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IT 気になる、記になる… Microsoft、「Surface Duo 2」を約6万円オフで販売するセールを開始 https://taisy0.com/2022/06/03/157630.html android 2022-06-03 13:43:28
AWS AWS Government, Education, and Nonprofits Blog AWS GovCloud (US) or standard? Selecting the right AWS partition https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/publicsector/aws-govcloud-us-standard-selecting-right-aws-partition/ AWS GovCloud US or standard Selecting the right AWS partitionThis blog post explores the options US public sector customers and their business partners should evaluate when selecting an AWS partition We discuss the differences between AWS GovCloud US and the AWS standard partition and how to decide which partition may be the best match for your organization s security compliance and availability needs 2022-06-03 13:01:27
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Pythonで特定の拡張子のファイルリストを作る https://qiita.com/takuma-1234/items/91caf2ac66117ea16ab8 背景 2022-06-03 22:52:34
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita MasoniteでチョットController https://qiita.com/meshi/items/134968396e27648a4a8c controller 2022-06-03 22:06:01
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Nginxに静的ファイルをデプロイしてみよう https://qiita.com/harururu32/items/7b10b4204e0245c021ab docker 2022-06-03 22:10:03
海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Fix Amazon Prime Video When It's Not Working https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/fix-amazon-prime-video-not-working/ workingif 2022-06-03 13:45:14
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海外TECH MakeUseOf The Do's and Don'ts of Macro Photography https://www.makeuseof.com/dos-donts-of-macro-photography/ knowing 2022-06-03 13:30:14
海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Present Your Career Journey on PowerPoint https://www.makeuseof.com/present-your-career-journey-powerpoint/ powerpoint 2022-06-03 13:15:13
海外TECH DEV Community Building fast data visualization apps with Cube and Supabase https://dev.to/cubejs/building-fast-data-visualization-apps-with-cube-and-supabase-f89 Building fast data visualization apps with Cube and SupabaseThis tutorial teaches you how to build a performant dynamic dashboard from your Supabase data in less than minutes using Cube Here s what we are building Get the completed code for this tutorial here You can also try the live demo app in this link Data visualization provides you with a graphical representation of your data If you have massive datasets data visualization can reveal trends and help you make data driven decisions for your organizations However there are many challenges when aggregating and visualizing massive datasets This tutorial demonstrates how Cube can help you overcome these challenges Configuring our databaseLet s use a big dataset from kaggle for our demo application I am going to use the online Payments Fraud detection datasets Next head over to app supabase io and create a new database Create a new table called fraud and import the CSV data You can import CSV data using the import option in your Supabase dashboard as shown in the following picture After some time the data will be uploaded and you will have a new fraud table with data Exploring queries for data visualizationNext we are going to create and run some queries Head over to the SQL editor in your Supabase dashboard menu and run the following query SELECT count from fraud This query gives us the count of records in the fraud table Let s analyze the query time for this SQL query Open up the developer tool in your browser and analyze the query execution time For me it took about s which is slow but not bad considering we are working with a dataset that has over million rows However we rarely work with simple queries such as this one for complex data analysis Let s create a more complex query The following query fetches relevant columns such as fraud type isfraud isflaggedfraudand calculates the sum of fraud amount and counts frauds SELECT fraud type fraud type fraud isFraud fraud isfraud fraud isFlaggedFraud fraud isflaggedfraud sum fraud amount fraud amount count fraud count FROM public fraud AS fraud GROUP BY LIMIT This query takes about seconds to run For a modern application this is not a very good response time Imagine a dashboard application that takes about seconds for a single reporting table to load It will not deliver a robust user experience According to Google s market research users get more frustrated as page load time goes over seconds If you build a public facing data application and have a very slow response time users are most likely to bounce from your website So what s making the queries slow Supabase is actually not the bottleneck here Supabase uses PostgreSQL under the hood Postgres is a traditional Row oriented database Row oriented databases store information in the disk row by row idNameCityAgeDaveLos AngelesMattTorontoJeffNew YorkThese types of databases are very efficient at reading and writing single rows For instance if I want to add a new record I can add another row to the end of the table If I know the id of a record I can look up the row and read all the columns This makes Postgres a great database for applications that heavily depend on reading and writing data However when executing aggregation row oriented databases are not performant For instance if I want to get the sum of all the ages in the previous table I must read each row and all its columns Then I have to add up the age values Even though we only need the age column we read all the columns which is not very memory efficient Therefore Postgres has its shortcoming in data intensive aggregations and analytics tasks You can learn more about how Row oriented databases work and their limitations in this blog post Column oriented databases such as BigQuery and Snowflake is really good at aggregating data However it is often more challenging to manage and sync multiple databases of different paradigms when building applications How does Cube resolve this issue Cube is an open source API first headless business intelligence platform that connects to your data sources and makes queries fast responsive cost effective and consistent across your applications Cube s API layer is able to perform efficient aggregation on your data and serve it to applications You run your Cube API as a service following the microservices architecture pattern The following diagram demonstrates the overall application architecture with Cube Getting started with CubeThe easiest way to get started with Cube is with Cube Cloud It provides a fully managed Cube cluster ready to use However if you prefer self hosting then follow this tutorial In this tutorial you will create a new Cube deployment in Cube Cloud You can select a cloud platform of your choice Next select start from scratch to get started with a fresh instance Next you will be asked to provide your database connection information Select PostgreSQL Head back to your Supabase dashboard to retrieve the database connection information From there please select the Database option and take note of the connection information Next fill in the database connection information in Cube Cloud Hostname lt your supabase db id gt Port Database postgresUsername postgresPassword lt your supabase password gt Cube can auto generate a Data Schema from your SQL tables A Cube Data Schema is used to model raw data into meaningful business definitions The data schema is exposed through the querying API allowing end users to query a wide variety of analytical queries We will select the fraud table for schema generation It will take a couple of minutes for our Cube instance to get provisioned Create pre aggregations in Cube to increase query performance One of Cube s most used features are pre aggregations Pre aggregations reduce the execution time of a query In Cube  pre aggregations are condensed versions of the source data They are materialized ahead of time and persisted as tables separately from the raw data To learn more about pre aggregations follow this tutorial We have also created in depth video workshops on pre aggregations Feel free to check them out as well Mastering Cube Pre Aggregations WorkshopAdvanced Pre aggregations in CubeIn your Cube dashboard select Schema and then select Enter Development Mode Select Fraud js in the files and add the following code to your schema Fraud jscube Fraud sql SELECT FROM public fraud preAggregations main measures Fraud amount Fraud count dimensions Fraud type Fraud isfraud Fraud isflaggedfraud Fraud nameorig joins measures count type count drillMembers nameorig namedest amount sql amount type sum dimensions type sql type type string nameorig sql CUBE nameOrig type string oldbalanceorg sql CUBE oldbalanceOrg type string newbalanceorig sql CUBE newbalanceOrig type string namedest sql CUBE nameDest type string isfraud sql CUBE isFraud type string isflaggedfraud sql CUBE isFlaggedFraud type string Please save the changes and the pre aggregation will be applied to your SQL queries Analyzing data with the Developer PlaygroundSelect the developer playground option from your Cube dashboard The Developer Playground is a tool that lets you experiment with your data and generate various data visualizations Let s create a new Query Please select the measures and dimensions as shown in the following image and then select Run It makes an identical query to our previous SQL query Notice that it takes only about to milliseconds to run the query and get the data back That s almost a x performance boost in the best case scenario Autogenerate front end code from CubeCube also gives us the ability to autogenerate part of our front end code For instance if we want the table in the previous example as a React component we can generate it from Cube In your Chart menu select the Edit option and Cube will create a new table component in the codesandbox Next let s say we want to visualize the number of different types of frauds committed We want to present this information as a pie chart We can select Count as measures and Type as dimensions in the Cube dashboard to do this We select the Pie chart option We can also specify that we want React and the Chart js library to generate our visualization Once the visualization is done you can open the front end code by selecting Edit Putting it all together in a React AppLet s put together a front end React app for our data visualization Create a new React app by running the following commands npx create react app supabase demo cd supabase demoNext add all the required npm dependencies to your project npm i cubejs client core antd use deep compare recharts cubejs client react saveFirst of all we initialize cube by adding the following code to our App js file import useState from react import cubejs from cubejs client core import Button from antd import TableRenderer from components Table import PieChart from components PieChart import ChartRenderer from components BarChart import CubeProvider from cubejs client react const cubejsApi cubejs eyJhbGciOiJIUzINiIsInRcCIIkpXVCJ eyJpYXQiOjENTMyODIzNDQsImVcCIMTYNTgNDMNH oRpMmhdEbBmhN tkFOVc BCNUIkxXE zXI apiUrl function App const showPieChart setShowPieChart useState false return lt CubeProvider cubejsApi cubejsApi gt lt div className App gt lt div gt lt Button onClick gt setShowPieChart false gt Show Details Table lt Button gt lt Button onClick gt setShowPieChart true gt View by Frauds type lt Button gt lt div gt showPieChart lt gt lt PieChart gt lt ChartRenderer gt lt gt lt TableRenderer gt lt div gt lt CubeProvider gt export default App Next go ahead and create two components one for showing the table view and the other for showing the Pie chart Following is the code for the Table component partials of src components Table jsimport useEffect useState useContext from react import CubeContext from cubejs client react import Spin Table from antd Declaire Pivot Configuration Constant for each chart const pivotConfig x Fraud type Fraud newbalancedest Fraud isfraud Fraud isflaggedfraud y measures fillMissingDates true joinDateRange false const TableRenderer gt const cubejsApi useContext CubeContext const data setData useState null const error setError useState null const columns setColumns useState useEffect gt Load data from Cube js API on component mount cubejsApi load measures Fraud amount Fraud count timeDimensions order Fraud nameorig desc dimensions Fraud type Fraud isfraud Fraud isflaggedfraud limit then resultSet gt setColumns resultSet tableColumns pivotConfig setData formatTableData columns resultSet tablePivot pivotConfig catch error gt setError error if data return lt Spin gt return lt Table columns columns pagination true dataSource data gt helper function to format dataconst formatTableData columns data gt function flatten columns return columns reduce memo column gt if column children return memo flatten column children return memo column const typeByIndex flatten columns reduce memo column gt return memo column dataIndex column function formatValue value type format if value undefined return value if type boolean if typeof value boolean return value toString else if typeof value number return Boolean value toString return value if type number amp amp format percent return parseFloat value toFixed join return value toString function format row return Object fromEntries Object entries row map dataIndex value gt return dataIndex formatValue value typeByIndex dataIndex return data map format export default TableRenderer Following is the code for PieChart component PieChart jsimport QueryRenderer from cubejs client react import CubeContext from cubejs client react import Spin from antd import antd dist antd css import React useContext from react import PieChart Pie Cell Tooltip ResponsiveContainer Legend from recharts const colors FF AFF FFB const renderChart resultSet error pivotConfig onDrilldownRequested gt if error return lt div gt error toString lt div gt if resultSet return lt Spin gt return lt ResponsiveContainer width height gt lt PieChart gt lt Pie isAnimationActive true data resultSet chartPivot nameKey x dataKey resultSet seriesNames key fill d gt resultSet chartPivot map e index gt lt Cell key index fill colors index colors length gt lt Pie gt lt Legend gt lt Tooltip gt lt PieChart gt lt ResponsiveContainer gt const ChartRenderer gt const cubejsApi useContext CubeContext return lt QueryRenderer query measures Fraud amount timeDimensions order Fraud amount desc dimensions Fraud type cubejsApi cubejsApi resetResultSetOnChange false render props gt renderChart props chartType pie pivotConfig x Fraud type y measures fillMissingDates true joinDateRange false gt export default ChartRenderer You can find the complete code for this demo application at this link Where to go from hereWe have only covered the basics of Cube in this tutorial Cube comes packed with features that can help you build data intensive apps fast Cube supports features such as multiple database connections multi tenancy GraphQL API SQL API and more You can sign up for Cube Cloud for free if you would like to play around To learn more about how Cube can help you to build your project head over to the official documentation page If you have questions or feedback we would love to hear what you have to say Come join our Slack community Click here to join That s all for today Feel free to leave Cube a on GitHub if you liked this article Happy hacking 2022-06-03 13:23:27
海外TECH DEV Community Top 10 Cross-Browser Compatibility Pain Points For Developers https://dev.to/lambdatest/top-10-cross-browser-compatibility-pain-points-for-developers-2o7j Top Cross Browser Compatibility Pain Points For DevelopersDevelopers are dealing with cross browser compatibility issues for some time now The question that always looms in their minds is how we can give the best user experience to everyone despite the differences in the underlying mechanism of the browsers and the features they support With many people connected to the internet on different devices using their choice of web browser web developers don t see a single browser as their target Instead everyone wants to gain a competitive edge by providing the best user experience Hence bridging the gap between legacy and modern browsers is an essential task for developers globally In this post we will deep dive into some major pain points that cause browser compatibility issues for developers Let s go Did you know what selector list argument of nth child and nth last child CSS pseudo classes is The new css nth child of and css nth last child selectors allow you to efficiently match the first or last child of any element with any given set of criteria Internet Explorer What went wrong In the survey conducted by MDN Internet Explorer was found to be the most troublesome browser by of the respondents Once dominating the browser market Internet Explorer has become a pain point for developers in Rapid growth in technology and many other reasons led to the death of internet explorers in recent times However there is a substantial audience using Internet Explorer for web browsing that cannot be ignored Unmesh Gundecha upgundecha Few years back a guy came to us marketing his Ai Codeless test automation tool He said use my tool amp boom everything will be automated instantly even legacy We gave him our biggest challenge a app that works only in IE never saw him again If you find him send to me PM Aug Internet Explorer was a great browser but as time passed and technologies started evolving it became obsolete More browsers started coming into the market having versatility and being feature rich Internet Explorer was just dated Today in the problem with Internet Explorer is that it does not support multiple features compared to other browsers For example multi class support JavaScript is not available Form layout designing is a nightmare and most of the new properties that came in were never updated CSS Flexbox is supported on Internet Explorer but with multiple issues There are a lot more features properties and functionalities that are not supported As a developer your priority is to test on Internet Explorer for cross browser compatibility issues This is not going to end here though From onwards Microsoft will retire support for Internet Explorer desktop applications for certain versions of Windows Microsoft Edge will come with an “IE mode through which you can access and test websites on Internet Explorer Well I am hoping to see some more growth in the pain points survey Why can t we just leave Internet Explorer and move ahead I am sure you must be thinking why don t we just drop it from our target browsers and move ahead with the concept of “Change is constant As per netmarketshare the browser market share of internet explorer is still worldwide on desktops and laptops as of June is huge This makes it important for the developers to make their website or web application consistent with Internet Explorer Internet Explorers are woven deep into the system More than we can anticipate When Internet Explorer was at its peak many applications were built across finance inventory accounting and even health systems like MRI or CT scan machines Although many changed it to modern browsers overhauling is expensive making Internet Explorer still being used by millions of people globally There are many reasons apart from this but the motive of highlighting them was to understand as a developer that skipping internet explorer is not an option as of now Maybe in the future But currently we need to develop and test our website for cross browser compatibility issues even for Internet Explorer CSS An important factor causing browser compatibility issuesThe next browser compatibility issue developers mentioned in the survey is CSS and it s not a surprise CSS is messy and unpredictable Web developers are often found criticizing the CSS and supporting their backend development on the web I have seen developers not preferring CSS because they think that logic is more important than styling during product development Bottom line ーCSS is messy and unorganized Several of its sub branches such as CSS flexbox and CSS position sticky are a problem in themselves They raise browser compatibility issues and have no turnaround However they are being fixed by Google Igelia Microsoft and Mozilla combined with the project name Compat Browser Compatibility Issues With Old BrowsersThe “old browser pain point can be seen as a larger umbrella that covers Internet Explorer under it Old browsers also constitute an older version of the current browsers which are still actively developed These may include Google Chrome Firefox etc The reasons here are still the same Old browsers often do not come with support of the latest technologies CSS is changing and adapting for good but we cannot implement it completely because of people still use Internet Explorer even if I just exclude every older version It is July and Google Chrome is on version equipped with the latest features But of all the Chrome users are still using Chrome Chrome was released one year back and we would certainly hope that people no longer use it But it is not like people enjoy working on older browsers They do have their reasons which we cannot ignore while developing a website Therefore it s essential to test browser compatibility issues across all browsers and browser versions JavaScript Cross Browser Compatibility IssuesJavaScript is among the top four pain points in terms of browser compatibility issues for developers As per the survey around of the people find JavaScript hard to work with The main browser compatibility issues in JavaScript are Different ECMAscript versions need to be aligned with different browser versions ES features are supported on old browsers but with Polyfills Native support in JavaScript is missing Bloated code due to running code through transpilers Another reason is JavaScript also survives on modules and packages A small application can therefore contain many modules which affects the speed and makes it slower This reminds me that JavaScript is also blamed for being a slow language on the web For instance view this graph that shows the time taken by different languages for calculating the value of pie JavaScript is below C C expected and even Python and PHP However many survey participants mentioned that fixing JavaScript cross browser compatibility issues isn t very problematic to deal with Thanks to transpilers and babel that proved helpful in recent years Do you want to perform end to end cross browser compatibility testing of your website Watch our JavaScript testing tutorial now Do you know what optional CSS pseudo class does The optional pseudo class matches form inputs that do not have a required attribute Rendering Issues in BrowsersRendering issues are more of browser compatibility issues where you have some element working on a single browser but miss it out completely on another one The point is they work on browser engines which are responsible for everything you see on a browser Unfortunately browser engines are different in different browsers and render the page differently This leads to inconsistent font sizes or abrupt image ratios Let s take an example of CSS writing modes It helps us define the direction of writing with few options For example the support for writing mode “sideways lr and “sideways rl is as follows When I say “does not support it means the browser engine is yet not ready to understand what that means and will bypass the property with default values How to test web rendering issues Installing every browser and its version to test websites for cross browser compatibility is practically not possible However cloud testing platforms like LambdaTest have made it easier to perform cross browser testing across browsers and browser versions LambdaTest is an online tool equipped with all the combinations of browsers and platforms installed on their cloud infrastructure As a user you just need to choose the target platform such as Chrome on Windows and enter the URL to launch it on that combination Being a cloud platform you can perform tests irrespective of the device you are using For example you can even test Internet Explorer on Mac using LambdaTest Cloud Layout and Styling IssuesFrom the MDN survey it was found that the majority of developers are struggling specifically with layout and styling issues For example CSS Flexbox amp CSS Grid are troublesome in achieving layout consistency across different browsers It was also observed that Responsive Design or responsive layouts have issues with supporting dynamic viewport sizes and scrolling issues Thus making it one of the critical browser compatibility issues for developers Slow Adoption of New FeaturesMany features are released by JavaScript and CSS developers but are delayed in adoption by browsers As a developer I would like to include some cool new things on my web page However slow adoption leads to delay in implementation and higher browser compatibility issues For instance CSS Subgrids is a cool feature where a grid can be implemented inside another grid It solves a lot of problems for front end developers and designers But the current support for subgrid is as follows Which is not even “okay Only Mozilla Firefox currently supports subgrids If an engine is lagging in terms of feature adoption it can make the website less competitive The below graph depicts how tests are failed particularly on Safari and not on Chrome amp Firefox Even though Safari is very popular it still supports lesser features as compared to its competitors Browser Compatibility Issues With PWAsA small percentage of people on the survey around hinted at PWAs as a pain point in their development journey A progressive web app is an application that is not native and neither a web app This is the strength of PWAs and probably the weakness too Since PWAs are not native applications they cannot take advantage of the native properties of any device such as a camera or file access etc For this they need support from the browsers which are currently evolving Google is however determined to make PWAs popular in the near future Therefore you always get a list of Web APIs being released for the PWA development So if you hear someone say their browser is not supporting PWAs they could mean that API support is still in the dark Also PWAs need to have a fixed icon dimension rules etc and a manifest personal to the browser So browser compatibility testing plays an important role when you develop PWA s This is not something that cannot be done but repetitive tasks and fixing icon images does hurt a little bit CSS Flexbox Design IssuesAnother important pain point for cross browser compatibility issues is CSS Flexbox It comes with a long list of properties that determine how these items can be distributed and the role of the container in it We have crafted a CSS Flexbox tutorial that can come in handy for those new to CSS flexbox or CSS if that matters Flexboxes are a part of the Compat project which focuses on today s five most important issues in browser compatibility Although Flexbox is performing well currently as long as the developers like you keep logging those issues will see much better browsers Some of these issues are vertical flexbox and images as flexbox items which are resolved now Flexbox has also topped the survey s layout issue part where Flexbox is considered to be the most troublesome layout issue currently So yeah Flexbox creates design issues and is infamous for it at the same time is extremely popular among developers It is something that gives content structure on a web page As per Google of pages contain CSS flexbox in the source code As far as the browser compatibility issues are concerned developers see many inconsistencies in design in different browsers Also not all the flexbox properties are supported by all the browsers currently All this makes us think twice before writing display flex on the web page But the only other option we have is the CSS grid which is not a smooth road either CSS flexbox reminds me of the popular quote “Love it or hate it you cannot ignore it Polyfills Can Often Be TediousPolyfills are the code segment that is applied when an actual property fails to implement For example if a browser does not support vertical alignment then I might have to write JavaScript code for aligning it manually In a way they are the fallback option that works when everything fails Polyfills are extremely important in web development because as we discussed above many things fail across browsers Honestly browser compatibility is a mess and it becomes a developer s job to maintain a consistent web application across all platforms Polyfills are often written in JavaScript because that is where all the manual work has to be done But polyfills are in no way confined to JavaScript They are part of a generic term and the misconception lies in the community Polyfills become the pain from their existence in the market They are perceived as “extra code or “extra work that has to be done by the developers even though it would not have been required with consistent browsers So how would you approach writing polyfills First implement the property in the most straightforward way you think Then check for browser compatibility issues and write polyfills This extra work results in a larger user base but no one wants to write the same thing with two methods at least times a day It s a pain Especially if older browsers are a part of your browser matrix Start your free web browser testing today Hey Did you know CSS overflow anchor Scroll Anchoring minimizes jarring experience for scroll linked scrolling containers eliminating page jitter and reducing page restarting when user scrolls up to a fixed edge of a scrolling box ConclusionIf something does not work in Chrome or Safari you cannot do anything in it You just have to deal with it by applying some polyfills writing a unified code or maybe changing the feature altogether This dependence has resulted in a survey that explains a few loopholes in the system and its progress I am sure browsers have their reasons but cross browser compatibility is one such thing that annoys a developer more than anything But I guess a perfect world does not exist and here we are complaining about its imperfections I hope this post will make you feel great that millions of developers are frustrated with the same things as you By the way I am quite sure that “Security is the latest trend these days as every browser developer launches or deprecates a feature and writes the reason as “security But who suffers in the end by all this 2022-06-03 13:23:09
海外TECH DEV Community Coding and ADHD - Can't Stop https://dev.to/abbeyperini/coding-and-adhd-cant-stop-10mf Coding and ADHD Can x t Stop HyperfocusI find hyperfocus and flow state to be analogous with one key difference when hyperfocusing I struggle mightily to stop I ll be starving My arms will be aching from typing for four hours straight Continuing to code is probably detrimental I m tired I know I need to be doing other things and I m starting to make mistakes and miss obvious alternatives Usually I m stuck in a one more try loop I ll tell myself I ll stop after I try this thing and then I think of another thing and tell myself I ll stop after I try that thing and then I think of another thing and so on When I ve been hyperfocusing for a while I m often trying to change too much at once and missing meetings This is often how my blogs happen I ll look up and it s pm and I haven t accomplished anything on my to do list just a whole new blog ADHD brains have trouble switching focus when they ve found a task that gives them the dopamine stimulation they re always craving Why would my brain want to switch to another task I don t find as interesting when I can just keep doing this Many of us also struggle with perfectionism Once we ve finally gotten started on something we want the end result to be astounding Strategies This sort of intense focus isn t something you can just buck up and talk yourself out of says Russell Barkley a clinical psychologist and ADHD expert ADHD brains in hyperfocus will literally ignore hunger thirst and needing to go to the bathroom I ve often heard take advantage of natural breaks which may work for you Phoning a friend works for me My husband will come home and starting asking what I m trying to accomplish and when I ll reach a stopping point This brings what time it is into the forefront of my consciousness and crystalizes the steps I need to take to stop You could ask a friend or relative to check in on you at a certain time ADHD medication is supposed to make this easier but actually makes it more difficult for me The coping mechanisms I ve used for years often rely on finding the tiniest bit of motivation and building on that momentum to do as many tasks as I can People find timers alarms notifications time blocking and pomodoro to be helpful I also find giving myself a certain amount of time to hyperfocus can work especially for relaxing with video games These all will help with estimating the time these tasks will take in the future something ADHD people have to learn manually There are a few suggestions I ve seen but haven t yet tried Don t start anything you know you can hyperfocus on close to bed or to procrastinate on another task Once you realize you re in hyperfocus immediately move around Set goals for the task and take a break when you finish each one Most of all after you ve found you ve been hyperfocusing for a while be sure to take that break and give yourself some rest Berating yourself for losing track of time won t help you start the next task Use the HyperfocusMany people want to be able to focus like this there s a bunch of material out there on how to achieve a flow state My ability to complete huge creative projects I m naturally interested in is something people admire It s one of the reasons I m good at coding once I have convinced my brain to care it is easy for me to reach a flow state and get a ton of code on the page If you can find a pattern in the things your brain will hyperfocus on use it Finding what makes you inherently interested in those tasks can help you make a boring task like chores interesting enough to get done ConclusionDid I miss a resource or tip you love Leave a comment Coming soon Can t Remember 2022-06-03 13:04:19
海外TECH DEV Community Pathfinding with Javascript: The A* Algorithm https://dev.to/codesphere/pathfinding-with-javascript-the-a-algorithm-3jlb Pathfinding with Javascript The A AlgorithmThere has been no shortage of academic research into finding efficient ways to find paths Its use in games logistics and mapping makes it an important topic for any aspiring programmer to try their hand in One of the most famous algorithms for computing the quickest route between two points is the A algorithm In this article we ll go over how A works and even do a quick implementation of the algorithm in Javascript What is the A algorithm A is an improved version of Dijkstra s search algorithm that was developed at the Stanford Research Institute It makes use of heuristics educated guesses that help reduce the time taken to compute the result to increase its performance and efficiency Unlike Dijkstra this algorithm is specific i e it only finds the shortest path from one point to another instead of all possible end points It is used in online maps video games artificial intelligence and other similar applications ImplementationIn our Javascript implementation we will use arrays to track our path over a grid but we can use other data structures like a heap or a graph to improve the overall performance of our code You can find the complete code below A works by considering all the adjacent points around our starting point and computing a cost function Which you can think of as time or distance for each of the adjacent points Since our goal in pathfinding is to find the path that requires the least cost we will then explore the option that has the least cost and repeat this process until we reach our end point The cost value of a point is computed by adding the distance from that point to our starting point to the distance from that point to the ending point Note that since we are working over a grid we are using what s called the taxicab norm to measure distance The sum of horizontal and vertical differences between the points The way you choose to measure distance is going to depend on the problem you are working on For example if your agent is able to move diagonally on the grid you probably would use the euclidean norm There you have it We just implemented a basic version of the A search algorithm in JavaScript You can take this to the next level by adding obstacles allowing diagonals etc You can even create an animation that shows the path being traced from the starting point to the end No matter what you re developing you don t want to be bogged down by your computer s infrastructure At Codesphere we re building an all in one development platform that lets you develop with the full power of the cloud behind you Let us know in the comments how you plan to use this algorithm Happy coding 2022-06-03 13:02:49
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Atlanta store union vote is postponed not cancelled, says organizers https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/06/03/atlanta-store-union-vote-is-postponed-not-cancelled-says-organizers?utm_medium=rss Atlanta store union vote is postponed not cancelled says organizersDecrying Apple s alleged intimidation tactics at the Cumberland Atlanta store AppleTogether organizers deny that the union vote was cancelled Apple Cumberland MallIt was previously reported that workers at the Apple Cumberland store in Atlanta had dropped their plans to hold a vote over joining a union That report said that the request for a vote had been withdrawn specifically because of Apple s alleged use of illegal union busting tactics Read more 2022-06-03 13:28:23
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple highlights three young winners of the Swift Student Challenge https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/06/03/apple-highlights-three-young-winners-of-the-swift-student-challenge?utm_medium=rss Apple highlights three young winners of the Swift Student ChallengeApple has highlighted three of the winners of the Swift Student Challenge who are using their coding abilities to solve problems in their communities Swift Student Challenge WinnersThe three teens were all first time participants in the Swift Student Challenge which is a coding competition for young developers that takes place as part of WWDC each year In a feature story Friday Apple detailed the winning submissions and the inspiration behind them Read more 2022-06-03 13:27:14
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News WWDC preview, Apple search engine rumor, and iPad wireless charging on the AppleInsider podcast https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/06/03/wwdc-preview-apple-search-engine-rumor-and-ipad-wireless-charging-on-the-appleinsider-podcast?utm_medium=rss WWDC preview Apple search engine rumor and iPad wireless charging on the AppleInsider podcastWe preview just what to expect ーand not expect ーduring the WWDC Keynote on June plus the possibility of Apple building a first party search engine wireless charging coming to iPad and Apple TV vs Google TV all on the new AppleInsider podcast Apple s World Wide Developer s Conference keynote will be at a m Pacific on Monday June Despite rumors leading up to the event that Apple would debut a VR or mixed reality headset analysts now doubt it will make an appearance However a recent trademark filing for realityOS means we could perhaps see some software announcement at WWDC even if Apple doesn t release hardware As for what Apple will unveil we break down everything to expect including of course iOS and iPadOS which may feature updates to widgets and multitasking We re hoping for HomeKit improvements and listeners have some excellent suggestions for new software features Read more 2022-06-03 13:25:08
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Daily deals June 3: 13% off Hisense 4K 120Hz 4K TV, $35 off Beats Studio Buds, 57% off eufy RoboVac, more https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/06/03/daily-deals-june-3-13-off-hisense-4k-120hz-4k-tv-35-off-beats-studio-buds-57-off-eufy-robovac-more?utm_medium=rss Daily deals June off Hisense K Hz K TV off Beats Studio Buds off eufy RoboVac moreFriday s best deals include a Samsung inch K monitor M for off AirTag pack discount on Lutron Caseta HomeKit dimmer switches and much more Best deals June AppleInsider checks online stores daily to uncover discounts and offers on hardware and other products including Apple devices smart TVs accessories and other items The best offers are compiled into our regular list for our readers to use and save money Read more 2022-06-03 13:39:15
海外TECH Engadget 'Horizon Call of the Mountain' PSVR2 trailer reveals a perilous climb https://www.engadget.com/horizon-call-of-the-mountain-psvr2-gameplay-trailer-132041372.html?src=rss x Horizon Call of the Mountain x PSVR trailer reveals a perilous climbSony has finally revealed key details for PlayStation VR s marquee title The company Guerilla Games and Firesprite have shared the first gameplay trailer for Horizon Call of the Mountain along with details of the story You play Ryas a disgraced Shadow Carja Warrior who seeks freedom and redemption by tackling a new threat to the tribe As you might guess the gameplay revolves around VR friendly exploration and combat You ll scale mountains using climbing picks take down rogue machines with your bow and craft new gear While the trailer doesn t offer too many spoilers the developers made clear that Call of the Mountain has tangential links to the main Horizon narrative You ll run into Aloy and other familiar characters alongside new ones This is also clearly a technological showcase for the PSVR headset Besides the lush visuals you can show off the experience in a quot River Ride quot segment practically tailor made for spectators watching your TV There s still no release date for the game although that s not surprising when Sony has yet to narrow down launch timing for the PSVR itself You won t have to wait to get some fresh Horizon content at least Guerilla has released a major update for Horizon Forbidden West that adds New Game and Ultra Hard modes for players who felt the existing difficulty levels weren t enough of a challenge You ll also see better antialiasing for visuals in Performance mode on PS and PS Pro and tinkerers will be happy to know they can both reassign their skill points and customize their outfits to look like anything they already own More technical upgrades are coming too Guerilla has teased a patch with variable refresh rate support for compatible TVs not to mention a frames per second mode that might split the difference between graphical beauty and smooth frame rates The studio is still determined to keep Forbidden West relevant then even if its attention has shifted more toward VR 2022-06-03 13:20:41
海外TECH Engadget Samsung's Galaxy Buds 2 drop to a new record-low price https://www.engadget.com/samsungs-galaxy-buds-2-drop-to-a-new-record-low-price-130248362.html?src=rss Samsung x s Galaxy Buds drop to a new record low priceSamsung fans looking for a new pair of wireless earbuds can get a couple of the company s latest models for less Amazon has the Galaxy Buds in graphite and olive at the lowest price we ve seen ーjust which is off their usual rate If you prefer earbuds with a more power and perks the Galaxy Buds Pro in phantom violet are also down to a new low of which is off their normal price Buy Galaxy Buds at Amazon Buy Galaxy Buds Pro at Amazon Both of these wireless earbuds came out last year with the Galaxy Buds being the newer of the two Samsung brought a number of premium features down to these relatively affordable earbuds including adjustable ambient sound mode and wireless charging The Buds are percent smaller and percent lighter than the Galaxy Buds that came before them plus they have much improved sound and an IPX rated design Just keep in mind that the Buds don t have any iOS integration ーwhile you could use them with an iPhone you d be stuck with thee default settings Those with Samsung handsets will get the most out of these buds Same goes for the Galaxy Buds Pro which we dubbed Samsung s best earbuds yet when they first came out Normally these are the company s direct competitor to the AirPods Pro and they hold their own against Apple s offering Sound quality is excellent and ANC is strong enough to block out surrounding noises like those from a fan or running dishwasher The Buds Pro also have an IPX rated design and support for Audio and wireless charging If you re on a tight budget we recommend opting for the Galaxy Buds but if you can spend a bit more you ll appreciate the extra perks that come with the Galaxy Buds Pro nbsp Follow EngadgetDeals on Twitter for the latest tech deals and buying advice 2022-06-03 13:02:48
金融 金融庁ホームページ 「海外のステーブルコインのユースケース及び関連規制分析に関する調査」報告書について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/common/about/research/20220603/20220603.html 関連 2022-06-03 14:00:00
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Japan to compile big extra budget for stimulus after summer election https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/06/03/business/japan-economy-extra-budget/ Japan to compile big extra budget for stimulus after summer electionThe government is likely to issue more bonds for the envisaged second extra budget for fiscal starting in April which would further deteriorate Japan s 2022-06-03 22:03:32
ニュース BBC News - Home Platinum Jubilee: Queen celebrated at thanksgiving service for 'staying the course' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-61681066?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA jubilee 2022-06-03 13:52:24
ニュース BBC News - Home Michaela McAreavey: Two men apologise for video mocking bride's murder https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-61680319?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA mauritius 2022-06-03 13:49:24
ニュース BBC News - Home Bavaria train crash: At least three killed in German rail accident https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-61684048?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA bavaria 2022-06-03 13:38:34
ニュース BBC News - Home Wales-Ukraine: 100 tickets for refugees for World Cup play-off https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-61681045?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA countries 2022-06-03 13:10:09
北海道 北海道新聞 神9―7(3日)日ハム6点差逆転され2連敗 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/689374/ 日本ハム 2022-06-03 22:20:00
北海道 北海道新聞 貝殻島コンブ漁、日ロ交渉が妥結 操業期間は6月1日~9月30日 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/689346/ 北方領土 2022-06-03 22:11:34
北海道 北海道新聞 コンブ漁の日ロ交渉が妥結 ウクライナ侵攻でずれ込む https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/689376/ 北方領土 2022-06-03 22:22:00
北海道 北海道新聞 GoTo刷新、6月開始案も 観光需要拡大へ政府検討 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/689373/ 需要拡大 2022-06-03 22:19:00
北海道 北海道新聞 西村氏、HPに「世界美人図鑑」 写真削除、無許可で撮影し掲載も https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/689371/ 西村康稔 2022-06-03 22:17:00
北海道 北海道新聞 広1―4オ(3日) オリックス3連勝で3位浮上 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/689368/ 連勝 2022-06-03 22:12:00
北海道 北海道新聞 NY円、130円前半 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/689367/ 外国為替市場 2022-06-03 22:09:00
北海道 北海道新聞 無料の日比谷音楽祭が開幕 ドリカム、石川さゆりさんら出演 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/689366/ 石川さゆり 2022-06-03 22:07:00
北海道 北海道新聞 オホーツク管内57人感染 新型コロナ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/689365/ 新型コロナウイルス 2022-06-03 22:07:00
北海道 北海道新聞 神輿や露店再開 感染対策を徹底 小樽市内例大祭シーズン、活気期待 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/689363/ 小樽市内 2022-06-03 22:02:00
仮想通貨 BITPRESS(ビットプレス) 【金融庁】第208回国会における金融庁関連法律(改正資金決済法)、全会一致で可決 https://bitpress.jp/count2/3_17_13233 全会一致 2022-06-03 22:55:01



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