投稿時間:2022-01-31 05:20:45 RSSフィード2022-01-31 05:00 分まとめ(22件)

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海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Use Acronis Cyber Protect to Back Up Your PC https://www.makeuseof.com/how-to-back-up-with-acronis/ acronis 2022-01-30 19:45:21
海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Enable Hyper-V in Windows 11 https://www.makeuseof.com/windows-11-enable-hyper-v/ windows 2022-01-30 19:15:11
海外TECH DEV Community A Guide to React Context 💫 https://dev.to/adyasha8105/a-guide-to-react-context-46oo A Guide to React Context What is React Context The React Context provides a way to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually to every level In React data is often passed from a parent to its child component as a property Context is like a global object to the React component sub tree What problems does Context solve In React applications let parent components pass data long to children components but issues arise when that data is meant to be used by children components multiple layers deep but not by immediate children of that parent component Let s look at the below diagram Component A is clearly the main parent component with immediate children components B C These components can receive params from component A and pass that data to the children components but what about a scenario where Component E needs data from Component A and that data is not needed in Component B then passing that data to Component B becomes redundant Props drilling a term to describe when you pass props down multiple levels to a nested component through components that don t need it This is the benefit of React context it provides a cool way of making data readily available to every single child component in the React Application How do we use Context As far we get to know that React context allows us to pass down and use consume data in whatever component we need in our React app without using props Using the new React Context API depends on four main steps Create Context using the createContext method This function then returns an object with a Provider and a Consumer import React from react const AuthContext React createContext Next use the Provider component to wrap around the parent main component Wrap child components in the Provider component and make it accept a prop called value This value can be anything lt AuthContext Provider value value gt lt Demo gt lt AuthContext Provider gt Use the Consumer component anywhere below the Provider in the component tree to get a subset of the state function Demo return lt AuthContext Consumer gt value gt lt h gt value lt h gt lt AuthContext Consumer gt Let s see the full example import React from react export const AuthContext React createContext export default function App return lt AuthContext Provider value Happy gt lt Demo gt lt AuthContext Provider gt function Demo return lt AuthContext Consumer gt value gt lt h gt value lt h gt prints happy lt AuthContext Consumer gt Above our App component we are creating context with React createContext and putting the result in a variable AuthContext In almost every case you will want to export it as we are doing here because your component will be in another file Note that we can pass an initial value to our value prop when we call React createContext The created context is an object with two properties Provider and Consumer both of which are components Things to keep note down what Provider actually do ️ ️It holds one single javascript value that can be anything an array a function or an object ️It won t cause its children to re render The context s provider s direct children won t re render every time the provider renders but the consumers will This rule is only valid for re renders caused by the provider internally state but if his parent re renders props the provider s children will re render as well ️All subscribers will re render when the context value changes In our App component we are using AuthContext Specifically AuthContext Provider To pass our value down to every component in our App we wrap our Provider component around it and in this case Demo On AuthContext Provider we put the value that we want to pass down our entire component tree We set that equal to the value prop to do so here Happy In Demo or wherever we want to consume what was provided in our context we use the consumer component AuthContext Consumer To use our passed down value we use what is called the render props pattern It is just a function that the consumer component gives us as a prop And in return for that function we can return and use that value Another way of consuming context with the useContext hook Here is the same example using useContext import React from react export const AuthContext React createContext export default function App return lt AuthContext Provider value Happy gt lt Demo gt lt AuthContext Provider gt function Demo const value React useContext AuthContext return lt h gt value lt h gt useContext accepts the context type as parameter and returns the context value of the nearest provider of that type If there is no such provider then the default context value will be returned Will app s performance get impacted In short you app s performance will decrease drastically if your provider does a lot of work for example having a value that combines a lot of separate values you will have a lot of consumers of the same provider and they will all re render When the provider s wrapper re renders due to an internal cause may be state its children won t re render only a consumer will It is like your provider s value teleports from the provider to the consumers directly ignoring everything in between So it is more than okay to have multiple contexts and providers What differs Redux from context API As you can see the concepts involved are actually not that different from Redux So does context replaces redux The answer is NO Redux isn t only a way to pass down props teleports them it allows persistence supports middlewares and has a lot more advantages My recommendation is to use Redux for complex global state management and Context for prop drilling As this article isn t meant to talk about redux so I will drop some useful resources to read more about this comparison Answer on StackOverflow Dan s post about You Might Not Need Redux In this article we explored how we can easily use React Context instead of passing down props to share data between components Depending on your use case you might prefer to use simple props React Context or even a third party library like Redux to share data between your components Adyasha M adyasha Let s talk about React Context React context allows us to pass down and use data in whatever component we need in our React app without using props In other words It is a way to manage the state globally Isn t it interesting PM Jan Keep coding Thank you for reading Feel free to connect on Twitter 2022-01-30 19:36:15
海外TECH DEV Community Have you tried the unpack operator in python? https://dev.to/ankitbrijwasi/have-you-tried-the-unpack-operator-in-python-1g0k Have you tried the unpack operator in python The one thing which I love in Python is its unpack operator and This operator can be used with any iterable list dictionary tuple etc It makes the code very elegant adds performance to the code and I can do a ton of things using it Here are some of my use cases for the unpack operator Pass function parameters Often times it happens that the function has too much parameters with long names and passing each value to parameter makes the code harder to read To tackle this problem you can use unpack operator if there are positional arguments or if there are keyword arguments example def my func args kwargs args is a tuple so you can use indexing to get the values kwargs is a dict so you can use kwargs get param name to access the value print args print kwargs positional args keyword args arg arg arg my func positional args keyword args In this way you can make your code more readable and if the values for the function are static then you can import them from a seperate file Update list or dictionary Using Unpack operator we can update a list or dict without using any inbuilt functionlist dict a b add a new elementlist list dict dict c print list dict Merge a list or dictionary list list list list list dict a b dict c c dict dict dict Split an iterable into multiple partsmy string hello devs sub str sub str my stringprint sub str print sub str Thanks for reading this postHave an awesome day 2022-01-30 19:13:23
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple TV+ 'Bad Monkey' adds Alex Moffat to the cast https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/01/30/apple-tv-bad-monkey-adds-alex-moffat-to-the-cast?utm_medium=rss Apple TV x Bad Monkey x adds Alex Moffat to the castThe Apple TV detective drama Bad Monkey has secured another cast member with Saturday Night Live comedian and actor Alex Moffat taking a key role in the production Announced in August Bad Monkey is a detective drama starring Vince Vaughn being produced for Apple TV After an expansion of the cast in December the production added one more member in January SNL cast member Alex Moffat will be taking the role of Evan Shook in the drama described by Deadline as an obnoxious real estate developer who bought land next to main character Andrew Yancy played by Vaughn Shook is constructing a hideous spec house on the property which Yancy repeatedly attempts to derail Read more 2022-01-30 19:45:35
海外TECH Engadget ‘Halo’ TV series heads to Paramount+ on March 24th https://www.engadget.com/halo-paramount-plus-march-24-2022-194545167.html?src=rss Halo TV series heads to Paramount on March thParamount s live action Halo series will debut on March th according to a teaser the streamer shared today ahead of the AFC Championship Game on CBS At approximately the second mark of the clip you can hear the announcer state the release date We re just getting started Watch the HaloTheSeries Official Trailer today during halftime at the AFC Championship Game on CBS and ParamountPlus pic twitter com dERsgbLkIーHalo on Paramount HaloTheSeries January After sharing the first look teaser back at The Game Awards in December Paramount promised to release a longer trailer partway through today s match between the Cincinnati Bengals and Kansas City Chiefs CBS will air the trailer during halftime with the game scheduled to start at PM ET We ll update this article with the full length trailer once it drops First announced back in the Halo live action series spent years in development hell before ViacomCBS announced last year the show would premiere on Paramount instead of Showtime as previously planned Pablo Schreiber of American Gods fame is the one donning Master Chief s signature Mjolnir armor and the entire project oozes high production values 2022-01-30 19:45:45
医療系 医療介護 CBnews 看護師配置適正化は中長期の視点で-先が見えない時代の戦略的病院経営(163) https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20220128185522 千葉大学医学部附属病院 2022-01-31 05:00:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Thousands of homes without power as Storm Corrie hits https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-60188454?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA corrie 2022-01-30 19:29:17
ニュース BBC News - Home Rosie Duffield: MP considers leaving Labour over 'obsessive harassment' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-60188577?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA duffield 2022-01-30 19:36:45
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「いきなり役員」のリスクとは?肩書にこだわり過ぎた転職の悲惨な末路 - 転職で幸せになる人、不幸になる人 丸山貴宏 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/294695 転職 2022-01-31 04:55:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【入山章栄・動画】現代の経営理論が「ビジネスでは役立たず」と思われてしまう究極の理由 - 入山章栄の世界標準の経営理論 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/289885 世界標準 2022-01-31 04:50:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 東証再編が招く「上場廃止ラッシュ」、絶対無理!な改善計画書だらけの深刻実態 - 東証再編が誘発!上場廃止ラッシュ https://diamond.jp/articles/-/294483 東証再編が招く「上場廃止ラッシュ」、絶対無理な改善計画書だらけの深刻実態東証再編が誘発上場廃止ラッシュ間近に迫った東京証券取引所の市場再編を契機に、上場廃止ラッシュが起きようとしている。 2022-01-31 04:45:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 日銀「円安は日本にプラス」論の強引さ、持続的な成長に円安はむしろマイナス - 政策・マーケットラボ https://diamond.jp/articles/-/294627 日銀「円安は日本にプラス」論の強引さ、持続的な成長に円安はむしろマイナス政策・マーケットラボ行き過ぎた円安への懸念が高まっている。 2022-01-31 04:40:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 年収が低い会社ランキング2021【九州・沖縄地方/トップ5】昨年1位のアクシーズが2位、今年の1位は? - ニッポンなんでもランキング! https://diamond.jp/articles/-/294765 年収が低い会社ランキング【九州・沖縄地方トップ】昨年位のアクシーズが位、今年の位はニッポンなんでもランキング九州・沖縄地方福岡、佐賀、長崎、熊本、大分、宮崎、鹿児島、沖縄の県に本社を置く上場企業を対象として、年収が低い会社ランキングを作成した。 2022-01-31 04:35:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 年収が低い会社ランキング2021【九州・沖縄地方/全100社完全版】 - ニッポンなんでもランキング! https://diamond.jp/articles/-/294749 上場企業 2022-01-31 04:35:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 木村拓哉で好感度アップ!?日産やカルビーが「リブランディング」で復活した理由 - 日本と世界の重要論点2022 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/293961 木村拓哉で好感度アップ日産やカルビーが「リブランディング」で復活した理由日本と世界の重要論点企業のイメージを維持するのは至難の業だ。 2022-01-31 04:30:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【スクープ】パンの「神戸屋」が小売り事業縮小へ、資源インフレで悶絶 - 今週の週刊ダイヤモンド ここが見どころ https://diamond.jp/articles/-/294702 神戸屋キッチン 2022-01-31 04:25:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 1月施行「改正電子帳簿保存法」の落とし穴、知らないと重加算税も? - News&Analysis https://diamond.jp/articles/-/294535 newsampampanalysis 2022-01-31 04:20:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 豪雪地帯を走る「東北・上越・北陸新幹線」、その雪対策の歴史とは - News&Analysis https://diamond.jp/articles/-/294748 newsampampanalysis 2022-01-31 04:15:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 東大合格者の「集中力」を、本当は誰でも発揮できる!? - 要約の達人 from flier https://diamond.jp/articles/-/294746 fromflier 2022-01-31 04:10:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「高血圧」と言われたら、まずはここから!減塩の7つのコツ - ストレスフリーな食事健康術 岡田明子 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/294745 健康診断 2022-01-31 04:05:00
ビジネス 東洋経済オンライン 40、50代こそ「資格・検定」の取得に挑戦するべきだ 独立、副業、転職向きの人気の資格・検定はこれだ | 最新の週刊東洋経済 | 東洋経済オンライン https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/507687?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=http&utm_campaign=link_back 新型コロナウイルス 2022-01-31 04:30:00



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