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IT 気になる、記になる… Microsoft、「Windows 11」にフローティングタスクバーを導入?? https://taisy0.com/2022/10/13/163576.html microsoft 2022-10-13 12:58:58
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita IPアドレスをPythonでいい感じにソートする2つの方法 https://qiita.com/aikamanami11/items/4e8348d7369d9dadb1c4 方法 2022-10-13 21:37:42
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Anaconda3 + Python】SpyderユーザーがVSCodeに乗り換えた時の手順まとめ https://qiita.com/stwuiwmoc/items/45e07bb93b53414526af anacondapython 2022-10-13 21:32:00
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita COCO形式(json)の物体検出アノテーションファイルを、yolo形式(txt)に変換するスニペット https://qiita.com/john-rocky/items/29badbc8c1d86558978e centerxcenterywidthheight 2022-10-13 21:24:41
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Node-RED MCU EditionでIoTしてみた。 https://qiita.com/kitazaki/items/83a2d0af01224e7d2ff0 httpmqtt 2022-10-13 21:42:50
golang Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita golangにbool型のXOR演算子がない https://qiita.com/daisei-yoshino/items/0efb831e382a849368a0 言語 2022-10-13 21:19:18
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [Rails] モデル名.newってなんぞや[初心者向け] https://qiita.com/rikugame/items/b884e7e8883c4c0cccc4 rails 2022-10-13 21:27:59
海外TECH MakeUseOf Android Found to Be Leaking Data Even with VPN On https://www.makeuseof.com/android-leaking-data-with-vpn-on/ android 2022-10-13 12:36:02
海外TECH MakeUseOf The 5 Best Read-It-Later Apps https://www.makeuseof.com/best-read-it-later-apps/ appsread 2022-10-13 12:30:13
海外TECH MakeUseOf The History Behind Shazam, the Biggest App to Identify Music https://www.makeuseof.com/the-history-of-shazam/ The History Behind Shazam the Biggest App to Identify MusicWe all use Shazam but did you know the service is older than smartphones This is the history behind one of the biggest search engines in the world 2022-10-13 12:15:14
海外TECH DEV Community Do you track any personal health data? If so, what and how? https://dev.to/ben/do-you-track-any-personal-health-data-if-so-what-and-how-1cib Do you track any personal health data If so what and how I m curious about any standard data you track with a watch or smart scale etc but also anybody who does anything above and beyond in this regard Also ーwhat do you do with the data Which services do you use for aggregation and visualization or do you work with any of the data directly as a programmer 2022-10-13 12:58:30
海外TECH DEV Community Should You Learn Front-end or Back-end Development First? https://dev.to/bootdotdev/should-you-learn-front-end-or-back-end-development-first-408h Should You Learn Front end or Back end Development First So you want to get into web development and you keep hearing about front end and back end positions The question is which should you learn first As someone who s held both front end and back end positions and even been a hiring manager read on and I ll give you my thoughts There isn t a right answer but there is a better oneTo be clear it s the wild west out here In tech as long as you re willing to put in the reps you can teach yourself to code and get any kind of programming job that you want However your learning path and career trajectory will be much more efficient if you re smart And with that we come to the most important factor when deciding whether to learn front end or back end first Which do you like more Which do you like more Front end or back end development Because you can start with either one the most important question is what do you enjoy most If you like building user interfaces buttons animations dropdown menus that sort of thing then you might prefer front end work On the other hand if you like data networking clever algorithms and systems architecture you might really love a back end role The beautiful thing about web development is that even if you specialize you can always make a change later Just because you start by becoming a back end engineer doesn t mean you can t become a front end developer later which is a good thing because that s exactly what I did There are more back end positions out thereIf you re a bit on the fence maybe you don t have a strong preference for data or for visuals then the next things to consider have to do with the state of the job market According to the last StackOverflow developer survey of developers have back end responsibilities while only have front end duties There are simply more back end devs out there which means there are more positions that you yourself could potentially fill Back end positions pay a bit moreAgain we can take a look at the latest Stack Overflow data to see that back end positions pay a median of in the US while front end positions pay about I don t think this is the most important data point to base a career decision on after all the numbers are fairly close It s important to keep in mind that there are plenty of individual front end devs who earn more than individual back end devs we re looking at median salaries here Again money isn t everything and the numbers are close but the primary reason we show up to work in the morning is for that sweet sweet cash so you should be aware of this data If you re curious about how much software engineers earn in general read more here The tech stack for front end is smallerOne point in favor of starting with front end development is that the amount of technologies you need to learn is fewer at least by a bit For example the critical technologies and concepts for many front end devs include HTMLCSSJavaScriptReact or another modern framework HTTP APIs basic networkingBecoming a back end developer is a bit more involved You need to learn things like Golang or another back end language like JavaScript Python or Java Databases like SQL or MongoHTTP APIs basic networkingAlgorithms and Data StructuresSystems thinking and architectureBasic devops skills like deployments and infrastructureI d estimate that it takes about longer to learn back end development than front end but that s a rough estimate I believe it takes between months to learn the skills you ll need for a back end job so learning front end can probably happen in as little as months The competition for back end positions is lowerI wish I could find better data on this if you know of a more quantitative resource I can cite here please let me know That said at the last companies I worked at if we opened a position for front end engineers we were getting applicants Conversely when I opened a position for my own back end team we would get about My belief is that due to the slightly shorter learning path to becoming a front end dev the majority of entry level programmers go that route It s important to understand because it means that if you decide to take a back end learning path you ll have a higher chance of placement at the end Front end work will give you more exposure to usersOnce final point I want to bring up in favor of learning front end development first is that as a front end developer you ll get to interact more closely with users and the end product There are main benefits to this If you ever want to start your own company you ll already have experience with product designYou ll have more chances to interact with the non engineering side of the businessLike I mentioned and the outset the most important thing when deciding if you should learn front end or back end development first is which do you enjoy more What interests you From there I hope that some of this data can help you make the decision that s best for you your career your family and your future Good luck 2022-10-13 12:40:52
海外TECH DEV Community Créer un site web responsive avec Bootstrap https://dev.to/codingteam/creer-un-site-web-responsive-avec-bootstrap-p6p Créer un site web responsive avec BootstrapTout le monde veut créer un site Web compatible avec tous les appareils tels que les ordinateurs les ordinateurs portables les tablettes et les mobiles Donc pour rendre un site Web réactif le meilleur moyen est de créer un site Web en utilisant Bootstrap Comme il s agit d un site Web d une seule page lorsque vous cliquez sur n importe quel menu du site Web il vous atteindra vers une section spécifique Lire ici 2022-10-13 12:31:08
海外TECH DEV Community Why you should prefer using pnpm ? https://dev.to/refine/why-you-should-prefer-using-pnpm--2114 Why you should prefer using pnpm Author Muhammad Khabbab IntroductionA package manager is responsible for installing updating and removing software packages and dependencies NPM has been widely used as the standard package manager for Javascript however companies are quickly adopting the pnpm package manager due to its immense benefits Steps we ll cover What is pnpm Why not npm or yarn How does pnpm solve these problems Advantages of pnpmDisk space efficiencyImproved speedSecuritypnpm CLIMigrating from NPM Yarn to PNPM What is pnpm pnpm is a drop in replacement for npm It is built on top of npm and is much faster and more efficient than its predecessor It is highly disk efficient and solves inherent issues in npm In this article we will discuss pnpm in detail We will explain how it works and will go through why pnpm is a perfect replacement for npm or yarn Let s start with discussing the issues in existing package managers Why not npm or yarn Npm uses flattened node modules The flattened dependency results in many issues such as The algorithm for flattening a dependency tree is complex Some of the packages have to be duplicated inside another project s node modules folder Modules have access to packages they do not depend onLet s explain this with a basic example One of your projects needs an express module and express has a dependency package named “debug This is how the structure of node modules will look like Figure Example project dependenciesYour code can require debug even if you do not depend on it explicitly in the package json file Let s discuss two scenarios that can cause issues Express updates its debug dependency with breaking changes Express does not depend on debug anymore In both cases your code will fail because it has an implicit dependency to debug That is a big problem Similarly if you work with a large monorepo then it will be much more difficult to track particular dependencies a project uses Duplicate packages are another issue here Now yarn is slightly better in terms of optimizing disk space as it makes use of hoistings however that approach fails in some cases How does pnpm solve these problems pnpm uses hard links and symlinks to maintain a semistrict node modules structure So what s the difference between a hard link and a soft link Well a hard link is a different reference to the same file In soft link you create a new file and the contents of the file point to another path Symlinks are symbolic links that pnpm uses to create a nested structure of dependencies Let s see the pnpm version of the express and node modules discussed in the previous section Figure project structure with pnpmThe above picture shows the directory structure of your project files The first thing you will notice is that your code cannot access the “debug package because it is not directly under the root level node modules directory pnpm has created a special folder named “ pnpm that contains hard links to all the modules If you look at express the express module is a hard link to the global pnpm store and a debug symbolic link to the debug hard link that also links to the global pnpm store Below is the image of the actual pnpm store which contains the packages This is where all the downloaded dependencies are maintained When you download a dependency pnpm first checks whether the dependency is present in this store or not If it finds the dependency in the store pnpm fetches it by creating a hard link Figure Global pnpm storeBecause of this approach pnpm re uses the same packages if they are already installed for another project This brings us to the many benefits which pnpm provides Let s discuss some of those Advantages of pnpmpnpm provides many advantages over npm and yarn Some of the core features include Disk space efficiencyAs shown in the previous section pnpm uses a content addressable file system to store the packages and dependencies on the disk That means the same package will not be duplicated Even with different versions of the same package pnpm is intelligent enough to reuse the maximum code If a package version has files and version has just one more file then pnpm will not write files for version instead it will create a hard link to the original files and write just the new file If you compare it with npm then version will also be loaded with duplicating the original files For large monorepo projects it can make a big difference Image a scenario where a package is needed by hundreds of other packages that will be killing your disk space unless you use pnpm Improved speedThe speed of package installation with pnpm is significantly better than npm and yarn If you look at the below benchmark tests you can see that pnpm performs better in most cases than npm and yarn source Securitypnpm like yarn has a special file with the checksum of all the installed packages This ensures the integrity of all the installed packages before their code is executed In terms of unprivileged access pnpm also outperforms npm and yarn In the case of npm and yarn If package A depends on package B and B depends on C then A implicitly gets access to C even though A has not declared C as its dependency This problem is intensified in a large monorepo setup Pnpm on the other hand uses a different dependency resolution algorithm and different folder structure of node modules that prevents illegal access to packages Note that pnpm has excellent support for monorepo and offline mode pnpm CLIPnpm has a cool CLI Here are some of the basic commands pnpm init Create a package json file pnpm install Download all the packages listed as dependencies in package json pnpm add module name version Download a particular version of a package and add to the list of dependencies in package json pnpm remove module name Uninstall and remove a package from the list of dependencies in package json pnpm list Print a tree of locally installed modules Migrating from NPM Yarn to PNPMIf your projects use npm or yarn then migrating to pnpm will not be very difficult Here is a comparison of commands between npm yarn and pnpm npm commandYarn commandpnpm equivalentnpm installyarnpnpm installnpm install pkg yarn add pkg pnpm add pkg npm uninstall pkg yarn remove pkg pnpm remove pkg npm updateyarn upgradepnpm updatenpm listyarn listpnpm listnpm run scriptName yarn scriptName pnpm scriptName npx command yarn dlx command pnpm dlx command npm execyarn exec commandName pnpm exec commandName npm init initializer yarn create initializer pnpm create initializer ConclusionPnpm is “performant version of npm hence the name pnpm This article showed you the issues with existing package managers like npm and yarn pnpm has brought many improvements built on top of existing npm features pnpm has adopted all the good things of npm while removing its weaknesses making pnpm the best of both worlds As shown in the above benchmark results pnpm has overall performed much better than npm and yarn No wonder giant tech companies like Vue Prism and Microsoft are quickly adopting pnpm Stop wasting your time copy pasting your table code all over your application Meet the headless React based solution to build sleek CRUD applications With refine you can be confident that your codebase will always stay clean and boilerplate free Try refine to rapidly build your next CRUD project whether it s an admin panel dashboard internal tool or storefront refine is an open source React based framework for building CRUD applications without constraints It s headless by design and seamlessly works with any custom design or UI framework you favor For convenience it ships with ready made integrations for Ant Design System Material UI and Mantine UI It can speed up your development time up to X without compromising freedom on styling customization and project workflow Visit refine GitHub repository for more information demos tutorials and example projects 2022-10-13 12:23:06
海外TECH DEV Community On-premise vs SaaS: What to Choose and When? https://dev.to/kateryna_pakhomova/on-premise-vs-saas-what-to-choose-and-when-31k9 On premise vs SaaS What to Choose and When The original article was written by SoftFormance My customers and business partners often ask me what to choose between SaaS and on premise software development Usually I respond with a story of two entrepreneurs The first one John wanted to develop a patient management platform for healthcare businesses The second entrepreneur Alex decided to launch a content management system for marketing companies John decided to go with a cloud based SaaS solution Very soon he recognized that medical companies were very suspicious about his platform s security Besides one potential client told John that he was unwilling to use a SaaS platform because of security regulations This client had to use a solution for storing tons of personal patient data and he wasn t recommended to use cloud solutions hosted by a third party That s when John came to realize that choosing a SaaS architecture could be a mistake At the same time Alex rapidly grew his service and expanded its target market He decided to upgrade the content management platform by adding some new features Unfortunately this took Alex too much time His team had to prepare upgrades for all on premise versions of his app installed on the computers of his customers This was challenging and time consuming So Alex started to doubt his on premise choice So what is the moral of the story Both SaaS and on premise solutions can be right or wrong and everything depends on your needs and the needs of your target customers And if you want to learn what kind of software to run in your specific case make sure to read this article Here you will find a comprehensive comparison of on premise vs SaaS software architecture that will help you decide on which way to choose Prepare your copybook for taking notes and let s get started The Difference between On premise and SaaSI will start with a general clarification of the two terms On prem solutions these are platforms that are installed locally on the customer s hardware A provider offers such software to its customers and sometimes provides them with support and upgrade packages A perfect example of on premises software is Microsoft Office Customers can install a desktop version of their product receive upgrades and update the system locally from time to time As for SaaS Software as a Service it is a business model where a third party provider hosts a platform with particular services And its customers buy access to these services usually on a subscription basis In most cases SaaS platforms are cloud based and provide excellent availability A perfect example of a SaaS platform would be Slack It provides communication channels and chat management options to businesses that purchase its subscription packages So basically the main difference between SaaS and on premise software architecture is in the fact that one is hosted on the cloud while the second is hosted locally And for sure both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages High Level Competitive Advantages of On premiseThe idea of running an on premise app brings you a few valuable high level benefits Here I will focus on the ones that come into mind first Licensing IncomesConsider the example of Microsoft The company provides its software products to all customers but they should have an active license to keep it running on their hardware In simple words you provide the customers with a permission key that unlocks the platform s functionality And if you want to apply a tiered system you can offer different licenses that unlock completely different functionality sets Contrarily to SaaS tracking those licenses and their expiration is completely the customer s business Less MaintenanceMost SaaS businesses have to handle all the maintenance of the provided software Consider the example of Salesforce If something about this platform crashes the provider has to handle all the issues Meanwhile if there s a problem with the customer s on premise platform such as Microsoft Office the customer may be required to handle it by oneself This means that you should put much less effort into platform support and maintenance High Level SaaS Differentiated BenefitsNow let s clarify some high level benefits of running a SaaS solution You can find more information on this topic in our recent article on BB SaaS development Here I will briefly enumerate some essential points High Customer Lifetime ValueThe first great advantage applies to BB SaaS development As your customers are business owners who feel comfortable with a highly available SaaS platform they are ready to pay a significant cost for your services Therefore the customer lifetime value is rather high Excellent Customer RetentionAnd their retention is high as well After all a business owner that has tuned up his processes according to your platform s functionality may be very unlikely to switch to another SaaS platform A great example is Solvenzio a fintech industry SaaS that allows business owners to check for the credibility of their partners This platform which by the way has been developed by my team builds on customers getting used to its functionality and interface The platform does its job so well the users don t even need to think of any alternatives And that s how customer retention should work Marketing OpportunitiesOne more high level benefit of SaaS platforms is their popularity Never underestimate the value of market trends If SaaS platforms are popular some customers definitely know this and would be more likely to rely on exactly such products Anyway you have a great bunch of SaaS selling points that will help you ensure SaaS marketing On prem vs SaaS Features ComparisonNow let s dive deeper into our comparison It s just about time to discuss and compare more specific features of SaaS and On premise platforms within the context of running such a platform The table below illustrates the basic differences between the two SaaS on premise comparison by critical featuresSaaS Scalability Customization Deployment and Access Technology Requirements On prem Security and Compliance Let s compare the two software types feature by feature in more detail ScalabilitySaaS technologies provide great space for scalability because any app may be easily scaled up or down on demand Often they are created with built up scalability options So you as a SaaS provider can easily scale your platform once any customer needs it I can mention the example of Dropbox The architecture of the platform enables you to easily scale it up for specific customers each time they purchase more space or services And there s nothing challenging about such changes There s a single server hosting everything and its capacity is immense So each time you want to scale the platform up for a specific customer you just do it on the server side And that s all Meanwhile when you run an on premise solution you should send all your customers platform upgrades that they have to install Or you may even need to get access to their servers to ensure quality scaling And don t forget about the limited capacities of on prem servers If you think that it is only your customer s pain you re dead wrong Just think that your customers will switch to another solution when they see that their servers are no longer capable of coping with your data loads So an on prem platform may be not the best solution if you want to provide your users with smooth scalability CustomizationSome people say that SaaS is not the best solution in terms of customizability But It generally applies to customers who cannot customize SaaS platforms such as Ubersuggest according to their needs Meanwhile if you re the guy running a SaaS platform customization will actually be not so challenging to you At least you can just add and deploy a new feature on a single server and all your customers will receive it For example if the founder of Ubersuggest decides to add settings for more specific organic keyword searches he just implements this feature on one s server And when all the users access this web platform from their devices the feature will already be there Sounds convenient Right and there s also a great contrast between the way you customize a SaaS platform and an on prem solution Just like with scalability you may upgrade the platform by delivering all your licensed users upgrade files and patches that they will need to install At least this is the way SDL Trados Studio a popular translation platform for personal computers upgrades itself Or you may interact with multiple local servers to enhance your on prem app for all the customers And there may be a lot of work to do So just like with scalability SaaS platforms win over on premise software in terms of customizability At least when it comes to the software providers perspective Security and ComplianceThat s when things start to become more challenging for SaaS providers Most of us heard about the excellent security provided by the cloud And in most cases such arguments are relevant The world s biggest cloud providers invest millions in development and implementation of the most efficient security practices However this means less control because you need to rely on a third party to keep a platform safe Besides some customers can feel much less confident when they depend on a remote server that stores their data And sometimes this data is really sensitive Finally one of the biggest issues about SaaS platforms is compliance Some governmental organizations banks or entities that ensure security regulations may consider such solutions not secure enough to stand up to their standards If you think that those organizations are not your target audience and there are no problems with this there are chances that you re wrong For example your customer can interact with such organizations And if they consider a partner with a SaaS system to be not reliable enough they won t cooperate with him You won t find such situations too often In most cases SaaS solutions won t face any security or compliance problems But I must admit on premise solutions win here At least you can fortify your vital on prem Windows Office infrastructure by installing additional firewalls and security tools The space for such security optimization is great Most of these highly official and solid guys in suits that represent governmental entities or regulation compliance agencies clearly understand this That s why they prefer on premise solutions over SaaS platforms What is my recommendation for this part Carefully consider your target audience and its interactions In most cases you will easily go with a SaaS solution but if you want to work with more “official guys on prem may be a better choice Deployment and AccessThe accessibility part is what should concern your customer more Here it goes about their convenience And that s where SaaS platforms that can be accessed via the Internet from almost any device rule As for on premise solutions your customers can access them only from authorized devices Usually it goes about using the devices where desktop versions of the on prem system are installed As for you a software founder cloud based SaaS platforms are usually more accessible to you than systems installed on the customer s premises Is it something really valuable to you Do you really need to have access to customer data and systems except for some maintenance cases Besides limited access to the customer s on prem solutions means that you take much less responsibility for maintaining their software So I would say that system accessibility is not a top priority issue for you as a SaaS or on prem software provider Another question is system deployment In this regard SaaS solutions prove to be much simpler than on prem systems For example Confluence Cloud is deployed on AWS cloud servers There s no need to redeploy it each time you get a new customer Instead you provide this customer with access to all your services that have already been deployed Meanwhile on prem solutions require separate software deployment for all customers For example they need to tune up and deploy the on prem version of Confluence on their servers and adjust them to their systems So here we have a seemingly evident victory of SaaS apps over on prem solutions The only thing is that you as a software founder do not necessarily have to handle on prem customer deployments Sometimes you just need to deliver the newest version of your software product to the customer and they will handle the rest Still get ready to consult your customers on on premises deployment questions So still I would say that this part of on prem and SaaS comparison is won by SaaS solutions Technology RequirementsJust like in the previous point of comparison this question is more relevant to your customers But it also matters to you because strict technology requirements are what can distract many potential customers from your solution Getting straight to the point SaaS solutions help you stay on the safe side in terms of tech requirements They run online and the customer can access them from almost any device If your customer is not using a computer that has witnessed mammoths and dinosaurs they will have no problem running Adobe Creative Cloud which is a great example of a visual design SaaS platform This online software may require the users to install some additional plugins but it will generally fit any customer with stable access to the Internet So if you re running a SaaS solution neither you nor your customers shouldn t bother yourselves with the question of tech requirements too much Meanwhile on premise solutions can have particular tech demands to the devices they re installed on Even such popular platforms as Adobe Photoshop may not run on all devices All is about some tech inconsistencies and tech stuff that makes the real difference This brings you as a software founder two significant challenges First of all your platform becomes less accessible to the audience Secondly you may try making your on prem platform more compatible with various devices And this means even more work and challenges That s why I place a checkmark near SaaS solutions when it comes to this part of on premise vs SaaS comparison In ConclusionSo the final question that concerns you the most is the same is launching a SaaS platform better than running an on prem platform Looking at the feature by feature comparison above I d say that SaaS is really a better solution There are cases where you cannot go with SaaS and should accept on prem platforms Yes I m talking about projects that involve official regulations and extreme security demands But in out of cases you may go with a good SaaS But how to develop it the right way And what you should do if you re from the that require on prem The answer is simple ーfind a reliable software development partner SoftFormance is ready to become one Just check out our portfolio and you will see that we re a real deal So don t hesitate to contact me if you have a great idea for a SaaS or on prem product You ll see that both variants may sparkle if handled by the right hands And remember people need your software FAQPrivate cloud and public cloud ーwhat s the difference between types of cloud deployments Private cloud is a cloud that is entirely taken and managed by a specific organization Meanwhile a public cloud is accessed by various users by subscription Can I use SaaS and on premise at the same time Yes there may be SaaS on premise solutions However SaaS will be hosted by a third party provider while traditional on premise platforms are hosted in house What are the basic technology requirements for using SaaS and on premise To use SaaS a customer should have a stable Internet connection and a web browser supplied with some plugins usually very basic Meanwhile on premise solutions can set more specific tech requirements to hardware 2022-10-13 12:20:54
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Daily deals Oct. 13: $100 off M2 MacBook Air, $150 off Sennheiser Momentum headphones, up to $400 off Cannon cameras, more https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/10/13/daily-deals-oct-13-100-off-m2-macbook-air-150-off-sennheiser-momentum-headphones-up-to-400-off-cannon-cameras-more?utm_medium=rss Daily deals Oct off M MacBook Air off Sennheiser Momentum headphones up to off Cannon cameras moreThursday s best deals include off an LG inch TV prices as low as for iPads and MacBooks in a Woot scratch and dent sale and much more Best deals October AppleInsider checks online stores daily to uncover discounts and offers on hardware and other products including Apple devices smart TVs accessories and other items The best offers are compiled into our regular list for our readers to use and save money Read more 2022-10-13 12:56:37
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News TSMC getting exemption from strict US tech export laws https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/10/13/tsmc-getting-exemption-from-strict-us-tech-export-laws?utm_medium=rss TSMC getting exemption from strict US tech export lawsRight after the company recorded record profits mostly generated by iPhone processor production Apple chip partner TSMC has also announced that it has been granted an exemption from new US laws prohibiting high tech manufacturing gear exports to China During its announcement of record breaking earnings for the third quarter TSMC also revealed that it has been granted a one year exemption from the new law This means TSMC joins Samsung and SK Hynix in getting the exemption The new US law prohibits the export of what is described as advanced technology to firms based in China It broadly means that while older technology may still be sold to the country new tech may not Read more 2022-10-13 12:03:55
海外科学 NYT > Science Secrets Preserved in the Skin of Dakota the ‘Dino Mummy’ https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/12/science/dino-mummy-skin-dakota.html explanation 2022-10-13 12:24:48
海外科学 NYT > Science Inside the Global Effort to Keep Perfectly Good Food Out of the Dump https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/13/climate/global-food-waste-solutions.html Inside the Global Effort to Keep Perfectly Good Food Out of the DumpAround the world lawmakers and entrepreneurs are taking steps to tackle two of humanity s most pressing problems hunger and climate change 2022-10-13 12:07:52
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ニュース BBC News - Home Republic of Ireland: Uefa to investigate women's players over pro-IRA chant https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/63242412?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Republic of Ireland Uefa to investigate women x s players over pro IRA chantUefa opens an investigation into potential inappropriate behaviour by Republic of Ireland women s players after their win over Scotland 2022-10-13 12:02:17
ニュース BBC News - Home Fabrice Muamba: Snapchat CPR lessons will save lives https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-63241930?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA arrest 2022-10-13 12:34:30
ニュース BBC News - Home Channel migrants: Smugglers claim boat shortages affecting crossings https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-63229010?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA camps 2022-10-13 12:01:28



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