IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] ECサイトでまたクレカ情報流出か 建築系ショップから2018年7月~21年1月の間に4000件以上 |
itmedianewsec |
2021-07-20 21:35:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 気象庁、Web広告を再開 2021年度の収入は800万円の見込み |
itmedia |
2021-07-20 21:08:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
データの前処理ですることリスト |
dfdropnasubset列名axisとすると、列名の列に欠損値が含まれている行を削除できます。 |
2021-07-20 21:47:31 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
JavaScriptを基本からまとめてみた【ラジオボタンが選択か非選択かを取得】【随時更新】 |
JavaScriptを基本からまとめてみた【ラジオボタンが選択か非選択かを取得】【随時更新】はじめに学習するに至った経緯年より、未経験からエンジニアへの転職を目指し、某プログラミングスクールへ通う。 |
2021-07-20 21:33:37 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
GETで渡されるquery_parameterは自動でdecodeされるが同じ処理にredirect_toでquery_parameterを渡してもdecodeされない |
GETで渡されるqueryparameterは自動でdecodeされるが同じ処理にredirecttoでqueryparameterを渡してもdecodeされない前提RailsnbspRubynbspnbspnbsp疑問アプリからnbspGETnbspで渡されたqueryparameterはControllerでparamとして取得すると既にUridecodeされていますが、一度redirecttonbspを経て同じ処理に同じparamを渡した場合はUridecodeされません。 |
2021-07-20 21:59:11 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Unity:再生した動画を複数人で同時試聴(オンラインマルチ通信、Photon) |
オンライン通信で、三人ぐらいで同時に動画を視聴できるシステムを作りたいです。 |
2021-07-20 21:53:16 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
あるDBのカラムデータをチェックボックスで表示する方法について |
あるDBのカラムデータをチェックボックスで表示する方法について実現したいことWeb勤怠管理システムを作成しています。 |
2021-07-20 21:30:42 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
CSSのz-indexで下のリンクを有効にすることは可能でしょうか? |
CSSのzindexで下のリンクを有効にすることは可能でしょうかzindexの順番が影響して、思うような動きにできず困っております、もし可能でありましたらアドバイスをお願いいたします。 |
2021-07-20 21:08:34 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Pythonのダミー変数が、項目より多く出力されてしまう |
Pythonのダミー変数が、項目より多く出力されてしまう前提・実現したいことPythonでダミー変数を作りたい発生している問題・エラーメッセージダミー変数が、想定より多く出てしまっている。 |
2021-07-20 21:08:20 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |でクレジットカード登録がしたい |
Payjpvでクレジットカード登録がしたい前提・実現したいことPayjpで決済機能を実装しています。 |
2021-07-20 21:03:38 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) | 特定のロールだけに見せる |
awaitctxreply |
2021-07-20 21:03:20 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rails】特定のroutesのみを表示する方法 |
【Rails】特定のroutesのみを表示する方法MyProfileプログラミング学習歴②ヶ月目のアカウントですプログラミングスクールで学んだ内容や自分が躓いた箇所等のアウトプットの為に発信しています。 |
2021-07-20 21:47:56 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Golang】ベンチマークで "no test files" と出てしまう |
例えば、benchXYと指定した場合、XにマッチするトップレベルのベンチマークがbNで実行され、Yにマッチするサブベンチマークがないか探した後、それらをフル実行します。 |
2021-07-20 21:35:54 |
gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Google Cloud Platformでのアカウント登録から、MacbookからAPIを叩いて成功するまで |
GoogleCloudVisionAPIのOCRを使ってPythonから文字認識する方法「」に続けて、Macbookの任意の場所ディレクトリに、ダウンロードした認証キーのファイルjsonファイルを格納します。 |
2021-07-20 21:39:02 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rails】特定のroutesのみを表示する方法 |
【Rails】特定のroutesのみを表示する方法MyProfileプログラミング学習歴②ヶ月目のアカウントですプログラミングスクールで学んだ内容や自分が躓いた箇所等のアウトプットの為に発信しています。 |
2021-07-20 21:47:56 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
BigQueryでGAになったCONTAINS_SUBSTRで正規化検索を試す(全半角カタカナ・記号) |
generallyavailablega |
2021-07-20 12:00:35 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Python 101! Introduction to Python |
Python Introduction to PythonPython is an interpreted high level language created by Guido van Rossum and released in It is dynamically typed and garbage collected Python programs have the extension py and can be run from the command line by typing python file name py Probably its most noticeable characteristic is its use of significant white space to delimit code blocks instead of the more popular symbols End of line semicolons are optional and usually not used in Python Python becomes the best solution in many domains from web applications data analysis data science machine learning and AI Common Feature Provided By python Simplicity Think less of the syntax of the language and more of the code Open Source A powerful language and it is free for everyone to use and alter as needed Portability Python code can be shared and it would work the same way it was intended to Seamless and hassle free Being Embeddable amp Extensible Python can have snippets of other languages inside it to perform certain functions Being Interpreted The worries of large memory tasks and other heavy CPU tasks are taken care of by Python itself leaving you to worry only about coding Huge amount of libraries Data Science Python has you covered Web Development Python still has you covered Object Orientation Objects help breaking down complex real life problems into such that they can be coded and solved to obtain solutions Applications of Python Artificial IntelligenceDesktop ApplicationAutomationWeb DevelopmentData Wrangling Exploration And Visualisation Installation Download the latest version of Python for your operating system here You can read more about setting up a python development using VS Code from this tutorial by pythontutorial net Python Hello World As Raghu Venkatesh Engineering Manager at Atlassian said if you can write “hello world you can change the world So let create our first python program hello world program First create a new folder where you will be saving you python files let say Lux Second launch the VS code and open the new folder you created Lux Third create a new python file let say app py file and enter the following code and save the file print Hello World The print is a built in function that displays a message on the screen In our case it ll show the message Hello Word Executing the Python program To execute the app py file we created above you first launch the Command Prompt on Windows or Terminal on macOS or Linux Then navgiate to the folder containing our file for our case Lux After that type the following command to execute the app py file Python app pyIf everything is fine you ll see the following message on the screen Hello World CommentsA comment is text in a program s code script or another file that is not meant to be seen by the user running the program However is seen when viewing the source code Comments help make code easier to understand by explaining what is happening and help prevent portions of a program from executing single line comment multiline commentUsing docstring NOTE Use comments where appropriate and don t over do it Arithmetic Operators print addition print subtraction print multiplication print division print exponent print remainder of the division print floor division VariablesVariables are used to store information to be referenced and manipulated in a computer program They also provide a way of labeling data with a descriptive name so our programs can be understood more clearly by the reader and ourselves It is helpful to think of variables as containers that hold information Their sole purpose is to label and store data in memory This data can then be used throughout your program favourite food Rösti print favourite food Note Variables do not need to be declared Their data types are inferred from their assignment statement which makes Python a dynamically typed language This means that different data types can be assigned to the same variable throughout the code favourite food Rösti print favourite food favourite food print favourite food favourite food Falseprint favourite food Comparison Logical and Conditional Operators Comparison lt gt lt gt Logical and or notConditionals if else elif logical operators laundry day Monday today Tuesday on vacation Falseif today is laundry day and today is not Sunday and on vacation is False print It s laundry day else print The laundry can wait comparison operators age if age gt print You can drive a trailer elif age gt print You can drive a car else print You can ride a bike Data Types Strings Example language Python Example multiline str oneperline Example escape characters escape str She said Python is great print escape str She said Python is great Example concatenate strings one Lux two Academy print one two Lux Academy Example interpolation method first name Lux last name Academy greet f Welcome at first name last name print greet Welcome at Lux Tech Academy method first name Lux last name Academy greet Welcome at format first name last name print greet Welcome at Lux Tech Academy method first name Lux last name Academy greet Welcome at first last format first first name last last name print greet Welcome at Lux Tech Academy Example extract substringsname Monty Python print name Pytprint name Pythonprint name Monty NumbersPython supports three numeric data types int float and complex They are inferred so need not be specified age intpi floattotal age pi floatprint type age type pi type total lt class int gt lt class float gt lt class float gt Booleans booleansa Trueb Falseif a is True and b is False print YAY Lists A list in Python is what other programming languages call an array They use Zero based indexing and the items can contain any type of data List items are nested in can store any data typemultiple types True Python access and modifyfavourite foods pasta pizza french fries print favourite foods pizzafavourite foods rösti print favourite foods rösti subsetsprint favourite foods pizza french fries print favourite foods french fries print favourite foods rösti pizza appendfavourite foods append paella insert at indexfavourite foods insert soup removefavourite foods remove soup get lengthprint len favourite foods get subset the original list is not modified print favourite foods pizza french fries lists inside listsfavourite drinks water wine juice favourites favourite foods favourite drinks print favourites juice TuplesTuples are just like lists but immutable cannot be modified They are surrounded by tuplesnew tuple a b c d print len new tuple print new tuple bprint new tuple b c d Dictionaries Dictionaries are key value pairs They are surrounded by and are similar to objects in JavaScript The values can have any data type language creators Python Guido van Rossum C Dennis Ritchie Java James Gosling Go Robert Griesemer Perl Larry Wall access modify deleteprint language creators Python Guido van Rossumlanguage creators Go Robert Griesemer Rob Pike Ken Thompson print language creators Go Robert Griesemer Rob Pike Ken Thompson print len language creators del language creators Perl print len language creators print keys and valuesprint language creators keys print language creators values Loops For loops foor loopfor x in range print x loop through listfor x in Python Go Java print x loop through dictionarylanguage creators Python Guido van Rossum C Dennis Ritchie Java James Gosling for key value in language creators items print Language Creator format key value While loops while looplevel while level lt level Functions Functions are defined using the def keyword functionsdef allowed to drive age if age gt return True else return Falseprint allowed to drive Trueprint allowed to drive FalseDefault values for arguments may also be defined def is laundry day today laundry day Monday on vacation False if today is laundry day and today is not Sunday and on vacation is False return True else return Falseprint is laundry day Tuesday Falseprint is laundry day Tuesday Tuesday Trueprint is laundry day Friday Friday True False Classes Classes are collections of variables and functions that work with those variables Classes in Python are defined with the class keyword They are similar to classes in other languages like Java and C but differences include self being used instead of this to refer to the object resulted from the class Also the constructor function s name is init instead of the more popular classname self must be used every time a class variable is referenced and must be the first argument in each function s argument list including the constructor Python does not support method overloading but it can be achieved to some extent by using default values for arguments shown in the Functions section classesclass Email means private read False def init self subject body self subject subject self body body def mark as read self self read True def is read self return self read def is spam self return you won million in self subjecte Email Check this out There are a bunch of free online course here print e is spam Falseprint e mark as read print e is read TruePython also supports inheritance which means that classes can be set to inherit methods and variables from another class or multiple classes multiple inheritance inheritanceclass EmailWithAttachment Email def init self subject body attachment super EmailWithAttachment self init subject body self attachment attachment def get attachment size self return len self attachment email with attachment EmailWithAttachment you won million dollars open attachment to win one million pdf print email with attachment is spam Trueprint email with attachment get attachment size File I O writetodos file open todos txt wb todos file write bytes buy a new domain name n UTF todos file write bytes work on the side project n UTF todos file write bytes learn a new programming language n UTF todos file close readtodos file open todos txt r todos file contents todos file read print todos file contents |
2021-07-20 12:24:48 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Aide-mémoire React (Cheat Sheet) |
Aide mémoire React Cheat Sheet Cet article fut publiéoriginalement sur mon blog Si vous aimez svp visitez mon blog et ou suivez moi sur TwitterReact est une librairie vraiment extraordinaire Par contre elle n est pas si simple et il y a beaucoup de chose qu il faut mémoriserC est pourquoi j ai fait ce monstrueux aide mémoire avec tous les concepts de base de React Voici mon aide mémoire React Création d une application Reactnpx create react app my app name Exécuter le serveur localcd my app nameyarn start http localhost Règles pour la création d un component ReactLa fonction doit avoir la première lettre de son nom en majusculeLa fonction doit retourner du JSX src App js Exemple React componentfunction App return lt h gt Hello World lt h gt export default App Comment ce composant est il rendu dans le navigateur Le fichier principal du projet est src index js et dans ce fichier il y a des instructions pour le rendu du componentReactDOM render lt App gt document getElementById root Le component App sera ensuite rendu dans public index html root divImporter un componentLes components React seront créédans des fichiers séparé Chaque component doit être exportépuis importéfunction Greeting return lt h gt Hello World lt h gt export default GreetingCe composant peut ensuite être importéimport Greeting from Gretting function App return lt Greeting gt Règles d utilisation du JSXRenvoie un seul élément un seul élément parent non validereturn lt h gt Hello world lt h gt lt h gt Hi lt h gt valide grâce àl utilisation du tag lt fragment gt return lt gt lt h gt Hello World lt h gt lt h gt Hi lt h gt lt gt A notéles parenthèse pour le formatage multiligneUtiliser className au lieu de classDe plus tous les noms d attributs doivent être camelCase not validreturn lt div class title gt Hello World lt div gt validreturn lt div className title gt lt div gt Fermez le tag de chaque élémentreturn lt img src http example com image jpg gt lt input type text name first name gt Nested Components Arrow function shorthand componentconst Person gt lt h gt Mike Taylor lt h gt Arrow function componentconst Message gt return lt h gt Hello lt h gt Function componentfunction HelloWorld return lt gt lt Message gt lt Person gt lt gt Component CSS src App css h color red src App js Import the CSS fileimport App css function App return lt h gt Hello World lt h gt Inline CSSfunction App return lt h style color red gt Hello World lt h gt Javascript in JSXÉcrire entre Doit être une expression retourner une valeur function App const name Mike return lt gt lt h gt Hello name lt h gt lt p gt name Mike admin user lt p gt lt gt Component Properties Props function App return lt Person name Mike age gt const Person props gt return lt h gt Name props name Age props age lt h gt or props object deconstructingconst Person name age gt return lt h gt Name name Age age lt h gt Children Props slot function App return lt Person name Mike age gt Hi this is a welcome message lt Person gt const Person props gt return lt h gt Name props name Age props age lt h gt lt p gt props children lt p gt or props object deconstructingconst Person name age children gt return lt h gt Name name Age age lt h gt lt p gt children lt p gt Default Props valueconst Person name age children gt return lt h gt Name name Age age lt h gt lt p gt children lt p gt Person defaultProps name No name age Listconst people id name Mike age id name Peter age id name John age function App return people map person gt return lt Person name person name age person age gt const Person props gt return lt h gt Name props name Age props age lt h gt List with key for React internal reference function App return people map person gt return lt Person key person id name person name age person age gt Props object destructuringfunction App return people map person gt lt Person key person id person gt const Person name age gt return lt h gt Name name Age age lt h gt Click Eventconst clickHandler gt alert Hello World function App return lt gt lt h gt Welcome to my app lt h gt lt button onClick clickHandler gt Say Hi lt button gt lt gt ou inline function App return lt gt lt h gt Welcome to my app lt h gt lt button onClick gt alert Hello World gt Say Hi lt button gt lt gt Pour passer des arguments nous devons utiliser les arrow functionconst clickHandler message gt alert message function App return lt gt lt h gt Welcome to my app lt h gt lt button onClick gt clickHandler Hello World gt Say Hi lt button gt lt gt e pour event argumentsconst clickHandler e gt console log e target function App return lt gt lt h gt Welcome to my app lt h gt lt button onClick clickHandler gt Say Hi lt button gt lt gt Passer event du child au parentfunction Todo item onDelete return lt div gt item lt button onClick gt onDelete item lt div gt function Todos const handleDelete todo gt const newTodos todos filter item gt item todo setTodos gt newTodos return todos map todo gt lt Todo item todo onDelete handleDelete gt useState HookLe but de useState est de gérer les données réactives toute donnée qui change dans l application est appelée state Et lorsque l état change vous souhaitez réagir pour mettre àjour l interface utilisateur Les Hook commence toujours par le préfixe use Doit être invoquéuniquement dans un component ReactDoit être appeléau plus haut niveau d un componentLa déclaration ne peut pas être appelée conditionnellementuseState renvoie un tableau valeur d état fonction d état définie import React useState from react const DisplayTitle gt const title setTitle useState This is the Title const handleClick gt setTitle New Title return lt gt lt h gt title lt h gt lt button type button className btn onClick handleClick gt Change Title lt button gt lt gt export default DisplayTitle useState with objectconst DisplayTitle gt const person setPerson useState name Mike age const handleClick gt setPerson person age return lt gt lt h gt title lt h gt lt button type button className btn onClick handleClick gt Change Age lt button gt lt gt setState functional formfunction Counter const count setCount useState Use a function to set State const increase gt setCount gt count return lt gt lt h gt Counter lt h gt lt p gt count lt p gt lt button onClick increase className btn gt lt button gt lt button onClick gt setCount gt count className btn gt lt button gt lt gt useEffectDans React vous souhaiterez peut être exécuter du code après des événements de lifecylce ou des side effects Par défaut la fonction useEffect est exécutée après chaque nouveau rendu Vous pouvez ensuite exécuter du code àchaque mise àjour du component import React useEffect from react function IncreaseValue const value setValue useState useEffect gt document title New value value return lt button onClick gt setValue value gt Increase lt button gt Conditional useEffectLe conditionnel doit être placédans la fonction useEffectuseEffect gt if value gt document title New value value useEffect Dependency ListQue se passe t il si vous souhaitez exécuter du code uniquement lors du premier rendu ou uniquement lorsqu un state particulier change Vous pouvez utiliser la fonction useEffect et envoyer un tableau de dépendances en paramètre useEffect ne s exécutera que si l état est dans la liste de dépendances Si la liste est vide useEffect ne s exécutera que lors du rendu initial useEffect gt document title New value value Noted the empty array useEffect will then only run once on initial renderuseEffect gt document title New value value value Will run each time value state change useEffect cleanup functionEt si vous vouliez exécuter du code àchaque destroy du component Pour exécuter du code uniquement lorsqu un component est démonté détruit vous devez ajouter une instruction return àvotre fonction useEffect useEffect gt const timer window setInterval gt setCount count gt count return gt clearInterval timer Le code clearInterval timer ne sera exécutéqu avant la suppression du component de l interface utilisateur démontage Conditional Renderingfunction DisplayGreeting const name setName useState Mike if name Mike return lt h gt Hello admin name lt h gt return lt h gt Hello user name lt h gt Inline If Else return lt div gt The user is lt b gt isLoggedIn currently not lt b gt logged in lt div gt Inline Logical amp amp Operator Afficher uniquement si la première expression est vraietruthy Not null undefined and NaN function DisplayUserInfo active return lt div gt active amp amp lt h gt User is active lt h gt lt div gt Multiple inline If lt span className count amp amp text gray count gt amp amp text green count lt amp amp text red gt count lt span gt Formconst UserForm gt const userName setUserName useState const handleSubmit e gt e preventDefault console log userName return lt gt lt form onSubmit handleSubmit gt lt input value userName onChange e gt setUserName e target value type text id userName name userName gt lt button type submit gt Submit lt button gt lt form gt lt gt export default UserForm useRefuseRef est principalement utilisépour cibler un élément DOM Mais il peut également être utilisépour conserver préserver une valeur modifiable entre chaque rendu useRef ne déclenche pas un nouveau rendu comme un useState const UseRefBasics gt const refContainer useRef null const handleSubmit e gt e preventDefault console log refContainer current value useEffect gt refContainer current focus return lt div gt lt form className form onSubmit handleSubmit gt lt div gt lt input ref refContainer type text gt lt button type submit gt Submit lt button gt lt div gt lt form gt lt div gt ConclusionMerci d avoir lu J ai passébeaucoup de temps àla rédaction de cet aide mémoire j espère que vous avez aimé Si vous voulez plus de contenu comme celui ci vous pouvez me suivre sur Twitter |
2021-07-20 12:13:12 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Adobe adds native M1 support for Premiere Pro, Media Encoder, Character Animator |
Adobe adds native M support for Premiere Pro Media Encoder Character AnimatorAdobe is rolling out native support for Premiere Pro for all Apple Silicon Macs such as the inch iMac the Mac mini MacBook Air and the inch MacBook Pro Adobe Premiere will run on average faster on M Macs than on comparable Intel based Macs Adobe had recently published a result that showed how M Macs perform significantly better ーup to ーin Machine Learning tasks that powered Adobe Sensei features of their programs Read more |
2021-07-20 13:00:01 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
iPhones reportedly landing in LG's South Korea stores in August |
iPhones reportedly landing in LG x s South Korea stores in AugustApple s iPhone will soon be available to purchase from the LG Best Shop in South Korea a report claims after the two companies reportedly agreed to a plan to sell the smartphones in the LG store chain from August onwards Reports in June claimed LG was in talks with Apple to sell iPhones at its own brand outlets While those talks allegedly stalled in early July it now seems that the two companies have reached an agreement over a deal Under the plan LG Best Shop will start to sell the iPhone as well as the Apple Watch and iPad at its locations across South Korea according to the Korea Herald The iPhone s sales are intended to replace LG s own smartphones as it intends to exit the market over continued losses Read more |
2021-07-20 12:34:32 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple Pay now available for Mir cardholders in Russia |
Apple Pay now available for Mir cardholders in RussiaThe slow rolling out of Apple Pay in Russia continues with Mir payment cards adding support for the service Apple Pay in Russia Source Mir Five years after its debut in Russia and following a steady increase in support from the region s banks Apple Pay is now available to Mir card holders Mir is accepted in countries and across the entire Russian Federation where million Mir cards have been issued since Read more |
2021-07-20 12:09:48 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple's MagSafe Battery Pack is now available worldwide |
Apple x s MagSafe Battery Pack is now available worldwideThe MagSafe Battery Pack for the iPhone range is now available from Apple Stores around the world with the in store pickup option being considerably quicker for customers than waiting for delivery Regional Apple Stores are starting to show the MagSafe Battery Pack as being available for in store pickup at Apple Store outlets Checks by AppleInsider in various regional versions of the online marketplace in Europe reveal customers can grab the iPhone accessory immediately However not all locations currently offer in store pickup In the case of the US online Apple Store the product listing says in store pickup is currently unavailable as of am Eastern This may change later on as stores start to open for business Read more |
2021-07-20 12:01:24 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple plans under-screen sensors to include both Touch ID and Face ID |
Apple plans under screen sensors to include both Touch ID and Face IDApple s ongoing research into embedding sensors into iPhone displays may not just mean the removal of the Face ID notch but it could bring back Touch ID too Face ID may no longer need a notchThere are constant rumors that Apple will reduce the size of the Face ID notch in forthcoming devices like the iPhone range Separately there have been regular claims that Touch ID will come back as part of a display rather than via a separate physical button Read more |
2021-07-20 12:02:25 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Asustor Lockerstor 2, Lockerstor 4 review: Quiet, speedy network storage for your Mac or iPhone |
Asustor Lockerstor Lockerstor review Quiet speedy network storage for your Mac or iPhoneYou probably don t have enough on device storage space on your Mac and it s probably not that much different on your iPhone or iPad This is fixable across your network or over the Internet with the solid Asustor Lockerstor and Lockerstor network attached storage devices The Asustor Lockerstor is a compact NAS for your network Is there anybody left that has only one computer We re increasingly living in a world where data storage needs are escalating and not everything is best stored in the cloud Read more |
2021-07-20 12:08:52 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Apple's AirPods Max drop to $455 at Amazon |
Apple x s AirPods Max drop to at AmazonAdorama s sale on the AirPods Max wireless headphones may have come and gone but Amazon s latest sale is almost as good Every color of Apple s high end headphones except for space gray are down to at Amazon right now and that s about off their normal price It s also only more than a sale we saw at Adorama at the end of last week so if you missed that chance to grab a pair you have another opportunity today nbsp Buy AirPods Max at Amazon One of our biggest gripes with the AirPods Max is their price Normally these are the best headphones Apple has to offer ーbut despite how much we liked them we still thought they were on the steep side We recommend waiting for a sale before taking the plunge as AirPods Max are a much better buy when discounted like this They earned a score of from us in part due to their excellent sound solid ANC and reliable touch controls AirPods Max have more balanced sound than competitors with bass that comes through nicely but isn t overpowering The active noise cancellation on these cans holds its own against that of Bose and Sony devices even if we slightly prefer the latter two for that feature The Max also have Transparency Mode allowing you to easily hop in and out of conversations when necessary And you re getting spatial audio support on iPhones iPads Macs and soon Apple TV as well All of that plus the Max s unique yet elegant design make them solid wireless headphones but features brought by their built in H chip make them even better for those living in the Apple ecosystem In addition to hands free Siri you ll also get quick pairing and switching between all your Apple devices While still expensive at this sale price the AirPods Max are a good option for Apple lovers that want a pair of wireless headphones that both sound great and work seamlessly with their devices Follow EngadgetDeals on Twitter for the latest tech deals and buying advice |
2021-07-20 12:51:46 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
The best budget TVs and streaming gadgets for students |
The best budget TVs and streaming gadgets for studentsDear students you can do better than watching movies on your laptop in bed If you want to truly be immersed in a film or game or TV show nothing beats a large TV And it turns out you don t have to invest thousands to get started with a decent dorm entertainment system LCD sets and streaming devices are cheaper than ever So save that notebook for schoolwork ーconsider these inexpensive ways to upgrade your movie watching experience TVs for smaller spaces inch TCL Series Roku TVWill Lipman Photography TCLA Roku TV is one of the easiest ways to just start streaming movies and TV making them ideal for most students This series TCL model sports a K screen with upscaling from lower res sources and HDR for better dynamic range But best of all you can usually find it for around It s not the most feature packed TCL Roku TV the series is around more and adds Dolby Vision but it s one of the best options around for its price And at inches it s small enough to fit in most dorm rooms while also offering enough screen space to immerse you in a film Buy inch TCL Series Roku TV at Amazon inch Vizio D SeriesWill Lipman Photography VizioThe “D in Vizio s D series sets might as well stand for quot dirt cheap quot But this inch model is still pretty impressive for the price It has full array LED backlighting Vizio s streaming channels and it supports Google Chromecast and Apple AirPlay Plus judging from the reviews it doesn t look too bad either even if it is limited to a by resolution It s a solid option for very small spaces Buy inch Vizio D series smart TV at Best Buy Bigger and better TVs inch Vizio M Series QuantumWill Lipman Photography VizioIf you want a inch screen that looks fantastic but doesn t break the bank it s hard to do better than Vizio s M Series Quantum sets They re infused with quantum dots for more robust color reproduction they offer full array backlighting for better contrast and black levels and they re equipped with AMD s FreeSync technology to smooth out gameplay The M series also features Dolby Vision HDR and support for Chromecast and AirPlay so you can cast video from most smartphones With slim bezels along three sides the M series also looks far more premium than other cheap TVs Buy inch Vizio M series at Best Buy inch Samsung Class CrystalSamsungAnother solid option for a larger set Samsung s Class Crystal TVs feature the company s Crystal K processor which is focused on delivering solid image quality at a budget price It doesn t have Dolby Vision or quantum dots so in general we d recommend the Vizio M series over this model But Samsung s hardware does look a bit nicer so it may be a better option if you value aesthetics over function Buy inch Samsung Class Crystal TV at Best Buy Must have streaming accessoriesChromecast with Google TVWill Lipman Photography for EngadgetIf you re a heavy Google user there s no better streaming device than the Chromecast with Google TV Unlike previous versions of Google s puck it has an interface of its own along with a suite of streaming apps to choose from And yes you can still cast video from Android devices or the Chrome browser The Chromecast is a great option if you re buying a cheaper TV though be sure to check if your set already has Chromecast streaming built in Buy Chromecast with Google TV at Best Buy Roku Streaming Stick Will Lipman Photography for EngadgetIf you already have an older TV or you just want something a bit zippier than your set s onboard apps Roku s Streaming Stick is worth snapping up It s just and often less supports K HDR and it gives you access to Roku s entire app library Best of all though it s so tiny you can easily bring it along when you re traveling The Streaming Stick also supports Apple AirPlay giving you a way to cast video from iOS devices and Macs Roku s bundled voice remote also makes it easy to search for things to watch without pecking away at a keyboard Buy Roku Streaming Stick at Amazon Roku StreambarWill Lipman Photography for EngadgetThe Streambar is an unusual device It s both a decent soundbar and a media streaming box That s just so Roku Honestly if you re picking up a TV you should really consider a soundbar of some kind we have a whole guide dedicated to that But we re recommending the Streambar here because it s a relatively simple and inexpensive solution that solves two common pain points Getting streaming apps and better sound It s also a nice thing to have around to play a bit of music when you re not watching anything For even bigger sound consider the slightly more expensive Streambar Pro Buy Roku Streambar at Amazon |
2021-07-20 12:30:20 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Louis Vuitton's $2,890 light-up speaker looks like a UFO |
Louis Vuitton x s light up speaker looks like a UFOLouis Vuitton s forays into tech infused luxury gear have taken in handbags with screens and luggage trackers A year after the release of its earbuds the French fashion house s latest stab at audio is as eccentric as they come The new LV Horizon Light Up Speaker looks like a spaceship sculpted by aliens to resemble a sawn off spinning top What s more it costs but you knew it wouldn t come cheap nbsp Inspired by its Toupie handbag the speaker lights up to accentuate the brand s flower insignia and a spelled out Louis Vuitton around the center There s also a top ring light with LEDs that puts on a rainbow color show The neons combined with the black perforated and embossed leather is best described as cyber chic nbsp Louis VuittonBut if you re going to splurge just shy of on a speaker you probably want it to sound good The Horizon features a inch woofer paired with two inch tweeters that LV says combine to offer degree sound Though the jury s out on whether it can match the immersive audio touted by the likes of the Sony SRS RA If the mid range Qualcomm QCS chipset inside is anything to go by it may not offer the big sound you d associate with its price tag It also comes with three mics in case you want to take calls on the glowing mothership on your desk The conical shape means the speaker sits on its side which doesn t impact the sound as it can apparently quot adapt to its orientation quot Just don t leave it on a sloping surface To avoid any expensive accidents the Horizon comes with an accompanying dock that you can rest it in Being wireless it works with Bluetooth and supports Apple AirPlay to boot You can purchase the speaker now from Louis Vuitton s online store |
2021-07-20 12:29:44 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
The RadRover 6 Plus is a 'durable' $1,999 e-bike with a 750W motor |
The RadRover Plus is a x durable x e bike with a W motorThe pandemic proved a boon for electric bicycle makers not least Rad Power Bikes The company claims to be North America s largest e bike brand with riders on the road Those figures helped it to secure million in funding from big name investors like Morgan Stanley earlier this year Naturally it s using that cash to do what it does best Make more e bikes Rad s latest offering is the RadRover Plus an overhauled version of its flagship durable bike nbsp Rad Power BikesThe first thing you ll probably notice are the fat tires an attribute carried over from the first iteration in But look closer and you should spot several noticeable changes Firstly there are the all new hydraulic disc brakes for more stopping power a first for a Rad bike The plus sized RadRover also features a custom geared hub motor that provides W of power compared to W on the RadMission Electric Metro Bike and RadMission For off road enthusiasts that apparently means the bike can climb hills percent faster than its predecessor nbsp Here the battery is also semi integrated instead of external That effectively allows you to swap it out with the turn of a key A new two part display meanwhile shows real time stats such as battery charge status power output trip mileage time and a headlight indicator Rad Power BikesOverall Rad pitches the new RadRover as its everyday bike that s versatile enough for grocery trips commutes and trails Which may explain why it costs more than some of its lightweight alternatives In keeping with its focus on flexibility the e bike has two frame sizes high step and step thru to cater to a wider range of heights The RadRover Plus is available to pre order today in the US and Canada |
2021-07-20 12:00:56 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
Meet Daniel Hosking from Cisco’s customer advocacy community |
Meet Daniel Hosking from Cisco s customer advocacy communityOur advocates are the heart and soul of our customer community at Cisco We re excited to spotlight our next guest from The Global Gateway Daniel Hosking |
2021-07-20 12:36:16 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
Starting My Software Engineering Career at Cisco |
cisco |
2021-07-20 12:00:49 |
海外TECH |
CodeProject Latest Articles |
Real-Time Data Science and BI with Azure Synapse Analytics Part 2: Setting up the Environment |
Real Time Data Science and BI with Azure Synapse Analytics Part Setting up the EnvironmentIn this article we prepare our Azure Cosmos DB account added sample retail sales data created an Azure Synapse workspace and linked Azure Synapse Studio |
2021-07-20 12:16:00 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Latest Updates: Bezos and Blue Origin Crew Prepare for Flight to Space |
Latest Updates Bezos and Blue Origin Crew Prepare for Flight to SpaceThe Amazon founder is poised to lift off from a site in West Texas with three other people fulfilling a key goal of his private rocket company |
2021-07-20 12:45:33 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
States and Cities Near Tentative $26 Billion Deal in Opioids Cases |
States and Cities Near Tentative Billion Deal in Opioids CasesThe agreement would end thousands of lawsuits against the three largest distributors and Johnson Johnson and require them to pay billions for addiction treatment and prevention |
2021-07-20 12:31:11 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
What Time Will Jeff Bezos Launch to Space? |
flight |
2021-07-20 12:45:31 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
The Bootleg Fire Is Now Generating Its Own Weather |
The Bootleg Fire Is Now Generating Its Own WeatherUnpredictable winds fire clouds that spawn lightning and flames that leap over firebreaks are confounding efforts to fight the blaze which is sweeping through southern Oregon |
2021-07-20 12:51:29 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
「後攻」選んだ日銀の警戒 22年会合、FRBの出方注視 |
警戒 |
2021-07-20 12:30:56 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
▶特集ページへ |
【東京五輪】変幻自在の世界ランク位バーティテニス女子、常識覆す走りキプチョゲマラソン男子…。 |
2021-07-20 12:18:57 |
ニュース |
@日本経済新聞 電子版 |
天皇陛下の開会宣言、「祝意」の表現変更で調整 |
天皇陛下 |
2021-07-20 12:16:53 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Ugandan athlete who fled Olympic training camp believed to have been found |
Ugandan athlete who fled Olympic training camp believed to have been foundJulius Ssekitoleko went missing Friday after leaving a note at his hotel saying he wanted to work in Japan as life in his home country |
2021-07-20 21:30:04 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid-19: Crucial for pinged people to self-isolate - No 10 |
street |
2021-07-20 12:48:58 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Extreme heat warnings for UK to last until Friday |
marbella |
2021-07-20 12:42:19 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Women's state pension: Compensation closer for Waspi campaigners |
pension |
2021-07-20 12:10:48 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Record 430 migrants cross English Channel in single day |
children |
2021-07-20 12:18:14 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Migrant crossings: What happens to migrants who reach the UK? |
migrant |
2021-07-20 12:38:52 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
South Africa captain Kolisi to start against Lions after recovering from Covid-19 |
South Africa captain Kolisi to start against Lions after recovering from Covid South Africa captain Siya Kolisi recovers from Covid to be named in the starting XV to face the British and Irish Lions in the first Test on Saturday |
2021-07-20 12:20:20 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Norway's handball team fined 1,500 euros for 'improper clothing' |
Norway x s handball team fined euros for x improper clothing x Norway are fined euros £ for wearing shorts instead of bikini bottoms at the European Beach Handball Championships |
2021-07-20 12:16:31 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
五輪、首脳級20人弱が来日 16年リオ五輪のほぼ半数 |
世界各国 |
2021-07-20 21:16:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
新たに死者1人、残る不明は9人 罹災証明、窓口26日設置 |
罹災証明 |
2021-07-20 21:16:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
ソフトボール山本「いつも通り」 21日オーストラリアと初戦 |
公式練習 |
2021-07-20 21:11:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
国内で3758人感染20人死亡 新型コロナ |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-07-20 21:09:00 |