投稿時間:2021-07-20 21:41:30 RSSフィード2021-07-20 21:00 分まとめ(47件)

カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
AWS lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Amazon InspectorのレポートをCognitoで認証したユーザーに表示する仕組みを検証 https://qiita.com/solar/items/aa1c9ddca6baee813358 AmazonInspectorのレポートをCognitoで認証したユーザーに表示する仕組みを検証目次はじめに構成図リソース作成InspectorとSNSの設定CognitoUserPoolとHostedUIを利用APIGatewayの作成とCognitoAuthorizerの設定作成リソースの動作確認まとめはじめに今回はAmazonInspectorで評価したレポートをCognitoで認証したユーザーに表示する方法を考えてみました。 2021-07-20 20:13:32
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita GASでお手軽なAPIを作ってJSで叩いてみる https://qiita.com/NAO1998/items/300f4f18df2ec9b082ec スクレイピングしたデータをJSONにして返す前項のdataではまだ、不要なタグや配列の形式のままになっているので、正規表現で不要部分を削除する作業と、データを後で扱いやすいようにするためにオブジェクト形式にしてキーを追加する作業を行いたいと思います。 2021-07-20 20:04:48
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) no such file or directory, open '/opt/build/repo/package.json' の対応 https://teratail.com/questions/350494?rss=all nosuchfileordirectoryopenxoptbuildrepopackagejsonxの対応前提・実現したいことサイトの構築NetlifyGatsbyGithubデザインテンプレgatsbystarterblogGithubリポジトリNetlifyサイト名httpsサイト名ローカルのファイル格納場所nbspUserstakahashimioBLOGサイト名packagejsonが見つからないと書いてありますが、存在はしてます。 2021-07-20 20:55:00
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) EC2でオートスケーリングする際に内部ファイルやミドルウェアの引き継ぎをどうするか https://teratail.com/questions/350493?rss=all ECでオートスケーリングする際に内部ファイルやミドルウェアの引き継ぎをどうするかお世話になります。 2021-07-20 20:48:51
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) pythonのappendの引数についてです。 https://teratail.com/questions/350492?rss=all pythonのappendの引数についてです。 2021-07-20 20:45:26
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) python の appendについてです。 https://teratail.com/questions/350491?rss=all python の append について です 。 2021-07-20 20:42:01
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 【SQL】同じテーブル内で別々のカラムの値を集計する方法 https://teratail.com/questions/350490?rss=all ategorypricecategoryprice 2021-07-20 20:36:21
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 配列とcount関数によるif文の条件式の書き方について https://teratail.com/questions/350489?rss=all 配列とcount関数によるif文の条件式の書き方についてやりたいことunity内で配列を用いてif文の条件式を書きたい。 2021-07-20 20:33:28
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) C言語:fgetsによるファイル読み取りが上手くいかない https://teratail.com/questions/350488?rss=all から切り出してきたもの以下、「小プログラム」という。 2021-07-20 20:33:13
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) pythonでエクセル更新をかけた場合に、コメントなどはそのままにしたい https://teratail.com/questions/350487?rss=all 2021-07-20 20:24:52
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) スマホアプリの状態について https://teratail.com/questions/350486?rss=all 起動 2021-07-20 20:19:41
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) IPアドレスは分かってるのにデバイスに接続できない https://teratail.com/questions/350485?rss=all 2021-07-20 20:13:54
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) laravel8 livewire 管理者ユーザーの情報取得について https://teratail.com/questions/350484?rss=all laravellivewire管理者ユーザーの情報取得について前提・実現したいこと管理者adminでログインした際に、管理者用のナビゲーションメニューviewslivewireadminnavigationmenubladephpで管理者のユーザー情報を表示させるようにしたい。 2021-07-20 20:13:49
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) WordPressのデフォルト投稿のパーマリンクについて https://teratail.com/questions/350483?rss=all WordPressのデフォルト投稿のパーマリンクについてカテゴリ一覧でもカスタマイズしたパーマリンクが表示されるようにしたい現在、下記の参考ページと同じような実装でデフォルト投稿のパーマリンクを変更しました。 2021-07-20 20:12:37
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Docker上に立てたWordpressのサイトURL変更について https://teratail.com/questions/350482?rss=all 2021-07-20 20:00:32
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Rails 投稿機能 https://qiita.com/hirokun0204/items/a7a0fb35912916f91a31 ルーティングRailsapplicationroutesdrawdogetpostsnewtopostsnewendまずは、newアクションに対応するルーティングを記載し、新規投稿画面に遷移させます。 2021-07-20 20:56:07
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita ActiveHashの特定の数字を表示させない(条件分岐) https://qiita.com/N396184501/items/2bc42d12bdd7549acefc ActiveHashの特定の数字を表示させない条件分岐はじめにhoteltyperbclassHotelTypeltActiveHashBaseselfdataidname選択して下さいidname宿泊施設ではないidnameホテルidname旅館idnameコテージidnameメゾネットidnameアネックスidname民泊idnameキャンプidname農家民泊idname国民宿舎idname休暇村idnameその他includeActiveHashAssociationshasmanymodelendこのように宿泊施設ではないを選んだ時が出るようにしたいなと思い、条件分岐を使って表示させました。 2021-07-20 20:07:15
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Amazon InspectorのレポートをCognitoで認証したユーザーに表示する仕組みを検証 https://qiita.com/solar/items/aa1c9ddca6baee813358 AmazonInspectorのレポートをCognitoで認証したユーザーに表示する仕組みを検証目次はじめに構成図リソース作成InspectorとSNSの設定CognitoUserPoolとHostedUIを利用APIGatewayの作成とCognitoAuthorizerの設定作成リソースの動作確認まとめはじめに今回はAmazonInspectorで評価したレポートをCognitoで認証したユーザーに表示する方法を考えてみました。 2021-07-20 20:13:32
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [Rails] ActiveStrageの画像の保存先をAmazon S3にする②~バケット作成~ https://qiita.com/minhee/items/b84fe0f020493207fdc0 それから「ユーザー」という項目をクリックすると、前回作成したユーザーが出てくるので名前をクリックします。 2021-07-20 20:54:40
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Rails】validates :<symbol name>, presence: true の意味 https://qiita.com/katuo0011/items/3bb642a01e78d82d3c35 【Rails】validatesltsymbolnamegtpresencetrueの意味背景Railsのコードを読んでいてvalidatesltsymbolnamegtpresencetrueというコードを見つけ、このシンタックスがわからなかったので調べてみることにしました。 2021-07-20 20:23:15
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita ActiveHashの特定の数字を表示させない(条件分岐) https://qiita.com/N396184501/items/2bc42d12bdd7549acefc ActiveHashの特定の数字を表示させない条件分岐はじめにhoteltyperbclassHotelTypeltActiveHashBaseselfdataidname選択して下さいidname宿泊施設ではないidnameホテルidname旅館idnameコテージidnameメゾネットidnameアネックスidname民泊idnameキャンプidname農家民泊idname国民宿舎idname休暇村idnameその他includeActiveHashAssociationshasmanymodelendこのように宿泊施設ではないを選んだ時が出るようにしたいなと思い、条件分岐を使って表示させました。 2021-07-20 20:07:15
海外TECH DEV Community Cross-device Testing of Web Applications with Blisk https://dev.to/andrewmalrowe/cross-device-testing-of-web-applications-with-blisk-4029 Cross device Testing of Web Applications with BliskThis article will educate you all about Blisk Blisk is a Chromium based web browser that improves productivity and code quality by providing a wide array of tools for web development and testing The main feature of this application is that it offers virtual mobiles tablets laptops and desktops for web development and testing purposes Blisk offers two types of licenses free license with daily limited usage and paid license with unlimited usage After installing Blisk you get two weeks of free unlimited testing In this tutorial we will work with the GeeksforGeeks website as an example You can use your own website at any stage localhost staging production Step by step guide Step Install Blisk application ーBlisk is available for Windows macOS and Linux Ubuntu Debian Fedora OpenSUSE Download Blisk from the official website and install it Step Create a Blisk account ーCreating an account is optional but recommended Blisk account allows using extra features screenshots and screen recorder cloud storage and adds an extra week of the unlimited usage of all features for free Step Open a website that you will work with Paste a Url into the address bar and navigate to this website Click the button Toggle Developer Mode see screenshot below Step Select the devices Blisk launches Device Manager where you can select the devices You can select different types of devices mobiles tablets laptops and desktops In addition Blisk offers a Chrome like view that represents a regular web view just like any tab in your browser Depending on your needs you can mix different devices to use them simultaneously In this tutorial we will select iPhone Mini and Chrome like view to check how GeekforGeeks works in regular browsers compared to mobile Click the button Launch Devices when your device set is ready Step Browse in Developer Mode Blisk launches the device set with previously selected devices and now we can perform checks on mobile and desktop simultaneously Let s scroll down and browse across the GeekforGeeks website You will notice that scrolls are synced from mobile to desktop which helps to browse faster and compare two views visually Next let s open any article to check how it behaves When navigating to any URL you will notice that the device and desktop follow each other by URL Step Perform checks Now you can check whatever you need In addition you can Test portrait vs landscape orientation Check JavaScript errors that appear in each device Simulate slow connection Use DevTools for each device independently Switch to another device Check dark theme Take screenshots of issues Record a video with the steps to reproduce the issue Save screenshots and videos to the cloud storage Conclusion This application was created for web developers and QA engineers You can use Blisk in your daily work to create web applications and test them across multiple devices simultaneously to speed up your productivity and deliver high quality products to your customers faster than before 2021-07-20 11:46:41
海外TECH DEV Community A Board To Rule All Pull Requests https://dev.to/reviewpad/a-board-to-rule-all-pull-requests-2hie A Board To Rule All Pull RequestsPull requests are king Still even royalty needs to be monitored to optimise certain processes Project management tools do a good job keeping track of issues and their associated pull request but they are not close enough to the action We propose a new way of monitoring pull requests to minimise their time to merge Pull requests are a widespread tool that developers use to propose changes to git repositories Yesterday alone July th there were almost pull requests opened over public repositories on GitHub com With all this activity it can become hard to understand which open pull requests require attention and what is the appropriate action Pull requests in large repositoriesWhenever a team is managing a large repository it can become difficult to navigate the sea of open pull requests The google guava project which contains Google core libraries for Java is an example of such a large repository Here s what the open pull request list looks like The standard view of open pull requests in Github com In this case google guava pull requests Currently GitHub provides a list of pull requests with filtering capabilities such as labels review information and relevant participants However with this view for a particular pull request it is not clear what is the main blocker and who could unblock it Pull requests in projects across multiple repositoriesThe second scenario is when a project is distributed over multiple git repositories If you want to get a sense of what is happening in the pull requests on the entire project you need to open each individual project pull request listing As an example for the Apache APISIX project which involves git repositories you would need to open different views individually Overview of all the pull requests in a project with more than one repository In this case Apache APISIX Not only is this annoying but it also misses potential dependencies between pull requests from different repositories Suppose that you have a project composed of two microservices distributed in two different git repositories where one is a library and another is a consumer of this library It is not uncommon for within the same release to have a change that requires changes in both repositories where pull requests are related to each other A board to rule all pull requestsTo help teams structure their reviews and release processes we have added to Reviewpad a fully automated board of pull requests that is fully integrated with GitHub GitLab and Bitbucket The board represents the lifecycle of pull requests across all projects known to Reviewpad It allows teams to easily understand and resolve bottlenecks when it comes to pull requests By the way by design it requires zero configuration and it is not configurable for now We wanted to have a board that emulates the simplest review process that could be used by teams that are starting to do code reviews and teams that are going back to basics Reviewpad s Pull Requests Board as seen on Reviewpad Beta at The ultimate goal of this board is to facilitate communication during short meetings to decrease the overall time to merge At Reviewpad we have been using this board for our daily syncs as opposed to a board of issues with the mindset of continuous code reviews and it has substantially reduced friction in our releases In this current form the release board has a pre determined and fixed set of seven columns and it should be interpreted as a pipeline For example a pull request in the column of Missing approvals is guaranteed to have git conflicts Similarly a pull request that has Failing protection rules is guaranteed to already have the required approvals for merge Here s the information on each card Card for PR google guava Improve efficiency of bulk removals in transformed lists The information is composed of four sections General information project title author last updated time and branches involved in the pull request CI checks results Reviewers state Labels So far we have found that with this information we can quickly understand the issue blocking the pull request and the person who can help unblock it Filter by repository participant or labelSimplicity is key The only filters you can apply to the board are to select repositories participants or labels Here s an example of filtering by the google guava project Filtering pull requestsThe board becomes particularly useful when you have a project that is distributed in multiple git repositories like the example we showed above Filtering pull requests of a project with more than one repository In this case Apache APISIX One trick that is particularly powerful with our board is to re use labels between git repositories for example for milestones or priorities Fully automatedA basic requirement we wanted for our board is that it must be fully automated For instance if a pull request is in the column for missing approvals gets the required approvals the card that represents this pull request should automatically advance in the pipeline Automation in action The automation is not tied to the usage of Reviewpad In the example above the card would automatically move forward to the Ready to merge column if the approval was done directly on GitHub Cool How do I check this out by myself We have a public beta version of Reviewpad available at https beta reviewpad com You will need to create a new account and once you log in for the first time you will see the following page to connect to a code host Connect to code host page on ReviewpadYou can connect to GitHub through our OAuth app or manually add a personal access token The OAuth requires minimal scopes to be able to read and comment on public repositories And that s it you will be able to give Reviewpad and the release board a spin on public repositories We will be adding more and more public repositories in the upcoming days feel free to reach us on our community Slack with requests 2021-07-20 11:24:25
海外TECH DEV Community JavaScript Demystified: Hoisting https://dev.to/saran_chakravarthi/javascript-demystified-hoisting-21bf JavaScript Demystified HoistingHello Devs In this blog I ll walk you through the concept of hoisting in JavaScript Before we begin go through the first blog of this blog series if you haven t already What is hoistingHoisting is a phenomenon in JavaScript by which you can access the functions and variables even before declaring them in your program without getting an error Let s see it with an example var x function greet console log Hello world console log x greet Output Hello world The above program is pretty simple and straightforward Let s see what happens when we try to access the variable and the function before declaring them console log x greet var x function greet console log Hello world Output undefinedHello world If you have read the first blog you already know why this is happening whenever we run a program an execution context is created and it is executed in two phases the memory allocation phase and the code execution phase During the memory allocation phase memory will be allocated for variable X and it will be assigned with the value undefined similar memory will be allocated for the function greet and it will be assigned with the original function definition The value of X will be undefined until and unless we reach the variable assignment of X during the code execution phase In the second example we are trying to access the variable even before assigning it with a value that s why it s value is printed as undefined Undefined Vs not defined Undefined and not defined are they the same No As we seen in the last blog undefined is kind of a special placeholder keyword Not defined is an error which is thrown when you try to access a variable which is nowhere declared in your program Arrow functions and function expression If you try to access Arrow functions and function expression before declaring them in your program it will throw an error saying Typeerror greet var greet function console log Hello world greet var greet gt console log Hello world If you try to run either of the above code snippets it will result in the following error TypeError greet is not a functionWhy Because in this case the function is assigned to a variable so it s value is stored as undefined Hence the error Note let and const variables will behave differently from var it will be covered in the upcoming blogs What s next I hope you liked this blog In the next blog we will dive deep into functions and variable environment Follow me to receive the notification Want to connect with me You can DM on Dev to and twitter 2021-07-20 11:09:30
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News MagSafe Battery Pack now available worldwide https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/07/20/magsafe-battery-pack-now-available-worldwide?utm_medium=rss MagSafe Battery Pack now available worldwideThe MagSafe Battery Pack for the iPhone range is now available from Apple Stores around the world with the in store pickup option being considerably quicker for customers than waiting for delivery Regional Apple Stores are starting to show the MagSafe Battery Pack as being available for in store pickup at Apple Store outlets Checks by AppleInsider in various regional versions of the online marketplace in Europe reveal customers can grab the iPhone accessory immediately However not all locations currently offer in store pickup In the case of the US online Apple Store the product listing says in store pickup is currently unavailable as of am Eastern This may change later on as stores start to open for business Read more 2021-07-20 11:59:11
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple plans under-screen sensors to include both Touch ID and Face ID https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/07/20/apple-plans-under-screen-sensors-to-include-both-touch-id-and-face-id?utm_medium=rss Apple plans under screen sensors to include both Touch ID and Face IDApple s ongoing research into embedding sensors into iPhone displays may not just mean the removal of the Face ID notch but it could bring back Touch ID too Face ID may no longer need a notchThere are constant rumors that Apple will reduce the size of the Face ID notch in forthcoming devices like the iPhone range Separately there have been regular claims that Touch ID will come back as part of a display rather than via a separate physical button Read more 2021-07-20 11:49:12
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Expanding iPhone could use a sliding body design and a flexible screen https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/07/20/expanding-iphone-could-use-a-sliding-body-design-and-a-flexible-screen?utm_medium=rss Expanding iPhone could use a sliding body design and a flexible screenA future iPhone could have an expanding screen if Apple s research on how to make sliding sections within the smartphone s body support a flexible display pans out The allure of a super sized foldable iPhone that packs small has led to many rumors about foldable models One analyst forecast an inch flexible OLED iPhone could arrive in while reports from December pointed to a pair of iPhone designs using foldable components being prototyped and tested by Foxconn However while a foldable smartphone provides extra viewable screen space the bending element has the chance to cause a seam across the display weakening it over time Read more 2021-07-20 11:32:46
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple will fix Touch ID failing to unlock Apple Watch in a future iOS 14.7 update https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/07/20/apple-will-fix-touch-id-failing-to-unlock-apple-watch-in-a-future-ios-147-update?utm_medium=rss Apple will fix Touch ID failing to unlock Apple Watch in a future iOS updateIf you ve discovered that you can t unlock your Apple Watch with the connected iPhone s Touch ID after the update to iOS you re not alone ーand Apple is working on a fix In a new support document Apple has noted that some customers can t unlock their Apple Watch with a Touch ID equipped phone like the new iPhone SE The company doesn t give a solution to the problem in the support document but it does provide a work around The document says that a passcode entry will still work to unlock the iPhone Apple also says that like always this is required only one time as long as you keep your Apple Watch on your wrist If you forgot your passcode you need to reset your Apple Watch Read more 2021-07-20 11:29:46
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple working on securing studio space for future Apple TV+ shows https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/07/20/apple-working-on-securing-studio-space-for-future-apple-tv-shows?utm_medium=rss Apple working on securing studio space for future Apple TV showsApple is reportedly working on the acquisition of a massive amount of Hollywood studio space for exclusive production of new or existing Apple TV programming In a report published on Tuesday Apple is said to be seeking half a million square feet to bolster its existing leases The move is said to be proactive with the company looking to lock down studios to prevent logjams in productions that can be held up looking for adequate filming space The Wall Street Journal reports that Apple may take what it can get One of its sources it spoke to said that studios less than a half million square feet aren t off the table and a final square foot count wasn t yet settled on Read more 2021-07-20 11:16:21
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News UK slowly ratcheting up power of newly formed big tech antitrust regulator https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/07/20/uk-announces-consultation-over-new-anti-competition-proposals?utm_medium=rss UK slowly ratcheting up power of newly formed big tech antitrust regulatorAfter more than a year being powerless the UK Digital Markets Unit will be granted the authority to reverse anti competitive actions by big tech firms ーin WestminsterA Digital Markets Unit was proposed by the UK in then launched with no powers in early It still won t have any legal authority until Parliamentary approval some time in but now the UK has made a broad announcement of what its nascent regulator may be able to do Read more 2021-07-20 11:39:33
Cisco Cisco Blog Everyone Faces Automation Challenges, But You Can Surpass Them https://blogs.cisco.com/perspectives/everyone-faces-automation-challenges-but-you-can-surpass-them Everyone Faces Automation Challenges But You Can Surpass ThemRead the third installment of a Cisco commissioned study by Forrester Consulting Automation Is Not Without Challenges But They Can Be Overcome The study spotlights some of the challenges and how they differ for operationally mature organizations versus those with low maturity operations The message to both Don t be discouraged 2021-07-20 11:42:08
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles Hybrid Edge AI Face Alignment https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5306640/Hybrid-Edge-AI-Face-Alignment landmarks 2021-07-20 11:42:00
海外科学 NYT > Science When and How to Watch Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin Launch to Space https://www.nytimes.com/live/2021/07/20/science/jeff-bezos-space-flight/ When and How to Watch Jeff Bezos Blue Origin Launch to SpaceThe Amazon founder is poised to lift off from a site in West Texas with three other people fulfilling a key goal of his private rocket company 2021-07-20 11:46:01
海外科学 NYT > Science What Time Will Jeff Bezos Launch to Space? https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/20/science/launch-time-livestream.html flight 2021-07-20 11:35:33
医療系 医療介護 CBnews コロナ中和抗体薬、配分先は対象の入院患者対応施設-厚労省 https://www.cbnews.jp/news/entry/20210720203526 入院患者 2021-07-20 20:45:00
金融 RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 非課税期間終了時におけるお手続きのお知らせ https://www.jsda.or.jp/anshin/oshirase/hikazeikikan_matome.html 非課税 2021-07-20 12:00:00
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Ugandan athlete who fled Olympic training camp believed to have been found https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/07/20/national/ugandan-athlete-olympics-found/ Ugandan athlete who fled Olympic training camp believed to have been foundJulius Ssekitoleko went missing Friday after leaving a note at his hotel saying he wanted to work in Japan as life in his home country 2021-07-20 20:37:25
ニュース BBC News - Home UK to bake in 33C amid extreme heat warning https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-57898718 marbella 2021-07-20 11:24:27
ニュース BBC News - Home Record 430 migrants cross English Channel in single day https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-57897601 children 2021-07-20 11:28:30
ニュース BBC News - Home Rescheduling Games 'caused sleepless nights', says IOC president https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/olympics/57899915 Rescheduling Games x caused sleepless nights x says IOC presidentRescheduling the Tokyo Olympics caused sleepless nights but must go ahead to give hope for the future says IOC president Thomas Bach 2021-07-20 11:02:27
ニュース BBC News - Home South Africa captain Kolisi to start against Lions after recovering from Covid-19 https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/rugby-union/57881062 lions 2021-07-20 11:50:18
ニュース BBC News - Home England announce autumn internationals with Tonga first opponents https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/rugby-union/57881061 England announce autumn internationals with Tonga first opponentsTonga will be England s first opponents of the autumn internationals at Twickenham with matches against Australia and South Africa to follow 2021-07-20 11:29:26
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 大江戸温泉リート投資法人(3472)、投資主優待の廃止 を発表! 株主優待券の偽造品が出回ったことを背景に 犯罪防止などの観点から今後の優待を廃止することに - 株主優待【新設・変更・廃止】最新ニュース https://diamond.jp/articles/-/277546 大江戸温泉リート投資法人、投資主優待の廃止を発表株主優待券の偽造品が出回ったことを背景に犯罪防止などの観点から今後の優待を廃止することに株主優待【新設・変更・廃止】最新ニュースリートの大江戸温泉リート投資法人が、投資主優待を廃止することを、年月日の時分に発表した。 2021-07-20 20:25:00
北海道 北海道新聞 五輪相「許されない」 小山田氏いじめ問題 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/569346/ 丸川珠代 2021-07-20 20:17:00
北海道 北海道新聞 日本選手団「感染対策徹底する」 金30個の目標は維持 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/569333/ 感染対策 2021-07-20 20:01:06
北海道 北海道新聞 ブルーインパルス21日予行飛行 都心周回、国立で五輪描く https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/569343/ 東京五輪 2021-07-20 20:04:00
北海道 北海道新聞 IR汚職結審、秋元議員9月判決 改めて無罪主張、最終意見陳述 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/569342/ 統合型リゾート 2021-07-20 20:03:00



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