投稿時間:2022-01-31 17:34:58 RSSフィード2022-01-31 17:00 分まとめ(40件)

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TECH Engadget Japanese トラッカー内蔵とは思えない薄さ「三井住友カードTile」徹底レビュー https://japanese.engadget.com/mitsuisumitomo-card-tile-073035089.html トラッカー内蔵とは思えない薄さ「三井住友カードTile」徹底レビュー今回、三井住友カードTileの発表を見て、仕事上デジタルガジェット関連の最新技術に触れる機会が多い私から見ても群を抜いたその革新性と新しい体験に感動を覚え、数量限定での募集開始と共にすぐに申し込みをしました。 2022-01-31 07:30:35
TECH Engadget Japanese サムスン三つ折りスマホのSペン収納方法が判明? 特許イラストが公開 https://japanese.engadget.com/samsung-dual-fold-phone-s-pen-070058032.html letsgodigital 2022-01-31 07:00:58
ROBOT ロボスタ Mujinの知能ロボットをファンケル物流センターが導入 段ボールとコンテナの荷卸し、ピース品コンテナ投⼊を⾃動化 https://robotstart.info/2022/01/31/mujinrobot-fancl.html mujin 2022-01-31 07:42:26
ROBOT ロボスタ 人型ロボット「ASIMO」が日本科学未来館を卒業へ!記念イベント「THANK YOU ASIMO!~未来館卒業おめでとう」で会える https://robotstart.info/2022/01/31/asimo-miraikan-after-graduation.html thank 2022-01-31 07:13:05
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IT 情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders NECが組織体制を2022年4月に刷新、組織数は約50へと1/3に再編、階層は6層に集約 | IT Leaders https://it.impress.co.jp/articles/-/22649 itleadersnec 2022-01-31 16:05:00
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failedの対処法 https://qiita.com/insei_99/items/ebf1b58209cd76655303 2022-01-31 16:57:18
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Google Colaboratoryでりんなの13億パラメータ版GPT-2(japanese-gpt-1b)を試してみる https://qiita.com/analogtechnica/items/3fc0a3b44b98031a8d17 しかし「うまい文章」は実際に精読することでしか評価できないのであり、この精読をすることによってようやくうーん、なるほど・・・文章生成モデルの使い勝手は読み手にかかっているんですね。 2022-01-31 16:56:17
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Selenium経由でSlackのDMを取得・送信・スクショする https://qiita.com/h-nabata/items/7cec84f02db8bd1ca754 Selenium経由でSlackのDMを取得・送信・スクショするブラウザの操作を自動化するライブラリ「Selenium」を使ってSlackへ自動でログインし、特定のメンバーのDM欄からテキストを自動で取得・送信したり、スクリーンショットを保存したりするプログラムの一例です。 2022-01-31 16:40:37
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita PythonでFXチャートを表示してみる https://qiita.com/namikitakeo/items/aaeab37ab479a16154db PythonでFXチャートを表示してみるPythonでFXチャートを表示するのをGoogleColabでやってみます。 2022-01-31 16:02:40
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita gitのbranch https://qiita.com/yutaka_m/items/55fd9120bf2886ba6e83 gitのbranchブランチ操作リモートブランチの一覧表示gitbranchaブランチの作成gitbranchltbranchnamegtブランチ名の変更gitbranchmltoldbranchgtltnewbranchgtブランチの削除マージ済gitbranchdltbranchnamegtブランチの削除マージの有無を問わずgitbranchDltbranchnamegtブランチを切り替えるgitcheckoutltbranchnamegtブランチを作成して切り替えるgitbranchbltnewbranchgtltoldbranchgtその他・現在の作業を一時的に退避する。 2022-01-31 16:47:26
技術ブログ Developers.IO [Looker22.0新機能]ダッシュボードで使用されていないExploreのフィールドの値を用いたフィルター設定が可能になりました #looker https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/looker-available-set-filters-using-unused-explore-fields/ explore 2022-01-31 07:45:35
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技術ブログ Developers.IO クロスルート証明書を ACM(AWS Certificate Manager) に登録し、証明書ルートの確認をしてみた https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/crossroute-acm/ acmawscertificatemanager 2022-01-31 07:30:04
海外TECH DEV Community Containerless! How to Run WebAssembly Workloads on Kubernetes with Rust https://dev.to/oktadev/containerless-how-to-run-webassembly-workloads-on-kubernetes-with-rust-2j8f Containerless How to Run WebAssembly Workloads on Kubernetes with RustWebAssembly Wasm is one of the most exciting and underestimated software technologies invented in recent times It s a binary instruction format for a stack based virtual machine that aims to execute at native speeds with a memory safe and secure sandbox Wasm is portable cross platform and language agnosticーdesigned as a compilation target for languages Though originally part of the open web platform it has found use cases beyond the web WebAssembly is now used in browsers Node js Deno Kubernetes and IoT platforms You can learn more about WebAssembly at WebAssembly org WebAssembly on KubernetesThough initially designed for the web WebAssembly proved to be an ideal format for writing platform and language agnostic applications You may be aware of something similar in the container worldーDocker containers People including Docker co founder Solomon Hykes recognized the similarity and acknowledged that WebAssembly is even more efficient since it s fast portable and secure running at native speeds This means that you can use WebAssembly alongside containers as workloads on Kubernetes Another WebAssembly initiative known as WebAssembly System Interface WASI along with the Wasmtime project make this possible Solomon Hykes solomonstre If WASM WASI existed in we wouldn t have needed to created Docker That s how important it is Webassembly on the server is the future of computing A standardized system interface was the missing link Let s hope WASI is up to the task twitter com linclark statu… PM Mar Lin Clark linclark WebAssembly running outside the web has a huge future And that future gets one giant leap closer today with Announcing WASI A system interface for running WebAssembly outside the web and inside it too WebAssembly on Kubernetes is relatively new and has some rough edges at the moment but it s already proving to be revolutionary Wasm workloads can be extremely fast as they can execute faster than a container takes to start The workloads are sandboxed and hence much more secure than containers they are way smaller in size due to the binary format than containers If you want to learn more about WASI check out the original announcement from Mozilla Why Rust I previously wrote a blog post about why Rust is a great language for the future Tl Dr Rust is secure and fast without the compromises of most modern languages and Rust has the best ecosystem and tooling for WebAssembly So Rust Wasm makes it super secure and fast Enter KrustletKrustlet is a Kubelet written in Rust for WebAssembly workloads written in any language It listens for new pods assignments based on tolerations specified on the manifest and runs them Since the default Kubernetes nodes cannot run Wasm workloads natively you need a Kubelet that can and this is where Krustlet comes in Run WebAssembly workloads on Kubernetes with KrustletToday you will use Krustlet to run a Wasm workload written in Rust on Kubernetes PrerequisitesDockerkubectlkind or another local kubernetes distributionRust toolkit Includes rustup rustc and cargo Preparing the clusterFirst you need to prepare a cluster and install Krustlet on the cluster to run WebAssembly on it I m using kind to run a local Kubernetes cluster you can also use MiniKube MicroKs or another Kubernetes distribution The first step is to create a cluster with the below command kind create clusterNow you need to bootstrap Krustlet For this you will need kubectl installed and a kubeconfig that has access to create Secrets in the kube system namespace and can approve CertificateSigningRequests You can use these handy scripts from Krustlet to download and run the appropriate setup script for your OS Setup for Linux macOScurl bin bashNow you can install and run Krustlet Download a binary release from the release page and run it Download the appropriate version for your OS Download for Linuxcurl O tar xzf krustlet v alpha linux amd tar gz Install for LinuxKUBECONFIG krustlet config kubeconfig krustlet wasi node ip node name krustlet bootstrap file HOME krustlet config bootstrap confNote If you use Docker for Mac the node ip will be different Follow the instructions from the Krustlet docs to figure out the IP If you get the error krustlet wasi cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified you can allow it with the allow anyway button found at System Preferences gt Security amp Privacy gt General on macOS You should see a prompt to manually approve TLS certs since the serving certs Krustlet uses must be manually approved Open a new terminal and run the below command The hostname will be shown in the prompt from the Krustlet server kubectl certificate approve lt hostname gt tlsThis will be required only for the first time when you start the Krustlet Keep the Krustlet server running You might see some errors being logged but let s ignore it for now as Krustlet is still in beta and there are some rough edges Let s see if the node is available Run kubectl get nodes and you should see something like this kubectl get nodes o wide OutputNAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION INTERNAL IP EXTERNAL IP OS IMAGE KERNEL VERSION CONTAINER RUNTIMEkind control plane Ready control plane master m v lt none gt Ubuntu fc x containerd krustlet Ready lt none gt m alpha lt none gt lt unknown gt lt unknown gt mvpNow let s test if the Krustlet is working as expected by applying the Wasm workload below As you can see we have tolerations defined so that this will not be scheduled on normal nodes kubectl apply f lt lt EOFapiVersion vkind Podmetadata name hello wasmspec containers name hello wasm image webassembly azurecr io hello wasm v tolerations effect NoExecute key kubernetes io arch operator Equal value wasm wasi or wasm wasmcloud according to module target arch effect NoSchedule key kubernetes io arch operator Equal value wasm wasiEOFOnce applied run kubectl get pods as shown below and you should see the pod running on the Krustlet node kubectl get pods field selector spec nodeName krustlet OutputNAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGEhello wasm ExitCode mDon t worry about the status It s normal for a workload that terminates normally to have ExitCode Let s check the logs for the pod by running kubectl logs kubectl logs hello wasm OutputHello World You have successfully set up a Kubelet that can run Wasm workloads on your cluster Setting up Rust for WebAssemblyNow let us prepare an environment for WebAssembly with Rust Make sure you are using a stable Rust version and not a nightly release First you need to add wasm wasi target for Rust so that you can compile Rust apps to WebAssembly Run the below command rustup target add wasm wasiNow you can create a new Rust application with Cargo cargo new bin rust wasmOpen the created rust wasm folder in your favorite IDE I use Visual Studio Code with the fantastic rust analyzer and CodeLLDB plugins to develop in Rust Create the WebAssembly workloadLet s write a small service that will print random cat facts on the console For this you could use a free public API that provides random cat facts Edit cargo toml and add the following dependencies dependencies wasi experimental http http serde json env logger log Then edit src main rs and add the following code use http use serde json Value use std str thread time fn main env logger init let url to string loop let req http request Builder new method http Method GET uri amp url header Content Type text plain let req req body None unwrap log debug Request req send request using the experimental bindings for http on wasi let mut res wasi experimental http request req expect cannot make request let response body res body read all unwrap let response text str from utf amp response body unwrap to string let headers res headers get all unwrap log debug res status code log debug Response headers response text parse the response to json let cat fact Value serde json from str amp response text unwrap log info Cat Fact cat fact fact as str unwrap thread sleep time Duration new The code is simple It makes a GET request to the API and parses and prints the response every seconds Now you can build this into a Wasm binary using this Cargo command cargo build release target wasm wasiThat s it You have successfully created a WebAssembly binary using Rust Run the workload locally optional Let s run the workload locally using Wasmtime a small JIT style runtime for Wasm and WASI Since Wasmtime doesn t support networking out of the box we need to use the wrapper provided by wasi experimental http You can build it from source using the below command git clone Build for your platformcargo build move to any location that is added to your PATH variablemv target debug wasmtime http bin wasmtime httpNow run the below command from the rust wasm project folder wasmtime http target wasm wasi release rust wasm wasm a e RUST LOG info Run the workload in KubernetesBefore you can run the workload in Kubernetes you need to push the binary to a registry that supports OCI artifacts OCI compliant registries can be used for any OCI artifact including Docker images Wasm binaries and so on Docker Hub currently does not support OCI artifacts hence you can use another registry like GitHub Package Registry Azure Container Registry or Google Artifact Registry I ll be using GitHub Package Registry as it s the simplest to get started and most of you might already have a GitHub account First you need to log in to GitHub Package Registry using docker login Create a personal access token on GitHub with the write packages scope and use that to log in to the registry export CR PAT lt your token gt echo CR PAT docker login ghcr io u lt Your GitHub username gt password stdinNow you need to push your Wasm binary as an OCI artifact for this you can use the wasm to oci CLI Use the below command to install it on your machine Download the appropriate version for your OS Install for Linuxcurl LO move to any location that is added to your PATH variablemv linux amd wasm to oci bin wasm to ociNow you can push the binary you built earlier to the GitHub Package Registry Run the below command from the rust wasm folder wasm to oci push target wasm wasi release rust wasm wasm ghcr io lt your GitHub user gt rust wasm latestYou should see a successful message Now check the GitHub Packages page on your profile and you should see the artifact listed By default the artifact would be private but you need to make it public so that you can access it from the Krustlet cluster Click the package name and click the Package settings button scroll down click Change visibility and change to public You can check this by pulling the artifact using the below command wasm to oci pull ghcr io lt your GitHub user gt rust wasm latestYay You have successfully pushed your first Wasm artifact to an OCI registry Now let s deploy this to the Kubernetes cluster you created earlier Create a YAML file let s say ks yaml with the following contents apiVersion vkind Podmetadata name rust wasi example labels app rust wasi example annotations alpha wasi krustlet dev allowed domains alpha wasi krustlet dev max concurrent requests spec automountServiceAccountToken false containers image ghcr io lt your GitHub user gt rust wasm latest imagePullPolicy Always name rust wasi example env name RUST LOG value info name RUST BACKTRACE value tolerations key node kubernetes io network unavailable operator Exists effect NoSchedule key kubernetes io arch operator Equal value wasm wasi effect NoExecute key kubernetes io arch operator Equal value wasm wasi effect NoSchedule Note Remember to replace lt your GitHub user gt with your own GitHub username The annotations and tolerations are significant The annotations are used to allow external network calls from the krustlet and the tolerations limit the pod to only schedule run on Wasm nodes We are also passing some environment variables that the application will use Now apply the manifest using the below command and check the pod status kubectl apply f ks yamlkubectl get pods o wide OutputNAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE IP NODE NOMINATED NODE READINESS GATESrust wasi example Running ms lt none gt krustlet lt none gt lt none gt You should see the Wasm workload running successfully on the Krustlet node Let s check the logs kubectl logs rust wasi example Output T Z INFO rust wasm Cat Fact Polydactyl cats a cat with extra toes on their paws have this as a result of a genetic mutation These cats are also referred to as Hemingway cats because writer Ernest Hemingway reportedly owned dozens of them at his home in Key West Florida T Z INFO rust wasm Cat Fact The way you treat a kitten in the early stages of its life will render its personality traits later in life Awesome You have successfully created a Wasm workload using Rust and deployed it to a Kubernetes cluster without using containers If you d like to take a look at this solution in full check out the GitHub repo So are we ready to replace containers with WebAssembly WebAssembly on Kubernetes is not yet production ready as a lot of the supporting ecosystem is still experimental and WASI itself is still maturing Networking is not yet stable and the library ecosystem is only just coming along Krustlet is also still in beta and there is no straightforward way to run networking workloads especially servers on it WasmEdge is a more mature alternative solution for networking workloads but it s much more involved to set up and run than Krustlet on Kubernetes WasmCloud is another project to keep an eye on So for the time being Krustlet is suitable for running workloads for jobs and use cases involving cluster monitoring and so on These are areas where you could use the extra performance anyway So while Wasm on Kubernetes is exciting and containerless on Kubernetes is definitely on the horizon containerized applications are still the way to go for production use This is especially true for networking workloads like microservices and web applications But given how fast the ecosystem is evolving especially in the Rust Wasm WASI space soon I expect we will be able to use Wasm workloads on Kubernetes for production Learn more about Kubernetes and WebAssemblyIf you want to learn more about Kubernetes and security in general check out these additional resources How to Secure Your Kubernetes Cluster with OpenID Connect and RBACHow to Secure Your Kubernetes Clusters With Best PracticesHow to Build Securely with Blazor WebAssembly WASM Securing a ClusterRBAC vs ABAC Definitions amp When to UseSecure Access to AWS EKS Clusters for AdminsIf you liked this tutorial chances are you ll enjoy the others we publish Please follow oktadev on Twitter and subscribe to our YouTube channel to get notified when we publish new developer tutorials 2022-01-31 07:40:05
医療系 医療介護 CBnews 新型コロナワクチン接種の115件を認定-厚労省が健康被害審査部会の審議結果公表 https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20220128205150 予防接種 2022-01-31 16:40:00
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マーケティング AdverTimes cotta、竹下製菓 社長対談「生活者インサイトをつかみ企業ブランドをアップデートする」 https://www.advertimes.com/20220131/article375608/ cotta 2022-01-31 07:12:57



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