投稿時間:2022-10-13 05:20:56 RSSフィード2022-10-13 05:00 分まとめ(26件)

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AWS AWS Big Data Blog Split your monolithic Apache Kafka clusters using Amazon MSK Serverless https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/split-your-monolithic-apache-kafka-clusters-using-amazon-msk-serverless/ Split your monolithic Apache Kafka clusters using Amazon MSK ServerlessToday many companies are building real time applications to improve their customer experience and get immediate insights from their data before it loses its value As the result companies have been facing increasing demand to provide data streaming services such as Apache Kafka for developers To meet this demand companies typically start with a small or … 2022-10-12 19:21:03
AWS AWS Machine Learning Blog Customize business rules for intelligent document processing with human review and BI visualization https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/customize-business-rules-for-intelligent-document-processing-with-human-review-and-bi-visualization/ Customize business rules for intelligent document processing with human review and BI visualizationA massive amount of business documents are processed daily across industries Many of these documents are paper based scanned into your system as images or in an unstructured format like PDF Each company may apply unique rules associated with its business background while processing these documents How to extract information accurately and process them flexibly is … 2022-10-12 19:16:29
AWS AWS Management Tools Blog How to use AWS Config and CloudTrail to find who made changes to a resource https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/mt/how-to-use-aws-config-and-cloudtrail-to-find-who-made-changes-to-a-resource/ How to use AWS Config and CloudTrail to find who made changes to a resourceAWS Config is a service that continuously tracks and evaluates the configuration changes of your AWS resources It provides you with a Resource Timeline which helps you to investigate and audit how the resources and their relationships change over time AWS Config records the configuration of supported resources in a JSON structure known as a … 2022-10-12 19:54:15
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Python】Iris(アヤメ)のデータをpandasのDataFrame(df)で読み込む方法 https://qiita.com/takuma-1234/items/a30754c746245e5fe602 dataframedf 2022-10-13 04:37:36
海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Fix the Instagram App Not Working on Windows 11 https://www.makeuseof.com/windows-11-instagram-not-working/ windows 2022-10-12 19:16:15
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Catalyst waterproof cases protect AirPods Pro, iPhone 14, Apple Watch Series 8 https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/10/12/catalyst-waterproof-cases-protect-airpods-pro-iphone-14-apple-watch-series-8?utm_medium=rss Catalyst waterproof cases protect AirPods Pro iPhone Apple Watch Series Catalyst has unveiled a line of protective waterproof cases for the iPhone series AirPods Pro Apple Watch Series and the new Apple Watch SE iPhone Total Protection CaseThe company is also moving towards sustainability with these new products using packaging made of responsibly sourced paper products that can be recycled Read more 2022-10-12 19:51:02
海外TECH Engadget The Polestar 3 electric SUV will start at $85,300 when it arrives in late 2023 https://www.engadget.com/polestar-3-suv-release-date-price-193711445.html?src=rss The Polestar electric SUV will start at when it arrives in late Polestar has finally taken the wraps off its first electric SUV The newly official Polestar is now set to reach customers in the fourth quarter of with a starting price of in the US Pre orders are available now While that places the EV firmly in luxury territory there will be a few advantages that could help it stand out To begin the Polestar will promise solid performance The Volvo offshoot is touting an early estimate of miles of range using WLTP testing methods thanks to the kWh battery pack We d expect a more modest EPA rating in the US but that still suggests the vehicle could beat the miles of Mercedes more expensive EQS SUV Polestar also claims a MPH time of seconds from the HP dual motor system seconds and HP with the Performance Pack a MPH top speed and kW fast charging support More importantly there s plenty of technology on deck The standard Polestar comes with a host of cameras radar and ultrasonic sensors to offer safety features borrowed from Volvo including interior radar to warn when children are still in the back seats You can also order an as yet unpriced Pilot Pack with LiDAR that lays the groundwork for self driving features You ll find significantly more processing power inside too The inch infotainment display will take advantage of a quot next generation quot Snapdragon Cockpit Platform and this is Polestar s first model to use an NVIDIA Drive computer to power driver assist features The Plus Pack and regular Pilot Pack will be included with this initial model year bringing features like a speaker Bowers amp Wilkins audio system complete with Dolby Atmos a heads up display and driver aids for highways and parking PolestarThe Polestar may not hit its stride until mid when the brand expects to start US production in South Carolina However it already signifies the start of a new chapter Polestar has been a one EV car company until now ーthere was no reason to bother if you wanted anything other than a Model rivalling sedan Between this the upscale Polestar sedan and Polestar convertible the badge is targeting a considerably wider if still well off audience 2022-10-12 19:37:11
海外TECH Engadget James Webb Telescope captures unique dust rings surrounding two stars https://www.engadget.com/james-webb-telescope-dust-rings-fingerprint-190504880.html?src=rss James Webb Telescope captures unique dust rings surrounding two starsThe James Webb Telescope has captured an unusual dust pattern around two stars that can track the passage of time similar to ring patterns on the inside of tree trunks The image detailed by the European Space Agency and NASA s Jet Propulsion Laboratory shows a pattern of concentric rings made up of dust particles surrounding two stars known as Wolf Rayet According to JPL Wolf Rayet stars are thought to be rare in our galaxy and only have been discovered so far And Wolf Rayet is the only such system that s been found to have this type of ring pattern due to the peculiar shape of its orbit which is “elongated rather than circular The rings some from a reaction that occurs when the two stars come close together once every eight years forming a kind of quot fingerprint quot around the stars “Each ring was created when the two stars came close together and their stellar winds streams of gas they blow into space met compressing the gas and forming dust the European Space Agency explains “The stars orbits bring them together about once every eight years like the rings of a tree s trunk the dust loops mark the passage of time The image also demonstrates the level of detail possible with James Webb s instruments Prior to this capture scientists using ground based telescopes could only see two dust rings around Wolf Rayet You can read more about the discovery in Nature 2022-10-12 19:05:04
Cisco Cisco Blog The power of community and conversations: Reflecting on Hispanic-Latinx Heritage Month https://blogs.cisco.com/csr/the-power-of-community-and-conversations-reflecting-on-hispanic-latinx-heritage-month The power of community and conversations Reflecting on Hispanic Latinx Heritage MonthSabrina a Cisco Marketing Manager shares the meaning of being a Latina and how she celebrates Hispanic Latinx Heritage Month 2022-10-12 19:40:31
海外科学 NYT > Science Human Brain Cells Grow in Rats, and Feel What the Rats Feel https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/12/science/human-brain-cells-organoids-rats.html animals 2022-10-12 19:37:34
海外TECH WIRED 23 Best Prime Day Deals on Amazon Devices (2022): Early Access Sale https://www.wired.com/story/best-amazon-device-deals-prime-day-2022-4/ hardware 2022-10-12 19:23:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Oxford Street US-themed candy stores raided for fake goods https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-63236472?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA counterfeit 2022-10-12 19:33:51
ニュース BBC News - Home Track Cycling World Championships: Jess Roberts wins women's scratch bronze https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/av/cycling/63236927?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Track Cycling World Championships Jess Roberts wins women x s scratch bronzeJess Roberts wins Great Britain s first medal of the Track Cycling World Championships with bronze in the women s scratch race dedicating it to her grandfather who died at the weekend 2022-10-12 19:29:21
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【国立市ベスト3】小学校区「教育環境力」ランキング!2022年最新版 - 東京・小学校区「教育環境力」ランキング2022 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/310880 【国立市ベスト】小学校区「教育環境力」ランキング年最新版東京・小学校区「教育環境力」ランキング子どもにとってよりよい教育環境を目指し、入学前に引っ越して小学校区を選ぶ時代になった。 2022-10-13 04:50:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 オリンパスの巨額損失飛ばし発覚から約10年、「礼賛記事は時期尚早」な内情 - 医薬経済ONLINE https://diamond.jp/articles/-/310712 2022-10-13 04:45:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 トラック運送の倒産が倍増、燃料高騰と「ゼロゼロ融資」終了でさらに増加か - 物流専門紙カーゴニュース発 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/311141 トラック運送の倒産が倍増、燃料高騰と「ゼロゼロ融資」終了でさらに増加か物流専門紙カーゴニュース発トラック運送など道路貨物運送事業者の倒産が増加傾向にある。 2022-10-13 04:40:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「全裸にされ銃口向けられ監禁」人身売買集団に詐欺を強要された元工場長の衝撃告白 - News&Analysis https://diamond.jp/articles/-/310918 「全裸にされ銃口向けられ監禁」人身売買集団に詐欺を強要された元工場長の衝撃告白NewsampampAnalysis今年の夏、何百人もの台湾人や香港人たちが東南アジアで人身売買の被害に遭っていたのをご存じだろうか。 2022-10-13 04:35:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 ロマンス詐欺の拠点はカンボジア?東南アジアに「犯罪特区」が続々出現する理由 - News&Analysis https://diamond.jp/articles/-/310919 ロマンス詐欺の拠点はカンボジア東南アジアに「犯罪特区」が続々出現する理由NewsampampAnalysisSNSやマッチングアプリで、見知らぬ美女や外国人の医師・軍人などから言い寄られ、メッセージをやりとりするうちに本当に惚れてしまい、お金を送ったり、仮想通貨などの投資話を持ちかけられたりする……こうした「ロマンス詐欺」「投資詐欺」の被害が増えているが、犯人は誰で、何のためにやっているのか疑問に思ったことはないだろうか。 2022-10-13 04:34:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 加熱式たばこを巡って“炎上”続出、「水蒸気だから迷惑かけない」の大誤解 - 情報戦の裏側 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/311142 加熱式たばこを巡って“炎上続出、「水蒸気だから迷惑かけない」の大誤解情報戦の裏側「加熱式たばこ」にまつわる「炎上」が相次いでいる。 2022-10-13 04:30:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 中堅物流の倒産劇、成長企業は「隠れゾンビ」だった…帝国データバンクが解説 - 倒産のニューノーマル https://diamond.jp/articles/-/311117 帝国データバンク 2022-10-13 04:25:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 FRB、根強い高インフレを懸念=FOMC議事要旨 - WSJ発 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/311202 議事 2022-10-13 04:24:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「支離滅裂」な岸田政権の総合経済対策、円安を阻止したいのか容認なのか - 野口悠紀雄 新しい経済成長の経路を探る https://diamond.jp/articles/-/311145 支離滅裂 2022-10-13 04:20:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 パート収入の壁の法改正「よくある5つの疑問」にFPがずばり回答 - 老後のお金クライシス! 深田晶恵 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/311143 健康保険 2022-10-13 04:15:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 自衛官の訓練後の足裏写真に衝撃…「塹壕足」を防げない支給装備の悲惨 - News&Analysis https://diamond.jp/articles/-/311118 自衛官の訓練後の足裏写真に衝撃…「塹壕足」を防げない支給装備の悲惨NewsampampAnalysis今年月、一人の自衛官が訓練後に投稿した「雨に連日打たれながら演習を終えた塹壕足ストーブに当てたら二時間で治ります」という写真付きのツイッターが話題となった。 2022-10-13 04:10:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 スラムダンク・桜木花道「天才ですから」が深すぎる!元官僚の哲学研究者が熱弁 - ニュース3面鏡 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/307123 スラムダンク・桜木花道「天才ですから」が深すぎる元官僚の哲学研究者が熱弁ニュース面鏡伝説的バスケ漫画『スラムダンク』。 2022-10-13 04:05:00
ビジネス 東洋経済オンライン 西九州新幹線で「かもめ」が消えた長崎本線の今後 大幅に減った特急、地元はさらなる減便に懸念 | ローカル線・公共交通 | 東洋経済オンライン https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/625494?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=http&utm_campaign=link_back 九州新幹線 2022-10-13 04:30:00



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