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IT 気になる、記になる… Bose、ワイヤレスイヤホンやスピーカーなどを最大50%オフで販売するホリデーセールを開催中 https://taisy0.com/2022/11/02/164589.html quietcomfortearbuds 2022-11-02 12:17:06
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia Mobile] 「Xiaomi 12S Ultra」にライカMマウントを装着可能 コンセプトスマホお披露目 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/mobile/articles/2211/02/news199.html itmediamobile 2022-11-02 21:24:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] Z世代が好きなYouTube芸人 3位「チョコプラ」、2位「EXIT」、1位は? https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2211/02/news188.html itmedia 2022-11-02 21:13:00
AWS AWS Startups Blog Six reasons for startups to attend AWS re:Invent virtually https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/startups/six-reasons-for-startups-to-attend-aws-reinvent-virtually/ Six reasons for startups to attend AWS re Invent virtuallyIt s almost the most wonderful time of the year again AWS re Invent is just around the corner And while we d love to hang out with you in Las Vegas from November through December never fear if you can t attend in person You can still get everything re Invent has to offer by attending virtually Well except for the slot machines and general Vegas fueled sensory overload of course 2022-11-02 12:02:51
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita paizaラーニング レベルアップ問題集 線形探索メニュー応用編 JavaScript ピクニック 2 https://qiita.com/ZampieriIsa/items/97908523fc82afeb29b7 javascript 2022-11-02 21:49:25
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Vue2からVue3への移行調査 https://qiita.com/syamozipc/items/b901b44fccdddce0ac92 classcomponent 2022-11-02 21:40:53
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita paizaラーニング レベルアップ問題集 線形探索メニュー応用編 JavaScript ピクニック https://qiita.com/ZampieriIsa/items/f4f23472359d5e96847f javascript 2022-11-02 21:29:47
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita paizaラーニング レベルアップ問題集 線形探索メニュー応用編 JavaScript 二次元データ 2 https://qiita.com/ZampieriIsa/items/12110c7b8607689a8296 javascript 2022-11-02 21:18:04
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita フラッシュメッセージの日本語化 https://qiita.com/keita1115/items/e561cd96a6a1bb9553f4 configindefaultlocaleja 2022-11-02 21:11:26
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita フラッシュメッセージの日本語化 https://qiita.com/keita1115/items/e561cd96a6a1bb9553f4 configindefaultlocaleja 2022-11-02 21:11:26
海外TECH DEV Community How to Make Calculator in React https://dev.to/reactjsguru/how-to-make-calculator-in-react-172i How to Make Calculator in ReactIn this article we are going to make a calculator in react It will be similar like an android calculator application where you put your values which remains on screen and shows the result straight away as you put values along with some operation Its logic should be easy as we do in most of our programming languages The only difference is that we will make an UI like any other calculator have So basically this is going to be a beginner friendly project so let s make this project step by step Pre requisites to Make Calculator in ReactBasic knowledge of ReactJS Basic knowledge of CSS Basic knowledge of React hooks Good knowledge of React Components Creating Basic Structure For CalculatorNow let s head to our App js Component to create the basic structure for our calculator For that we will go in return statement here we have added a div for calculator In this we have added another div for display to create our display Here we have added a span for where we will show the result which will be dynamic which means it will update as we write something in here For now we have added a static value here nothing else Now we have added buttons for operator and some symbols like dot and equal along with delete After that we need to put all digits for that we have added a function named createDigits in this we have used a loop to add digit button and added them to application using push method Read More 2022-11-02 12:44:35
海外TECH DEV Community How to create a slick animation from Schitt's Creek (TV series title sequence) https://dev.to/robole/how-to-create-a-slick-animation-from-schitts-creek-tv-series-title-sequence-2207 How to create a slick animation from Schitt x s Creek TV series title sequence This time I will tackle the title sequence from Schitt s Creek Schitt s Creek is a Canadian sitcom that aired on CBC Television from to The series follows the the fall from grace of the spoiled wealthy Rose family After their business manager embezzles money from the family business the family loses its fortune and is forced to relocate to Schitt s Creek a small town they once purchased as a joke Comedy ensues The title sequenceThe title sequence is a simple and quirky animation accompanied by a trumpet instrumental The words from the title are introduced by popping upright in a bouncy fashion Then the last S in the second word turns into a dollar sign and sparkles briefly accompanied by a bling sound effect Here is a video clip of the title sequence TLDRHere is the codepen with the final result Give it a ️on Codepen if you like it Design considerationsThe original typeface used is a serif font called Linotype Didot It has a commercial license Like the previous title sequences I made in this series I will not be buying any fonts After some searching around I found a free alternative in Playfair Display that is available on Google Fonts We should be able to have the title text as a h However we will need to break up the text content inside of the h to be able style some items individually The style for the final letter S in the first word has a few effects applied to it Two bars grow to make it a dollar sign It has a sparkle appear on the upper side of the letter with a slight glow surrounding the letter We should be able to achieve this in CSS using the after and before pseudo elements I am going to use Greensock animation library GSAP because it will be easier to find the right easing and timing values initially If it is straightforward enough then I can change it to a pure CSS animation Basic HTML and CSSBefore we get to the animation we need to write our HTML and add some basic styles The HTMLWe will want to have a margin between the words so we want them as individual span elements We can add a word class to each The final letter S in the first word is like a superscript It is vertically positioned to the top of the text We need this to be a separate span also to reference it in CSS We will add a superscript class to it lt h gt lt span class word gt Schitt lt span class superscript gt s lt span gt lt span gt lt span class word gt Creek lt span gt lt h gt There is no shame in adding an extra span element to use in the animation for the tricky parts of the superscript S but let s see if we can stick with this We should be able pull it off in CSS through after and before pseudo elements Base CSSWe decided earlier that we would use the Playfair Display font We should look at the font weight to decide which variant to use If we look through the weights on Google Fonts as per screenshot below the SemiBold variant looks the best match You can load the font through the Google Fonts API Generally I prefer to bypass third party stuff like this to reduce bloat and avoid any unsavory snooping Typically I host the font and load it through by the font face CSS ruleset However I will use the Google Fonts API here for simplicity You can generate the code snippet in their web app by selecting the font family variant you want We will use the following import url Display wght If you wanted to use this in a production website you should chose a font loading strategy that minimizes the side effects from loading that can cause the font to be unstyled initially or swapped out later which would make the animation look bad First lets add the basic styles for the text and center it as below To center the title we make the body a grid container set height vh and place items center body display grid height vh background color black place items center h color white font family Playfair Display Vidaloka serif font size rem word display block word nth of type color gold We can adjust the line height of the h to bring the words closer together and we can add some left padding and right padding to make the second word more central relative to the first word There is something pleasing about having the letter k of the word Creek nestled under the letter t of the first word with complementary curves These are the values that looked good h line height other styles excluded word nth of type padding rem other styles excluded Now we want to make the final S of the first word a superscript We can use the vertical align property to the shift the letter up I tried some values and text top looked best Also we include a media query to reduce the size of the title for small screens media screen and max width px h font size rem Alternatively you could use the clamp function with the font size This would allow the font to grow and shrink in size in relation to the size of the viewport and it will limit the font size to stay within a range The initial state for the animation is that the text is not visible so when we are finalizing the animation we will set that Animation timeI will break the animation into parts The timeline will look like this Popping up of words s to s Transform superscript S to a dollar sign s to s Sparkle effect for the superscript S s to s Part Popping up of wordsTo pop the words upright we want to rotate the words on the horizontal axis We use a rotateX transformation Overview of the axes and transformation origin for a transformationIn order to see the words pop up on a decent arc we need it to make it a D transformation We need to set the perspective property on the h element to position it in D space The strength of the effect is determined by the value of this property i e small values cause a large transformation We will start with a relatively small value say pixels The words will start out in a rotated position They are leaning back For rotateX positive values rotate text away from us and negative values rotate text towards us Therefore we will set it to a positive value Let s start with degrees as we want it hang low Demonstration of transform rotateX with positive and negative values with perspective px set on parent elementDon t forget that we want the transform origin to be at the bottom center or so that it rotates along its bottom side We will set these values in gsap through the transform shorthands For example instead of the CSS declaration transform rotateX deg we use rotationX gsap set h perspective px gsap set word rotationX transformOrigin As you can see below this tilts the words backwards For the animation we want a tween for each word where we change the rotationX to zero Something like this let tl gsap timeline tl to word nth of type duration rotationX You can run the codepen to see how it looks That s a pretty good start However it looks like the transformation is too strong By tweaking the perpspective and rotationX values we can get the magnitude of the transformation right We can increase the value of perspective the transformation more subtle A value of pixels looks better but now it is rotated too much Lets reduce the rotationXvalue A value of looks better Now we need to find the right easing to create that bouncy feel We want the easing to start fast and end slower we want it to ease out You can use the GreenSock Ease Visualizer to explore values Since there is a bounce value we can try the out version of this first like in the screenshot below We add the ease property to our tween as below tl to word nth of type duration rotationX ease bounce out This bounces back and forth too much This easing does not accept numeric values so we cannot tweak it We need to move on Lets try the elastic value which is a function that accepts values tl to word nth of type duration rotationX ease elastic out This looks more promising With some tweaking of the parameters ease elastic out looks good To complete this part of the animation we want to initially hide the words We can set this in the CSS through opacity words opacity Then we add the a very short tween to the start of the timeline to set the opacity to to make the word visible a tiny tiny moment before we pop it up tl to word nth of type duration opacity tl to word nth of type duration rotationX ease elastic out out We add the same tweens for the second word to the timeline and we are done with this part Part Transform superscript S to a dollar signNext we want to create the bars that transform the superscript S into a dollar sign We can use the before pseudo element for these bars We need to change the superscript class to position relative so that we can position the bars relative to it We will need to give the before pseudo element a width and a height and position absolutely with top and left We will use a linear gradient with hard stops to create distinct white bars I find the easiest place to start is to give the pseudo element a white background and then work out the dimensions and positioning I approximate some initial values and jump into the browser devtools to play with the values to arrive at the fitting result as in screenshot below Through this process I have the following styles superscript position relative superscript before content position absolute top left width height background color white Now let s create the linear gradient For hard stops the idea is that we use the same color stop position as the previous color stop to create bands that are a single color e g background linear gradient to right red blue creates a gradient that is exactly half red and half blue We want the pattern for the linear gradient to be that there are white bands that have the same width and separated by a transparent band Exposition of linear gradient for the creation of the bars for the before pseudo elementIf we wanted each bar to have a width of then the linear gradient would look like this background linear gradient to right white transparent white To make it easier to experiment with values we can use a CSS variable for the width Let s call it bar width and give it a percentage that we can tweak later in the browser devtools to get a value that fits We can use calc to create the correct color stop position for the transparent band as below bar width background linear gradient to right white var bar width transparent var bar width calc var bar width white calc var bar width After tweaking the value of bar width it looks like is a better fit Now we can animate the pseudo element We can use the scaleY function to scale the height from zero to its full size You cannot animate pseudo elements with the base GSAP library You need to use the CSSRulePlugin to do that However Greensock has deprecated this recently and recommends using CSS variables instead in the form of gsap to html my variable duration In the CSS we can create a CSS variable for the scaleY value in the root selector that represents the html element Let s call it bar scale y We will set this as the intial value for the scaleY transformation for the superscript before rule to effectively hide the bars root bar scale y bars superscript before other stuff transform scaleY var bar scale y Now in the JavaScript We will animate this variable let tl gsap timeline tl to html bar scale y duration And here it is in action Part Sparkle above the superscript S We will use the after pseudo element to create the sparkle that we place above the superscript S Below is a reference of what we want to create The sparkle has rays of light emanating from a central ball To achieve this we will make the pseudo element a circular shape that covers the diameter of all the rays We will use a combination of gradients to create the pattern of light We will use a conic gradient to create the rays and aradial gradient to create the central ball of light If you are not that familiar with gradients you can see how these types of gradients differ below My shorthand for remembering which is which is a conic gradient can make a pie chart slices of a circle whereas a radial gradient can make an archery target concentric circles We can use a clip path to change the shape of the pseudo element to make some rays longer than others That s the overview of what we want to do Let s go through it step by step First lets create a circular shape and position it above the superscript letter The CSSWe will position the pseudo element absolutely Since the sparkle is positioned just above the bars we can use the same values for top and left as the before pseudo element initially Since we must make the shape quite large to cover the longest rays when we increase the size of the element we will need adjust the positioning also Let s put a red border around the pseudo element to act as a guide and we can try to find the right values This is what I will start with sparkle superscript after size rem position absolute top left width var size height var size border px solid red border radius content This is what the first effort looks like The size looks good We don t need to be too accurate because we will be clipping it later on anyway Let s tweaks the value of top and left in the devtools to position the center point above the bars What would make it easier to position it is to add a radial gradient that creates a red dot in the center of the pseudo element We just want one circle so we will make the first color stop red and the second color stop transparent sparkle superscript after other stuff background radial gradient circle at center red transparent It is like a sniper target This radial gradient is what we will adjust later to make the central ball of light Now that we have an accurate way to position the pseudo element we can just adjust the values in the devtools as below Here is a codepen of the correctly positioned pseudo element Now let s fix up the central ball of light We will use a yellow tint for the color and increase the size a bit background radial gradient circle at center hsla transparent And now it looks like this Now let s create the rays of light using a conic gradient We will divide the pseudo element like a pie We color some slices as a yellow tint and then it interspere those slices with transparent slices You can see a demonstration of this in the figure below Method to create the rays of the sparkle using a conic gradient You just have to work clockwise through the conic gradient to create a statement for each slice Here is what the CSS looks like for the rays I created along with the radial gradient from earlier sparkle superscript after sparkle color rgb background radial gradient circle at center var sparkle color transparent conic gradient transparent deg deg var sparkle color deg transparent deg deg var sparkle color deg transparent deg deg var sparkle color deg transparent deg deg var sparkle color deg transparent deg deg var sparkle color deg transparent deg deg var sparkle color deg transparent deg deg var sparkle color deg transparent deg deg other stuff And it looks like this zoomed in Let s drop the border we have used as a guide It has served its purpose Now we can add a blur filter to soften the appearance of the rays It is suprisingly how dramatically this can transform the appearance You can see the result of adding filter blur px below Looking much more like actual rays of light right I m quite happy with that You may notice it is a bit more off center but I will leave it as we will add some movement in the animation anyway For quick animations that are small in scale you don t need to be that accurate with details Let s reduce the length of some of the rays by adding a clip path to the pseudo element I find it easiest to grab a polygon clip path with a few control points from Clippy CSS clip path maker I will grab the Rhombus clip path as per screenshot below i e clip path polygon is the snippet I have copied and added to the after superscript rule Then I will jump into Firefox s devtools to edit the clippath inside the browser Chrome does not have the equivalent capability in its devtools AFAIK You can click the blue polygon next to the clip path in the devtool property pane and it will show a blue overlay to represent the clip path The white dots are control points for our polygon Now you can manipulate the control points to create a shape that cuts off the end of some of the rays Double clicking on the outline of the overlay will create a new control point I cut rays down in size by modifying the clip path and adding more points to the polygon as below This is the outcome with the overlay removed This makes the rays look a bit more natural in my opinion This is the CSS superscript after other stuff clip path polygon One last consideration is how it looks on small screens Remember we added a media query in part Well we need to reduce the size of the sparkle to retain the same proportion relative to the size of the words We set the size through our own size CSS variable so we can reduce that value until it matches the previous position media screen and max width px h font size rem sparkle superscript after size rem And that is the hard work done in CSS Below is the codepen of the CSS we have so far We can switch our attention back to the animation The animationThe primary action of the animaton for this part is to scale the sparkle up Initially it has transform scale applied to it so that is hidden The action would probably be sufficient to pull off the effect however I want to make this really shine pardon the pun so I will add some movement to the sparkle and animate the text shadow for the superscript letter also To make it easy to play around with values let s create a few CSS variables for the properties we would like to animate We are interested in animating the following the scale in transform scale the x and y postion in transform translate x y the rotation in transform rotate Let s name them as follows root other vars here sparkle scale sparkle x position sparkle y position sparkle rotation Then we can set use these variables in the transform property for the superscript after rule sparkle superscript after other stuff transform scale var sparkle scale translate var sparkle x position var sparkle y position rotate var sparkle rotation Now our sparkle is invisible because it has a scale of zero Before I go further one thing I like to do is to add a click handler to what I m working on to be able to replay the animation while I go let h document getElementsByTagName h h addEventListener click gt tl restart Ok let s start by animating the scale We will make one tween to scale it up to and another to scale it down to to hide it again This will happen over milliseconds I give the first tween a label of sparkle that we can reference in later tweens if need be let tl gsap timeline tl to html sparkle scale duration sparkle tl to html sparkle scale duration This is the animation so far It looks quite good as it is I m too happy with the color but we can get a better grasp on that when we put it altogether and make final adjustments The next bit I d like to add is some movement The sparkle actually moves along the edge of the letter and dips slightly like a setting sun almost We could also rotate it slightly a slight impression of the sparkle reflecting Let s add a tween for this In the tween we can change the values of the CSS variables sparkle x position sparkle y position and sparkle rotation We want this to occur after the sparkle has scaled up a bit say milliseconds in so we will position it in the timeline as sparkle tl to html sparkle x position px sparkle y position px sparkle rotation deg duration sparkle Here is how it In particular I think the subtle rotation adds a bit more to the effect The final bit is to animate the text shadow of the superscript letter to give it a quick shine We will add more tweens for this One to show the text shadow milliseconds into this animation Then another tween to remove the text shadow when it has finished tl to superscript textShadow px rgb duration sparkle tl to superscript textShadow unset duration sparkle And here is the animation with this added I think that flash draws the attention to the sparkle effect that much more And thats it Now let s put all parts together and do some final tweaks Putting it all togetherI know it might not seem like it after all this discussion but the animation is fairly short It has tweens We could have used timelines and combined them via a master timeline This can be an useful way to improve the readibility I don t think it is necessary in this case Before we call it a day there is one last thing I would like to do Adding audioThe accompanying soundtrack complements the animation sequence really well I think it is not quite the same without it So lets add the song so that it plays in sync with animation I will initially set the song to be muted I do this for reasons To not startle someone who watches the animation Maybe they are in a library and this song plays loudly automatically Some browsers block audio that is not initiated by a user action Leaving it to the user to unmute the song ensures that there is not an issue I will add a mute toggle to the top right corner of the page to facilitate unmuting of the song as shown in the screenshot below I will use a checkbox input type checkbox but hide it and use its related label as the interactive element that I will style You might think why don t you just use a button I like to use this to leave the door open to make this a CSS only solution and I have the code ready from a previous example I use the label to display one of two SVG icons depending on the checkbox state The SVGs show a muted state or unmuted state I add them into the label and add some classes lt input id mute toggle type checkbox gt lt label for mute toggle title Toggle sound gt lt svg class mute off viewBox gt lt path d M VC C VC C M C VC MVHLVLHZ gt lt path gt lt svg gt lt svg class mute on viewBox gt lt path d ML L M L L HVHLVL C VC L L L MC L C C VC M C VL C Z gt lt path gt lt svg gt lt label gt In the CSS the label is postioned as fixed because we always want it in the same position We use top and right to place near the top right corner The checkbox is hidden via display none and we also set the width and height to zero otherwise it can take up space still actual checkbox is hidden input type checkbox display none width height label acts as the interactive element label toggle size clamp rem vw rem position fixed top rem right rem width var toggle size height var toggle size background color white border radius cursor pointer stack icons inside label label gt svg position absolute top left width height I use the checkbox hack to toggle the visibility of the images checked label mute off display block checked label mute on display none And that s the HTML and CSS covered Let s move onto the JavaScript To interact with the song we can use the Audio contructor to create a HTMLAudioElement object to manage and play the song We want it to be muted intially so we set its mutedproperty to true Then we add a click event handler to the checkbox to change this value when it is clicked let song new Audio audio intro mp song muted true const muteToggle document querySelector input muteToggle addEventListener click toggleMute function toggleMute song muted song muted To integrate the song with the gsap timeline we use the onStart callback This callback is invoked when the animation begins In the callback we play the audio through the play method Also we want to ensure the currentTime property is set to zero so that if the timeline is restarted then the song also returns to the start let tl gsap timeline onStart gt song currentTime song play And now we have the song playing every time the animation runs or restarts Final resultHere is the codepen of the completed animation Give it a ️on Codepen if you like it Could you make a CSS version of this For the animation yes To add the audio you would need some JavaScript Converting the GSAP tweens to CSS keyframes should not be complicated The tricky part is to convert the easing function ease elastic out used in part to CSS notation You would use the cubic bezier function in CSS land I have had enough of this for now I may circle back and do it another time ConclusionI really like this title sequence and I am glad that I was able to do it justice as a web animation I hope that you were able to follow my explanation and that it was not too long winded Crafting beautiful animations requires considerable effort and patience but is rewarding Thanks for reading I include the audio clip from the TV show here for the purpose of education and commentary only The inclusion of samples will not impact the commercial opportunities of the owner as it falls the doctrine of fair use 2022-11-02 12:31:02
海外TECH DEV Community Getting Started with Magento Integration for Amazon https://dev.to/themagentohumor/getting-started-with-magento-integration-for-amazon-22dc Getting Started with Magento Integration for AmazonThis is my first blog I hope you find it valuable This blog is all about setting up the Magento Integration for Amazon So the first step is the installation Create a new folder named code if not exists under the app folder Extract the Ced zip on your system and then Drag and Drop app code Ced Amazon Update composer json file by adding the code written below and as shown in the image“Amazon Sdk “app code Ced Amazon Lib amazon sdk src Now step is to run the following upgrade command in cmdcomposer require ced integratorcomposer require cedcommerce validatorcomposer dumpphp bin magento setup upgradephp bin magento setup di compilephp bin magento setup static content deploy fphp bin magento indexer reindexphp bin magento cache flushAfter successfully uploading the directory the extension will be installed upgraded Next Comes Configuration Go to the Magento Admin panel On the left navigation bar click the AMAZON INTEGRATION menu The menu appears as shown in the following figure Click on Configuration The Configuration page appears as shown in the following figure In the right panel click the Amazon Settings tab The Amazon Settings tab is expanded and the relevant fields appearUnder Amazon Settings do the following In the Enabled list select the Yes option Scroll down to the Amazon Product Settings tab and then click the tab The Amazon Product Settings tab is expanded and the expanded section appearsClick on Profile Settings the section will expand as Under this Profile Settings do the following steps In Auto Upload Product select Yes if you to automatically upload the product on Amazon In Auto Add Product On Profile select Yes if you want to automatically add products to profile and upload on Amazon In Remove Product from Profile on Conflict select Yes if you want to remove the products from the profile if the marketplace is the same on both the profile while saving the products Click Amazon Chunk Settings the section will expand as In the Product Queue Chunk Size box enter the size number of a chunk for a product upload queued task In the Product Feed Chunk Size box enter the size number of a chunk for a product upload feed In the Price Queue Chunk Size box enter the size number of a chunk for a price queued task In the Price Upload Feed Chunk Size box enter the size number of a chunk for a price feed In the Inventory Queue Chunk Size box enter the size number of a chunk for an inventory queued task In the Inventory Feed Chunk Size box enter the size number of a chunk for an inventory feed In the Status Queue Chunk Size enter the size of the chunk for the queued status In the Status Feed Chunk Size enter the size of the chunk for status feed Click Amazon Price Settings the tab gets expanded as In the Product Price list select one of the following options Increase by Fixed Price If selected then the Modify by Fix Price field appears Increase by Fixed Percentage If selected then the Modify by Percentage Price field appears Enter the numeric value to increase the price of the Amazon product price by the entered value of the Magento store price For Example Magento price of Magento price Magento Price Select Increase By Fixed Percentage optionModify by Percentage Price of Thus Amazon Product Price Decrease by Fixed Price If selected then the Modify by Fix Price field appears Decrease by Fixed Percentage If selected then the Modify by Percentage Price field appears Enter the numeric value to decrease the price of the Amazon product price by the entered value of Magento priceFor Example Magento price of Magento price Magento Price Select Decrease By Fixed Percentage optionModify by Fix Price of Thus Amazon Product Price In Amazon Minimum Price if you want to set the minimum price In Product Minimum Price select to send minimum product price to Amazon In Customer Group select a customer group if tier price is selected for price In Allow Sale Price select Yes if you want to enable the Sale Price along with the standard price In Send Price Feed Marketplace wise select Yes to send separate price feed for every marketplaceIn Allow Business Price select Yes to send the business price to Amazon In Business Price select the business price to send to Amazon In Currency Conversion Marketplace wise select Yes if you want to send the price after converting it to marketplace currency In Use Default Sale Price your default Magento attributes price and special price will be updated to Amazon for both Sale Price and Standard Price In Price Update Alternate SKU select the price update for alternate SKU Now click on Amazon Inventory Settings the section is expanded as Under Amazon Inventory Settings do the following steps In Inventory Fulfilment Latency enter the number of days for the inventory fulfilment from the order date to the Shipment date In Inventory Fulfilment Channel select the channel for fulfilment i e FBA or FBM In Override Inventory Fulfilment Latency Product Level select Yes to send fulfillment latency at product level In Set Inventory on Basis of Threshold select Enable it if you want Threshold value for your inventory In Inventory Threshold Breakpoint Value enter the threshold quantity for inventory In Inventory Value for Less Than enter the inventory value which will send to Amazon if it is less than the set threshold value In Inventory Value for Greater Than enter the inventory value which will send to Amazon if it is greater than the set threshold value In Default Quantity enter the default value In Override Inventory select Enable if you want the inventory to be synced from product qty field despite any other setting or customization for inventory In Use MSI Feature for Inventory select Yes if you want to send inventory according to Magento sources In Map Attribute map Amazon qty attribute with the Magento Attribute In Inventory Update Alternate SKU select the SKU from the field Scroll down to the Amazon Order Settings tab and then click the tab The tab is expanded and the section appears as shown in the following figure In Status for Auto Import select the status of the Amazon orders for auto import In Time for Auto Import select the time for which cron will automatically import the order In Auto Invoice Imported Order select Enable to create an invoice in Magento for imported order In Auto Acknowledge Imported Orders select Enable if you want to automatically acknowledge the imported orders on Amazon In the Auto Cancel Failed Order box select the Enable option to auto cancel the orders on Amazon in any case of failure such as No Inventory In Increment Id Rules you have the rules to Add Marketplace Code Add Amazon Order Id Add Prefix Add Fulfillment Channel In the Amazon Order Id Prefix box enter the required order Id prefix In Enable order Import Notification select Enable to receive notifications of orders import In Enable Email Notification select Enable to receive notifications via email In the Create Backorder select Yes if you want to create an order if the product is out of stock In Enable Default Customer select Yes if you want to create an order with default customer no new customer will be created during order import Once you select Yes a field appears of Default Customer enter the email of the customer In Use Default Customer s Billing Address select Yes if you want to use the billing address of the customer In Enable Guest Customer select Yes if you want to create guest customers on order import In Import Tax Only For GA FL NC US Marketplace select Yes if you want to add the tax in order for these regions in the US In Import Shipping Tax select Yes if you want to enable the tax on Shipping In Create Region State select Yes if you want to create the region or state in the Magento directory if it is not present at the time of order import In Create Default Region select Yes if you want to create the region for the order by default In Alternate SKU select the alternate Amazon SKU In Is Tracking Number Required select Yes if you want to sync tracking number for the order to amazon In Automatically create unavailable product select Yes to create the product automatically if it is not available In Upload Invoice to Amazon select Enable to upload the Amazon order invoice In Select Invoice Type select the type of invoice Click Amazon Cron Settings and the section will expand as In the Order Cron list select the Enable option to enable the fetch order cron In the Price Cron list select the Enable option to enable the price sync cron In the Inventory Cron list select the Enable option to enable the inventory sync cron In the Shipment Cron list select the Enable option to enable the shipment cron and to generate shipments automatically Scroll down to the Amazon Developer Settings tab and then click the tab The tab is expanded and the section appears as shown in the following figure In the Throttle Mode list select the Enable option to process the upload and sync task through the queue Disable only for integration testing In Shipment Async Mode select Enable to send multiple order shipment in a single feed In Debug select Enable for the logs to be created In Logging Level select the level of the logs created select No Muting for all the levels Click the Save Config button to save the entered values and information The configuration will be saved For full and steup by step guide you can also watch this video Thank You 2022-11-02 12:27:22
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Viral nature of AirTag used as political pawn in lost luggage case https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/11/02/viral-nature-of-airtag-used-as-political-pawn-in-lost-luggage-case?utm_medium=rss Viral nature of AirTag used as political pawn in lost luggage caseAirTag is a controversial tracking tool sold by Apple and any related story can lead to an incredibly viral post One political filmmaker has seemingly taken advantage of this phenomenon Apple s AirTag can precisely track lost itemsErrol Webber is a filmmaker whose luggage was allegedly stolen from a United Airlines flight in Anchorage Alaska He was in New York filming a political ad but just so happened to stow several AirTags in his gear Read more 2022-11-02 12:45:10
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News China imposes new week-long lockdown on Foxconn over COVID-19 https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/11/02/china-imposes-new-week-long-lockdown-on-foxconn-over-covid-19?utm_medium=rss China imposes new week long lockdown on Foxconn over COVID China has ordered a seven day lockdown in Zhengzhou home to a major Foxconn factory after a COVID outbreak swept through the industrial park Photo by Mika Baumeister on UnsplashThe Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone is imposing silent management measures after a surge in Covid cases that include stopping residents from going out and making sure only approved vehicles travel on local roads Read more 2022-11-02 12:30:28
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Arlo introduces Home Security System and Pro 5S Security Camera https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/11/02/arlo-introduces-home-security-system-and-pro-5s-security-camera?utm_medium=rss Arlo introduces Home Security System and Pro S Security CameraArlo is adding to its extensive line of security products with a new Home Security System introduced alongside a new Pro S K Security Camera Arlo Home Security SystemThe Arlo Home Security System is billed as a first of its kind all in one system that is capable of eight different sensing functions Read more 2022-11-02 12:01:05
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News 2022 iPad Pro review: World's best tablet gets M2 power boost - but not much else https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/11/02/2022-ipad-pro-review-m2-computing-heft----but-not-much-else?utm_medium=rss iPad Pro review World x s best tablet gets M power boost but not much elseWhile the iPad Pro still suffers from lackluster pro software workflows sometimes the hardware foundation is so good that a processor upgrade is enough The inch iPad Pro on the Magic KeyboardApple s hardware updates generally fall into three categories Read more 2022-11-02 12:14:09
海外TECH Engadget Tumblr allows nudes again, but porn remains off-limits https://www.engadget.com/tumblr-allows-nudes-again-but-porn-remains-off-limits-123232620.html?src=rss Tumblr allows nudes again but porn remains off limitsTumblr changed enormously in after it started blocking all adult content reportedly because images of child sexual abuse were posted on the website It deleted tons of sex blogs and communities to comply with its new rule and its already dwindling community never quite recovered since Now the website has updated its community guidelines so that the naked human form is once again allowed Under its new policy users can post images and videos with nudity as well as text with mature subject matter and sexual themes but they still can t post visual depictions of sexually explicit acts or any content with an overt focus on genitalia nbsp In its full Community Guidelines page Tumblr explained that by visual depictions it means pictures videos GIFs drawings CGI and any other kind of visual media Artwork considered historically significant is an exemption so long as it s properly labeled Content with nudity and sexual themes now allowed under the new policy will also have to be labeled so that users can filter them out nbsp In addition to the continued ban on visual depictions of sexually explicit acts users can t post links to adult affiliate networks or anything that promotes escort or erotic services They also aren t allowed to post images with extreme violence and gore or any kind of content that promotes pedophilia including images of children when the intent of the blog is sexually suggestive Any blog that violates those rules will be removed Tumblr also admits that the list isn t exhaustive and that further interpretation is up to the company nbsp Tumblr was one of the few sites that not only tolerated but seemingly embraced its sex worker and adult artist communities so it caught considerable flak when with little warning it banned adult content four years ago Earlier this year it reached a settlement with New York City s Commission on Human Rights which found that the ban disproportionately impacted LGBTQ users As part of the settlement terms Tumblr had to bring in an expert to review its moderation algorithms for potential bias In September this year it launched Community Labels with the category sexual themes hinting that it was going to loosen its rules and would allow some adult content on the website again That s exactly what happened but it doesn t look like Tumblr is open to supporting porn communities anytime soon nbsp Matt Mullenweg the CEO of Automattic the company that now runs Tumblr explained why in a post on his blog Credit card companies are anti porn he wrote in the post pointing out that they had cut off payments for advertising on Pornhub App stores particularly Apple s are anti porn he continued The website can t take a chance when most of its users are on mobile Tumblr also has no means to ensure that individuals featured in sexually explicit content are of legal age and had consented to being pictured or filmed I agree with go nuts show nuts in principle he said but the casually porn friendly era of the early internet is currently impossible 2022-11-02 12:32:32
海外科学 NYT > Science As Climate Change Worsens, US Weighs Which Communities to Save https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/02/climate/native-tribes-relocation-climate.html As Climate Change Worsens US Weighs Which Communities to SaveNative American tribes are competing for the first federal grants designed specifically to help them relocate away from dangers posed by climate change 2022-11-02 12:45:34
ニュース BBC News - Home Criminals and sexual predators allowed into police, says report https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-63478011?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA erode 2022-11-02 12:02:05
ニュース BBC News - Home Census: Number of overseas-born people in England and Wales reaches 10 million https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-63485073?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA census 2022-11-02 12:52:42
ニュース BBC News - Home West Lane: Teenagers died after failures at 'unstable' hospital https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tees-63472700?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA lives 2022-11-02 12:15:28
ニュース BBC News - Home South hits back as North Korea fires most missiles in a day https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-63481183?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA escalate 2022-11-02 12:37:26
ニュース BBC News - Home Tinder: More pay for dating app despite cost-of-living crisis https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-63483904?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA economic 2022-11-02 12:24:25
ニュース BBC News - Home Scotland and England to meet at Hampden next year https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/63486791?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA hampden 2022-11-02 12:31:12
ニュース BBC News - Home T20 World Cup: India boost semi-final chances with five-run win over Bangladesh https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/cricket/63485093?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA T World Cup India boost semi final chances with five run win over BangladeshIndia boost their semi final chances with a tense five run win over Bangladesh in a rain affected encounter at the Men s T World Cup in Adelaide 2022-11-02 12:52:28
北海道 北海道新聞 サツマイモを洗浄や選別 道内初の大規模施設が稼働 苫小牧 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/754959/ 苫小牧市 2022-11-02 21:20:00
北海道 北海道新聞 スカイマーク、再上場を申請 旅行回復で経営環境好転 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/754958/ 東京証券取引所 2022-11-02 21:20:00
北海道 北海道新聞 社会人野球、王子など2回戦へ 日本選手権 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/754951/ 京セラドーム大阪 2022-11-02 21:17:00
北海道 北海道新聞 留萌管内43人感染 宗谷は40人 新型コロナ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/754947/ 宗谷管内 2022-11-02 21:16:00
北海道 北海道新聞 KADOKAWA、書籍値上げへ コスト増で https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/754946/ kadokawa 2022-11-02 21:16:00
北海道 北海道新聞 防衛力強化「民間活力が不可欠」 首相、財源は踏み込まず https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/754945/ 岸田文雄 2022-11-02 21:16:00
北海道 北海道新聞 大雪時の渋滞「車の流入抑える施策を」 札幌で交通への影響考えるシンポ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/754944/ 札幌都市圏 2022-11-02 21:15:00
北海道 北海道新聞 土砂に埋まり男性死亡 滝川の工事現場 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/754943/ 工事現場 2022-11-02 21:07:00
北海道 北海道新聞 小中高生向け自習の場、網走に 美幌の花田さんプレオープン https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/754881/ alopschool 2022-11-02 21:08:15
北海道 北海道新聞 新千歳空港アニメ映画祭3日開幕 国内外76作品上映 有観客でトークショーも https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/754854/ 新千歳空港 2022-11-02 21:05:26
北海道 北海道新聞 ソウル雑踏事故 「圧死しそうだ」通報11件、対応4件のみ 届かなかったSOS https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/754872/ 韓国ソウル 2022-11-02 21:04:06
北海道 北海道新聞 早坂氏が出馬の意向 道議選恵庭市 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/754941/ 道議 2022-11-02 21:01:00



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