投稿時間:2022-06-03 10:26:17 RSSフィード2022-06-03 10:00 分まとめ(26件)

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ROBOT ロボスタ スーパーコンピュータ「富岳」が性能ランキング「Graph500」で5期連続で第1位 「TOP500」では2位に後退 https://robotstart.info/2022/06/03/gugaku-graph500-2020.html 2022-06-03 00:49:59
ROBOT ロボスタ 中部最大の産業用ロボット専門展「RTJ2022」愛知県常滑市で開催 1096小間に202社・団体が出展 小学生218人の見学を受け入れ https://robotstart.info/2022/06/03/robot-technology-japan-2022-2.html 2022-06-03 00:25:04
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] ネット動画に特化した「スマートテレビ」登場、NHKの受信料は? https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2206/03/news074.html android 2022-06-03 09:54:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 仕事や趣味も楽しめるキッチン  野村不動産がコンパクトマンションに新提案 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2206/03/news073.html itmedia 2022-06-03 09:44:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 日本企業のサステナビリティ(ESG)開示に関する誤解と収益機会 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2206/03/news038.html itmedia 2022-06-03 09:44:00
AWS AWS Japan Blog AWS Systems Manager で SAP HANA データベースのリストアを自動化する https://aws.amazon.com/jp/blogs/news/automate-sap-hana-database-restore-using-aws-systems-manager/ AWSBackintAgentは、SAPHANAデータベースをAmazonSimpleStorageServiceAmazonSにバックアップし、SAPHANACockpit、SAPHANAStudio、またはSQLコマンドなどのSAP管理ツールを使用してリストアします。 2022-06-03 00:11:02
デザイン コリス HTMLとCSSの疑問が一気に解ける! 真剣に学びたい人にお勧めの解説書 -プロを目指す人のためのHTML&CSSの教科書 https://coliss.com/articles/book-review/isbn-9784839979386.html 続きを読む 2022-06-03 00:36:49
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Gitlab信号機を作る話 -リセットボタンを付ける- https://qiita.com/wataru775/items/f9a09411074d687a2af1 gitlab 2022-06-03 09:12:58
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Python 3.10 のwithステートメントで複数のオブジェクトを扱う https://qiita.com/nujust/items/e66d59b557a0dc223050 仕様変更 2022-06-03 09:10:18
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita JavaScriptのデバックにはdebugger文を使おう https://qiita.com/a_ya_ka/items/b5160cd7d592931d7507 debug 2022-06-03 09:13:30
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【PostgreSQL】RDS (AWS) で 既存の DB を C ロケールで作り直す方法 https://qiita.com/tsk1000/items/f594ceca8602e7aa1139 lccollate 2022-06-03 09:40:40
海外TECH DEV Community How to solve: Plugin "react" was conflicted between ".eslintrc » https://dev.to/crisprg/how-to-solve-plugin-react-was-conflicted-5fjc How to solve Plugin quot react quot was conflicted between quot eslintrc »Locate package json file Open it up in VsCode CTRL SThat should do it 2022-06-03 00:15:47
海外TECH DEV Community Easily Generate Custom Date Field Input with JavaScript https://dev.to/ugorji_simon/easily-generate-custom-date-field-input-with-javascript-mp1 Easily Generate Custom Date Field Input with JavaScriptToday I will show you how you can generate an input field that will enable users to select a date using JavaScript Our Date Input will take note of leap years and months that have either or days This means that if you select a leap year and you choose the month of February the days will count up to If you choose the month of January the days will count up to LET S BEGINWe will create a blank HTML file and add the Select fields year month and day lt doctype html gt lt html gt lt head gt lt head gt lt body gt lt select id select year start end gt lt select gt lt select id select month gt lt select gt lt select id select day gt lt select gt lt body gt lt html gt We will leave the fields empty and use their respective IDs Identifiers to refer to them in JavaScript Generate DaysIn order to generate the days we will start at the index of and increment the value to the maximum number of days in a calendar which is then create an option tag and set both the value and text to our current index Generate MonthsIn order to generate the months we will start at the index of and increment the value to the maximum number of months in a calendar which is then create an option tag and set both the value and text to our current index Generate YearsIf you take a close look at the year Select Element you will see the attributes start and end These attributes will help us to generate the years from the specified start index to the end index document addEventListener DOMContentLoaded function const yearElem document querySelector select year const dayElem document querySelector select day const monthElem document querySelector select month let days maximum number of days let months maximum number of months let yearStart yearElem getAttribute start yearElem getAttribute start let yearEnd yearElem getAttribute end yearElem getAttribute end let d while d lt days const opt document createElement option opt setAttribute value d opt innerText d dayElem appendChild opt d let m while m lt months const opt document createElement option opt setAttribute value m opt innerText m monthElem appendChild opt m while yearStart lt yearEnd const opt document createElement option opt setAttribute value yearStart opt innerText yearStart yearElem appendChild opt yearStart Regenerate DaysNow we need a function that will enable us to regenerate the days based on the length specified This means that if we choose the month of September the days will be regenerated and will count up to instead of because there are days in the month of September In other to achieve this we will create an array inside our function that will store the days from then shorten the length of the array based on the length parameter specified function buildDays length let daysArry let d while d lt daysArry push d d shorten the length daysArry length daysArry length length empty the days element dayElem innerHTML loop through array then create option tag and append to element daysArry forEach d gt const opt document createElement option opt setAttribute value d opt innerText d dayElem appendChild opt Now in other to make use of this function we need to create another function that will check the month selected We will use a switch statement in this function to check the month selected and set the length appropriately function checkMonth month let len check month that has days switch month september case len break april case len break june case len break november case len break default len break check if february is selected if month checkLeapYear yearElem value else buildDays len For our last function we need to check if the Year selected is a leap year Back in High School my Math Teacher told me that if a year is divisible by this means that such a year is a leap year For example if you divide by you will get an Integer This means that the year was a leap year But if you divide the year by you will get a float This means that the year is not a leap year So in our function we will check if our division is an integer or a float using a Regular Expression then rebuild our days appropriately check leap yearfunction checkLeapYear year let v year check if the result is an integer or a float using regExp if test v monthValue buildDays days else monthValue buildDays days Almost DoneNow we need to attach an Event Listener to our Month and Year select elements in order to execute our functions based on the selected values We will also make sure of not executing the function twice when the same value is provided by saving the value to a variable Month Element Event Listenervar monthValue monthElem addEventListener click function if monthValue this value monthValue this value checkMonth this value run the check month function Year Element Event Listenervar yearValue yearElem addEventListener click function yearValue this value checkLeapYear this value check for leap year So if we should select a month say September the function will rebuild the days up to And if we select the leap year say the function will check if the month selected is February and it will rebuild the days up to because there re days in the month of February on a leap year Testing our scriptCopy and paste this code in a blank HTML page and try to select a leap year February a month that has days in it document addEventListener DOMContentLoaded function const yearElem document querySelector select year const dayElem document querySelector select day const monthElem document querySelector select month let days maximum number of days let months maximum number of months let yearStart yearElem getAttribute start yearElem getAttribute start let yearEnd yearElem getAttribute end yearElem getAttribute end let d while d lt days const opt document createElement option opt setAttribute value d opt innerText d dayElem appendChild opt d let m while m lt months const opt document createElement option opt setAttribute value m opt innerText m monthElem appendChild opt m while yearStart lt yearEnd const opt document createElement option opt setAttribute value yearStart opt innerText yearStart yearElem appendChild opt yearStart build daysfunction buildDays length let daysArry let d while d lt daysArry push d d shorten the length daysArry length daysArry length length empty the days element dayElem innerHTML loop through array then create option tag and append to element daysArry forEach d gt const opt document createElement option opt setAttribute value d opt innerText d dayElem appendChild opt check selected monthfunction checkMonth month let len check month that has days switch month september case len break april case len break june case len break november case len break default len break check if february is selected if month checkLeapYear yearElem value else buildDays len check leap yearfunction checkLeapYear year let v year check if the result is an integer or a float using regExp if test v monthValue buildDays days else monthValue buildDays days Month Element Event Listenervar monthValue monthElem addEventListener click function if monthValue this value monthValue this value checkMonth this value run the check month function Year Element Event Listenervar yearValue yearElem addEventListener click function yearValue this value checkLeapYear this value check for leap year The Year Leap Year Month of February Month of January Month of September An Important NoteMost centurial years a period of years are not leap years even though they are divisible by Years such as and are not leap years but they are divisible by So this doesn t agree with the fact that any year divisible by must be a leap year According to this wonderful article I got to realize that if a year is a centurial year a period of years and is divisible by it must also be divisible by in order to qualify as a leap year Years are all divisible by but are not divisible by so they don t qualify as leap years but the year is divisible by and is also divisible by This makes the year a leap year Let us update the function that checks for leap years Here s what we will do First we check if it is a centurial year a period of years If the year provided is divisible by without a remainder then it is a centurial year Then we check if it is divisible by and is also divisible by without a remainder if it is we return the boolean true which means that the year is a leap year Second we check if it is not a centurial year but is divisible by If the year provided is divisible by without a remainder we return the boolean true which means that the year is a leap year If none of the above is true our function returns false which means that the year provided is not a leap year function checkLeapYear year let result false check for leap year function check for centurial year if year check if centurial year is a leap year if year amp amp year return result true else if year check if it is not a centurial year but is divisible by return result true return result false check if the result is true leap year if result monthValue buildDays days else monthValue buildDays days All you have to do is to replace the function that checks for leap year with the function above and the script will work just fine You ve reached the end of my article EXTRAI recently launched a JavaScript package that validates your HTML forms using validation rules regular expressions and form input attributes I will appreciate if you spared a few seconds to check it out octaValidate A client side form validation library Product Hunt This Tiny Script helps to validate your HTML forms using validation rules sophisticated regular expressions and form input attributes producthunt com Thank YouImage credit vecteezy com 2022-06-03 00:10:52
海外TECH DEV Community I made two new web tools with React and Django, and here's my experience! https://dev.to/developerbishwas/i-made-two-new-web-tools-with-react-and-django-and-heres-my-experience-5d99 I made two new web tools with React and Django and here x s my experience I am a independent developer and I have developed tons of web tools with my Django skills but I learnt React and Next Js and here s my story Why independent development There are tons of reason you should try independent development and some reason I started independent development is It gives your child a sense of importance and belonging which is essential for building confidence and for contributing to the community Also it develops a vibe of ownership within you Initial development of my web apps toolsWell initially I used Django only for the development and deployed the webapps in the server But really there s a reason I used Django for it The reason is I was learning Django for the sole purpose of making those webapps and I knew no other web frameworks Com n Django is by far the easiest and the fastest web framework I ve ever tested I didn t had to worry about the CSRF and other security stuff of my web app cause the data I displayed was scraped from somewhere else Some of my very common new web apps YouTube Tag GeneratorRelated Keyword GeneratorLinkedin Hashtags Generator Switching to React and Next JsActually I didn t completely switched to React NextJs I only switched the front end part of my web apps The back end still is in Django ChallengeI had to secure my web apps in such a way that it doesn t leaks the back end part I didn t wanted the backend to be public Then I tried using the API of Next Js and requested the Django server with it Also using CSRF became easy because of that I used a package named next csrf for this task The Best PartThe best part is that with all of this hustle and hard work it s going to pay me off with nice Google Adsense revenue NFT Name Generator is one of my most popular web app And I it s paying my nice Thanks for being with me have a good day 2022-06-03 00:07:31
海外TECH Engadget Apple attempts to appease union efforts with scheduling improvements https://www.engadget.com/apple-unveils-new-rules-on-working-hours-for-retail-employees-003058468.html?src=rss Apple attempts to appease union efforts with scheduling improvementsApple will make a number of changes to scheduling rules for its retail employees that the company believes will result in more flexible working hours reportedBloomberg The move arrives as Apple retail stores in Maryland and New York City are slated to hold union elections in the coming weeks The changes will include changes to limits on the number of late shifts worked consecutive days worked and the minimum amount of time that must pass before an employee is eligible to work a new shift According to staff who spoke to Bloomberg Apple will make some of the following changes over the next several weeks Others will not arrive until later in the year Shifts must be scheduled at least hours apart up from hours Choosing a weekend day to not be scheduled and a maximum of five consecutive scheduled days in a row also appear to be among the concessions And unless they opt to pick up late shifts retail workers won t work more than three shifts per work that run past pm Apple retail workers over the years have spoken out about the demanding work schedule and low wages The company expanded benefits for all full time retail employees earlier this year increasing the number of paid sick days and offering paid parental leave It also set a new floor of per hour for its retail employees last week Still Fruit Stand Workers United ーthe group in the midst of organizing Apple s Grand Central Store ーis pushing for a minimum wage tuition reimbursement and more options for retirement plans 2022-06-03 00:30:58
医療系 内科開業医のお勉強日記 米国NBA関係者:オミクロン感染へのブースターワクチン接種効果関連報告 https://kaigyoi.blogspot.com/2022/06/nba.html ワクチン接種状況は時間的に変化する曝露とみなし研究期間中に複数のカテゴリーを動的に移動しそれに応じて人日数を提供することができた完全接種とは、回接種コースPfizerBioNTechBNTbまたはModernamRNAまたは回接種コースJohnsonampJohnsonJNJで回接種したものとし、完全増量とはいずれかの増量接種を受けて日後のものと定義した。 2022-06-03 01:00:00
金融 ニッセイ基礎研究所 日本のバリュー株に「本当の値打ちがある」のか https://www.nli-research.co.jp/topics_detail1/id=71292?site=nli アメリカにならい、日本の投資家もバリュー株とグロース株の区分けに注目している。 2022-06-03 09:59:42
金融 ニッセイ基礎研究所 公的年金への信頼が低いと早く引退してお金は貯めない https://www.nli-research.co.jp/topics_detail1/id=71293?site=nli そこで、図表はアンケートで「何歳まで働きたいか」を尋ねた結果である。 2022-06-03 09:56:23
金融 ニッセイ基礎研究所 「不動産取引サイクル」でみる不動産投資市場の動向 https://www.nli-research.co.jp/topics_detail1/id=71296?site=nli また、日本不動産研究所の「不動産投資家調査」年月によれば、投資家が不動産に期待する利回りは、オフィス・前期比、住宅・同比、物流施設・同比は前期から低下し、商業施設とホテルは横ばいであった図表。 2022-06-03 09:53:27
ニュース BBC News - Home Platinum Jubilee: Queen pulls out of St Paul's Cathedral service https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-61676668?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA service 2022-06-03 00:14:47
ニュース BBC News - Home Biden urges ban on assault-style weapons and gun age limits https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-61678983?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA america 2022-06-03 00:24:57
北海道 北海道新聞 米、ウイグル抑圧を非難 中国は「民族大量虐殺」継続 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/688989/ 信教の自由 2022-06-03 09:05:00
ビジネス 東洋経済オンライン 「8分の集中」で仕事をぐんと効率化!超簡単7秘訣 カギは「短い集中」の積み重ね!そのコツは? | リーダーシップ・教養・資格・スキル | 東洋経済オンライン https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/593810?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=http&utm_campaign=link_back 日本のインターネット 2022-06-03 09:30:00
IT 週刊アスキー 『FFXVI』の発売時期が2023年夏に決定!最新トレーラーを公開 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/093/4093551/ ffxvi 2022-06-03 09:35:00
マーケティング AdverTimes コピーの教科書ではなくて。(文・児島令子) https://www.advertimes.com/20220603/article385202/ 2022-06-03 00:30:30
ニュース THE BRIDGE 「カネくさいWeb3.0」は嫌いだ。 https://thebridge.jp/2022/06/i-hate-a-pump-and-dump-scheme-web3 「カネくさいWeb」は嫌いだ。 2022-06-03 00:50:54



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