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IT 気になる、記になる… Satechi、6ポートに拡張可能な新型USB-Cハブ「Satechi USB-C モバイル Pro ハブ」を発売 https://taisy0.com/2022/10/13/163583.html usbcpd 2022-10-13 13:24:19
AWS AWS Startups Blog How Pieces Technologies leverages AWS services to predict patient outcomes https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/startups/how-pieces-technologies-leverages-aws-services-to-predict-patient-outcomes/ How Pieces Technologies leverages AWS services to predict patient outcomesPieces Technologies Inc Pieces a healthcare and life sciences startup is blazing a trail in the predictive AI ML space Pieces is a software as a service SaaS based AI platform integrated into a hospital s electronic health record EHR Their mission is to improve care by providing clinical insights along the patient journey They offer predictions of health events such as projected discharge dates anticipated clinical and non clinical barriers to discharge and risk of readmission before they occur Pieces also provides insights to healthcare providers in natural language and optimize the overall clarity of the patient s clinical issues so care teams can work more efficiently 2022-10-13 13:41:03
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【備忘録】Djangoでサーバー起動時にsqlite3のインポートエラーが出る https://qiita.com/zektbach_0310/items/676433fdf8cd8edf7e77 managepyrunserverwatching 2022-10-13 22:41:47
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita pydanticで設定ファイルのバリデーションをする https://qiita.com/nkoguchi/items/8c6f5d90bd4b4d789ba5 basesettings 2022-10-13 22:12:42
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita mongoengineでmongodbにデータを作成する https://qiita.com/nkoguchi/items/e0aba3fa4f1ace6e5a2f mongodb 2022-10-13 22:04:59
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita mysql: [Warning] World-writable config file '/etc/mysql/conf.d/my.cnf' is ignored. 気になる https://qiita.com/syisdreaming/items/1c7a607de2e0a98794ce config 2022-10-13 22:14:26
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【EC2,Git】fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at ...のエラーについて https://qiita.com/Co-0/items/76f8c4f0eb806e2719f8 dubious 2022-10-13 22:05:33
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Webpacker::Manifest::MissingEntryErrorの解決 https://qiita.com/kkosuke/items/f25c92591bf1bec0926b manifestmissingentryerror 2022-10-13 22:23:58
海外TECH MakeUseOf Can You Leave a Twitter Circle? https://www.makeuseof.com/can-you-leave-twitter-circle/ twitter 2022-10-13 13:45:14
海外TECH MakeUseOf Anyone Can Hack Your Snapchat—Here's How to Stop Them https://www.makeuseof.com/how-to-hack-snapchat/ snapchat 2022-10-13 13:45:14
海外TECH MakeUseOf 6 Great Strategy Games You Can Play on Your Mac https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/10-great-strategy-games-play-mac/ games 2022-10-13 13:45:14
海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Make a Microwave Radar Motion Sensor for Your Smart Home https://www.makeuseof.com/microwave-radar-motion-sensor-smart-home/ How to Make a Microwave Radar Motion Sensor for Your Smart HomeWith a microwave radar sensor you can detect motion and the presence of people Find how to build one and add it to your smart home setup 2022-10-13 13:30:15
海外TECH MakeUseOf 10 Interesting Facts You Never Knew About Netflix https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/interesting-facts-never-knew-about-netflix/ companies 2022-10-13 13:15:14
海外TECH MakeUseOf Sihoo M90D Review: Ergonomic Office Chair Is Great Value https://www.makeuseof.com/sihoo-m90d-review/ chair 2022-10-13 13:05:14
海外TECH DEV Community Space Shooter Game with SDL2 and Odin - Part 2 - Render Player https://dev.to/patrickodacre/space-shooter-game-with-sdl2-and-odin-part-2-render-player-119g Space Shooter Game with SDL and Odin Part Render Player Part Rendering an ImageGithub RepoYouTube VideoYouTube ChannelSDL Image LibrarySDL Core LibraryOdin DocumentationRendering an image requires initialization of the SDL Image library Steps to Render an ImageInitialize SDL Image for the asset file types you want to use Load a TextureKeep that Texture in an Entity struct that also tracks the entity s position SDL RenderCopy to draw the entity to the scene before SDL RenderPresent SDL Image Init The Image library extends the core library to allow for using png images when we use the SDL Image INIT PNG flag SDL Image LoadTexture In cases where you re rendering for d and you do NOT have to manipulate an image other than resizing and changing position LoadTexture is the most efficient way to load an image asset See player texture SDL Image LoadTexture game renderer assets player png assert player texture nil SDL GetErrorString SDL Image LoadTexture will return nil on an error so it is a good idea to check that before continuing with our code There is a mistake in the code below and you may not understand why your player png isn t loading if you didn t use an assert here try using an assert here to see the problem player texture SDL Image LoadTexture game renderer assets player png Entity structEntity structs are a simple way to keep track of entity positions and their loaded textures which you need for subsequent calls to SDL RenderCopy Entity struct tex SDL Texture dest SDL Rect If you re using a sprite sheet with many sprites you will also need to keep track of the source position of the image on the sprite sheet Entity struct tex SDL Texture source SDL Rect dest SDL Rect At this point in our code we do not need to track a source because we re loading the entire image SDL RenderCopy Because we are loading the entire image we can pass nil to the SDL RenderCopy function in place of the source SDL Rect struct SDL RenderCopy game renderer game player tex nil amp game player dest SDL RenderCopy is called after all inputs are handled and any updates are made to the player struct s position 2022-10-13 13:20:29
海外TECH DEV Community Getting Bundling Superpowers Using Codegen https://dev.to/florianrappl/getting-bundling-superpowers-using-codegen-2no8 Getting Bundling Superpowers Using CodegenPhoto by TK on UnsplashNo matter if you write a frontend application a backend application or some tooling in JavaScript or TypeScript you ll eventually end up with a bundler to actually optimize your assets for delivery Bundling can not only transpile files such as going from TypeScript to JavaScript combine multiple files concatenating different modules by wrapping them in functions and remove unused code it can also remove dependencies from your package This is an easy way of reducing the weight of an npm package The general working principle of a bundler is shown below No matter why you use a bundler in this article I ll show you yet another trick you will be able to do with the bundler of your choice Use codegen modules to actually dynamically insert modules at bundling i e build time these modules can be actually generated on the fly Let s start with a simple example Example Inserting Package InformationThe situation is simple You are tasked to add two static pieces to your frontend application namelyThe name of the application from the package json andThe version of the application from the package json Luckily almost all bundlers support importing json files They are treated like a module default exporting an object i e the JSON content In code this could look like import name version from package json console log The name and version is name version Webpack v gt use strict const s JSON parse u test i console log The name and version is s u s i This is super optimized as we are using an import construct Most bundlers will treat import constructs as either side effect free or determine the tree shack ability by flags from the underlying package json Any way the code above is already good but what if we would have used require instead const name version require package json console log The name and version is name version Webpack v gt var e e gt use strict e exports JSON parse name test version description main index js scripts build webpack mode production test echo Error no test specified amp amp exit keywords author Florian Rappl license MIT dependencies webpack webpack cli r function s o var i r o if void i return i exports var n r o exports return e o n n exports s n exports gt const name e version r s console log The name and version is e r Now in this variant the whole output is not only unnecessary verbose but also contains potentially sensitive information such as the used dependencies and build commands Really not ideal What if we could just generate a module on the fly that will only export the properties name and version that we are interested in const name version require info codegen console log The name and version is name version In this case the info codegen looks like module exports function const name version require package json return export const name JSON stringify name export const version JSON stringify version This is just a standard normal Node js CommonJS module If we d run the exported function we get back a string with valid JavaScript code This is the module that Webpack will consider The imported module is just a definition to actually generate the module The process is shown below Now what does that give us Webpack v gt var e e o r gt use strict r r o r d o name gt t version gt n const t test n o function r t var n o t if void n return n exports var s o t exports return e t s s exports r s exports r d e o gt for var t in o r o o t amp amp r o e t amp amp Object defineProperty e t enumerable get o t r o e o gt Object prototype hasOwnProperty call e o r r e gt undefined typeof Symbol amp amp Symbol toStringTag amp amp Object defineProperty e Symbol toStringTag value Module Object defineProperty e esModule value gt const name e version o r console log The name and version is e o Surely as we are using some other JS module via require Webpack still introduces some overhead with all the definitions in here but overall the information is condensed to the format we d like to see The output gets even better using import in which case the introduced overhead can be just removed cleanly gt use strict console log The name and version is test Those gained few bytes are of course not the full spectrum of code generation benefits Even though we can already see some advantage Consider that you are not interested in name and version but rather a package identifier Originally you d have written import name version from package json const identifier name version console log The package identifier is identifier Resulting in the following code Webpack v gt use strict const e JSON parse u test i i e u e i console log The package identifier is i However using codegen you can spare the computation at runtime You just prepare everything as you want it to be index jsimport packageId from info codegen console log The package identifier is packageId info codegenmodule exports function const name version require package json return export const packageId JSON stringify name version With this the resulting code Webpack v looks like gt use strict console log The package identifier is test Not only smaller but also does not require any computation The information that can be pre computed is pre computed How Does It Work The beauty of this approach is that a module transformation has direct access not only to Node js but also to the module itself As such it can just require or evaluate the module in a sandbox Afterwards the exported function can be run to get back a string This string is the result of the code transformation The whole process works as shown in the following diagram In theory the string does not have to be JavaScript code It could also be the content of an asset file or something transpiling to JavaScript like TypeScript In practice however JavaScript makes the most sense Since many bundlers actually allow parallel transformations we should also try to make the API as asynchronous as possible A good step in this direction is to allow returning a Promise from the code transformer Using our previous example we could rewrite that to be info codegenconst readFile require fs promises module exports async function const content await readFile package json utf const name version JSON parse content return export const packageId JSON stringify name version The whole flow can be used to use asynchronous APIs for constructing modules dynamically Let s see an example in action Example Getting Asynchronous InfosLet s say we have a small static website that is gonna be built everyday periodic CI CD On build time an API is being called and the result is used to actually drive the build How would you construct such a thing Well surely one way is to have a shell script doing the download Then you either use the download assets directly in your code base essentially bundling it in or you already bring the asset in the desired form e g into some React code This way there would be less work at runtime later on While this is a suitable solution it is not the most elegant one nor is it the most robust one For instance what language do you use for the script file If its bash or PowerShell then the file might not run on the system of other developers Okay cool so you ve chosen JavaScript and that most work as the other tooling uses the same Well even then running this script and bundling are two separate commands Okay so you bring the script into the bundler somewhat But then how do you reference the output Another gitignore rule Okay so on first time use TypeScript will show errors Using a codegen file now allows you to bring this into your bundler pipeline including caching re evaluation and hot reloading Here s an example code App tsximport Pictures from pictures codegen export default gt lt gt lt div gt Some content lt div gt lt Pictures gt lt gt pictures codegenconst default axios require axios module exports async function const data await axios get const urls data thumbnailUrls slice return export default function Pictures return lt div gt urls map url gt lt img src JSON stringify url gt lt div gt The idea here is to generate everything necessary such that at runtime no additional work has to be done Example Building a Media LibraryThe previous example could also be used to make certain images media assets available in a much simpler form Usually in your bundler you ll need toimport MyImage from assets my image png lt img src MyImage gt But that is broken when you e g want to have something likeconst userAvatar user avatar const image images userAvatar lt img src image gt Now of course you can go the hard way and define images like thisimport Hulk from assets avatars hulk png import Ironman from assets avatars ironman png import Spiderman from assets avatars spiderman png const images hulk Hulk ironman Ironman Spiderman Spiderman but that is not only very verbose but also not very flexible A new avatar was added Well good luck remembering that you need to change the file above and change it on two places To simplify this Webpack actually supports require context but its rather limited and only available in Webpack A better more flexible alternative is to use codegen here import images from media codegen media codegenconst readdir require fs promises const resolve require path module exports async function const assets resolve process cwd src assets const avatarsDir resolve assets avatars const avatars await readdir avatarsDir const usedImports avatars filter a gt a endsWith png map a i gt import i from JSON stringify resolve avatarsDir a const images avatars filter a gt a endsWith png map a i gt JSON stringify a replace png i return usedImports join n export const images images join Importantly in the example above we generate a set of imports that just look identifiers like pretty much ensuring that there are no conflicts otherwise we d need to make sure to not only generate valid identifiers from the file name but also non conflicting ones However for the actual key names we still use the filename without the extension which may be problematic Therefore instead of making keys likeconst images foo bar we use it with a string to avoid issues with the name e g my asset png would be problematic otherwise const images foo bar foo bar Knowing such tricks concepts is quite handy when generating code reliably Example Automatically Generating Routing InformationOne feature that many web frameworks static site generators e g Next js Remix Astro have is file system based routing As such if you have a file system structure likeroot pages blogs index tsx first tsx second tsx internal first tsx other tsx index tsx about tsxUsing codegen you can make this work in any codebase Let s see how this could look like App tsximport BrowserRouter from react router dom import Routes from routes codegen export default gt lt BrowserRouter gt lt Routes gt lt BrowserRouter gt example pages blogs index tsxexport default function Page content routes codegenconst readdir stat require fs promises const resolve parse require path function makeSegment name sep return name normalize NFD replace u uf g toLowerCase trim replace a z g replace s g sep function makeElement path return React createElement React lazy gt import JSON stringify path async function makeRoutes baseDir baseRoute const routes const names await readdir baseDir for const name of names const path resolve baseDir name const info await stat path if info isDirectory const subRoutes await makeRoutes path baseRoute makeSegment name routes push subRoutes else if fn index tsx const route baseRoute const element makeElement path routes push lt Route path JSON stringify route element element gt else const fn parse path name const route baseRoute makeSegment fn const element makeElement path routes push lt Route path JSON stringify route element element gt return routes module exports async function const pages resolve process cwd pages const routes await makeRoutes pages return import as React from react import Route Routes from react router export default gt return lt Routes gt routes join n lt Routes gt There is quite a bit going on but rest assured most of the logic is to read out the directories and contained files then adding them to the routes and converting it all to a proper React representation Every route is lazy loaded to optimize the overall bundle size Yes you might even want to make this non static allow dynamic routing with parameters e g a file index id tsx would be a route to id but I left that out for simplicity All those examples have been mentioned just to give you some impression there is much more that you can do with it and presumably much better more elaborate than what I ve shown here Bundler SupportRight now support for codegen exists in the following bundlers Parcel v parcel plugin codegen Parcel v parcel transformer codegen esbuild esbuild codegen plugin Webpack v and v parcel codegen loader Vite vite plugin codegen Rollup rollup plugin codegen Examples for each bundler are included in their package descriptions The codegen content does not change the API remains the same across the different bundlers For instance to integrate support for codegen files in Webpack v you ll to first add the dependency Unit TestingNow that you have codegen imports in your project can you still use standard unit testing tools such as Jest for actually running tests Yes definitely There are multiple ways Just mock the import Similar to the idea with dedicated d ts files see recipes below you can introduce a mock explicitly e g using jest mock or implicitly e g having a satellite file js that would be preferred by the unit test runner Use a dedicated transformer Unfortunately a the time of writing Jest could either do only synchronous transformers or an asynchronous transformer if everything was available running in ESM format A synchronous transformer in Jest looks like import transformSync from babel core import SyncTransformer from jest transform const codegen SyncTransformer process string filename string const factory require filename const result factory call outDir global process cwd rootDir global process cwd const code transformSync result presets babel preset env modules commonjs return code getCacheKey string filename string let s never you can choose a different strategy here too e g considering the content of the file for having a proper hash const rnd Math random toString return filename rnd export default codegen Now you can set this up using the transformers section const config transform codegen resolve dirname codegen js IDE Support VS CodeThe support is actually quite simple just change the syntax to JavaScript js and you are good to go Some editors allow you to just configure a mapping e g to map codegen to use js or for codegen to be an alias of js In any case that s all you get for the moment In the future I think there might be dedicated support even to the point where the generated code could be inspected upfront and potential syntax errors or general issues could be detected before the bundler runs Recipes TypeScriptIf you want TypeScript support then all you need to do is to have a d ts file adjacent to your codegen file For instance in the initial example we came up with info codegen Adding a info codegen d ts next to the original codegen with the following content export const packageId string would be all that s needed for supporting TypeScript Now TypeScript knows that we can import the codegen file and actually knows what the content will be Variable OutputRight now a codegen file is still just a single module Therefore using import my codegen from two different modules will actually have no impact it s only evaluated once Is there a way to reuse one codegen module generating a different module depending on the context In Webpack there could be but in general not Therefore the codegen bundler plugin does not support this directly This is however not the end of that story What you can do is to generate additional physical modules and reference those As an example let s say you have two modules a ts and b ts and both would need the rendered content of some markdown document a md and b md respectively Now having two codegen files a codegen and b codegen would not be very nice after all both would have pretty much the same instructions Instead we d like to only have only a single one md codegen But we cannot parameterize it right So we cannot do a tsimport content from md codegen file a md and a tsimport content from md codegen file b md Sure as mentioned we can make this work in Webpack but generalizing it to other bundlers is difficult Instead you could maybe do something like a tsimport aContent from md codegen and b tsimport bContent from md codegen The trick is to use the generation dynamically e g to do something like const readDir readFile require fs promises const resolve require path const convertMarkdown require mdConverter module exports async function const dir resolve process cwd docs const docsFiles await readDir dir const mdFiles docsFiles filter m gt m endsWith md map f gt resolve dir f const result await Promise all mdFiles map convertMarkdown returns something like export const aContent lt div gt my markdown content lt div gt export const bContent lt div gt your markdown content lt div gt return result map name content gt export const name Content JSON stringify content join n Since the generated module is side effect free you ll get tree shaking essentially removing not used exports Therefore such a parameterization might be more expensive at build time but is not adding to the runtime cost Lazy LoadingChanging the previous problem statement to a question regarding runtime behavior we might end up with a demand for lazy loading That is we actually would want to write something like a tsimport md codegen file a md then default content gt As written beforehand we cannot parameterize such calls Also the tree shaking for such lazy imports works a bit different So we need a different strategy here The idea is to have the following a tsimport loadA from md codegen loadA then default content gt Now we only need to generate the lazy loading in the codegen file The idea is to have const readDir readFile require fs promises const resolve require path const upperFirst camelCase require lodash const convertMarkdown require mdConverter module exports async function const dir resolve process cwd docs const docsFiles await readDir dir const mdFiles docsFiles filter m gt m endsWith md map f gt resolve dir f const result await Promise all mdFiles map convertMarkdown returns something like export const loadA gt import temp md a ts export const loadB gt import temp md b ts return result map name path gt export const load upperFirst camelCase name gt import path join n In the code above we assume that convertMarkdown actually does not only give us the content or does no longer give us the content but actually also gives us a path to the content in a temporary file Now this file can be referenced from our generated module making it fully lazy loadable from the bundler s perspective ConclusionIn this post I ve went over a quite simple yet powerful plugin that is available for most bundlers and could be presumably easily added to missing ones Codegen It allows you to create a virtual module on the fly using the full Node js ecosystem Codegen gives you the bundler agnostic superpowers that are needed to build great applications today and in the future The only question is What will you build 2022-10-13 13:19:35
海外TECH Engadget Microsoft's HoloLens headsets are giving US Army testers nausea https://www.engadget.com/microsoft-hololens-fails-us-army-tests-135010970.html?src=rss Microsoft x s HoloLens headsets are giving US Army testers nauseaMicrosoft s HoloLens headsets for the US Army have some teething troubles Bloomberg and Insider say a recent unclassified report reveals the current Integrated Visual Augmentation System IVAS iteration is creating problems for soldiers in tests Some testers suffered nausea headaches and eyestrain while using the augmented reality goggles Others were concerned about bulk a limited field of view and a display glow that could reveal a soldier s position even at long distances A Microsoft worker talking to Insider claimed IVAS failed four out of six elements in one test The Defense Department s Operational Test and Evaluation Director Nickolas Guertin also said there were still too many failures for essential features Soldier acceptance is still low according to the report The tests are part of a quot Soldier Touch Point quot program that helps the Army collect real world feedback and help Microsoft refine the customized HoloLens gear Ideally the headsets will provide crucial battlefield information and night vision to infantry The military appears to be aware of and addressing issues In a statement to Insider Brigadier General Christopher Schneider said IVAS was successful in quot most quot criteria but that there were areas where it quot fell short quot and would receive improvements Army assistant acquisition secretary Doug Bush cleared the acceptance of an initial batch of HoloLens units in August but that the armed forces branch was modifying its plans to quot correct deficiencies quot Microsoft told Bloomberg it still saw IVAS as a quot transformational platform quot and was moving ahead with delivery for the initial headsets The findings don t necessarily mean the existing IVAS design is deeply flawed However they add to a number of difficulties stemming from the year billion contract to supply devices The project created an uproar at Microsoft where employees objected to working on weapons The Army also delayed the rollout late last year to allow for more development time It may take a while longer before the technology is ready for combat 2022-10-13 13:50:10
海外TECH Engadget Amazon's first Project Kuiper internet satellites will launch on Vulcan Centaur's maiden flight https://www.engadget.com/amazon-prototype-project-kuiper-satellites-ula-vulcan-centaur-132457407.html?src=rss Amazon x s first Project Kuiper internet satellites will launch on Vulcan Centaur x s maiden flightThe first two Project Kuiper satellites prototypes for Amazon s satellite broadband program will head to Low Earth Orbit in the first quarter of Amazon previously announced that the prototypes will launch on top of an ABL Space Systems rocket by the end of this year While the tech giant will retain its launches with ABL Project Kuiper will debut with another provider entirely Its first two satellites will fly on the maiden flight of United Launch Alliance s new Vulcan Centaur rocket nbsp Project Kuiper VP Rajeev Badyal told The Washington Post that delays coupled with the opportunity to launch with ULA had compelled Amazon to change its plans The Vulcan Centaur heavy lift launch vehicle has been in development since but its first launch has been pushed back repeatedly due to reasons that include delays with the development of its BE engine BE is a product of Blue Origin another Jeff Bezos company nbsp ULA plans to make the Vulcan Centaur its main vehicle after its retires the Atlas V rocket which relies on Russian made engine once it s through with its remaining launches The rocket was supposed to have its maiden flight this year but Astrobotic its main payload customer for the mission asked ULA to move the schedule to give it more time to finish its NASA funded lunar lander nbsp Amazon says deploying the prototype satellites will help it gather real world data to be able to finalize its design deployment and operation plans for its commercial satellite system Project Kuiper has the authority to launch satellites to form a constellation meant to provide internet access even in far flung locations similar to SpaceX s Starlink network As The Post notes Amazon will have to deploy half of that number by to meet its obligations with the FCC Badyal said the company is on track to meet that even though it has yet to launch its first satellites nbsp In additional to ferrying Amazon s Project Kuiper prototypes and the Peregrine lunar lander to outer space the maiden Vulcan Centaur flight will also serve as the first of the two launches the vehicle must go through to prove that it s ready for Space Force missions The US Space Force plans to use the Vulcan Centaur to launch national security satellites with the first one scheduled to take place in the fourth quarter of nbsp 2022-10-13 13:24:57
海外TECH Engadget The best tablets for 2022 https://www.engadget.com/best-tablets-150026056.html?src=rss The best tablets for Following the release of the iPad Air and Samsung s Galaxy Tab S line earlier this spring there hasn t been a ton of movement in the tablet world At IFA Lenovo announced refreshed versions of the Tab P and P Pro featuring updated internals and even an inch OLED display with a Hz refresh rate on the Pro More recently Amazon launched revamped versions of its Fire HD tablets featuring new “Tap to Alexa functionality And while Amazon s e readers aren t typically thought of as tablets the new Kindle Scribe deserves some consideration thanks to the addition of an included pen and support for handwritten notes However people looking for a fancy new slate may want to hold off for now as rumors suggest that Apple is planning to release an updated version of the basic iPad sometime later this fall packing a USB C port instead of Lighting along with improved performance optional G connectivity and a slightly larger display Then looking further ahead Google has also announced that it s planning to release the upcoming Pixel Tablet sometime in Engadget s picksBest overall Apple iPad ProBest Android tablet Samsung Galaxy Tab SBest Windows tablet Microsoft Surface Pro Best budget tablet Apple inch iPadBest tablet for kids Amazon Fire HD Kids ProWhich OS is right for me Before you even start looking at specific devices consider how your new tablet will fit in with the gadgets you already own and how you plan to use it For example if everyone in your house uses Macs and iPhones it probably doesn t make a lot of sense to buy an Android tablet even if you ve been tempted by the massive inch screen on the new Galaxy Tab S Ultra This goes double for anyone with an extensive library of purchased videos and music that might be harder to access after switching platforms Another consideration is the kind of work you ll be doing That s because while all modern tablets are adept at browsing websites or playing games some operating systems like iPadOS and Windows are better designed to support multitasking and productivity than Android or even Chrome OS It s a similar situation for software because while most popular apps and games are available on both Apple s App Store and Google s Play Store more specialized enterprise software may only have proper support on desktop platforms like Windows or macOS What size screen should I get Trying to decide the size of your tablet is also related to the kind of work or play you intend to do Larger displays make it much easier to view two apps side by side with big screens also delivering a more immersive movie viewing experience But at the same time the larger the tablet the less likely you re going to want to move it around That means you re not only going to want to take stock of your workspace i e if you have a desk or instead plan to work from a couch or even your bed you re also going to want to think about how the device will fit into your everyday routine or commute if you have one Potential accessoriesFinally you ll want to consider any add ons or accessories you re planning to use which can range from detachable keyboards to things like external mics or a stylus The good news is that many tablets nowadays offer some kind of keyboard accessory which allows the device to function more like a in instead of simply being a content consumption device Some tablets also feature things like microSD card slots that support expandable storage or optional G or G connectivity which can be a real boon to frequent travelers And if you re planning to use the tablet mainly for work you might want to grab a USB hub for connecting all your favorite peripherals Best overall Apple iPad ProChris Velazco EngadgetPowered by the same M chips you get in Apple s MacBooks the iPad Pro is one of the fastest and most well built tablets you can buy today It s available in two sizes and inches and works with a range of accessories including the Apple Pencil and the extremely useful but pricey Magic Keyboard And thanks to their Hz ProMotion mini LED displays the iPad Pro s screen boasts strong brightness and fluid visuals regardless of whether you re watching a movie or creating a slideshow presentation Recent versions of iPadOS have also made Apple s most premium tablet a much more capable work device with the addition of new sidebars for quickly switching between apps a more powerful desktop like UI for Safari and various new toolbars throughout The main downside is that starting at for a base inch model with GB of storage Apple s iPad Pros aren t cheap and that s before you tack on any extras like cellular connectivity or a keyboard But considering there s a good chance a new iPad Pro is more powerful than your current laptop there isn t really anything you can throw at Apple s top of the line tablet it can t handle One final note is that if you like the iPad Pro but want something a bit more affordable there s also the fifth gen iPad Air You still get the same M chip Apple Pencil support and optional G connectivity And with a inch screen it s basically the same size as the smaller iPad Pro too The main difference is that the iPad Air s display isn t quite as bright and doesn t support a Hz refresh rate But if you re ok with that the fifth gen iPad Air is essentially an iPad Pro with a less fancy screen that starts at instead of Buy iPad Pro at Amazon starting at Best Android tablet Samsung Galaxy Tab SSam Rutherford EngadgetAvailable in three sizes an and a huge inch model Samsung s new Galaxy Tab S line has the right sized screen for practically any need And while Android typically isn t quite as accommodating to productivity as Windows or iPadOS Samsung s Dex mode offers a desktop like UI complete with multi window support and a taskbar for potent multitasking Samsung s mobile displays are also some of the best in the business with support for Hz refresh rates and vibrant colors from their OLED panels And unlike Samsung s flagship phone line the Galaxy Tab S still comes with microSD card support though sadly Samsung couldn t seem to find room for a dedicated headphone jack You even get a choice of three different covers a simple folio a keyboard cover and a keyboard cover with a built in touchpad so you can choose the right accessory for your needs Buy Galaxy Tab S at Samsung starting at Best Windows tablet Microsoft Surface Pro Sam Rutherford EngadgetWhile most people think of Microsoft s Surface Pro devices as a line of in s because they don t come with a keyboard you need to purchase it separately that technically makes them tablets But don t be fooled because thanks Windows and support for a range of th gen Intel processors Microsoft s Surface Pros are designed for productivity New on the Surface Pro is a beautiful display with a smooth Hz refresh rate and improved stereo speakers while the inclusion of an IR facial recognition camera allows you to log in to the system in a snap Another nice bonus is that unlike a lot of tablets the Surface Pro s SSD is user accessible allowing you to upgrade its storage yourself whenever you want And thanks to improvements in Windows the Surface Pro is better suited to life as a tablet without ever needing to attach a keyboard thanks to larger app icons and more touch friendly controls Buy Surface Pro at Microsoft starting at Best budget tablet Apple inch iPadNathan Ingraham EngadgetIf you just want a simple tablet for a reasonable price it s hard to go wrong with the standard Apple iPad Starting at the basic iPad has a inch display with good brightness nits and a relatively speedy A Bionic chip It s also the last iPad that still features an old school Touch ID home button After being refreshed last year the ninth gen iPad got updated features including Apple Pencil support improved cameras in front and back and double the base storage GB up from GB And just like its more expensive siblings the standard iPad is available in a WiFi only model or with optional G LTE cellular connectivity The basic iPad is also the cheapest device Apple sells that gives you access to the App Store which makes it a good multimedia device and a handy way of managing your media library across your other Apple devices Buy inch iPad at Amazon starting at Best tablet for kids Amazon Fire HD Kids ProAmazonIf you re in the market for a new tablet for your child the Fire HD Kids Pro is the easy pick Starting at it s the cheapest tablet on this list and unlike more adult oriented fare it comes with an included “kid proof case and a two year warranty Amazon says if your kid breaks the tablet the company will replace it for free Other useful add ins include a free one year subscription to Amazon Kids which unlocks more than games books and apps designed for children There s also a handy dashboard for parents that allows you to set time limits content filters and educational goals And even though its GB of RAM and GB of base storage aren t much its p display is plenty sharp and it has a microSD card slot for expandable storage And if you want a slightly smaller and more affordable option there s the Fire HD Kids Pro too Buy Fire HD Kids Pro at Amazon 2022-10-13 13:15:18
海外TECH Engadget Sony releases its first over-the-counter hearing aids https://www.engadget.com/sony-unveils-1000-over-the-counter-hearing-aids-131152865.html?src=rss Sony releases its first over the counter hearing aidsEarlier this summer the US FDA greenlit the sale of over the counter OTC hearing aids and now we re seeing some from one of the largest audio companies in the world Sony has announced the availability of its first OTC hearing aids the CRE C and CRE E built in partnership with WS Audiology nbsp The devices are built for daily use for those with mild to moderate hearing loss They re controlled via Sony s quot Hearing Control quot app that guides users through setup and allows them to personalize settings like volume control It also allows a quot self fit quot that adjusts to appropriate pre defined hearing profiles quot based on thousands of actual real life audiogram results quot Sony said nbsp Sony Electronics Inc The CRE C model above offers a battery life of up to hours of continuous use Sony says they re one of the smallest OTC hearing aids on the market offering a discreet design that s quot virtually invisible when worn quot and quot exceptional sound quality quot It goes on sale this month for at Amazon Best Buy and select hearing care professionals Meanwhile the CRE E at top has a more earbud like design powered by a rechargeable battery with up to hours of life between charges It s Bluetooth compatible as well so users can connect to devices and listen to streaming audio or music though only on iOS Sony says Those will go on sale for sometime this winter at Sony s website Last year Bose and Lexie unveiled their own OTC hearing aids with the SoundControl lineup and launched the first B model for a couple of days ago Companies like Jabra have also leaped in And last year Sennheiser sold its consumer audio business to the hearing aid specialist Sonova While the prices are still not what you d call cheap they re far less than prescription hearing aids that can run per ear according to Consumer Reports nbsp 2022-10-13 13:11:52
金融 RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 FACT BOOK https://www.jsda.or.jp/shiryoshitsu/toukei/factbook/index.html fact 2022-10-13 15:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 入札公告等を更新しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/choutatu/choutatu_j/nyusatu_menu.html 公告 2022-10-13 15:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 鈴木財務大臣兼内閣府特命担当大臣閣議後記者会見の概要(令和4年10月11日)を掲載しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/common/conference/minister/2022b/20221011-1.html 内閣府特命担当大臣 2022-10-13 15:00:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Edenfield Centre: Health minister backs public inquiry over abuse https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-63237247?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA manchester 2022-10-13 13:04:09
ニュース BBC News - Home Neath Labour MP Christina Rees suspended from party https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-63245280?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA neath 2022-10-13 13:47:46
ニュース BBC News - Home Two Huawei 5G kit-removal deadlines put back https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-63242336?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA network 2022-10-13 13:19:38
ニュース BBC News - Home Oxford University: Goldfish do have good memories, scientists find https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-oxfordshire-63242200?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA distance 2022-10-13 13:05:40
ニュース BBC News - Home Alex Jones: 'Moment of reckoning' for Infowars conspiracist https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-63243981?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA damages 2022-10-13 13:10:46
ニュース BBC News - Home Wasps & Worcester: Rob Andrew calls for Premiership and RFU to join forces amid cash crisis https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/rugby-union/63241246?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Wasps amp Worcester Rob Andrew calls for Premiership and RFU to join forces amid cash crisisRob Andrew says Premiership Rugby and the Rugby Football Union should join forces to address financial problems within the game 2022-10-13 13:21:07
ニュース BBC News - Home Is the turmoil Liz Truss's fault? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/63229204?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA budget 2022-10-13 13:39:38
北海道 北海道新聞 3期目確実な習氏 4期目に余地? 人事で後継抜擢しない可能性 16日から中国共産党大会 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/744866/ 中国共産党 2022-10-13 22:02:19
北海道 北海道新聞 函館・遺愛高卒のAKB48水島美結さん、特殊詐欺被害の防止呼び掛け https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/745035/ 函館方面 2022-10-13 22:24:35
北海道 北海道新聞 七五三、北海道神宮に家族連れ 晴れ着姿で記念撮影 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/745078/ 家族連れ 2022-10-13 22:18:00
北海道 北海道新聞 世界柔道5位の浜田尚里が帰国 五輪女王「内容悪くなかった」 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/745072/ 世界柔道 2022-10-13 22:11:00
北海道 北海道新聞 旭川で初氷、初霜 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/744852/ 上川管内 2022-10-13 22:10:17
北海道 北海道新聞 避難ルート親子で歩いてみよう チームくしろ防災女子、22日に勉強会 市民目線で課題探る https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/745068/ 市民団体 2022-10-13 22:09:11
北海道 北海道新聞 胆振管内224人感染 新型コロナ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/745067/ 新型コロナウイルス 2022-10-13 22:03:00
北海道 北海道新聞 <デジタル発>来日したヒルマン元監督、日本ハム新球場で何を語ったのか 「シンジラレナ~イ!」だけじゃなかった視察 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/743578/ 日本ハム 2022-10-13 22:02:44



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