IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Zoom、9月末で「Internet Explorer 11」のサポートを終了へ |
internetexplorer |
2021-07-20 13:56:15 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
ワイモバイル、明日9時まで「iPhone 12/12 mini」のタイムセールを開催中 − 新規・MNPは21,600円オフ、機種変更は7,200円オフ |
iphon |
2021-07-20 13:45:12 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Amazon、Kindleストアで講談社の「夏☆電書2021」のセールの第4弾を開始 − 「1巻目 99円均一フェア」など |
amazon |
2021-07-20 13:35:34 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
「Adobe Premiere Pro」がM1チップ搭載Macにネイティブ対応 − 「Adobe Media Encoder」と「Adobe Character Animator」も |
adobe |
2021-07-20 13:17:43 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
新型「iPad mini」はA15チップやUSB-Cポート、Smart Connectorを搭載か |
smartconn |
2021-07-20 13:08:09 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
(画像あり)コピペで使える、PythonでGoogleスプレッドシートへ色をつけて書き込む |
今最もやりたいことは、Goで大規模なWebアプリケーションを作成したい。 |
2021-07-20 22:23:09 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
google スプレッドシート,初期値付ラジオボタンとしてのチェックボックス作成方法 |
googleスプレッドシート初期値付ラジオボタンとしてのチェックボックス作成方法スプレッドシートで、初期値TRUEの選択肢がありのラジオボタン作成方法を教えてください、という質問です。 |
2021-07-20 22:56:12 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
gem 'cocoon'を使用した入力フォーム追加•削除機能でのエラー”undefined method `new_record?' for nil:NilClass” |
gemxcocoonxを使用した入力フォーム追加•削除機能でのエラーundefinedmethodnewrecordxfornilNilClassプログラミング初心者です。 |
2021-07-20 22:34:24 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
userのマイページを表示させたい |
詳細userからstaffmemberへ問い合わせ機能contactを作成し、staffmemberのマイページで問い合わせ内容を表示。 |
2021-07-20 22:32:04 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ECSでrailsのコンテナを動かしたい |
ECSでrailsのコンテナを動かしたところ、一瞬起動しその後エラーにて停止してしまいます。 |
2021-07-20 22:25:05 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
rails 6.0.0での星評価機能の実装 |
railsでの星評価機能の実装前提・実現したいことrailsnbspで星評価機能の実装をしたい発生している問題・エラーメッセージ星の画像が投稿画面に表示されずに評価できない状況です。 |
2021-07-20 22:20:05 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
IntelliJ PlayFrameworkでJSONObjectが認識されない |
intellijplayframework |
2021-07-20 22:10:52 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【iphone】iosアプリ作成時のStoryBoardのViewController確認方法 |
自分の所持している実機はiphonenbspSEですがxcodeのStoryBoardでアプリのUIを作成しているとiPhoneXやiPhoneplus、など様々な画面サイズがあるので実際に自分で作ったアプリが他の画面サイズが違うデバイスでダウンロードすると画面レイアウトはどうなるのか気になっています。 |
2021-07-20 22:07:18 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
DockerコンテナでSSL通信したいが「ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED」エラー |
SSLを組み込む前に作成したコンテナでは、httplocalhostで接続できる事は確認しています。 |
2021-07-20 22:03:00 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
<li>の幅を狭くしたい。 |
ltligtの幅を狭くしたい。 |
2021-07-20 22:00:31 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【AWS】ECS構築の基礎 −機密情報の参照− |
EC起動タイプを選択して、タスク定義名の記述とタスク実行ロールの選択を行います。 |
2021-07-20 22:11:13 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【AWS】ECS構築の基礎 −機密情報の参照− |
EC起動タイプを選択して、タスク定義名の記述とタスク実行ロールの選択を行います。 |
2021-07-20 22:11:13 |
gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
MacbookからGoogle Cloud Platformの画像ラベル出力APIを動かしてみた |
以下、XXYYZZAABBCCDDの部分は、各自のjsonファイル名に読み替えて下さいTerminalelectrondiynoMacBookProgcpexportGOOGLEAPPLICATIONCREDENTIALSUserselectronDesktopgcpXXYYZZAABBCCDDjson画像ファイルの被写体ラベル検出APIを試した第弾の本記事では、画像ファイルをGCPのAPIに渡して、ファイルのなかに映っている被写体を描写したする英単語を、返り値として受け取ってみました。 |
2021-07-20 22:53:06 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Azure Virtual Desktop の Azure AD join (パブリックプレビュー)版を Azure CLI で作ってみた |
先ほど作成したADユーザーでログインします。 |
2021-07-20 22:21:17 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Github Copilot, useState e useEffects |
Github Copilot useState e useEffects Table Of ContentsIntroduçãouseStateuseEffectGithub CopilotLinks úteis Introdução Recentemente comecei a estudar React no curso do Estardando Devs e acabamos estudando esses dois hooks primordiais useState e o useEffect algumas coisas sobre ambos conceitos ficaram um tanto quanto confusas para mim então depois de muito apanhar e praticar fui pesquisar e procurar entender mais sobre ambos para complementar o meu conhecimento Resolvi escrever esse texto para fixar mais esse aprendizado e talvez atéajudar qualquer pessoa que venha a ter dúvida semelhantes a minha durante esse meio tempo de aprendizado o meu acesso ao Github Copilot foi liberado e eu achei interessante narrar como foi aprender algo com uma tecnologia de I A me dando algum auxilio e como ela funciona Reforçando que esse texto se limita as minhas opiniões e experiencias Não irei entrar nos conceitos de O que éhook ou explicações profundas sobre o React nem acho que tenho conhecimento para tal ainda usarei exemplos simples mas funcionais que me ajudaram a entender melhor os conceitos e no final do texto irei deixar links de artigos que eu li estou lendo para ter uma compreensão mais detalhada sobre tudo o que estásendo escrito aqui Criticas e sugestões sobre o conteúdo o texto são sempre bem vindas por favor se achou algo errado mal escrito ou coisa do tipo me oriente que eu irei arrumar assim que possível useState Pelas minhas pesquisas e por uma leve quantidade de dedução o useState éo primeiro hook que geralmente émostrado quando React éensinado ou falado na documentação oficial do React o exemplo que nós éapresentado éem forma de contador escrito em código ficaria mais ou menos assim import React useState from react function Example const count setCount useState return lt p gt You clicked count times lt p gt lt button gt setCount count amp gt Click me lt button gt Antes de eu dar minha explicação sobre como consegui entender melhor o que o useState faz vou postar a forma feito em Javascript puro pra mostrar exatamente o que o count ée o que o setCount são let count const setCount value amp gt count value O useState tem dois valores o primeiro éuma variável e o segundo éuma função e o trabalho dessa função ébasicamente atualizar a variável Exemplificando a variável agora que esse exemplo estáclaro const count setCount useState const declaração de que a variável éuma const count setCount desestruturação do array onde count éa variável e setCount éa função que atualiza o estado dessa variável useState passando o parâmetro inicial para a função e consequentemente para a variável ou seja count ira começar em Reforçando que useState éum array mas seu retorno não estálimitado a tal no exemplo acima foi passado um número porem poderia ter sido passado uma string vazia ou não ou um objeto vazio ou não Ainda sobre a ideia de ser um array a desestruturação do mesmo éopcional e facilita muito a leitura mas poderia ser usado dessa forma const arrayState useState const count arrayState const setCount arrayState Um ultimo exemplo usando dois useStates para exemplificar function App const count setCount useState const theme setTheme useState function decrementCount setCount prevCount amp gt prevCount setTheme green function incrementCount setCount prevCount amp gt prevCount setTheme blue return amp lt amp gt lt button gt lt button gt lt span gt count lt span gt lt span gt theme lt span gt lt button gt lt button gt amp gt No código acima temos dois useState um para gerenciar a variável count inicialmente declarado como e um para gerenciar a variável theme inicialmente declarado como uma string vazia e temos dois botões no fim do código onde cada um deles tem uma função diferente atribuída ao se clicar no botão de a variável count sera subtraída em e a variável theme vai renderizar green na tela ao clicar no botão de a variável count sera somada em e a variável theme ira renderizar blue useEffect Confesso que esse eu demorei um pouco mais para entender o conceito e o que fazia mas com o exemplo que eu vi e irei escrever aqui ficou claro e bem mais compreensível Dada a minha própria limitação não sera tão extenso quanto o useState foi mas acredito que ficaráclaro Um jeito simples de se entender o useEffect de inicio é pensar em um bloco de código que vocêdeseja executar toda vez que algum componente for renderizado isso ficou bem confuso de inicio mas o exemplo abaixo me fez entender melhor function App const resourceType setResourceType useState console log render useEffect amp gt console log resourceType changed resourceType return amp lt amp gt lt button gt setResourceType post amp gt Post lt button gt lt button gt setResourceType users amp gt Users lt button gt lt button gt setResourceType comments amp gt Comments lt button gt lt h gt resourceType lt h gt amp gt De inicio temos a utilização do useState novamente como dito na parte de cima ele éuma hook que ira controlar estados resourceType éa variável e setResourceType a função que atualiza o valor dessa variável e de inicio estásendo passado uma string vazia para ela Logo abaixo dessa declaração temos um console log que ira renderizar a palavra render e em seguida temos o uso do useEffect o mesmo recebe uma função como parâmetro que pelo o que eu vi quase sempre seráuma arrow function e essa função irárodar outro console log com a frase resourceType changed e no fim do useEffect temos um array com um parâmetro nesse caso o resourceType a nossa variável ládo inicio Na ultima parte temos a renderização três botoes cada botão executando a função setResourceType e em cada um deles um parâmetro diferente épassado no primeiro botão o parâmetro éo post no segundo botão o parâmetro éusers e no terceiro o parâmetro écomments A funcionalidade do useEffect no exemplo acima seráa seguinte Quando esse componente for renderizado ele ira exibir no console a palavra render devido aquele primeiro console log ao se clicar em qualquer um dos botões o h da página irárenderizar de acordo com o botão post ou users ou comments e ira exibir resourceType changed que estava no segundo console log dentro do useEffect Isso acontece pois como parâmetro no useEffect nos passamos o resourceType dentro daquele array com isso o bloco de código dentro do useEffect sósera rodado se o resourceType for modificado Se não houvesse parametro no array e o mesmo estivesse vazio o bloco do useEffect seria usado apenas uma vez durante a primeira renderização Se clicar no botão do Post uma vez quando qualquer um dos dois outros parâmetros users ou comments estiver renderizado na tela as duas mensagens serão exibidas pois ao clicar no botão vocêchamou a função setResourceType e assim modificou o resourceType fazendo com que o código do bloco useEffect seja executado mas se após isso vocêclicar novamente no mesmo botão vocêtera apenas um dos consoles log o de render fora do useEffect pois o resourceType segue sem ser modificado era um Post e vocêclicando no mesmo botão ele continua sendo um Post segue inalterado Esse foi o exemplo mais simples que consegui achar e ver na pratica o useEffect e facilitou demais o entendimento do mesmo para mim por isso achei interessante escrever ele para reforçar sóque o useEffect não se limita a isso háum conceito mais abrangente nele que envolve React class lifecycle methods e componentDidMount componentDidUpdate e componentWillUnmount infelizmente não consegui achar o nome desses conceitos em português e não achei uma boa ideia fazer tradução ao péda letra Não posso falar sobre esses conceitos pois ainda estou estudando e entendendo tudo isso talvez num texto futuro eu escreva sobre irei deixar os links que eu estou acompanhando e se aprofundam mais nesses assuntos na ultima parte Github Copilot Por fim minha experiencia com a inteligencia artificial de copiloto Bom fiquei bem feliz ao receber no sábado o convite para o acesso antecipado do programa estava estou ainda na real construindo um site para consumir a API do Github e exibir algumas informações e por coincidência recebi o convite no meio desse processo mesmo sendo um projeto simples a primeira aparição do Copilot foi quase que imediata Após a extensão ser instalada vocêpode começar a utilizar o copiloto usando a tag de comentário no Javascript e descrevendo o que vocêtem intenção de fazer geralmente retorna algo utilizei as palavras fetch github api e em instantes depois de alguns enters o seguinte código me foi retornado function App fetch data from github API const data setData useState null useEffect amp gt fetch then response amp gt response json then repos amp gt setData repos return lt h gt Top languages lt h gt data amp amp amp amp data map repo i amp gt lt h gt repo name lt h gt lt p gt repo description lt p gt export default App Um fetch honesto ao meu ver de iniciante onde ele faz justamente o que se propõe a única coisa que eu alterei no período em que estava testando foi o retorno do parâmetro do useState null por algum motivo esse valor acabava quebrando a aplicação ao se colocar um retorno de string vazia ela parava de crashar Essa foi a vez que o Copilot mais deu as caras no resto do código não sei se por falha minha ou dele ou talvez a complexidade da aplicação ele não palpitou e honestamente não fez tanta falta ficou ao meu ver sendo bem parecido com snippets ou trechos de código meio que prontos que as vezes vocêcopia e altera algumas coisas Ainda assim éuma tecnologia muito interessante que estou curioso para ver como iráevoluir e se comportar nos próximos tempos ébem interessante ver as soluções propostas por ele outras pessoas jádisseram isso de forma exaustiva mas sempre ébom reforçar não adianta copiar e colar em algumas das sugestões o mesmo fazia a sugestão de utilização de react com classes e de nada adiantaria eu usar um código daquele tipo sendo que nada entenderia Links úteisComo eu falei sou iniciante nisso tudo háum mar de informações e diversas referencias pelas quais se pode procurar por ai estou usando essas e aceito toda e qualquer tipo de contribuição Documentação oficial do React Um texto do Dan Abramov falando sobre Hooks inglês Documentação oficial do React introduzindo hooks Artigo muito bom falando sobre useEffect que o ramonrxm me passou muito obrigado mais uma vez inglês Artigo do autor do canal web dev simplified falando sobre useEffects alguns exemplos foram tirados do canal dele dos vídeos de useState e useEffect recomendo demais inglês |
2021-07-20 13:23:29 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
SWR + Dynamic Routes in Next.js |
SWR Dynamic Routes in Next jsHey folks If you recently worked with client side data fetching in Next js you probably heard of SWR It comes with useSWR a React hook that makes all the complicated stuff in client side data fetching caching revalidation focus tracking etc easy as pie You can implement it with just a few lines of code Import the hookimport useSWR from swr Define a custom fetcher functionconst fetcher url gt fetch url then res gt res json function Profile Use the hook to fetch your data const data error useSWR api user fetcher if error return lt div gt failed to load lt div gt if data return lt div gt loading lt div gt return lt div gt hello data name lt div gt Easy right Well it definitely is when you try to fetch an endpoint with no query parameters like api user But when you try to pass a dynamic route parameter to your useSWR hook things can get a little bit tricky I recently spent some time figuring out a solution for this so I thought I should share my solution Let s say we have a dynamic user route under pages user id js which should show a user profile based on the ID we pass as a route parameter The code to access that ID parameter would look like this Import the useRouter hook from Next jsimport useRouter from next router function Profile Use the useRouter hook const router useRouter Grab our ID parameter const id router query return lt div gt user id id lt div gt If you open that page with a random ID http localhost user i e you should see the ID on the rendered page user id Now instead of just rendering that ID let s fetch the user related to that ID from our API endpoint and render a profile page When I tried to do that I thought I could just pass the ID parameter to the useSWR hook and voilá a beautiful profile page The code looked like that import useSWR from swr import useRouter from next router const fetcher url gt fetch url then res gt res json function Profile const router useRouter const id router query const data error useSWR api user id fetcher if error return lt div gt failed to load lt div gt if data return lt div gt loading lt div gt return lt div gt hello data name lt div gt But then the error messages came in something obviously didn t work my component just won t fetch the user What happened here When I had a look into the network tab I noticed that the ID parameter wasn t passed to the fetch call instead it said undefined But why The ID was clearly there so what the heck happened here The answer is in the Next js Docs Pages that are statically optimized by Automatic Static Optimization will be hydrated without their route parameters provided i e query will be an empty object After hydration Next js will trigger an update to your application to provide the route parameters in the query object Since I didn t use getServerSideProps or getStaticProps on that page Next turned on Automatic Static Optimization for it which means the dynamic parameters from router query are not available until the hydration process has finished Before query is just an empty object that s why the network tab said undefined So how can we tell useSWR to wait until our dynamic route parameter is ready TL DRimport useSWR from swr import useRouter from next router const fetcher url gt fetch url then res gt res json function Profile const router useRouter const id router query Use a ternary operator to only fetch the data when the ID isn t undefined const data error useSWR id api user id null fetcher if error return lt div gt failed to load lt div gt if data return lt div gt loading lt div gt return lt div gt hello data name lt div gt This way our page now initially renders Loading and as soon as the hydration process has finished it fetches the user data and renders the profile I hope this little explanation could help you |
2021-07-20 13:16:33 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Motivation and Mindset as a beginner in programming |
Motivation and Mindset as a beginner in programmingHi my name is Daniil I m following the daysOfCode challenge and this is my first blog in which I m sharing some of the experiences I ve gained along the way How to get started with programming Which resources you re using for learning “I ve no idea where to begin How do I start These are just some of the questions I receive in private messages from people who follow my journey I don t know if you re a beginner or maybe you know some basics but let s start all over from the beginning First of all you ll need dedication motivation and consistency to stay stick with your programming journey ConsistencyLearning to code is incredibly rewarding but can also be difficult and frustrating Anyone can learn how to program as long as they are willing to put in the time and effort The first rule of programming in my opinion may be considered Consistency When you are just starting out you might want to rush into things and spend hours each day dedicated to studying and practicing coding But you may think that you re not learning anything and you re not making any progress with this approach you ll definitely end up burning out and giving up You ll be more likely to continue if you figure out how much time you can realistically and sustainably spend each day or each week studying coding Then stick to that I ll recommend spending at least hour per day Even small efforts when combined with consistency can lead to big accomplishments Take brushing and flossing your teeth for instance You might spend minutes per day on brushing and flossing A tiny amount of time But doing that every single day means the difference between having great teeth and having no teeth This is why consistency is more important than trying to go as fast as you possibly can You will inevitably get stuck at some point in the curriculum perhaps due to a concept that you are having difficulty understanding It s ok if you re feeling stuck and don t understand the meaning of it all You can figure it by using these approaches Google it You can be certain someone else out there has encountered the same problem as you at some point A quick Google search can often lead to a solution Take a break find something else to do maybe make yourself a cup of coffee or even go for a walk and then come back do not rush yourself into solving that problem take some time for yourself and then come back with more power and desire to learn Ask for Help Don t work on a problem on your own for too long If you can t figure something out by yourself ask You can always join a comunity there is a lot of them just waiting for you to give a question Discord communities Twitter Reddit etc don t be afraid to join them they are in the same position as yours Please remember People will be more willing to help you when they can see you have already put effort into trying to figure out the solution on your own Don t compare yourself to others As you start getting more involved in the coding community please try to remember not to compare yourself to other coders Obviously it s impossible to not see what other people are doing or accomplishing But try as much as possible to not feel like you have to keep up with everyone else By comparing yourself with over developers you may end up just feeling discouraged because someone is more ahead of you Please do not compare yourself to those who ve spent their youth solving math physics and programming problems Everyone has a different situation and progresses at different speeds Some people will have more time than you or may be faster at learning certain things than you are Others will have less time or learn slower than you No one is better than another person It may be difficult but please don t worry about someone else s journey just worry about your own PracticeDon t spend all of your time on reading books or watching videos In short ーdo stuff Do something with you re knowledge if you came up with an idea implement it try to create something It s a lot to process and trying out things will help you remember them Conclusion Learning to code is a really difficult thing to do and if you re somewhere on that path please don t give up Even if you feel like you are completely lost and you ll never be good at programming just know that it will come with time You just started a lifelong journey which provides amazing opportunities enjoy it Thanks so much for reading |
2021-07-20 13:05:27 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
'iPad mini 6' rumored to use same A15 chip as 'iPhone 13' range |
x iPad mini x rumored to use same A chip as x iPhone x rangeApple s sixth generation iPad mini will borrow the design cues of the iPad Air a report claims with it also set to include other changes including a magnetic Smart Connector and USB C An early mock up of the iPad mini David Kowalski and Pigtou Apple is rumored to be bringing out an updated form of the iPad mini in the fall in what has previously been described as a major redesign of the tablet A report on Tuesday doubles down on many of the rumored changes in the overhaul Read more |
2021-07-20 13:46:39 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
How to configure App Tracking Transparency in iOS and iPadOS |
How to configure App Tracking Transparency in iOS and iPadOSIf you have accidentally allowed apps to keep tracking you on your iPhone you may want to change that Here s how to manage your device s App Tracking Transparency settings Not everyone will have gotten their App Tracking Transparency options right first time Apple s introduction of App Tracking Transparency in iOS and iPadOS has been a major step for its users enabling iPhone and iPad users to significantly reduce how much of their personal data is tracked by other companies for marketing purposes Read more |
2021-07-20 13:20:51 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Adobe adds native M1 support for Premiere Pro, Media Encoder, Character Animator |
Adobe adds native M support for Premiere Pro Media Encoder Character AnimatorAdobe is rolling out native support for Premiere Pro for all Apple Silicon Macs such as the inch iMac the Mac mini MacBook Air and the inch MacBook Pro Adobe Premiere will run on average faster on M Macs than on comparable Intel based Macs Adobe had recently published a result that showed how M Macs perform significantly better ーup to ーin Machine Learning tasks that powered Adobe Sensei features of their programs Read more |
2021-07-20 13:51:51 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Roku sale on Amazon knocks the Streambar down to $99 |
Roku sale on Amazon knocks the Streambar down to We ve been fans of Roku streaming devices for a long time thanks to their power versatility and support for most major streaming services Those looking to make an old TV in their homes smarter or upgrade an aging streaming gadget can do so for less now that many Roku devices are on sale at Amazon Of note is the Roku Streambar for ーthat s the best price we ve seen the compact soundbar that also has built in K streaming capabilities Also discounted are the Roku Express now the Roku Express K now and the Roku Streaming Stick now Buy Roku Streambar at Amazon Buy Roku Express at Amazon Buy Roku Express K at Amazon Buy Roku Streaming Stick at Amazon The Roku Streambar is one of those multipurpose gadgets that succeeds at everything it s designed to do It s a soundbar that s roughly the size of a carton of eggs which should make it easy to fit into most TV setups And despite its small size it packs a punch when it comes to sound quality The Streambar makes for a solid upgrade for anyone relying on built in TV speakers plus it supports Dolby Audio and works as a Bluetooth speaker as well While you could invest in the Streambar purely for its audio chops it also has built in Roku K streaming technology ーthat means it ll act as both your soundbar and set top box If you re not happy with your current smart TV or you have an old quot dumb quot TV set that you don t want to replace just yet the Roku Streambar is a good and affordable way to make it feel new again Those on tighter budgets may find something even better suited for their setup in Roku s other discounted devices The Streaming Stick has been a favorite of ours for many years because it gives you K HDR streaming in a sleek portable package If you can compromise on things like long range wireless connectivity and remote capabilities the Express or the Express K are both inexpensive ways to add streaming features to your TV Follow EngadgetDeals on Twitter for the latest tech deals and buying advice |
2021-07-20 13:40:34 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Blue Origin completes its first crewed spaceflight with Bezos onboard |
Blue Origin completes its first crewed spaceflight with Bezos onboardBlue Origin just joined the ranks of private companies that have taken people to space Jeff Bezos outfit has successfully completed its first crewed spaceflight taking Bezos his brother Wally Funk and paying customer Oliver Daemen beyond the Kárman line miles above Earth before their capsule returned to the desert The New Shepard rocket also touched down in what appeared to be a picture perfect landing The flight broke multiple records It included both the oldest ever astronaut Funk years old and the youngest Daemen years old And while Virgin Galactic did enter space first by NASA s definition Blue Origin was more than a little keen to point out that its flight was the only one of the two to cross the Kárman line SpaceX was the first of these companies to take people to space through its Crew mission although it won t fly an all civilian crew until later this year Its space tourism plans so far focus on trips around the Moon although those aren t expected to start until The flight clearly involved a large share of bragging rights ーit s yet another instance of a billionaire paying his way into space and marketing his space tourism business It did represent an important transition for Blue Origin to commercial service after years of uncrewed test flights though More importantly it showed that private human spaceflight is becoming increasingly common Blue Origin Virgin and SpaceX were just the vanguards It s now just a question of how quickly the industry grows |
2021-07-20 13:29:37 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Apple Arcade's upcoming additions include 'Tetris' and 'Monster Hunter' games |
Apple Arcade x s upcoming additions include x Tetris x and x Monster Hunter x gamesApple Arcade is expanding its game selection and it once again includes a mix of brand new if familiar originals and well established classics The all you can play service will quot soon quot add Tetris Beat an Arcade original from Ntwork that blends Alexei Pajitnov s line clearng puzzles with rhythm game elements The more you keep to the rhythm the larger your combos get The soundtrack includes well known names like Alison Wonderland and Hannah Diamond among others so you might enjoy it just for the music The other upcoming title Monster Hunter Stories below will be more than a little familiar ーit s a years old adaptation of the turn based Capcom RPG that made its debut on the DS The game flips the usual premise on its head by making you a quot rider quot that forms ties with some monsters rather than hunting them down CapcomTwo more veteran games will join the mix Halfbrick s Jetpack Joyride makes the endless runner flier available without worrying so much about in app purchases while Neko Atsume offers serene cat collecting as a foil to the other more frantic games in the collection As before Apple isn t counting on any one game to draw you to Arcade Like past additions these latest entries are more about making a stronger overall case for Apple s per month service ーyou might be more likely to sign up or get it as part of an Apple One bundle if you know titles like Tetris Beat and Monster Hunter Stories are just a quick download away |
2021-07-20 13:21:38 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
Trust Analytics and Anti-Spoofing Protection: It’s Already in Your Network |
Trust Analytics and Anti Spoofing Protection It s Already in Your NetworkTrust Analytics protects your organization from ransomware with AI ML based anti spoofing technology by lowering a device s Trust Score when it exhibits unusual behavior typical of a rogue device attacking the network |
2021-07-20 13:52:14 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
‘Best Day Ever’: Highlights From Bezos and Blue Origin Crew’s Short Flight to Space |
Best Day Ever Highlights From Bezos and Blue Origin Crew s Short Flight to SpaceThe Amazon founder lifted off from a site in West Texas with three other people fulfilling a key goal of his private rocket company |
2021-07-20 13:56:47 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
What Jeff Bezos and crew wore to space. |
bezos |
2021-07-20 13:50:24 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
States and Cities Near Tentative $26 Billion Deal in Opioids Cases |
States and Cities Near Tentative Billion Deal in Opioids CasesThe agreement would end thousands of lawsuits against the three largest distributors and Johnson Johnson and require them to pay billions for addiction treatment and prevention |
2021-07-20 13:10:22 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Who Else Is Aboard the Blue Origin Flight? |
bezos |
2021-07-20 13:47:20 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Blue Origin New Shepard Rocket Flight Launches Bezos and Fellow Passengers |
flight |
2021-07-20 13:56:39 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
The Bootleg Fire Is Now Generating Its Own Weather |
The Bootleg Fire Is Now Generating Its Own WeatherUnpredictable winds fire clouds that spawn lightning and flames that leap over firebreaks are confounding efforts to fight the blaze which is sweeping through southern Oregon |
2021-07-20 13:05:06 |
海外TECH |
Jeff Bezos Touches Space Aboard Blue Origin Rocket |
Jeff Bezos Touches Space Aboard Blue Origin RocketThe Amazon founder his brother aviation pioneer Wally Funk and a paying passenger were the first to test out the New Shepard suborbital rocket system |
2021-07-20 13:52:24 |
海外科学 |
BBC News - Science & Environment |
Jeff Bezos launches to space aboard New Shepard rocket ship |
rocket |
2021-07-20 13:12:22 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Japan starts checking COVID-19 vaccination status of overseas arrivals |
Japan starts checking COVID vaccination status of overseas arrivalsWith more than different vaccines used around the world a number of issues remain to be resolved including whether those not approved by the |
2021-07-20 22:14:16 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid-19: Crucial for pinged people to self-isolate - No 10 |
street |
2021-07-20 13:41:53 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Jeff Bezos launches to space aboard New Shepard rocket ship |
rocket |
2021-07-20 13:12:22 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Nike halts footwear production due to Covid outbreak |
covid |
2021-07-20 13:11:04 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
South Africa captain Kolisi to start against Lions after recovering from Covid-19 |
South Africa captain Kolisi to start against Lions after recovering from Covid South Africa captain Siya Kolisi recovers from Covid to be named in the starting XV to face the British and Irish Lions in the first Test on Saturday |
2021-07-20 13:39:09 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
アップル、ハリウッドに映画製作拠点求める 娯楽事業を強化 - WSJ発 |
製作 |
2021-07-20 22:04:00 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
寝付きが悪い人におすすめ!入眠を早める方法 |
眠れない夜 |
2021-07-20 22:05:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
沖縄、暴風・豪雨に警戒 台風接近、土砂災害恐れ |
土砂災害 |
2021-07-20 22:09:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
インドのコロナ死者は10倍か 米研究機関、推計4百万人 |
開発センター |
2021-07-20 22:07:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
NY円、109円半ば |
外国為替市場 |
2021-07-20 22:01:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
なでしこ、21日にカナダ戦 金へ「一番高いところ目指す」 |
東京五輪 |
2021-07-20 22:02:12 |