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IT 気になる、記になる… povo、データ3GBや使い放題 (24時間) が貰える「povoおともだち紹介プログラム」を提供開始 https://taisy0.com/2022/01/31/151435.html 提供開始 2022-01-31 11:24:55
IT 気になる、記になる… Satechi、iPhone・Apple Watch・AirPodsを同時充電可能な充電スタンド「Satechi 3-in-1 マグネット ワイヤレス 充電スタンド」を発売 https://taisy0.com/2022/01/31/151432.html magsa 2022-01-31 11:10:13
IT 気になる、記になる… Satechi、M1 Macでデュアルディスプレイが可能なハブ「Satechi USB-C マルチ MXハブ 10-in-1」を発売 https://taisy0.com/2022/01/31/151429.html satechi 2022-01-31 11:04:03
TECH Engadget Japanese PlayStation 5用カバーの外しかた・交換 (PS5) https://japanese.engadget.com/playstation-5-ps5-114158474.html playstation 2022-01-31 11:41:58
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IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 2022年版「働きがいがある企業ランキング」 3位「リクルート」、2位「中外製薬」、1位は? https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2201/31/news197.html itmedia 2022-01-31 20:37:00
TECH Techable(テッカブル) 今年のさっぽろ雪まつりもオンラインで! 3DVR雪像やDJライブ、参加型企画も https://techable.jp/archives/172507 一般社団法人 2022-01-31 11:00:19
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita StreamlitとCOTOHA APIで簡単にテキスト感情分析Webアプリを作る https://qiita.com/miso_taku/items/68c657ba19f9d621e8bf StreamlitとCOTOHAAPIで簡単にテキスト感情分析Webアプリを作るStreamlitとCOTOHAAPIを使って超簡単にテキスト感情分析Webアプリを作ります。 2022-01-31 20:18:59
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS アクセスキーについてとTerraformでのアクセスキーに関して https://qiita.com/hm-om/items/96bfe67ac60ca7707215 AWSでは、IAMを用いてロールを作成することができるので、AWSアクセスキーを用いずにプログラムアクセスを実行することが可能です。 2022-01-31 20:33:04
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Linux】S3環境でのllコマンドについて https://qiita.com/Suzuki615/items/34f3c55d96010a710718 ですので、S環境では下記のようになります。 2022-01-31 20:16:18
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Amazon EC2について簡潔にまとめました https://qiita.com/itaitasan/items/a245784a878114319681 スポットインスタンスAWSの余ったリソースを使用してECを購入する方法です。 2022-01-31 20:02:46
Azure Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 動的な Next.js を Azure App Service に Deploy する https://qiita.com/kurab/items/46352a65ee946eee9c76 Local実行環境などOSMacOSMontereyVersionnodejsvyarnVSCodenext手順Azure管理画面で、AppServiceのインスタンスを作る適当なNextAppを作るserverjsを追加するVSCodeからDeployする最初は、githubと接続してやってたんですが、あまりにも時間がかかるので、やめました。 2022-01-31 20:42:42
技術ブログ Mercari Engineering Blog フルリモート環境で入社をしたメルペイQAのリアル #merpay_qatalk https://engineering.mercari.com/blog/entry/20220129-0c05bd3742/ hellip 2022-01-31 13:00:40
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海外TECH MakeUseOf What Is the Best VPN for Netflix? Change Region With ExpressVPN https://www.makeuseof.com/netflix-vpn-best-region-lock-expressvpn/ What Is the Best VPN for Netflix Change Region With ExpressVPNUsing a VPN is an easy way to bypass Netflix s region locking but choosing which VPN to use is trickier Find out how to make the call 2022-01-31 11:45:22
海外TECH MakeUseOf 7 Key Things to Consider Before Choosing a Crypto Wallet https://www.makeuseof.com/choosing-a-crypto-wallet/ Key Things to Consider Before Choosing a Crypto WalletCrypto wallets let you store all your funds securely either offline or online Here are some key factors to consider before you decide on a wallet 2022-01-31 11:30:12
海外TECH DEV Community My journey into tech https://dev.to/smeetsmeister/my-journey-into-tech-4g91 My journey into techOne of the oldest proverbs in the world goes There are multiple roads that lead to Rome There is not one optimal route into tech I read inspiring stories on how people journey into tech People with careers in opposite fields of work make the transition to tech Some through boot camps self learning or any other route that can be taken These incredible stories inspire me to tell you my story and how I journeyed into tech My early daysAs a kid in elementary school I was a huge Dragonball Z fan I can remember being excited to go home after school Grabbing a cup of lemonade and turn on Cartoon Network to watch the latest episode Around my th birthday we got our first real internet connection No longer having to use the dial up modem means my adventure on exploring this thing called the internet could start As a big Dragonball Z fan I stumbled across fan sites And I wanted one as well This started with me learning some basic HTML to be able to mark up my own fan sites Hosting them on a free hoster with a tk domain Later I found Microsoft Frontpage As a result that made making websites a lot easier At some point I started to share links on my website with other fan sites It became quite annoying to update all your HTML pages with new links At this point all I can recall there was someone on a fan site forum saying PHP does menus so you won t have to update each file I was lucky my dad also had an interest in computers Because of that interest our bookshelf contained a book on PHP Mysql This was huge It means I could make my life a lot easier by maintaining all those fan sites At the time I thought I might be too young I followed the programming lessons in the book However I was disappointed there was no dedicated chapter in there to tell me how to make a menu At the time I was not able to connect the dots that things like If statements and for loops could be used for this And my interest in Dragonball Z fan sites slowly disappeared over time Finding my way in educationWhen graduating high school there is an important decision to make regarding your future What school do you go to next Even though my programming experience stopped when I got frustrated with the PHP book I still liked computers I spent most of my free time playing video games Which made the choice easy to go to the nearest post secondary vocational education MBO for any Dutch readers and sign up to become a sysadmin During the first year you have classes in all basic IT subjects Networking windows server web development etc As a result you should have a picture of what specialization you want to take Become a sysadmin or a developer I found that the sysadmin classes were not really my thing The admin side of it I thought was okay but I noticed I really lacked some skills in fixing computer issues The lacking of these skills was confirmed during my first few internships year old me hacking away at some IT coursesI did like the developer classes But I felt intimidated by classmates that were lightyears ahead of me Some of my classmates had already some years of experience I was comparing myself not to someone just learning to program but someone who already knew all the things that were taught in school Classmates were saying you were not a real developer unless you used Design pattern X or language Y And in most cases I did not even know those things existed I was so intimidated that I almost picked the sysadmin specialization Luckily the school made me postpone my decision for several years Because my grades were good enough I could pick a rd option where you did extra work but could take on both specializations at the same time Developer internshipMy first real developer experience came from an internship at a website agency The learning curve was steep And as a result it took me quite a few weeks to learn enough to go from bug fixing to building my first website I loved the process of solving problems and days flew by This was quite the difference from my part time jobs where days felt like weeks One of my strongest memories of this internship is the fact that I was so excited for HTML and CSS to come out No longer having to mess around with slicing Photoshop designs to create a shadow border It felt like the future when you could do that with just a few lines of code When the internship was done I noticed a difference at school The assignments were no longer as scary as they were before As a result I graduated with an excellent grade The decision that I did not take years ago on what specialization I should take came back to me I learned during my studies I really wanted to get a bachelor s degree But in what Software engineering IT amp management or as a network engineer Deciding which education I wanted to sign up for was difficult In my heart I knew I wanted to be a software engineer But was I smart enough The gatekeeping comments kept me in this state of self doubt The deadline to make a decision came closer and closer And with the deadline forcing me to take action I decided to take a leap of faith and sign up for Software engineering My short modeling career trying to launch my first startupThat decision turned better than I could ever expect After years of learning being around motivated individuals and trying to launch my first startup I graduated My journey into tech turned into a full time career I went from intern to senior developer before making my switch to being a Scrum Master Biggest takeawaysThe main lessons I learned from my journey into tech are Don t compare yourselves to others everyone is on a different place in their own journey Everyone learns differently Some do great in class some people do great in an internship Don t beat yourself up and find your way to shine Gatekeeping comes as a way for people to feel better than others Treat it as such and don t worry about it Follow your heart If I did I would have picked to be a developer right away instead of delaying the decision several years My journey into tech is a bit different from what I normally write Did you like it and would like to see more of it Let me know in the comments down below 2022-01-31 11:37:44
海外TECH DEV Community 5 tips I wish I knew as a junior developer https://dev.to/bornfightcompany/5-tips-i-wish-i-knew-as-a-junior-developer-38a1 tips I wish I knew as a junior developerHere are some tips for junior developers or everyone who just started taking interest in becoming professional in the area but especially for those who want to progress as quickly as possible These tips come from my own personal experience and from mistakes I made which resulted in stagnation of my progress Kill the egoThis is the most important one Stop thinking that you already know everything Stop trying to get attention to show how much you know Stop saying “I know that Relax everybody knows that you are a junior they know how much you know and they shape your tasks to fit that fact Coming into an agency environment for the first time in your life and thinking that you know something is a good sign of the level you are on Know that every junior is a company s investment for the future It s not expected that you make money for the company right away because you could not be independent in your work when you re a junior there will always be someone checking after you mentoring you and helping you when you get stuck It s OK not to know everything and accept that you are here to learn and that is what being a junior is Killing your ego is the first step in making progress Thinking that you know everything is the biggest blocker you can do for yourself and you will not progress or grow until you completely eliminate your ego Stay humble hustle hard Request a good mentorshipNow that you are ready to really learn and understand where you are and on your path to becoming a better developer and worker it s time to understand how important it is to have a good mentor I was very lucky to have the best possible person to mentor me which made my skills skyrocket in a year or two If you don t have one request this from your company first thing in the morning If a company would not provide you with a mentor leave the company that s not a good place for a junior developer and it also shows red flags about how other aspects of the company are handled Good mentor is a life hack in becoming a really good developer and useful for your company in much less time than it would take you alone we are talking years here A mentor will give you all of the answers you need many times faster than Google or Stack Overflow will Take every advice you can from a mentor squeeze as much information as you can and absorb like a sponge Realize what mindset you need in order to be on your mentor s level It s really important to learn how to listen you are here to ask questions and not to be smart Insist on constant code reviews and insist on them to be very critical and understand that critical code reviews are for your own good Never take them personally Never forget to respect your mentor because he is putting a lot of time and effort into making you a good developer and that is a very hard job to do because knowing how to be a good mentor is a science on its own Show initiativeIf you want to stand out as a motivated worker show initiative That s what separates people who are only doing their jobs from someone who wants to grow constantly And that s what being a good worker really is a person who is highly motivated and shows initiative That kind of person adds value to the company and pushes things to be done Give constructive suggestions Take the hardest task that no one else wants Take ownership of the things you are doing and take responsibility for how they are done But try to be useful while doing it don t just do things for the sake of doing them to show off meaning don t be fake Be the hardest working individualWork hard and stay hungry Seek to be the best developer in your company but compete only with yourself Not everyone has the same timeline so never compare yourself to others You are on your own path and things will come and that will only depend on you Difference between being good and being great is proportional with the hard work you are willing to invest in your skill Most of the time this will mean going an extra mile in your free time Having a good life work balance is important but I do not regret working hard after my job when I needed to understand things deeper because it helped me to get where I wanted to be and to learn much faster Understand how business really worksDon t think about the money at all as a junior developer Only focus on learning progressing and gathering real experience You want to be on a level on which you are useful for the company and you can create real revenue with the work you do Until that point you really don t have many arguments for some crazy salary Money will come naturally and a good company will never exploit your level so don t worry about being hungry or recognize another red flag of a bad company But don t fool yourself realize early that when talking about the business side of everything in the end it s all about the money Your salary depends on how much money you can earn for the company through your work Companies can not do business if they are losing money That s why employing a junior is an investment for the future of the company because companies lose money until you can be independent in your work and become useful That also means that your salary will be bigger with more useful work you can do if you re into the money thing Of course you can make more money on your own but you will never become a great specialist if you don t start working in the company first that is where you will be given real experience big projects and the best possible education That s all the things you will not get as a junior developer going on your own And in my opinion that will slow your progress and we re talking about years here SummaryThese are the tips that would have helped me a lot throughout my junior years What do you think about them Do you have any other tips or disagreements with any of them Let me know in the comments 2022-01-31 11:34:08
医療系 医療介護 CBnews 電子処方箋の運営後、当面は紙でも可-診療報酬上の評価の方向性など求める声、医療部会 https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20220131204848 厚生労働省 2022-01-31 20:55:00
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金融 金融庁ホームページ 偽造キャッシュカード等による被害発生等の状況について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/news/r3/ginkou/20220131.html 被害 2022-01-31 13:00:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Lockdown party report delivered to Downing Street https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-60195620?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA downing 2022-01-31 11:37:40
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ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【米国株】2022年の米国株式市場は1973年と酷似! インフレ+利上げでグロース株が下落して、石油株と 金鉱株が上がった時代を教訓に、相場を見極めよう! - 世界投資へのパスポート https://diamond.jp/articles/-/294945 【米国株】年の米国株式市場は年と酷似インフレ利上げでグロース株が下落して、石油株と金鉱株が上がった時代を教訓に、相場を見極めよう世界投資へのパスポート米国在住のアナリスト広瀬隆雄さんが解説今、アメリカの消費者物価指数は前年同期比で上がっており、過去年で最悪の上昇率となっています。 2022-01-31 20:20:00
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北海道 北海道新聞 小樽の歴建全79件、かるたに 未来創造高生が制作 市内幼稚園、小中学校に配布へ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/639938/ 小中学校 2022-01-31 20:18:32
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