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IT 気になる、記になる… 「Google Pixel 7」と「Google Pixel 7 Pro」のMVNO各社での動作確認結果のまとめ https://taisy0.com/2022/10/13/163565.html google 2022-10-13 11:47:14
IT 気になる、記になる… 「AirPods Pro (第2世代)」で左右で音がズレたり、動画と音がズレる問題が報告される https://taisy0.com/2022/10/13/163561.html airpodspro 2022-10-13 11:17:37
IT InfoQ Performance Testing Should Focus on Trends https://www.infoq.com/news/2022/10/performance-testing-trends/?utm_campaign=infoq_content&utm_source=infoq&utm_medium=feed&utm_term=global Performance Testing Should Focus on TrendsPerformance testing starts by setting a baseline and defining the metrics to track together with the development team Nikolay Avramov advises executing performance tests and comparing the results frequently during development to spot degrading performance as soon as possible By Ben Linders 2022-10-13 11:24:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia Mobile] Androidスマホで「マイナンバーカード」の電子証明書を利用可能に 2023年5月11日から https://www.itmedia.co.jp/mobile/articles/2210/13/news197.html android 2022-10-13 20:30:00
AWS lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita kintone Webhook用のAPI をLambdaオーソライザーで保護する方法について https://qiita.com/sy250f/items/1680682cf663be081655 apigateway 2022-10-13 20:10:31
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita CircleCI Herokuへのデプロイ時に'No images to push'エラーが出る場合の解決方法 https://qiita.com/jibirian999/items/4d0a3f8f82234f6d6d14 binbasheo 2022-10-13 20:42:19
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita CircleCI Herokuへのデプロイ時に'No images to push'エラーが出る場合の解決方法 https://qiita.com/jibirian999/items/4d0a3f8f82234f6d6d14 binbasheo 2022-10-13 20:42:19
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita CircleCI Herokuへのデプロイ時に'No images to push'エラーが出る場合の解決方法 https://qiita.com/jibirian999/items/4d0a3f8f82234f6d6d14 binbasheo 2022-10-13 20:42:19
技術ブログ Developers.IO BioContainers のイメージが ECR Public で利用可能になりました https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/biocontainers-on-ecr-public-gallery/ biocontainers 2022-10-13 11:23:28
海外TECH MakeUseOf Donald Trump's Truth Social Is Now Available on Android https://www.makeuseof.com/truth-social-now-on-android/ store 2022-10-13 11:15:14
海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Set Up Find My on Your Mac to Find People, Devices, and Items https://www.makeuseof.com/set-up-find-my-on-your-mac/ airpods 2022-10-13 11:15:14
海外TECH MakeUseOf The Best Sleep Tech for Kids https://www.makeuseof.com/best-sleep-tech-kids/ children 2022-10-13 11:15:14
海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Set Up an Apple Home Hub to Make Your Smart Home Smarter https://www.makeuseof.com/how-to-set-up-apple-home-hub/ homekit 2022-10-13 11:15:14
海外TECH DEV Community An Open Source Observability Platform | SigNoz https://dev.to/ankit01oss/an-open-source-observability-platform-signoz-43jd An Open Source Observability Platform SigNozCloud computing and containerization have brought many benefits to IT systems like speed to market and on demand scaling But it has also increased operational complexity Applications built on dynamic and distributed infrastructure are challenging to operate and maintain A robust observability framework can help application owners stay on top of their software systems In this article we will introduce SigNoz an open source observability platform But before that let s talk about observability a bit In today s digital ecosystem users expect applications to meet their needs in seconds Any latency is missed business opportunity For keeping a tab on application health you need to monitor many things like resource utilization metrics from Kubernetes and Docker request rates error rates of APIs latency database performance metrics and much more But if monitoring your IT systems is enough why do we need observability There is a lot of debate around the term observability How is observability different from monitoring and how does it help run complex modern distributed applications What is Observability We believe the aim of observability is to solve customer issues quickly Creating monitoring dashboards is useless if it can t help engineering teams quickly identify the root causes of performance issues A modern distributed software system has a lot of moving components So while setting up monitoring you might not know what answers you would need to solve an issue And that s where observability comes into the picture Observability enables application owners to get answers to any question that might arise while debugging application issues Observability is a data analytics problemObservability is fundamentally a data analytics problem Suppose you have collected all sorts of telemetry data from your IT infrastructure and application code Now the challenge is creating an analytics layer to help you reach potential solutions quickly Logs metrics and traces are often touted as the three pillars of observability At SigNoz we believe differently but having access to these three telemetry signals is the first step towards observability The tooling ecosystem for these three telemetry signals is so varied that it might be daunting for application owners to decide which tools to use There are broadly two options a SaaS observability vendor or open source observability tools Open Source better suited for ObservabilityOpen source has changed the way software is developed Most software systems today are built with off the shelf components from open source libraries like HTTP clients proxies web frameworks etc A SaaS observability vendor will provide their proprietary agents for instrumenting the open source libraries and frameworks used by your application The agents are designed to support the data storage system used by the vendor As such application owners run a risk of getting locked in with the vendor A switch to some other observability system will require re instrumentation from scratch You are also dependent on the vendor to provide support for the instrumentation of new technologies and open source libraries And that s where open source observability solutions are better suited Open source solutions are more flexible and can be self hosted within your infra Many solutions are available in the open source ecosystem for observability Most organizations have multiple tools for different telemetry signals Multiple tools can create data silosAs discussed earlier observability is fundamentally a data analytics problem Having different tools for different telemetry signals creates another challenge data silos Engineering teams need to ramp themselves up on multiple tools and correlation among different telemetry signals is hard For example you might use Prometheus for metrics and Jaeger for traces But how would you correlate your metrics with traces For robust observability having a seamless way to correlate your telemetry signals is critical For example if you see that the latency of a particular service is high at the moment can you deep dive into relevant logs quickly Can you correlate your metrics with traces to figure out where in the request journey the problem occurred Building correlation across different tools is painful and requires a lot of engineering bandwidth At SigNoz we believe in providing a single pane of glass for observability Single pane of glass for observabilityThe objective of having a single pane of glass for observability is to provide intelligent correlation between telemetry signals Having your logs metrics and traces under a single dashboard and stored in single columnar database enables advanced querying and visualization But that s not all The journey of open source observability starts with open source instrumentation Having a vendor agnostic instrumentation layer has many benefits in the long run And that s where OpenTelemetry comes into the picture Open Source Instrumentation with OpenTelemetryOpenTelemetry is an open source collection of tools APIs and SDKs that aims to standardize how we generate and collect telemetry data It is incubated under Cloud Native Computing Foundation CNCF the same foundation under which Kubernetes graduated It follows a specification driven development The OpenTelemetry specification has design and implementation guidelines for how the instrumentation libraries should be implemented In addition it provides client libraries in all the major programming languages which follow the specification OpenTelemetry was formed after the merger of two open source projects OpenCensus and OpenTracing in Since then it has been the go to open source standard for instrumenting cloud native applications OpenTelemetry has specifications for all three signals Logs Metrics andTracesTogether these three signals can form the bedrock for setting up an observability framework The application code is instrumented using OpenTelemetry client libraries which enables the generation of telemetry data Once the telemetry data is generated and collected you can send the data to an observability backend of your choice Open Source Observability based on OpenTelemetry SigNozSigNoz is built to support OpenTelemetry natively Most vendors now claim to support OpenTelemetry But in reality it isn t easy to shift from legacy systems Choosing an OpenTelemetry native observability backend can ensure a better user experience SigNoz supports all three telemetry signals under a single dashboard You can seamlessly correlate your application metrics and traces and also use it for things like infrastructure monitoring Some of the key features of SigNoz are Out of the box application metricsGet p p latencies RPS Error rates and top endpoints for a service out of the box SigNoz UI showing application overview metrics like RPS th th th Percentile latencies and Error Rate Seamless flow between metrics amp tracesFound something suspicious in a metric just click that point in the graph amp get details of traces which may be causing the issues Seamless Intuitive Move from metrics to traces at any point of time which needs more analysis Advanced filters on trace dataUnder our traces tab you can analyze the traces data using filters based on tags status codes service names operation etc Using tags you can find latency experienced by customers who have customer type set as premium Use advanced filters to analyze your trace data Custom aggregates on filtered tracesCreate custom metrics from filtered traces to find metrics of any type of request Want to find p latency of customer type premium who are seeing status code Just set the filters and you have the graph Boom Find custom aggregates on filtered traces Detailed Flamegraphs amp Gantt chartsDetailed flamegraph amp Gantt charts to find the exact cause of the issue and which underlying requests are causing the problem Is it a SQL query gone rogue or a Redis operation is causing an issue Spans of a trace visualized with the help of flamegraphs and gantt charts in SigNoz dashboard Logs Management with advanced log query builder and live tailingSigNoz provides Logs management with advanced log query builder You can also monitor your logs in real time using live tailing Logs tab in SigNoz comes equipped with advanced logs query builder and live tailing Transparent usage DataYou can drill down details of how many events is each application sending or at what granularity so that you can adjust your sampling rate as needed and not get a shock at the end of the month case with SaaS vendors many a times SigNoz provides usage explorer so that you are always informed about your usage Getting started with SigNozYou can get started with SigNoz using just three commands at your terminal git clone b main https github com SigNoz signoz gitcd signoz deploy install shFor detailed instructions you can visit our documentation If you liked what you read then check out our GitHub repo Our slack community is a great place to get your queries solved instantly and get community support for SigNoz Link to join SigNoz slack community Related ContentNot pillars but a single whole to help customers solve issues fasterAn Open Source OpenTelemetry APM 2022-10-13 11:38:04
海外TECH DEV Community Awesome tools for Coding Practice https://dev.to/surajondev/awesome-tools-for-coding-practice-4l49 Awesome tools for Coding Practice IntroductionWatching countless YouTube videos or reading articles won t help you in coding unless and until you write some code The mantra to retain knowledge is by practicing along with learning This is well followed in the world of programming coding So today I am going to list down some websites where you can practice your coding skills by solving problems or playing coding games This list is a small section of my ebook Awesome tools for Web Developers The ebook notion template contains a curated list of tools and resources to help web developers in learning creating and increasing productivity The ebook has already surpassed sales on GumRoad Get it free from Gumroad by visiting here Now let s get started HackerRankJoin over  million developers  practice coding skills prepare for Interviews and get hired You can practice more than languages in HackerRank They have great challenges from the basic levels to a more advanced level to test your skill They also provide challenges for several different domains such as Algorithms Mathematics SQL functional programming AI and more LeetCodeLevel up your coding skills and quickly land a job This is the best place to expand your knowledge and get prepared for your next interview Leetcode is a popular online platform that provides a list of various challenges It can help you to prepare for technical job interviews They have support for more than popular languages CodeChefLearn competitive programming with the help of CodeChef s coding competitions Take part in these online coding contests to level up your skillsIn CodeChef you can practice different programming languages through different challenges You can compete in their competition to earn a reward As an absolute beginner you can start their Get Started At CodeChef With Your Coding Journey to learn coding along with practicing Flexbox DefenceYour job is to stop the incoming enemies from getting past your defenses Unlike other tower defense games you must position your towers using CSS It s an online game to play while learning CSS flexbox It is simple as you write code your defense will be placed on the map Your defense should be in the path of the enemy to defend you For positioning your defense you are going to use CSS flex and its properties It s fun and you can learn CSS flexbox s properties CodinGameCodinGame is a challenge based training platform for programmers where you can play with the hottest programming topics Solve games code AI bots learn from your peers and have fun Play games and learn code at the same time with CodinGame You will write code to control the character in the game You can write code in most of the popular programming languages like JavaScript Java Python C C Dart and others Connect With MeTwitterLinkedIn ConclusionI hope this article has helped you learn some awesome platforms for practicing the code You can take a look at Awesome tools for Web Developers to know more about such tools Thanks for reading the blog post 2022-10-13 11:30:26
海外TECH DEV Community How I built a live chat with my Ecommerce Store Using Medusa and Rocket.Chat https://dev.to/medusajs/how-i-built-a-live-chat-with-my-ecommerce-store-using-medusa-and-rocketchat-21ig How I built a live chat with my Ecommerce Store Using Medusa and Rocket ChatHaving a good support channel is important in the development and growth of a business A good support channel provides a feedback loop between a business and its customers Medusa is an extensible and customizable open source ecommerce engine Rocket Chat is a secure and compliant communications platform with features like omnichannel customer service Adding a live chat widget in an ecommerce website makes it easier for your customers to ask any questions they have and receive instant responses It builds your relationship with your customers and leads to a better user experience Medusa is hosting a hackathon for Hacktoberfest and this article is an example of what you can submit To join this hackathon and stand a chance to win amidst other prizes you can read the guidelines In this tutorial you will set up a new store with Medusa and integrate a Rocket Chat omnichannel live chat feature in the storefront You can find the code for this tutorial in this repository If you have a store already set up skip the next section to Configuring Rocket Chat Account Why Use Rocket Chat with Medusa As established in the introduction of this article having a good customer support channel is very important Rocket Chat is an open source and fully customizable communication system design with high standards of data protection Using Rocket Chat with Medusa you can acquire and retain customers in an omnichannel environment to build relationships with customers provide a valuable experience to users and create a feedback loop between your store and customers With Medusa you can integrate any third party services using its extendible architecture and its plugins system This allows developers and merchants to choose the best in breed solutions for every feature Medusa also provides many important ecommerce features including automated RMA flows advanced pricing options with price lists order and product management and much more PrerequisitesTo follow this tutorial you need to have Node js installed Medusa requires at least version of Node js You can follow the instructions on Node js s official download page to learn how to install it Running the command node version in your terminal should return the version of Node that is currently installed in your machine Set up an Ecommerce Store with MedusaTo set up a store you can use the create medusa app package which creates installs the store frontend admin panel and backend application Run this command in any directory of your choice to install all these three components npx create medusa appThen you ll be asked some questions Select the default for “Where should the project be installed Select “medusa starter default for “Which Medusa starter would you like to install Then select “Next js Starter for “Which storefront starter would you like to install After complete installation three directories will be created for you which include the backend storefront and admin To start the backend server change your directory to the backend directory in your terminal by running the command below cd medusa store backendThen run the command below to start the server npm startTo start the storefront server you need to start a new terminal session open a new window in your terminal and change the directory to the storefront folder Then start the server on the storefront by running the command below cd medusa store storefrontnpm run devNow you should have a running store on http localhost Configure a Rocket Chat AccountIf you don t already have a Rocket Chat account head over to their website to create an account Rocket Chat requires a work email to create an account After successful account creation you need to create an agent Click on your avatar icon ⇒Omnichannel ⇒ Agents button Under Agents settings in the username input select your username and proceed to add yourself as an agent In my case ztff is the admin username Since you added your username as an agent you need to set your status to be available for live chat Ensure the button pointed out below is green to indicate that you are available for online chats Then you need to enable the Rocket Chat embed to run in an iframe on a different domain Click on your account avatar again then open the pages in this sequence Administration ⇒ Settings ⇒General Disable the Restrict access inside any iframe option Finally for basic configurations you need to set up a destination email for offline messages when an agent is not available for live chats and a confirmation message that is displayed when an offline message is sent To do this click on your avatar icon and click on the Administration button then open the Settings page In the settings page search for “omnichannel and open its setting page In the omnichannel settings page click on the Livechat dropdown and update the Email Address to Send Offline Messages and Offline Success Message options Then proceed to save the changes you made Note Not configuring these offline message options would result in the chat widget in your storefront reporting an “invalid email error which can confusing to your store visitors Integrate Rocket Chat with Next js StarterTo integrate Rocket Chat with Next js you need to copy some JavaScript code from Rocket Chat to your storefront To integrate Rocket Chat into your store you need to copy some JavaScript code from Rocket Chat by clicking on the avatar icon and then Omnichannel In Omnichannel click on Livechat Installation In our case only the immediately invoked function expression within the lt script gt tag is needed so you can manually copy and paste it within a Script component s tag that is exported from the next script package in storefront src pages index tsx import Head from modules common components head import FeaturedProducts from modules home components featured products import Hero from modules home components hero import Layout from modules layout templates import ReactElement from react import NextPageWithLayout from types global import Script from next script const Home NextPageWithLayout gt return lt gt lt Script id rocket chat strategy afterInteractive gt paste the javascript code here the immediately invoked function is just an example function lt Script gt lt Head title Home description Shop all available models only at the ACME Worldwide Shipping Secure Payment gt lt Hero gt lt FeaturedProducts gt lt gt Home getLayout page ReactElement gt return lt Layout gt page lt Layout gt export default HomeTo run inline scripts using the Script component they must be written by placing the JavaScript code within template literals and outer curly braces The Script takes a strategy prop to determine when Next js would run the script Test itNow you can see that the live chat widget is functional and visible on the storefront If you chat using the live chat widget you can see the messages on your Rocket Chat dashboard and reply to them instantly ConclusionIn this tutorial you successfully integrated a Rocket Chat live chat widget in your Medusa store and created agents to handle real time chats Make sure to check out Medusa s documentation to learn more about Medusa s features and what can you do using it Should you have any issues or questions related to Medusa then feel free to reach out to the Medusa team via Discord 2022-10-13 11:29:03
海外TECH DEV Community پکیج آموزش تولید محتوا متنی https://dev.to/sanazzoghi/pkhyj-amwzsh-twlyd-mhtw-mtny-108i پکیجآموزشتولیدمحتوامتنیپکیجآموزشتولیدمحتوامتنی بامحوریتکپیرایتینگ تبلیغنویسی وباحمایتتیمدیجیتالمارکتینگرئالرباتآمادهارائهبهعلاقهمنداندرسراسرکشورمیباشد دورهجامعتولیدمحتوایمتنیباتدریسسانازذوقیکارشناستولیدمحتواوسئووب‌سایترئالرباتویژهافرادجویایکاروکسبدرآمداینترنتیطراحیشدهاست باشرکتدرایندورهمجازیکاربردیواشتغالمحورشماتنهابادسترسیبهاینترنتولپتاپیاحتیگوشیموبایلقادربهیادگیریوکسبدرآمددرمنزلبهصورتفریلنسریودورکاریخواهیدبود اگربهفکردرآمدزاییدرمنزلبامهارتتولیدمحتوابهشکلحرفهایوساختنرزومهومسیرزندگیشغلیپیشرفتهودرخشانهستیدفرصتراازدستندهید سرفصل‌هایپکیجآموزشتولیدمحتوامتنی دورهمهارتاشتغالمحورRealContent پکیجآموزشیمحتوانویسواقعیباعنوانرئالکانتنتREAL CONTENT یکپکیجویژهودورهجامعآموزشیکاربردیواشتغالمحورازپلتفرمرئالرباتتبریزمیباشد شناختمهارتتولیدمحتواوپیشنیازهایدوره بررسیمیزاندرآمد،میزانتقاضایبازارودستمزدنویسندگی،مقالهنویسی،وبلاگنویسی،محصولنویسی،تعیینسطحعلاقهواستعداددرنگارشوخلقمحتوا،تعیینروانشناختیشغلمتناسبباروحیهفرد،بررسیمزایایورودبهدنیایوردپرسوسئویمحتوا معرفیابزارهایتولیدمحتوایمتنیاصولترسیموطراحیتقویممحتواییاصولمقالهنویسی ترجمه،بازنویسی،تألیف،ویراستاری تولیدمحتوایمحصولآشناییبامحیطپنلوردپرسافزونههایسئودروردپرسو دیتااینتری شناختمهارتکپیرایتینگ تبلیغنویسی اصولسناریونویسیتبلیغاتی فروشمحور اصولکپشننویسینحوهنوشتنوانتشاررپورتاژآگهی 2022-10-13 11:26:19
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Microsoft 365 fully absorbing long-time Office branding https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/10/13/microsoft-365-fully-absorbing-long-time-office-branding?utm_medium=rss Microsoft fully absorbing long time Office brandingAfter decades of service Microsoft is taking steps to fully absorb the Microsoft Office branding under the Microsoft umbrella across all platforms Word Excel and PowerPoint ceased to be separate apps for iPhone users in when Microsoft brought a single unified Office app to the iPhone That was followed by the iPad version in ーbut for now the MacOS and Windows versions are still called Office Starting in November the company is finishing its Microsoft rebrand to encompass all platforms that the software suite runs on Read more 2022-10-13 11:28:08
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Big Apple TV+ hit shows are coming to Blu-ray starting Oct. 31 https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/10/13/for-all-mankind-and-more-apple-tv-shows-are-coming-to-blu-ray?utm_medium=rss Big Apple TV hit shows are coming to Blu ray starting Oct Apple TV series For All Mankind The Morning Show Truth Be Told and See are to be released on Blu ray and DVD by a UK distributor The TV series Defending Jacob has already had a physical media release and the Apple TV film On the Rocks has too but now a slate of programming is coming to both DVD and Blu ray Starting with the first season of See on October a total of eight releases are planned between then and February According to Twitter user Sigmund Judge the release schedule currently comprises the first and second seasons for these high profile Apple shows Read more 2022-10-13 11:07:42
海外TECH Engadget Sony and Honda will open pre-orders for their first EV in 2025 https://www.engadget.com/sony-honda-open-pre-order-first-ev-in-2025-115039603.html?src=rss Sony and Honda will open pre orders for their first EV in Sony and Honda have announced PDF that they re planning to start accepting pre orders for their first electric vehicle model in the first half of Their joint venture which they ve simply named Sony Honda Mobility Inc SHM is hoping to start deliveries in the United States by spring of In Japan deliveries are expected to begin in the second half of According to Reuters the companies are considering a European launch as well but they have no solid plans for the region at the moment nbsp The companies didn t give us a glimpse of the vehicle they re working on during the event and they didn t mention anything about its pricing or its battery technology and range They did say however that they re planning to focus on online sales like Tesla does and that the first model will have a quot somewhat high price range quot Honda will manufacture their first model at its facility in North America while Sony will be in charge of developing the vehicle s software system and sensors SHM is aiming to develop a Level autonomous driving system which means its cars will eventually have the capability to drive itself in certain conditions Reuters also said that Sony s software system will offer a monthly subscription for entertainment and other services providing SMH with recurring revenue The company is even looking into providing new types of in vehicle entertainment including those based in the metaverse SMH Chairman and CEO Yasuhide Mizuno said during the event that the joint company is quot speedily quot developing its first vehicle He said that SMH can t miss taking pre orders in as the firm believes that year will be a turning point for vehicle electrification nbsp 2022-10-13 11:50:39
海外TECH Engadget The Morning After: Our verdict on the Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro https://www.engadget.com/the-morning-after-our-verdict-on-the-pixel-7-and-pixel-7-pro-111544187.html?src=rss The Morning After Our verdict on the Pixel and Pixel ProYes we ve got full reviews of Google s new flagship phones as well as its first smartwatch The phones fare better than the wearable but we are on the seventh generation of Pixel smartphones so that s to be expected In addition to new software features and Tensor G chip the Pixel Pro gets a number of extra hardware upgrades compared to the standard Pixel There s a longer x telephoto zoom and its ultra wide cam can also take macro shots The Pixel Pro s battery doesn t last quite as long as its smaller cheaper sibling but it will easily last a day But most importantly priced at the Pixel Pro offers more for your money than most of its rivals EngadgetWith the Pixel the specs and hardware haven t changed a ton since last year s device but battery life is good lasting almost hours on our video rundown test It s also got a nicer matte finish compared to the glossy Pro Check out our full review of both phones here Meanwhile we have all the big Microsoft news including early impressions of some new Surface PCs Mat SmithThe biggest stories you might have missed​​Alex Jones ordered to pay million after misinformation campaignMicrosoft Surface Laptop hands on A bare minimum updateIntel will reportedly lay off thousands of employees as PC sales slowApple iCloud photo libraries will soon be viewable in WindowsOoni s Fyra pizza oven is cheaper than ever for Prime DayElizabeth Warren presses Texas on crypto miners energy useGoogle Pixel Watch reviewGoogle and Fitbit s imperfect marriage EngadgetThe Pixel Watch well just feels good As Engadget s Cherlynn Low puts it it s like a “smooth shiny pebble As a smartwatch though The software is competent and Fitbit s health tracking integrations are excellent Unfortunately the Pixel Watch has a relatively short battery life and a Fitbit Premium paywall barricades many health metrics But if you re looking for an Android friendly wearable that feels as premium as Apple this might be it Continue reading Microsoft s Surface Studio gets th gen Intel chips and RTX graphicsNo you didn t read that CPU model wrong MicrosoftIt s been four years since we got the Surface Studio Microsoft s flexible all in one PC Now it s time for a er mild upgrade The Surface Studio is indeed significantly faster than before thanks to Intel s th gen CPU and NVIDIA s RTX graphics But we ve also spent most of this year being impressed by Intel s terrific th gen hybrid chips which deliver vastly better performance than th gen CPUs It s not called the Surface Studio for a reason I guess but prices still start at Continue reading Microsoft Surface Pro hands onCan Intel and ARM models live in harmony The Surface Pro is pretty much what we expected a jump up to Intel s th gen CPUs But Microsoft surprised us with a huge shakeup for its tablet PCs There s also a Surface Pro running a custom SQ ARM chip which includes built in G Choices Either way you re getting tablet PCs that can easily transform into functional laptops with their keyboard cases The SQ Arm model also has a few features the Intel version doesn t thanks to its neural processor That includes some real time enhancements to video chats like blurring your background According to Microsoft it s possible to bring those features to Intel chips when they have their own neural chips but unfortunately those aren t available in Intel s current lineup Continue reading Scientists got lab grown human brain cells to play Pong But how long until they can play Doom Ollie Millington via Getty ImagesResearchers who grew a brain cell culture in a lab claim they taught the cells to play a version of Pong Scientists from a biotech startup called Cortical Labs say it s the first demonstrated example of a quot mini brain quot being taught to carry out goal directed tasks DishBrain received a strong and consistent feedback signal effectively a form of stimulus when the paddle hit the ball and a short random pulse when it missed Apparently after playing Pong for minutes the culture improved at the game Continue reading Roku is moving into smart home techIt s launching a video doorbell cameras and smart bulbs Roku is expanding beyond home theater setups and into smart home devices The initial batch of Roku Smart Home products which it collaborated on with Wyze includes a smart doorbell cameras smart bulbs smart light strips and smart plugs The company didn t reveal specs for the devices in advance but previous reports suggested they are rebadged versions of Wyze products including Cam v Cam Pan V and Bulb Color You ll also be able to use the Roku Voice Remote to bring up live camera feeds on your TV Roku didn t offer a breakdown of pricing but said its cameras quot start below quot Continue reading Microsoft made a hybrid speaker and laptop hubListen to music and meetings It s always nice to see something beyond what we d expect from Microsoft Microsoft has unveiled an Audio Dock that as the name implies combines a speaker with a laptop hub The design centers on an omni directional speakerphone and includes a W USB C connection for charging your computer two regular USB C ports an HDMI jack and a single USB A port The company is leaning heavily on the Audio Dock s usefulness for meetings whether that s from the office or the home office You ll find large dedicated buttons for the microphone toggle handy for working from home and launching Teams Because Microsoft Continue reading 2022-10-13 11:15:44
医療系 医療介護 CBnews 入院患者数8週連続減、第7波ピーク時の25%に-東京都がコロナモニタリング会議の専門家意見公表 https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20221013202222 入院患者 2022-10-13 20:35:00
医療系 医療介護 CBnews 規制改革、医療アプリ促進へ政府内で調整-経済対策にらみ月内決着 https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20221013201142 医療機器 2022-10-13 20:30:00
医療系 医療介護 CBnews 初動対応の減収補償、医療機関の種別・類型を問わず-新たな感染症で厚労省 https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20221013200903 医療機関 2022-10-13 20:25:00
医療系 医療介護 CBnews 健康保険証廃止しマイナンバーカードと一体化へ-河野大臣が発表、医療DXの基盤整備が必要 https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20221013200034 健康保険証 2022-10-13 20:15:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Changing PM would be disastrous, warns foreign secretary https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-63240203?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA changing 2022-10-13 11:44:55
ニュース BBC News - Home Lucy Letby trial: Murder-accused nurse wrote 'I am evil', trial told https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-63238989?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA hears 2022-10-13 11:27:29
ニュース BBC News - Home Edenfield Centre: Minister backs public inquiry over abuse https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-63237247?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA abusean 2022-10-13 11:05:46
ニュース BBC News - Home Rugby League World Cup: Dominic Young set for England debut against Samoa https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/rugby-league/63242895?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA newcastle 2022-10-13 11:40:32
北海道 北海道新聞 ミサイル発射想定 滝川市が独自避難訓練 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/744943/ 弾道ミサイル 2022-10-13 20:32:24
北海道 北海道新聞 貨物新幹線「検討に期待」 JR北海道社長 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/744987/ 定例記者会見 2022-10-13 20:25:00
北海道 北海道新聞 アインHD大谷社長が講演 北海道経営未来塾 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/744985/ 長内順一 2022-10-13 20:23:00
北海道 北海道新聞 留萌管内41人、宗谷管内24人感染 新型コロナ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/744986/ 宗谷管内 2022-10-13 20:23:00
北海道 北海道新聞 ホテルに「キハ40形」 JRイン函館、客室に座席や運転台 14日から予約 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/744965/ 運転 2022-10-13 20:22:59
北海道 北海道新聞 カラフトマス漁、漁獲量過去最低 オホーツク管内 前年比62%減 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/744984/ 過去最低 2022-10-13 20:22:00
北海道 北海道新聞 田嶋会長、FIFA理事選に抱負 AFC選出で、3選目指し https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/744983/ 日本サッカー協会 2022-10-13 20:21:00
北海道 北海道新聞 上司刺傷 傷害罪適用の裁判員判決破棄 札幌高裁が差し戻し「殺意認められる」 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/744980/ 殺人未遂罪 2022-10-13 20:18:00
海外TECH reddit [3.2 BETA] 3.1.54 has been pushed out via Sagiri https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/y2vulk/32_beta_3154_has_been_pushed_out_via_sagiri/ BETA has been pushed out via Sagiri submitted by u rice guardian to r Genshin Impact Leaks link comments 2022-10-13 11:06:24



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