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AWS AWS Compute Blog Extending PowerShell on AWS Lambda with other services https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/extending-powershell-on-aws-lambda-with-other-services/ Extending PowerShell on AWS Lambda with other servicesThis post expands on the functionality introduced with the PowerShell custom runtime for AWS Lambda The previous blog explains how the custom runtime approach makes it easier to run Lambda nbsp functions written in nbsp PowerShell You can add additional functionality to your PowerShell serverless applications by importing PowerShell modules which are shareable packages of code Build your own … 2022-06-02 16:19:12
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita RAFTの環境をdocker-composeで作る。 https://qiita.com/fkeikaf/items/15ca91d8338cbae3a1cf docker 2022-06-03 01:38:16
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Git】自分的よく使うGitコマンド https://qiita.com/SNQ-2001/items/2719cd8176ef747fc30b mmaingitremoteaddorig 2022-06-03 01:31:38
海外TECH Ars Technica Tim Hortons coffee app broke law by constantly recording users’ movements https://arstechnica.com/?p=1857804 location 2022-06-02 16:50:41
海外TECH Ars Technica Google wants a single video messaging app, will merge Google Meet and Duo https://arstechnica.com/?p=1857752 duothe 2022-06-02 16:42:11
海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Use Zoom’s In-Meeting Reactions for Feedback https://www.makeuseof.com/use-zoom-in-meeting-reactions-feedback/ How to Use Zoom s In Meeting Reactions for FeedbackWith Zoom s in meeting reactions feature you can interact with other participants without interrupting the discussion Here s how to use it 2022-06-02 16:30:14
海外TECH MakeUseOf What Is an Immersive Sim Game? https://www.makeuseof.com/what-is-immersive-sim-game/ design 2022-06-02 16:15:14
海外TECH DEV Community Adding Slog Logger to Actix Web https://dev.to/chaudharypraveen98/adding-slog-logger-to-actix-web-2332 Adding Slog Logger to Actix WebWe will learn how to use slog logger for logging in Actix web Actix web is a powerful pragmatic and extremely fast web framework for Rust and Slog is an ecosystem of reusable components for structured extensible composable logging for Rust We will be using two crates of slog slog async and slog term with the core Slog Core Package Why Slog over default log crate extensiblecomposableflexiblestructured and both human and machine readablecontextual Crates usedActix Web powerful web framework Slog Core Crate core package to the gateway of logging modules Slog Term Unix terminal drain and formatter for slog rs Slog Term Asynchronous drain for slog rs Crated Version and CodeSimply paste the code in the cargo toml fileslog slog term slog async Default template for Actix webIt is a default hello world program of Actix webuse actix web web App HttpServer async fn index gt amp static str Hello world actix web main async fn main gt std io Result lt gt println Starting the server at HttpServer new App new service web resource index html to async Hello world service web resource to index bind run await Configure Loggeruse slog use slog Logger o Drain info use slog term use slog async fn configure log gt Logger let decorator slog term TermDecorator new build let console drain slog term FullFormat new decorator build fuse It is used for Synchronization let console drain slog async Async new console drain build fuse Root logger slog Logger root console drain o v gt env CARGO PKG VERSION Let s break the configuration function and understand what is happening behind the scene TermDecorator Decorator IT is used for formatting terminal output implemented using term crate This decorator will add nice formatting to the logs it s outputting Note It does not deal with serialization so is Sync Run in a separate thread with slog async Async We will be using the slog async with it We can other decorator like CompactFormat PlainRecordDecorator etc according to need FullFormat It is a Drain that will take Decorator as an argument used for terminal output Decorator is for formatting and Drain is for outputting Synchronization via Async Slog They are three ways slog to do synchronization out of which PlainSyncDecorator and slog async are the efficient one depending on the need Other than the two the last Synchronization via Mutex is not efficient You can read more here We are using the synchronization with slog async Logger root Logger is used to execute logging statements It takes two arguments drain destination where to forward logging Records for processing context list of key value pairs associated with it o Macro for building group of key value pairs used as a content in Logger fuse It is used for panicking if something went wrong It is necessary to call fuse as the root logger must take a Drain which is error free Passing log instance to the handlersAdd the following line of code in main functionlet log configure log It will configure the logger and ready to use now Passing a log instanceHttpServer new move App new app data web Data new log clone service web resource index html to async Hello world service web resource to index bind run awaitweb Data new log clone It is an application data stored with App app data method available through the HttpRequest app data method at runtime Accessing the Log instance in function handlersasync fn index log web Data lt Logger gt gt amp static str info log Inside Hello World Hello world info It is a macro used for the building Info Level Record Or Context key value pair used by Logger to output They are a bunch of macros you can be used for different level recordslog web Data Essentials helper functions and types for application registration Request ExtractorsData Application data itemReqData Request local data itemPath URL path parameters dynamic segmentsQuery URL query parametersHeader Typed headerJson JSON payloadForm URL encoded payloadBytes Raw payloadWe are using the Data method to access the application data initialised in server instance in main function Complete Codeuse actix web web App HttpServer IT is used as a logging middleware We can even use the default logger with actix use slog use slog Logger o Drain info use slog term use slog async fn configure log gt Logger Formatting the output let decorator slog term TermDecorator new build Drain for outputting structs fuse is used for panicking if something went wrong It is necessary to call fuse as the root logger must take a Drain which is error free let console drain slog term FullFormat new decorator build fuse It is used for Synchronization structs let console drain slog async Async new console drain build fuse slog Logger root console drain o v gt env CARGO PKG VERSION async fn index log web Data lt Logger gt gt amp static str info log Inside Hello World Hello world actix web main async fn main gt std io Result lt gt let log configure log info log Starting the server at HttpServer new move App new app data web Data new log clone service web resource index html to async Hello world service web resource to index bind run await Source CodeGitHub Source CodeAdded Comments for your quick revision and understanding Feel free to ask any questions or provide suggestions I am too learning So will be glad to get your feedback Happy Hacking Rustaceans 2022-06-02 16:42:45
海外TECH DEV Community Consumindo GraphQL com Elixir? https://dev.to/wlsf/consumindo-graphql-com-elixir-2pp Consumindo GraphQL com Elixir Hoje em dia émuito comum ver um serviço backend em Elixir servindo uma API com endpoint GraphQL usando uma biblioteca chamada Absinthe Mas vocêjáse perguntou como funcionaria isso se a nossa necessidade fosse consumir um Endpoint GraphQL jáexistente em outro serviço externo Digamos que vocêprecise ingerir e processar dados para renderizar isso no seu frontend com Elixir usando LiveView etc A ideia deste texto émostrar o quão simples éconsumir dados de um endpoint GraphQL usando apenas requests HTTP Vamos la O que éGraphQL Grosseiramente falando éuma linguagem de busca manipulação de dados e também uma ferramenta para criação de APIs Uma implementação de GraphQL te permite ter os dois lados da moeda Criar um serviço backend de CRUD Create Read Update e Delete para recursos Consumir dados deste serviço a partir de um frontend com requisições HTTP ou utilizando uma biblioteca de cliente apropriado para o mesmo E diferente de uma implementação REST padrão onde vocêteria um endpoint para cada ação do seu CRUD serviço Aqui vocêiráutilizar um único endpoint e através do payload corpo da requisição vocêindicaráo que vocêprecisa seja busca ou manipulação de dados e iráelencar quais dados de um determinado modelo Como isso funciona na prática Usando como exemplo o endpoint disponibilizado pelo GitHub irei requisitar dados do repositório oficial do Elixir Para ter uma noção mais apurada sobre como funciona o endpoint do github recomendo este link Irei usar a seguinte Query para buscar informações básicas sobre o Repo query repository owner elixir lang name elixir name pushedAt createdAt owner login latestRelease id defaultBranchRef name Note que eu determino o primeiro termo query para indicar que estou buscando dados e logo após repository para indicar que os dados que estou buscando são sobre repositórios cujo owner se chama elixir lang e o nome seja elixir Como resposta a isso receberei os mesmos dados name pushedAt createdAt owner login latestRelease id defaultBranchRef name preenchidos Vale ressaltar que no graphql eu determino exatamente o que eu estou buscando e a resposta serápraticamente espelhada nessa requisição Para simular essa query estarei usando o cURL mas caso vocêqueira testar de outra maneira existe um cliente próprio para isso chamado GraphiQL cURL curl X POST H Authorization Bearer SEU TOKEN AQUI d query query repository owner elixir lang name elixir name pushedAt createdAt owner login latestRelease id defaultBranchRef name Substitua a parte SEU TOKEN AQUI pelo seu token pessoal para testes Obtemos a seguinte resposta data repository name elixir pushedAt T Z createdAt T Z owner login elixir lang latestRelease id RE kwDOABLXGsDzeaA defaultBranchRef name main A resposta iráconter exatamente o que pedimos na requisição Resumo Com apenas um endpoint e um payload flexível eu consigo dizer para o serviço backend oque eu preciso e ele me responde somente o necessário Para mais informações sobre GraphQL eu recomendo este link Como consumir um Endpoint com Elixir Como vimos anteriormente épossível consumir um endpoint apenas fazendo chamadas HTTP para o mesmo Seguindo esta ideia vou simular a requisição acima com Elixir utilizando as seguintes bibliotecas httpoison Cliente HTTP para requisições jason Conversor de JSON defmodule Github GraphQL do moduledoc Módulo responsável por se comunicar com o endpoint GraphQL do Github endpoint s token s SEU TOKEN AQUI doc Busca informações básicas de um determinado repositório Exemplos iex gt repo info elixir lang elixir data gt repository gt createdAt gt T Z defaultBranchRef gt name gt main latestRelease gt id gt RE kwDOABLXGsDzeaA name gt elixir owner gt login gt elixir lang pushedAt gt T Z spec repo info String t String t map def repo info owner repo do payload variables owner owner name repo query S query GetRepoInfo owner String name String repository owner owner name name name pushedAt createdAt owner login latestRelease id defaultBranchRef name gt Jason encode with ok HTTPoison Response body body status code lt HTTPoison post endpoint payload headers do Jason decode body end end defp headers do Authorization Bearer token Content Type application json endendPerceba como no payload eu criei um map com dois valores variables e query Neste caso por motivos de organização optei por isolar as variáveis name e owner do resto da query para não precisar fazer interpolação na String Isto éalgo próprio do GraphQL onde o campo variables éopcional A execução seria iex gt repo info elixir lang elixir data gt repository gt createdAt gt T Z defaultBranchRef gt name gt main latestRelease gt id gt RE kwDOABLXGsDzeaA name gt elixir owner gt login gt elixir lang pushedAt gt T Z Por padrão um endpoint GraphQL recebe as seguintes informações via payload query query a ser executada variables variavel valor operationName NomeDaOperação E a resposta ésempre a mesma contendo uma chave data com os dados requisitados ou uma chave errors contendo os possíveis problemas na construção da sua query ConclusãoConsumir um endpoint GraphQL pode ser tão simples quanto consumir qualquer outro serviço utilizando o seu cliente HTTP de preferência E ainda épossível criar todo um padrão para consumo GraphQL com Elixir usando behaviours e contextos para envelopar o código pattern matching para tratamento de erros nas respostas organização das variáveis de ambiente aplicação e por ai vai Isso te interessou foi útil Deixa nos comentários para eu ficar por dentro Abraços Elixir éamor Erlang évida 2022-06-02 16:41:55
海外TECH DEV Community Join to my blog with the tips about user-friendly UI for frontenders https://dev.to/melnik909/join-to-my-blog-with-the-tips-about-user-friendly-ui-for-frontenders-3i0 Join to my blog with the tips about user friendly UI for frontendersHey there I d like to invite joining to my blog with tips about user friendly UI I try to help everyone who takes part in UI development Check it out Any comments are welcome 2022-06-02 16:32:08
海外TECH DEV Community Securing .NET App Secrets with AWS Secrets Manager https://dev.to/aws-builders/securing-net-app-secrets-with-aws-secrets-manager-2f4h Securing NET App Secrets with AWS Secrets ManagerAWS Systems Manager Parameter Store is a great all around addition to your configuration and secrets management story Parameter Store can be a cost effective solution as there isn t a charge for standard parameters Parameter Store supports the storage of common configuration data like a URL String Type and data that s a bit more complex like a list of OAuth scopes StringList Type but AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store also supports more sensitive configuration data like secrets passwords and tokens SecureString Type So why use AWS Secrets Manager AWS Secrets Manager features automated secret rotation and direct integration with services like RDS Redshift and DocumentDB So if you need to automatically rotate secrets or need integration with data storage technologies like RDS Redshift and DocumentDB AWS Secrets Manager may be the right choice for you In this post we ll focus on AWS Secrets Manager but if AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store sounds more like your thing check out this post on Using AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store as a NET Configuration Provider Photo by saeed karimi on Unsplash The SolutionIn this article we ll take a look at using AWS Secrets Manager to store and retrieve confidential data We ll create a NET API as the reference application and we ll use the AWS CLI and a NET library developed by AWS that makes this process simple PrerequisitesTo complete this solution you will need the NET CLI which is included in the NET SDK In addition you will need to download the AWS CLI and configure your environment for the AWS CLI You will also need to create an AWS IAM user with programmatic access with the appropriate permissions to create and read secrets in AWS Secrets Manager Warning some AWS services may have fees associated with them Store Secrets with the AWS CLIUsing the AWS CLI we ll first create a random password aws secretsmanager get random passwordThe response will look something like the following “RandomPassword “txRxQ Muq oVVg vLrDJ GG Gy Let s now store that password in AWS Secrets Manager Take note of the name of the secret aws secretsmanager create secret name test secret secret string txRxQ Muq oVVg vLrDJ GG Gy On completion you will get a response with the ARN Name and VersionId Create the NET Test ApplicationWith the secret created let s create a test application that integrates with AWS Secrets Manager which will allow us to retrieve the stored secret For this example we will use a NET API dotnet new webapi name ApiNow that we have a reference application let s pull in the Nuget that contains the AWS Secrets Manager Caching library with the following command dotnet add Api package AWSSDK SecretsManager CachingLet s go into the Program cs file within the new Api application and add a few lines directly below the builder variable declaration builder Services AddScoped lt IAmazonSecretsManager gt a gt new AmazonSecretsManagerClient RegionEndpoint USEast These lines will setup the dependency injection so that when a class requires an IAmazonSecretsManager based class an AmazonSecretsManagerClient will be supplied The Program cs file should now look like using Amazon using Amazon SecretsManager var builder WebApplication CreateBuilder args builder Services AddScoped lt IAmazonSecretsManager gt a gt new AmazonSecretsManagerClient RegionEndpoint USEast builder Services AddControllers builder Services AddEndpointsApiExplorer builder Services AddSwaggerGen var app builder Build if app Environment IsDevelopment app UseSwagger app UseSwaggerUI app UseHttpsRedirection app UseAuthorization app MapControllers app Run To demonstrate the use of Secrets Manager let s create a Controller named SecretController cs In the SecretController class let s create a GetSecret method with the following logic This exercise is obviously for demonstration purposes only and not based on a true use case HttpGet public async Task lt IActionResult gt GetSecret GetSecretValueRequest request new GetSecretValueRequest SecretId test secret VersionStage AWSCURRENT GetSecretValueResponse response await secretsManager GetSecretValueAsync request return Ok new Secret response SecretString Here we instantiate the GetSecretValueRequest object assigning the SecretId for the secret that we are trying to fetch and also ask for the latest version of the secret by setting the VersionStage to AWSCURRENT The last step is to send the request and parse the response Let s take a look at the complete SecretController class using Amazon SecretsManager using Amazon SecretsManager Model using Microsoft AspNetCore Mvc namespace Api Controllers ApiController Route controller public class SecretController ControllerBase private readonly IAmazonSecretsManager secretsManager public SecretController IAmazonSecretsManager secretsManager secretsManager secretsManager HttpGet public async Task lt IActionResult gt GetSecret GetSecretValueRequest request new GetSecretValueRequest SecretId test secret VersionStage AWSCURRENT GetSecretValueResponse response await secretsManager GetSecretValueAsync request return Ok new Secret response SecretString Testing the ApplicationFirst let s get the Api application up and running with the following NET CLI command dotnet run project Api Note here we have configured the app to run on port Your app port may very In your favorite browser let s navigate to http localhost secret You should see something like the following secret txRxQ Muq oVVg vLrDJ GG Gy Keep the browser open for a test after we practice a couple more commands Let s go back to the CLI and create a new password to store aws secretsmanager get random passwordAgain you should see something like the following “RandomPassword “ r iRvKH lt RtAJNDu lt M gw OUD Copy the generated password and then let s update the secret like so aws secretsmanager put secret value secret id test secret secret string r iRvKH lt RtAJNDu lt M gw OUD On completion you will see a response with values for ARN Name VersionId and VersionStages Let s return to the browser and give it a refresh If you closed the browser just reopen the browser and browse to http localhost secret You should now see the value you just entered for the secret and the response should look something like this secret r iRvKH lt RtAJNDu lt M gw OUD With our tests complete let s delete that secret aws secretsmanager delete secret secret id test secret SummaryThat s it We have concluded this post where we went over reading AWS Secrets Manager secrets from within a NET application as well as creating updating and deleting secrets in AWS Secrets Manager via the AWS CLI 2022-06-02 16:31:20
海外TECH DEV Community Encourage Community with a Good ReadMe https://dev.to/scarf/encourage-community-with-a-good-readme-ham Encourage Community with a Good ReadMeCommunity is important for the health of an open source project During my time as an open source community manager and developer advocate I have seen how a project s ReadMe can help with discoverability and encourage community contributions when they are well written I have also seen how projects can turn away users when they don t take the time to create a good ReadMe What Makes a Good ReadMe When you are looking to promote your open source project and encourage developers to use it there are a few things your ReadMe could include Project Name and DescriptionFirst a ReadMe should be succinct More detailed documentation about your product or project can be moved to a separate page or website A few things you can add at the beginning of your ReadMe are Product name and logo if availableA short description that can include What your application does Why you used the technologies you usedSome of the challenges you faced and features you hope to implement in the future Examples of project s that do this well are Haystack by Deepset AIJina by Jina AI Table of ContentsIf your ReadMe is long or contains several sections a Table of Contents TOC is helpful There are several tools you can use to create a TOC in your GitHub ReadMe First you can manually generate a TOC with Markdown You can follow the markdown in this cheatsheet To automatically generate a TOC you can use an online tool like the GitHub Wiki TOC generator I used this tool to create the TOC in Forem s Selfhost project when I was a developer advocate there Their open source project Forem is another good example of a project that uses a TOC to help their community navigate the many sections of their ReadMe Installation GuideAs mentioned previously in depth documentation should be added to a separate page but most users appreciate a Quick Start or installation guide so they can test the project quickly You will want to provide a quick step by step description of how to set up and run the development environment Fluent bit is on example of a project that has a quick start section and links out to more detailed build and install instructions Grouparoo is another good example of including a quick reference to running their application but also linking out to a fuller version Usage ExamplesUsage examples help your community visualize how your project can be implemented and better explains your project s use cases Kestra includes a demo app users can play within their ReadMe Httpie includes several different examples of their HTTP client including a gif to help visualize Contributor GuideA contributor guide will encourage your community to participate in the health and maintenance of your project A contributor guide is useful for both maintainers and contributors Guidelines support good pull requests and issues and encourages good communication between contributors and maintainers which saves everyone a lot of time and hassle Add a LicenseAn open source license makes it easier for other people to contribute to your project Depending on the license it will also encourage or discourage the free use and distribution of your project A public project is not free to use distribute modify or contribute back to by default You need to add a license to explicitly give others the right to do so For more information on open source licensing see the following resources Licensing a repositoryThe Legal Side of Open SourceThe Linux Foundation Open Source Licensing Basics for Software Developers LFC Nice to HavesCredit Authors or ContributorsIn addition to a contributor guide a section giving credit to the authors of the project and or highlighting project contributors shows your appreciation for your community by centering the work they have done One example of a project that highlights their contributors with a “Contributors section is Plausible They use a tool like contrib rocks or Open Collective to generate a contributors list and display an image on their ReadMe Additional Things to CheckIf the project will be open to the public you should check the Insights tab in your repository to view the Community Standards This tab provides a checklist you can follow to your community the best experience with your project Try to include A contributing guideA code of conductIssue templatesPR TemplatesMaintaining an open source project is both exciting and exhausting A ReadMe isn t always at the top of mind when a developer or team open sources their code Yet taking the time to craft a good ReadMe encourages community and the health of your project It will also save you time in the future by answering users questions from the start Not everything in this list is necessary for a ReadMe but even the addition of a few of these items will make an impact on your project 2022-06-02 16:28:53
海外TECH DEV Community Building a Full Stack Application on AWS: 100% Serverless https://dev.to/ixartz/building-a-full-stack-application-on-aws-100-serverless-3idm Building a Full Stack Application on AWS ServerlessServerless computing is such a big topic And it s no news that it s the next step in building applications It s extremely true for a small team with limited resources It s such a fast growing market Amazon Web Services AWS is not the only the biggest provider but also my favorite As a developer myself I appreciate things that can be automated If there s a function or method for everything all I want to do is automate the boring stuff and be more productive Fortunately AWS can give access to this kind of power I love AWS not because it consists of a famous suit of lovely nicknamed services but its complete package AWS gives total control of your project all in one place In this article I ll share what AWS services I use to build full stack applications with React and Node js And how I use them to make my SaaS application Be Comfortable With a Programming LanguageA good understanding of Python or JavaScript concepts will set you on the right foot to build a full stack application with AWS I m a huge fan of JavaScript because it s a versatile programming language JavaScript works well both on the server side and also on the front The possibilities are unlimited after you ve some basic knowledge you can code on the client side frontend with React and the server side backend with Express js and Node js Quick Facts About JavaScriptJavaScript is native to the web browserJavaScript is a widely used programming languageThe threshold to get started with JavaScript is low compared to C C for exampleJavaScript is an interesting language to learnI can go on with reasons why you should pick up JavaScript But that would make this article longer than it should So once I m comfortable writing a programming language whether it s JavaScript or not the next thing is Jump on a Framework for Infrastructure as CodeAs mentioned earlier JavaScript has endless possibilities You don t have to be an expert in JavaScript but it can definitively help to have some knowledge in Express js Then I also need to learn how to deploy your application Learning programming languages is great but my project isn t available to the world It only works on my local machine and I couldn t share it with my friends Today one of the biggest cloud providers is AWS To make the AWS experience more enjoyable I also use Serverless Framework and AWS Cloud Development Kit CDK I can declare my AWS resources in JavaScript and configuration files instead of using the AWS console So you can easily replicate it for several environments like development staging and production After sharing all the basic requirements to start a full stack application on AWS I ll show you the services I use to build my SaaS application Amplify HostingWith Amplify Hosting it s extremely simple to launch and host your frontend code on AWS In my case the frontend is written in React More precisely I use Next js with TypeScript and Tailwind CSS Amplify Hosting also handles custom domain and SSL certificates for me It s definitively an good alternative to Vercel and Netlify But the good thing about Amplify Hosting is that it can host on my own AWS account Like its counterpart I can connect my GitHub repository to Amplify Hosting It ll also set up for a simple CI CD pipeline connected to my GitHub account This way I can easily deploy your code by simply pushing your changes No more manual deployment and improve the developer experience by speeding the application deployment AWS LambdaFor the backend of my application I use AWS Lambda It s a serverless computing platform that runs on AWS Lambda is one of AWS most fastest growing products Basically after implementing the business logic for my SaaS or web application I need to run my code and AWS Lambda can help me to achieve this With AWS Lambda I only need to deploy my code on AWS and AWS Lambda will take care of the rest I don t need to worry about the server auto scaling upgrading maintenance etc I can focus on my code AWS API GatewayTo connect my AWS Lambda to the world I need to use AWS API Gateway It s a service that allows me to connect the front of your application to AWS Lambda With API Gateway my frontend can send requests to my AWS Lambda and receive the response Like the previous services AWS API Gateway is also a managed service that I can use for handling securing monitoring and versioning my REST API AWS CognitoWhen building an application security should always be a top priority For this I use Amazon Cognito AWS Cognito allows me to add authentication easily without implementing it from scratch You can easily add an email authentication to your application as well as social authentication like Google Facebook Apple and Amazon It ll save you a lot of time and effort In combination with the AWS API gateway I can secure my backend and restrict my AWS Lambda to only authenticated users DynamoDBIn a full stack application I also need to store the data And we all know managing a database can sometimes be a daunting task That s why I choose DynamoDB DynamoDB is a serverless database that runs on AWS As a serverless database I don t have to worry about maintaining it and AWS handles that for me It can automatically scale based on my traffic and scale to zero when needed CloudWatchAfter deploying my application I need to keep track of how the application will behave in production And I use CloudWatch to do that Once CloudWatch is set up it gathers logs metrics and events for monitoring and operational data I can also visualize it using Dashboards and have a complete overview of my AWS resources applications and services With this information I can analyze the health and performance of my application Then I also set up alarms to automatically monitor the application and take appropriate actions ConclusionLearning to utilize the power of Amazon Web Services AWS has helped me build fast secure and reliable applications I d recommend these services to anyone who wishes to make a full stack application You can have everything in the same place with a unified interface By utilizing the power of serverless you don t have to worry about the underlying infrastructure AWS is taking care of the servers to execute your applications databases and storage systems at any scale You d be surprised how much time you d save building more efficient applications It took me months to understand and build my first full stack application with AWS It wasn t an easy journey but I m extremely happy with the result So I ve built an AWS Boilerplate to make the process easier for all developers With only a few commands without any configuration you can get a full stack application on AWS and here is the demo of the full stack application Not only it s hosted on AWS but it also includes UI components built with React and Next js styled with Tailwind CSS So making a simple full stack application with Nextless js is a breeze with Serverless Frontend Backend and Database 2022-06-02 16:19:47
海外TECH DEV Community How to be Productive - The 3 steps https://dev.to/benherbst/how-to-be-productive-the-3-steps-3j5g How to be Productive The stepsSo this is a step by step list for me I want to share with you guys on how to be productive and do things instead of just always think about doing them Phone Enable Airplane mode and put phone away from you At least meters should be between you and your phone if you want to be productive Put your mind of Hear some relaxing music or so to get down and be focused For about minutes Count from to and start Good luck You can do it 2022-06-02 16:17:30
海外TECH DEV Community Not Just Binary https://dev.to/appwrite/not-just-binary-3f2i Not Just Binarys and s work great for our computers but our world has much more to offer The month of June is not just another summer month but the month of pride The month to celebrate love in all forms spread joy and move towards being more diverse and inclusive History of the movementPride Month is celebrated each year in the month of June to honor the Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan Initially the last Sunday of June was celebrated as Gay Pride Day and it soon grew to encompass a month long series of events We have celebrations throughout the month to support and foster the community Memorials are held during this month for those members of the community who have been lost to hate crimes or HIV AIDS The purpose of the Pride Month is to recognize the impact that the LGBTQIA have had on history locally nationally and internationally What are we doing Even though there are laws and initiatives protecting the LGBTQIA rights and helping the community grow we are still far from making everybody feel welcomed As an early stage startup our goal is to break the biases fight for what is right and build an ecosystem that is safe and welcoming to everyone This Pride Month we thought of adding a little color to our swag store Every purchase made goes to organizations that are nurturing and supporting the LGBTQIA community Ending notesThis initiative is only aimed to contribute to the upliftment of the LGBTQIA community We hope to spread some smiles and colors to your laptop and wardrobe with our awesome limited edition swag P S If you lead know organizations that are all inclusive and would love some help from us please direct them to us 2022-06-02 16:15:17
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Square's payment app to support Tap to Pay on iPhone later in 2022 https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/06/02/squares-payment-app-to-support-tap-to-pay-on-iphone-later-in-2022?utm_medium=rss Square x s payment app to support Tap to Pay on iPhone later in Square has announced that it will bring Tap to Pay on iPhone support to its existing point of sale app allowing users to receive contactless payments without any additional hardware Tap to Pay on iPhoneThe feature which Apple announced in February essentially allows users to turn an iPhone into a contactless payment terminal Now Square says it s bringing support for the feature to its iOS app Read more 2022-06-02 16:52:54
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple's 1TB 16-inch MacBook Pro is back in stock & $200 off, plus $80 off AppleCare https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/06/02/apples-1tb-16-inch-macbook-pro-is-back-in-stock-200-off-plus-80-off-applecare?utm_medium=rss Apple x s TB inch MacBook Pro is back in stock amp off plus off AppleCareAfter repeatedly selling out Apple s TB inch MacBook Pro is in stock and discounted to in addition to AppleCare savings Apple s TB MacBook Pro inch is back in stock and off with couponIn stock now Read more 2022-06-02 16:12:07
海外TECH Engadget Amazon takes on PS5 and Xbox scalpers with a new invite system https://www.engadget.com/amazon-ps5-xbox-series-x-scalpers-invite-order-161017540.html?src=rss Amazon takes on PS and Xbox scalpers with a new invite systemAmazon is trying to fend off scalpers and bots that snag all of the PlayStation and Xbox Series X consoles before you can secure one It s rolling out an invite based ordering option for high demand products that are in low supply to help legitimate shoppers get their hands on the items The invite option is available now for PS in the US It will be enabled for Xbox Series X in the coming days The company told TechCrunch it plans to use the system for more products and in other countries Requesting an invitation doesn t cost anything and you don t need to be a Prime member When you visit the PS page on Amazon there s now a request invitation button ーyou may need to click the new and used link to see it alongside the other ordering options AmazonAmazon will assess whether an account that requests an invitation is authentic by looking at things like the account creation date and purchase history If it believes you are indeed a human and your invite request is granted Amazon will send you an email with instructions on how to buy the product You ll have a certain time period in which to complete your purchase before the invite expires and you ll see a countdown on the product page Amazon will dish out more invites for a hot ticket item as it receives more stock Sony has a similar invite system on its PlayStation Direct site where it sells the PS in limited quantities It would have been nice if Amazon had implemented its version before the consoles arrived in November but c est la vie nbsp Although requesting an invitation won t guarantee that you ll be able to buy a PS or Xbox Series X from Amazon it could help What s more it might mean you don t have to participate in the rush to secure one whenever there s a restock There are other ways Amazon could fend off scalpers too such as limiting the price of items for Marketplace sellers At the time of writing a third party seller is offering the PS disc version on Amazon for ーdouble the console s retail price Others are selling it for around 2022-06-02 16:10:17
海外科学 NYT > Science Doctors Transplant Ear of Human Cells, Made by 3-D Printer https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/02/health/ear-transplant-3d-printer.html Doctors Transplant Ear of Human Cells Made by D PrinterDBio Therapeutics a biotech company in Queens said it had for the first time used D printing to make a body part with a patient s own cells 2022-06-02 16:41:26
海外TECH WIRED Six-Word Sci-Fi: Stories Written by You https://www.wired.com/story/six-word-sci-fi favorites 2022-06-02 16:30:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ LIBORの恒久的な公表停止に備えた対応について更新しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/policy/libor/libor.html libor 2022-06-02 17:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 日銀レビュー「円LIBOR移行対応の振り返りと今後の取り組み」について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/news/r3/sonota/20220602/20220602.html libor 2022-06-02 17:00:00
ニュース BBC News - Home In pictures: The Royal Family at Jubilee celebrations https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-61672048?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA colour 2022-06-02 16:21:04
ニュース BBC News - Home Driving tests: DVSA closing down booking accounts not linked to instructors https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-61673686?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA driving 2022-06-02 16:22:10
ニュース BBC News - Home French Open: Coco Gauff reaches first Grand Slam final to set up Iga Swiatek meeting https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/tennis/61675269?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA French Open Coco Gauff reaches first Grand Slam final to set up Iga Swiatek meetingAmerican teenager Coco Gauff sets up a meeting with world number one Iga Swiatek as she reaches her first Grand Slam final at the French Open 2022-06-02 16:24:35
ニュース BBC News - Home Jack Leach: England spinner out of New Zealand Test with concussion https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/cricket/61673902?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA concussionengland 2022-06-02 16:42:14
ニュース BBC News - Home Platinum Jubilee: Crowds cheer Queen at palace as Jubilee begins https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-61674520?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA colour 2022-06-02 16:54:23
ニュース BBC News - Home Platinum Jubilee: Joy and tears among Trooping the Colour crowd https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-61675865?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA colour 2022-06-02 16:08:27
北海道 北海道新聞 国枝が決勝進出 全仏テニス車いすの部 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/688944/ 全仏オープン 2022-06-03 01:06:00



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