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AWS AWS Media Blog RushTix inspires nonstop laughter with Amazon IVS https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/media/rushtix-inspires-nonstop-laughter-with-amazon-ivs/ RushTix inspires nonstop laughter with Amazon IVSVirtual comedy platform uses scalable low latency live stream technology Serious about comedy since its formation in RushTix transformed its in person show ticketing hub into a robust virtual comedy streaming platform used by the likes of Patton Oswalt Sarah Silverman Jeff Dunham John Cleese and more as the pandemic shuttered comedy venues worldwide Initially a … 2022-06-02 15:14:29
AWS AWS Security Blog AWS Security Profile: CJ Moses, CISO of AWS https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/aws_security_profile_cj_moses_ciso_of_aws/ AWS Security Profile CJ Moses CISO of AWSIn the AWS Security Profile series I interview the people who work in Amazon Web Services AWS Security and help keep our customers safe and secure This interview is with CJ Mosesーpreviously the AWS Deputy Chief Information Security Officer CISO he began his role as CISO of AWS in February of How did you … 2022-06-02 15:42:20
AWS AWS Security Blog AWS Security Profile: CJ Moses, CISO of AWS https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/aws_security_profile_cj_moses_ciso_of_aws/ AWS Security Profile CJ Moses CISO of AWSIn the AWS Security Profile series I interview the people who work in Amazon Web Services AWS Security and help keep our customers safe and secure This interview is with CJ Mosesーpreviously the AWS Deputy Chief Information Security Officer CISO he began his role as CISO of AWS in February of How did you … 2022-06-02 15:42:20
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita ダウンロードしてきたPDFをファイルを作成せずに文字列として扱いたい https://qiita.com/u1and0/items/7c086b0465aab501da97 方法 2022-06-03 00:37:13
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Angularアプリケーション開発 #6】複数データを表示させる https://qiita.com/mojapico/items/f11dcfaa6548b6425f6e typescri 2022-06-03 00:44:29
GCP gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Google Cloud アップデート (5/26-6/1/2022) https://qiita.com/kenzkenz/items/b031cfb76aa4e1380472 healthcareapimayvbeta 2022-06-03 00:27:07
海外TECH MakeUseOf 12 Proven and Tested Tips to Extend Battery Life on Android https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/9-tips-extend-androids-battery-life/ device 2022-06-02 15:45:14
海外TECH MakeUseOf The 9 Best Mental Health Apps for Children https://www.makeuseof.com/best-mental-health-apps-children/ navigate 2022-06-02 15:30:14
海外TECH MakeUseOf Post-It to Your Screen: 7 Sticky Note Apps for Windows https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/post-screen-x-sticky-note-apps-windows/ Post It to Your Screen Sticky Note Apps for WindowsPost its on your desktop or Start Screen can be extremely helpful for remembering small but important amounts of information Stop cluttering up your desk and go digital with these fantastic sticky note apps 2022-06-02 15:15:14
海外TECH DEV Community Python IDEs - Replit vs VSCode https://dev.to/vulcanwm/python-ides-replit-vs-vscode-gjk Python IDEs Replit vs VSCodeSo for the last two years I ve been using Replit for all my Python projects This is because you can code on it and host your website at the same time But I d heard a lot about VSCode so I tried to give it a go StorageReplit uses Cloud Storage to save all its data and it has a lot of storage MB per project VSCode saves all data on your device Open SourceAnyone who knows what Replit is can view your code on Replit unless you have Hacker plan which you have to pay for On VSCode all your code is private unless you use GitHub to make it open source GitHub on VSCode is great as it is easy to use GitHub on Replit is also great but it creates some unnecessary files like the pycache folder the venv folder and the poetry lock file Package InstallingOn Replit when you need to import a module it automatically installs the package without needed to use pip On VSCode you have to use pip and manually install the package HostingOn Replit when you run code which has a front end side to it it automatically hosts it for free On VSCode only people on the device can see the front end side to the code Which DevicesReplit can run on any device you can log into Replit from VSCode will only run on the device you have installed the code on Summary ReplitVSCodeSaves on cloud storageSaves on your devicePublic CodePrivate codeCreates unnecessary files on GitHubWorks perfectly on GitHubAutomatic Package InstallingManual Package InstallingFree hostingNo hostingRun on any deviceOnly run on one device 2022-06-02 15:43:14
海外TECH DEV Community Can Open-Source Exist in China? 🎙 https://dev.to/devteam/can-open-source-exist-in-china-57nb Can Open Source Exist in China In this episode of DevNews our hosts speak with Zeyi Yang reporter at the MIT Technology Review about a recent piece he wrote titled How censoring China s open source coders might backfire The show also covers Salesforce employees calling for an end of the company working with the National Rifle Association as well as the accessibility features coming to the Apple ecosystem Enjoy a great episode Listen on Apple Podcasts ‎DevNews S E Can Open Source Exist in China Apple Unveils New Accessibility Features Salesforce Employees vs the NRA and More on Apple Podcasts ‎Show DevNews Ep S E Can Open Source Exist in China Apple Unveils New Accessibility Features Salesforce Employees vs the NRA and More Jun podcasts apple com Listen on Spotify Or listen right here on DEV If you like this episode definitely subscribe to the show Happy coding news 2022-06-02 15:36:13
海外TECH Engadget Valve further delays Steam Deck dock due to supply shortages https://www.engadget.com/valve-delays-steam-deck-docking-station-153021752.html?src=rss Valve further delays Steam Deck dock due to supply shortagesYou ll have to be patient if you want an official way to turn your Steam Deck into a makeshift desktop As The Verge notes Valve has indefinitely delayed its Steam Deck Docking Station due to a combination of supply shortages and pandemic related manufacturing shutdowns The company said it was quot improving the situation quot and would share more info when available The setback won t affect production and reservation windows for the Steam Deck itself Valve said In the interim the company vowed to upgrade support for third party USB C hubs and external monitors The Docking Station cradles the Steam Deck while providing display Ethernet and USB connections It was announced alongside the handheld system but wasn t available when the Steam Deck first reached customers Valve still lists the release as quot late spring quot The delay won t preclude you from using the Steam Deck as a PC or attaching it to a TV but generic hubs clearly won t be as elegant as a dock built with the console in mind 2022-06-02 15:30:21
金融 ◇◇ 保険デイリーニュース ◇◇(損保担当者必携!) 保険デイリーニュース(06/03) http://www.yanaharu.com/ins/?p=4923 採用抑制 2022-06-02 15:19:10
金融 RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 PSJ予測統計値 https://www.jsda.or.jp/shiryoshitsu/toukei/psj/psj_toukei.html 統計 2022-06-02 16:00:00
金融 RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 株券等貸借取引状況(週間) https://www.jsda.or.jp/shiryoshitsu/toukei/kabu-taiw/index.html 貸借 2022-06-02 15:30:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ LIBORの恒久的な公表停止に備えた対応について更新しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/policy/libor/libor.html libor 2022-06-02 17:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 日銀レビュー「円LIBOR移行対応の振り返りと今後の取り組み」について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/news/r3/sonota/20220602/20220602.html libor 2022-06-02 17:00:00
金融 ニュース - 保険市場TIMES 損保ジャパン、EC上の延長保証「proteger」に保険を組み込むことを検討 https://www.hokende.com/news/blog/entry/2022/06/03/010000 損保ジャパン、EC上の延長保証「proteger」に保険を組み込むことを検討「proteger」×保険で新たな保証スキームを検討損保ジャパンとKivaは月日、ECサイトの課題解決に向け、Kivaが提供するEC上の延長保証「proteger」に保険を組み込む検討を開始した。 2022-06-03 01:00:00
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 ロシア、ネット接続規制を強化 複数のVPNを遮断 https://t.co/Yn8p55hNQ4 https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1532383484328615936 規制 2022-06-02 15:27:47
ニュース BBC News - Home Platinum Jubilee: Prince Andrew tests positive for Covid https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-61676093?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA buckingham 2022-06-02 15:20:08
ニュース BBC News - Home Turkey wants to be called Türkiye in rebranding move https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-61671913?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA country 2022-06-02 15:25:24
ニュース BBC News - Home Surbiton Trophy: Andy Murray beats Gijs Brouwer to reach quarter-finals https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/tennis/61675661?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA brouwer 2022-06-02 15:19:19
ニュース BBC News - Home Platinum Jubilee: Crowds cheer Queen at palace as Jubilee begins https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-61674520?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA colour 2022-06-02 15:42:07
ニュース BBC News - Home Platinum Jubilee: What's happening over the bank holiday weekend? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-61248636?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA elizabeth 2022-06-02 15:08:12
サブカルネタ ラーブロ 長浜ラーメン 博多っ子@溝の口(神奈川県) 「長浜らーめん」 http://ra-blog.net/modules/rssc/single_feed.php?fid=199654 深夜食堂 2022-06-02 16:01:29
北海道 北海道新聞 メルケル氏「野蛮な戦争」 引退後、半年ぶりの発言 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/688941/ 半年ぶり 2022-06-03 00:37:00
北海道 北海道新聞 漁船が海岸に乗り上げ 所有者と連絡とれず 苫小牧 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/688935/ 苫小牧市有明町 2022-06-03 00:25:19
北海道 北海道新聞 インターンに給与支給へ 米ホワイトハウス https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/688936/ 米大統領 2022-06-03 00:24:00
北海道 北海道新聞 産油国、増産ペース拡大 ロシア制裁の生産減対応 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/688921/ 石油輸出国機構 2022-06-03 00:08:56
北海道 北海道新聞 遺棄遺体、不明の元同僚か 帯広農高教諭の男、容疑で逮捕 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/688929/ 女性の遺体 2022-06-03 00:15:00
GCP Cloud Blog How Google Cloud is helping more startups build, grow, and scale their businesses https://cloud.google.com/blog/topics/startups/updates-and-announcements-startup-summit-2022/ How Google Cloud is helping more startups build grow and scale their businessesToday is our second annual Google Cloud Startup Summit and we couldn t be more excited to connect with leaders founders and innovators from across the startup ecosystem to learn how they re innovating and solving some of the world s biggest challenges Startups come to Google Cloud to build their companies and products on our trusted developer friendly infrastructure and to take advantage of our leading capabilities in areas like artificial intelligence AI machine learning ML and analytics In January we expanded our support for early stage startups to make it even easier for them to get up and running on Google Cloud by covering their cloud costs up to USD for two years providing dedicated Startup Success Managers to assist along their journeys and much more  We re excited today to announce several new offers resources and programs that will help even more startups build and grow their businesses Expanding early stage financial support to include bootstrapped startupsThe first of these new offers is that self funded startups who apply to our Google for Startups Cloud Program can now receive USD in Google Cloud credits to use over two years to help fund the development of proof of concepts and showcase their products to investors talent and customers  In addition bootstrapped startups may also qualify for discounts on Google Domains and Google Workspace giving them the tools they need to help build their companies and products and collaborate with their teams  We ll update our Google for Startups Cloud Program website in the coming weeks with more information and details about this offer  Setting founders up for success with new Startup School workshopsWe also know that an innovative product or vision can help startups stand out particularly in the early days of development That s why in Google for Startups created Startup School ーa comprehensive training program designed to equip early stage startups and founders with the tools products and knowledge needed to support their growing company The curriculum provides education on growth technologies and products and covers topics like getting started with Google Cloud making technical hires preparing a data pipeline and setting business objectives and key results OKRs As an extension of this work this fall we ll be offering new live workshops on a monthly basis that will be focused on topics like data analytics and application development which will help startups build faster with tools and technologies tailored to their needs These live Startup School sessions will also give founders and teams the opportunity to ask Google experts questions directly and discuss common challenges Supporting diverse founders and inclusivity across the globe We remain committed to supporting a diverse ecosystem of startups so we re thrilled to host in partnership with Inicio Ventures leading LatinX investors founders and ecosystem leaders in Miami next week during the first ever Google for Startups LatinX Leaders Summit At the summit members of the LatinX startup community will have the opportunity to connect with key figures in the space and work together to develop more resources and ways to support startups in the LatinX community so they can overcome barriers and succeed in the cloud and beyond We also recently announced that Google for Startups has teamed up with Visible Hands to run a week fellowship program to support the next wave of early stage LatinX founders across the United States In addition to hands on support from industry and Google experts the program will provide in cash for every participant to help kickstart their ideas Participants in the program will also have the opportunity to receive additional investments from Visible Hands up to Click here to learn more about this program and apply  And to help startups prioritize equity and inclusion in their business from day one we re proud to have Google DEI and Product Inclusion leads Alexandra Garcia and Steph Boudreau lead a session during the Startup Summit today outlining how founders can build inclusive products and teams from the start Celebrating startups across the ecosystem  No matter the industry solution or geography we re proud of how startups are using Google Cloud technologies to create impactful customer experiences  Take web startup IoTeX whose blockchain based platform handles millions of transactions for machines devices and people ーwith platform reliability ーby using Google Kubernetes Engine GKE to absorb load during surges so the company can continue growing at scale Or co which uses Google Cloud technologies like Compute Engine to scale compute power quickly and Tensorflow to provide ​​D technology experiences for global e commerce companies  In Singapore retailTech startup Palexy is using Google Cloud AI ML products like Vertex AI alongside GKE to quickly build test deploy and manage their applications which in turn helps helps Palexy deliver solutions that help retailers use data and AI to sustainably grow their business and improve the in store shopping experience for customers And for France based social media startup BeReal creating an impactful customer experience means giving people a platform to become closer to the friends and family they care most about Using Google Firebase as the foundation to build the prototype the BeReal platform now uses Cloud Functions for Firebase and GKE so Alexis and the BeReal team can build and deploy new platform functionalities with speed as the business scales The flexibility made possible by the cloudーand greater access than ever before to bleeding edge capabilities in AI ML and analyticsーare opening new doors for startups to innovate and grow and we re committing to helping them do so on Google Cloud  We re grateful to be on this journey with our startup customers and we look forward to continuing to provide resources and facilitate discussions to better serve the specific needs in this space Keep an eye out for our “Ask TK blog series launching later this June in which Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian and other top thought leaders will address common questions and challenges faced by startups You can also catch a few top questions answered by Thomas in today s event  To learn more about the Google for Startups Cloud Program or to apply to get more support for your startup please visit our program application page Related ArticleThe Retirement Tracker simplifies and socializes early retirement on Google CloudLearn how The Retirement Tracker startup is simplifying and socializing retirement on Google Cloud Read Article 2022-06-02 16:00:00
GCP Cloud Blog 5 ways retailers can evolve beyond traditional segmentation methods https://cloud.google.com/blog/topics/retail/evolve-beyond-traditional-customer-segmentation-in-retail/ ways retailers can evolve beyond traditional segmentation methodsMarketers have long devised ways to use data to predict behavior and drive personalization Popular tactics include leveraging customer segmentation and transactional purchase data to recommend products and experiences based on attributes such as “people similar to you liked this or “last viewed products data But is this the right way to go about improving and personalizing the customer experience Can retailers do better Today consumers are interacting and engaging with brands in many different ways especially as the dynamics of ecommerce have shifted over the past two years For many retailers that are managing disruption in the current environment every day is like Black Friday with new customers they know nothing about and current customers who are shopping differently across and within categories Retailers need to spend wisely for new customer acquisition and since acquisition is often more costly than retention they need to incorporate intelligent methods to build lifetime loyalty Retailers should look ahead to the next generation of the digital experience try to understand how the customer journey has changed and move past mere personalization to build more empathy into the process That was the focus of a recent eMarketer Tech Talkfeaturing the visionary founders of three technology companies all of whom are Google Cloud partners that are focused on helping retailers activate and harness their data better Fayez Mohamood co founder and CEO of Bluecore James McDermott co founder and CEO of Lytics Mario Ciabarra founder and CEO of Quantum Metric Our colleague Carrie Tharp VP of Retail and Consumer at Google Cloud moderated the conversation Here are five key takeaways Think beyond customer segmentation and demographics Topping the list is the drive toward using data and technology to change the customer experience as it s happening “Customers don t go on linear journeys they live in micro moments Mohamood from Bluecore commented They interact with the brand across multiple touch points Retailers need to understand that and engage customers in the moment through personalization and recommendations That is a key area that Bluecore an AI driven retail marketing platform is helping retailers focus on activating product catalog and customer data across digital channels to drive repeat purchases and grow revenue “It s time to think past the classic focus on customer segmentation and demographics Tharp added The trick is to understand people as individuals whose purpose in their different interactions with a brand varies wildly Democratize data so that those who are designing the customer experiences can use it in real time With the advent of the cloud based customer data platform CDP retailers can more quickly build and act on customer profiles using different types of intelligence relative to the customer s intent and interests “That s the starting point that enables us to listen and understand their real time behavior McDermott from Lytics advised “But building profiles is not the end goal how will you act on that data How are you making the experience better for your customers McDermott co founded Lytics which focuses on behavioral and intent based analytics after discovering a need in the market to bridge the gap between data and action He suggested beginning with the end in mind with a use case to illustrate Doing that isn t simple Deciding which data has value and how to use it is the crux of the challenge The good news is that the CDP has made more data accessible to data scientists who are using it to build models that can be turned into systems of engagement Internal teams are experimenting and testing continuously with a rich set of hypotheses to figure out how to prioritize the signals and determine which experiences will actually drive better interactions However as Mohamood observed “That s only one piece of the puzzle because data scientists are typically not actually creating the experiences that customers have on channels whether it s websites email SMS and so forth We need to make data democratic to marketers and business users who need it in real time to test and learn Leverage artificial intelligence AI to anticipate behavioral and inventory changes Rich product data and attribution are as important as customer data Mohamood remarked “Shoppers change and then the data changes and then inventory changes and the data changes yet again Your team has to be nimble to react to those signals That s where AI comes in augmented with human insight and intervention Some retailers have a constantly changing inventory mix and can match what s in stock to the customer intent They adjust their messages to the customer accordingly without changing the frequency of communications thereby improving repeat purchase rates Ciabarra from Quantum Metric also talked about the importance of AI to react to changes faster “I know it sounds crazy but real time really means real time To allow me to go and ask questions of the data that are really complex and be able to come out with answers and build that analysis into the product I think we re going to see that unlock of AI and ML Quantum Metric sfocus with continuous product design is all about building analysis into and across the digital product design process so that teams can iterate faster and deliver the products that customers truly want  In addition Tharp pointed out that many retailers are adding marketplace capabilities to their sites evolving from static inventory levels to “an expansive endless aisle However they are struggling to get the right operating model in place across marketing analytic and digital teams How can retailers think about their operating model related to personalization and data Build the link between customer data and empathy In short the operating model has to support the full connection of all relevant interactions for example combining past purchase data with intent data browsing data and mobile app data That requires the ability to integrate multiple data sets and operationalize higher performing personalization The technology stack is being adapted to be oriented around the customer McDermott said with the architecture becoming simpler and more centralized in the cloud data warehouse One clear trend is that the CDP has become the central repository for customer data with more intelligence built in using AI and machine learning  A key goal is to create a more “one to one connection with customers by enabling retailers to gain real time visibility into the customer s selection process and how they are doing in the checkout “We have to have that level of empathy I like to use the words quantified empathy Ciabarra said “In a store we had that one on one connection but online it could be one marketer to a million customers How do you get real time visibility across the organization so they can consume and act on it Everyone has to have a shared view Transform the organization and break down silos Just about every company today is focused on becoming more customer centric But the great majority are structured around specialized teams that function in silos with their own perspectives and maybe even different objectives “Data tends to be held hostage by a few folks in the organization Mohamood noted Enabling a shared view across the organization among marketers merchandising and digital teams requires a gradual cultural shift in the best case with executive buy in Some companies promote collaboration by assembling pods that include marketers data scientists analysts and creative people testing and learning together Another promising development marketers and data scientists are proactively partnering with finance and operations teams especially around KPI design They are working together to design metrics that are customer focused rather than channel focused and reexamining the technology stack from that point of view The mindset is evolving toward looking at data not from the perspective of marketing or product or UX and design but through the customer lens pulling the data together in a way that s more usable We invite you to watch the full webinarto derive even more insights from this thoughtful discussion In addition learn more about Bluecore Lytics and Quantum Metric solutions all available on the Google Cloud Marketplace Related ArticleQuantum Metric explores retail big data use cases on BigQueryExplore three ways enterprises are leveraging Quantum Metric data in BigQuery to enhance the customer experience Read Article 2022-06-02 16:00:00
GCP Cloud Blog Google Distributed Cloud adds AI, ML and Database Solutions to deliver customers even greater flexibility and choice https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/infrastructure-modernization/google-distributed-cloud-adds-ai-ml-and-database-solutions/ Google Distributed Cloud adds AI ML and Database Solutions to deliver customers even greater flexibility and choiceOrganizations need a cloud platform that can securely scale from on premises to edge to cloud while remaining open to change choice and customization They must be able to run their applications wherever they need on infrastructure optimized to process a very high volume of data with minimal delay all while maintaining the satisfaction and stability of their ML driven user experiences At Google we deeply understand these customer requirements which is why we launched Google Distributed Cloud last year With Google Distributed Cloud we bring a portfolio of fully managed solutions to extend our infrastructure to the edge and into customers own data centers  Today Google Cloud customers love our artificial intelligence AI services for building deploying and scaling more effective AI models with developers successfully using our core machine learning ML services to build and train high quality custom ML models Our customers are also using a variety of our managed database solutions because of their simplicity and reliability However some customers have highly sensitive workloads and desire to use their own private dedicated facilities  For these customers we re excited to announce they will be able to run a selection of these same AI ML and database services in Google Distributed Cloud Hosted inside their own data centers within the next year With this announcement customers get to take advantage of Anthos a common management control plane which provides a consistent development and operations experience across hybrid environments This same experience is now available for on premise environments Our portfolio of AI ML and database products enable customers to quickly deploy services with out of box simplicity that includes delivering valuable insights through both unstructured and structured data The integration of our Google Cloud AI and database solutions into the Google Distributed Cloud portfolio means the ability to harness real time data insights like never before due to the proximity to where the data is being generated and consumed This includes ensuring low latency to support applications that are mission critical to businesses such as computer vision which can be used on the factory floor to detect flaws in products or to index large amounts of video The addition of these transformative capabilities allow customers to save money innovate faster and provide the greatest flexibility and choice  With this integration customers using Google Distributed Cloud Hosted will have access to some exciting AI features One example is our Translation API that can instantly translate texts in more than one hundred languages Translation API is a feature available in Vertex AI our managed ML platform that is generally available and allows companies to accelerate the deployment and maintenance of AI models With this announcement customers who need to run highly sensitive workloads in an on premise or edge environment can now leverage the unique functionality of Translation API along with other Google Cloud pre trained API s in Vertex AI such as Speech to Text and optical character recognition OCR These features were all trained on our planet scale infrastructure to deliver the highest level of performance and as always all of our new AI products also adhere to our AI Principles  Additionally by incorporating our managed databases offering onto the Google Distributed Cloud portfolio customers can process data locally to migrate or modernize applications opening up more time for innovation and to create value in their applications This is especially true in industries like financial services and healthcare where there are compliance requirements on where data can reside  With these new AI ML and databases products available in our Google Distributed Cloud portfolio customers will still have full authority to maintain autonomy and control over their own data centers yet can rely on Google for the latest technology innovations in cloud services  For more information please visit Google Distributed Cloud and to learn more about Vertex AI specifically join us at our Applied ML Summit 2022-06-02 16:00:00
GCP Cloud Blog Cloud CISO Perspectives: May 2022 https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/identity-security/cloud-ciso-perspectives-may-2022/ Cloud CISO Perspectives May May was another big month for us even as we get ready for more industry work and engagement at the RSA Security Conference in San Francisco At our Security Summit and throughout the past month we continued to launch new security products and features and increased service and support for all our Google Cloud and Google Workspace customers  Google Cloud s Security Summit Our second annual Security Summit held on May was a great success In the days leading up to the Summit we discussed how we are working to bring Zero Trust policies to government agencies and we revealed our partnership with AMD to further advance Confidential Computing including an in depth review focused on the implementation of the AMD secure processor in the third generation AMD EPYC processor family  We also introduced the latest advancements in our portfolio of security solutions These include our new Assured Open Source Software service Assured OSS which enables enterprise and public sector users of open source software to incorporate the same OSS packages that Google uses into our own developer workflows extending Autonomic Security Operations ASO to the U S public sector a solution framework to modernize cybersecurity analytics and threat management that s aligned with the Zero Trust and supply chain security objectives of s cybersecurity Executive Order and the Office of Management and Budget memorandum expanding our compliance with government software standards and SAML support for Workload Identity Federation so that customers can use a SAML based identity provider to reduce their use of long lived service account keys  Advancing open source software securityWe continued to partner with the Open Source Security Foundation OpenSSF the Linux Foundation and other organizations at another industry open source security summit to further develop the initiatives discussed during January s White House Summit on Open Source Security We re working towards the goal of making sure that every open source developer has effortless access to end to end security by default  As covered in our Security Summit an important part of this effort is Assured OSS which leverages Google s extensive security experience and can help organizations reduce their need to develop maintain and operate complex processes to secure their open source dependencies Assured OSS is expected to enter Preview in Q Also as part of our commitment to improving software supply chain security the Open Source Insights project helps developers better understand the structure and security of the software they use We introduced Open Source Insights data in BigQuery in May so that anyone can use Google Cloud BigQuery to explore and analyze the dependencies advisories ownership license and other metadata of open source packages across supported ecosystems and how this metadata has changed over time   Why Confidential Computing and our partnership with AMD mattersI d like to take a moment to share a bit more on the importance of Confidential Computing and our partnership with AMD I ve been talking a lot this year about why we as an industry need to evolve our understanding of shared responsibility into shared fate The former assigns responsibilities to either the cloud provider or the cloud provider s customer but shared fate is a more resilient cybersecurity mindset  It s a closer partnership between cloud provider and customer that emphasizes secure by default configurations secure blueprints and policy hierarchies consistently available advanced security features high assurance attestation of controls and insurance partnerships In our collaboration with AMD we focused on how secure isolation has always been critical to our cloud infrastructure and how Confidential Computing cryptographically reinforces that secure isolation AMD s firmware and product security teams Google Project Zero and the Google Cloud Security team collaborated for several months to analyze the technologies and firmware that AMD contributes to Google Cloud s Confidential Computing services  Also in May we expanded the availability of Confidential Computing to include ND and CD Virtual Machines which run on third generation AMD EPYCprocessors GCAT HighlightsHere are the latest updates products services and resources from our cloud security teams this month  SecurityPSP protocol now open source In order to better scale the security we offer our customers we created a new cryptographic offload protocol for internal use that we open sourced in May Intentionally designed to meet the requirements of large scale data center traffic the PSP Protocol is a TLS like protocol that is transport independent enables per connection security and is offload friendly  Updating Siemplify SOAR The future of security teams is heading towards “anywhere operations and the latest version of Siemplify SOAR can help get us there It gives organizations the building blocks needed across cloud infrastructure automation collaboration and analytics to accelerate processes for more timely responses and automated workflows In turn this can free up teams to focus on more strategic work Guardrails and governance for Terraform Popular open source Infrastructure as Code tool Terraform can increase agility and reduce errors by automating the deployment of infrastructure and services that are used together to deliver applications Our new tool verifies Terraform and can help reduce misconfigurations of Google Cloud resources that violate any of your organization s policies  Benchmarking Container Optimized OS As part of our security first approach to safeguarding customer data while also making it more scalable we want to make sure that our Container Optimized OS is in line with industry standard best practices To this end the Google Cloud Security team has released a new CIS benchmark that clarifies and codifies the security measures we have been using and makes recommendations for hardening  New reCAPTCHA Enterprise guidebook Identifying when a fraudster is on the other end of the computer is a complex endeavor Our new reCAPTCHA Enterprise guidebook helps organizations identify a broad range of online fraud and strengthen their website security Take the State of DevOps survey The State of DevOps report by Google Cloud and the DORA research team is the largest and longest running research of its kind with inputs from more than professionals worldwide This year will focus on how security practices and capabilities predict overall software delivery and operations performance so be sure to share your thoughts with us Industry updatesSecurity improvements to Google Workspace I wrote at the beginning of the year that data sovereignty is one of the major driving megatrends shaping our industry today At the beginning of May we announced Sovereign Controls for Google Workspace which can provide digital sovereignty capabilities for organizations both in the public and private sector to control limit and monitor transfers of data to and from the EU starting at the end of with additional capabilities delivered throughout This commitment builds on our existing Client side encryption Data regions and Access Controls capabilities  We are also extending Chrome s Security Insights to Google Cloud and Google Workspace products as part of our efforts to consistently provide advanced features to our customers  Can you hear the security now Pindrop is joining forces with Google Cloud If you ve never heard of Pindrop you ve almost certainly encountered their technology which is used to authenticate payments place restaurant and shopping orders and check financial accounts over the phone Their technology provides the backbone for anti fraud efforts in voice based controls as well With Google Cloud Pindrop can be better able to detect deep fakes and robocalls help banks authenticate transactions and provide retailers with secure AI powered call center support Compliance amp Controls Expanding public sector and government compliance Google Cloud is committed to providing government agencies with the security capabilities they need to achieve their missions In addition to our aforementioned Autonomic Security Operations and new Assured Open Source Software OSS service we re expanding Assured Workloads This can help enable regulated workloads to run securely at scale in Google Cloud s infrastructure We are also pleased to announce that new Google Cloud services support FedRAMP Moderate and three services are being added to support FedRAMP High with more coming this summer You can read the full list of those services at the end of this blog   Next month we ll recap highlights from the RSA Conference and much more   To have our Cloud CISO Perspectives post delivered every month to your inbox sign up for our newsletter We ll be back next month with more security related updates Related ArticleCloud CISO Perspectives April Google Cloud CISO Phil Venables shares his thoughts on the latest security updates from the Google Cybersecurity Action Team Read Article 2022-06-02 16:00:00



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