective advertisements collaborating with open source software fostering a sense of community making your technology open source producing videos creating free developer tools and influencer marketing are all ways to improve your online presence That s it If you have any questions or want to add something feels free to contact us or leave comments under this article Hope you have enjoyed reading it 2022-11-01 14:25:57
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Spotify adds audiobook debacle to Britain's Apple App Store investigation https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/11/01/spotify-adds-audiobook-debacle-to-britains-apple-app-store-investigation?utm_medium=rss Spotify adds audiobook debacle to Britain x s Apple App Store investigationApple stopped Spotify from circumventing its App Store fees for audiobooks and now Spotify is allegedly speaking with the British competition watchdog over the incident Spotify calls on CMA to investigate Apple againSpotify wants to sell audiobooks within its app by sending customers to its website Apple doesn t allow this for individual goods though a rule was passed to allow subscription services to link to the external subscription page Read more 2022-11-01 14:56:11
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Foxconn quadruples bonuses to keep staff at COVID-hit iPhone factory https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/11/01/foxconn-quadruples-bonuses-to-keep-staff-at-covid-hit-iphone-factory?utm_medium=rss Foxconn quadruples bonuses to keep staff at COVID hit iPhone factoryIn the wake of reports of employees fleeing Foxconn s biggest iPhone factory the assembly partner has significantly raised pay for staff who are choosing to accept the closed loop measures during a COVID outbreak A Foxconn facilityThe COVID outbreak affecting the Zhengzhou Foxconn facility in central China s Henan province forced Foxconn into suddenly implementing closed loop production using policies and rules to minimize the spread of the virus However unrest on the campus has forced Foxconn to provide more incentives to workers Read more 2022-11-01 14:16:14
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News YouTube to stream Paramount+, Showtime, but no Apple TV+ or Netflix https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/11/01/youtube-to-stream-paramount-showtime-but-no-apple-tv-or-netflix?utm_medium=rss YouTube to stream Paramount Showtime but no Apple TV or NetflixYouTube has announced a plan to offer subscriptions to over rival streaming services on its platform but not the highest profile ones such asApple TV YouTube Primetime ChannelsThe streaming store Primetime Channels lets any YouTube user subscribe to Showtime Paramount and more without having to leave YouTube Read more 2022-11-01 14:10:06
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple TV+ shares first trailer for 'Interrupting Chicken' childrens' show https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/11/01/apple-tv-shares-first-trailer-for-interrupting-chicken-childrens-show?utm_medium=rss Apple TV shares first trailer for x Interrupting Chicken x childrens x showThe new Apple TV series aimed at encouraging children to write will stream from November and there s now a second trailer Apple TV is continuing to roll out its Fall slate of children s series with the new animation Interrupting Chicken based on the books by David Ezra Stein Apple says that it s an animated preschool series that introduces children to the joy of creative writing Read more 2022-11-01 14:05:53
海外TECH Engadget The best midrange smartphones for 2022 https://www.engadget.com/the-engadget-guide-to-the-best-midrange-smartphones-120050366.html?src=rss The best midrange smartphones for As one of Engadget s resident mobile geeks I ve reviewed dozens of midrange phones and have found that a great smartphone doesn t have to cost a fortune Years of commoditization have brought features once exclusive to high end devices including big batteries multi camera arrays and high refresh rate displays down to their more affordable siblings If your budget is less than I can help you figure out what features to prioritize when trying to find the best midrange phone for the money Engadget s picksBest midrange Android phone Google Pixel aBest and only iPhone under Apple iPhone SEMidrange phone with the best screen Samsung Galaxy A GUltra budget option OnePlus Nord N GWhat is a midrange phone anyway While the term shows up frequently in articles and videos there isn t an agreed upon definition for “midrange beyond a phone that isn t a flagship or an entry level option For this guide our recommendations for the best phone in this category cost between and Any less and you should expect significant compromises If your budget is higher though you should consider flagships like the Apple iPhone and Samsung Galaxy S What factors should you consider when buying a midrange smartphone Buying a new device can be intimidating but a few questions can help guide you through the process First what platform do you want to use If the answer is iOS that narrows your options down to exactly one phone Thankfully it s great And if you re an Android fan there s no shortage of compelling options Both platforms have their strengths so you shouldn t rule either out Obviously also consider how much you re comfortable spending Even increasing your budget by more can get you a dramatically better product And manufacturers tend to support their more expensive devices for longer It s definitely worth buying something toward the top limit of what you can afford Having an idea of your priorities will help inform your budget Do you want a long battery life Do you value speedy performance above all else Or would you like the best possible cameras While they continue to improve every year midrange phones still involve some compromises and knowing what s important to you will make choosing one easier Lastly pay attention to wireless bands and network compatibility If you don t want to worry about that your best bet is to buy directly from your carrier To make things easier all the phones we recommend are compatible with every major US wireless provider and can be purchased unlocked nbsp What won t you get from a midrange smartphone Every year the line between midrange and flagship phones gets blurrier as more upmarket features trickle down When we first published this guide in it was difficult to find devices with waterproofing or G Now the biggest thing you might miss out on is wireless charging Just remember to budget for a power adapter too many companies have stopped including them Performance has improved in recent years but can still be hit or miss as most midrange phones use slower processors that can struggle with multitasking Thankfully their cameras have improved dramatically and you can typically expect at least a dual lens system on most midrange smartphones below The best midrange Android phone Pixel aSam Rutherford EngadgetThere s a lot to like about Google s Pixel a For one the Pixel a features the best cameras at this price It may not have as many lenses as some of the other options on this list but thanks to Google s expertise in computational photography the a delivers pictures that are on par with phones that cost hundreds more Nighttime photos in particular are stellar thanks in part to Night Sight which helps brighten up dim environments and bring out more detail The Google Pixel a has a few other things going for it Thanks to its large battery and efficient chipset you won t have to worry about running out of juice It lasted just over hours in our battery testing and Google s Tensor chipset allows the a to run very similarly to the flagship Pixel and Pro handsets And those who plan to hang on to their smartphone for as long as possible will appreciate that Google plans to support the a with software updates for the next five years In addition to its solid battery life and performance the Google Pixel a even has some advanced features you may not expect to see on a midrange phone Its design looks very similar to the flagship models with the striking camera bar on the handset s rear top half and it has a x resolution OLED touchscreen with an under display fingerprint sensor You ll only get a refresh rate of Hz on the a but that s a small sacrifice to make when you re getting a number of other features at a killer price Buy Pixel a at Amazon The best and only iPhone under iPhone SECherlynn Low EngadgetIf you can get past its dated design and small inch display the Apple iPhone SE is the fastest phone you can buy for less than No other device on this list has a processor that comes close to the SE s A Bionic What s more you can expect Apple to support the model for years to come The company is only just ending support for the first generation SE after six years The company hasn t said how long it intends to furnish the latest SE with new software but it s likely to support the device for a similar length of time For all its strengths the iPhone SE is held back by a dated display Not only is the SE s screen small and slow but it also uses an IPS panel instead of an OLED meaning it can t deliver deep blacks Additionally that screen is surrounded by some of the largest bezels you ll find on a modern phone That s not surprising The SE uses the design of the iPhone which will be a decade old in two years And if the SE looks dated now it will only feel more tired in a few years Shop iPhone SE at AppleThe midrange phone with the best screen Samsung Galaxy A GIgor Bonifacic EngadgetFor the best possible display at this price look no further than Samsung s Galaxy A G It features a inch Super AMOLED display that is ideal for watching TV shows and movies Plus the Hz panel is the fastest on this list Other standout features include a mAh battery and versatile camera system The A s three cameras may not deliver photos with the same detail and natural colors as the Pixel a but it can capture bigger scenes with its two wide angle lenses Like the other Android smartphones on this list the Samsung Galaxy A isn t the fastest performer At best Samsung s Exynos is a lateral move from the Qualcomm Snapdragon G found in the Galaxy A G And though the A is cheaper than its predecessor this Samsung phone no longer comes with a power adapter and headphone jack so the difference may not end up being much Buy Galaxy A G at Samsung An ultra budget G option OnePlus Nord N GBrian Oh EngadgetIf you only have around to spend on your next phone you could do a lot worse than the OnePlus Nord N To start it features a big mAh battery that will easily last you a full day The N also has a Hz display and G connectivity which are tricky to find at this price Best of all it doesn t look like a cheap phone But the N is also a good illustration of why you should spend more on a budget phone if you can It s the slowest device on this list due to its Snapdragon chipset and paltry GB of RAM Its triple main camera system is serviceable during the day but struggles in low light and doesn t offer much versatility beyond a disappointing macro lens OnePlus also doesn t plan to update the phone beyond the soon to be outdated Android In short the N is unlikely to last you as long as any of the other recommendations on this list Buy OnePlus Nord N at Amazon Chris Velazco contributed to this report 2022-11-01 14:45:08
海外TECH Engadget ‘Vampire Survivors’ is coming to Xbox consoles on November 10th https://www.engadget.com/vampire-survivors-xbox-game-pass-return-to-monkey-island-football-manager-pentiment-somerville-143045534.html?src=rss Vampire Survivors is coming to Xbox consoles on November thThere s a reason that month after month Vampire Survivors has been the most played game on Steam Deck it s a blast Your character auto fires weapons as thousands of enemies invade the screen All you have control over in the heat of the moment are the character s movement and their weapon and item loadout there are persistent powerups you can unlock as well It s one of those games that you have to play to really get the appeal and it ll soon be far easier for many people to check it out Vampire Survivors will make its console debut on November th when it will hit Xbox One and Xbox Series S X The game will also be available on Xbox Game Pass While it only costs this will lower the barrier to entry even further nbsp The fact that Microsoft is bringing one of this year s biggest breakout hits to Xbox Game Pass isn t a big surprise Vampire Survivors was already available to PC Game Pass members it s trueee Vampy Survivey on your Xbox y coming November th VampireSurvivors XboxGamePass NovemberthーVampire Survivors Xbox Nov th poncle vampire November Also coming to Xbox consoles and Game Pass this month is Return to Monkey Island The revival of the adventure series landed on PC and Switch in September It ll be available on Xbox PC Game Pass and Xbox Cloud Gaming on November th The console edition of Football Manager will hit cloud console and PC on the same date The full blown PC version of the game will land on Game Pass then as well On the flip side Football Manager nbsp and Football Manager Xbox Edition will leave Game Pass on November th There s a lot of other stuff for Game Pass members to look forward to this month A D metroidvania game called Ghost Song which sees you exploring a distant moon nbsp will arrive on cloud console and PC on November rd Obsidian s Pentiment one of the few remaining first party Xbox exclusives for this year will land on all three platforms on November th Somerville from a studio cofounded by Inside and Limbo executive producer Dino Patti will debut on the same day Meanwhile you can play the full seasons of The Walking Dead A New Frontier and The Walking Dead Michonne on PC Game Pass as of today Sidescrolling beat em up The Legend of Tianding just landed on console cloud and PC as well Elsewhere Halo Infinite s nbsp winter update will arrive on November th That will finally bring online campaign co op and Forge mode to the game along with new maps a fresh game mode and at last a way to earn XP just by playing multiplayer games On November th Microsoft Flight Simulator th Anniversary Editionwill be available as a free update Helicopters gliders and a true to life airliner are among the additions 2022-11-01 14:30:45
海外TECH Engadget Elon Musk is officially the CEO of Twitter (for now) https://www.engadget.com/elon-musk-twitter-ceo-141551106.html?src=rss Elon Musk is officially the CEO of Twitter for now Now that Elon Musk owns Twitter he s officially taking the reins as CEO ーfor the moment anyway Twitter has made an amended filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission indicating that Musk is the Chief Executive Officer of the social network This comes alongside the entrepreneur s moves to dissolve the company board become sole director and fire many of the company s veteran executives including former CEO Parag Agrawal He s clearing house in other words It s not clear how long Musk will remain in the CEO position He states that his sole director status is just temporary but hasn t elaborated Musk already runs Tesla SpaceX The Boring Company and Neuralink so there s only a limited amount of time to helm yet another firm Twitter co founder Jack Dorsey has rolled over his shares that is transferred them to the new company indicating his support for Musk Musk has already made or proposed sweeping changes in the first week of owning Twitter On top of the leadership overhaul he has reportedly ordered layoffs and unveiled plans for a moderation council that will make key content decisions The new CEO has also floated a number of potential changes including charging for verification as part of a Blue subscription and even resurrecting Vine The management shakeup is poised to be expensive with The Guardianreporting that it could lead to a minimum million in golden parachute exit payments The figure pales in comparison to what Musk paid to buy Twitter in the first place though 2022-11-01 14:15:51
ニュース BBC News - Home Matt Hancock suspended as Tory MP for joining I'm a Celeb cast https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-63471923?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA reality 2022-11-01 14:04:29
ニュース BBC News - Home Minister warns on language after Suella Braverman 'invasion' comment https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-63466532?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA comments 2022-11-01 14:12:18
ニュース BBC News - Home No evidence of bullying in fracking vote, Commons speaker says https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-63473032?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA commons 2022-11-01 14:11:32
ニュース BBC News - Home Pandemic furniture star Made.com nears collapse https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-63464641?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA fulfil 2022-11-01 14:35:06
ニュース BBC News - Home Manston migrant centre: What are the problems? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/explainers-63456015?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA centre 2022-11-01 14:43:27



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