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IT 気になる、記になる… 「Surface Duo」向け「Android 12L」のUIデザインが明らかに − Fluentデザインを採用 https://taisy0.com/2022/10/13/163545.html androidl 2022-10-12 15:27:38
IT 気になる、記になる… 「Apple TV」と「Apple Music」のアプリが来年にWindowsでも利用可能に − 「iCloud」の写真も統合へ https://taisy0.com/2022/10/13/163542.html apple 2022-10-12 15:17:42
AWS AWS Government, Education, and Nonprofits Blog Modernizing public sector applications using serverless and containers https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/publicsector/modernizing-public-sector-applications-using-serverless-containers/ Modernizing public sector applications using serverless and containersApplication modernization helps public sector customers innovate faster with resilient highly available and scalable applications Serverless and containers services support customers in accelerating time to market and migrating existing applications to AWS and they can decrease an organization s total cost of ownership TCO In this blog post learn how public sector customers use AWS serverless and containers technology to modernize their applications 2022-10-12 15:02:09
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Next.jsのチュートリアル読んで感動したこと https://qiita.com/t-daiki96/items/03507524f50863e7a6e6 nextjs 2022-10-13 00:18:29
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 論理積演算子が返す値【JavaScript】 https://qiita.com/saugineer/items/b39627c127a614c9971a consolelognullampampfalse 2022-10-13 00:12:00
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【解決済み】RailsのHostAuthorizationによってELBのヘルスチェックがhealthyにならない https://qiita.com/kazuki-ayimon/items/ba7954c6a05c4965fbb7 hostauthor 2022-10-13 00:53:33
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【解決済み】RailsのHostAuthorizationによってELBのヘルスチェックがhealthyにならない https://qiita.com/kazuki-ayimon/items/ba7954c6a05c4965fbb7 hostauthor 2022-10-13 00:53:33
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Git】備忘録〜ベーシックなコマンド〜 https://qiita.com/pon-pn/items/1182e1e098ad354f87a9 更新 2022-10-13 00:30:51
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【解決済み】RailsのHostAuthorizationによってELBのヘルスチェックがhealthyにならない https://qiita.com/kazuki-ayimon/items/ba7954c6a05c4965fbb7 hostauthor 2022-10-13 00:53:33
海外TECH Ars Technica Report: “Thousands” of Intel layoffs planned as PC demand slows and revenues fall https://arstechnica.com/?p=1889397 pandemic 2022-10-12 15:17:18
海外TECH Ars Technica All the Best Prime Day Deals still running for Amazon’s Early Access sale [Updated] https://arstechnica.com/?p=1888606 worth 2022-10-12 15:13:12
海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Calculate the Factorial of a Number https://www.makeuseof.com/factorial-number-calculate/ cleanest 2022-10-12 15:30:14
海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Customize Your Folder and Library Templates to Suit Your Needs on Windows 10 and 11 https://www.makeuseof.com/windows-10-11-customize-folder-library-templates/ windows 2022-10-12 15:16:14
海外TECH DEV Community Hacktoberfest Progress Update: Translation Contributions Still Welcome https://dev.to/cicirello/hacktoberfest-progress-update-translation-contributions-still-welcome-4aof Hacktoberfest Progress Update Translation Contributions Still WelcomeAs part of Hacktoberfest the user statistician GitHub Action which generates an SVG with a detailed summary of your activity on GitHub is seeking contributors to translate the headings labels etc to additional languages for increased internationalization This post is a brief update on the progress of this effort as well as an additional call for Hacktoberfest contributors Table of Contents Update on Hacktoberfest progress Call for Contributors More Information About the user statistician GitHub Action Where You Can Find Me UpdateIn the first days of Hacktoberfest there have been two new releases with a total of brand new contributors adding new language translations Dutch Hungarian Norwegian Romanian and Thai The user statistician GitHub Action now includes support for the following languages Bahasa Indonesia Bengali Dutch English French German Hindi Hungarian Italian Japanese Korean Lithuanian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Spanish Thai Turkish Ukrainian Call for ContributorsThere is still days left of Hacktoberfest And there are still open issues for language translations including the following languages Afrikaans Albanian Arabic Armenian Chinese Czech Danish Finnish Greek Persian Swedish Tagalog and Vietnamese Or if you stumble upon this post after Hacktoberfest you are of course welcome to contribute at any time You are also of course welcome to contribute translations to any language not currently supported If there isn t already an open issue for it start by submitting an issue so I know you want to work on it Also check out my DEV post from the start of Hacktoberfest that has additional useful information for contributors Hacktoberfest Language Translation Contributors Wanted for the user statistician GitHub Action Vincent A Cicirello・Sep ・ min read hacktoberfest github contributorswanted python More Information About the user statistician GitHub ActionYou can find out more about the user statistician GitHub Action via its GitHub repository cicirello user statistician Generate a GitHub stats SVG for your GitHub Profile README in GitHub Actions user statisticianCheck out all of our GitHub Actions About user statistician Attention Hacktoberfest Contributors Help further expand international support by contributing translations of the headings and labels etc Check out the open issues for available languages or propose a different language translation See my post on DEV to recruiting translation contributors for more information GitHub Actions Build Status Source Info Contributors Support The cicirello user statistician GitHubAction generates a detailed visual summary of your activity on GitHub in the form of an SVGsuitable to display onyour GitHub Profile READMEAlthough the intended use case is to generate an SVG image for your GitHub Profile READMEyou can also potentially link to the image from a personal website or from anywhere elsewhere you d like to share a summary of your activity on GitHub The SVG that the actiongenerates includes statistics for the repositories thatyou own your contribution… View on GitHubI also maintain a website about the various GitHub Actions that I maintain Vincent Cicirello Open source GitHub Actions for workflow automation Features information on several open source GitHub Actions for workflow automation that we have developed to automate parts of the CI CD pipeline and other repetitive tasks The GitHub Actions featured include jacoco badge generator generate sitemap user statistician and javadoc cleanup actions cicirello org More information about the user statistician is also available in prior posts here on DEV such as Halloween Themes for the user statistician GitHub Action Vincent A Cicirello・Sep ・ min read github hacktoberfest showdev webdev The user statistician GitHub Action mentioned in Awesome README Vincent A Cicirello・Aug ・ min read github showdev tutorial webdev Where You Can Find MeFollow me here on DEV Vincent A CicirelloFollow Researcher and educator in A I algorithms evolutionary computation machine learning and swarm intelligence Follow me on GitHub cicirello cicirello My GitHub Profile Vincent A CicirelloSites where you can find me or my workWeb and social media Software development Publications If you want to generate the equivalent to the above for your own GitHub profile check out the cicirello user statisticianGitHub Action View on GitHubOr visit my website Vincent A Cicirello Professor of Computer Science Vincent A Cicirello Professor of Computer Science at Stockton University is aresearcher in artificial intelligence evolutionary computation swarm intelligence and computational intelligence with a Ph D in Robotics from Carnegie MellonUniversity He is an ACM Senior Member IEEE Senior Member AAAI Life Member EAI Distinguished Member and SIAM Member cicirello org 2022-10-12 15:42:44
海外TECH DEV Community Serverless API Essentials: PUT vs PATCH https://dev.to/aws-heroes/serverless-api-essentials-put-vs-patch-2431 Serverless API Essentials PUT vs PATCHI conduct a decent amount of developer interviews One of my favorite topics in an interview is REST APIs I m passionate when it comes to API design and API development in general So naturally it s something I ask about regularly We cover the basics like how endpoints are structured and how to balance fundamental REST construction with developer experience But something that trips people up more often than you d expect is when I ask to explain the difference in the HTTP methods and when you would use one over another Most people articulate beautifully when to use POST GET PUT and DELETE But when I ask about PATCH I often get a deer in the headlights look Sometimes people tell me they have never heard of it before other times they tell me they know it s for an update operation but not sure what the difference is between PATCH and PUT The simplest difference between the two operations is A PUT replaces the entire resource with the request payload but a PATCH applies partial updates to the resource Depending on your decision to use PUT or PATCH your downstream implementation can change drastically when it comes to serverless So let s talk about when you would use one or the other and discuss the implementation with serverless resources When To Use PUT OperationsAs mentioned earlier a PUT will replace the entire resource with the request payload This means that everything is overwritten as is when you make the call thus making this operation generally idempotent Any operation that you need to be idempotent and require the full resource data to be provided should be backed by a PUT operation For example if we take the update gopher hole endpoint from my reference project Gopher Holes Unlimited you can see that we overwrite the entire gopher hole resource This resource has limited fields and none of them are restricted via access control more on this later As a result we have a perfect use case for a PUT It s not an excessive burden to require the caller to provide all the details of the gopher hole resource even the values that aren t changing When it comes to implementing a PUT in a serverless system you can do it a couple different ways If you do not need to perform validations outside of schema validation and simply need to replace the entity you can connect directly to DynamoDB via API Gateway to replace the resource An example implementation in an Open API Spec can be seen below holes holeId put requestBody required true content application json schema ref components schemas Hole responses ref components responses noContent ref components responses BadRequest x amazon apigateway request validator Validate All x amazon apigateway integration credentials Fn Sub PutHoleRole Arn uri Fn Sub arn AWS Partition apigateway AWS Region dynamodb action PutItem httpMethod POST type aws passthroughBehavior never requestTemplates application json Fn Sub TableName TableName Item pk S input params holeId sk S hole description S input path description gopherId S input path gopherId status S input path status if input path comment comment S input path comment end ConditionExpression attribute exists pk ExpressionAttributeNames pk pk ReturnValues NONE TableName Ref TableName responses statusCode responseTemplates application json set context responseOverride header Access Control Allow Origin statusCode responseTemplates application json message A gopher hole with the provided id could not be found This simple operation does not require any Lambda function API Gateway will directly call DynamoDB and replace the data of the requested resource assuming the resource already exists A PUT operation is also allowed to create a resource if it does not exist It sets the id of the resource to the id provided in the path But since we re talking about update operations this endpoint will return an error if the resource does not exist When To Use PATCH OperationsIf a resource has elements to it that are under a level of access control or it is too large to feasibly ask the consumer to pass in all the fields you re looking at a prime opportunity for a PATCH When I refer to access control I mean elements of a resource that require a certain level of authorization to view or edit These are fields that only the creator of a resource can manipulate for example In Gopher Holes Unlimited there is a PATCH gophers gopherId endpoint that allows the caller to update only a subset of the gopher information via the request schema In the downstream implementation validation occurs to make sure only the person who added the gopher can change the name Other consumers of the API can change other fields like the number of times they have seen the gopher or the color but not the critical identifying information Because of the additional validation of the content the PATCH is the preferred route in this scenario To implement a generic PATCH mechanism in a Node js Lambda function refer to the code in this gist Contrary to a PUT operation when talking about serverless implementation a PATCH will perform an UpdateItem call in Dynamo The UpdateItem call will add update or remove specific attributes from an item rather than doing a complete replace like the PutItem call we used in the PUT endpoint Point of note when using a generic PATCH mechanism like in the gist above you must rely on schema validation at the API Gateway level You should define the incoming schema to scope potential changes down to only the mutable fields Be sure to not allow any additional properties when using generics because you open yourself up to storing potentially unlimited data passed in by malicious users There are two schools of thought with implementing a PATCH endpoint Provide all the updated properties in a request payload like you would a POST or a PUT location longitude comment This is a nasty gopher Provide the operation path to property and value for each changing value as an array op add path comment value This is a nasty gopher op replace path location longitude value op remove path color As with most things software these implementations come with tradeoffs The first implementation is more familiar and generally a lower cost when it comes to consuming your API However it does not provide you with the ability to remove properties The first implementation is only an add or update operation A workaround would be to remove a property if it was passed into the request as a blank value but that might not be correct of the time The other implementation requires passing in the op path and value of each field to be changed This results in a significantly more flexible design but adds complexity to the consumer to track the operations that occurred when data entry is being performed Either implementation is perfectly valid in their own scenarios But be sure to make an intentional decision when performing your initial API design SummaryResource updates are an adventure You have plenty of options to consider when deciding on which implementation you want to use The great thing about API design and serverless is that you don t have to stick with one decision for your entire application Maybe a subset of your endpoints make sense to run as PUT operations while others are better suited for a PATCH Of your PATCH operations maybe some endpoints should only allow updates and never remove a field while others might require the ability to remove a field It all depends on your use case Your serverless infrastructure decisions vary as well If your update is a simple PUT with no side effects you can go straight to DynamoDB from API Gateway If you have validations to run prior to making a change a Lambda function is better suited for your needs If you have multiple validations and side effects that trigger as a result of a change a Step Function workflow might be your best bet Keep in mind that a PUT or a PATCH is not a silver bullet It might be smarter to break down large endpoints into smaller ones Instead of updating a gopher status via a PUT gophers gopherId endpoint it might be a better option to implement a POST gophers gopherId statuses to separate side effects or business logic that need to run as a result of updating a particular field That s the beauty about API design it s a balance between fundamentalism and the perfect developer experience Use what makes the most sense to make your consumers happy Happy coding 2022-10-12 15:25:08
海外TECH DEV Community SORTing => The weird parts https://dev.to/cavein254/sorting-the-weird-parts-37mh SORTing gt The weird partsAs you realize the sort function performs mutations on the original array This more often than not leads to bugs that are difficult to pin point their origin and produce erroneous results There are various methods that one can apply to ensure that bugs do not arise in the process as using test but in this article we are solely interested in the possible programming errors that might arise when using sort Lets elaborate this using a simple method of sorting arrays in both ascending and descending order with the assumption that the array contains only numbers Pit Fall In FunctionsOne of the simplest method is the use of the sort function directly as Given the array to sort from the largest to the smallestlet arr const largeToSmall arr gt return arr sort a b gt a b console log largeToSmall arr The code works as expected lets take the code a little further by adding a smallest to largest conversionlet arr function fnOrderArr arr const smallToLarge arr sort a b gt a b const largeToSmall arr sort a b gt b a console log smallToLarge console log largeToSmall fnOrderArr arr Notice that smallToLarge is working fine as the array is arranged from the smallest to the largest but as soon as we hit the largeToSmall as we expect the results to be but we got Whats going on Note that sort function performs a mutable operation on our array This means the function literally reorders the array elements in the array In our program Step Original ArrayOur original array is Step Arrange by ascending OrderAfter our smallToLarge operation the original array changes to Step Arrange by Descending OrderNow the original array is and by trying to order the function in descending order there seem to develop a bug as it still resorts to showing clearly that the sort function fails to perform as expected Pit Fall In Classes using Static MethodsThe sort function display similar erroneous performance when used in classes with static methodsclass OrderInt constructor arr this arr arr static highToLow arr const tempArr arr const highLow tempArr sort a b gt a b return highLow static lowToHigh arr const tempArr arr const lowHigh tempArr sort a b gt b a return lowHigh const arr const orderDecreasing OrderInt highToLow arr const orderIncreasing OrderInt lowToHigh arr console log Order in Decreasing Order orderDecreasing console log Order in Increasing Order orderIncreasing Using Classes without Static MethodsStrangely using classes with normal method seem to work with the sort function working as expected class OrderInt constructor arr this arr arr highToLow arr const tempArr arr const highLow tempArr sort a b gt a b return highLow lowToHigh arr const tempArr arr const lowHigh tempArr sort a b gt b a return lowHigh const arr console log Order in Decreasing Order Order highToLow arr console log Order in Increasing Order Order lowToHigh arr Although the sort function works both when ordering in ascending or descending order it still mutates the original arrayLeave a like ️if you found this usefulHappy coding 2022-10-12 15:10:26
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Microsoft cranks up entire Surface line with new Intel processors https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/10/12/microsoft-cranks-up-entire-surface-line-with-new-intel-processors?utm_medium=rss Microsoft cranks up entire Surface line with new Intel processorsAs part of its about annual upgrade cycle Microsoft s Surface Pro Surface Laptop and Surface Studio Plus featuring new Intel processors have debuted at about the same price points as the previous models The new Surface Pro was shown at the Microsoft eventAlongside multiple new Surface computers Microsoft also released information about a new audio dock and Windows updates Accessibility was also an important part of the event with new tools and software features Read more 2022-10-12 15:25:20
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Windows 11 getting iCloud Photos support plus Apple Music & TV apps https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/10/12/windows-11-getting-icloud-photos-support-plus-apple-music-tv-apps?utm_medium=rss Windows getting iCloud Photos support plus Apple Music amp TV appsAt its Surface event on Wednesday Microsoft announced that Windows users will be able to install native versions of the apps for both Apple Music and Apple TV plus Windows will integrate iCloud Photos Following the news that Apple Music is now available for Xbox Microsoft has announced further integration with Windows Unveiled at the company s October Surface event the apps were said to be coming to the Microsoft Store in Beta releases are reportedly launching on the store soon Read more 2022-10-12 15:11:57
海外TECH Engadget The best October Prime Day monitor deals we could find https://www.engadget.com/best-october-prime-day-2022-monitor-deals-154523642.html?src=rss The best October Prime Day monitor deals we could findAmazon s October Prime Day offers a great opportunity to pick up a new monitor for your work from home or gaming setup They re often some of the most expensive peripherals to get so it always helps when you can wait and pick up a new model on sale A number of monitors from brands like LG Samsung Dell and others have been discounted for the Prime Early Access Sale so chances are you ll find one that s been discounted that s the appropriate size and resolution for your needs Here are the best monitor deals we could find for October Prime Day LG monitor dealsLGLG discounted a mixture of standard and gaming monitors for Prime Day this time around The cheapest of the bunch is this inch FHD IPS display for or percent off its normal rate But if you re a gamer you should consider this inch LG Ultragear QHD monitor ーit has a Hz refresh rate ms response time and support for NVIDIA G Sync Shop LG monitor deals at AmazonSamsung monitor dealsSamsungSamsung s monitor deals include the Smart Monitor M for only That s the best price we ve seen on the display that doubles as a smart TV When you re not using it for productivity you can access streaming services like Netlfix and Prime Video directly from the device and it has a built in smart home hub too If you don t need all those extra bells and whistles displays like the inch SR monitor and the inch Odyssey G are also good options Shop Samsung monitor deals at AmazonDell monitor dealsDellThere s a big sale on Dell and Sceptre monitors that knocks up to percent off select models This inch Dell IPS gaming monitor with a Hz refresh rate is cheaper than ever at and you can get this all purpose inch Dell FHD USB C monitor for only Shop Dell monitor deals at AmazonAcer monitor dealsAcerIf you re looking for a true budget monitor Acer s got a handful of deals worth considering You can pick up this inch FHD IPS monitor with a degree wide viewing angle for only or this inch Nitro WQHD gaming monitor with AMD FreeSync Premium and overlocking to Hz refresh rates for only ー off its usual rate Shop Acer monitor deals at AmazonGet the latest Amazon Prime Day offers by following EngadgetDeals on Twitter and subscribing to the Engadget Deals newsletter 2022-10-12 15:45:23
海外TECH Engadget Surface Laptop 5 hands-on: A bare minimum update https://www.engadget.com/surface-laptop-5-hands-on-a-bare-minimum-refresh-154336939.html?src=rss Surface Laptop hands on A bare minimum updateToday Microsoft announced its refreshed Surface Laptop which just like before will be available in and inch models The new notebooks will also feature touchscreens with a very familiar brushed aluminum design Actually almost everything about the Surface Laptop is the same as before aside from the addition of new th gen Intel CPUs and one Thunderbolt port And for me when I m seeing at all the other advancements its competitors are making I have to even wonder if Microsoft is really trying or if it s just doing the bare minimum Now don t get me wrong improved performance is nice And I suspect the Surface Laptop will be a nice system But that s mostly because the Surface Laptop was pretty good too You still get a high res PixelSense touch display that now has some built in automatic color tuning thanks to support for Dolby Vision IQ There s also a new sage green color option which looks nice though we ve already seen this shade pop up before on the Surface Laptop Go But that s about it in the way of new specs or features And that s really frustrating because it seems like there are a lot of low hanging fruit that Microsoft could address that would make its mainstream laptop line a much better rival for systems like the XPS or an equivalent ThinkPad For starters while you get an IR camera for Windows Hello the main webcam is still p which is really not OK on a premium laptop in You also still only get a total of two USB ports the aforementioned Thunderbolt jack and a vanilla USB not even Type A socket Look that s fine for a budget system but especially on the inch model there really ought to be better connectivity How about an SD card reader or something Thankfully at least Microsoft is keeping the bonus watt USB A charging port on the Surface Laptop s power brick which can come in handy when you need to charge your phone in a pinch On top of that unlike the Surface Laptop this year s model is only available in Intel based configurations There s no AMD version which is kind of a shame And while I don t mind only getting integrated graphics on the inch version I really wish Microsoft had built at least one variant of the inch with a discrete GPU It doesn t even have to be something super beefy like an RTX A or even a Ti would be just fine I really don t think I m asking for too much After all Microsoft included an optional Ti GPU on last year s Surface Laptop Studio which is a slightly smaller but thicker system Honestly one of the most interesting things about the Surface Laptop are Microsoft s wallpapers for Windows which are new for and designed to match the system s exterior color nbsp nbsp But more importantly after seeing Dell add a new member to the XPS family and all the changes Apple is making on the MacBook Air and Pro lines it s just a bit disappointing to see Microsoft simply going through the motions And all this is coming from the company that basically invented the modern detachable in so I know Microsoft can do better 2022-10-12 15:43:36
海外TECH Engadget Microsoft Surface Pro 9 hands-on: Can Intel and ARM models live in harmony? https://www.engadget.com/surface-pro-9-hands-on-intel-arm-152933337.html?src=rss Microsoft Surface Pro hands on Can Intel and ARM models live in harmony On the one hand the Surface Pro is pretty much what we expected a jump up to Intel s th gen CPUs But Microsoft surprised us with a huge shakeup for its tablet PCs There s also a Surface Pro running a custom SQ ARM chip which also includes built in G Can an x Intel processor and a mobile ARM chip really sit side by side We got a chance to compare the two new machines at Microsoft s hands on event and to be honest we just have more questions Both models look and feel the same save for the more visible G antennas on the Arm model Microsoft representatives say performance is also comparable between the SQ and Intel s chips something we ll have to fully test to believe An early Geekbench test on a demo unit hit which is far slower than Intel th and th gen systems we ve reviewed Those figures could improve with better software and firmware though The same reps also noted that app compatibility with legacy x apps has gotten better for ARM devices and there are an increasing number of native Windows apps which will run just fine across both platforms In either case you re getting tablet PCs that can easily transform into functional laptops with their keyboard cases Unfortunately those are still sold separately as is the Slim Pen Microsoft introduced last year The Surface Pro won t change your mind about the viability of using a tablet as a PC but on the Intel side it s nice to see a major speed bump nbsp The SQ Arm model also has a few features the Intel version doesn t thanks to its neural processor That includes some real time enhancements to video chats like blurring your background The video quality across both systems also look fantastic According to Microsoft it s possible to bring those features to Intel chips when they have their own neural chips but unfortunately those aren t available on Intel s current lineup Microsoft representatives admitted there may be some confusion among some shoppers since they can easily walk out of a store with two very different computers But it sounds like the company is willing to deal with those usability bumps rather than splitting the Surface Pro line once again nbsp Follow along with the rest of our news from Microsoft s Surface event 2022-10-12 15:29:33
海外TECH Engadget NASA is now targeting November 14th for the Artemis 1 launch https://www.engadget.com/nasa-artemis-1-november-launch-window-150950988.html?src=rss NASA is now targeting November th for the Artemis launchNASA has set a date for its next Artemis launch attempt The agency will next try to send the Space Launch System SLS rocket and Orion spacecraft on an uncrewed journey around the moon on November th The launch window starts at AM ET and will be open for an hour and nine minutes In case NASA has to scrub the November th launch it has two backup windows in mind starting at AM on November and AM on November th The first attempt on August th was scrubbed due to engine issues before a hydrogen fuel leak prevented another stab at a launch a few days later NASA didn t have any luck during the next launch window in late September either It rolled the SLS and Orion back to the safety of the Vehicle Assembly Building as Hurricane Ian bore down On the upside NASA says minimal work is needed to prepare the SLS and Orion before it rolls them back out to the launchpad Engineers will repair minor foam and cork damage on the thermal protection system It ll also replace or recharge batteries for the rocket secondary payloads and the flight termination system All going well Artemis could be back on the launchpad as soon as November th 2022-10-12 15:09:50
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles Make a Countdown Timer Add-in for Powerpoint - Part 2 https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5344269/Make-a-Countdown-Timer-Add-in-for-Powerpoint-Part powerpoint 2022-10-12 15:36:00
海外科学 NYT > Science Black Holes May Hide a Mind-Bending Secret About Our Universe https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/10/science/black-holes-cosmology-hologram.html cosmos 2022-10-12 15:19:35
海外科学 NYT > Science Can Start-Ups Significantly Lower the Cost of Gene Sequencing? https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/12/business/gene-sequencing-ultima-cheaper.html Can Start Ups Significantly Lower the Cost of Gene Sequencing Companies like Ultima Genomics say they have the technology which could lead to medical breakthroughs But similar promises in the past have fizzled and barriers remain 2022-10-12 15:30:23
海外TECH WIRED 66 Absolute Best Prime Day Deals (2022): Prime Early Access Sale https://www.wired.com/story/best-prime-day-deals-2022-9/ absolute 2022-10-12 15:46:00
海外TECH WIRED 32 Best Prime Day Deals Under $50 (2022): Cheap Tablets, Streaming Devices, and iPhone Cases https://www.wired.com/story/best-amazon-prime-day-deals-under-50-2022-5/ casesthese 2022-10-12 15:43:00
海外TECH WIRED 15 Best Deals From Best Buy's Flash Sale (2022): Headphones, TVs, Apple Devices https://www.wired.com/story/best-buy-flash-sale-prime-day-rival-sale-2022/ Best Deals From Best Buy x s Flash Sale Headphones TVs Apple DevicesAmazon isn t the only one in a prime position to unleash killer discounts on smart TVs headphones and Apple devices 2022-10-12 15:28:30
海外科学 BBC News - Science & Environment Lab-grown brain cells play video game Pong https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-63195653?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA video 2022-10-12 15:01:43
金融 金融庁ホームページ 企業会計審議会第22回内部統制部会 議事次第について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/singi/singi_kigyou/siryou/naibu/20221013.html 企業会計 2022-10-12 17:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 企業会計審議会総会・第9回会計部会議事録を公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/singi/singi_kigyou/gijiroku/soukai/20220929.html 企業会計 2022-10-12 17:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 「脱炭素等に向けた金融機関等の取組みに関する検討会」(第1回)議事次第について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/singi/decarbonization/siryou/20221013.html 金融機関 2022-10-12 17:00:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Jacob Rees-Mogg blames Bank of England over market turmoil https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-63230001?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA interest 2022-10-12 15:48:36
ニュース BBC News - Home Lab-grown brain cells play video game Pong https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-63195653?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA video 2022-10-12 15:01:43
ニュース BBC News - Home Lucy Letby trial: Nurse killed baby and sent parents card, trial told https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-63228147?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA hears 2022-10-12 15:18:32
ニュース BBC News - Home Leah Croucher: The quiet teenager who vanished on her way to work https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-63228442?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA mystery 2022-10-12 15:08:52
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