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カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
IT 気になる、記になる… 「iPhone 12」シリーズ用「MagSafeバッテリーパック」の写真 https://taisy0.com/2021/07/20/143206.html apple 2021-07-19 15:17:17
AWS AWS Architecture Blog Field Notes: How Sportradar Accelerated Data Recovery Using AWS Services https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/field-notes-how-sportradar-accelerated-data-recovery-using-aws-services/ Field Notes How Sportradar Accelerated Data Recovery Using AWS ServicesThis post was co written by Mithil Prasad AWS Senior Customer Solutions Manager Patrick Gryczka AWS Solutions Architect Ben Burdsall CTO at Sportradar and Justin Shreve Director of Engineering at Sportradar nbsp Ransomware is a type of malware which encrypts data effectively locking those affected by it out of their own data and requesting a payment to … 2021-07-19 15:25:16
AWS AWS DevOps Blog Building a centralized Amazon CodeGuru Profiler dashboard for multi-account scenarios https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/devops/building-a-centralized-codeguru-profiler-dashboard-multi-account/ Building a centralized Amazon CodeGuru Profiler dashboard for multi account scenariosThis post shows you how to configure CodeGuru Profiler to collect multiple applications profiling data into a central account and review the applications performance data on one dashboard 2021-07-19 15:52:42
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Astroとは何者なのか。 https://qiita.com/Seastar14/items/90895b4e255aaf15e06c そろそろ何かサービスを作って運用してみたいとも思っていますので、astroで作ったプロジェクトでもチャレンジしてみたいと思います。 2021-07-20 00:23:37
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 【HTML/CSS】左側のカラムを下まで伸ばしたい https://teratail.com/questions/350360?rss=all 【HTMLCSS】左側のカラムを下まで伸ばしたいHTMLCSSnbsp前提・実現したいこと画像の左側のカラムを下まで伸ばし、表示される大きさに合わせる方法を教えて頂きたいです。 2021-07-20 00:44:16
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 画像を表示したいが表示されない。 https://teratail.com/questions/350359?rss=all bdeccpngeecddefadcbcefpng 2021-07-20 00:39:45
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Route [/store] not defined. エラーが解決できません。 https://teratail.com/questions/350358?rss=all 登録フォームを実装したところ、タイトルのエラーが発生しRouteでstoreが定義されていないとエラーが出ました。 2021-07-20 00:37:15
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) SpringBootでDBから取得処理をしたいが、テーブル名 is not mappedになる https://teratail.com/questions/350357?rss=all SpringBootでDBから取得処理をしたいが、テーブル名isnotmappedになる前提・実現したいことSpringBootで、論理削除フラグという条件で、テーブルからデータを取得してきたいです。 2021-07-20 00:28:15
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Python テキストの中から項目を抽出したい あともう一歩のひと工夫が思いつきません https://teratail.com/questions/350356?rss=all Pythonテキストの中から項目を抽出したいあともう一歩のひと工夫が思いつきません以下のような「セミコロン」で区切られたテキストから、セミコロンの前のタイトルとセミコロン後の値の組み合わせを抽出したいです。 2021-07-20 00:25:59
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Nugetライブラリに依存したアプリの配布方法 https://teratail.com/questions/350355?rss=all Nugetライブラリに依存したアプリの配布方法前提・実現したいことNugetのライブラリに依存したアプリを初めて作ったのですが、配布の方法がわかりません。 2021-07-20 00:24:44
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) IEで取得した情報でFirefoxを自動操作させる方法 https://teratail.com/questions/350354?rss=all IEで取得した情報でFirefoxを自動操作させる方法初歩的な質問になります。 2021-07-20 00:16:49
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS CodeStar とは https://qiita.com/miyuki_samitani/items/b49e404faeb1f925bd65 AWSCodeStarの特徴数分で開始できる普通であればいろいろ構築しないといけないところ、クリックのみでアプリケーションの構築環境を作成することができます。 2021-07-20 00:28:28
海外TECH DEV Community How To Deploy Python Scrapy Spiders for Free on Cloud https://dev.to/jerrynsh/how-to-deploy-python-scrapy-spiders-for-free-on-cloud-3l83 How To Deploy Python Scrapy Spiders for Free on CloudRunning Scrapy spiders in your local machine can be very convenient during the early stage of development But we would eventually need to deploy and run our spiders in the cloud periodically In search of free options for running periodic crawling jobs I have come across a few options available in the market such as Zyte Scrapy Cloud where you can easily deploy run and scale your web crawlers However if you intend to multiple spiders periodically you would have to start paying GoalBy the end of this article you should be able to deploy your Scrapy project and schedule a periodic job to crawl data from your target site for free Note that this might not be an ideal solution for large scale crawler applications where you would need to manage hundreds of spiders In that case using paid service to scale and manage your spiders with distributed crawling should be part of your considerations PrerequisiteTo follow I would expect you to have your Scrapy project ready to be deployed and running scrapy crawl examplespider command should work Your project root directory should contain either one of these ーrequirements txt Pipfile or setup py If none of these files is present in your app s root directory the Python buildpack will fail to identify your application correctly source Enters HerokuHeroku is a container based cloud Platform as a Service PaaS Heroku account registrationFirst you would need to register an account with Heroku it s free Installing Heroku CLIAfter your account registration let s use Heroku CLI to create and manage our project You may check out the installation steps for other OS here For macOS brew tap heroku brew amp amp brew install heroku LoginTo log in using Heroku s CLI simply cd to your project folder and run heroku login heroku Press any key to open up the browser to login or q to exit Opening browser to xxxx xxxx xxxxLogging in doneLogged in asjerry example com GitAt this stage you should already have set up your project with git init and git commit etc The next steps are to turn your project into a git repository and push it to Heroku i To create a Heroku application heroku apps create scrapy example project ii Add a remote to your local repository heroku git remote a scrapy example projectOnce we re done here let s open up our Heroku dashboard page for your newly created Heroku application Optional Setup free tier managed PostgreSQL service on HerokuYou would only need this step if your Scrapy project has a pipeline that stores scraped items in a PostgreSQL database Take note that the free tier only has a limit of rows at the time of writing this Select Application → Resources tab →Find Heroku Postgres →Select your plan amp Submit Order Form This step is fairly simple simply go to the Resources tab on your Heroku dashboard and look for Heroku Postgres select the free tier or whichever you deem fit Select View Credentials To look for your database credentials simply click on your Heroku Postgres add on →select Settings → View Credentials Finally configure your Scrapy project s connection to your database accordingly settings py This is just an example you might be using a different variable nameDATABASE CONNECTION STRING drivername user password host port db name format drivername postgresql user os environ get PG USERNAME postgres password os environ get PG PASSWORD host os environ get PG HOST localhost port os environ get PG PORT db name os environ get PG DATABASE burplist Or alternatively DATABASE CONNECTION STRING postgres xxxx xxxx ec xx xxx xxx xx compute amazonaws com xxxxxx End ResultsBy the end of this if you were to visit your Heroku dashboard activity feed you should see your application there where the latest activity says that your app has been deployed If you try to run heroku run scrapy crawl examplespider on your local terminal you should see that it will attempt to run the crawler on your Heroku server Heroku SchedulerThis section of the article shows you how you can run your crawlers spiders periodically Though Heroku offers several different schedulers that could run your application periodically I personally prefer Heroku Scheduler as it has a free tier and it is super simple to use To use the free tier of this add on Heroku requires you to add a payment method to your account Select Application → Resources tab →Find Heroku Scheduler →Select your plan amp Submit Order Form ConfigurationThis is how the Add Job screen would look likeInside your newly added Heroku Scheduler add on simply select Add Job on the top right corner and you should see the screen as shown in the picture beside To run the scrapy crawl examplespider command periodically simply select a time interval and save job How do I run all my spiders in one single command Locally scrapy list xargs n scrapy crawlOn Heroku from your local terminal heroku run scrapy list xargs n heroku run scrapy crawl How do I schedule a weekly monthly job Simply configure our Heroku Scheduler to run a bash script every day at a time where the bash script checks if today is the day of the week before running your actual scrapy crawl examplespider commands Example bash script E g run bash task sh weekly to run on every Wednesday bin bash Currently Heroku Scheduler only supports scheduling at every min hour day interval Reference To run every Monday task sh weekly To run now task shif weekly then echo Frequency lt Weekly gt Day of the week lt gt if date u then echo Starting to get data from the scrapy list xargs n scrapy crawl echo Finished running all fielse echo Frequency lt Now gt echo Starting to get data from the scrapy list xargs n scrapy crawl echo Finished running all fiDone Closing ThoughtsTo wrap things up I have found a lot of success in deploying and running my spiders periodically with this method The only downside here is the free tier version of Heroku Postgres which only supports up to database rows In this case we can easily opt in for the paid version of it and scale our database accordingly based on our demand On a side note we could also easily swap out our Scrapy project s database instance to use another cloud RDS solution such as Amazon RDS On top of these you can also easily opt in for other available Heroku add ons for logging and monitoring purposes Another Free Alternative MethodWhile I am aware that we could use Scrapyd to host your spiders and actually send requests alongside with ScrapydWeb I personally prefer to keep my scraper deployment simple quick and free Thank you for reading and take care 2021-07-19 15:25:28
海外TECH DEV Community Smart Pointers in Rust: What, why and how? https://dev.to/rogertorres/smart-pointers-in-rust-what-why-and-how-oma Smart Pointers in Rust What why and how TL DR I will cover some of Rust s smart pointers Box Cell RefCell Rc Arc RwLock and Mutex It seems pretty obvious that smart pointers are pointers that are smart But what exactly does this smart means When should we use them How do they work These are the questions I will begin to answer here And that is it the beginning of an answer nothing more I expect that this article will give you a background of understanding something like familiarity with the concept that will help you accommodate a real understanding of the topic which will come from reading the official documentation and of course practice If you are already familiar with it you may use this text as a list of relevant reading Look for the useful links at the beginning of each section Index BoxCellRefCellRcArcRwLockMutex Smart points in generalAs explained in The Book pointers are variables containing an address that points at some other data The usual pointer in Rust is the reference amp Smart pointers are pointers that have additional metadata and capabilities e g they may count how many times the value was borrowed provide methods to manage read and write locks etc Technically speaking String and Vec are also smart pointers but I will not cover them here as they are quite common and are usually thought of as types rather than pointers I will spare myself of mentioning how to create a pointer as all of them have the same method new Also note that from this list only Arc RwLock and Mutex are thread safe Box lt T gt Useful links The Book Documentation Box stack and heap What Box lt T gt allows you to store T on the heap So if you have say a u that would be stored on the stack Box lt u gt will store it on the heap If you are not comfortable with the concepts of stack and heap read this Why Values stored on the stack cannot grow as Rust needs to know its size at compile time The best example of how this may affect your programming that I know is in The Book recursion Consider the code below and its comments This does not compile The List contains itself being recursive and therefore having an infinite size enum List Cons i List Nil This does compile because the size of a pointer does not change according to the size of the pointed value enum List Cons i Box lt List gt Nil Be sure to read this section on The Book s to understand the details On a more general note Box is useful when your value is too big to be kept on the stack or when you need to own it How To get the value T inside Box lt T gt you just have to deref it let boxed Box new assert eq boxed Cell lt T gt Useful links Module documentation Pointer documentation What Cell lt T gt gives a shared reference to T while allowing you to change T This is one of the shareable mutable containers provided by the module std cell Why In Rust shared references are immutable This guarantees that when you access the inner value you are not getting something different than expected as well as assure that you are not trying to access the value after it was freed which is a big chunk of those of security bugs that are memory safety issues How What Cell lt T gt does is provide functions that control our access to T You can find them all here but for our explanation we just need two get and set Basically Cell lt T gt allows you to freely change T with T set because when you use T get you retrieve Copy of T not a reference That way even if you change T the copied value you got with get will remain the same and if you destroy T no pointer will dangle One last note is that T has to implement Copy as well use std cell Cell let container Cell new let eleven container get container set let twelve container get assert eq eleven assert eq twelve RefCell lt T gt Useful links The Book Documentation What RefCell lt T gt also gives shared reference to T but while Cell is statically checked Rust checks it at compile time RefCell lt T gt is dynamically checked Rust checks it at run time Why Because Cell operates with copies you should restrict yourself to using small values with it which means that you need references once again which leads us back to the problem that Cell solved The way RefCell deals with it is by keeping track of who is reading and who writing T That s why RefCell lt T gt is dynamically checked because you are going to code this check But fear not Rust will still make sure you don t mess up at compile time How RefCell lt T gt has methods that borrow either a mutable or immutable reference to T methods that will not allow you to do so if this action would be unsafe As with Cell there are several methods in RefCell but these two are enough to illustrate the concept borrow which gets an immutable reference and borrow mut which gets a mutable reference The logic used by RefCell goes something like this If there is no reference either mutable or immutable to T you may get either a mutable or immutable reference to it If there is already a mutable reference to T you may get nothing and got to wait until this reference is dropped If there are one or more immutable references to T you may get an immutable reference to it As you can see there is no way to get both mutable and immutable references to T at the same time Remember this is not thread safe When I say no way I am talking about a single thread Another way to think about is Mutable references are shared references Immutable references are exclusive references It is worth to say that the functions mentioned above have variants that do not panic but returns Result instead try borrow and try borrow mut use std cell RefCell let container RefCell new let c container borrow You may borrow as immutable as many times as you want assert container try borrow is ok but cannot borrow as mutable because it is already borrowed as immutable assert container try borrow mut is err After the first borrow as mutable let c container borrow mut you cannot borrow in any way assert container try borrow is err assert container try borrow mut is err Rc lt T gt Useful links The Book Module documentation Pointer documentation Rust by example What I will quote the documentation on this one The type Rc lt T gt provides shared ownership of a value of type T allocated on the heap Invoking clone on Rc produces a new pointer to the same allocation on the heap When the last Rc pointer to a given allocation is destroyed the value stored in that allocation often referred to as “inner value is also dropped So like a Box lt T gt Rc lt T gt allocates T on the heap The difference is that cloning Box lt T gt will give you another T inside another Box while cloning Rc lt T gt gives you another Rc to the same T Another important remark is that we don t have interior mutability in Rc as we had in Cell or RefCell Why You want to have shared access to some value without making copies of it but you want to let it go once it is no longer used i e when there is no reference to it As there is no interior mutability in Rc it is common to use it alongside Cell or RefCell for example Rc lt Cell lt T gt gt How With Rc lt T gt you are using the clone method Behind the scene it will count the number of references you have and when it goes to zero it drops T use std rc Rc let mut c Rc new After borrwing as immutable let first c clone you can no longer borrow as mutable assert eq Rc get mut amp mut c None but can still borrow as immutable let second c clone Here we have pointer c first and second assert eq Rc strong count amp c After we drop the last two we remain only with c itself assert eq Rc strong count amp c And now we can borrow it as mutable let z Rc get mut amp mut c unwrap z assert eq c Arc lt T gt Useful links Documentation Rust by example What Arc is the thread safe version of Rc as its counter is managed through atomic operations Why I think the reason why you would use Arc instead of Rc is clear thread safety so the pertinent question becomes why not just use Arc every time The answer is that these extra controls provided by Arc come with an overhead cost How Just like Rc with Arc lt T gt you will be using clone to get a pointer to the same value T which will be destroyed once the last pointer is dropped use std sync Arc use std thread let val Arc new for i in let val Arc clone amp val You could not do this with Rc thread spawn move println Value Active pointers val i Arc strong count amp val RwLock lt T gt Useful link Documentation RwLock is also provided by the parking lot crate What As a reader writer lock RwLock lt T gt will only give access to T once you are holding one of the locks read or write which are given following these rules To read If you want a lock to read you may get it as long as no writer is holding the lock otherwise you have to wait until it gets dropped To write If you want a lock to write you may get as long as no one reader or writer is holding the lock otherwise you have to wait until it gets dropped Why RwLock allows you to read and write the same data from multiple threads Different from Mutex see below it distinguishes the kind of lock so you may have several read locks as far as you do not have any write lock How When you want to read a RwLock you got to use the function read ーor try read ーthat will return a LockResult that contains a RwLockReadGuard If it is successful you will be able to access the value inside RwLockReadGuard by using deref If a writer is holding the lock the thread will be blocked until it can take hold of the lock Something similar happens when you try to use write ーor try write The difference is that it will not only wait for a writer holding the lock but for any reader holding the lock as well use std sync RwLock let lock RwLock new let r lock read unwrap You may pile as many read locks as you want assert lock try read is ok But you cannot write assert lock try write is err Note that if you use write instead of try write it will wait until all the other locks are release in this case never If you grab the write lock you may easily change itlet mut l lock write unwrap l assert eq l If some thread holding the lock panics further attempts to get the loc will return a PoisonError which means that from then on every attempt to read RwLock will return the same PoisonError You may recover from a poisoned RwLock using into inner use std sync Arc RwLock use std thread let lock Arc new RwLock new let c lock Arc clone amp lock let thread spawn move let lock c lock write unwrap panic the lock gets poisoned join let read match lock read Ok l gt l Err poisoned gt let r poisoned into inner r It will be because it was recovered from the poisoned lockassert eq read Mutex lt T gt Useful links The Book Documentation Mutex is also provided by the parking lot crate What Mutex is similar to RwLock but it only allows one lock holder does not matter if it is a reader or a writer Why One reason to prefer Mutex over RwLock is that RwLock may lead to writer starvation when the readers pile on and the writer never gets a chance to take the lock waiting forever something the does not happen with Mutex Of course we are diving into deeper seas here so the real life choice falls on more advanced considerations such as how many readers you expect at the same time how the operating system implements the locks and so on How Mutex and RwLock work in a similar fashion the difference is that because Mutex does not differentiate between readers and writers you just use lock or try lock to get the MutexGuard The poisoning logic also happens here use std sync Mutex let guard Mutex new let mut lock guard lock unwrap It does not matter if you are locking the Mutex to read or write you can only lock it once assert guard try lock is err You may change it just like you did with RwLock lock assert eq lock You can deal with poisoned Mutex in the same way as you deal with poisoned RwLock Thank you for reading 2021-07-19 15:25:22
海外TECH Engadget CNN+ streaming service will offer live and on-demand content in early 2022 https://www.engadget.com/cnn-plus-streaming-service-launch-153702038.html?src=rss CNN streaming service will offer live and on demand content in early The rumors of a CNN streaming service were true The network has unveiled a CNN service that will offer a blend of live and on demand shows that are quot separate and distinct quot from existing TV coverage It will debut sometime in the first quarter of CNN hasn t narrowed down the price but lead executive Andrew Morse told Variety in an interview that there wouldn t be an ad supported tier at launch The centerpiece as you d expect will be the live material CNN plans to offer eight to hours of in depth topical coverage and quot lifestyle quot material every day with both veterans and newcomers at the helm You ll also have chances to interact with anchors and experts in real time discussions This won t be a digital replica of CNN s usual news then but you may have reasons to tune in every day The on demand catalog unsurprisingly taps into CNN s existing collection including shows like Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown and United Shades of America There will be original shows and movies for the internet service although CNN won t reveal those until later in Officially Morse said CNN wouldn t be bundled or otherwise tie into HBO Max despite the WarnerMedia connection Variety sources however claimed there was a quot strong probability quot the service would be bundled with HBO Max and Discovery after WarnerMedia and Discovery finalize their merger Morse considered the CNN launch the largest the network has had since it started TV service in June It was also a chance to experiment with formats that blur distinctions between entertainment and news the executive added The question of course is whether or not viewers will bite CNN has had success with long form content like the late Anthony Bourdain s shows but it s not clear if people are ready to pay a monthly fee to see them There s also the matter of streaming service overload ーyou might not be thrilled to subscribe to yet another offering just to be sure you catch everything CNN has to offer 2021-07-19 15:37:02
海外TECH Engadget Dish will pay AT&T $5 billion to serve its mobile customers https://www.engadget.com/dish-att-mobile-services-boost-ting-republic-wireless-t-mobile-151607721.html?src=rss Dish will pay AT amp T billion to serve its mobile customersAT amp T is set to provide voice data and messaging services to Dish s Boost Mobile Ting and Republic Wireless customers for the next years Dish plans to pay AT amp T at least billion as part of the deal according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission To serve customers of both companies AT amp T may be able to use parts of the wireless spectrum to which Dish holds licences as The Wall Street Journal notes Before now T Mobile provided services to the nearly million customers of Dish s mobile brands The deal might draw the attention of regulators who enabled Dish to join the mobile market when it approved the merger between T Mobile and Sprint The conditions of the complex deal included T Mobile divesting Boost The plan was for Dish to rent services from T Mobile for seven years while it built its own mobile network nbsp 2021-07-19 15:16:07
海外TECH Engadget Warby Parker's vision test app can help renew your glasses prescription https://www.engadget.com/warby-parker-virtual-vision-test-app-150052775.html?src=rss Warby Parker x s vision test app can help renew your glasses prescriptionYou might not have to visit an optometrist just to get a basic prescription update for your glasses Warby Parker is trotting out Virtual Vision Test a revamp of its Prescription Check app that lets you renew your glasses or contact lens prescription using only an iPhone and your existing eyewear Prop up your phone stand feet away and you can walk through a familiar quot can you read this quot test that will gauge whether or not your glasses or contacts need updating The update isn t automatic An eye doctor will review the results and give you a verdict within two days If you re seeing well enough you ll just need to pay to renew your prescription If you re either struggling or just aren t eligible to use the app see below Warby Parker will recommend that you get a thorough eye exam The company is clear that this isn t a replacement for your eye doctor and that you ll have to meet certain criteria beyond what we just mentioned You have to be between and years old with no existing eye health concerns and a single vision distance prescription The approach relies on iOS Vision Framework to measure your distance from your iPhone and ensure that you re far enough away from a proper test We ve asked Warby Parker about an Android version although that might take a while given that it would need a rough equivalent to Vision Framework The motivations behind Virtual Vision Test are clear ーon top of the renewal fee this could lead to more people buying Warby Parker glasses and visiting the company s stores Regardless it could be very useful if you either can t make time to update your prescription or are still skittish about a visit while COVID remains a concern 2021-07-19 15:00:52
海外科学 NYT > Science Carbon Border Tax Is Proposed by Democrats https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/19/climate/democrats-border-carbon-tax.html ambitious 2021-07-19 15:51:45
海外科学 NYT > Science You’re Missing Microbes. But Is ‘Rewilding’ the Way to Get Them Back? https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/19/health/human-microbiome-hadza-rewilding.html You re Missing Microbes But Is Rewilding the Way to Get Them Back The science behind the idea of restoring the intestinal microbiome to an ancestral state is shaky skeptics say and in some cases unethical 2021-07-19 15:25:53
海外科学 NYT > Science El misterio de una extinción halla un aliado en un caracol con una computadora a cuestas https://www.nytimes.com/es/2021/07/18/espanol/caracol-extincion.html El misterio de una extinción halla un aliado en un caracol con una computadora a cuestasUna improbable colaboración ha resuelto un antiguo misterio sobre la supervivencia de los caracoles en las Islas de la Sociedad en la Polinesia Francesa 2021-07-19 15:49:02
海外科学 NYT > Science Democrats Call for a Tax on Imports From Polluting Countries https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/14/climate/border-carbon-tax-united-states.html actions 2021-07-19 15:42:44
海外科学 NYT > Science Europe Is Proposing a Border Carbon Tax. What Is It and How Will It Work? https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/14/climate/carbon-border-tax.html Europe Is Proposing a Border Carbon Tax What Is It and How Will It Work Supporters say it could pressure other countries to take stronger climate action But this novel tool could be tricky to implement 2021-07-19 15:43:27
海外科学 NYT > Science Europe Plans Aggressive New Laws to Phase Out Fossil Fuels https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/13/climate/eu-border-carbon-tax.html Europe Plans Aggressive New Laws to Phase Out Fossil FuelsThe proposals expected Wednesday are likely to be more ambitious and specific than other countries efforts to fight climate change and may include a border tax on imports deemed to be polluting 2021-07-19 15:44:19
海外科学 BBC News - Science & Environment Jeff Bezos to blast into space aboard New Shepard rocket ship https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-57849364 rocket 2021-07-19 15:48:00
金融 RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 J-IRISS https://www.jsda.or.jp/anshin/j-iriss/index.html iriss 2021-07-19 15:39:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 「デジタル・分散型金融への対応のあり方等に関する研究会」の設置について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/news/r3/singi/20210719/20210719.html Detail Nothing 2021-07-19 17:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 「デジタル・分散型金融への対応のあり方等についての研究会」(第1回)を開催します。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/news/r3/singi/20210719.html Detail Nothing 2021-07-19 17:00:00
金融 金融庁ホームページ 第60回金融トラブル連絡調整協議会 議事録を公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/singi/singi_trouble/gijiyoroku/20210611.html Detail Nothing 2021-07-19 17:00:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Covid: Hundreds of thousands of under-18s to get vaccine https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-57885845 covid 2021-07-19 15:42:08
ニュース BBC News - Home Covid: Lifting all restrictions at once is reckless, says Sir Keir Starmer https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-57886976 england 2021-07-19 15:53:46
ニュース BBC News - Home Met Office issues first UK extreme heat warning https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-57893385 england 2021-07-19 15:51:24
ニュース BBC News - Home Post Office Horizon scandal: More subpostmasters cleared https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-57888146 clearedthe 2021-07-19 15:11:25
ニュース BBC News - Home Covid: What is the pilot testing scheme to avoid self-isolation? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-57887490 isolation 2021-07-19 15:30:26
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