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IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] クリスタルガイザー、4月から値上げ 大塚食品が発表 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2201/31/news202.html itmedia 2022-01-31 22:36:00
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita pixivの小説作品のURLからテキストを保存する https://qiita.com/e10persona/items/0f01c7694896068cde2a 2022-01-31 22:38:57
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita データ分析未経験者が社内データ分析コンペに出場してわかったこと https://qiita.com/Andy_takaaki/items/d125929c2ac625ba9b68 2022-01-31 22:38:06
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita ABC237 A~D問題 ものすごく丁寧でわかりやすい解説 python 灰色~茶色コーダー向け #AtCoder https://qiita.com/sano192/items/ae87d30c768f1bda4a62 【提出】入力の受け取りHWmapintinputsplit空のリストを作るAH回foriinrangeH一行ずつリストとして受け取りAtmplistmapintinputsplitAへ入れるAappendAtmpWHの二次元配列を作成BHforiinrangeWiWforiinrangeWjHforjinrangeHBの値を更新BijAjiiWforiinrangeW一行ずつ出力printBiCkasaka回文であるなら先頭と後ろの「a」の個数は一致している必要があります。 2022-01-31 22:20:08
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita SQLAlchemy同期/非同期の比較 https://qiita.com/y_p_e/items/0545f71b485b504494d4 テーブルを作るにはマイグレーションをする必要がありますが、マイグレーションを非同期でする必要はないかなと思うので同期処理で作っておきます。 2022-01-31 22:15:23
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Flickrの写真を使って写真の位置情報を可視化してみた https://qiita.com/zumi0/items/65a201558a4d8486df38 今回はFlickrに投稿されている写真を使って、その写真の位置情報をもとに地図に可視化してみたいと思います。 2022-01-31 22:10:13
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS ELB (Elastic Load Balancing)についてまじで簡単にまとめてみた https://qiita.com/m6mmsf/items/77666f2f943e072bfc55 基本的にはALBかNLBを選択することになる。 2022-01-31 22:36:40
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Google ColabからGithubを使ってみた https://qiita.com/tuk19/items/51d7eac66d702ef225c0 GoogleColabからGithubを使ってみたGoogleColabでGitHubを使う方法Gitコマンドについてはこちらにまとめています。 2022-01-31 22:41:19
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【ssh, git, windows10】ssh githubしたらエラーが出た。Bad owner or permissions on /Users/hoge/.ssh/config の解決方法 https://qiita.com/misodonkatsu/items/3c4bcb451c6a4df9c23e 本末転倒MacLinuxの人はchmodすれば良いと思う前提・Windowsだからchmodできない・ssh鍵作った・sshフォルダにconfig作ったこの記事の中に出てくる「CUsershogesshgithub」のhoge⇒自分のWindowsユーザー名github⇒ssh鍵のファイル名この記事の中に出てくるsshgithubのgithub⇒configのHostに置き換えてくださいsshconfigHostgithubHostNamegithubcomIdentityFileCUsershogesshgithubUsergitsshgithubするとエラーsshgithubBadownerorpermissionsonCUsershogesshconfig解決方法エクスプローラーでsshフォルダの前まで行き、sshフォルダを右クリック⇒プロパティsshフォルダがどこにあるか分からない人は、とりあえずCドライブ⇒ユーザー⇒hogeをチェック上セキュリティタブ⇒下詳細設定をクリック左下継承の無効化をクリック継承の無効化を押すとワーニングが出るため、下の選択肢を選ぶ継承された権限の削除とか書いてあると思うアクセス許可エントリが空になるなんか色々出てたユーザー一覧が空に継承の無効化の上にある、追加をクリック上青文字、プリンシパルの選択をクリック左下詳細設定をクリック中央右検索をクリックすると、下の検索結果にユーザー一覧が出るユーザー一覧の中から自分のユーザー名を選ぶ。 2022-01-31 22:28:51
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Elasticsearch::Modelのresultsとrecordsメソッドの違い https://qiita.com/bSRATulen2N90kL/items/2bda03e293efc15e85a3 resultsとrecordsメソッドの違い結論から書くとresultsメソッドはelasticsearchのドキュメントを返しますが、recordsメソッドはデータベースから取得したモデルインスタンスのコレクションを返します。 2022-01-31 22:50:40
技術ブログ Developers.IO 【小ネタ】EC2 に SSM で接続後, yum が失敗する https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/cannot-find-a-valid-baseurl-for-repo-error/ amazons 2022-01-31 13:56:25
技術ブログ Developers.IO 入社3ヶ月で体験した企業文化実例 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/clp-experiences-tb/ 企業文化 2022-01-31 13:43:07
技術ブログ Developers.IO [UPDATE] AWS Elemental LinkでCloudWatch metricsがサポートされました! https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/aws-elemental-link-supports-cloudwatch-metrics/ awselementalmedialive 2022-01-31 13:19:21
技術ブログ Developers.IO FSx for Windows File Serverで共有フォルダーのアクセス権限を設定する時のTIPS https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/fsx-for-windows-configure-ntfs-permissions/ amazon 2022-01-31 13:07:50
技術ブログ Developers.IO [小ネタ] FSx for Windows File Serverの「FSx Active Directory検証ツール」を実行する時にエラーでハマったら https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/attention-to-use-fsx-ad-validation-tool/ amazonfsxactivedirecto 2022-01-31 13:03:18
海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Change Your Display Name on Plex https://www.makeuseof.com/how-to-change-your-display-name-on-plex/ display 2022-01-31 13:45:12
海外TECH MakeUseOf 7 Common Workplace Distractions and How to Avoid Them https://www.makeuseof.com/common-workplace-distractions-how-to-avoid/ avoid 2022-01-31 13:30:12
海外TECH DEV Community Você ainda vende CDs! https://dev.to/edineidev/voce-ainda-vende-cds-56k0 Vocêainda vende CDs Sim os disco compacto disco compacto a laser disco a laser compacto laser ou simplesmente disco laser popularmente conhecido por CD sigla para a designação inglesa Compact Disc criado em no Japão Eles ainda não morreram e sabe porquê porque vivemos em diferentes mundos as vezes estaremos parados na tecnologia porque nossos clientes estão e isso émuito ruim porque vc não estáno estado da arte DVD gt HD DVD Disco Blu ray gt Archival Disc Mas isso sai da linha física e passa para os Streamming Spotify Deezer Tidal etc com mais de milhões de musicas O ponto que quero chegar ése vocêestáno mundo dotnet e ainda dámanutenção em sistema com NET Framework vocêjáestáatrasado para o bravo mundo novo NET que teve início em onde temos mais desempenho possibilidade de rodar no Windows MacOs ou GNU Linux Docker Se vocêainda ficar vendendo CD éporque seus clientes não buscam crescimento evolução e melhoramento contínuo porque a tecnologia impacta em todas as áreas com disrupção cuidado com os clientes que vocêtem pois seu atual futuro comcorente concorrente pode estar se preparando para o bravo mundo novo para fazer de maneira disruptiva como Uber Nubank Ifood etc 2022-01-31 13:38:57
海外TECH DEV Community State of App Development in 2021: Insights from Bitrise https://dev.to/bitrise/state-of-app-development-in-2021-insights-from-bitrise-3bg5 State of App Development in Insights from BitriseIt s a long tradition at Bitrise that we compile the biggest learnings from the previous year in our annual State of App Development blog post Let s take a look at what brought our way shall we In we spent a great deal of time building new features for you to help you Step up your game on mobile In addition we frequently analyzed a ton of behavioral data and run user surveys to understand how we could improve Bitrise to give the finest experience for mobile developers Here is the big picture of what we ve found as every year we ve broken it down into numbers to present it to you in a way you might find interesting Total build time of all active apps on BitriseIn your builds ran for hours on Bitrise that is years You know what happened years ago The Hundred Years War Platform distributionNative platforms are still the biggest iOS keeps its significant lead but interestingly its share decreased by more than Android however gained As for cross platforms React Native also increased by and Flutter by Ionic and Cordova s shares both decreased somewhat after a steady increase for years MacOS also saw a small decline last year and we think that this is the result of Mac Catalyst being released last year And sadly due to the steady decline in the number of Xamarin projects on Bitrise Bitrise will not officially support Xamarin any longer however there is an unofficial way to continue building Xamarin projects Xcode delivery and adoptionBitrise keeps delivering the new Xcode versions within the hour window from the GA announcement Last year folks run the most builds on reaching its peak in mid September But as soon as GM dropped they switched almost immediately GA was announced unexpectedly on December and it was taken up by developers all around the world as for the first time ever Apple continued accepting submissions in App Store Connect throughout the holidays Well Bitrise was not a bottleneck for releasing apps on the newest Xcode even around the holidays img alt Xcode version adoption rate lt br gt height src dev to uploads s amazonaws com uploads articles vcfxthvqzxsdhhzwy png width Git hosting in the cloudThroughout the years we ve been collecting data our users always had the most repos on GitHub but the increase of their share stopped at in and since then decreased to Bitbucket the second major player kept losing repos from to however GitHub s loss is Bitbucket s gain in the past years they went from to Custom solutions GitLab and Self hosted GitLab kept their old shares The DevsIn our survey we asked a couple of interesting questions about how our users work and their mobile app related incomes Our questions were mostly answered by folks working directly in mobile app development IncomeMobile development is money…and it costs the most in the US for companies Mobile developers are the best paid in North America where the majority of our participants earn between compared to in Europe We also tried to differentiate between folks working for a product company or in an agency and it turned out that product companies usually pay better Work managementRemote and then hybrid work setup was forced on all the tech companies in by Covid Of all the participants in our survey said that they are fully remote and that they work in a hybrid setup Only the remaining work only in an office This data seems to fit what we hear about tech companies and how developers love skipping office days Apps and their ownersThe average number of apps each company builds on Bitrise keeps fluctuating it was in in and then in In on average each company has apps but some of our largest customers build hundreds of apps on Bitrise CI CD the best partsThis is no news for us but according to folks in our survey iOS code signing…is difficult When asked it got named as the number one problem that a CI CD solution has to fix And we have recently tried to make it even simpler than before The second most important thing in CI CD was deploying simultaneously to various services followed by managing app dependencies for product companies and testing for agencies The fourth the other way round The least important feature for everybody was app store metadata and screenshots…we guess because it is often done by marketing anyway And they can manage them in our Ship add on TestingTesting is a must right We keep seeing a steady rise in the number of tests running each year In our users run more unit tests than UI tests The number of UI tests increased by and the number of unit tests by compared to the previous year From the survey we run before the holidays we also know that of our users run unit tests nd most important is integration testing then EE UI testing except for agencies which find it less important than running functional tests and UAT tests As for testing on devices more than half of our responders test their apps on on premise devices which must be fun No use virtual devices in the cloud and physical devices in the cloud Only replied that they do not use any devices at all Deploys and releasesOn average each app on Bitrise runs deploy steps a week which means that they create this many deploys to either the app stores or testers Out of these apps were sent to any of the app stores more than million times which is almost more than last year The number of internal releases was even more staggering almost million times That is a growth in one year Does this mean that folks publish more confidently We re not sure but one thing is sure internal releases help create a tight feedback loop between developers and testers and fewer bugs for users We asked our users about the reasons that drive a new version release for the apps they work on Product companies with an assumedly more mature DevOps setup release on a regular release cadence of the time Bug fixes come up second with and introducing new technologies third with For agencies in contrast the number of bug fix related releases equal the regular release schedule so agencies fix bugs more times than product companies Some Build InsightsI ve already mentioned that in your builds ran for hours on Bitrise Let s see some more interesting stats that might come in handy if you want to compare your build stats to others How do your builds compare average build time sec mins average success rate Flaky tests are a real problem so we are working on a solution that will help users identify them by comparing historical test reports in Build Insights This particular feature has not been released yet but I can show you some data already In the past two months Percentage of tests that require a re run to complete The amount of time spent on re run tests million seconds hours You ll also be able to check out how long certain Steps run so let us give you the average durations for a couple of popular Steps Xcode Archive amp Export for iOS secAndroid Build secXcode Test for iOS secAndroid Unit Test secGit Clone Repository secYou can check out Build Insights now too Our Steps and integrations in numbers There are currently around Steps and integrations in the Bitrise ecosystem Maintained by us our partners and the community each of these Steps is responsible for a small task ranging from running tests archiving the app deploying releasing or notifying team members During a build a series of Steps run in the order defined in a Workflow In our steps ran a grand total of times The most used Step in our LibraryLike ever our Script Step ran the most times in This Step is used when someone needs to run a custom command or install update a tool that is not yet available on our virtual machines This is also the Step that fails the most times so we suggest using the official Steps if possible Maintenance is also easier for Steps from the out of the box ones Apart from the usual suspects in the default workflows Slack comes with over million runs and Fastlane with over million Top build Steps Gradle RunnerXcode Archive and Export for iOSAndroid BuildFlutter BuildAndroid Build for UI TestingLast year we predicted Flutter Build would climb higher and yup it did overtake Android Build for UI Testing Top test Steps Xcode Test for iOSAndroid Unit TestAndroid LintGradle Unit TestVirtual Device Testing for AndroidThis list is exactly the same as last year the only thing that changed was the number of times they run most of them run x times more than last year We do have the mention the th one however as it s kept missing the Top list for years now Danger is a very useful Step helping users avoid some typical errors Have you tried it yet Top deploy Steps Deploy to Bitrise io Apps Logs ArtifactsFirebase App DistributionGoogle Play DeployDeploy to App Store Connect with DeliverFirebase dSYM UploadDeploy to Bitrise io being the top is not very surprising as when using Bitrise you need to deploy your app and artifacts there to be able to use them later Firebase is also kept its second place but Google Play Deploy beat Deploy to App Store Connect with Deliver formerly Deploy to iTunes Connect Application Loader for the first time in the history of the series Top notification Steps Send a Slack messageSend a Microsoft Teams messageComment on GitHub Pull RequestPost Jira CommentSend a Discord messageThe top spots remained the same with Slack s whopping M runs in Teams also did very well last year and their usage more than x ed Also Discord overtook Telegram in th place We hope these insights were as interesting for you as for us We love feedback so tweet us or comment on our social pages if you have any suggestions or if we missed anything you might be interested in We re proud to help so many great people saving countless hours and ensuring code quality making sure that you have more time for your ideas and for your code Please share this article For more keep an eye out by following us on Twitter 2022-01-31 13:28:11
海外TECH DEV Community How to bypass captcha in python using 2captcha https://dev.to/ramanbansal/how-to-bypass-captcha-in-python-using-2captcha-215p How to bypass captcha in python using captchaIn this tutorial we will learn how to bypass captcha using the captcha python package available on pypi While working on various projects we have to use some third party captcha solving services to do some automation Let s understand them deeply How captcha solving services work These captcha solving services services have an API on which we send our captchas using POST GET method After that employees resolve them and provide the result In this article we will access the captcha API with the help of Python ptogramming language Why captcha You may already solve many captchas while submitting a form or signing up for a website The basic Captcha goal is to check whether the user is a human or a bot Captcha stands for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart Captchas are used to stop spamming blogs accessing bots and making a website more secure Sometimes it is easy to solve the captcha however some of them are just a headache to the users It might take minutes to think whether the letter is in Upper Case or Lower Case Therefore nowadays users prefer to use captcha solving software What is Captcha Captcha is a Captcha recognition service solving captchas in real time It also provides image recognition services powered by human intelligence captcha can recognize different types of captcha and Its API is available for most programming languages As the captcha uses the human based method to solve captchas It provides the opportunity to earn by solving the captchas Advantages of captchacaptcha provides high level of accuracyhuman based method to recognise captchascaptcha s average speed of recognising a captcha is less than secAPI available for most popular and large no programming languages like python javascript etc captcha can solve all kinds of captchas as it uses human based methodcaptcha service is very less expensive Pricing for customerscaptcha service is very affordable Pricing of this service is fixed and very affordable Let s see the pricing of their services captcha charges only for their customers Bypassing captcha using pythonFirstly we have to insert some modules libraries for our tutorial InstallationWe are using a module called captcha python pip install captcha python Basic configrationIt is very easy to config captcha service from twocaptcha import TwoCaptchasolver TwoCaptcha YOUR API KEY Recognising local downloaded jpg of captcharesult solver normal path to captcha jpg param Recognising captcha available on wwwresult solver normal param Recognising reCaptcha with captchaYou just have to specify the sitekey and url on which you get recaptcha to recognise recaptcha result solver recaptcha sitekey Le wvkSVVABCPBMRTvwQMuexqbiDJwx mJ url param Recognising GeeCaptcharesult solver geetest gt fabcdefabcde challenge abcdefab url param Recognising hcaptchahCaptcha is basically the same as reCAPTCHA but this not leads to benefit of a single company and also respects visitors privacy result solver hcaptcha sitekey ffff ffff ffff url param Thanks 2022-01-31 13:20:07
海外TECH DEV Community 10 websites to find a Web3 Job https://dev.to/kasuken/10-websites-to-find-a-web3-job-2l6d websites to find a Web JobWhether you like it or not Web is a thing A lot of friends of mine start to ask me How can I find my next job in the Web context This is why I created this list on my Notion and now I would like to share it here web carreerThis is my favorite but it s only my opinion You can decide if you want to receive a daily report with all new jobs cryptocurrencyjobs coThis is more about crypto currencies crypto jobs buildspace so web pallet xyz jobs useweb xyz jobs webboard io pompcryptojobs com defi jobs remote coThis one is one my favorite as well Happy searching your next job 2022-01-31 13:13:13
海外TECH DEV Community A Comprehensive Guide to Slicing in Python https://dev.to/bascodes/a-comprehensive-guide-to-slicing-in-python-mko A Comprehensive Guide to Slicing in PythonIn Python some objects like strs or lists can sliced For example you can get the first element of a list or a string withmy list print my list my string Python print my string PPython uses square brackets and to access single elements of objects that can be decomposed into parts However there is more to the inside of these square brackets than just accessing individual elements Negative IndexingPerhaps you already know that you can use negative indices in Python like so my list list Python print my list Something like my list represents the last element of a list my list represents the second last element and so on The ColonWhat if you want to retrieve more than one element from a list Say you want everything from start to end except for the very last one In Python no problemo my list list Python print my list Or what if you want every even element of your list i e element etc For this we would need to go from the first element to the last element but skip every second item We could write that as my list list Python print my list len my list P t o The slice ObjectBehind the scenes the index we use to access individual items of a list like object consists of three values start stop step These objects are called slice objects and can be manually created with the built in slice function We can check if the two are indeed the same my list list Python start stop len my list step slice object slice start stop step print my list start stop step my list slice object TrueHave a look at the graphic above The letter P is the first element in our list thus it can be indexed by see the numbers in the green boxes The list has a length of and therefore the first element can alternatively be indexed by negative indexing is shown in the blue boxes The numbers in the green and blue boxes identify single elements of the list Now look at the numbers in the orange boxes These determine the slice indices of the list If we use the slice s start and stop every element between these numbers is covered by the slice Some examples Python P Python PythoThat s just an easy way to remember that the start value is inclusive and the end value is exclusive Sane defaultsMost of the time you want to slice your list by starting at stopping at the endstepping with a width of Therefore these are the default values and can be omitted in our syntax print my list my list print my list len my list my list Technically whenever we omit a number between colons the omitted ones will have the value of None And in turn the slice object will replace None with for the start valuelen list for the stop value for the step valueHowever if the step value is negative the Nones are replaced with for the start value len list for the stop valueFor example Python is technically the same as Python Special Case CopyThere is a special case for slicing which can be used as a shortcut sometimes If you use just the default values i e my list it will give you the exact same items my list list Python my list my list print my list my list The elements in the list are indeed the same However the list object is not We can check that by using the id builtin print id my list print id my list Note that every slice operation returns a new object A copy of our sequence is created when using just Here are two code snippets to illustrate the difference a list Python b aa N print a P y t h o N print b P y t h o N a list Python b a a N print a P y t h o N print b P y t h o n ExamplesSome often used examples Use casePython CodeEvery elementno slice or for a copyEvery second element even or odd Every element but the first one Every element but the last one Every element but the first and the last one Every element in reverse order Every element but the first and the last one in reverse order Every second element but the first and the last one in reverse order Assignmentsp list Python P y t h o n p y t h o p x print p P x n p list Python p x p P x x x x n Understanding the loopEvery slice object in Python has an indices method This method will return a pair of start end step with which you could rebuild a loop equivalent to the slicing operation Sounds complicated Let s have a closer look Let s start with a sequence sequence list Python Then we create a slice object Let s take every second element i e my slice slice None None equivalent to Since we re using Nones the slice object needs to calculate the actual index values based on the length of our sequence Therefore to get our index triple we need to pass the length to the indices method like so indices my slice indices len sequence This will give us the triple We now can recreate the loop like so sequence list Python start stop step i startwhile i stop print sequence i i i stepThis accesses the same elements of our list as the slice itself would do Making Own Classes SliceablePython wouldn t be Python if you could not use the slice object in your own classes Even better slices do not need to be numerical values We could build an address book which sliceable by alphabetical indices import stringclass AddressBook def init self self addresses def add address self name address self addresses append name address def get addresses by first letters self letters letters letters upper return name address for name address in self addresses if any name upper startswith letter for letter in letters def getitem self key if isinstance key str return self get addresses by first letters key if isinstance key slice start stop step key start key stop key step letters string ascii uppercase string ascii uppercase index start string ascii uppercase index stop step return self get addresses by first letters letters address book AddressBook address book add address Sherlock Holmes B Baker St London address book add address Wallace and Gromit West Wallaby Street Wigan Lancashire address book add address Peter Wimsey a Piccadilly London address book add address Al Bundy Jeopardy Lane Chicago Illinois address book add address John Dolittle Oxenthorpe Road Puddleby on the Marsh Slopshire England address book add address Spongebob Squarepants Conch Street Bikini Bottom Pacific Ocean address book add address Hercule Poirot Apt B Whitehaven Mansions Sandhurst Square London W address book add address Bart Simpson Evergreen Terrace Springfield USA print string ascii uppercase print string ascii uppercase index A print string ascii uppercase index Z print address book A print address book B print address book S print address book A H Explanation The get addresses by first letters method def get addresses by first letters self letters letters letters upper return name address for name address in self addresses if any name upper startswith letter for letter in letters This method filters all addresses belonging to a name starting with any letter in the letters argument First we make the function case insensitive by converting our letters to uppercase Then we use a list comprehension over our internal addresses list The condition inside the list comprehension tests if any of the provided letters matches the first letter of the corresponding name value The getitem methodTo make our AddressBook objects sliceable we need to overwrite Python s magic double underscore method getitem def getitem self key if isinstance key str return self get addresses by first letters key if isinstance key slice start stop step key start key stop key step letters string ascii uppercase string ascii uppercase index start string ascii uppercase index stop step return self get addresses by first letters letters At first we check if our key is a str This will be the case if we access our object with a single letter in square brackets like so address book A We can just return any addresses whose name starts with the given letter for this trivial case The interesting part is when the key is a slice object For example an access like address book A H would match that condition First we identify all letters alphabetically between A and H The string module in Python lists all latin letters in in string ascii uppercase We use a slice to extract the letters between the given letters Note the in the second slice parameter This way we ensure that the last letter is inclusive not exclusive After we determined all letters in our sequence we use the get addresses by first letters which we already discussed This gives us the result we want 2022-01-31 13:10:22
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Supercharge your business with Daylite, the only CRM app made for Mac https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/01/31/supercharge-your-business-with-daylite-the-only-crm-app-made-for-mac?utm_medium=rss Supercharge your business with Daylite the only CRM app made for MacIf you own or manage a business you probably need a CRM Here s how Daylite can help keep your employees productive and projects for clients in check Shine bright with DayliteSmall business owners have to wear many hats dealing with many tasks and duties that would be handed off to managers and employees in larger businesses Even in cases where there are multiple staff members on hand there s still a lot for an owner or manager to juggle at any one time Read more 2022-01-31 13:14:56
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Best deals Jan. 31: $599 5G iPad mini, $160 Elgato Capture Card, more! https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/01/31/best-deals-jan-31-599-5g-ipad-mini-160-elgato-capture-card-more?utm_medium=rss Best deals Jan G iPad mini Elgato Capture Card more Monday s best deals include off the G iPad mini a Crucial TB SSD for and a Star Wars Millennium Falcon Bluetooth Speaker for Best Deals for January As we do every day we ve collected some of the best deals we could find on Apple products tech accessories and other items for the AppleInsider audience If an item is out of stock it may still be able to be ordered for delivery at a later date Read more 2022-01-31 13:12:21
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple Watch saves man's life after fall in freezing temperatures https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/01/31/apple-watch-credited-for-saving-mans-life-after-fall-in-freezing-temperatures?utm_medium=rss Apple Watch saves man x s life after fall in freezing temperaturesIn the middle of the US east coast cold snap emergency services saved an unconscious man in Morrow Georgia after his Apple Watch detected a fall and alerted local authorities Apple s latest ads for the Apple Watch Series have concentrated on how the device can automatically call for help in emergencies Now yet another example of this feature saving a life has been reported in the City of Morrow Clayton County Georgia According to local CB News Atlanta an elderly resident fell while outside his property on January His Watch detected the fall and when he failed to respond that he was okay alerted the Clayton County Emergency Communications Center Read more 2022-01-31 13:35:01
海外TECH Engadget Roku's Streambar Pro drops to a record low of $150 https://www.engadget.com/rokus-streambar-pro-drops-to-a-record-low-of-150-134528651.html?src=rss Roku x s Streambar Pro drops to a record low of If you re looking for a way to upgrade your TV setup before the big game without dropping too much money one of Roku s soundbars could do the trick Both the Streambar and the Streambar Pro are already competitively priced compared to other soundbars but now you can get the Streambar Pro at its lowest price yet ーonly The smaller Streambar has also been discounted to but it s hovered at that sale price for a few months now Buy Streambar Pro at Amazon Buy Streambar at Amazon The Streambar Pro is the larger cousin of the standard Streambar and it adds a few extra features into the mix First and foremost it s larger and houses four inch full range drivers and supports virtual surround sound We were impressed by the Streambar s audio capabilities particularly when watching action movies and content that has a lot of sound effects so you ll likely get even better sound out of the Streambar Pro The larger soundbar also supports private listening with included headphones personal shortcut buttons on its remote and a lost remote finder using the Roku mobile app On top of that the Streambar Pro has all of the features that the smaller soundbar does including built in K HDR streaming technology Dolby Audio support and Bluetooth speaker capabilities You re essentially getting a in device here ーa soundbar a Bluetooth speaker and a set top box all in one You also have your choice of voice assistant to use with the Streambar Pro as it supports commends with Siri Alexa and the Google Assistant If you don t want to drops hundreds on a new TV this year before the big game updating your sound system while you can get the Streambar Pro for less is a good alternative Follow EngadgetDeals on Twitter for the latest tech deals and buying advice 2022-01-31 13:45:28
海外TECH Engadget Sony's first 2022 State of Play will be a 'Gran Turismo 7' showcase https://www.engadget.com/sony-first-2022-state-of-play-gran-turismo-7-showcase-132549274.html?src=rss Sony x s first State of Play will be a x Gran Turismo x showcaseGran Turismo finally coming to the PS and PS on March th after significant delays will be the focus of Sony s first State of Play in The event is set to stream at PM ET this Wednesday February and will feature quot just over minutes of new GT PS footage and gameplay details quot Sony announced nbsp Gran Turismo takes center stage in an all new State of Play arriving Wednesday at pm Pacific pic twitter com FASOpmpeQーPlayStation PlayStation January In a tweet above Sony teased a mix of GT gameplay and cinematics showcasing a variety of vehicles tracks and more Much as it did with Deathloop last July ahead of its September launch Sony appears to be dedicating this State of Play mainly to Gran Turismo nbsp Developer Polyphony Digital has only revealed tidbits about the PlayStation exclusive game saying it would bring back many familiar modes The game was first unveiled in June of seven years after series creator Kazunori Yamauchi said quot we don t want to take too long on Gran Turismo quot 2022-01-31 13:25:49
金融 金融庁ホームページ 事業復活支援金の申請受付開始に伴うお願いについて公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/news/r3/ginkou/20220131-2.html 開始 2022-01-31 15:00:00
金融 ニュース - 保険市場TIMES 日本損保協会、伊丹署に感謝状を贈呈 https://www.hokende.com/news/blog/entry/2022/01/31/230000 これは兵庫県ほか各地で器物損壊を繰り返した修理業者を逮捕したことに対する感謝の意を示したもので、贈呈式は年月日に伊丹警察署で行われた。 2022-01-31 23:00:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Leonard Fenton: EastEnders actor who played Dr Legg dies aged 95 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-60197349?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA eastenders 2022-01-31 13:44:05
ニュース BBC News - Home Key Post Office deal agreed for future of cash https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-60199157?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA deposit 2022-01-31 13:39:06
ニュース BBC News - Home Lampard appointed Everton manager https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/60180217?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA benitez 2022-01-31 13:47:54
LifeHuck ライフハッカー[日本版] タスクから積読書、観たかった映画まで!まるっとリスト化できる備忘録アプリ【今日のライフハックツール】 https://www.lifehacker.jp/article/lht_listy_review/ listy 2022-01-31 13:05:00
北海道 北海道新聞 東京都の人口26年ぶり減 年始時点1398万人 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/640097/ 推計人口 2022-01-31 22:19:00
北海道 北海道新聞 電力10社、純損益予想下げ 22年3月期、燃料費増加 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/640094/ 電力 2022-01-31 22:11:00
北海道 北海道新聞 「青春の象徴」「店員に感謝」 4プラ閉館 客ら惜しむ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/640062/ 青春 2022-01-31 22:10:31
北海道 北海道新聞 道内日本海側で大雪 積雪、石狩で平年の1・6倍 JR157本運休 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/640060/ 同日午後 2022-01-31 22:10:28
北海道 北海道新聞 浜中が教材、探究力育む 霧多布高の地域学10年目 プレゼン力「自信ついた」 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/640093/ 霧多布 2022-01-31 22:09:00
北海道 北海道新聞 ファットバイク、冬のレジャーに 厚田でモニターツアー https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/640090/ 関係者 2022-01-31 22:06:00
北海道 北海道新聞 1月だけで1500人超感染 釧根管内 月別で過去最多 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/640088/ 釧路管内 2022-01-31 22:05:00
北海道 北海道新聞 ふわふわシフォン入賞 セコマ発売 新十津川農高生 スイーツ考案 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/640086/ 新十津川 2022-01-31 22:03:00
北海道 北海道新聞 道内の漁獲高28%増 ホタテ輸出回復、サケ単価上昇 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/640085/ 道内 2022-01-31 22:03:00
北海道 北海道新聞 トヨタ労組、全員平均の要求廃止 賃上げ額、前年並みの水準に https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/640087/ 賃上げ 2022-01-31 22:03:00
北海道 北海道新聞 IH女子、日本は練習試合で黒星 本番会場でスイスに1―4 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/640084/ 世界ランキング 2022-01-31 22:02:00
北海道 北海道新聞 モーグル堀島行真が公式練習 「金」期待、入念チェック https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/640083/ 公式練習 2022-01-31 22:02:00



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