投稿時間:2022-01-31 13:31:16 RSSフィード2022-01-31 13:00 分まとめ(35件)

カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
TECH Engadget Japanese macOS 12.2更新後 「Macの電池残量が一晩でゼロに」との複数報告 https://japanese.engadget.com/some-macos-122-users-bluetooth-battery-drain-033037660.html bluetooth 2022-01-31 03:30:37
ROBOT ロボスタ ドコモ 簡単操作で自作できるXRの編集/投影ソリューション発売 5GでXRコンテンツを安定して伝送 DataMesh https://robotstart.info/2022/01/31/datamesh-director-docomo-5g.html datamesh 2022-01-31 03:29:23
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia Mobile] mineoでキャンペーン、1188円×3カ月割引で月額110円/1GB~に 端末大特価セールも https://www.itmedia.co.jp/mobile/articles/2201/31/news119.html itmediamobilemineo 2022-01-31 12:48:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 出会いとチャンスがある街ランキング 3位「東京都港区」、2位「大阪市北区」、1位は? https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2201/31/news114.html itmedia 2022-01-31 12:39:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] ハイアット、東京・大阪に新ブランドホテル つながりと自己表現を求める“意識の高い消費者層”に対応 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2201/31/news059.html byhyatt 2022-01-31 12:30:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] スマートフォン悪用の「カンニング大作戦」登場 次はどんなITガジェットが狙われる? https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2201/31/news074.html itmedia 2022-01-31 12:07:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] “人類史上最大”のバブルはどうなる? 中国大手不動産の行方 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2201/31/news112.html itmedia 2022-01-31 12:06:00
TECH Techable(テッカブル) 「継続する技術」を26万人に会得させる技術 https://techable.jp/archives/172427 集中 2022-01-31 03:00:08
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Project Euler】Problem 63: べき乗の桁数 https://qiita.com/masa0599/items/d533c21b7feac6803055 【ProjectEuler】Problemべき乗の桁数本記事はProjectEulerの「番以下の問題の説明は記載可能」という規定に基づいて回答のヒントが書かれていますので、自分である程度考えてみてから読まれることをお勧めします。 2022-01-31 12:43:58
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita QISkit ショアのアルゴリズムで素因数分解 https://qiita.com/kiyamada/items/88b4d57fa2d416113729 2022-01-31 12:22:17
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita firestoreのコレクション内データをtimestampでソートする https://qiita.com/ms_uzu/items/c9d945ccd5334a3c3c7d firestoreのコレクション内データをtimestampでソートする具体例消費期限前の果物をbeforeTodayFruitsList消費期限後の果物をafterTodayFruitsListにふり分けるそんな運用はしないだろうけど…。 2022-01-31 12:47:33
Linux Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita GitHub ActionsでカスタマイズしたUbuntuのISOイメージを作る https://qiita.com/misohagi/items/4443fcc495366c717c38 GitHubActionsでカスタマイズしたUbuntuのISOイメージを作るUbuntu使ってますかLinuxのディストリビューションには数え切れないものがあります。 2022-01-31 12:51:38
golang Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Firestoreをサーバーサイドで運用するTips with Go https://qiita.com/kawamou/items/b1122a7e03b35db9e9a1 Firestoreへのリクエストをラップして任意のエラー時にリトライするような処理を実装する必要があります。 2022-01-31 12:34:07
Azure Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Migrate Azure Windows VM to Oracle Cloud https://qiita.com/liu-wei/items/a5862a57bcd0e9a7eec0 2022-01-31 12:10:15
技術ブログ Developers.IO 初心者デザイナーさんへ向けてアプリデザインドリル公開 https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/classmethodappsdesigndrill/ verpdf 2022-01-31 03:54:17
技術ブログ Developers.IO Amazon Textractで単一ページのPDFファイルを同期処理出来るようになりました https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/amazon-textract-single-pdf-sync/ amazontextract 2022-01-31 03:38:29
技術ブログ Developers.IO FSx for Windows File Serverで「アクセスベースの列挙」(Access-based Enumeration: ABE) を利用する https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/fsx-for-windows-file-server-access-based-enumeration/ accessbasedenumerationabe 2022-01-31 03:00:39
技術ブログ Developers.IO Kinesis Data StreamsとLambdaのイベントフィルタリング機能を利用して、条件に応じたLambdaを起動する https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/shuntaka-event-filtering-lambda-and-kinesis/ amazondynamodb 2022-01-31 03:00:25
海外TECH DEV Community Rust standard Library Rust Tutorial:2 https://dev.to/dumboprogrammer/rust-standard-libraryrust-tutorial-2-26lp Rust standard Library Rust Tutorial The Rust Standard LibraryThe Rust Standard Library is the foundation of portable Rust software a set of minimal and battle tested shared abstractions for the broader Rust ecosystem It offers core types like Vec lt T gt and Option lt T gt library defined operations on language primitives standard macros I O and multithreading among many other things std is available to all Rust crates by default Therefore the standard library can be accessed in use statements through the path std as in use std env Containers and collectionsThe option and result modules define optional and error handling types Option and Result The iter module defines Rust s iterator trait Iterator which works with the for loop to access collections The standard library exposes three common ways to deal with contiguous regions of memory Vec A heap allocated vector that is resizable at runtime T N An inline array with a fixed size at compile time T A dynamically sized slice into any other kind of contiguous storage whether heap allocated or not Slices can only be handled through some kind of pointer and as such come in many flavors such as amp T shared slice amp mut T mutable sliceBox lt T gt owned slicestr a UTF string slice is a primitive type and the standard library defines many methods for it Rust strs are typically accessed as immutable references amp str Use the owned String for building and mutating strings For converting to strings use the format macro and for converting from strings use the FromStr trait Data may be shared by placing it in a reference counted box or the Rc type and if further contained in a Cell or RefCell may be mutated as well as shared Likewise in a concurrent setting it is common to pair an atomically reference counted box Arc with a Mutex to get the same effect The collections module defines maps sets linked lists and other typical collection types including the common HashMap Platform abstractions and I OBesides basic data types the standard library is largely concerned with abstracting over differences in common platforms most notably Windows and Unix derivatives Common types of I O including files TCP UDP are defined in the io fs and net modules The thread module contains Rust s threading abstractions sync contains further primitive shared memory types including atomic and mpsc which contains the channel types for message passing Re exportspub use core arch Primitive Types never Experimental The type also called “never array A fixed size array denoted T N for the element type T and the non negative compile time constant size N bool The boolean type char A character type f A bit floating point type specifically the “binary type defined in IEEE f A bit floating point type specifically the “binary type defined in IEEE fn Function pointers like fn usize gt bool i The bit signed integer type i The bit signed integer type i The bit signed integer type i The bit signed integer type i The bit signed integer type isize The pointer sized signed integer type pointer Raw unsafe pointers const T and mut T reference References both shared and mutable slice A dynamically sized view into a contiguous sequence T Contiguous here means that elements are laid out so that every element is the same distance from its neighbors str String slices tuple A finite heterogeneous sequence T U u The bit unsigned integer type u The bit unsigned integer type u The bit unsigned integer type u The bit unsigned integer type u The bit unsigned integer type unit The type also called “unit usize The pointer sized unsigned integer type Modules assert matches Experimental Unstable module containing the unstable assert matches macro backtrace Experimental Support for capturing a stack backtrace of an OS threadintrinsics Experimental Compiler intrinsics lazy Experimental Lazy values and one time initialization of static data stream Experimental Composable asynchronous iteration alloc Memory allocation APIs any This module implements the Any trait which enables dynamic typing of any static type through runtime reflection array Helper functions and types for fixed length arrays ascii Operations on ASCII strings and characters borrow A module for working with borrowed data boxed A pointer type for heap allocation cell Shareable mutable containers char A character type clone The Clone trait for types that cannot be implicitly copied cmp Functionality for ordering and comparison collections Collection types convert Traits for conversions between types default The Default trait for types which may have meaningful default values env Inspection and manipulation of the process s environment error Traits for working with Errors f Constants specific to the f single precision floating point type f Constants specific to the f double precision floating point type ffi Utilities related to FFI bindings fmt Utilities for formatting and printing Strings fs Filesystem manipulation operations future Asynchronous values hash Generic hashing support hint Hints to compiler that affects how code should be emitted or optimized Hints may be compile time or runtime i Deprecation planned Constants for the bit signed integer type i Deprecation planned Constants for the bit signed integer type i Deprecation planned Constants for the bit signed integer type i Deprecation planned Constants for the bit signed integer type i Deprecation planned Constants for the bit signed integer type io Traits helpers and type definitions for core I O functionality isize Deprecation planned Constants for the pointer sized signed integer type iter Composable external iteration marker Primitive traits and types representing basic properties of types mem Basic functions for dealing with memory net Networking primitives for TCP UDP communication num Additional functionality for numerics ops Overloadable operators option Optional values os OS specific functionality panic Panic support in the standard library path Cross platform path manipulation pin Types that pin data to its location in memory prelude The Rust Preludeprimitive This module reexports the primitive types to allow usage that is not possibly shadowed by other declared types process A module for working with processes ptr Manually manage memory through raw pointers rc Single threaded reference counting pointers Rc stands for Reference Counted result Error handling with the Result type slice A dynamically sized view into a contiguous sequence T str Unicode string slices string A UTF encoded growable string sync Useful synchronization primitives task Types and Traits for working with asynchronous tasks thread Native threads time Temporal quantification u Deprecation planned Constants for the bit unsigned integer type u Deprecation planned Constants for the bit unsigned integer type u Deprecation planned Constants for the bit unsigned integer type u Deprecation planned Constants for the bit unsigned integer type u Deprecation planned Constants for the bit unsigned integer type usize Deprecation planned Constants for the pointer sized unsigned integer type vec A contiguous growable array type with heap allocated contents written Vec lt T gt Macrosconcat idents Experimental Concatenates identifiers into one identifier const format args Experimental Same as format args but can be used in some const contexts is aarch feature detected Experimental Prevents compilation if is aarch feature detected is used somewhere else than aarch targets is arm feature detected Experimental Prevents compilation if is arm feature detected is used somewhere else than ARM targets is mips feature detected Experimental Prevents compilation if is mips feature detected is used somewhere else than MIPS targets is mips feature detected Experimental Prevents compilation if is mips feature detected is used somewhere else than MIPS targets is powerpc feature detected Experimental Prevents compilation if is powerpc feature detected is used somewhere else than PowerPC targets is powerpc feature detected Experimental Prevents compilation if is powerpc feature detected is used somewhere else than PowerPC targets llvm asm Deprecated Experimental LLVM style inline assembly log syntax Experimental Prints passed tokens into the standard output trace macros Experimental Enables or disables tracing functionality used for debugging other macros assert Asserts that a boolean expression is true at runtime assert eq Asserts that two expressions are equal to each other using PartialEq assert ne Asserts that two expressions are not equal to each other using PartialEq cfg Evaluates boolean combinations of configuration flags at compile time column Expands to the column number at which it was invoked compile error Causes compilation to fail with the given error message when encountered concat Concatenates literals into a static string slice dbg Prints and returns the value of a given expression for quick and dirty debugging debug assert Asserts that a boolean expression is true at runtime debug assert eq Asserts that two expressions are equal to each other debug assert ne Asserts that two expressions are not equal to each other env Inspects an environment variable at compile time eprint Prints to the standard error eprintln Prints to the standard error with a newline file Expands to the file name in which it was invoked format Creates a String using interpolation of runtime expressions format args Constructs parameters for the other string formatting macros include Parses a file as an expression or an item according to the context include bytes Includes a file as a reference to a byte array include str Includes a UTF encoded file as a string is x feature detected A macro to test at runtime whether a CPU feature is available on x x platforms line Expands to the line number on which it was invoked matches Returns whether the given expression matches any of the given patterns module path Expands to a string that represents the current module path option env Optionally inspects an environment variable at compile time panic Panics the current thread print Prints to the standard output println Prints to the standard output with a newline stringify Stringifies its arguments thread local Declare a new thread local storage key of type std thread LocalKey todo Indicates unfinished code try Deprecated Unwraps a result or propagates its error unimplemented Indicates unimplemented code by panicking with a message of “not implemented unreachable Indicates unreachable code vec Creates a Vec containing the arguments write Writes formatted data into a buffer writeln Write formatted data into a buffer with a newline appended KeywordsSelfTy The implementing type within a trait or impl block or the current type within a type definition as Cast between types or rename an import async Return a Future instead of blocking the current thread await Suspend execution until the result of a Future is ready break Exit early from a loop const Compile time constants compile time evaluable functions and raw pointers continue Skip to the next iteration of a loop crate A Rust binary or library dyn dyn is a prefix of a trait object s type else What expression to evaluate when an if condition evaluates to false enum A type that can be any one of several variants extern Link to or import external code false A value of type bool representing logical false fn A function or function pointer for Iteration with in trait implementation with impl or higher ranked trait bounds for lt a gt if Evaluate a block if a condition holds impl Implement some functionality for a type in Iterate over a series of values with for let Bind a value to a variable loop Loop indefinitely match Control flow based on pattern matching mod Organize code into modules move Capture a closure s environment by value mut A mutable variable reference or pointer pub Make an item visible to others ref Bind by reference during pattern matching return Return a value from a function self The receiver of a method or the current module static A static item is a value which is valid for the entire duration of your program a static lifetime struct A type that is composed of other types super The parent of the current module trait A common interface for a group of types true A value of type bool representing logical true type Define an alias for an existing type union The Rust equivalent of a C style union unsafe Code or interfaces whose memory safety cannot be verified by the type system use Import or rename items from other crates or modules where Add constraints that must be upheld to use an item while Loop while a condition is upheld 2022-01-31 03:13:16
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Concerns grow over Japan’s electricity supply-demand balance https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/01/31/business/power-supply/ japan 2022-01-31 12:01:32
ニュース BBC News - Home Thousands of homes without power after weekend storms https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-60188454?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA england 2022-01-31 03:26:08
サブカルネタ ラーブロ 2022年23杯目 中川区 『紫陽花』 http://ra-blog.net/modules/rssc/single_feed.php?fid=196074 配信 2022-01-31 03:15:10
GCP Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ クラウドへの移行を予定していますか?参考になる 2021 年のトップ ストーリー https://cloud.google.com/blog/ja/products/cloud-migration/google-clouds-greatest-migration-hits-from-2021/ クラウドの成功には、クラウドの費用を適切に予算化し、その予算内に収めることが重要であり、年にはこの点について重要なストーリーがいくつかありました。 2022-01-31 05:00:00
北海道 北海道新聞 「スポーツ界に新風を」 次期チェアマン 野々村氏に期待 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/639616/ 野々村 2022-01-31 12:20:52
北海道 北海道新聞 AKIRAさんに第1子 妻はリン・チーリンさん https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/639737/ akira 2022-01-31 12:19:00
北海道 北海道新聞 税理士法違反疑い男女逮捕 1億円不正受給関与か、警視庁 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/639720/ 不正受給 2022-01-31 12:12:00
北海道 北海道新聞 東証、午前終値2万6981円 続伸、米株大幅反発を好感 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/639719/ 大幅反発 2022-01-31 12:12:00
北海道 北海道新聞 ウイスキー、樽の材料も厚岸産 道有林でミズナラ伐採 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/639582/ 道有林 2022-01-31 12:07:18
IT 週刊アスキー 「ロースかつ丼」がワンコイン以下【松のや】人気商品100円引キャンペーン【テイクアウト】生活応援SALE https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/082/4082060/ 通常価格 2022-01-31 12:45:00
IT 週刊アスキー 特許庁の広報誌「とっきょ」Vol.51が完成! 家具・家電から、衣料品や衛生用品まで「暮らし」の中にある知財にフォーカス! https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/082/4082025/ 開始 2022-01-31 12:30:00
IT 週刊アスキー 【ロッテリア】自分で作る「板チョコバーガー」3店舗にて先着でプレゼント https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/082/4082042/ 期間限定 2022-01-31 12:30:00
マーケティング AdverTimes キューサイ社長・みんなの銀行副頭取が対談「事業を進化させるリブランディング」 https://www.advertimes.com/20220131/article375389/ キューサイ社長・みんなの銀行副頭取が対談「事業を進化させるリブランディング」既存事業の資産を活用しながらブランドを拡張するには、何がポイントになるのかウェルエイジングを支援する「キューサイ」と、ふくおかフィナンシャルグループの国内初デジタルバンク「みんなの銀行」、福岡に拠点を置く社による対談を行った。 2022-01-31 03:58:58
海外TECH reddit Request from Pepinos https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/comments/sgqpuw/request_from_pepinos/ Request from PepinosI ve blocked everyone I ve slandered but I have a term paper due I m hoping y all pepinos can do my work for me Thanks in advance submitted by u FreddiePeterson to r HilariaBaldwin link comments 2022-01-31 03:10:41
海外TECH reddit Can’t take it anymore. https://www.reddit.com/r/HilariaBaldwin/comments/sgr0cp/cant_take_it_anymore/ Can t take it anymore Hilaria Baldwin is a freak She s a despicable person She and her husband are both unfit parents I feel horrible for her kids Pepinos on here shouldn t be making things worse for the kids by picking on them It s nasty behavior Don t be like her Do better submitted by u Mkm to r HilariaBaldwin link comments 2022-01-31 03:25:09
GCP Cloud Blog JA クラウドへの移行を予定していますか?参考になる 2021 年のトップ ストーリー https://cloud.google.com/blog/ja/products/cloud-migration/google-clouds-greatest-migration-hits-from-2021/ クラウドの成功には、クラウドの費用を適切に予算化し、その予算内に収めることが重要であり、年にはこの点について重要なストーリーがいくつかありました。 2022-01-31 05:00:00



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