投稿時間:2022-11-02 18:32:58 RSSフィード2022-11-02 18:00 分まとめ(36件)

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IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] 余暇のお供はスマホかテレビか? 実はテレビが圧勝のなぜ https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2211/02/news166.html itmedia 2022-11-02 17:44:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 横ではなく縦に 「イオンカード」がカードデザインを変更 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2211/02/news168.html itmedia 2022-11-02 17:41:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 大阪・京橋に「ドン・キホーテ京橋店」がオープン 「真実の口」をオマージュしたドンペンのフォトスポットも https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2211/02/news170.html itmedia 2022-11-02 17:33:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] OpennSSLに“脅威度HIGH”の脆弱性 リモートコード実行の可能性も 修正版は公開済み https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2211/02/news163.html itmedianewsopennssl 2022-11-02 17:10:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] 5GHz無線LANをオーディオケーブル代わりに 仙台の音響機器会社が技術開発 100m先にも https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2211/02/news165.html itmedianewsghz 2022-11-02 17:10:00
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita SUUMOにある家賃がバカ高い賃貸がなんでバカ高いのか調べる。前編 https://qiita.com/tomyu/items/cd90f3bb8dafc7c23835 suumo 2022-11-02 17:57:54
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 2つの文書における単語頻度の比較を可視化する方法(shifterator, scattertext) https://qiita.com/10shimizu10/items/a39423c0b819301e63c3 shifteratorscattertext 2022-11-02 17:57:41
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [Whisper+ESPnet2(VITS)]音声合成システムを作った備忘録 https://qiita.com/3253/items/58260fa3388cd0ebad67 whisperespnetvits 2022-11-02 17:52:56
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [FastAPI]レスポンスのキーに日本語を使う方法[Pydantic] https://qiita.com/NMZ0429/items/ca128ccbfa7cd0668404 piimportfastapiappfastapi 2022-11-02 17:16:19
Azure Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Spring Cloud FunctionでAzure Functionsアプリ https://qiita.com/fsdg-nagumo/items/5b8e48cfd38039600dd1 azurefunctions 2022-11-02 17:32:56
Azure Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Microsoft PurviewのLineageを外部に出力する(その1) https://qiita.com/cannoteat/items/1bc23d6b8c2d4ede1794 python 2022-11-02 17:18:08
技術ブログ Developers.IO [アップデート] AWS App RunnerでVPC内からのプライベートアクセスが可能になりました https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/aws-app-runner-supports-privately-accessible-services-amazon-vpc/ apprunner 2022-11-02 08:17:36
海外TECH Engadget Xiaomi's latest concept phone has an interchangeable Leica M lens https://www.engadget.com/xiaomi-12s-ultra-concept-phone-leica-m-lens-082542479.html?src=rss Xiaomi x s latest concept phone has an interchangeable Leica M lensThe Xiaomi S Ultra surprised us with its inch camera sensor and Leica co branding back in July but it turns out that the Chinese brand was working on something far more ambitious at the same time Earlier today the Xiaomi S Ultra Concept Phone was unveiled with an appearance almost identical to the namesake flagship device but with a second inch megapixel sensor occupying the middle of the camera island instead Let that sink in for a bit Not only that but this new sensor is designed to work with an interchangeable Leica M lens Here s Xiaomi s promo video for the wild S Ultra Concept Phone which can mount any interchangeable leica camera M lens over its second inch sensor More here pic twitter com YEQNHdIIEーRichard Lai richardlai November Interestingly Xiaomi has instead chosen to shield this additional inch sensor ーalso a Sony IMX with bit RAW support ーunderneath a large circular piece of durable sapphire glass as opposed to cutting out an opening for it as you d find on traditional interchangeable lens cameras While this would protect the sensor against dust and larger foreign objects we do wonder how this extra layer of glass would affect the overall optical transmittance But hey better safe than sorry nbsp Meanwhile the megapixel ultra wide camera that was originally positioned in the middle of the camera island has been shifted to the side taking up the space that once housed a megapixel periscopic telephoto camera Agatha TangAs shown in Xiaomi s video in order to install an interchangeable lens onto this G concept phone you must first unscrew the protection ring around the rear camera island then by way of an adapter you ll be able to mount any Leica M lens As captured by a Xiaomi staffer in the above photo the full assembly with a Leica Summilux M mm f ASPH lens looks rather impressive from the side Previously the closest thing to this intriguing combination would be one of those Yongnuo G connected Android cameras which never left China Or you may travel further back in time and reminisce the good old days with the Samsung Galaxy NX XiaomiXiaomi stopped short at saying whether the S Ultra Concept Phone will ever be mass produced All we know is that this project was developed alongside the actual S Ultra and in the end only units of the former were made A few of those samples were seeded to some lucky influencers for some quick hands on time but with each unit costing around yuan or about to make they better not drop them Phone Camera BOTH What would you classify this as XiaomiSUltraConceptpic twitter com uzJVzifouーAgatha Tang aggasaurus November 2022-11-02 08:25:42
Cisco Cisco Blog Still Using Passwords? Get Started with Phishing-Resistant, Passwordless Authentication Now! https://blogs.cisco.com/security/still-using-passwords-get-started-with-phishing-resistant-passwordless-authentication-now Still Using Passwords Get Started with Phishing Resistant Passwordless Authentication Now As with any new technology getting to a completely passwordless authentication state will be a journey for many organizations Many of our customers have already begun their passwordless journey 2022-11-02 08:00:51
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles Scientific software in Your Hand https://www.codeproject.com/Tips/5345379/Scientific-software-in-Your-Hand handscience 2022-11-02 08:42:00
医療系 医療介護 CBnews 入院患者の食事療養費、見直しを再度働き掛けへ-四病協 https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20221102172757 働き掛け 2022-11-02 17:50:00
金融 ニッセイ基礎研究所 世界各国の市場動向・金融政策(2022年10月)-10月の株価は反発、為替は横ばい https://www.nli-research.co.jp/topics_detail1/id=72876?site=nli その後は一時下落的にしたものの、月日にロシアが黒海経由のウクライナ産穀物輸出合意について一方的に参加停止を発表したことを受け、月末に再び急上昇している図表。 2022-11-02 17:33:58
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles North Korea fires off at least 17 missiles, including one landing near South Korean waters https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/11/02/asia-pacific/north-korea-missile-south-korea-us-exercises/ North Korea fires off at least missiles including one landing near South Korean watersThe South s military announced later in the day that its fighter jets had responded by firing three missiles into waters north of the de facto 2022-11-02 17:02:47
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Former PM Taro Aso in Seoul for wartime labor talks with Yoon https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/11/02/national/taro-aso-seoul-wartime-labor-yoon/ china 2022-11-02 17:36:28
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Why Germany is at odds o­­ver Scholz’s trip to China https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/11/02/asia-pacific/politics-diplomacy-asia-pacific/olaf-scholz-china-visit-preview/ others 2022-11-02 17:15:35
ニュース BBC News - Home Police vetting lets in wrong people too often - report https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-63478011?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA people 2022-11-02 08:03:45
ニュース BBC News - Home Israel elections: Benjamin Netanyahu set for dramatic comeback, exit polls say https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-63459824?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA forecasts 2022-11-02 08:29:13
ニュース BBC News - Home Cost of a cup of tea rising as food prices jump https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-63474304?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA october 2022-11-02 08:11:55
ニュース BBC News - Home Prison job advert banned for racial stereotyping https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-63458435?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA offence 2022-11-02 08:18:01
ニュース BBC News - Home Rugby League World Cup: England welcome Stuart Pearce and thump Greece https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/rugby-league/63469320?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA greece 2022-11-02 08:12:52
ニュース Newsweek 自分を「最優先」しろ...メーガン妃、ヘンリー王子への「不遜」行為がTikTokに続々投稿 https://www.newsweekjapan.jp/stories/world/2022/11/tiktok-36.php 「ヘンリーはキレた」と書かれたつ目の動画は、ヘンリー王子がメーガン妃に「また邪魔された」と説明しており、万回再生されている。 2022-11-02 17:46:00
ニュース Newsweek 庶民に「節約と我慢」せよと説く大富豪のスナク首相...イギリスに「不満の冬」迫る https://www.newsweekjapan.jp/stories/world/2022/11/post-100012.php その手際でスナクの評価が決まるだろう。 2022-11-02 17:27:00
マーケティング MarkeZine ヤフーのマルチビッグデータからひも解く、店舗購買周辺の消費者の動きとインサイト【参加無料】 http://markezine.jp/article/detail/40495 参加無料 2022-11-02 17:30:00
マーケティング MarkeZine 凸版印刷、メタバースサービス基盤に新機能を追加 Webサイト上で商品や空間を3Dデータで再現 http://markezine.jp/article/detail/40478 凸版印刷 2022-11-02 17:15:00
IT 週刊アスキー 千住真理子の還暦記念アルバム、デュランティのクリアな音を聴け!~麻倉怜士推薦盤 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/111/4111588/ 千住真理子 2022-11-02 17:15:00
IT 週刊アスキー キヤノン、高い連写性能や被写体検出・トラッキング機能を備えるフルサイズミラーレスデジカメ「EOS R6 Mark II」を12月中旬に発売 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/111/4111575/ eosrmarkii 2022-11-02 17:40:00
IT 週刊アスキー ブレトンの伝統を巡る旅が遂に完結! DMM GAMES「エルダー・スクロールズ・オンライン」日本語版にてDLC「ファイアソング」の配信開始 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/111/4111563/ dmmgames 2022-11-02 17:30:00
IT 週刊アスキー KDDI、「povo2.0」の対応端末に「Zenfone 9」を追加 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/111/4111562/ zenfone 2022-11-02 17:15:00
マーケティング AdverTimes 「食べられない」メタバース上に、モスが「ON THE MOON」店を出店した理由 https://www.advertimes.com/20221102/article400957/ onthemoon 2022-11-02 08:37:19
マーケティング AdverTimes 遠藤憲一と奈緒が「つよやさ大使」に、三井ダイレクト損保テレビCM発表会 https://www.advertimes.com/20221102/article400950/ spiralhall 2022-11-02 08:30:24
マーケティング AdverTimes Uターン希望者の情報源はSNS、就活志望状況調査 https://www.advertimes.com/20221102/article400755/ 調査 2022-11-02 08:00:46



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