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IT バズ部 【わかりやすく図解】DMCAとは?知っておくべき要点と通知方法 https://lucy.ne.jp/bazubu/dmca-44857.html google 2022-10-13 01:30:19
IT @IT 全フォーラム 最新記事一覧 Java開発者向けAzureプラグイン「Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ」をアップデート、Microsoft https://atmarkit.itmedia.co.jp/ait/articles/2210/13/news053.html azure 2022-10-13 10:30:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] Microsoftのノーコード開発ツール「Power Automate」に文章でフローを生成できる新機能 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2210/13/news083.html itmedianewsmicrosoft 2022-10-13 10:34:00
IT 情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders BigQueryと外部RDBを同期してトランザクションデータを準リアルタイムに分析可能に | IT Leaders https://it.impress.co.jp/articles/-/23895 BigQueryと外部RDBを同期してトランザクションデータを準リアルタイムに分析可能にITLeadersグーグル・クラウド・ジャパンは年月日、プライベートイベント「GoogleCloudNext」の開催に伴う説明会で、GoogleCloudの強化点を発表した。 2022-10-13 10:10:00
AWS lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Python/AWS】第2回 LambdaとS3を利用してデータ取得を自動化する【データ分析】 https://qiita.com/kawanago_py/items/aabbe6c6d129c915f2ad lambda 2022-10-13 10:41:00
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Python/AWS】第2回 LambdaとS3を利用してデータ取得を自動化する【データ分析】 https://qiita.com/kawanago_py/items/aabbe6c6d129c915f2ad lambda 2022-10-13 10:41:00
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js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita SakuraサーバーにNode.jsをインストールする方法 https://qiita.com/terakawa@github/items/2cc43a710549fc05a315 nodejs 2022-10-13 10:11:35
Program @IT Coding Edgeフォーラム 最新記事一覧 Java開発者向けAzureプラグイン「Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ」をアップデート、Microsoft https://atmarkit.itmedia.co.jp/ait/articles/2210/13/news053.html azure 2022-10-13 10:30:00
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Python/AWS】第2回 LambdaとS3を利用してデータ取得を自動化する【データ分析】 https://qiita.com/kawanago_py/items/aabbe6c6d129c915f2ad lambda 2022-10-13 10:41:00
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Azure Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Mac OS に Azure cli をインストール https://qiita.com/harinezumi_fizz/items/ca48615a71acf9abb61c brewupdateampampbrewinsta 2022-10-13 10:07:59
Azure Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Azure Fundamentals(AZ-900):Azure の基礎: Azure のアーキテクチャとサービスについて説明する「コンテナ(Container)」 https://qiita.com/fsd-jume/items/4b4ed7a925bb7a011259 azure 2022-10-13 10:03:25
技術ブログ Developers.IO Cloud One Workload Securityで管理しているインスタンスを別のアカウントに移動してみた https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/c1ws-instance-link-change/ cloud 2022-10-13 01:49:31
海外TECH DEV Community Sign In with Solana - Authenticate Users with their Phantom Wallet https://dev.to/thirdweb/sign-in-with-solana-authenticate-users-with-their-phantom-wallet-4b21 Sign In with Solana Authenticate Users with their Phantom Wallet IntroductionIn this guide we are going to use thirdweb auth to add sign in with Solana to our Dapps Before we get started below are some helpful resources where you can learn more about the tools we will use in this guide View project source codeSolana SDKGetting Started with SolanaLet s get started Why use web sign in Sign in with Solana allows you to securely log in using a wallet and verify the wallet on the backend We are going to use Thirdweb Auth which uses the very popular JWT standard JSON Web Token JWT is an open standard that defines a compact and self contained way for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object Setup Creating Next js AppI am going to use the Next typescript solana starter template for this guide If you are following along with the guide you can create a project with theNext TypeScript template using the thirdweb CLI npx thirdweb create template next typescript solana starterIf you already have a Next js app you can simply follow these steps to get started Install the thirdweb sdks thirdweb dev react and thirdweb dev sdkInstall packages for solana wallet adapter solana wallet adapter react solana wallet adapter react ui and solana wallet adapter wallets Wrap the app in the ThirdwebProvider and WalletModalProvider Setting up thirdweb authFirstly we need to install the thirdweb auth package npm i thirdweb dev auth npmyarn add thirdweb dev auth yarnNow create a file called auth config ts and the following import ThirdwebAuth from thirdweb dev auth next export const ThirdwebAuthHandler getUser ThirdwebAuth privateKey process env PRIVATE KEY as string domain example org Update the domain with your domain We need the private key of our wallet So go to your phantom wallet if you haven t already created one check out this guide and click on the top right badge and select your wallet Then click on the export private key button Copy this private key and paste it into a new file env in the following format PRIVATE KEY lt your private key gt Using private keys as an env variable is vulnerable to attacks and is not the best practice We are doing it in this guide for the sake of brevity but we strongly recommend using a secret manager to store your private key To configure the auth api create a new folder inside pages api called auth and thirdweb ts file inside it Here we need to export the thirdwebHandler that we created import ThirdwebAuth from thirdweb dev auth next solana export const ThirdwebAuthHandler getUser ThirdwebAuth privateKey process env PRIVATE KEY as string domain example org Finally inside the app tsx file add the authConfig prop to ThirdwebProvider lt ThirdwebProvider network network authConfig authUrl api auth domain example org loginRedirect gt lt WalletModalProvider gt lt Component pageProps gt lt WalletModalProvider gt lt ThirdwebProvider gt Building the frontendInside pages index tsx update the return statement with the following return lt div gt publicKey lt button onClick gt login gt Sign in with Solana lt button gt lt WalletMultiButton gt lt div gt We are going to use the useWallet and useLogin hooks to get the login function and user address const publicKey useWallet const login useLogin We need to import these hooks like this import useWallet from solana wallet adapter react import useLogin useUser from thirdweb dev react solana This will add sign in with Solana to our site Now we need to check if a user exists so for that get the user from the useUser hook like this const user useUser And we will check if the user exists and if it exists we will return this if user return lt div className styles container gt lt p gt You are signed in as user address lt p gt lt button onClick validateUser gt Validate user lt button gt lt div gt Creating api for validationLet s now create an api to get the user details address on the backend So create a new file called validate ts inside pages api and add the following import type NextApiRequest NextApiResponse from next import getUser from auth config const handler async req NextApiRequest res NextApiResponse gt if req method POST const thirdwebUser await getUser req if thirdwebUser address return res status json message You are signed in as thirdwebUser address return res status json message Account not validated return res status json message Method not allowed export default handler Here we are using the getUser method from thirdweb to get the user s address and if it exists we send a message that you are signed in as address Calling the API on frontendCreate a new function called validateUser in pages index tsx like this const validateUser async gt try const response await fetch api validate method POST const data await response json alert data message catch error console log error And attach this function to onClick of the validate button lt button onClick validateUser gt Validate user lt button gt ConclusionIn this guide we learned how to use thirdweb auth to add sign in with solana Share your amazing Dapps that you built using sign in with solana on the thirdweb discord If you want to take a look at the code check out the GitHub Repository 2022-10-13 01:36:16
海外TECH DEV Community Should we hire junior developer advocates? https://dev.to/blackgirlbytes/should-we-hire-junior-developer-advocates-13m2 Should we hire junior developer advocates A common debate in Developer Relations is whether or not we should hire junior developer advocates While many may adamantly say no to hiring junior developer advocates my answer is yes YES and instead of questioning whether or not we should hire them we should strategize how to hire and support them However the concerns are valid Often underestimated Developer Relations and Developer Advocacy work requires effort and high level skills People in these departments are often responsible for business strategy sharing technical knowledge maintaining empathy managing community educating and creating content With all of these responsibilities in mind many organizations lean toward hiring experienced developer advocates because they re nervous to hire someone who doesn t have a large following doesn t have strong technical skills or hasn t created tons of content The risk of hiring someone that lacks experience and doesn t have the right support is that you re setting them up for failure And failing at a job can damage one s self esteem and future job prospects But what if I told you that there s a way to hire junior developer advocates and ensure they succeed Benefits of hiring junior developer advocatesLet s start with why we would want to hire a junior developer advocate before we get into the how We won t have our jobs foreverThe reality is sometimes individuals who are more senior in experience are also more senior in age which means we won t have our jobs forever so it s our duty to train the next generation of developer advocates We ll eventually retire right And my goal is to retire early They will challenge the status quoAs with any industry people who are new to the field are going to bring a new network and new ideas and challenge the status quo which is what we want in developer advocacy For example perhaps your team doesn t use TikTok and your team is refusing to leverage the platform because “that s not how developer advocacy is done A new developer advocate might have strong experience creating and consuming TikTok content and they may also know that there s a large developer audience on TikTok Or the new developer could be a career changer who previously worked as a teacher They can bring teaching methods from the classroom to the developer community We don t have to do things the way we ve always done them There s room for new ideas especially in such a relatively new field It will diversify the entire tech industryI also think hiring junior developer advocates will diversify the industry There are not a lot of minorities holding senior to C Suite positions in tech ranging from Software Engineering to Developer Relations There are however more junior software engineers and junior developer advocates that come from underrepresented backgrounds Hiring diverse candidates in such public roles will encourage other underrepresented groups to pursue careers in tech stay in tech and become leaders in tech It will also help to improve the view of underrepresented individuals in tech among overrepresented engineers Some technologists have biases against women queer and black technologists but seeing more of us in leadership roles will help to change that More proof that junior developer advocates can succeedMaybe you read the above section and you re rolling your eyes Maybe you re wondering who made me the spokesperson for hiring and supporting junior developer advocates Well I m not However I am a junior developer advocate who is doing well because my team set me up for success I want to help other teams because as empathetic amazing and efficient as my team In September I joined GitHub as a Junior Developer Advocate I never worked in DevRel I m not the most confident programmer and I only wrote two blog posts prior to landing my role I never created much content beyond that I didn t have a following But I had experience teaching groups of people to code and building curricula I had an inkling from my years of teaching people to code and supporting them that I would enjoy and excel at Developer Advocacy One year and one month later I ve accomplished a lot because I have a team that understands how to support me Within year and month I ve Written over blog posts on DEV about DevRel GitHub Copilot GitHub Codespaces GitHub Actions open source and more I am frequently featured as a top author on DEV and my most popular post has over views and over reactions Written blog posts on the GitHub blog Written several guest articles for other blogs like Opensource com Letters to a new developer and more Delivered over in person and virtual talks at conferences and meetups such as All Things Open One of them was a keynote and I have another keynote coming up Hosted too many Twitch streams and Twitter Spaces to count I don t know the number but I ve generally done a week Helped several people make their first open source contributions Been a guest on several podcasts my favorite podcast episode is one hosted by Cassidy Williams My hair doesn t look great in it but I had fun Built VS code extensions fun demos and web apps Developed relationships with developers and developer advocatesBuilt a DevRel community on ShowwcaseI haven t executed all of these accomplishments perfectly I look back at my talks and blog posts and I still have so much to improve Some of my demos are so cringe that I can t rewatch but I m confident that I was effective and engaging One time I did a talk and people expressed to me that I reignited their waning interest in a GitHub product I helped them understand it better and get excited about using it To me that s a job well done There are more folks who are making a big impact on Developer Advocacy even though they re fairly new to the tech industry or DevRel from my understanding many of these people started in or later I m hesitant to name them as their titles don t say junior but I ll name a few who I recognize are working hard and doing an outstanding job Aditya OberaiHaimantika MitraBekah Hawrot WeigelMaria AshbyKedasha Kerr Camila Ramos who is now leading her own teamPachi Parra who is advocating for the Brazilian developer communityDiana Phamand many more How to hire junior developer advocatesBecause I m a junior developer advocate I will ONLY address hiring junior developer advocates I m not going to talk about hiring junior roles for within all of Developer Relations Developer Relations is a large umbrella that includes developer advocacy developer experience developer marketing developer education developer support community management technical writing and more I don t have enough knowledge and experience to advise on supporting and hiring for those roles Define what junior means to you and your teamWhen I tell people I m a junior developer advocate they often assume it s my first role in tech or my first job in general That s not the case I ve been a technologist since I ve worked in Information Technology Software Engineering and now Developer Relations Prior to that I worked as a Clinical Lab Technician and Phlebotomist so I m not the traditional junior that everyone thinks about However I applied for a junior role because I was a junior software engineer I didn t have experience in developer advocacy I didn t have a public presence I didn t do much content creation and I wanted mentorship Applying for junior developer advocate roles seemed to give me enough flexibility to improve those shortcomings Juniors come in different flavors A junior developer advocate could be Someone with engineering experience but no developer advocacy experienceSomeone with content creation experience but no coding experienceSomeone who just graduated college with a computer science degree and has no work experienceSomeone who graduated from a coding bootcamp but never worked as a software engineerSomeone who worked in a similar department like marketing at a tech company but no developer advocacy experienceSomeone who is changing careers from a non technical role at a non technical companyPerhaps I haven t covered all the flavors but you get the gist There are many different types of juniors and it s important to define what junior means to you and your team Whatever it means to your team it should be clear to you your team and potential candidates Take time to understand which skills you are willing to teach and which skills you are not willing to teach Perhaps you re willing to teach them to code but you don t have time to teach them content creation skills and vice versa To me this is an important consideration because if you re not available or invested in teaching the junior developer advocate you re setting them up for failure Additionally every team has strengths and weakness so you may want to look for ways that the junior developer advocate can complement your team s strengths Identify MULTIPLE mentors who are willing and availableMultiple times in past roles employers promised that I would have a mentor to guide me through the codebase and understand the company culture but the assigned mentors are usually either busy or not invested so I ended up navigating these challenges alone When hiring a junior developer advocate mentors are a requirement because they ve never done this job before People get busy so I understand not having time to mentor someone I think companies and teams can set the mentor and mentee up for success by assigning multiple mentors for the junior developer advocate This way if one mentor is busy the junior developer advocate can still get the support they need Create a job description that genuinely reflects and emphasizes learning and supportI m not going to go into the nitty gritty details of job descriptions and salaries but here s a screenshot of the Junior Developer Advocate job description that attracted me to my current role The bullet point that stood out to me most in the job description was Learn Everything about GitHub and what problems developers are trying to solve so you know how best to communicate with them and advocate for their needs with in the wider product team You are not alone in this you will be joining an established team who are there to coach you share ideas and work together It felt achievable and inclusive The expectations were clear and it made me feel like I would have sufficient support to do the job well Make interviewing worth itDisclaimer I m trying to thread lightly here because I know people have a breadth of opinions on this topic Please remember I m not referring to all junior developer relations professionals I m only referring to the junior developer advocates Also these are just my opinions from my year and month of experience I m sure my opinions will evolve with time I had a hard time interviewing for my first developer advocate role because I didn t really understand how to prepare Interviews varied sometimes I was completing Leetcode challenges and sometimes I had to talk about how I would improve developer experience for a product Candidly one of the worst answers to an interview question I had was actually for GitHub They asked What would you do if you joined the team I think they wanted figure out what I would focus on in terms of features and which medium I would use to deliver content My response was something along the lines of Um I don t know I think I would teach people about Git and GitHub yeah That s because I didn t really understand what a Developer Advocate does Although my response sucked I got the job Thankfully they took a chance on me Also this is not to say that it was a bad interview experience I chose GitHub over my other offers because the interview experience was spectacular Still I would like suggest some better ways for all companies to evaluate junior developer advocates Curiosity over technical skillsYou have a short amount of time to get to know the candidate so it s paramount to spend your time wisely evaluating the right skills Evaluating coding skills by way of a coding challenge seems useless especially if developer advocates on your team don t code that often OR if your candidate previously worked as a software engineer They either already know how to code or they can probably learn it on the job if needed They could also still provide value without coding at all depending on your team s skills and needs I think simple conversation around projects they ve worked on or what makes them excited about technology is sufficient to gauge their technical abilities Now I m going to shake the table a bit while technical abilities can help a Developer Advocate succeed I think curiosity supersedes “technical skill This is something I noodled on for awhile because I do think it s hard to be a developer advocate and not know how to code if you re on a bad team but then I remembered I m writing for people who are building GREAT teams Figure out if the candidate is curious about technology and knows how to find answers whether that s through searching the web or asking for help Beyond coding curiosity helps me learn more about the life of an open source maintainer and various developer communities that I ve never been apart of Although I don t share their experiences I like to seek out resources that help me understand their perspectives As a result I have the knowledge to produce content that open source maintainers can relate to and learn from That s an example of how curiosity helps me Do they like helping people Empathy is valuable in Developer Advocacy However it s hard to gauge empathy in an interview especially if the junior candidate has never worked as a software engineer or with engineers Also empathy is sort of vague What are they empathetic about Does the empathy have action To me developer advocates and folks within DevRel employ empathy with action Empathy with action is a long winded way to say helping Therefore I think we can measure their interest in helping others instead Do they get excited about helping people find the answers Do they often find themselves in positions where friends and colleagues consider them a connector If the answer is yes then when someone within the developer community needs help they will help or find someone who can help and they will enjoy doing it Let s be honest helping people gets draining so finding people who feel fueled by empathy and helping others can protect the individual s mental health They don t know all the answersKnow it alls aren t the greatest teachers because their egos may motivate them to incite intimidation and lead people astray If you hear a junior developer advocate say something along the lines of I don t know but I m willing to learn or I don t know but I ll find out that s a good sign People feel more comfortable learning from folks that make mistakes and are authentic This doesn t mean the person doesn t isn t knowledgeable As stated above the person is curious and knows how to find answers You can learn your communication style on the jobIn my opinion being a good communicator is also a vague metric How can you truly tell if someone is a good communicator especially in an interview when they re probably nervous I actually don t think I m the greatest communicator especially when I m speaking and haven t planned my thoughts but I think I can communicate my thoughts well through writing which is why I enjoy tweeting and blogging I also don t think that the content I create is for everybody Some people may not understand what I was trying to communicate while some others prefer my communication style Like technical skills I think communications skills are learned and built over time Junior developer advocates will learn which audiences resonate with them and which mediums work best for them In my opinion and I know people may disagree I think it s a promising sign if a junior developer advocate is CuriousEnjoys helping othersAnd admits they don t know everything but they re willing to learn To me that s all they need How to support junior developer advocatesStarting a job and not knowing what you re doing is a scary feeling Here are several ways my team supported me in my first year as a junior developer advocate that empowered me to succeed Don t hire them as the company s first developer advocate or allow them to join a team of noneGitHub had an existing team I wasn t the first hire I think it should be illegal to hire a junior developer advocate as your first developer advocate kidding kind of Developer Relations requires strategy It s unfair to expect a junior developer advocate to create a strategy that can make or break the developer community s perception of your company Share responsibilitiesYou can teach junior developer advocates by sharing responsibilities until they re confident owning those responsibilities For example you can Pair program demo apps and explore the company s product together When I first joined GitHub I met with my manager at the time Brian Douglas twice a week The first meeting of the week was to discuss life and strategy He gave me feedback on how I was doing suggest things I should work on he told me what he was up to and what he was working on The second meeting of the week was to pair program Together we built a web app using GitHub s API From this exercise he was able to determine that I didn t need that much help coding because I would usually show up with some parts completed Pair programming gives me anxiety so I always try to avoid it lol Do a joint talk with a junior developer advocate and a senior developer advocate I ve never done a joint talk before but I ve seen people do it and I think it helps folks feel more comfortable presenting for the first time Host a Twitch stream or Twitter Space while the junior developer advocate moderates During my first few months as a developer advocate I joined my manager on Twitch streams and Twitter Spaces My job was to moderate the chat While I moderated I observed how he interacted with the audience and how he responded to questions I observed how he planned each event as well Eventually I felt confident enough to host my own Twitter Spaces and Twitch Streams Allow them explore and identify their strengths and interestsAs a junior developer advocate I explored public speaking making short form video content hosting Twitch streams hosting Twitter Spaces contributing to open source writing blog posts and building demo applications My favorites are writing blog posts contributing to open source and hosting Twitter Spaces I focus most on that because that s what I do well I host Twitch streams and do public speaking because I want to get better at those I don t enjoy creating video content especially short form but that doesn t mean I ll never do it I want to work on it but I do it less It s okay that I don t make as many TikToks and YouTube shorts because my team is amazing at making those Getting a chance to explore and identify my strengths and interests helped me feel more confident in my role and helped me learn what my community enjoys I don t have to do it all because developer advocates are a team They all bring different strengths to the table Occasionally challenge them to get out of their comfort zoneAlthough I get to focus on my strengths and things I like to do my team will occasionally ask me to do things I ve never done before For example the other day I wrote a blog post about GitHub Enterprise features I never used GitHub Enterprise before but writing a blog post about it helped me learn so much I don t advise throwing a junior developer advocate into the deep end but slowly give them small challenges to expand their skillset Connect them with Developer Advocates outside of your companyI ve connected with many developer advocates because I wanted to learn from them I wanted to know how they re doing DevRel at their companies It s such a new field There are only a few books and courses out about how to do it so my learning is more proactive I have to seek out the people that are actively making an impact My team also introduces me to leaders within Devrel The DevRel community is super supportive Together it s easy to vent share resource and celebrate wins because we understand the struggles and rewards of being a developer advocate If a junior developer advocate doesn t know many developer advocates and doesn t have a wide network it can be hard to book a time to chat with an external developer advocate As a more senior developer advocate or team lead take the initiative to connect them with other developer advocates outside of your company Give KIND feedbackKind feedback doesn t mean you re lying to them I think people are scared to be honest with people who are nice and people from underrepresented background but dishonesty and withholding feedback does disservice to that person The junior developer advocate is looking to improve They don t want to junior forever I suggest that when they did something good even if it s small give them some public praise Let them know they did well because that will encourage them to keep doing it And that will help increase their visibility at your company and within the larger developer community When they re not doing so well give them feedback in the way they prefer This is a larger conversation that you need to have with them when they initially start the job Figure out if they like to receive constructive feedback on a video call or via text Also ask them if they prefer for you to soften the blow or be blunt For example I prefer people soften the blow with me because I am a chronic over thinker but I also don t want you to lie to me ConclusionHiring a junior developer advocate is totally worth it but you may need to invest more time and effort Respectfully let me know your thoughts in the comments I know this entire blog post is a spicy take Thank you to my team Brian Douglas Martin Woodward Damian Brady Christina Warren Andrea Griffiths Kedasha Kerr Pachi Parra Kara Sowles Abigail Cabunoc Mayes Anisha Pindoria Lee Rielly Michelle Mannering Laura Thorson and Karan M V for making me feel confident and equipping me with the correct skills to do my job well 2022-10-13 01:08:57
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ビジネス プレジデントオンライン "日本"を売って売って売りまくれ…経営コンサルが緊急提言「円安を逆手に日本を急浮上させる」3つの秘策 - 1泊10万円「海外ならホリデイ・イン、国内ならラグジュアリーホテル」 https://president.jp/articles/-/62525 小宮一慶 2022-10-13 11:00:00
ビジネス プレジデントオンライン 本人は節約のつもり…貧困層がスーパーの特売ではなく「コンビニのカップ麺」を平気で買ってしまう残酷な理由 - お金がないのに「無駄遣い」せざるを得ず、ますます貧困に陥る https://president.jp/articles/-/62511 無駄遣い 2022-10-13 11:00:00
ビジネス プレジデントオンライン なぜ若者はオジサンとの会話を嫌がるのか…絶対にダメなのについやってしまう「HHJ」という3大悪 - 聞かれてもいないのに「自分の話」を始めてしまう https://president.jp/articles/-/62412 中村淳彦 2022-10-13 11:00:00
ビジネス プレジデントオンライン 4分間の運動を週2回やるだけ…世界標準のトレーニング法「タバタ式」がすごすぎる効果を生むワケ - たった4分間なのに疲労困憊になるほどキツい https://president.jp/articles/-/62365 世界標準 2022-10-13 11:00:00
マーケティング MarkeZine インスタ運用の鍵は目標設定とデータに基づく日々の改善、フォロワー数150%達成した大丸・松坂屋の事例 http://markezine.jp/article/detail/40113 インスタ運用の鍵は目標設定とデータに基づく日々の改善、フォロワー数達成した大丸・松坂屋の事例Instagramを多くの企業が活用する一方、他社のいいね数が見えず好例がわからない、KPIの測定が難しい、投稿に一生懸命になり改善ができないなどの課題がある。 2022-10-13 10:30:00
マーケティング MarkeZine HiJoJo Partners、米国ユニコーン企業100社リスト最新版を公開 http://markezine.jp/article/detail/40266 hijojopartners 2022-10-13 10:30:00
GCP Cloud Blog JA ソフトウェア サプライ チェーンのエンドツーエンドのセキュリティを提供するソフトウェア デリバリー シールドのご紹介 https://cloud.google.com/blog/ja/products/devops-sre/introducing-software-delivery-shield-from-google-cloud/ このサービスでは現在、来歴が確認されたを超えるJavaとPythonのキュレート済みパッケージが提供されています。 2022-10-13 02:00:00



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