Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
docker container内のlogを確認する |
containername |
2022-06-02 23:54:50 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Git】ローカルブランチを他のリモートブランチに切り替える手順 |
develop |
2022-06-02 23:19:32 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【初期化】データベースの内容をまっさらな状態にしたい |
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2022-06-02 23:57:22 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Ruby on railsのサーバー強制終了 |
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2022-06-02 23:54:07 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
AWS Step Functionsステートマシンの実行イベント履歴のスナップショットテストをしてみた(Jest) |
getex |
2022-06-02 14:30:51 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
After 9 difficult months, Firefly is set to take its next shot at orbit |
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2022-06-02 14:08:13 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
The 10 Best Alarm Clock Apps for Android |
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2022-06-02 14:46:14 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Stop Quora Email Spam |
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2022-06-02 14:46:14 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
What Is Steam Proton and How Does It Run Windows Games on Steam Deck? |
What Is Steam Proton and How Does It Run Windows Games on Steam Deck Steam OS the Linux distro that powers Steam Deck can run Windows games efficiently How is this possible The answer is Steam Proton |
2022-06-02 14:30:13 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
9 Online Resources to Improve Employee Health and Wellness |
Online Resources to Improve Employee Health and WellnessWant to improve your employees health and wellness within your organization to maximize productivity Here are some useful websites to check out |
2022-06-02 14:15:13 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Você sabe o que é DevOps? |
Vocêsabe o que éDevOps O que é Éum movimento cultural que veio pra atacar o conflito entre equipe de desenvolvimento e de operação através de colaboração e uso de uma série de ferramentas para fornecer aos clientes produtos melhores e mais confiáveis Essas equipes usam práticas para automatizar processos que historicamente sempre foram manuais e lentos As ferramentas ajudam também os engenheiros àrealizar tarefas independentemente por exemplo implantação de código ou provisionamento de infraestrutura que normalmente exigiriam a ajuda de outras equipes e isso aumenta ainda mais a velocidade da equipe Benefícios Velocidade Operar com velocidade para que possa trazer inovações mais rapidamente adaptar se melhor a mercados dinâmicos e tornar se mais eficiente na geração de resultados comerciais Entrega rápida Aumentar a frequência e o ritmo de lançamentos para poder inovar e melhorar seu produto mais rapidamente Quanto mais rápido vocêpuder lançar novos recursos e corrigir erros maior seráa sua agilidade para responder às necessidades dos clientes e criar vantagem competitiva Confiabilidade Garantir a qualidade das atualizações de aplicativos e alterações de infraestrutura para que vocêpossa entregar com confiança e manter uma experiência positiva para os usuários finais Escala Operar e gerenciar processos de infraestrutura e desenvolvimento em escala A automação e a constância ajudam a gerenciar sistemas complexos ou dinâmicos com eficiência e risco reduzido Por exemplo a infraestrutura como código que ajuda a gerenciar os ambientes de implantação teste e produção de modo repetido e mais eficiente Colaboração melhorada Criar equipes mais eficientes que enfatiza valores como propriedade e responsabilidade colaborando de perto compartilhando muitas responsabilidades e combinando seus fluxos de trabalho Isso reduz ineficiências e economiza tempo Segurança Operar rapidamente enquanto mantém o controle e preserva a conformidade Podendo adotar o modelo DevOps sem sacrificar a segurança usando políticas de conformidade automáticas controles minuciosos e técnicas de gerenciamento de configuração Como Integração e Entrega contínua CI CD Na entrega contínua cada alteração de código écriada testada e enviada para um ambiente de teste ou preparação que não pertence àprodução Jána integração contínua os desenvolvedores com frequência juntam as alterações de código em um repositório central e após isso os testes são executados A diferença entre as duas éa presença de uma aprovação manual para atualizar o ambiente de produção Com a CI a atualização da produção ocorre automaticamente sem aprovação explícita Microserviços Éuma abordagem de projeto para a criação de uma aplicação única como um conjunto de pequenos serviços Cada serviço éexecutado em seu próprio processo e se comunica com outros serviços por meio de uma interface bem definida usando um mecanismo leve geralmente uma API Infraestrutura como código Define os recursos e as topologias do sistema de uma maneira descritiva que permite às equipes gerenciar os recursos da maneira como codificarem Essas definições também podem ser armazenadas e versionadas em sistemas de controle de versão onde podem ser revisadas e revertidas A prática de infraestrutura como código ajuda a automatizar a implantação e reduz o risco de erro humano especialmente para ambientes grandes e complexos Também a duplicação de ambientes para diferentes data centers e plataformas em nuvem também se torna mais simples e eficiente Monitoramento e análie O monitoramento de métricas e logs serve para ver como a performance do aplicativo e da infraestrutura afeta a experiência do usuário final do seu produto Comunicação e colaboração O aumento da comunicação e da colaboração éum dos principais aspectos culturais do DevOps pois auxilia em unir fisicamente os fluxos de trabalho e as responsabilidades de desenvolvimento e operações permitindo que se alinhem mais às metas dos projetos FinalizaçãoAgora que vocêaprendeu sobre o conceito de DevOps o próximo passo éaplicá lo |
2022-06-02 14:37:24 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Become a Web 3 & Blockchain Developer in 2022 | Practical Step by Step Solidity and Web3 Roadmap |
roadmap |
2022-06-02 14:36:29 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Learn Web3 programming and how to build dapps on the Internet Computer (preview) |
computer |
2022-06-02 14:32:42 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
RFC: A Full-stack Analytics Platform Architecture |
RFC A Full stack Analytics Platform Architecture TL DRPredecos is in its proof of concept PoC stage Most of my focus has been on getting the codebase setup for high reliability high velocity and efficient development This has taken five months but the hope is that it will pay off System technologies include Lit and Auth on the front end communicating with an Apollo GraphQL back end Apollo GraphQL provides tethering of the various microservices which communicate quickly with each other using Apache Kafka through KafkaJS Automation is leveraged to increase code quality with tools used such as Husky Coveralls Snyk SonarCloud CodeClimate and CircleCI all of which are free for open source projects Operations are improved by the powerful but somewhat complex orchestration tool Kubernetes Helm is used to simplify interactions with Kubernetes Finally Docker is used for image creation Business logic is performed using a command line interface CLI which communicates with the invoking microservice using a Kafka event The microservice in that scenario provides authorization management and storage logic while producing events of its own for consumption by different microservices One question that remains is how a library like TensorFlow will perform when executed inside a Kubernetes job or cron job The project has a long way to go but it is in an exciting stage because the next milestone will introduce more user friendly visually appealing features and a solid development cadence In this post I outline some key aspects of the software system in the hopes that I receive feedback helping to solidify the architecture for my use case IntroductionWhen starting a new project there are many approaches to consider to ensure that the project is maintainable both in terms of code quality as well as personnel How do you keep the codebase affordable What technologies should be adopted to attain project goals How do you enforce coding standards How do you keep faulty code from contaminating the main branch How best to ensure that the system scales well as user numbers increase In order to create a quality product these and other questions must be addressed The architecture of Predecos Predictive Economic System serves as one solution to the problem of creating a full stack analytics platform and I m interested in collaborating with others in order to improve its design Some considerations that I view as high return on investment ROI include maintaining simplicity following sound architectural principles using automation whenever possible using heavily vetted and open source security tools favoring long term support LTS versions and keeping things affordable Maintaining SimplicityA complex codebase needs to be kept as simple as possible In Predecos one way this is done is through use of full stack JavaScript meaning developers only need experience with one language to maintain the codebase Some differences exist in NodeJS when compared with browser based JavaScript but those are minor compared with having to work in multiple languages Front end and back end dependencies are also kept as uniform as possible For example Mocha and Chai are used in both the front end and back end meaning experience with said tools enables development in either Developer setup and deployment should also be straightforward Predecos uses Helm v to trigger one click deployment of all the microservices After doing this and setting a couple environment variables one can easily start the front end by using yarn run start then they are ready for development This is also valuable when doing a deployment When CircleCI went down the impact was slight because automated deployment and manual deployment were very similar All that was required was modifying the CircleCI config for the terminal building the necessary docker images manually pushing those images and running helm upgrade A simple and fast mitigation that saved a lot of time Diverging from simplicity was sometimes necessary though Some may argue that use of Kubernetes makes the codebase difficult to understand by virtue of its high learning curve However the stability reliability documentation and wide spread adoption of Kubernetes made it hard to resist Google Cloud Platform GCP Amazon Web Services AWS Microsoft Azure and DigitalOcean all have Kubernetes offerings This means applications developed on Kubernetes are largely portable from one cloud provider to another Predecos uses DigitalOcean s managed Kubernetes product because it is low cost when compared to the other options Should the desire for features such as for example encryption at rest arise one option would be to migrate to Google Kubernetes Engine GKE Some modifications would be necessary but because Predecos is in a proof of concept PoC state and minimal data has been stored that migration would likely be simple Sound Architectural PrinciplesLeveraging a particular architecture has benefits and drawbacks One may say a monolithic architecture is more suited to this project because of its small scale but the goal is to enable the system to scale as needed Microservices provide more flexibility to do so When scaling only what s needed is scaled Sound architectural design also drove adoption of Apollo Federation with graphql Federation is employed to tether microservices together so that a unified interface is provided despite multiple underlying microservices Each microservice is responsible for its own interface Thus changes in one microservice have no impact on the functionality of another Separation of concerns is better kept Graphql also provides single trip data fetch capability which is very powerful in terms of optimization when compared with REST Application performance is frequently bottlenecked by network round trip time RTT If an application can provide a method of gathering as much data as possible in one round trip that can greatly improve performance GraphQL products also frequently come with a developer interface providing API specific auto complete allowing developers to quickly test changes This can greatly increase developer velocity Performance is also increased by use of Lit in the front end Lit continues the Polymer tradition of using the platform This speeds up front end component performance but it has some drawbacks Front end frameworks like Angular and React are heavily used making them easier to staff However the purpose of the framework is to make up for inefficiency in the browser From an engineering perspective the browser should provide the capabilities that React and Angular provide so that developers don t need to rely on frameworks to get the job done This is why Predecos uses Lit Lit is designed to be closer to the browser layer meaning it leverages native browser features that provide creation of custom elements that are framework agnostic Eventually the goal is to move to raw web components which are now largely supported by the browser It s my belief that this will be the future of front end development and so it was adopted in Predecos There is also something to be said about heavily vetted dependencies The Predecos back end relies upon Kubernetes and Apache Kafka Both are widely trusted Kubernetes originates from a system created by Google to manage containers at scale called Borg With that background comes valuable experience Borg was used for years at scale before Kubernetes was introduced Kubernetes is now a trusted technology by many cloud providers and it provides a layer of abstraction between the cloud implementation and the cloud technology used i e GCP AWS DigitalOcean Azure etc There are other factors that tie you to the provider such as storage but the dependence is reduced by use of Kubernetes which translates operations to those required by a specific cloud using what s called the cloud controller manager Kafka is similarly battle tested making it very reliable It s used in Predecos as an event streaming system It enables very valuable subscriptions providing real time data capabilities as well as efficient communication between microservices AutomationIdeally software can quickly go from development to production Continuous deployment and delivery are some processes that make this possible Continuous deployment means establishing an automated pipeline from development to production while continuous delivery means maintaining the main branch in a deployable state so that a deployment can be requested at any time Predecos uses these tools When a commit goes into master the code is pushed directly to the public environment Deployment also occurs when a push is made to a development branch enabling local ee testing before push to master In this manner the master branch can be kept clean and ready for deployment most of the time Problems that surface resulting from changes are visible before reaching master Additional automated tools are used Docker images are built for each microservice on commit to a development or master branch a static code analysis is performed by SonarCloud revealing quality and security problems Snyk provides vulnerability analysis and CodeClimate provides feedback on code quality while Coveralls provides test coverage Finally a CircleCI build is done Each of these components use badges which give a heads up display of the health of the system being developed Incorporating each of these tools into the development process will keep the code on a trajectory of stability For example eliminating code smells security vulnerabilities and broken tests before merging a pull request PR into master Using Husky on development machines to ensure that code is well linted and locally tested before it is allowed to be pushed to source control management SCM Applying additional processes such as writing tests around bugs meaning reintroduction of a given bug would cause a test to fail The automated tools would then require that test to be fixed before push to SCM meaning fewer bugs will be reintroduced Proper development processes and automation have a strong synergy Security ToolsSecurity is always an important part of development With a lack of security expertise my goal was to use a quality third party product that works well In balancing cost with features available I decided to use Auth providing many features for a cheap consistent price Business LogicThe primary purpose of this application is to provide a full stack analytics solution Currently the drive is to run application business logic using Kubernetes jobs and cron jobs Jobs for immediately invoked operations while cron jobs will handle scheduled tasks Scheduling tasks combined with subscriptions enables real time data collection for the end user relating to a desired business An example of such an operation is data fetching Currently a simple fetch tweets operation is implemented as a PoC of what the system can do It s a simple NodeJS command line interface CLI Once data is fetched a Kafka event is triggered passing that data into the collection microservice which stores that data in raw form A similar approach will be used with the analytics and cleaning microservice Specifically the analytics microservice will trigger a job and cron job that performs the actual analytics using a library such as TensorFlow Once analysis has been performed a Kafka event will be triggered passing the data into the analytics microservice which will store the results for front end consumption One question that remains is how a system like TensorFlow will perform when used inside a container ConclusionPredecos is in its PoC stage There s quite a bit of work to do and some interesting problems to solve I m doing my best to design the system in a way that s future proof open source and fun In keeping with that this post is intended as a request for comments RFC so that I can improve my current design and learn Please feel free to comment below so that the architecture can benefit from the experience of many rather than the experience of one Happy coding |
2022-06-02 14:12:56 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Top 6 Cloud Cost Management Tools You'll Need to Thrive in 2022 |
Top Cloud Cost Management Tools You x ll Need to Thrive in Cloud cost management is tricky for many companies especially when using cloud native technologies such as microservices containers and Kubernetes Cloud bills tend to bury the information behind rows of text and tables making it challenging to discover where your money is really going That s why so many organizations are now deploying cloud cost management platforms that let them identify which products and features drive their cloud spend or which customers are causing them to spend more Equipped with this type of cost intelligence your team can make more informed engineering and business decisions in the cloud To help you out we prepared a guide to cloud cost management Let s dive in and explore what cloud cost management is all about why it s worth your time and which tools you should consider What is cloud cost management Cloud cost management aims to minimize costs associated with cloud services while delivering the same level of performance The term refers to monitoring measuring and controlling cloud costs to ensure that you are maximizing your investment in public cloud services Traditionally cloud cost management has focused on waste reduction efforts for example eliminating underutilized or forgotten resources and optimizing purchasing decisions reserved instances and savings plans But as companies evolve to adopt next generation cloud services cloud cost management focuses on architectural optimization Teams can build products utilizing cloud services that tightly align with cost and customer utilization with the right architecture Added to this is the benefit of automated cloud cost optimization that helps to addressBenefits of cloud cost managementManaging cloud costs brings your team a host of benefits You get more accurate at forecasting planning and budgeting your cloud spend Greater cost visibility empowers your engineers to see the impact of their work on your budget Cloud cost management allows you to discover areas of your solutions that could use rearchitecting for increased profitability Make informed decisions about adjusting your pricing structure and decommissioning resources Benefit from load balancing autoscaling capacity reservation volume discounts saving programs and spot instances Identify the best services to use for each application Top cloud cost management for Finding the proper cloud cost management can be challenging as multiple vendors offer a wide range of features cloud pricing models and use cases Our team reviewed tools that help you get on top of your cloud spend All of the solutions discussed below offer value to teams looking to optimize their cloud bills and streamline cloud cost monitoring and reporting processes But our review shows that only solutions that go beyond cost monitoring and reporting and offer automated optimization can make a real difference CAST AICAST AI is an autonomous platform for analyzing monitoring and optimizing Kubernetes applications Its core strength is cloud automation which includes features such as rightsizing instance selection autoscaling spot instance use and resource decommissioning CAST AI brings users a host of valuable cost information by splitting cloud costs into project cluster namespace and deployment levels IT teams can check expenses down to individual microservices and produce a complete estimate Cost allocation works on a per cluster and per node basis which makes it easier to view costs in multi cloud setups Powered by automation CAST AI chooses optimal resources for application requirements while reducing costs When a cluster needs extra nodes the automation engine selects the best performing instances at the lowest cost and helps teams avoid overprovisioning Key takeaway CAST AI automates cloud scaling and optimization allowing you to achieve significant cost reductions at least It continuously looks for the best resource alternatives ensuring that your apps are always running at peak performance and optimal cost Spot by NetAppSpot by NetApp is a cloud cost management solution that optimizes cloud costs with spot instance automation The platform automatically gets spot capacity for workloads helping to cut costs and ensure high availability The platform offers a breakdown of costs associated with deploying clusters and provides details on each layer You can break down expenses into namespaces individual workloads within every namespace and filter them further For each workload you get compute and storage costs You can use this data to analyze your application costs perform chargebacks without a lot of resource tagging and estimate future cloud expenses Spot by NetApp comes with a handy rightsizing recommendation mechanism that monitors workload utilization in real time offering teams recommendations for manually adjusting the resource requirements This allows for high level visualization and faster implementation The platform basically offers a cloud cost optimization solution that reduces cloud spending by focusing on spot instances rather than other cost reduction opportunities By identifying workloads in an instance that can be distributed across a cluster Spot by NetApp triggers a scale down to drain and terminate the instance It allows you to run clusters on spot instances without having to provision or scale instances Key takeaway Spot by NetApp reduces cloud costs thanks to its focus on spot instances The tool suggests mostly running workloads on more spot instances potentially missing out on other cloud cost optimization opportunities that may generate even more savings That s why teams may benefit more from solutions that offer the same level of automation but for more than just spot instances ideally capable of automatically analyzing workload requirements and matching them with optimal cloud resources like CAST AI HarnessHarness is a continuous delivery and integration platform with a cloud cost management module and Business Intelligence tools that focus on improving cost transparency optimization and governance Harness gives you in depth visibility into your Kubernetes clusters by displaying the utilized idle and unallocated resources per workload and cluster It shows cost information by projects teams business units departments and more You can create periodic reports on your crucial cost and usage metrics as well Governing cloud usage gets easier with Harness thanks to its custom budgeting forecasts and accounts for cost show backs and chargebacks Harness provides in depth reporting and practical cloud optimization suggestions These may involve cluster utilization rightsizing autoscaling and cleaning underutilized or orphaned resources Before implementing the recommendations Harness lets users run a what if analysis so they can see what impact they would have on your costs The platform allows you to set budgets and keep track of expense variations as well as continuously monitor your usage so that alerts are sent when usage diverges from expected levels Harness offers various automated cloud cost management and optimization features For instance AutoStopping can automatically turn off non production resources whenever they re not in use Key takeaway Harness offers cost insights into your apps services and environments without the need for human tagging reducing the effort teams would need for this task However as valuable as this information is you still need to implement them manually as the platform doesn t support full multi cloud cost optimization The platform also misses important cloud optimization and automation features such as autoscaling rightsizing and spot instance use Apptio CloudabilityCloudability provides helpful financial management tools for monitoring allocating and analyzing public cloud costs Teams can use it to track cloud expenses make better informed cloud budget decisions and automate selected cloud optimization tasks Cloudability is in essence a cloud monitoring and optimization tool The solution collects usage data from the last to days and uses its algorithms to create rightsizing suggestions for your resources Cloudability enables you to create custom dashboards for various products departments or roles within your organization True Cost Explorer makes visual exploration of cloud costs and used data easy You can quantify the ROI of spot instances and other cloud optimization recommendations are available from the solution As a result your teams get to create a more consistent budget and baseline for forecasting in the future Cloudability offers automation in several areas First teams can set up and schedule daily cleanups of detached EBS volumes The tool automatically shuts down operations during periods of low usage The platform also lets users schedule the scaling of ASGs or the stopping starting of EC and RDS instances verifying how many resources this will affect Key takeaway While Cloudability offers excellent cloud cost management features and data rich dashboards its multi cloud optimization and automation capabilities are limited by the narrow range of automation offered by the product CloudcheckrCloudCheckr is a cloud management tool that focuses on reporting creating recommendations for cost optimization and creating policy based automation The platform started as a cloud security tool but it was later expanded with cost management tracking optimization and resource inventory solutions The platform offers a detailed view of cloud cost allocation data enabling you to see expenses across resources from all major cloud service providers Its reports display cloud costs over time in a monthly format letting your team to interact with the data and improve billing accuracy Alerts combined with cloud governance will give your team more control and help avoid costly surprises CloudCheckr creates resource purchasing recommendations thanks to predictive analytics By identifying wasted resources and providing resizing recommendations the platform helps to reduce costs The solution performs hundreds of checks for idle resources unused instances mismatches in reserved instances and more However it generates recommendations only for rightsizing and snapshot cleanups Although CloudCheckr mostly looks at policy based cloud management it still delivers some interesting automation features such as automatically re allocating resizing and modifying reserved instances Thanks to storing historical data on RI inventory the tool supports teams in making future purchases CloudCheckr automatically enforces tag or terminate policies for better infrastructure control It also supports users with automated spot instance selection and replacement strategies that can deliver outstanding savings over time Key takeaway CloudCheckr is optimal for teams looking to improve their cloud spend and visibility The platform helps uncover trends and provide recommendations on saving across the organization teams or projects However due to limited automation features that require further engineering work to implement fully these changes will not happen overnight KubecostKubecost is a cloud cost management tool for Kubernetes clusters The platform delivers insights into Kubernetes cost allocation monitoring and alerts providing flexible and customizable cost breakdown features For instance you can divide costs by namespace deployment service and more indicators across all the three major cloud service providers Kubescost s comprehensive resource allocation allows for generating more accurate show backs and chargebacks streamlining the ongoing cost monitoring Users can allocate costs to teams individual applications products projects departments or environments The cloud cost management platform allows linking real time in cluster costs CPU memory storage network etc with out of cluster expenses from the cloud services such as tagged RDS instances BigQuery warehouses or S buckets Users get context aware reports that help to achieve an optimal balance between cost and performance matching their service requirements Key takeaway Since Kubecost doesn t include cloud optimization features you ll need to implement relevant changes manually This will incur extra charges and doesn t automatically guarantee savings Wrap upScaling cloud resources is easy so easy that many teams lose control over their cloud spend A missed bug or architecture oversight can quickly snowball into a massive bill at the end of the month That s why you need a cloud cost monitoring and optimization toolkit that provides detailed visibility exhaustive reporting and ideally automated optimization capable of handling the fast changing requirements of cloud native applications to generate some serious cost savings |
2022-06-02 14:11:44 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How do I flag when a coworker has bad security practices? |
How do I flag when a coworker has bad security practices This is an anonymous post sent in by a member who does not want their name disclosed Please be thoughtful with your responses as these are usually tough posts to write Email sloan dev to if you d like to leave an anonymous comment or if you want to ask your own anonymous question How do I flag a coworker who doesn t have good security practices to management in a way that doesn t get them fired I ve mentioned this to them directly before and I still see them putting our security at risk on a regular basis poor logging practices insecure storage etc It s wild to me that they don t see the way they handle security as an issue but they re a more senior team member than me and I don t know how to go about it without reaping my own consequences |
2022-06-02 14:11:00 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Custom Content in ArcGIS API Popups |
Custom Content in ArcGIS API Popups Pop it upI ve always maintained that probably the most used widget in the ArcGIS API for JavaScript is the Popup Aside from zoom You re first instinct when you see a web map with features it try and click on them Legends are great and visualizations are incredibly powerful at telling a story with your data but sometimes you just want info about a particular feature or location This is where the Popup shines By default the Popup will usually show you tabular information about the feature attributes Quick simple and to the point You could have charts attachment information even use Arcade expressions in your Popups I highly recommend you take advantage of the MapViewer to author your Popups This way you get a real time experience of what your Popups will look like But that doesn t mean you can t get a little creative building custom content for your popups Let s have some fun Do what you wantAs discussed there are various types of content you can use in Popups The most interesting one for developers might be CustomContent Using CustomContent you can return an HTML element a widget a string anything that can be displayed It also supports Promises so you can execute numerous asynchronous tasks before returning the content This sample does a great job showing how you can run some statistics in the Popup and return a Search widget Are you following me A widget in your Popup You could even load another Map or Scene in the Popup if you want Maybe you would like to display weather information about the location for your Popup There is a completely free weather API you can use from the National Weather Service for something like this You can get the coordinates from the graphic for your Popup and use it query the weather API to get a forecast of weather information The code for this blog post is available on codepenLet s assume I have a FeatureLayer of cities which is a pretty good use case for displaying some weather information I might want to show both the tabular information for a single field and my custom content of weather forecasts I could define my PopupTemplate like this const layer new FeatureLayer popupTemplate title NAME outFields content new FieldsContent fieldInfos fieldName POPULATION label Population format places digitSeparator true new CustomContent creator async graphic gt const latitude longitude graphic geometry const response await fetch latitude longitude const results await response json const forecast results properties const forecastResponse await fetch forecast const data await forecastResponse json const periods data properties const element document createElement div let fragment lt h gt Weather Forecast lt h gt lt br gt for let a of periods fragment lt image width height src a icon gt lt br gt lt strong gt Name lt strong gt lt span gt a name lt span gt lt br gt lt strong gt Forecast lt strong gt lt span gt a shortForecast lt span gt lt br gt lt strong gt Temp lt strong gt lt span gt a temperature a temperatureUnit lt span gt lt br gt lt strong gt Wind lt strong gt lt span gt a windSpeed a windDirection lt span gt lt br gt lt hr gt element innerHTML fragment return element Ok let s take a step back here We have an array for the popupTemplate content that contains a FieldsContent and a CustomContent new FieldsContent fieldInfos fieldName POPULATION label Population format places digitSeparator true This will display a single Population field in tabular form This is pretty simple Let s take a look at the CustomContent new CustomContent creator async graphic gt const latitude longitude graphic geometry const response await fetch latitude longitude const results await response json const forecast results properties const forecastResponse await fetch forecast const data await forecastResponse json const periods data properties const element document createElement div let fragment lt h gt Weather Forecast lt h gt lt br gt for let a of periods fragment lt image width height src a icon gt lt br gt lt strong gt Name lt strong gt lt span gt a name lt span gt lt br gt lt strong gt Forecast lt strong gt lt span gt a shortForecast lt span gt lt br gt lt strong gt Temp lt strong gt lt span gt a temperature a temperatureUnit lt span gt lt br gt lt strong gt Wind lt strong gt lt span gt a windSpeed a windDirection lt span gt lt br gt lt hr gt element innerHTML fragment return element The key here is using the creator method as an async function so that some data can be fetched from the weather API We can pluck the latitude and longitude off the graphic geometry Once we get the initial results from the weather API for this location that result will provide various URLs for more detailed weather information such as the forecast URL We can send another request to the forecast URL and get a more detailed five day forecast for day and night weather information It will even provide an icon that coincides with the weather conditions We can use this information to construct a list of HTML elements to display in the Popup You should get a Popup that looks similar to this SummaryAt the end of the day you can pretty much use whatever you want inside CustomContent for a Popup Maybe you have some custom chart requirements or want to run an analysis on nearby features That s the beauty of using CustomContent you can do whatever you need to do I m very curious to see what some developers might build with this maybe even entire micro apps inside the Popup to process data You can see more details in the video below |
2022-06-02 14:02:19 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Does Your JS Spark Joy? Svelte and the Future of the Web |
Does Your JS Spark Joy Svelte and the Future of the WebAt You Gotta Love Frontend Rich Harris posed a simple question to the audience Does your JS spark joy The idea here was to demonstrate that writing less code is the only true way to improve performance by a meaningful margin I think we can take the question a step further though In fact applying the laser focussed minimalism of Marie Kondo to your code base is a neat way of summarising the core benefits of Svelte So I m going to begin and summarise this article by posing two questions to you However before we begin I think it s important to give a brief overview of the framework and its crucial differences from other component based frameworks like React So what is Svelte Svelte is a compiler that does the job of a component based framework It takes your svelte files and converts them into HTML CSS and JS Effectively moving the complexity of the framework to the build step so the runtime is smooth By comparison traditional frameworks like React famously have expensive runtimes With Svelte your browser gets what it was built to run immediately HTML CSS and JS At this point you might be asking how we achieve reactive state driven apps this way This is a valid question but Svelte has a good answer Unlike React with Svelte you re not reliant on the Virtual DOM and expensive DOM diffing to manage and update your application s state With Svelte the DOM tree is manipulated directly when state changes and through some clever quirks of the compiler this is achieved very efficiently by a single bundled JS file So the TLDR is Svelte leverages the familiar concept of moving our framework s runtime away from the client by compiling your declarative component based code to imperative instructions the browser understands at build time All right let s move on to those questions Ultimately as front end developers I think we should ask ourselves two questions Does our JS spark joy in us as developers Does our JS spark joy in our users If the answer to either of those questions is no like Marie Kondo we should thank it then discard it Section Does your JS spark joy in you as a developer Does it allow you to write simple maintainable declarative code Traditional component based frameworks were created so you the developer could write neat understandable declarative code and avoid the hefty imperative implementation that s required to get the browser to actually do what you want With React the trade off for having this nice dev experience is an expensive runtime on the client However with Svelte because it s a compiler the bundle size of Svelte itself isn t important it s the output of that compiler that is actually being run This has freed up the Svelte team to develop a remarkable developer experience Here are some of my favorite code examples that highlight Svelte s great developer experience Svelte s skinny syntaxReact was a huge step forward abstracting the imperative JS that actually manipulates the DOM into a much simpler format but React also introduces a lot of boilerplate to hide that complexity behind its hooks Here s how you d implement a simple form in React import React useState from react export default gt const a setA useState const b setB useState function handleChangeA event setA event target value function handleChangeB event setB event target value return lt div gt lt input type number value a onChange handleChangeA gt lt input type number value b onChange handleChangeB gt lt p gt a b a b lt p gt lt div gt Here s the equivalent code in Svelte lt script gt let a let b lt script gt lt input type number bind value a gt lt input type number bind value b gt lt p gt a b a b lt p gt Svelte removes so much of that boilerplate leaving us with more readable maintainable code that is much more accessible to non technical colleagues Svelte provides a better CSS experienceThe basis of modern front end frameworks is JS When you write in React you are primarily working with JS but your browser serves HTML This results in a subpar CSS experience for the React dev We all want CSS files that are scoped to our components and many of us want the HTML CSS and JS that drive our component to live in one file There are many solutions for achieving this with React but the downside of all of them is that they rely on installing extra dependencies and learning extra syntax to get this behavior With Svelte because svelte files are a superset of HTML we can simply include all of our HTML CSS and JS in one file and the Svelte compiler will add unique hashes to our CSS classes to ensure they are scoped to their components Here s what that looks like lt script gt alert Hello world lt script gt lt style gt h color red lt style gt lt h gt Hello world lt h gt If you want to add global CSS don t worry Svelte has you covered with the global modifier lt style gt global body this will apply to lt body gt margin div global strong this will apply to all lt strong gt elements in any component that are inside lt div gt elements belonging to this component color goldenrod p global red this will apply to all lt p gt elements belonging to this component with a class of red even if class red does not initially appear in the markup and is instead added at runtime This is useful when the class of the element is dynamically applied for instance when updating the element s classList property directly lt style gt Svelte is truly reactiveFor your program to be reactive the dynamic variables within it have to be defined when you declare them The front end community has been striving for an efficient way to write reactive code for a long time now and the solution we ve settled on is the virtual DOM The virtual DOM is essentially a lightweight snapshot of your app s DOM structure In React every time your state changes that snapshot is compared to the previous one and the real DOM is only changed where they differ This is a huge progression from previous frameworks that would rewrite large portions of the DOM tree just to make small changes There is a but here though If we know ahead of runtime which variables depend on one another we can change only what is necessary when our state changes without any comparisons This is what Svelte does the virtual DOM isn t fast it s merely faster than rewriting the whole tree Direct DOM manipulation if it is precise has always been faster than the virtual DOM approach Svelte allows us to be explicit about which variables are dependent on one another It allows us to create an app that knows which variables to update the order to update them and is faster at updating them than it s competitors In order to understand how Svelte get this behavior let s look at some examples lifted from Paul Stovel via Rich Harris var a var b a a b a Here we can see that getting b to depend on a is clunky to say the least It requires that any time we change a we also have to reassign b As a solution to this problem Paul Stovel proposed the theoretical destiny operator var a var b lt a a In this example the lt binds the value of b to a Unfortunately this syntax doesn t exist in JS but Svelte being a compiler is less constrained by the limitations of JS than other frameworks Svelte has leveraged this to convert the labeled statement a fairly unused piece of syntax into the theoretical destiny operator let a b a It s that simple b is now bound to the value of a Whenever a changes b will update All the boilerplate React demands you write to get the equivalent behavior is gone Yes obviously there is still a lot of complexity hidden by the compiler but crucially it s not forcing that boilerplate on you the developer What the client runs is efficient vanilla JS that directly manipulates only those parts of the DOM you have explicitly declared will change when your state does Essentially because Svelte is a compiler it has been able to drastically improve upon the front end dev experience and this isn t just my opinion Svelte was voted most loved Framework in the Stack Overflow developer survey Section Does your JS spark joy in your users Does it help you deliver performant apps with great UX without compromising your developer experience The obvious benefit of Svelte being a compiler is that the bundle size the browser is served is significantly smaller Svelte according to this article is times smaller than React and ReactDOM when zipped Not only is Svelte a lot easier for the browser to run but once it s up and running it s faster too because it doesn t rely on virtual DOM diffing That all translates to faster load times for your user and an app that is interactive more quickly Last year s Google page experience update taught us that performance is the new SEO It signaled the beginning of a new trend where UX is the most important factor in your app s search ranking This major overhaul coupled with the increased traffic from low performance devices has created an environment where Svelte really shines Svelte unlike React and Vue can still offer great performance on low performance devices like smartwatches payment terminals and smart TVs As developers we have become obsessed with shipping one solution that works across all devices We ve ditched closely coupled legacy CMSs for shiny headless offerings that can drive our content on all devices Why not take the same attitude with our front end framework React and Vue simply aren t options that will result in a responsive UX on a payment terminal In this environment Svelte is the only framework that is efficient enough ultimately allowing you as a developer to work on a single tech stack that serves the range of devices that access the internet in This brings us full circle back to the original point Rich Harris was making at You Gotta Love Front End The only true way to increase the performance of our apps is to reduce their size The only true way to give our users an excellent experience is to reduce the amount of JavaScript we are serving their device Our two goals of having happy users and happy developers are both served by reducing the amount of code we write and ship Thank it then discard itSvelte means slender or elegant and the name is apt The core benefits of Svelte all stem from the fact that it is a compiler and that that compilers output is well svelte This allows us to do away with expensive run times in the browser removes the constraints of needing our code to be read by the browser and it achieves all this without compromising on the developer experience Write less do more was the mantra of the first major JS framework JQuery Svelte like JQuery in the Noughties is empowering developers to write more efficient minimal code that is accessible to more devices users and developers So if your JS doesn t spark joy thank it then discard it |
2022-06-02 14:01:32 |
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AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Deals: Apple's M1 MacBook Air is discounted to $899, plus $40 off AppleCare |
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2022-06-02 14:52:12 |
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Daily deals June 2: discounted iPhone 12, 11% off Xbox Series X with 'Elden Ring,' Apple TV 4K for $150, more |
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2022-06-02 14:08:22 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
BMW’s new entry-level EV is the iX1 SUV |
BMW s new entry level EV is the iX SUVBMW is expanding its lineup of electric vehicles once again The iX SUV is an all electric variant of the X crossover ーBMW announced a third gen edition of that vehicle as well The iX is pegged as an entry level model that s expected to supplant the i as the automaker s least expensive EV The company says the X will have two petrol and two diesel engine options when it arrives in October Those variants quot will immediately be followed by quot the iX xDrive along with plug in hybrid versions The iX will have a dual motor powertrain with one on each axle They ll produce a combined output of horsepower and lb ft of torque BMW says the EV will be able to go from zero to kh h mph in seconds The automaker estimates the iX will have a range of up to kilometers miles It can be charged at a rate of up to kW and BMW claims you ll be able to top up the battery charge level to percent of capacity in minutes at high speed public stations Inside the EV you ll see a curved display with support for voice and touch controls The central console includes a wireless charging tray for your smartphone There will be support for BMW Digital Key Plus along with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto BMW will build all models in the X lineup at its plant in Regensburg Germany It s keeping many of the details about the iX under wraps for now including the battery capacity and pricing The company should reveal pricing closer to the launch window |
2022-06-02 14:40:33 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Polestar is making a production version of its 'Beast' performance EV |
Polestar is making a production version of its x Beast x performance EVDon t worry if you thought the Polestar s performance was somehow tepid Polestar has announced a production version of the performance tuned quot Beast quot EV it showed at the Goodwood Festival of Speed The Polestar BST edition now produces HP from its dual motors up from HP and you ll also see modifications like a lowered ride height stiffer springs adjustable Öhlins dampers a front strut bar and Polestar influenced inch wheels with custom Pirelli P Zero tires This is a Polestar EV you can take to the track to put it simply The BST edition isn t quite as capable as the Beast You ll have to make do with the usual four piston Brembo brakes instead of the six piston Akebonos from last year s one off model Even so the improved driving dynamics and second sprint to MPH should make it a viable alternative to rivals like Tesla s Model Performance This variant will be very difficult to get As the name implies Polestar is making just examples to sell across China Europe and North America You ll have to register just to be invited to buy one if selected you ll pay Production is poised to start in the middle of the year with deliveries starting in the fourth quarter The debut of this limited version makes sense Polestar was originally Volvo s badge for high performance models and it spun out from Volvo and Volvo s parent Geely with a focus on speed In that regard the BST edition is a reminder of the brand s roots and a hint that projects like the Polestar SUV and O convertible concept are just extensions of that go fast strategy |
2022-06-02 14:20:50 |
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Cisco Blog |
The Cisco Partner Launch Experience: Going ALL IN on Innovation |
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