投稿時間:2022-10-13 17:18:48 RSSフィード2022-10-13 17:00 分まとめ(25件)

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フリーソフト 新着ソフトレビュー - Vector 不要なプログラムと関連ファイルをまとめて完全に削除「IObit Uninstaller 12 PRO 3ライセンス」 https://www.vector.co.jp/magazine/softnews/221013/n2210131.html?ref=rss iobituninstaller 2022-10-13 17:00:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia PC USER] エルザ、スモールタワー筐体を採用した小型デスクトップワークステーション https://www.itmedia.co.jp/pcuser/articles/2210/13/news165.html elsavelugagnd 2022-10-13 16:47:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia Mobile] 出そろった「Xperia 5 IV」の価格 最安値はどのキャリアか https://www.itmedia.co.jp/mobile/articles/2210/13/news163.html itmediamobile 2022-10-13 16:38:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] ファミマ、7時間にわたりチケット発券中止 ネットワーク障害で https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2210/13/news162.html itmedia 2022-10-13 16:30:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] ローソン、冷凍デザート「モンテビアンコ」を新発売 10月18日に https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2210/13/news148.html itmedia 2022-10-13 16:30:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] NHK、不正な受信料未払いに2倍の「割増金」 受信規約見直しで意見募集 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2210/13/news157.html itmedianewsnhk 2022-10-13 16:26:00
IT 情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders さくら情報システム、オープンソースによるマネージド型のデータ分析基盤クラウド「Aiven」を販売 | IT Leaders https://it.impress.co.jp/articles/-/23899 さくら情報システム、オープンソースによるマネージド型のデータ分析基盤クラウド「Aiven」を販売ITLeadersさくら情報システムは年月日、クラウド型データ活用基盤「さくらデータベースマネージドサービスpoweredbyAiven」を提供すると発表した。 2022-10-13 16:15:00
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Pytorch】TorchaudioのMVDRで音声強調❗❗❗❗❗ https://qiita.com/Nushigawa03/items/522512877106bd398792 github 2022-10-13 16:39:24
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Maya python export ass https://qiita.com/aizwellenstan/items/377e1008c555fa13d9a2 dataformat 2022-10-13 16:37:18
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 画面文字コードがShift_JIS の場合、FormData を使ったファイルアップロードでファイル名が文字化けする https://qiita.com/mgng/items/b617e964d35afe09725e filegtltscriptgtletfile 2022-10-13 16:46:34
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita dockerで"ENOSPC: no space left on device, write"エラー発生したら、docker system prune か docker system prune --volumesしろ https://qiita.com/tomoyukikino/items/a03550f1b8908978a7e3 2022-10-13 16:40:52
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita git clone解説 https://qiita.com/yunano/items/29e40b54ffae2b218d51 gitclone 2022-10-13 16:47:04
海外TECH DEV Community How to Set up Facebook Conversion API on Shopify https://dev.to/gloriamaldonado/how-to-set-up-facebook-conversion-api-on-shopify-20cd How to Set up Facebook Conversion API on ShopifyHaving accuracy problems tracking data through Facebook Pixel Hold on It s time to sing the Facebook Conversion API s praises as it will help you secure much better results in no time Your browser based vintage Facebook Pixel fails to deliver accurate and consistent data due to ad blockers cookie blockers etc because it works on the browser side On top of all that the latest iOS updates put you in a tight spot when it comes to tracking amp monitoring data through Facebook Pixel The Facebook Conversion API comes to the rescue though It works on the server side and gets all your purchase data in the back end providing much better results at the end of the day Here I ll help you to set it up on your Shopify store with no additional apps required Things You Should Do Before You Set Up Facebook Conversion API on ShopifyThere are a couple of things to get done before taking action First things first you need to make sure that you Install the Facebook Channel App on your Shopify store Get Facebook Business Manager with admin rights Use the native FB app to set up FB CAPI on your Shopify store The Easiest Way to Set Up Facebook Conversion API on ShopifyYou can benefit from the native integration using Facebook Sales Channels to secure a solid setup that works Just follow the steps below Navigate to the Shopify Admin gt Online Store gt Preferences gt Setup Facebook Authorize your FB Business Manager account and select the pixel Make sure you opt for Maximum to let all the data possible flow Then confirm How to Validate Your Facebook Conversion API on ShopifyThe native Facebook Conversion API setup on Shopify includes the browser pixel as well and this is very useful for your validation You should first check the Facebook Pixel to see if it includes the variables data that FB CAPI needs Step Check browser based Facebook PixelGo ahead and download a Chrome extension named Facebook Pixel Helper to kick things off Then go to your Shopify store s homepage Here you should activate the extension To do that click the icon on the upper right corner and then the little pin icon as you can see below Important Keep in mind that you need to deactivate your adblockers if you have any because they cause a malfunction by blocking the Facebook Pixel After you activate the extension as told above go to your store s website You should now see the extension like this Here the PageView should be triggered on your homepage Ideally I recommend that you make use of one pixel but some merchants might want to do multiple pixels although it s not a good practice You can see the Event ID when you click the PageView event Here s a quick reminder that you can use the Event ID to de duplicate events Visit this page to get more in depth information on the topic Also you can go to a product page on your store and see the ViewContent event on your FB Pixel Helper It lets you monitor product level data such as ID price name category etc as shown below At this point you can level up your pixel by taking the following actions Navigate to FB Pixel Settings gt Automatic Advanced Matching Re adjust the settings set all of the fields ON At this juncture there s yet another thing to do so that you can get the best out of pixel You need to navigate to FB Pixel Settings gt Automatic Advanced Matching Then you should re adjust the settings that are already in use That s to say make sure you set all of the fields from Email to External ID ON Step See your data on Facebook Business ManagerYou can go to FB Business Manager gt Events Manager gt Pixels section to check your data It would be wise to say that you should check your data after a couple of days as it takes some time for the data to be monitored Then navigate to Facebook Business Manager gt Data Sources gt Events ManagerHere you need to make sure that you check the correct pixel you can compare the Pixel IDs Then you can see the events listed You should see “Browser Server in some events to understand everything works well You should also check the Last received X minutes ago Although it s not updated instantly you can see your data here in a couple of hours For instance if you can t see some data related to a purchase here after hours or so it means that there s something wrong with the setup Then click “Purchase and see the parameters section the last received time and then click View Details as you can see below You should also see all of your latest sales in detail once you go to the Recent Activities You can see the Event Parameters section to monitor which parameters are being sent and whether they are being sent correctly Just some useful tip here you can see the order details in the URL section This helps you detect which orders are being counted and which ones are not so that you can have a much better idea on what s going on Everything is set Are you ready to set up Facebook Conversion API on your Shopify store and make much more of your data 2022-10-13 07:22:49
金融 日本銀行:RSS フェイルの発生状況(9月) http://www.boj.or.jp/statistics/set/bffail/sjgb2209.pdf 発生 2022-10-13 16:30:00
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Omicron’s staying power could pave the way for a predictable COVID-19 pattern https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/10/13/world/omicron-staying-power/ Omicron s staying power could pave the way for a predictable COVID patternAny successor to omicron will face an uphill battle as it will need to be both more transmissible and better able to sidestep the immunity 2022-10-13 16:05:21
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Yu Darvish notches win as Padres hold off Dodgers to even series https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2022/10/13/baseball/mlb/darvish-dodgers-win/ Yu Darvish notches win as Padres hold off Dodgers to even seriesYu Darvish earned his second win of the postseason despite surrendering home runs in each of the first three innings as the San Diego Padres 2022-10-13 16:13:29
ビジネス 不景気.com エヌリンクスがゲーム子会社「ドワーフワークス」を解散 - 不景気com https://www.fukeiki.com/2022/10/nlinks-liquidate-dwarf-works.html 営業代行 2022-10-13 07:27:35
ビジネス プレジデントオンライン 「ただ穏やかな老後を過ごしたかっただけなのに」退職金を頭金に家を買い替えた60代夫婦がハマった奈落【2022編集部セレクション】 - 大幅値下げしても自宅マンションが売れない致命的な理由 https://president.jp/articles/-/62475 自宅マンション 2022-10-13 17:00:00
マーケティング MarkeZine ヤフーのマルチビッグデータで、店舗購買周辺の消費者の動きをひも解く【参加無料】 http://markezine.jp/article/detail/40285 参加無料 2022-10-13 16:15:00
IT 週刊アスキー LINE NFT、「JR東日本 鉄道開業150年記念駅名標NFT」10月14日発売 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/108/4108884/ linenft 2022-10-13 16:50:00
IT 週刊アスキー 『Fit Boxing 北斗の拳』のボスとしてレイが登場!声優の三浦勝之さんからのコメントも公開 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/108/4108883/ fitboxing 2022-10-13 16:40:00
IT 週刊アスキー DMM GAMES、「千年戦争アイギス」にて「真・恋姫†英雄譚4 ~乙女耀乱☆三国志演義[呉]~×アイギス」コラボキャンペーンを開催! https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/108/4108837/ dmmgames 2022-10-13 16:30:00
IT 週刊アスキー アップル、デベロッパー向けにAppleのエキスパートと直接つながる機会となる「Ask Apple」発表 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/108/4108880/ apple 2022-10-13 16:30:00
IT 週刊アスキー 世界中のプレイヤーと遊べる!『白猫GOLF』が約170ヵ国で事前登録の受付を開始 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/108/4108893/ 事前登録 2022-10-13 16:30:00
IT 週刊アスキー 新宿駅周辺を巡りながら謎解き! 「新宿まちフェス2022 新宿ナゾトキウォーク&XR謎解き」を開催 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/108/4108867/ 一般社団法人 2022-10-13 16:15:00



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