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TECH Engadget Japanese ヤバい!締め切りギリギリ!な人こそぜひ。ショートカット「日数のカウントダウン」:iPhone Tips https://japanese.engadget.com/i-phone-tips-shortcut-countdown-221034695.html iphonetips 2022-01-30 22:10:34
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] 買い物DXが起こる? 体験して分かった地方の電子ペイメント事情 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2201/31/news087.html itmedia 2022-01-31 07:28:00
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python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Flaskとdynamodb_localでDB認証とセッション管理を試してみる(テストくどめ、Selenium入り) https://qiita.com/kawano_fumihiko/items/2d4536d7fc444855029f loginmanagerloginviewloginloginmanagerloginmessageログインしてください環境変数のRUNFLAGとconfigpyコメントに記載しているとおりなのですが、SESSIONDYNAMODBTABLEで指定しているsessionsテーブルが存在しない場合、appに対するsession管理が有効化できません。 2022-01-31 07:13:58
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 個人開発2年続けて、やっぱりヒカキンはすごいってこと https://qiita.com/nuko-suke/items/ca42c0ad963ee3c19dbd そんなヒカキンさんですが、彼のすごいところって一体何でしょうかもちろん、Youtubeの再生回数やビートボックスの上手さはありますが、個人的には「ゼロからYoutubeを初めて、今もなお継続している」ことだと思います。 2022-01-31 07:08:54
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 個人開発2年続けて、やっぱりヒカキンはすごいってこと https://qiita.com/nuko-suke/items/ca42c0ad963ee3c19dbd そんなヒカキンさんですが、彼のすごいところって一体何でしょうかもちろん、Youtubeの再生回数やビートボックスの上手さはありますが、個人的には「ゼロからYoutubeを初めて、今もなお継続している」ことだと思います。 2022-01-31 07:08:54
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 面倒なEC2インスタンスssh接続を超速で行えるようにした https://qiita.com/yutoun/items/d619a1ef819bfccf360f 前提ECインスタンスを起動済みElasticIPをそのインスタンスにアタッチ済み概要sshディレクトリを作成し、権限を付与するmkdirssh所有者に全ての権限を与えるchmodsshkeypemをsshディレクトリに移動し、権限を付与するECインスタンス起動時にダウンロードした自分のキーをkeypemに置き換えること。 2022-01-31 07:15:59
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita dockerFile軽量化資料 https://qiita.com/shirochu0911/items/f18de3e31b9068521a62 dockerFile軽量化資料初めに業務でdockerファイルを軽量化する必要があり、その調査でまとめた情報を載せます。 2022-01-31 07:26:05
技術ブログ Developers.IO Glue Docker Imageを利用したGlue Jobローカル開発をためしてみた https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/2022-01-29-glue-local-dockerimage/ awsgluejob 2022-01-30 22:47:55
海外TECH DEV Community Digital Products - 10 Ways Developers Make Money Working from Home - E04 https://dev.to/danfleser/digital-products-10-ways-developers-make-money-working-from-home-e04-2ce Digital Products Ways Developers Make Money Working from Home ENo matter what you build there is a market for it online You can create courses software ebooks or any digital product that you later distribute to customers worldwide Video here In this video series I share the best ways and how to increase your money income as a web developer while working from home Subscribe to Dan Later Timeline Digital Products Intro What products to create Why digital products Instant access Where to sell How to create a product How to write a book Google Docs Create videos Create page templates Create page themes What to do when you don t have ideas boost ideas Build an MVP Marketing Create your own Newsletter Growing Your Audience Sell anything by Creating a Bundle OutroOther parts Running A Youtube Channel Live Coding amp Streaming Courses Digital Products Software as a service Why amp how To Blog Freelancing Working As A Professional Developer Mentoring Contributing To Open Source programming buildinpublic career 2022-01-30 22:29:49
海外TECH DEV Community Building an open-source command line user interface https://dev.to/phamn23/building-an-open-source-command-line-user-interface-345a Building an open source command line user interface WutA Command Line User Interface CLUI is basically a CLI and a GUI that got mashed together in an incredibly intuitive way You may have seen it on Replit which created a practical and scalable CLUI that integrates with their website and online code editor I thought it would be fantastic exercise to try and recreate a similar effect myself so here we are DemosReplit s CLUI you need an account My CLUIEven though the code quality is absolute garbage I completely abused emotion s css library this project is available on Github Screenshots Next StepsHere s a few more features I m planning to improve the CLUI you should be able to type parameters inmore commands and utilitiesrefactor will probably never happen 2022-01-30 22:20:14
海外TECH DEV Community 121 CSS Quiz Questions 🤸🤸 that will send you flying from Zero to a 100 in style 😎 https://dev.to/yaku/121-css-quiz-questions-that-will-send-you-flying-from-zero-to-100-in-style-265c CSS Quiz Questions that will send you flying from Zero to a in style Hi everyone and welcome to this awsome list CSS quiz that will test your knowledge on CSS and make you confident on your job interview As a bonus this list inlcudes all answers to the quiz question To get started clone this repo here and Also don t forget to follow me on github if you want more content on frontend development in general Enjoy this Awesome quiz Thanks CSS Q In the following example which selector has the highest specificity ranking for selecting the anchor link element ul li aa example adiv a x example a div a a ul li a Q Using an attribute selector how would you select an lt a gt element with a title attribute x a title a gt title a title a title Q CSS grid and flexbox are now becoming a more popular way to create page layouts However floats are still commonly used especially when working with an older code base or if you need to support older browser version What are two valid techniques used to clear floats Use the clearfix hack on the floated element and add a float to the parent element Use the overflow property on the floated element or the clearfix hack on either the floated or parent element Use the clearfix hack on the floated element or the overflow property on the parent element x Use the clearfix hack on the parent element or use the overflow property with a value other than visible Q What element s do the following selectors match to nav nav nav An element with an ID of nav A nav element An element with a class of nav They all target the same nav element x An element with an class of nav A nav element An element with a id of nav An element with an class of nav A nav element An div with a id of nav Q When adding transparency styles what is the difference between using the opacity property versus the background property with an rgba value Opacity specifies the level of transparency of the child elements Background with an rgba value applies transparency to the background color only Opacity applies transparency to the background color only Background with an rgba value specifies the level of transparency of an element as a whole including its content x Opacity specifies the level of transparency of an element including its content Background with an rgba value applies transparency to the background color only Opacity applies transparency to the parent and child elements Background with an rgba value specifies the level of transparency of the parent element only Q What is true of block and inline elements Alternative Which statement about block and inline elements is true By default block elements are the same height and width as the content container between their tags inline elements span the entire width of its container x By default block elements span the entire width of its container inline elements are the same height and width as the content contained between their tags A lt nav gt element is an example of an inline element lt header gt is an example of a block element A lt span gt is an example of a block element lt div gt is an example of an inline element Q CSS grid introduced a new length unit fr to create flexible grid tracks Referring to the code sample below what will the widths of the three columns be grid display grid width px grid template columns px fr fr The first column will have a width of px The second column will be px wide and the third column will be px wide x The first column will have a width of px The second column will be px wide and the third column will be px wide The first column will have a width of px The second column will be px wide and the third column will be px wide The first column will have a width of px The second column will be px wide and the third column will be px wide Q What is the line height property primarily used for x to control the height of the space between two lines of content to control the height of the space between heading elements to control the height of the character size to control the width of the space between characters Q Three of these choices are true about class selectors Which is NOT true Multiple classes can be used within the same element The same class can be used multiple times per page Class selectors with a leading period x Classes can be used multiple times per page but not within the same element Q There are many properties that can be used to align elements and create page layouts such as float position flexbox and grid Of these four properties which one should be used to align a global navigation bar which stays fixed at the top of the page x position flexbox grid float Q In the shorthand example below which individual background properties are represented background blue url image jpg no repeat scroll px px x background color blue background image url image jpg background repeat no repeat background attachment scroll background position px px background color blue background img url image jpg background position no repeat background scroll scroll background size px px background color blue background src url image jpg background repeat no repeat background wrap scroll background position px px background color blue background src url image jpg background repeat no repeat background scroll scroll background position px px Q In the following example according to cascading and specificity rules what color will the link be example color yellow ul li a color blue ul a color green a color red lt ul gt lt li gt lt a href class example gt link lt a gt lt li gt lt li gt list item lt li gt lt li gt list item lt li gt lt ul gt green x yellow blue red Q When elements overlap they are ordered on the z axis i e which element covers another The z index property can be used to specify the z order of overlapping elements Which set of statements about the z index property are true x Larger z index values appear on top of elements with a lower z index value Negative and positive numbers can be used z index can only be used on positioned elements Smaller z index values appear on top of elements with a larger z index value Negative and positive numbers can be used z index must also be used with positioned elements Larger z index values appear on top of elements with a lower z index value Only positive numbers can be used z index must also be used with positioned elements Smaller z index values appear on top of elements with a larger z index value Negative and positive numbers can be used z index can be used with or without positioned elements Q What is the difference between the following line height settings line height px line height x The value of px will set the line height to px The value of will set the line height to twice the size of the corresponding font size value The value of px will set the line height to px The value of is not valid The value of px will set the line height to px The value of will default to a value of px The value of px will set the line height to px The value of will set the line height to of the corresponding font size value Q In the following example what color will paragraph one and paragraph two be Alternative In this example what color will paragraphs one and two be lt section gt lt p gt paragraph one lt p gt lt section gt lt p gt paragraph two lt p gt section p color red section p color blue Paragraph one will be blue paragraph two will be red Both paragraphs will be blue x Paragraphs one will be red paragraph two will be blue Both paragraphs will be red Q What are three valid ways of adding CSS to an HTML page External CSS is written in a separate file Inline CSS is added to the lt head gt of the HTML page Internal CSS is included within the HTML tags External CSS is written in a separate file and is linked within the lt header gt element of the HTML file Inline CSS is added to the HTML tag Internal CSS is included within the lt header gt element of the HTML file External CSS is written in a separate file and is linked within the lt head gt element of the HTML file Internal CSS is included within the lt header gt element of the HTML file Inline CSS is added to the HTML tag x External CSS is written in a separate file and is linked within the lt head gt element of the HTML file Inline CSS is added to the HTML tag Internal CSS is included within the lt head gt element of the HTML file Q Which of the following is true of the SVG image format Alternative Which statement about the SVG image format is true CSS can be applied to SVGs but JavaScript cannot be SVGs work best for creating D graphics x SVGs can be created as a vector graphic or coded using SVG specific elements such as lt svg gt lt line gt and lt ellipse gt SVGs are a HAML based markup language for creating vector graphics Q In the example below when will the color pink be applied to the anchor element a active color pink The color of the link will display as pink after its been clicked or if the mouse is hovering over the link The color of the link will display as pink on mouse hover x The color of the link will display as pink while the link is being clicked but before the mouse click is released The color of the link will display as pink before it has been clicked Q To change the color of an SVG using CSS which property is used Use background fill to set the color inside the object and stroke or border to set the color of the border The color cannot be changed with CSS Use fill or background to set the color inside the object and stroke to set the color of the border x Use fill to set the color inside the object and stroke to set the color of the border Q When using position fixed what will the element always be positioned relative to the closest element with position relative x the viewport the parent element the wrapper element Q By default a background image will repeat only if the background repeat property is set to repeat x indefinitely vertically and horizontally indefinitely on the horizontal axis only once on the x and y axis Q When using media queries media types are used to target a device category Which choice lists current valid media types print screen aural print screen television x print screen speech print speech device Q How would you make the first letter of every paragraph on the page red x p first letter color red p first letter color red first letter p color red first letter p color red Q In this example what is the selector property and value p color p is the selector is the property color is the value x p is the selector color is the property is the value color is the selector is the property p is the value color is the selector p is the property is the value Q What is the rem unit based on The rem unit is relative to the font size of the p element You have to set the value for the rem unit by writing a declaration such as rem font size Spx The rem unit is relative to the font size of the containing parent element x The rem unit is relative to the font size of the root element of the page Q Which of these would give a block element rounded corners corner curve px border corner px x border radius px corner radius pxOfficial doc Q In the following media query example what conditions are being targeted media min width px screen and orientation landscape … x The rule will apply to a device that has either a width of px or wider or is a screen device in landscape mode The rule will apply to a device that has a width of px or narrower and is a screen device in landscape mode The rule will apply to a device that has a width of px or wider and is a screen device in landscape mode The rule will apply to a device that has a width of px or narrower or is a screen device in landscape mode Q CSS transform properties are used to change the shape and position of the selected objects The transform origin property specifies the location of the element s transformation origin By default what is the location of the origin x the top left corner of the element the center of the element the top right corner of the element the bottom left of the element Q Which of the following is not a valid color value Alternative Which choice is not a valid color value color color rgb color x color Q What is the vertical gap between the two elements below lt div style margin bottom rem gt Div lt div gt lt div style margin top rem gt Div lt div gt x rem px px remReference MDN Webdocs Q When using the Flexbox method what property and value is used to display flex items in a column x flex flow column or flex direction column flex flow column flex column auto flex direction column Q Which type of declaration will take precedence any declarations in user agent stylesheets x important declarations in user stylesheets normal declarations in author stylesheets important declarations in author stylesheets Q The flex direction property is used to specify the direction that flex items are displayed What are the values used to specify the direction of the items in the following examples x Example flex direction row Example flex direction row reverse Example flex direction column Example flex direction column reverse Example flex direction row reverse Example flex direction row Example flex direction column reverse Example flex direction column Example flex direction row Example flex direction row reverse Example flex direction column Example flex direction reverse column Example flex direction column Example flex direction column reverse Example flex direction row Example flex direction row reverse Note Examples seem to be missing Q There are two sibling combinators that can be used to select elements contained within the same parent element the general sibling combinator and the adjacent sibling combinator Referring to example below which elements will the styles be applied to h p color blue h p background beige lt section gt lt p gt paragraph lt p gt lt h gt Heading lt h gt lt p gt paragraph lt p gt lt p gt paragraph lt p gt lt section gt Paragraphs and will be blue The h and paragraph will have a beige background x Paragraphs and will be blue and paragraph will have a beige background Paragraph will be blue Paragraphs and will have a beige background Q When using flexbox the justify content property can be used to distribute the space between the flex items along the main axis Which value should be used to evenly distribute the flex items within the container shown below x justify content space around justify content center justify content auto justify content space between Q There are many advantages to using icon fonts What is one of those advantages Icon fonts increase accessibility Icon fonts can be used to replace custom fonts x Icon fonts can be styled with typography related properties such as font size and color Icon fonts are also web safe fonts Q What is the difference between display none and visibility hidden Both will hide the element on the page but display none has greater browser support visibility hidden is a new property and does not have the best browser support display none hides the elements but maintains the space it previously occupied visibility hidden will hide the element from view and remove it from the normal flow of the document x display none hides the element from view and removes it from the normal flow of the document visibility hidden will hide the element but maintains the space it previously occupied There is no difference both will hide the element on the page Q What selector and property would you use to scale an element to be smaller on hover element hover scale x element hover transform scale element hover scale element hover transform scale Q Which statement regarding icon fonts is true Icon fonts can be inserted only using JavaScript Icon fonts are inserted as inline images Icon fonts require browser extensions x Icon fonts can be styled with typography related properties such as font size and color Q The values for the font weight property can be keywords or numbers For each numbered value below what is the associated keyword font weight font weight bold normal x normal bold light normal normal bolder Q If the width of the container is pixels what would the width of the three columns be in this layout grid display grid grid template columns px fr fr x px px px px px px px px px px px pxNote an alternative for Q Q Using the nth child pseudo class what would be the most efficient way to style every third item in a list no matter how many items are present starting with item li nth child n margin px x li nth child n margin px li nth child li nth child li nth child margin px li nth child n margin px Q Which selector would select only internal links within the current page a href a href a href x a href Q What is not true about class selectors x Only one class value can be assigned to an element An element can have multiple class value Class selectors are marked with a leading period More than one element can have the same class value Q What is the difference between the margin and padding properties Margin adds space around and inside of an element padding adds space only inside of an element x Margin adds space around an element padding adds space inside of an element Margin adds a line around an element padding adds space inside of an element Margin adds space inside of an element padding adds space around an element Q What is not a valid way of declaring a padding value of pixels on the top and bottom and pixels on the left and right x padding px px px px padding px px padding px padding px px px px Q Is there an error in this code If so find the best description of the problem font face font family Avenir sans serif src url avenir woff format woff url avenir woff format woff The font file formats are not supported in modern browsers The src attribute requires a comma between the URL and format values There are no errors in the example x The sans serif inclusion is problematic Q Which style places an element at a fixed location within its container x position absolute display flex display block float left Q The calc CSS function is often used for calculating relative values In the example below what is the specified margin left value example margin left calc px x The left margin value is equal to of its parents element s width plus px The left margin value is equal to of the viewport width plus px The left margin value is equal to of the closest positioned element s width plus px The left margin value is equal to of the selected element s width example plus px Q What is the CSS selector for an lt a gt tag containing the title attribute x a title a gt title a title a titleNote an alternative for Q Q Which code would you use to absolutely position an element of the logo class x logo position absolute left px top px logo position absolute margin left px margin top px logo position absolute padding left px padding top px logo position absolute left padding px top padding px Q In this example what color will Paragraph be p first of type color red p color blue container color yellow p first child color green lt div class container gt lt h gt Heading lt h gt lt p gt Paragraph lt p gt lt p gt Paragraph lt p gt lt div gt blue green x red yellow Q What is the placeholder pseudo element used for x It is used to format the appearance of placeholder text within a form control It specifies the default input text for a form control It writes text content into a hyperlink tooltip It writes text content into any page element Q Which statement is true of the single colon or double colon notations for pseudo elements for example before and before All browsers support single and double colons for new and older pseudo elements So you can use either but it is convention to use single colons for consistency In CSS the double colon notation was introduced to create a consistency between pseudo elements from pseudo classes For newer browsers use the double colon notation For IE and below using single colon notation Only the new CSS pseudo elements require the double colon notation while the CSS pseudo elements do not x In CSS the double colon notation was introduced to differentiate pseudo elements from pseudo classes However modern browsers support both formats Older browsers such as IE and below do not Q Which choice is not valid value for the font style property normal italic x none oblique Q When would you use the font face method to set the font size of the text x to load custom fonts into stylesheet to change the name of the font declared in the font family to set the color of the text Q When elements within a container overlap the z index property can be used to indicate how those items are stacked on top of each other Which set of statements is true x Larger z index values appear on top elements with a lower z index value Negative and positive number can be used z index can be used only on positioned elements Smaller z index values appear on top of elements with a larger z index value Negative and positive numbers can be used z index can be used with or without positioned elements Smaller z index values appear on top of elements with a larger z index value Negative and positive number can be used z index must also be used with positioned elements Larger z index values appear on top of elements with a lower z index value Only positive number can be used z index must also be used with positioned elements Note an alternative for Q Q You have a large image that needs to fit into a x pixel area What should you resize the image to if your users are using Retina displays x pixels x pixels x x pixels x pixels Q In Chrome s Developer Tools view where are the default styles listed x under the User Agent Stylesheet section on the right in the third panel under the Layout tab under the HTML view on the left in the middle panel Q While HTML controls document structure CSS controls semantic meaning content meaning document structure x content appearance Q What is the recommended name you should give the folder that holds your project s images x images images Images my images Q What is an advantage of using inline CSS It is easier to manage x It is easier to add multiple styles through it It can be used to quickly test local CSS overrides It reduces conflict with other CSS definition methods Q Which WC status code represents a CSS specification that is fully implemented by modern browsers Proposed Recommendation Working Draft x Recommendation Candidate Recommendation Q Are any of the following declarations invalid color red declaration A font size em declaration B padding px declaration C Declaration A is invalid Declaration B is invalid Declaration C is invalid x All declarations are valid Q Which CSS will cause your links to have a solid blue background that changes to semitransparent on hover x a link background ff a hover background rgba a color blue a hover background white a link background blue a hover color rgba a hover background rgba blue a link background rgba blue Q Which CSS rule takes precedence over the others listed div sidebar x div sidebar p sidebar p Q The body of your page includes some HTML sections How will it look with the following CSS applied body background ffffff white section background ff blue height px x blue sections on a white background Yellow sections on a blue background Green sections on a white background blue sections on a red background Q Which CSS keyword can you use to override standard source order and specificity rules elevate prime override x important Q You can use the pseudo class to set a different color on a link if it was clicked on x a visited a hover a link a focus Q Which color will look the brightest on your screen assuming the background is white background color aaa background color background color rgba x background color rgba Q Which CSS selector can you use to select all elements on your page associated with the two classes header and clear header clear header clear x header clear header clear Q A universal selector is specified using a n h string a character p character x character Q In the following CSS code h is the while color is the h color red property declaration declaration rule p character x selector property Q What is an alternate way to define the following CSS rule font weight bold font weight font weight medium x font weight font weight Black Q You want your styling to be based on a font stack consisting of three fonts Where should the generic font for your font family be specified It should be the first one on the list Generic fonts are discouraged from this list x It should be the last one on the list It should be the second one on the list Q What is one disadvantage of using a web font service It requires you to host font files on your own server It uses more of your site s bandwidth It offers a narrow selection of custom fonts x It is not always a free service Q How do you add Google fonts to your project x by using an HTML link element referring to a Google provided CSS by embedding the font file directly into the project s master JavaScript by using a Google specific CSS syntax that directly links to the desired font file by using a standard font face CSS definition sourcing a font file on Google s servers Q Using the following HTML and CSS example what will equivalent pixel value be for em and rem elements html font size px body font size rem rem font size rem em font size em lt body gt lt p class rem gt lt p gt lt p class em gt lt p gt lt body gt The rem will be equivalent to px the em value will be px The rem will be equivalent to px the em value will be px x The rem will be equivalent to px the em value will be px The rem will be equivalent to px the em value will be px Q What property is used to adjust the space between text characters font style text transform font variant x letter spacing Q What is the correct syntax for changing the cursor from an arrow to a pointing hand when it interacts with a named element x element cursor pointer element cursor hand element cursor move hand element cursor pointer hand Q What is the effect of this style background position x The background image is placed from the left and from the top of its container The background image is placed from the bottom and from the left of its container The background image is placed from the right and from the bottom of its container The background image is placed from the top and from the left of its container Q How will the grid items display grid template columns fr fr The first column is twice the height of the second column and will be as wide as the content The first column is half the size of the container and the second column will absorb the remaining space x The first column is twice as wide as the second column and will fit proportionally within the grid container The first column is twice the width and height of the second column and will fit proportionally within the grid container Q Which style rule would make the image smaller during a hover lt img id photo alt src gt img photo hover scale x img photo hover transform scale img photo hover scale img photo hover size smaller Q Which CSS properties can you use to create a rounded corner on just the top left and top right corners of an element A border radius px px B border top left radius px and border top right radius px C border radius px D border top radius px A and C C and D B and C x A and B Q Review the HTML example below Then choose the list of selectors that select the lt p gt from lowest to highest specificity lt section gt lt p class example gt lt p gt lt section gt section class example p example section p p p example section p class example p example section p class example section x p section p class example p example Q Which property is used to create a drop shadow effect on an HTML element element shadow outer shadow dropbox shadow x box shadow Q What is the correct selector for targeting all text inputs that are not disabled x input type text not disabled input type text not disabled input type text not disabled disabled input type text not type disabled Explanation input type text selects all the input with type text and not disabled selects all the elements not having the attribute disabled Combining both only selects all the input elements with type attribte as text and not having disabled attribute Reference link attribute selectorReference link not Q How can you create a semi transparent background color background color hsl background color rgbx x background color rgba background color rgba Explanation rgba is a funtion in css rgba stands for red green blue and alpha The value of alpha can be between and both inclusive with being fully transparent and being fully opaque Reference link rgba Q Using this HTML markup how would you select only the headings contained within the lt header gt element htmlHeading Heading Heading x header h header h header h header h header h h h h Q Suppose you want to have a list of items item displayed in a row and in reverse order using flexbox What is the error in the CSS below css container display flex item border px solid red flex direction row reverse The value for flex direction should be reverse row The container element should have a property of flex display x The flex direction property should be declared in the container The display value should be flex inline to display the items in a row Q Which choice is not a valid transition x transition margin ms ease in out transition color s ease in transition position ms linear transition opacity s ease in Q In this example what color will the paragraphs be and why cssarticle p color blue article gt p color green htmlParagraph lt p gt Paragraph lt p gt Paragraph will be blue Paragraph will be green Both paragraphs will be green x Paragraph will be green Paragraph will be blue Both paragraphs will be blue Q Review the declaration of border style shown below What is the corresponding longhand syntax cssborder px solid red cssborder size px border style solid border color red cssborder size px border type solid border color red x cssborder width px border style solid border color red cssborder width px border line solid border color red Q Pseudo classes are used to x style the state of the selected element insert presentational content style a specific part of the selected element style the elements using class selectors Q In this example what styles will be applied to which elements csssection color gray htmlparagraph link The paragraph and link will be gray The background color of the section element will be gray The paragraph will be gray The link will be the browser default black x Only the paragraph will be gray Q Which answer is an example of a type selector also sometimes referred to as an element selector header x header header header gt h Q What is the correct order for listing different link states in a website so those states display correctly on the page cssaa hover css link visited hover active focus css active focus hover link visited x css link visited focus hover active Q Which selector is used to select the paragraph element that is a direct descendent of section section p section p section p x section gt pReference Child combinator Q For this code what is the font color of the hypertext link cssul color red p color var color a color var color orange htmlParagraph list item a link list item x red orange blue blackReference Q Which statement is not true Specificity determines which CSS rule is applied by the browsers x When two selectors apply to the same element the one with lower specificity wins The last rule defined overrides all previous rules and even conflicting rules Rules with more specific selectors have greater specificity Reference Q What is the output of the margin value when used within this context assuming that its containing element is larger than px css example width px margin auto The example element will have margin space around the whole element The auto value will center align the element horizontally and vertically within its container The example element will have margin space on the left and right It will be sized automatically on the top and bottom which will center align the element within its container x The example element will have margin space on the top and bottom The margin will be sized automatically on the left and right which may center align the element within its container The margin value is invalid because its missing a unit measurement after the Source SOW Q There are currently four viewport percentage lengths that can be used to define the value relative to the viewport size vw vh vmin and vmax If the current viewport size has a width of px and a height of px what will these values be equivalent to in pixels cssvw pxvh pxvmin pxvmax px x vw px vh px vmin px vmax px vw px vh px vmin px vmax px vw px vh px vmin px vmax px vw px vh px vmin px vmax px Q Which element s will be blue cssh p color blue htmlP H P P PP PP P P and PP P and P x P and P Q Referring to the HTML markup and CSS example below which element s will be targeted cssp first of type first letter color red html Paragraph Paragraph Heading Paragraph paragraph Paragraph Paragraph The first letter in all paragraphs will be red Only the first letter in paragraphs and will be red x The first letter in paragraphs and will be red Only the first letter in paragraph will be red Only Q Which five style features are associated with the box model x margin padding border width height width height z index overflow font size margin padding font size line height border font size line height letter spacing width height Q Which choice will not set all links that include domain com to pink css a href domain com color pink x a href domain com color pink a href domain com color rgb a href domain com color pink Reference Q Which property and value pair could be used to apply a linear gradient effect css x background linear gradient f background image linear f background gradient linear f background color linear gradient f Q You want to add a background circle behind an icon Which style declaration is correct css glyphicon bgcircle circle radius margins px background color fdadc color rgba font size px glyphicon bgcircle border circle padding px background color fdadc color rgba font size px x glyphicon bgcircle border radius padding px background color fdadc color rgba font size px glyphicon bgcircle radius rounded margins auto background color fdadc color rgba font size px Q When using a font stack to declare the font family in what order should the values appear x The first value is the first choice followed by alternative options ordered by preference The last option should be a generic font The first value is the first choice The order of the alternative options does not matter It depends on what is available on the user s computer The first value is the first choice and must be followed by at least one alternative option before adding the generic font The first value is the first choice followed by a maximum of three alternatives Q Which items are valid values for the font size property cssA font size xsmallB font size C font size emD font size px C D x B C D A C A B C D Q In this image the blue box and sample text are both contained within the same parent element The blue box is floated on the left margin of the container Why is it not contained with the container Floating the blue box increased its height Floating the blue box on the left also moves it down Floating the blue box actually shifts it to the right and down x Floating the blue box took it out of document flow and the container is sized only to the sample text Q Given this code which CSS declaration of overlay will span the entire width and height of its container Given this code which CSS declaration of overlay will span the entire width and height of its container css container position relative height px width px border px solid black lt p gt container lt br gt position relative lt br gt height px lt br gt width px lt br gt border px solid black lt br gt lt p gt lt p gt css overlay position static top px bottom px right px left px background color rgba css overlay position absolute top px bottom px right px left px background color rgba css overlay position static top bottom right left background color rgba css overlay position absolute top bottom right left background color rgba Q Which missing line of code would place the text on top of the image Which missing line of code would place the text on top of the image js The z index property is cool cssimg position absolute left px top px Missing line js The z index property is cool cssimg position absolute left px top px Missing line z index z index z index z index z index z index z index true z index true Q To make the font size of an element one size smaller than the font size of the element s container which style property would you apply To make the font size of an element one size smaller than the font size of the element s container which style property would you apply font size reduce font size px font size em font size smaller Q Given this markup which selector would result in the text being highlighted in yellow js lt span class highlight gt BLM lt span gt css highlight background color yellow css highlight background color yellow css highlight color yellow css highlight color yellow Q To prevent a background image from tiling in any direction which style property would you apply X cssbackground repeat no repeat cssbackground repeat fixed cssbackground repeat none cssbackground tile none Q To rotate an object degrees counterclockwise which style property would you apply X transform rotate deg transform rotate deg rotate deg spin deg Q Which style rule would you apply to set the background image to display the contents of the wood png file background image file wood png X background image url wood png background image wood png image wood png Q What style rule would set the font color of only paragraph two to blue js lt section gt lt p gt paragraph one lt p gt lt section gt lt p gt paragraph two lt p gt csssection gt p color blue cssp color blue csssection p color blue cssp section color blue Q You want to move an element up px Which CSS property would you use transform translateX px transform translateY px transform translateY px transform translateX px Q Which style will horizontally center the inner lt div gt within the outer lt div gt js lt div id outer gt lt div id inner gt Center Me lt div gt lt div gt lt div id outer gt css inner width outer width css inner left right position center css inner text align center css inner width margin auto 2022-01-30 22:14:11
海外TECH Engadget Teen wants $50,000 to stop tracking Elon Musk’s private jet https://www.engadget.com/elon-musk-elonjet-twitter-bot-221826608.html?src=rss Teen wants to stop tracking Elon Musk s private jetEarlier this week year old Jack Sweeney won a bit of internet fame when Protocol nbsp published a story about one of his Twitter bots The college student maintains ElonJet a tracker that tweets out when Elon Musk s private jet takes off and lands Sweeney has several other such bots that use publicly available air traffic data to follow the private planes of celebrities like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos However with followers and counting the ElonJet account is by far Sweeney s most famous creation And it s that popularity that attracted none other than Elon Musk to the bot Landed in Austin Texas US pic twitter com ltKiUsppーElon Musk s Jet ElonJet January Last fall the entrepreneur contacted Sweeney about ElonJet “Can you take this down It is a security risk he said according to Protocol Musk told Sweeney he would give him to delete the account and keep “crazy people from finding out his whereabouts Sweeney made a counteroffer “Any chance to up that to k It would be great support in college and would possibly allow me to get a car maybe even a Model Musk told him he would think about it but the two haven t spoken since At the time Sweeney told Protocol he wasn t bothered by Musk ghosting him His work on ElonJet had taught him how to code and landed him a part time job with a company called UberJets Plus as a self proclaimed fan he got to share a conversation with one of his idols Now the teen seems to have changed his tune In a new interview with Business Insider he said he decided to go public with Musk s offer after the billionaire seemingly lost interest in cutting a deal quot He went the opposite way of me so why wouldn t I go the opposite way of him quot he asked the publication quot I ve done a lot of work on this and is not enough quot Sweeney said He told Business Insider the initial offer wouldn t replace the “fun he s had working on the bot It doesn t seem like Musk has any interest in negotiating with Sweeney Following their initial conversation the Tesla and SpaceX CEO implemented some of the technical advice Sweeney gave him to make his jet harder to track At the time Musk reportedly also told Sweeney it didn t “feel right to pay to shut this down He probably has a point 2022-01-30 22:18:26
金融 ニュース - 保険市場TIMES ジブラルタ生命の「オンライン医療サポートサービス」に「くすりぼ」追加 https://www.hokende.com/news/blog/entry/2022/01/31/080000 ジブラルタ生命の「オンライン医療サポートサービス」に「くすりぼ」追加「妊娠と授乳のくすり案内ボットくすりぼ」追加ジブラルタ生命保険株式会社以下、ジブラルタ生命は、ジブラルタ生命の加入者向け「オンライン医療サポートサービス」に付帯する、株式会社KidsPublic運営のオンラインサービス「産婦人科オンライン」「小児科オンライン」に「妊娠と授乳のくすり案内ボットくすりぼ」を月日火より追加する。 2022-01-31 08:00:00
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles North Korea says missile tested Sunday was Hwasong-12 intermediate-range weapon https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/01/31/asia-pacific/north-korea-missile-test-january-31/ North Korea says missile tested Sunday was Hwasong intermediate range weaponIn an unusual sign for significant weapons tests leader Kim Jong Un did not appear to have attended the latest launch ーa move analysts 2022-01-31 07:39:44
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles The legacy of the 1972 Sapporo Winter Olympics https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2022/01/31/olympics/winter-olympics/1972-sapporo-winter-olympics-legacy/ olympics 2022-01-31 07:00:45
ニュース BBC News - Home North Korea missile tests: Biggest launch since 2017 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-60186538?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA ballistic 2022-01-30 22:21:43
北海道 北海道新聞 Jチェアマンに野々村氏 コンサ会長 3月正式就任 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/639613/ 長月 2022-01-31 07:21:08
北海道 北海道新聞 レバンガ連敗 川崎に85―97 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/639588/ 連敗 2022-01-31 07:15:24
北海道 北海道新聞 プロ野球キャンプイン 「まん延防止」直撃、鈍い客足 有観客でも「諦めムード」 ハム本拠地の名護・国頭 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/639610/ 新型コロナウイルス 2022-01-31 07:14:23
北海道 北海道新聞 北朝鮮「火星12」は配備段階 中距離弾道ミサイルを発射と報道 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/639638/ 中距離弾道ミサイル 2022-01-31 07:04:00
ビジネス 東洋経済オンライン 日経平均はもう一段下落する可能性が残っている 今後の日米株価動向を読む「3つのポイント」 | 市場観測 | 東洋経済オンライン https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/507899?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=http&utm_campaign=link_back 日経平均 2022-01-31 07:30:00
ニュース THE BRIDGE 離乳食・幼児食のD2Cを展開する MiL【Monthly Pitch!注目スタートアップ】 https://thebridge.jp/2022/01/monthlypitch_new-startup-202201-mil 離乳食・幼児食のDCを展開するMiL【MonthlyPitch注目スタートアップ】本稿はベンチャーキャピタル、サイバーエージェント・キャピタルが運営するサイトに掲載された記事からの転載MonthlyPitch新着スタートアップではMonthlyPitch編集部と協力し、毎月開催されるピッチ登壇社から特に注目のスタートアップを毎週ご紹介していきます。 2022-01-30 22:00:54



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