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IT 気になる、記になる… 「Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 25131」がDevチャネル向けにリリース https://taisy0.com/2022/06/03/157620.html build 2022-06-02 22:37:46
IT 気になる、記になる… Amazonの「Kindle」、中国から撤退へ https://taisy0.com/2022/06/03/157616.html amazon 2022-06-02 22:25:34
IT 気になる、記になる… Apple、今年の「Swift Student Challenge」の入賞者には記念品に加えて「AirPods Pro」を贈呈 https://taisy0.com/2022/06/03/157613.html airpodspro 2022-06-02 22:14:00
IT 気になる、記になる… 「iPadOS 16」ではマルチタスクUIが刷新され、アプリのウインドウサイズも変更可能に?? https://taisy0.com/2022/06/03/157610.html apple 2022-06-02 22:03:13
AWS AWS Machine Learning Blog Amazon SageMaker Notebook Instances now support configuring and restricting IMDS versions https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/amazon-sagemaker-notebook-instances-now-support-configuring-and-restricting-imds-versions/ Amazon SageMaker Notebook Instances now support configuring and restricting IMDS versionsToday we re excited to announce that Amazon SageMaker now supports the ability to configure Instance Metadata Service Version IMDSv for Notebook Instances and for administrators to control the minimum version with which end users create new Notebook Instances You can now choose IMDSv only for your new and existing SageMaker Notebook Instances to take advantage … 2022-06-02 22:02:36
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita MacでGISデータ分析を始めるためにサクッとAnacondaとjupyter labをインストールしてみる https://qiita.com/nokonoko_1203/items/3b5ceb911af6b22a449f anaconda 2022-06-03 07:46:33
Linux Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita unibody 2010midのMac miniでNvidia SDK Managerを使う https://qiita.com/ShojiMiyanishi/items/e5cb3294aadfc9012c56 macmini 2022-06-03 07:51:21
技術ブログ KAYAC engineers' blog 2022年、カヤックは ISUCON 12の出題を担当しています https://techblog.kayac.com/lets_isucon12 月日に予選参加の受け付けを開始しましたが、分経たずにチームが埋まってしまいまして、ポータル担当のfujiwaraと私で「あまりにも早すぎる…」と震えておりました。 2022-06-03 07:30:00
海外TECH DEV Community The Quest to Build the Perfect Bot w/ Ubisoft's Joshua Romoff https://dev.to/linearb/the-quest-to-build-the-perfect-bot-w-ubisofts-joshua-romoff-ek1 The Quest to Build the Perfect Bot w Ubisoft x s Joshua RomoffWe want to make the Dev Interrupted podcast a vital enjoyable part of your week Please take minutes and answer our new Listener Survey It lets us know a bit about you what you want from Dev Interrupted and what you want from podcasts in general Almost every single company we talk to focuses on having their engineering teams solve problems This is why we jumped at the opportunity to talk to Joshua Romoff from Ubisoft Why The goal of gaming companies isn t so much to solve problems but to enrich their customers lives That s a unique powerful change in how to think about building developing and shipping features Something that required Ubisoft to bring in Research Scientists like Joshua to figure out just what it is customers engage with in their games and how to give them more of it using AI Whether or not you re a gamer this is a fascinating conversation on how every engineering team should think about building self improving features Episode Highlights Include What is Ubisoft La Forge Training bots training a dog or cat NPCs of the future of academic research is useless Prototypes Ubisoft is building The video game character Josh would pick for his teamStarved for top level software engineering content Need some good tips on how to manage your team This article is inspired by Dev Interrupted the go to podcast for engineering leaders Dev Interrupted features expert guests from around the world to explore strategy and day to day topics ranging from dev team metrics to accelerating delivery With new guests every week from Google to small startups the Dev Interrupted Podcast is a fresh look at the world of software engineering and engineering management Listen and subscribe on your streaming service of choice today 2022-06-02 22:18:22
海外TECH DEV Community Redis: Data Caching https://dev.to/drsimplegraffiti/redis-data-caching-3lla Redis Data CachingAs developers we want to make our data queries from the server to the database seamless inexpensive and fast While there are a number of approaches to speed up this process including data indexing caching clustering and so on let s focus on caching These procedures assist in avoiding a full body scan We are going to use Redis for data caching Redis is a key value in memory data store that is used as a database cache streaming engine and message broker by millions of developers PrerequisitesBasic knowledge of Node jsNodejs installed on your computer Download redis for windowsAfter downloading and installing let s run health check to see if redis was properly installed Run the command redis serverRedis also provides a command line utility that can be used to send commands to Redis This program is called redis cli Open another instance of your terminal to use the redis command line interface Let s send the word ping to redis server if you get pong it means there is a communication established Set and Get KeysRedis stores data in the key value pair Fig Here we set the key name to Zidane Let s get the value from the key we just set using the get keyword Shutdown RedisLet s say we want to shut down redis we use the command So when we want to get the values after shutting down we get this error log Redis with Nodejs and Express JsInitiate the project Install packages Set data using expressconst express require express const redis require redis const util require util const redisConnectionUrl redis const client redis createClient redisConnectionUrl client set util promisify client set client get util promisify client get const app express const port process env PORT const host process env PORT app use express json app use express urlencoded extended true Setting data to redisapp post set async req res gt const redis key redis value req body const response await client set redis key redis value return res status json response app listen port host gt console log Server is running on port host port I used the promisify method to convert the callback based methods to the Promise based ones and this is the best method to convert callback based functions to Promise based functions Not let s test our endpoint using postman We got Ok as the response just as we got in Fig under Set and Get Keys Section Getting data to redisLet s retrieve data set into redis Now let s use Redis to reduce event load time app get posts id async req res gt const id req params implement caching const cachedResponse await client get post id if cachedResponse return res status json JSON parse cachedResponse const response await axios get id await client set post id JSON stringify response data EX return res status json response data Here is the explanation for the code above We use axios to make the request to the API We use the client set method to cache the response We use the client get method to check if the response is cached We use the client set method to cache the response Now lets test using postmanThe response time here is msIf we resend the call we get msAccording to this line of code await client set post id JSON stringify response data EX we set the expiration to seconds We experience a sluggish response if we refresh after seconds ConclusionRecapCaching Data is a process that stores multiple copies of data or files in a temporary storage locationーor cacheーso they can be accessed faster I hope this post was helpful on how to use Redis for data caching Thanks for reading ResourcesRedis Docsredis npm 2022-06-02 22:10:48
海外TECH Engadget Little of Microsoft's 'principles for employee organizing' is actually pro-union https://www.engadget.com/microsoft-unions-principles-brad-smith-225749615.html?src=rss Little of Microsoft x s x principles for employee organizing x is actually pro unionThursday afternoon Microsoft s president and vice chair Brad Smith penned a blog post outlining four quot principles quot the company would be adopting in response to the recent wave of union efforts in the US Admittedly it s surprising for a company this size in the tech industry to ーin word or deed ーstrive for anything less than the complete destruction of any organizing effort But Smith s post contains precious little substance Let s begin with the bolded line right past the preamble quot Our employees will never need to organize to have a dialogue with Microsoft s leaders quot Anyone who has ever been involved in an organizing campaign will recognize this as a gentler version of the typical management talking point that a company quot prefers a direct relationship quot with its employees The reason being of course that without an observer or weingarten rep present a boss or human resources staffer is free to intimidate an employee or bury a complaint Even in less sinister scenarios while a one on one meeting might feel equitable on its face it isn t a boss has the force of the company behind them a worker lacks that and is dependent on that same company for their livelihood The entire purpose for voicing complaints as a group legally recognized as a union or not is to limit that vast disparity in power This same line of thinking is restated in Smith s first principle We believe in the importance of listening to our employees concerns Our leaders have an open door policy and we invest in listening systems and employee resource groups that constantly help us understand better both what is working and where we need to improve But we recognize that there may be times when some employees in some countries may wish to form or join a union Once again the implication veers strongly towards a preference for dealing with workers individually And the linguistic turn that those interested in joining or forming a union are only quot some employees quot in quot some countries quot reads as an attempt to undermine such efforts as the work of a vocal minority nbsp We recognize that employees have a legal right to choose whether to form or join a union We respect this right and do not believe that our employees or the company s other stakeholders benefit by resisting lawful employee efforts to participate in protected activities including forming or joining a union The first half of principle two reproduced above could be just as easily restated as quot we are committed to obeying the law quot It doesn t matter whether Microsoft quot recognizes quot that the NLRA exists any more than it quot recognizes quot it can t write whatever it wants on its SEC disclosures This is simply how things are Of course understanding workers have the right to organize hasn t stopped other tech companies most notably Amazon from engaging in anti union actions that have often been found to be in contravention of the NLRA nbsp Where things get interesting is the second half of this principle which sounds an awful lot like a promise of non interference Certainly members of the tech press haveinterpreted it that way But saying Microsoft might not quot benefit quot from resisting a union campaign and stating plainly that it will not work against such a campaign are not the same This particular phrasing also does not claim an anti union campaign would be actively harmful either meaning shareholders likely wouldn t have recourse to sue the company if it chooses to take that approach down the line nbsp We reached out to Microsoft to ask if it will agree not to hold captive audience meetings or engage union avoidance law firms to carry out similar actions on its behalf we also asked if it will agree to voluntarily recognize union drives within its ranks A spokesperson for the company told Engadget that quot Unfortunately Microsoft doesn t have anything further to add at this time beyond what s included in Brad s blog quot We are committed to creative and collaborative approaches with unions when employees wish to exercise their rights and Microsoft is presented with a specific unionization proposal In many instances employee unionization proposals may open an opportunity for Microsoft to work with an existing union on agreed upon processes for employees to exercise their rights through a private agreement We are committed to collaborative approaches that will make it simpler rather than more difficult for our employees to make informed decisions and to exercise their legal right to choose whether to form or join a union If this isn t de facto an undermining of the union process I don t know what is Rather than accept a quot specific union proposal quot Microsoft is saying quite clearly it prefers to do something other than agree to that proposal ーand in the form of a quot private agreement quot to boot Collective bargaining agreements which govern the relationship between an employer and it unionized employees are typically public Likewise anyone should feel a deep suspicion in Microsoft s claim that it can help its workers make quot informed decisions quot on the kind of workplace they d prefer to have while also representing its own interests as a business Building on our global labor experiences we are dedicated to maintaining a close relationship and shared partnership with all our employees including those represented by a union nbsp For several decades Microsoft has collaborated closely with works councils across Europe as well as several unions globally We recognize that Microsoft s continued leadership and success will require that we continue to learn and adapt to a changing environment for labor relations in the years ahead Principle four is almost entirely fluff It contains no explicit promise on how Microsoft will comport itself differently Presumably a company cannot help but maintain a quot close relationship quot with the people who comprise that company But it also recalls one of the few instances in which a Microsoft associated company did successfully organize In bug testers who were contracted through an outside firm Lionsbridge managed to form a union within a few years all of them were laid off Workers filed a complaint with the NLRB regarding the mass layoffs and Microsoft reportedly spent four years attempting to stall the process and convince the agency it should not be considered a joint employer While Microsoft s Phil Spencer has more recently voiced support for the group of recently organized quality assurance testers at Activision Blizzard which Microsoft is in the process of acquiring that could just as easily be read as an attempt to twist the arm of the FTC allow this billion anti trust nightmare to go through and we won t try to crush the first union within a North American AAA games studio While some research has indicated unionizations can lead to a temporarily more frigid response from Wall Street and a small reduction in overall profits other studies indicate a unionized workforce is just as productive happier and incurs less turnover ーpresumably the sorts of qualities a mature business like Microsoft would want to foster Microsoft could very easily help set an industry wide precedent by committing to meaningful well defined policies not principles or goals or a corporate ethos but actual policies which executives could be held accountable for failing to follow If and when that time comes it will be a cause for celebration but it isn t today 2022-06-02 22:57:49
海外TECH Engadget Capcom's 'Resident Evil 4' remake lands on March 24th, 2023 https://www.engadget.com/resident-evil-4-remake-release-date-capcom-221952234.html?src=rss Capcom x s x Resident Evil x remake lands on March th Capcom s oft rumored much anticipated remake of Resident Evil is officially a thing and it s heading to PS Xbox Series X and S and PC via Steam on March th The studio debuted a trailer for the project during the PlayStation State of Play live stream The game will be a revamp of the original beloved title starring Leon S Kennedy and the president s daughter Ashley Graham And of course a bunch of homicidal infected villagers quot We aim to make the game feel familiar to fans of the series while also providing a fresh feeling to it quot a Capcom producer said on the PlayStation Blog quot This is being done by reimagining the storyline of the game while keeping the essence of its direction modernizing the graphics and updating the controls to a modern standard quot Capcom also teased some Resident Evil content built specifically for PlayStation VR the incoming version of Sony s console VR headset nbsp On top of all the old school remake goodness Capcom is also building a PSVR version of Resident Evil Village the latest Resident Evil game The first trailer for this bit of content features scenes from early sections of the game focusing on everyone s favorite tall vampire lady The PSVR version of Resident Evil Village will feature the entire PS version of the game Capcom and Sony partnered up to bring Resident Evil to VR back in and this formula seems to be working for them There s no release date for Sony s PSVR quite yet and no word on a release date for that Resident Evil Village DLC we were promised a year ago 2022-06-02 22:19:52
Cisco Cisco Blog Advances in Cisco Cloud and Compute Technology Solve Challenges for Insurance Companies https://blogs.cisco.com/cloud/advances-in-cisco-cloud-and-compute-technology-solve-challenges-for-insurance-companies Advances in Cisco Cloud and Compute Technology Solve Challenges for Insurance CompaniesModern trends in predictive analytics ensure that insurance companies are able to keep happy and loyal subscribers 2022-06-02 22:30:30
Linux OMG! Ubuntu! HP’s New Linux Laptop is Available to Pre-Order https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2022/06/hp-dev-one-linux-laptop-specs-price HP s New Linux Laptop is Available to Pre OrderHP has begun taking orders for the HP Dev One a developer focused laptop preloaded with the Ubuntu based Pop OS Linux distribution Shocked Don t be We learned of this device s existence last month when System CEO Carl Richell dropped mention of it on his Twitter proper casual like Reaction from Pop fans was understandably positive with many clamouring to learn the what why s how s and where s And today we got em HP say the HP Dev One empowers developers to create their ideal work experience with multiple tools to help them perform tasks at peak efficiency How By coming pre loaded with Pop OS This post HP s New Linux Laptop is Available to Pre Order is from OMG Ubuntu Do not reproduce elsewhere without permission 2022-06-02 22:45:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 ・中途半端に改善したISM製造業 ・どんな雇用統計が理想的なのか:Market Flash http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/498191/?rss marketflash 2022-06-03 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 物価高対策でFRB頼みのバイデン政権:中間選挙前後が金融引き締め策のターニングポイントか:木内登英のGlobal Economy & Policy Insight http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/498192/?rss lobaleconomypolicyinsight 2022-06-03 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 FX Daily(6月1日)~ドル円、130円台を回復 http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/498193/?rss fxdaily 2022-06-03 00:00:00
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金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 ロシア国債がデフォルト認定:金融市場への影響は限定的もロシア経済には大きな打撃に:木内登英のGlobal Economy & Policy Insight http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/498195/?rss lobaleconomypolicyinsight 2022-06-03 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 【挨拶】わが国の経済・物価情勢と金融政策 札幌市金融経済懇談会における挨拶要旨 日本銀行政策委員会審議委員 安達誠司 http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/498198/?rss 安達誠司 2022-06-03 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 内外金利・為替見通し No.2022-03 ~日銀は現状の強力な緩和策を継続する見通し http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/498202/?rss 中小企業 2022-06-03 00:00:00
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金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 マーケットデータシート:主要市場動向 期間(2021年1月~2022年5月) http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/498213/?rss 国際金融情報センター 2022-06-03 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 マーケットデータシート:政策金利(日本・米国・ユーロエリア・英国の政策金利の推移) http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/498214/?rss 国際金融情報センター 2022-06-03 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 マーケットデータシート:主要商品相場における直近の価格推移 http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/498215/?rss 国際金融情報センター 2022-06-03 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 各資産の利回りと為替取引によるプレミアム/コスト http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/498219/?rss 三菱ufj 2022-06-03 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 マーケットフォーカス(国内市場)2022年6月号~日経平均株価は、27200円台を回復... http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/498221/?rss 三井住友トラスト 2022-06-03 00:00:00
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金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 総合チャート集(株価・為替・商品・金利・REIT等) http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/498224/?rss 日興アセットマネジメント 2022-06-03 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 カナダ金融政策(2022年6月)~2会合連続となる0.5%ポイントの利上げ:マーケットレター http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/498225/?rss 投資信託 2022-06-03 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 日本版CBDCを先読みするための7つの論点~銀行やキャシュレス決済事業者、金融市場関係者等への影響を探る:金融・証券市場・資金調達 http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/498238/?rss 大和総研 2022-06-03 00:00:00
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ニュース BBC News - Home Ukraine war: Zelensky says Russia controls a fifth of Ukrainian territory https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-61675915?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA donbas 2022-06-02 22:05:17
ニュース BBC News - Home Nations League: Northern Ireland lose scrappy opener to Greece as dismal run continues https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/61588591?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Nations League Northern Ireland lose scrappy opener to Greece as dismal run continuesNorthern Ireland s search for a first ever Nations League win stretches to matches after a deflating home defeat by Greece 2022-06-02 22:07:45
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北海道 北海道新聞 EU、ロ産石油禁輸を承認 追加制裁最終案、近く発動 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/688966/ 欧州連合 2022-06-03 07:14:00
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