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IT 気になる、記になる… Appleの整備済み商品情報 2021/7/19 https://taisy0.com/2021/07/19/143204.html apple 2021-07-19 14:53:57
Google カグア!Google Analytics 活用塾:事例や使い方 YouTubeハッシュタグが企業であまりつけられない理由 https://www.kagua.biz/marke/marke-doga/20210719d.html youtube 2021-07-19 14:59:41
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Python の Web Framework FastAPI でトークン認証! https://qiita.com/ryoya41/items/758319d809caea42044e Djangoなどのフルスタックフレームワークを使うとデフォルトのアカウント管理機能がありますが、バックエンドのフレームワークでは、自分でアカウント管理機能を実装しないといけないこともあるかと思います。 2021-07-19 23:48:26
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 残プロ 第-48回 ~pythonとLanguageAppで翻訳~ https://qiita.com/R1nY1x1/items/c016212af97b1fa2e748 2021-07-19 23:48:17
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【PythonのORM】SQLAlchemyの基本的な使い方! https://qiita.com/ryoya41/items/9351743cce81c2b5fc41 使い方インストールpipinstallsqlalchemyモデルの作成以下のようにモデルを定義することで実行のタイミングでテーブルが生成されます。 2021-07-19 23:47:38
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【競プロ】PyPy3で使える!NumPy代用ライブラリ https://qiita.com/toast-uz/items/0d48813591193f331258 代用ライブラリ設計の方針numpy関数名を、ほぼそのままnp関数名として再現しており、多重リストやタプルに対して、numpyと同様な操作を可能にしています。 2021-07-19 23:45:05
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 【HTML/CSS】ラジオボックスを中央に配置して縦並びにしたいです https://teratail.com/questions/350353?rss=all 【HTMLCSS】ラジオボックスを中央に配置して縦並びにしたいです前提・実現したいことHTMLCSS初心者です。 2021-07-19 23:51:07
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) circleCIにてbundler: command not found https://teratail.com/questions/350352?rss=all circleCIにてbundlercommandnotfoundcircleCIにてbundlenbspexecnbsprspecができない前提・実現したいことcircleCIにてCICDを実現したいです。 2021-07-19 23:44:30
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) HTMLサイトのForbiddenエラーの原因 https://teratail.com/questions/350351?rss=all HTMLサイトのForbiddenエラーの原因前提・実現したいこと現在wordpressを用いず、HTMLサイトを作成しています。 2021-07-19 23:43:11
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) skyboxのshaderをSkybox/Proceduralにして,Directional lightを回転させて昼夜を表現してるのですが夜の時skyboxが完全に真っ暗になるので青色にしたい https://teratail.com/questions/350350?rss=all skyboxのshaderをSkyboxProceduralにしてDirectionallightを回転させて昼夜を表現してるのですが夜の時skyboxが完全に真っ暗になるので青色にしたいskyboxのshaderをSkyboxProceduralにしてlightを回転させて昼夜を表現してるのですが夜の時skyboxが完全に真っ暗になるので青色にしたいです誰か意見をくださるとありがたいです。 2021-07-19 23:42:12
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 検索結果内で条件のレコードをカウントしたいです https://teratail.com/questions/350349?rss=all 2021-07-19 23:37:50
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) nginx.confで設定したサイトのリダイレクト処理が動かない https://teratail.com/questions/350348?rss=all nginxconfで設定したサイトのリダイレクト処理が動かない前提・実現したいこと今回ご相談したいのは、URLのリダイレクト処理についてです。 2021-07-19 23:34:26
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) matplotlibのscatterでの色分けに凡例を出したい https://teratail.com/questions/350347?rss=all matplotlibのscatterでの色分けに凡例を出したい前提・実現したいことデータフレームで散布図で色分けしたものについて凡例を表示したいですが、うまくいきません。 2021-07-19 23:31:44
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Linuxのtmpディレクトリ下で削除されたファイルを復元する方法 https://teratail.com/questions/350346?rss=all Linuxのtmpディレクトリ下で削除されたファイルを復元する方法環境nbspUbuntuLinuxのtmpディレクトリ下に作成されたファイルは、再起動や一定時間アクセスがないと勝手に削除されるのを知らず、作成した大事なデータが削除されてしまいました。 2021-07-19 23:29:01
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) if文を使って偶数回目は2秒おきで点滅し、奇数回目は1秒おきに点滅するプログラムを教えてもらいたいです! https://teratail.com/questions/350345?rss=all 2021-07-19 23:11:34
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ベンダープレフィックスの予測変換に打消し線が表示されます。 https://teratail.com/questions/350344?rss=all 部分 2021-07-19 23:09:36
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Pythonで多数の企業情報を抽出したいです。 https://teratail.com/questions/350343?rss=all Pythonで多数の企業情報を抽出したいです。 2021-07-19 23:05:49
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) javascriptで、A配列、B配列、C配列...を格納するα配列から、A、B、C...配列の値だけの配列を作成したいです。 https://teratail.com/questions/350342?rss=all idididid 2021-07-19 23:04:07
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita SVNで困ることいろいろ(バージョン管理初心者向け?) https://qiita.com/silver40/items/aa21d18db10e1e24a4f7 後からトランク、ブランチ、タグフォルダを用意されると色々面倒gitsvnを使う場合、branchesフォルダとかを見てブランチを切ってくれるのですが途中からbranchesやらtagsやら用意した場合は特定のリビジョンでクローンする必要があります。 2021-07-19 23:04:41
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Deviseで論理削除を実装する https://qiita.com/tanutanu/items/3048e17da0dc5a0e944e HowtoSoftdeleteauserwhenuserdeletesaccount【翻訳】deviseで論理削除を実装する方法本記事では、上記に加えてユーザーのメールアドレスも変更していること、実装時にもらったアドバイスも含めている点に違いがあります。 2021-07-19 23:11:41
技術ブログ Developers.IO React(TypeScript)でreact-timer-hookのデモを動かしてみた https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/running-react-timer-hook/ react 2021-07-19 14:54:55
海外TECH DEV Community Detecting and Visualizing Twitter Sentiment during COVID-19 Pandemic using AWS Comprehend and Quicksight https://dev.to/aws-builders/detecting-and-visualizing-twitter-sentiment-during-covid-19-pandemic-using-aws-comprehend-and-quicksight-2a9p Detecting and Visualizing Twitter Sentiment during COVID Pandemic using AWS Comprehend and QuicksightPeople are experiencing a prolonged state of physical isolation from their friends as well as teachers extended family and community networks due to COVID lockdown While quarantining adults has generally led to negative psychological effects including confusion anger and post traumatic distress it is unknown how these measures have impacted children The twitter consumer sentiment is the most common text classification tool that analyzes an incoming tweet and conveys if the underlying sentiment is positive negative or neutral from the public Taking India as a case study we are going to analyze the sentiment of people during each phase of COVID Pandemic The three phases are Pre lockdown Lockdown and Unlock phases Lets orchestrate AWS services to access the data identify the sentiment and then visualise the results Tweet Processing and UploadThe tweets were collected on three bases KeywordLocationDate range Only tweets in English were collected for this purpose Keyword trending keywords related to COVID Location Chennai Bangalore Hyderabad Delhi Mumbai Kolkata Date Range Three phases ーPre lockdown Lockdown Unlock The GetOldTweets python library was used to collect the tweets based on the above three criteria To preprocess the data NLTK packages were used To save you from the hassle I have uploaded the dataset in my Github repo The techniques used for data collection and preprocessing is explained in the readme file All dataset contains three features tweet text location phase Setting up AWS Account and IAM roles and usersIf you are new to AWS then you create your free AWS account here Creating a new roleGo to IAM Console and then click roles Give a name for the role s lambda role and then select Lambda as the use case Under permission attach the following policies as mentioned in the picture below and create Creating a new userWe are creating a user to export the Dynamo DB data Click Users in the side pane of IAM console Create a new user and attach “AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess permission Also under the security tab generate an access key and secret key Keep it safe as we need it in later part of the tutorial Orchestrating the AWS servicesNow we all are all set to proceed with the next step So whenever a file gets uploaded in the bucket we need to send it to AWS Comprehend and receive the sentiment of each tweet and populate the data in Dynamo DB So we need three things here An S BucketDynamo DB tableA Lambda function Create an S bucketNavigate to S console and create new bucket name it as “covidsentimenttwitter or any name as you wish This is where our dataset will be uploaded Create a DynamoDB tableNavigate to DynamoDB console and on the side navigation pane click Tables Create a new table with “text as the partition key Also note down the region where the table is created In this tutorial my table “covidsentiment is created in “us east region Lambda FunctionThe lambda function is going to act as a bridge between S object and Dynamo DB table Navigate to Lambda function console and click create function Give a suitable name and choose Python as runtime Under Permissions click “Use an existing role and select the role which we had created earlier in this tutorial Once the function is created navigate inside it In the Designer Pane click Add Trigger In Trigger Configuration select S and select the bucket name which we had created earlier Set the event type as “All Object create event So whenever a new object is created in the S bucket this lambda function will be triggered Also set the execution timeout for lambda function as minutes Now we need to identify the sentiment of the tweet in the uploaded file and write the data to Dynamo DB Run the following code under the function code of the lambda function Replace the name of the bucket table name as per your configuration and save the function The lambda function code is as below Now you can upload all three dataset files in S bucket You can monitor the lambda function and view the output logs by switching to the Monitoring tab in the lambda function You can view the populated items in the Dynamo DB under Items tab in Dynamo DB console Export DynamoDB DataOnce the data is populated we can simply export the whole Dynamo DB data as CSV Install the AWS CLI and jq library in your local machine if you don t have it In your terminal type aws configureEnter the Access ID Secret key Region name which we had created earlier Execute the following command to export the Dynamo DB Replace the table name as per your config aws dynamodb scan ーtable name covidsentiment ーselect ALL ATTRIBUTES ーpage size ーmax items ーoutput json jq r “ Items jq r “ keys unsorted as keys keys map keys S csv gt table csv Visualizing the sentiment dataset using AWS QuickSightNavigate to AWS QuickSight Under the Analysis tab click New Analysis gt New Dataset gt Upload a file Click and upload the exported Dynamo DB data CSV file Once the dataset is imported Click Add Visual and then select your preferred graph and set the relevant Axis filters and play with it Once you have derived meaningful insights with the data you can publish the QuickSight dashboard Future EnhancementYou can use AWS Firehose to stream real time data from Twitter to S You can build a data pipeline between Dynamo DB or any other DB to Quicksight Data source Host the dashboard as a web app using Elastic BeanstalkVoila we have built a dashboard to visualize the sentiment of the twitter during COVID pandemic If you have reached this part of the article do like and share and follow me for more articles on AI and Cloud 2021-07-19 14:50:15
海外TECH DEV Community O que é API? https://dev.to/womakerscode/o-que-e-api-2dnj O que éAPI Sumario Sigla APIO que de Fato uma API faz Um exemplo da vida realConcluindoEstamos vivendo num mundo onde tudo éon line e tudo se conecta de alguma forma hoje épossível fazer pagamentos num piscar de olhos mas uma questão sempre fica na mente de quem estáiniciando na área Como que tudo isso se conecta Como que o dado passa do pronto A para o ponto B Na área de tecnologia mais especifícamente em desenvolvimento nos deparamos muito com essa palavra API Porém muitas pessoas desenvolvedoras que estão iniciando tem um pouco de dificuldade de realmente entender o propósito desta sigla de fato Este éo objetivo desse artigo clarear um pouco o conceito de API através de exemplos e de forma simples Espero que ajude você A Sigla APIComo dito na introdução API éum acrônimo vindo da língua inglesa na qual significa Interface de Programação de AplicaçõesAPI acaba sendo um compilado de definições e protocolos que são usados no mundo do desenvolvimento e principalmente na integração de software de aplicações nas empresas por isso émuito comum ouvir sobre API s em reuniões desde max level corporativas aténuma roda de conversa de amigos em T I Boas API s tornam mais fácil desenvolver um programa de um computador fornecendo todos os blocos de construção possíveis que são reunidos pelo programador O que de fato uma API faz API faz de maneira simplificada a conexão com ainfraestrutura por meio do desenvolvimento de aplicações que são nativas em nuvem Imagem tirada do artigo O que éAPI RedHatAPI énada mais nada menos do que o código escrito necessário para atingir o objetivo do ponto A ir ao pontoB Ao entrar no restaurante o consumidor site ou mobile após conferir o cardápio e decidir o que vai querer comer vai efetuar seu pedido para o Garçom API Em seguida o Garçom vai atéa cozinha servidor solicitar o pedido do Consumidor Dependendo do gerenciamento da comunicação do pedido estrutura da Cozinha agilidade dos Cozinheiros o tempo para obter a Entrega do Pedido no caso o Prato Resposta serárápido Também podemos adotar o cliente Delivery Embarcado no qual também poderáconsumir os dados da nossa Cozinha através da mesma API Trecho retirado do MundoAPI Um exemplo da vida realUm exemplo bem bacana que podemos tirar do mundo real éo ato de comprar passagens áreas online O processo ébasicamente o seguinte Tu vai atéo site da companhia áerea e insere o local de destino e no processo de compra insere suas informações como Nome Cpf Infos do Cartão de Crédito e depois disso vocêtem acesso ao seu ingresso online sendo o mesmo jáautenticado para validação no aeroporto Mas o que acontece por debaixo dos panos entre inserir suas informações e receber sua passagem online Éisso mesmo as API s estão aí E as mesmas estão trabalhando num tipo de bastidos e staff com os outros recursos e aplicações para te entregar um resultado final Isso épossível por conta de uma ação chamada Integração A integração de sistemas éuma técnica que promove uma grande melhoria no desempenho e na organização das operações de um negócio dentro de um software Para permitir que as soluções de TI sejam empregadas para a circulação de informações entre vários setores gestores podem implementar diversas técnicas ConcluindoAPI s estao muito presentes no dia a dia de uma pessoa desenvolvedora e esta tudo bem nao entender tudo de início conforme as tasks vão sendo passadas pra você intrísicamente vocêiráentender o papel das API s Um dica de exercicio étentar criar uma regrinha de negócio Biblioteca Escola ou atémesmo um catalogo de músicas E ir criando uma aquitetura para essa regra de negócio vocêvai ver que com o tempo vai entender o papel da API Obs Peça sempre um feedback para entender onde melhorar e como evoluir 2021-07-19 14:44:32
海外TECH DEV Community Creating a custom scrollbar https://dev.to/anjalijha22/creating-a-custom-scrollbar-k1o Creating a custom scrollbarRecently I figured out about customizing scrollbars Adding custom scrollbars to websites you make helps enhance it even further and also helps in overall color coordination To start with we use webkit scrollbar It can be included in your CSS section It s a pseudo element used to modify the look of a browser s scrollbar Most browsers other than firefox support this A sample example of the code would be width webkit scrollbar width px This section targets the width of your scrollbar Track webkit scrollbar track background fff This relates to the progress bar Properties such as border radius box shadow can also be added Handle webkit scrollbar thumb background It specifies the properties of the scrolling handle that can be dragged To design that even further you can try Handle on hover webkit scrollbar thumb hover background This will change the color upon hovering Similarly some of the other pseudo elements you can use are webkit scrollbar buttonthe buttons on the scrollbar arrows pointing upwards and downwards webkit scrollbar track piecethe track progress bar NOT covered by the handle webkit scrollbar cornerthe bottom corner of the scrollbar where both horizontal and vertical scrollbars meetand many moreHope it helps 2021-07-19 14:28:50
海外TECH DEV Community Do Developers Have Too Many Options? https://dev.to/codesphere/do-developers-have-too-many-options-1eo9 Do Developers Have Too Many Options It feels like every other week there is some new web framework popping up on HackerNews promising to cause a ground breaking paradigm shift While some of these innovations like NoSQL databases or front end javascript libraries might make life easier for many developers there s no question that these innovations have caused the technologies used by developers to become increasingly diverse perhaps even to a fault The golden question that s been debated by developers for years of course is whether the abundance of options actually creates a net good for developers and users So does it Let s take a closer look… Framework FatigueAs someone who does a good amount of front end development I can say with confidence that ReactJS makes my life easier I love being able to create reusable components handle inputs easily and set up conditional rendering with a couple characters The potential issue isn t that a tool exists that makes our life easier It s the fact that tools exist to make our life easier in the exact same way Are there minor differences between React Angular Vue Django Ember Meteor and the other web frameworks Yes Are you going to be able to successfully build almost any website no matter the framework you choose Also yes The different use cases of these frameworks have little to do with the underlying technology and more so are just a matter of preference New HiresA common frustration that people have with the abundance of options is that it can make applying for developer roles particularly difficult Many employers will list their specific tech stack as a requirement for the role While listing Javascript or SQL as a skill is definitely reasonable when developers list hyper specific web frameworks or database technologies it creates a landscape where those looking for a job are forced to take a crash course in each of these technologies In reality if you have the JS or SQL fundamentals down it s not going to take you that long to adapt to your new employer s tech stack The expectation that developers should know every specific technology prior to being hired is therefore counter productive In addition there is an argument to be made that having developers gain experience in all these separate yet extremely similar technologies makes it harder for the team to work together A minority of developers actually get to choose their own tech stack StackOverflow Developer Survey so a good amount of us are going to be left working in a framework that we don t prefer The Myth of Sparse ResourcesI think an argument that gets thrown around a lot that does not have a ton of merit is the idea that as the amount of technologies increases the amount of learning resources on each technology is going to decrease Let s be honest here there s FAR from a shortage of developer tutorials I d be incredibly surprised if you were able to find a web technology that didn t have at least one article or a video covering how to use it RiskAnother common argument in this debate is that when the developer landscape is constantly changing there comes an incredible amount of risk in choosing a tech stack We all know migrating to different web technology is hard and that s why most companies elect to maintain an older tech stack instead of transitioning to the status quo These innovative web technologies by nature of being new instead of being built on existing tech can only be so effective in the short run Chances are by the time companies migrate to your new framework a better framework is already being released A company looking to pick a tech stack is therefore going to be much safer building their software with vanilla JS instead of a framework that can be deprecated or antiquated in a couple of years Competition makes us better offProbably the greatest argument in support of the web development landscape we see today is that the competition among frameworks and technologies makes us better off Would HTML be what it is today without Adobe Flash Would we have React Native without Flutter or Xamarin The tech landscape is always going to evolve We can at least find solace in the fact that the creators of new web technologies are going to try their best at making development easier more secure and more efficient so that they can capture the market At Codesphere we re proud to be competing with the likes of AWS Heroku and Netlify because we think that we can make cloud development much easier for developers If developers don t end up wanting the tools we offer so be it But we re confident that we can make a real difference in software development and we re excited at the opportunity to make our case Does this make things harder for new hires and companies picking tech stacks Probably a little bit but I m not sure that the alternative is any more viable What do you think Do we have too many options Do you like getting to choose between so many different web frameworks Let us know down below Brought to you from your good friends at Codesphere the next generation cloud provider 2021-07-19 14:22:49
海外TECH DEV Community How to Build an Interactive Flow Map in JavaScript https://dev.to/andreykh1985/how-to-build-an-interactive-flow-map-in-javascript-mja How to Build an Interactive Flow Map in JavaScript A step by step tutorial showing how to create an interactive JS Flow Map Illustrated by visualizing data on migration to the US It may seem to be complicated to create an interactive Flow Map for the Web using JavaScript But it s not This easy to follow tutorial will show you how to build beautiful JS flow maps without too much effort In these difficult times of the pandemic there is a lot of confusion and concern about the immigration status of people around the globe I decided to take a look at the immigration data of the US which has more migrants than any other country in the world Here I explore where these immigrants come from and represent the top countries that contributed the highest number of migrants to the US in the year A flow map seems the perfect way to showcase the inflow of migrants into the United States from various countries Before going further let me give you a brief idea about a flow map and its uses What is a Flow Map Flow Maps geographically visualize the movement of objects ーfor example people or goods from one location to another and their amount A flow map is a type of connector map that is drawn by connecting points placed on a map by straight or curved lines with an arrow or marker indicating the direction of the flow Generally the magnitude of the flow is represented by the thickness of the line Start and endpoints for the connectors in these maps are defined by the latitude and longitude parameters so it s necessary to set these for each connector Note that the latitude of the point should be defined first and then the longitude for each point For example here s the flow map I will have created by the end of this tutorial CodePen Playground Creating a Flow Map with JavaScriptThere are a lot of good JavaScript charting libraries that can be used to create compelling data visualizations Many of them provide the capabilities to build maps and have their strengths So you can use whichever library best fits your project requirements In this tutorial I am using AnyChart It looks the most suitable here with the out of the box flow map option and in depth documentation to understand the process A flow map is slightly more complicated than a basic chart like a bar or a pie chart but I will walk you through the lines of code to make it easier to grasp Some background knowledge about HTML and JavaScript will help you understand faster but nonetheless it is not too difficult Look how you can create a beautiful interactive JavaScript flow map in simple steps Creating an HTML pageThe first step is to create a blank HTML page that will hold the interactive flow map Add a div element with a unique id to this page which will be referenced later I set the width and height of the div to so that the map is displayed over the entire screen This can be modified based on the requirement and preference lt html gt lt head gt lt title gt JavaScript Flow Map lt title gt lt style type text css gt html body container width height margin padding lt style gt lt head gt lt body gt lt div id container gt lt div gt lt body gt lt html gt Adding the necessary scriptsTo use a charting library for building a data visualization you will need to link the appropriate JS scripts of the library you are using All these script files are included in the HTML page For creating a JS flow map I will add AnyChart s core and geo maps modules Since the map is of the whole world I link the file containing the world geodata from the library s collection of maps also available on its CDN In addition I will make use of another JavaScript library ーProjjs ーwhich in short takes care of plotting the coordinates over the respective geographical areas lt html gt lt head gt lt title gt JavaScript Flow Map lt title gt lt script src gt lt script gt lt script src gt lt script gt lt script src gt lt script gt lt script src gt lt script gt lt style type text css gt html body container width height margin padding lt style gt lt head gt lt body gt lt div id container gt lt div gt lt script gt All the code for the JS flow map will come here lt script gt lt body gt lt html gt Connecting the dataFor the map the data needs to have the latitude and longitude coordinates along with the other information to be displayed I created the dataset by collating immigration information from Wikipedia and adding the coordinates from a site called Latlong For the flow map I need the latitude and longitude of the source country as well as the destination country Here the destination country is the US for all the data points To check out how the dataset looks you can find the file here To load the data file I will include the Data Adapter module of AnyChart in the lt head gt section of the HTML page and make use of the loadJsonFile method within the lt script gt tag in the HTML page body to load the file with the JSON data for the flow map visualization lt html gt lt head gt lt title gt JavaScript Flow Map lt title gt lt script src gt lt script gt lt script src gt lt script gt lt script src gt lt script gt lt script src gt lt script gt lt script src gt lt script gt lt style type text css gt html body container width height margin padding lt style gt lt head gt lt body gt lt div id container gt lt div gt lt script gt anychart data loadJsonFile function data The JS flow map s code will come here lt script gt lt body gt lt html gt Writing the JS code to draw the flow mapBefore anything else I will enclose all the code inside the anychart onDocumentReady function which will ensure that the page is fully loaded before anything is executed Next I will load the data using anychart data loadJsonFile function Now I create the flow map using the connector function since this is a type of connector map and then set the geodata along with settings to make sure that all the regions of the world are visible clearly anychart onDocumentReady function anychart data loadJsonFile function data сreate a connector map chart instance var map anychart connector include the world map geodata map geoData anychart maps world darken all regions map unboundRegions enabled true fill EEE stroke DDD I add a title to the chart and allow the overlap so that all the data points along with their labels are seen on the map even if they overlap set the map chart titlemap title Migrations to the USA from the top countries display all labels even if there is an overlapmap overlapMode allow overlap Now comes the main part of creating the connector series which will represent the various connections For this I create a helper function with data as its parameter In the function I create the series that will form the connector lines and add the arrow markers at position which is the destination since our flow is from the various source countries to the destination country ーthe US I then add labels that display the source country names a helper function to create the series that will form the connector linesvar createSeries function data create and customize the connector series var connectorSeries map connector data connectorSeries markers position size set the labels for the source countries connectorSeries labels enabled true format function return this getData from I now set the data and call the function that I created with that dataset as the argument The final steps are setting the container to reference the previously added div and drawing the map create a dataset from the datavar dataSet anychart data set data mapAs createSeries dataSet set the containermap container container draw the mapmap draw Lo and behold A nice functional JavaScript based flow map is made It wasn t that tough to create such an interactive data visualization was it Have a look at this initial version on CodePen or Playground Customizing the JS Flow MapThe existing flow map just built using JavaScript is a good representation showing where the majority of migrants come from But the amount of immigrants from each country is not displayed So I will customize the map to show that and make the map more insightful with some additional code I will also improve the visual aesthetics and make some other minor changes A Setting the colors and size of the connectors along with the legendB Improving the tooltip informationC Enhancing the title and labelsCONTINUE READING HERE FOR A WALKTHROUGH OF THESE JS FLOW MAP CUSTOMIZATIONS 2021-07-19 14:07:49
海外TECH DEV Community How Can a Programmer Design a Website? (That is actually good) https://dev.to/itays123/how-can-a-programmer-design-a-website-that-is-actually-good-4oa7 How Can a Programmer Design a Website That is actually good As a web developer the topic I ve been struggling with is designing I managed to master HTML CSS React js Node js TypeScript Java and Spring Boot but something about my websites always felt wrong As I began working on my big project called Partydeck this issue became a real struggle This is the homepage I had designed last March It looks clean the theme is clear and it s easy to understand what the user is expected to do Yet something is missing This is the homepage I am currently designing You can see it is in a whole new level containing colorful interfaces and is able to keep the user s eyes hooked for a longer time What to do Here are some of the tips I found the most inspiring and that have helped me the most Do you have any other good tips Let me know in the comments Use a designing softwareThe reason this is so important is because it s much more easy to experiment and see what works best when you design your website in an external software before actually programming it You don t have to master Photoshop or be the best Adobe user on the planet just have the minimal understanding of the software of your choice My personal preference is Figma because it s made of React js which I absolutely love A great example of the usage of Figma for designing websites can be found in this video Get InspiredIf you design a To Do app get to Todoist Any do or any other website with a purpose close to yours and get inspired by their design In my case my website is similar to Quizlet and Kahoot so I visited their websites many times to get inspired Don t be afraid to use colorsThe only website I have ever seen with an almost monochromatic UI is Instagram and the reason it looks good is because the posts are the ones who keep the user s eyes hooked Unless you design a social media application use a color theme I don t want you to pick an exact shade but a color from a pre made theme such as the Material color theme Once you have a color theme here s what you do What is your primary color Use it for of your interface In my case the Tailwind css indigo The secondary color should be similar to the primary but a bit lighter or darker You can use different shades of the same color to spice things up What are your accent colors Picking one is interesting but in the context of my application I thought I should pick more Use it in unexpected locations A great usage of color themes can be found in the Quizlet website About Me And My ProjectLast October My friend gave me an excellent app idea I decided to develop it and gained tond of experience regarding app development project management and product design I m planning on posting a lot about this topic later on Check out my project itays partydeck A cool online card game Partydeck A cool online card gameThe Partydeck app contains microservices all connected The live server responsible for creating live games shufling the cards and generating game codes Powered by Java and the Spring framework The live game the fronend React js app that connects to the live server The game panel a traditional MERN application to store and manage decks Want to give it a try Go to the game panel url Sign up and create a game or choose one from the public library Click play to create a live gameInvite your friends to playLicenseThis software has no open srouce license which means the default copyright laws apply to it Under Github s terms of service you can view and fork the code for this repository for private use For more information regarding non licensed softwares View on GitHub 2021-07-19 14:01:57
海外TECH DEV Community Why Do Companies Ask For Passion? https://dev.to/run-x/why-do-companies-ask-for-passion-46dp Why Do Companies Ask For Passion Cover image from Passion public domain Screenshot by Wayne Popular job advice especially in highly competitive fields like tech often states that you should be “passionate about your work The word passion gets written into job descriptions all the time There are plenty of articles on Dev discussing how to demonstrate your passion to employers how to cultivate your passion or how to maintain passion through tough times While the sentiment originated in white collar jobs it s now so pervasive that you might see a customer service position that requires the applicants to be “passionate about the customer experience there are even articles about how to tell if an employee is passionate enough about it If we accept that demanding passion is absurd at the cashier level do you really want your grocery bagger to be passionately placing each can in your reusable waxed canvas bag then why is passion considered a prerequisite for so many jobs in tech Asking interviewees to demonstrate passion might be a way to try and predict quality of work you might assume that someone who loves what they do will do it better than someone who s just here to get their paycheck However it s pretty easy to play up passion on a resume or in a job interview that you might not feel during a forty hour work week So why do employers assume that they can gauge someone s passion and that passion matters when it s fairly easy to falsify A cynical answer might be that an employee who s claimed that they are passionate or who I guess is actually passionate might be easier to persuade to work longer hours for the same pay or pursue work related research and professional development off the clock From an accounting perspective that means you can pay the passionate person less Someone who puts in a hour week when the job is for hours is technically getting paid about of what they said their hourly rate was and they re giving themselves professional development off the clock which means you don t necessarily have to pay for conferences and trainings And so perhaps employers are incentivized to ask for passion so that they can expect you to prove your love by making big sacrifices for the company But even if we assume that employers aren t trying to get one over on you there are drawbacks to their seeking only the most passionate employees Some fields within tech don t have degree certifications and must be either learned on the job or self taught If the expectation is that hires will have to learn those skills off the clock in order to demonstrate passion then employers will lose out on smart teachable candidates who might have great reasons for not “passionately pursuing their career outside of work for example if they have young children or have to support elderly relatives or have illnesses or disabilities that take up much of their non work time Sometimes what employers mistake for passion is actually “plenty of free time or “some disposable income to spend on personal projects This can make passion a metric that inadvertently locks out women people of color and working class people from tech positions where they might otherwise thrive In many fields the passion requirement ends up screening out candidates who would otherwise be qualified enough because they didn t manage to sufficiently demonstrate their love for doing work for free Liking your job and doing it well are important but a great step to diversifying tech would be to back off this endless thirst for endlessly thirsty employees Have you had an employer ask you about your passion for your work What do you think about passion as a job requirement Tell me in the comments 2021-07-19 14:00:56
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News MagSafe Battery Pack images show it doubles iPhone 12 thickness https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/07/19/magsafe-battery-pack-images-show-it-doubles-iphone-12-thickness?utm_medium=rss MagSafe Battery Pack images show it doubles iPhone thicknessThe first photographs of Apple s MagSafe Battery Pack by an iPhone owner show the portable power source as quite a hefty add on one that practically doubles the thickness of the iPhone when used MagSafe Battery Pack Reddit Steven Russell The MagSafe Battery Pack is a portable battery that magnetically attaches to the back of the iPhone generation of devices While there has been some speculation as to how much heft it would add to the iPhone real world photos of the accessory in use didn t surface until Monday Read more 2021-07-19 14:51:33
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Final day: Apple's HomePod mini drops to $89 at B&H Photo https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/07/16/apples-homepod-mini-just-dipped-to-89-at-bh-photo?utm_medium=rss Final day Apple x s HomePod mini drops to at B amp H PhotoB amp H s latest sale knocks off the budget friendly HomePod mini with limited supply available at the reduced price New HomePod mini dealB amp H Photo has Apple s HomePod mini on sale for in your choice of Space Gray or White while supplies last Read more 2021-07-19 14:14:49
海外TECH Engadget The best gadgets for students under $50 https://www.engadget.com/school-tech-under-50-140026676.html?src=rss The best gadgets for students under The little things can get you when you re in college You arrive on campus fresh and ready to go but before you know it you re a few weeks into the new semester and you have a long list of small things you forgot to pack and need to buy ASAP We at Engadget also know from experience that there are unassuming gadgets that can make your collegiate life easier To help you get ahead of the game we ve compiled the best school gadgets under so you can buy the most crucial ones before you even step on campus Anker PowerExtend Cube USB C power stripBasic two receptacle wall outlets just don t cut it anymore now that we all have a small army of devices that we rely on every day A power strip like Anker s PowerExtend will become a necessity for students as it gives them more power options than what comes standard in their dorm rooms This cube has two USB A ports one W USB C port and three AC outlets giving you more ways to keep your laptop phone tablet headphones and other devices charged up The five foot cable is another perk as it prevents you from needing to hug the wall of the library in order to get things done Also it weighs just ounces so you can bring it with you whenever you need your own personal charging station Buy PowerExtend strip at Amazon Incase Bionic accessories organizerStaying organized is key to staying sane while in school and that s true for both your digital and physical essentials For the latter Incase s Bionic Accessory Organizer is just the right size to act as both a pencil case and an “everything else holder It has a number of pen loops inside for those that prefer to take handwritten notes but it also has a bunch of variously sized pockets that can easily hold things like your portable hard drive an extra phone charger and even a compact wireless mouse And unlike those cheap pencil cases you ll find at the dollar store this one s made of ocean recycled material that s the equivalent of seven plastic bottles Buy Bionic accessory organizer at Incase Lention in USB C hubYour brand new laptop might be blazing fast and super light but it s probably lacking in the port department Such is the trade off companies make when creating powerful thin and light machines leaving us stuck living the dongle life But it doesn t have to be so painful if you get the right adapter for your laptop Lention s in USB C hub is a great option for students It s compact measuring x inches and it includes three USB A ports and one USB C port That should let you connect accessories like mice and keyboards and even access files on a thumb drive when you re working on a group project The USB C port is charging only but that s not necessarily a downside ーyou can use it with your laptop s power adapter and USB C cable to power your machine while using the adapter at the same time Buy Lention in hub at Amazon Anker PowerLine II USB C to Lightning cable foot As a student there s nothing worse than realizing your iPhone is down to percent battery when you re in the middle of submitting an assignment online The charging cable that came with your phone has probably served you well but having a second longer cable can allow you to power up in dire situations even when the closest outlet is across the room We ve been fans of Anker s Powerline series for a long time and this foot USB C to Lightning cable is worth investing in Not only is it MFi certified so it will work well with all Apple devices but its length gives you much more flexibility than your standard three foot cable does It also supports fast charging if you have an appropriately powerful adapter to use it with And for those who don t have iPhones Anker has a foot USB C to C cable that should serve your handsets well too Buy Powerline II USB C to Lightning cable at Amazon Apple AirTagWe re all familiar with the icy cold panic that rushes through us when you realize you ve misplaced your keys wallet phone or other valuables There are plenty of gadgets that can help you find those items but AirTags are arguably the best for those who live in Apple s ecosystem Like most Apple accessories setting up AirTags is as easy as placing them in close proximity to your iPhone and figuring out how you want to attach them to your belongings and you don t have to shell out a lot of money for fancy keyrings to do so After that if you do lose your stuff you can use your phone to force the AirTag to emit a loud chime And if you re still within Bluetooth range Apple s Precision Finding feature can literally guide you back to your belongings If you don t have an iPhone you can skip the AirTags and opt for one of Tile s many Bluetooth trackers to get a similar experience Buy AirTag at Amazon SanDisk Dual Drive GoWhile you may be used to saving your assignments in the cloud it can t hurt to have local copies as backups SanDisk s Dual Drive Go is a tiny thumb drive with both USB C and USB A connectors so you can download and save important programs files photos and other documents from almost any device It works with laptops tablets and smartphones and it even has a companion app that can automatically backup your files so you always have the most up to date version on hand We appreciate the dual USB connectivity the device s tiny size and it s affordable price ーyou can grab a GB model for only to Buy SanDisk Dual Drive Go at Amazon Amazon Echo Dot th gen The Echo Dot is Amazon s most popular smart speaker for a reason ーit s small it sounds pretty good for its size and it does a lot more than just play music Students will like the fact that it doesn t take up too much space on their desks and they can ask Alexa to play music from Spotify Apple Music and others whenever they want to have an impromptu dorm room dance party And since it plugs into a wall outlet they never have to remember to charge the Echo Dot like they would with a portable speaker Also when an assignment stumps them students can consult Alexa for help Are we suggesting they ask Alexa for the answers to all their homework conundrums Not exactly but the voice assistant s answers could give them a good starting point for further research Buy Echo Dot at Amazon Anozer tablet standWhether you re studying attending a virtual class or watching a movie it s crucial to have your device of choice at a comfortable viewing angle Anozer s phone and tablet stand is a sturdy yet unassuming solution ーit s height and angle adjustable its metal weighted base with rubber feet helps it stay in place and it can be folded flat so it s easily portable We also appreciate its silicone covered pad and rubber hooks that keep your phone or tablet from slipping and sliding around It s a must have for anyone that primarily uses mobile devices to complete their schoolwork Buy Anozer stand at Amazon Manta Sleep MaskSleep can be hard to come by in college Sometimes you may have to cram late into the night to prepare for an exam but other times you ll be subjected to the whims of others as they galavant around your dorm room as if classes and projects simply don t exist When you need to shut out the world in the hopes of catching a few ZZZs Manta s sleep mask could be a lifesaver We like its adjustable eye cups that block out nearly percent of light limiting any visual distractions around you The headband is adjustable as well you can tighten or loosen the mask to your liking And if it becomes indispensable to you Manta sells different types of eye cups that you can switch out when you want relief from migraines or a bit more TLC for your skin We also recommend completing the “do not disturb bundle with a good pair of earplugs that block out audible annoyances when you re trying to sleep Buy Manta sleep mask at Amazon RAVPower mAh chargerIt goes without saying that a portable way to recharge your phone is essential nowadays But a battery pack that s capable of charging all of your devices including your laptop is even better RAVPower s mAh portable charger does just this ーit s W output allows it to juice up machines like a MacBook Pro from to percent in just one hour And if you ve got your laptop covered it can power your tablet smartphone headphones and other gadgets quickly as well Just before publishing this article RAVPower s charger went up in price to but even if it s a bit more expensive than our original threshold we still think it s worth the investment Buy mAh W portable charger at RAVPower USB desk fanDorm rooms can be insufferably hot throughout the school year and there are few things worse than sweating when you re trying to study A gadget to help circulate air is a necessity and this USB desk fan is small and quiet enough to work in almost any environment It doesn t take up much space on a desk and its nearly foot long cable makes it easy to plug into a power source ーprobably your laptop since it s likely to be close by while studying but it could also be a USB adapter connected to an AC outlet or even a portable battery pack The fan also has three speeds and the head can be angled to direct air at your face or anywhere else you want it Buy desk fan at Amazon Brita filter bottleThe environmental reasons for carrying a reusable water bottle are clear and hydration is important for everyone ーnot only students Brita s is a good option because it s made of BPA free plastic comes in ounce and ounce capacities has a leak proof lid and uses a filter straw to make the water you drink from it just like the water you d get from a larger Brita container And no you won t have to spend too much on replaceable filters either The company recommends changing your bottle s filter every two months and a pack of three filters will run you only about Buy Brita water filter bottle at Amazon 2021-07-19 14:30:26
海外TECH Engadget Amazon one-day-only sale knocks up to 35 percent off Anker charging gadgets https://www.engadget.com/amazon-sale-anker-charging-power-accessories-141124931.html?src=rss Amazon one day only sale knocks up to percent off Anker charging gadgetsIf you ve been shopping for portable chargers and other power accessories it s worth checking out an Anker sale on Amazon which is running today only Many of the brand s products have been discounted by up to percent in the sale Among them is a bundle that includes a PowerCore III Elite W portable charger PowerPort III W Pod wall charger USB C to USB C cable and travel pouch Buy Anker PowerCore III Elite bundle on Amazon You can charge up to three devices at once via a W USB C port and dual W USB ports The mAh capacity should be enough to recharge an iPhone at least five times over and a Samsung Galaxy S at least four times Anker suggests The bundle is currently down from to Buy Anker Power Strip with USB C on Amazon Elsewhere you ll be able to pick up a PowerPort Strip PD Mini power strip for down from The hub will allow you to power and charge five devices simultaneously through a USB C port two PowerIQ enabled USB charging ports and a pair of AC outlets Buy Anker PowerWave Sense in Stand on Amazon You can also save on the handy PowerWave Sense in Stand which will let you wirelessly charge any Qi enabled phone You don t necessarily need to remove your phone case according to Anker As long as it s less than five millimeters thick and isn t a magnetic or MagSafe case the device should still charge your phone You can simultaneously charge an Apple Watch Series and SE using the stand which is currently down from to You can check out the rest of the products Anker has on sale today through its Amazon store page Follow EngadgetDeals on Twitter for the latest tech deals and buying advice 2021-07-19 14:11:24
Cisco Cisco Blog Biodesign Innovation Labs: Meet the team developing an affordable alternative for prolonged manual ventilation https://blogs.cisco.com/csr/biodesign-innovation-labs-meet-the-team-developing-an-affordable-alternative-for-prolonged-manual-ventilation Biodesign Innovation Labs Meet the team developing an affordable alternative for prolonged manual ventilationThis year Cisco awarded the Cisco Global Problem Solver Challenge Pandemic Response Prize to Biodesign Innovation Labs Learn more 2021-07-19 14:00:56
海外科学 NYT > Science How Climate Change Hit Wine Country https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/18/climate/napa-wine-heat-hot-weather.html extreme 2021-07-19 14:32:29
海外科学 NYT > Science Wildfires Are Intensifying. Here’s Why, and What Can Be Done. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/16/climate/wildfires-smoke-safety-questions.html Wildfires Are Intensifying Here s Why and What Can Be Done The danger from flames and smoke is growing as blazes spread more swiftly and unpredictably as a consequence of climate change Here are answers to five important questions 2021-07-19 14:43:28
金融 RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 J-IRISS https://www.jsda.or.jp/anshin/j-iriss/index.html iriss 2021-07-19 15:39:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Heatwave swimming warning after six die in England https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-57884739 weekend 2021-07-19 14:34:56
ニュース BBC News - Home China accused of cyber-attack on Microsoft Exchange servers https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-57889981 email 2021-07-19 14:25:31
ニュース BBC News - Home In pictures: UK soaks up sun as heatwave set to continue https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-57886265 nations 2021-07-19 14:46:52
ニュース BBC News - Home Lions captain Jones fit for first Test against South Africa https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/rugby-union/57888115 kolisi 2021-07-19 14:23:14
ニュース BBC News - Home Arsenal sign Albert Sambi Lokonga from Anderlecht on long-term contract https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/57893045 contract 2021-07-19 14:49:19
LifeHuck ライフハッカー[日本版] 適度な硬さでしっかり頭をほぐしてくれる。マーナのヘッドスパグッズが最高! https://www.lifehacker.jp/2021/07/amazon-marna-atamasukkrina.html marna 2021-07-19 23:30:00
北海道 北海道新聞 米ズームがコールセンター買収 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/568964/ 運営 2021-07-19 23:14:00
北海道 北海道新聞 レバンガ 新HCに元日本代表佐古氏 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/568881/ 日本代表 2021-07-19 23:08:19
IT IT号外 Kindle fire HD8の自働音声読み上げ機能を有効にしようとしたら非常に分かりにくく、出来なくて挫折しかけた話し https://figreen.org/it/kindle-fire-hd8%e3%81%ae%e8%87%aa%e5%83%8d%e9%9f%b3%e5%a3%b0%e8%aa%ad%e3%81%bf%e4%b8%8a%e3%81%92%e6%a9%9f%e8%83%bd%e3%82%92%e6%9c%89%e5%8a%b9%e3%81%ab%e3%81%97%e3%82%88%e3%81%86%e3%81%a8%e3%81%97/ KindlefireHDの自働音声読み上げ機能を有効にしようとしたら非常に分かりにくく、出来なくて挫折しかけた話しタイトルの通り、KindlefireHDタブレットまたはKindlefireHD及びキンドルアプリの自働音声読み上げ機能を有効にしようとしたら非常に分かりにくくてムカついてしまって、いかにKindleというかFireOSのUIがAppleと比べて酷い事になっているかを皆様に分かって貰いたいということで書きました。 2021-07-19 14:47:43



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