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カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia Mobile] KDDIと沖縄セルラー電話が7月2日の通信障害に関する「報告書」を総務省に提出 11月1日付 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/mobile/articles/2211/02/news192.html itmediamobilekddi 2022-11-02 19:45:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] 微増益になるはずが──KDDI、障害対応・燃料高騰で約150億円 今後の対策にも500億円 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2211/02/news189.html 営業利益 2022-11-02 19:30:00
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita SendGridの始め方 https://qiita.com/tnym88/items/f5039be925e57b738342 azure 2022-11-02 19:10:50
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Best Practices for Node.js Security https://qiita.com/decipherzone/items/66ab83e4eab950312b25 application 2022-11-02 19:14:44
Azure Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita SendGridの始め方 https://qiita.com/tnym88/items/f5039be925e57b738342 azure 2022-11-02 19:10:50
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【GitHub】コミットメッセージの書き方について https://qiita.com/nakui/items/a77f47be03c8b9b91e97 github 2022-11-02 19:28:07
技術ブログ Mercari Engineering Blog ソウゾウのMove Fastを支える仕組み https://engineering.mercari.com/blog/entry/20221101-souzoh-move-fast/ hellip 2022-11-02 11:00:02
技術ブログ Developers.IO クラスメソッド・ヨーロッパは、首都圏若者サポートネットワークに寄付します。 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/classmethod-europe-donated-to-wakamono-support-network/ 首都圏 2022-11-02 10:53:52
技術ブログ Developers.IO การใช้ CData API Server ใน EC2 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/cdata-api-server-on-ec2/ การใช้CData API Server ในECครั้งนี้ผมจะมาเขียนบทความการใช้CData API Server ในEC สิ่งที่ต้องมีMicrosoft Windows Server บนEC ที่เชื่ 2022-11-02 10:13:25
海外TECH DEV Community What is Docker ? https://dev.to/rakeshkr2/what-is-docker-1ln What is Docker The term docker usually refers to a set of open source tools that allow developers to build and run containers individually or as a stack of related containers A container is an isolated package that contains everything except for the kernel needed to run a piece of software Docker was initially written to work with Linux and has recently been implemented on MS Windows Docker Inc is the company behind the open source docker toolset Docker builds a high level API over execution drivers such as OpenVZ systemd nspawn libvirt lxc libvirt QEMU KVM BSD Jails Solaris Zones and chroot to run processes with some degree of isolation and repeatability across environments The default execution driver since release is Docker s own libcontainer driver It s mainly written in Go and its source code can be found on Github See Docker s official website for details For a docker installation on different operating systems such as Linux Windows or OS X details can be found here from this site information about Docker under Windows Mac or Linux distributions can be accessed On Windows and OS X docker runs in a variety of VM Where to startDocker Curriculum A comprehensive tutorial for getting started with Docker Teaches how to use Docker and deploy dockerized apps on AWS with Elastic Beanstalk and Elastic Container Service Docker Documentation the official documentationDocker Training Katacoda Learn Docker using Interactive Browser Based LabsLearn Docker a step by step tutorial and more resources video articles cheat sheets by dwylPlay With Docker PWD is a great way to get started with Docker for beginner to advanced users Docker runs directly in your browser Play With Moby PWM is a web based Moby playground which allows you to try different components of the platform in seconds It gives you the experience of having a free Alpine Linux Virtual Machine in the cloud where you can build and run Moby projects and even create clusters to experiment Practical Introduction to Container Terminology The landscape for container technologies is more significant than just docker Without a good handle on the terminology It can be challenging to grasp the key differences between docker and pick your favourites CRI O rkt lxc lxd or understand what the Open Container Initiative is doing to standardize container technology Docker Tutorial for Beginners Updated version ーIn this Docker tutorial you ll learn all the basics and learn how you can containerize Node js and Go applications Even if you aren t familiar with these languages it should be easy for you to follow this tutorial and use any other language BooksThe Docker Book Containerization is the new virtualizationPro DockerDocker in ActionDocker in PracticeUsing Docker Developing and Deploying Software with ContainersDocker Up amp Running Shipping Reliable Containers in ProductionBuild Your Own PaaS with DockerOrchestrating DockerDocker Cookbook Solutions and Examples for Building Distributed ApplicationsDocker Hands on Deploy Administer Docker PlatformLearning Docker Faster app development and deployment with Docker containersDocker in Production Lessons from the Trenches More resourcesAwesome DockerFullstack Python Docker ResourcesPlay with Docker classroom an interactive in browser Docker learning site 2022-11-02 10:30:00
海外TECH DEV Community This Week In React #122: Next.js 13, Turbopack, Remixing Shopify, R3f Journey, Valhalla, Expo, Rive, Storybook, Asta... https://dev.to/sebastienlorber/this-week-in-react-122-nextjs-13-turbopack-remixing-shopify-r3f-journey-valhalla-expo-rive-storybook-asta-48hp This Week In React Next js Turbopack Remixing Shopify Rf Journey Valhalla Expo Rive Storybook Asta Hi everyone What a great week full of twists and turns Next js gives us access to the latest React innovationsTurbopack could succeed WebpackShopify acquires RemixGatsby will release its v and make its data layer agnosticExpo s SDK is really promisingAlso don t miss the big update to the Three js Journey course with React Three Fiber modules I got promo code TWIR for the launch This will be the first course to be featured on a future deals page I ll create later I m testing a new format This took much more time than usual I would really appreciate a retweet testimonial or referral to a friend if you want to support me doing this again The bigger the newsletter the more opportunity I have to improve it Check this newsletter on Twitter visual format SponsorHow come professionals in every other industry have specialized tools but web developers are still stuck using the browser that their grandma is using for shopping on Amazon If you re opening localhost in any other browser except Sizzy you re wasting hours of your precious time Before Sizzy web development is stressing you out responsive design is hard you have an overwhelming amount of opened tabs and apps After Sizzy all the tools you need are in one place responsive design is a breeze no more context switching You can download it here and try it for free for days ️ReactNext js Dynamic Without LimitsThis new version of Next js introduces the new routing system and nested layouts in beta The migration is incremental and optional you will have to move your Next js pages to a new app folder This enables the latest innovations such as React Server Components and SSR streaming support on both Edge Node js runtimes ️Other significant improvements Turbopack a new Rust bundler in alpha details below next image new lighter flexible and faster image component avoids shifting layouts next font self host fonts efficiently and avoid layout shifts see also Fontaine presented last week Comments Dan Abramov is excited about this release which gives a concrete implementation to the target architecture React is aiming forAndrew Clark explains his controversial Next js is the real React release lineMatt Kane thinks that React is too tied to Next jsZach Leatherman mentions that Next js s Hello World still sends way too much JavaScriptUseful links Keynote Next js ConfFireship Next js this changes everythingNext js Upgrade Guide Visual threadIntroducing Turbopack Rust based successor to WebpackVercel has hired Tobias Koppers creator of Webpack to work on Turbopack a new very fast bundler in Rust For now the tool is in alpha supports mainly Next js and its features are limited Support for other frameworks Svelte Vue and features Tailwind will be added later Turbopack is optimized for the developer experience and Vercel announces that the tool is x faster than Webpack and x faster than Vite It is based on Turbo a Rust memoization framework that is able to cache the result of each function independently Vercel has also published an article with more detailed benchmarks Comments Jared Palmer explains how caching works and that Turborepo Turbopack could merge Evan You question the benchmarks and created a Is Turbopack really x Faster than Vite page Vite does not use SWC by default and the published benchmarks rely on the use of Babel Vite could replace esbuild Rollup with Turbopack Sebastian McKenzie points out the relatively small performance gain on a cold start x likely due to overhead in initializing the cache Devon Govett mentions that the architecture is similar to Parcel Amjad Masad mentions that the React Native Metro bundler has been using a similar caching system for a very long time Remix Joins Shopify to Push the Web ForwardRemix has just joined Shopify and will be used in their Hydrogen e commerce meta framework as well as other projects Hydrogen will replace the use of React Server Components with Remix APIs They found the Remix model easier to understand and more powerful than Server Components To me this is a great acquisition Shopify can focus on Hydrogen s value proposition rather than infrastructure concerns and benefits from Remix s progressive enhancement especially important for e commerce Not to mention that Remix is decoupled from React and Shopify is working on a Hydrogen UI agnostic library Shopify should be able to reach developers from various frameworks Vue Svelte without having to impose React while relying on a shared infrastructure Comments Josh Larson worked on Hydrogen v lists challenges encountered and doesn t question the benefits of React Server Components which are better implemented in Next js than Hydrogen v Ryan Florence mentions that Shopify is not against Server Components and that they will probably be re introduced in Remix later Ryan Florence explains how this acquisition will allow them to fully focus Remix Guillermo Rauch says that a frontend should rather be decoupled from a headless backends Anthony Frehner replies that Next js support should be coming to Hydrogen UI Useful links The Hydrogen Roadmap has been updated with many more technical details Remixing Shopify the Remix team announcement which will remain an independent open source React framework decoupled from e commerce uses Fireship When your JavaScript framework gets acquiredThree js Journey is going ReactThree js Journey is the reference course to learn how to create D scenes on the web with Three js Bruno Simon has just released hours of additional videos based on React Three Fiber which brings a declarative model to Three js D is coming to our applications it s a good time to get into it if you want to know how to do something other than forms and business applications I m also doing this course and I don t regret it at all Bruno is offering us a promo code TWIR of or for the next days This is not sponsored I find this course really cool and the update makes it even more relevant for a React dev I plan to create a deals page soon with other interesting courses on which I won t earn anything Don t hesitate to tell me which courses interest you the most so that I can contact their authors React core Add fetch Instrumentation to Dedupe Fetches monkey patching fetch is controversial RFC TypeScript React Allow anything to be rendered by function componentsFull Stack Components Kent C Dodds explains that Remix allows to create truly full stack components which encapsulate frontend and backend code in the same file Remix s full stack patterns are not limited to routing but can also be used on micro interactions via the useFetcher hook like button autocomplete Optimization techniques for Rive animations in React apps Rive is a more efficient animation library than Lottie Alex explains how to optimize the loading of Rive animations in a Gatsby or Next js app self hosting of the WASM runtime Webpack loader preloading lazy loading Good techniques to know that can be used in other contexts Deploy Next js on Netlify Today Netlify brings support for the latest Next js innovations Code coverage with Storybook test runner summarizes well the test features of Storybook It is now possible to generate a coverage report thanks to the Istanbul instrumentation The reporting format is configurable The Gatsby Slice API High Precision Incremental Builds explains how the new Gatsby API works to improve build performance when a layout component header footer is updated Seeding the Query Cache describes a possible waterfall problem with React Query when using Suspense Suggests using prefetchQuery before component mount to optimize loading as much as possible Gives an idea of how React Query intends to integrate with the latest React innovations How to Build a Blog with Fresh Fresh is the Preact framework based on DenoGatsby the new version should be released today The Gatsby Valhalla Content Hub should make it possible to use the GraphQL data layer of Gatsby in other frameworks Docusaurus support of Mermaid diagramsAsta new resumable SSR framework inspired by Qwik and Marko with a React like syntax To be continued TanStack Query new ESLint pluginRemix Forms Downshift SponsorHow s of software engineers stay productive without burning outYou know that the output of your work matters more than the number of hours you put in Sunsama has been the insider secret of s of developers who use it to work less but achieve more Eliminate endless tab switching with their JIRA Github and Notion integration Timebox your day and create space for your hobbies and side projects The best part They re offering a day free trial no card needed so you can start achieving more today React NativeExpo SDK beta is now availableThe new Expo SDK is available in beta for one week Some headlines Upgrades to React Native and React Hermes available in Expo Go on iOS Hermes will be the default JS engine from SDK Fabric support in many Expo modulesExpo Modules API that makes it easy to create native Fabric modules in Swift KotlinFilesystem routing for React Navigation in beta The last release v is compatible with SDK We ll have more details next week but it s clearly a big release with some very nice new features Andrew Clark I would love to see Expo adopt Server Components one day We should really have Server Components for React Native I ve been interested in the use of Server Components with React Native for a while and I m very happy that it s finally officially said publicly React Native Gesture Handler React Native Fast ShadowReact Native Android improves build speed active arch only flagStripe Identity ID Authentication Made SimpleReact Native Guide to Integration with Existing Apps AndroidReact Native Guide to Integration with Existing Apps iOS️The React Native Show React Native New Architecture️The React Native Show Podcast Coffee Talk Webpack amp Callstack experts take on Next js Conf️RNR React Native FirebaseThe React Native Community MapWix Engineering Now An Official React Native Partner ‍Jobs‍Product Engineer at Causal Remote London NY kCausal is a Series A Startup backed by Coatue Accel building an all in one tool for working with numbers and visualizing data We re looking for strong React engineers who can solve difficult UX performance challenges ‍Gi Remote React Native JobsWe have several roles open for developers focused on React Native Pay is k plus bonus You must have production experience with RN and be based in the US DM gabe gi to learn more and don t forget to mention This Week in React How to publish an offer OtherBabel Deno target and TS support with satisfies Announcing TypeScript RC with satisfies Node v LTS first v LTS releaseOpen sourcing the new TypeScript type checker l auteur de swc open source son type checker stc qui sera finalement écrit en Rustnpm v Vercel acquires Splitbee to expand first party analyticsDeno Major IDE ImprovementsChrome betaVite Experimental Dev Server Persistent Caching for ViteTwo JavaScripts Fun 2022-11-02 10:27:41
海外TECH DEV Community Creating a registration and a login with two-factor authentication on React 🤩 https://dev.to/nevodavid/creating-a-registration-and-a-login-with-two-factor-authentication-on-react-2p2i Creating a registration and a login with two factor authentication on React What is this article about If you have thought about building any dashboard you probably realize you need to implement authentication You are probably already familiar with terms like Login and Registration You have probably used them to register to dev to In today s world more companies are pushing to secure your account and offer you to add a Two Factor authentication Two factor authentication is an extra layer of protection it requires you to enter a code you can find in an external service SMS Email or an Authentication App In this article you ll learn how to build an application that uses two factor authentication with React Novu and Node js What is Two Factor Authentication FA Two Factor Authentication sometimes referred to as dual factor authentication is an additional security measure that allows users to confirm their identity before gaining access to an account It can be implemented through a hardware token SMS Text Messages Push notifications and biometrics required by the application before users can be authorised to perform various actions In this article we ll use the SMS text messaging FA by creating an application that accepts the users credentials and verifies their identity before granting them access to the application Novu the first open source notification infrastructureJust a quick background about us Novu is the first open source notification infrastructure We basically help to manage all the product notifications It can be In App the bell icon like you have in the Dev Community Websockets Emails SMSs and so on I would be super grateful if you can help us out by starring the library Setting up a Node js serverCreate the project folder containing two sub folders named client and server mkdir auth systemcd auth systemmkdir client serverNavigate into the server folder and create a package json file cd server amp npm init yInstall Express js CORS and Nodemon npm install express cors nodemonExpress js is a fast minimalist framework that provides several features for building web applications in Node js  CORS is a Node js package that allows communication between different domains Nodemon is a Node js tool that automatically restarts the server after detecting file changes Create an index js file the entry point to the web server touch index jsSet up a simple Node js server as below const express require express const cors require cors const app express const PORT app use express urlencoded extended true app use express json app use cors app get api req res gt res json message Hello world app listen PORT gt console log Server listening on PORT Building the app user interfaceIn this section we ll build the user interface for the application allowing users to register and sign in to an application Users can create an account log in and perform FA via SMS before they are authorised to view the dashboard Create a new React js project within the client folder cd clientnpx create react app Delete the redundant files such as the logo and the test files from the React app and update the App js file to display Hello World as below function App return lt div gt lt p gt Hello World lt p gt lt div gt export default App Navigate into the src index css file and copy the code below It contains all the CSS required for styling this project import url Grotesk wght amp display swap box sizing border box margin padding font family Space Grotesk sans serif input height px padding px px margin bottom px button width px outline none border none padding px cursor pointer font size px login container signup container verify dashboard width min height vh padding px px display flex flex direction column align items center justify content center login form verify form signup form width display flex flex direction column loginBtn signupBtn codeBtn background color green color fff margin bottom px signOutBtn background color c color fff link cursor pointer color rgb code width text align center verify form align items center media screen and max width px login container signup container verify padding px Install React Router a JavaScript library that enables us to navigate between pages in a React application npm install react router domCreate a components folder within the React app containing the Signup js Login js PhoneVerify js and Dashboard js files mkdir componentscd componentstouch Signup js Login js PhoneVerify js Dashboard jsUpdate the App js file to render the newly created components on different routes via React Router import BrowserRouter Route Routes from react router dom import Login from components Login import Signup from components Signup import Dashboard from components Dashboard import PhoneVerify from components PhoneVerify function App return lt BrowserRouter gt lt Routes gt lt Route path element lt Login gt gt lt Route path register element lt Signup gt gt lt Route path dashboard element lt Dashboard gt gt lt Route path phone verify element lt PhoneVerify gt gt lt Routes gt lt BrowserRouter gt export default App The Login pageCopy the code below into the Login js file It accepts the email and password from the user import React useState from react import useNavigate from react router dom const Login gt const email setEmail useState const password setPassword useState const navigate useNavigate const handleSubmit e gt e preventDefault console log email password setPassword setEmail const gotoSignUpPage gt navigate register return lt div className login container gt lt h gt Login lt h gt lt form className login form onSubmit handleSubmit gt lt label htmlFor email gt Email lt label gt lt input type text id email name email value email required onChange e gt setEmail e target value gt lt label htmlFor password gt Password lt label gt lt input type password name password id password minLength required value password onChange e gt setPassword e target value gt lt button className loginBtn gt SIGN IN lt button gt lt p gt Don t have an account lt span className link onClick gotoSignUpPage gt Sign up lt span gt lt p gt lt form gt lt div gt export default Login The Sign up pageCopy the code below into the Signup js file It accepts the email username telephone and password from the user import React useState from react import useNavigate from react router dom const Signup gt const email setEmail useState const username setUsername useState const tel setTel useState const password setPassword useState const navigate useNavigate const handleSubmit e gt e preventDefault console log email username tel password setEmail setTel setUsername setPassword const gotoLoginPage gt navigate return lt div className signup container gt lt h gt Sign up lt h gt lt form className signup form onSubmit handleSubmit gt lt label htmlFor email gt Email Address lt label gt lt input type email name email id email value email required onChange e gt setEmail e target value gt lt label htmlFor username gt Username lt label gt lt input type text id username name username value username required onChange e gt setUsername e target value gt lt label htmlFor tel gt Phone Number lt label gt lt input type tel name tel id tel value tel required onChange e gt setTel e target value gt lt label htmlFor tel gt Password lt label gt lt input type password name password id password minLength required value password onChange e gt setPassword e target value gt lt button className signupBtn gt SIGN UP lt button gt lt p gt Already have an account lt span className link onClick gotoLoginPage gt Login lt span gt lt p gt lt form gt lt div gt export default Signup The PhoneVerify pageUpdate the PhoneVerify js file to contain the code below It accepts the verification code sent to the user s phone number import React useState from react import useNavigate from react router dom const PhoneVerify gt const code setCode useState const navigate useNavigate const handleSubmit e gt e preventDefault console log code setCode navigate dashboard return lt div className verify gt lt h style marginBottom px gt Verify your Phone number lt h gt lt form className verify form onSubmit handleSubmit gt lt label htmlFor code style marginBottom px gt A code has been sent your phone lt label gt lt input type text name code id code className code value code onChange e gt setCode e target value required gt lt button className codeBtn gt AUTHENTICATE lt button gt lt form gt lt div gt export default PhoneVerify The Dashboard pageCopy the code below into the Dashboard js file It is a protected page that is accessible to authenticated users only import React useState from react import useNavigate from react router dom const Dashboard gt const navigate useNavigate useEffect gt const checkUser gt if localStorage getItem username navigate checkUser navigate const handleSignOut gt localStorage removeItem username navigate return lt div className dashboard gt lt h style marginBottom px gt Howdy David lt h gt lt button className signOutBtn onClick handleSignOut gt SIGN OUT lt button gt lt div gt export default Dashboard Creating the authentication workflowHere we ll create the authentication workflow for the application When creating an account the application accepts the user s email username telephone number and password Then redirects the user to the sign in page where the email and password are required The application sends a verification code to the user s phone number to verify their identity before viewing the dashboard page The Sign up routeCreate a function within the Signup component that sends the user s credentials to the Node js server const postSignUpDetails gt fetch http localhost api register method POST body JSON stringify email password tel username headers Content Type application json then res gt res json then data gt console log data catch err gt console error err const handleSubmit e gt e preventDefault Call it within the submit function postSignUpDetails setEmail setTel setUsername setPassword Create a POST route within the index js file on the server that accepts the user s credentials app post api register req res gt const email password tel username req body Logs the credentials to the console console log email password tel username Since we need to save the user s credentials update the POST route as below An array containing all the usersconst users Generates a random string as the IDconst generateID gt Math random toString substring app post api register req res gt Get the user s credentials const email password tel username req body Checks if there is an existing user with the same email or password let result users filter user gt user email email user tel tel if none if result length creates the structure for the user const newUser id generateID email password username tel Adds the user to the array of users users push newUser Returns a message return res json message Account created successfully Runs if a user exists res json error message User already exists Update the postSignUpDetails function within the Signup component to notify users that they have signed up successfully const postSignUpDetails gt fetch http localhost api register method POST body JSON stringify email password tel username headers Content Type application json then res gt res json then data gt if data error message alert data error message else alert data message navigate catch err gt console error err The code snippet above checks if the data returned from the server contains an error message before navigating to the log in route If there is an error it displays the error message The Login routeCreate a function with the Login component that sends the user s email and password to the server const postLoginDetails gt fetch http localhost api login method POST body JSON stringify email password headers Content Type application json then res gt res json then data gt console log data catch err gt console error err const handleSubmit e gt e preventDefault Calls the function postLoginDetails setPassword setEmail Create a POST route on the server that authenticates the user app post api login req res gt Accepts the user s credentials const email password req body Checks for user s with the same email and password let result users filter user gt user email email amp amp user password password If no user exists it returns an error message if result length return res json error message Incorrect credentials Returns the username of the user after a successful login res json message Login successfully data username result username Update the postLoginDetails to display the response from the server const postLoginDetails gt fetch http localhost api login method POST body JSON stringify email password headers Content Type application json then res gt res json then data gt if data error message alert data error message else Logs the username to the console console log data data save the username to the local storage localStorage setItem username data data username Navigates to the FA route navigate phone verify catch err gt console error err The code snippet above displays the error message to the user if there is an error otherwise it saves the username gotten from the server to the local storage for easy identification In the upcoming sections I ll guide you through adding the SMS two factor authentication using Novu How to add Novu to a Node js applicationNovu allows us to add various forms of notifications such as SMS email chat and push messages to your software applications To install the Novu Node js SDK run the code snippet below on your server npm install novu nodeCreate a Novu project by running the code below A personalised dashboard is available to you npx novu initYou will need to sign in with Github before creating a Novu project The code snippet below contains the steps you should follow after running npx novu initNow let s setup your account and send your first notificationWhat is your application name Devto CloneNow lets setup your environment How would you like to proceed gt Create a free cloud account Recommended Create your account with gt Sign in with GitHubI accept the Terms and Condidtions and have read the Privacy Policy gt Yes️Create your account successfully We ve created a demo web page for you to see novu notifications in action Visit http localhost demo to continueVisit the demo web page http localhost demo copy your subscriber ID from the page and click the Skip Tutorial button We ll be using it later in this tutorial Copy your API key available within the Settings section under API Keys on the Novu Manage Platform Import Novu from the package and create an instance using your API Key on the server Within server index jsconst Novu require novu node const novu new Novu lt YOUR API KEY gt Adding SMS two factor authentication with NovuNovu supports several SMS text messaging tools such as Twilio Nexmo Plivo Amazon SNS and many others In this section you ll learn how to add Twilio SMS messaging to Novu Setting up a Twilio accountGo to the Twilio homepage and create an account You will have to verify your email and phone number Head over to your Twilio Console once you re signed in Generate a Twilio phone number on the dashboard This phone number is a virtual number that allows you to communicate via Twilio Copy the Twilio phone number somewhere on your computer to be used later in the tutorial Scroll down to the Account Info section and copy and paste the Account SID and Auth Token somewhere on your computer to be used later in this tutorial Connecting Twilio SMS to NovuSelect Integrations Store from the sidebar of your Novu dashboard and scroll down to the SMS section Choose Twilio and enter the needed credentials provided by Twilio then click Connect Next create a notification template by selecting Notifications on the sidebar Select Workflow Editor from the side pane and create a workflow as below Click the SMS from the workflow and add the text below to the message content field Your verification code is code Novu allows you to add dynamic content or data to the templates using the Handlebars templating engine The data for the code variable will be inserted into the template as a payload from the request Go back to the index js file on the server and create a function that sends an SMS to verify the users when they log in to the application Add the code below into the index js file Generates the code to be sent via SMSconst generateCode gt Math random toString substring const sendNovuNotification async recipient verificationCode gt try let response await novu trigger lt NOTIFICATION TEMPLATE ID gt to subscriberId recipient phone recipient payload code verificationCode console log response catch err console error err The code snippet above accepts the recipient s telephone number and the verification code as a parameter Update the login POST route to send the SMS via Novu after a user logs in to the application variable that holds the generated codelet code app post api login req res gt const email password req body let result users filter user gt user email email amp amp user password password if result length return res json error message Incorrect credentials code generateCode Send the SMS via Novu sendNovuNotification result tel code res json message Login successfully data username result username To verify the code entered by the user update the PhoneVerify component to send the code to the server const postVerification async gt fetch http localhost api verification method POST body JSON stringify code headers Content Type application json then res gt res json then data gt if data error message alert data error message else Navigates to the dashboard page navigate dashboard catch err gt console error err const handleSubmit e gt e preventDefault Calls the function postVerification setCode Create a POST route on the server that accepts the code and checks if it is the same as the code on the backend app post api verification req res gt if code req body code return res json message You re verified successfully res json error message Incorrect credentials Congratulations You ve completed the project for this tutorial ConclusionSo far you ve learnt what two factor authentication is its various forms and how to add it to a web application Two Factor Authentication is added to software applications to protect both the user credentials and the resources users can access Depending on your application you can add FA at specific parts where significant changes occur The source code for this application is available here Thank you for reading P S I would be super grateful if you can help us out by starring the library 2022-11-02 10:17:46
海外TECH Engadget Google is shutting down its dedicated Street View app https://www.engadget.com/google-shutting-down-dedicated-street-view-app-102514292.html?src=rss Google is shutting down its dedicated Street View appYou can add the standalone Street View app to Google s growing product graveyard Upon decompiling the latest version of the application for Android toGoogle found shutdown notices that the company has yet to publish In those notices the tech giant is announcing that the Street View app is going away and that support will end on March st Spokesperson Madison Gouveia has confirmed to The Verge that the app truly is getting the ax Gouveia also told the publication that Google will pull Street View from app stores in the coming weeks nbsp Google announced that it was spinning off Street View into its own app back in Available for both Android and iOS it lets you upload your own spherical photos from your phone or from spherical cameras Last year the company also introduced Photo Paths which lets you contribute a series of D photos for roads and locations that haven t been documented by a Street View car or camel or sheep in the past nbsp Street View will continue being a key Google Maps feature so you can still virtually explore all the places the tech giant had documented with its cameras You can also keep adding Photo Spheres within Maps and publishing degree videos using Street View Studio As toGoogle notes though there will be no way to add Photo Paths anymore after Google completely shuts down the dedicated Street View app Previously submitted Photo Path images however will continue being viewable within Google Maps nbsp 2022-11-02 10:25:14
海外TECH Engadget Google revamps Assistant parental controls and adds a kids' dictionary https://www.engadget.com/google-assistant-parental-controls-kids-dictionary-100051417.html?src=rss Google revamps Assistant parental controls and adds a kids x dictionaryKids love to use smart speakers but it s all too easy for things to go horribly wrong ーincluding content that s decidedly not family friendly Google is trying to address those worries by both revising parental controls for Assistant and providing more child oriented responses To start an update will let you disable some Assistant features restrict the services children can use and establish downtime hours You can bar kids from making calls or limit them to watching YouTube Kids on a Nest Hub The controls will be available in the coming weeks through the Google Assistant Google Home and Family Link apps for Android and iOS They ll be available in the Assistant settings for your child s account Google is simultaneously encouraging kids to ask more questions It s adding a Kids Dictionary to Assistant that provides age suitable answers on speakers displays and mobile devices If your young one asks what a telescope is for instance you ll get a simple explanation rather than discussions of optics and electromagnetic radiation There are also four new kid friendly voices that are slower more expressive and otherwise better matched to childhood development Google is relatively late to these kinds of features Amazon s Alexa has had parental controls for a while and can help kids read stories Even so this is good news if you ve wanted more choice in kid oriented smart speakers and displays You can likely get the device that meets your grown up needs without worrying quite so much about your little ones 2022-11-02 10:00:51
海外科学 BBC News - Science & Environment COP27: What is the Egypt climate conference and why is it important? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-63316362?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA diplomatic 2022-11-02 10:28:26
医療系 医療介護 CBnews 「かかりつけ医機能」分担・連携で、日医提言-制度整備を巡る国の議論踏まえ https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20221102191612 医療機関 2022-11-02 19:35:00
医療系 医療介護 CBnews ヘリコバクター・ピロリ除菌前の感染診断を改訂-厚労省保険局医療課長が通知 https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20221102190131 保険医療機関 2022-11-02 19:15:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 「デジタル・分散型金融への対応のあり方等に関する研究会」(第6回)議事録を公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/singi/digital/gijiroku/20220620.html Detail Nothing 2022-11-02 12:00:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Criminals and sexual predators allowed into police, says report https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-63478011?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA erode 2022-11-02 10:45:20
ニュース BBC News - Home Rishi Sunak is now going to COP27 climate summit https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-63484971?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA minister 2022-11-02 10:49:08
ニュース BBC News - Home Israel elections: Benjamin Netanyahu set for dramatic comeback - partial results https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-63459824?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA election 2022-11-02 10:44:58
ニュース BBC News - Home Matt Hancock defends joining I'm A Celebrity cast https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-63481685?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA castthe 2022-11-02 10:12:06
ニュース BBC News - Home South hits back as N Korea fires most missiles in a day https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-63481183?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA escalate 2022-11-02 10:53:50
ビジネス 不景気.com 富山・南砺の漬物製造「丸東食品」に破産決定、負債1億円 - 不景気com https://www.fukeiki.com/2022/11/maruto-shokuhin.html 富山県南砺市 2022-11-02 10:12:19
北海道 北海道新聞 小麦畑に白いアーチ 幕別で「霧虹」 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/754851/ 十勝管内 2022-11-02 19:02:00
IT 週刊アスキー 山崎製パンが「岩下の新生姜」とコラボ! 新生姜の爽やかさが立つ2種のパンを楽しんで https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/111/4111620/ 山崎製パン 2022-11-02 19:45:00
IT 週刊アスキー 買うなら今!スマホ版『ドラクエIV』が11月6日まで33%オフのセールを実施 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/111/4111616/ 期間限定 2022-11-02 19:20:00
IT 週刊アスキー ニチブツの『悪戯天使』が「アーケードアーカイブス」で11月4日に配信! https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/111/4111611/ nintendo 2022-11-02 19:10:00
IT 週刊アスキー PC『SDガンダムオペレーションズ』に新★6ユニット「V2ガンダム」が実装! https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/111/4111609/ 総力戦 2022-11-02 19:05:00
マーケティング AdverTimes デザインは佐藤オオキ氏 ハンズ新ロゴ、創業理念受け継ぎ https://www.advertimes.com/20221102/article400981/ nendo 2022-11-02 10:37:55



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