Engadget Japanese |
米Warby Parker、処方箋を更新できる視力検査アプリをリリース |
virtualvisiontestapp |
2021-07-20 07:30:40 |
Engadget Japanese |
英オンラインストアの倉庫火災、原因は搬送ロボット3台の衝突事故 |
衝突事故 |
2021-07-20 07:00:59 |
ロボスタ |
東京五輪2020ではインテルのICT最新技術がこう使われる ドローン/5G/AI/AR/映像解析/DX 報道関係者向けに発表 |
gaiar |
2021-07-20 07:04:28 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] エスケイネット、ビデオカメラなどをWebカメラとして使えるUSBビデオキャプチャーユニット |
itmediapcuser |
2021-07-20 16:51:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 企業の「週休3日制度」 導入時の課題1位は? |
itmedia |
2021-07-20 16:40:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 米、英、EU、NATO、日本など、サイバー攻撃で中国を非難 |
itmedia |
2021-07-20 16:33:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] Twitterで「♯シンエヴァ」を付けると初号機の絵文字が出現 |
itmedianewstwitter |
2021-07-20 16:28:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] レクサス販売店で不正車検 565台で検査未実施や数値書き換え |
itmedia |
2021-07-20 16:20:00 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
アークシステム、Zabbixの監視設定を代行するサービス「Zabbix 監視設定代行・支援」を開始 | IT Leaders |
アークシステム、Zabbixの監視設定を代行するサービス「Zabbix監視設定代行・支援」を開始ITLeadersアークシステムは年月日、オープンソースのシステム監視ソフトウェア「Zabbix」の監視設定を代行するサービス「Zabbix監視設定代行・支援」を発表した。 |
2021-07-20 16:13:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
超初心者がPythonで5分足チャートからPyti使ってMACDを計算してグラフに表示してみた |
超初心者がPythonで分足チャートからPyti使ってMACDを計算してグラフに表示してみたこれのpyti版です。 |
2021-07-20 16:48:31 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
超初心者がPythonで5分足チャートからボリンジャーバンドを計算してグラフに表示してみた |
超初心者がPythonで分足チャートからボリンジャーバンドを計算してグラフに表示してみたpytiパイタイというライブラリを利用するのでpipでインストールしておく。 |
2021-07-20 16:43:29 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
CPythonのmain関数 |
今回は最も普及しているPythonの処理系CPythonのソースを読んでいるとmain関数を見つけたので、少しだけそのことを書こうと思います。 |
2021-07-20 16:43:19 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
たけびしDxpSERVER向けOPC-UAクライアントを書いてみた |
Noタグ名データ型サイズvaluestringSTRINGvaluelongLongvaluefloatFloat注意事項STRINGのサイズはデフォルトでなので、そのままでは文字しか保持できない一度タグを設定してからサイズだけ変更すると、後続のタグのアドレス位置が移動いないので、領域を上書きされる場合があるこれでハマったプロジェクトの保存ファイルFgt保存Sでプロジェクトを保存する。 |
2021-07-20 16:18:19 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
JavaScriptを基本からまとめてみた【ラジオボタンの値を取得・設定】【随時更新】 |
JavaScriptを基本からまとめてみた【ラジオボタンの値を取得・設定】【随時更新】はじめに学習するに至った経緯年より、未経験からエンジニアへの転職を目指し、某プログラミングスクールへ通う。 |
2021-07-20 16:46:35 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
フィールドでのメソッドの呼び出しやUnityでの実行順序について |
・質問。 |
2021-07-20 16:56:44 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
keyframeでaddClassやremoveClassを利用して戻すときに動作をつけたい |
keyframeでaddClassやremoveClassを利用して戻すときに動作をつけたい下記のようにitemをクリックすると、クリックされた要素の位置がpxあがるようにiconupがクラスに追加されるようなコードを作成しております。 |
2021-07-20 16:51:51 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
外部オリジンから通常フォームへ非同期送信 |
submit |
2021-07-20 16:50:56 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
vttファイルの字幕が表示されない |
2021-07-20 16:50:54 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Wordpress 投稿IDからカテゴリーが取得できない |
Wordpress投稿IDからカテゴリーが取得できない前提・実現したいことWordpressで投稿された記事のカテゴリーを取得し、カテゴリーごとにユーザーにメールで通知したい発生している問題・エラーメッセージこちらを参考にしましたが毎回取得するカテゴリーが同じになってしまいます。 |
2021-07-20 16:48:33 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ライブラリーを使用する際の、javascriptの使い方と書き方について |
ライブラリーを使用する際の、javascriptの使い方と書き方について前提・実現したいことプログラミング初学者です。 |
2021-07-20 16:47:05 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
UnityでFungusを使った会話イベントが発火しない |
Unity側のHitスクリプトのFlowchartにFLowchartのGameObjectをいれ、SendMessageに自分が呼び出したいFungusのmessageを設定ししました。 |
2021-07-20 16:41:50 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Laravel6 プロジェクト外部のPHPファイルを読み込む方法 |
Laravelプロジェクト外部のPHPファイルを読み込む方法前提・実現したいことPHPのフレームワークLaravelでviewからプロジェクトフォルダの外のPHPファイルを読み込む方法が知りたいです。 |
2021-07-20 16:41:13 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
WordPress、各タームをピックアップしたアーカイブページを表示したい |
WordPress、各タームをピックアップしたアーカイブページを表示したい前提Wordpressのタクソノミーアーカイブページを作成しています。 |
2021-07-20 16:31:14 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ValueError: num_samples should be a positive integer value, but got num_samples=0 |
ValueErrornumsamplesshouldbeapositiveintegervaluebutgotnumsamplesこちらの方のサイトのプログラムを利用してプログラミングを行っており、コピペ可ということでコピペしているのですがエラーが起こってしまったのですが直し方がよくわかりません。 |
2021-07-20 16:06:31 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
AWS マネジメントコンソールのスイッチロール履歴を操作するスクリプトを作成してみた |
拡張機能 |
2021-07-20 07:37:53 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Node.js AWS SDK v3でDynamoDB操作してみた |
awssdkforjavascript |
2021-07-20 07:15:34 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to debug Node.js using the builtin debugger |
How to debug Node js using the builtin debuggerIt s about time you stop console loging to debug code Here I ll show you how to use the builtin Node js debugger Most of you might be using your IDEs debugger to debug code but did you know that Node js has a built in debugger It s simple but extremely powerful Here I ll show you how to use the builtin debugger PrerequisitesYou need to have Node js installed obviously You also need to know JavaScript because you can t debug without writing code The codeFor this example we will be debugging this code const importantNumbers let res importantNumbers split forEach number gt res number console log res gt NaN Why If you ve been coding for a while I m pretty sure you already have spotted the mistake but just assume that you haven tYou can copy and paste this code to a new file if you want to follow along Debugging with Node js How it worksYou can run the debugger by running node inspect file js This opens a WebSocket connection to something like ws uuid here Now clients can connect to this debugger and debug code You can even build your own clients Node js has a built in client which we can use by running node inspect file js notice it s a command not an option now You can install the latest standalone version of this command by installing node inspect If you run node inspect file js you should get some output like this node inspect file js lt Debugger listening on ws ddaec b a abdd bbdbfc lt For help see https nodejs org en docs inspector lt Debugger attached Break on start in file js gt const importantNumbers let res debug gt You ll get a special debug prompt which is used to run commands You can check out the reference but I ll show you some commands here These commands are available cont c Continue executionnext n Step nextstep s Step inout o Step outpause Pause running code like pause button in Developer Tools So we can now jump to the next line by typing n and hitting enter We ll then get output like this debug gt nbreak in file js const importantNumbers gt let res importantNumbers split forEach number gt res number debug gt As you can see the debugger has jumped to the next line If your terminal supports colors you will see the has been highlighted as it is the next step Hit next again You ll get this debug gt nbreak in resources debugging js let res gt importantNumbers split forEach number gt res number console log res debug gt Notice how the debugger skipped an empty line for us Now we re reaching the important parts Let s watch our important variables debug gt watch number debug gt watch res debug gt Since this is an important line we can step instead of going to the next line So type s and hit enter and you ll get this debug gt sbreak in file js Watchers number res let res gt importantNumbers split forEach number gt res number console log res debug gt You can see watched variables at the top res is and number is We can easily understand that number string NaN That was a pretty basic introduction to debugging Node js There s much more to learn You can check out the docs to learn more See you soon |
2021-07-20 07:35:41 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Host your images on Google Drive for free [Step By Step]. |
Host your images on Google Drive for free Step By Step When you want to share a photo or gallery with friends family or even on the entire internet an image hosting site is the best way to upload store and share your files However there are many image hosting sites all with different features some are free and some are paid with free ones there is a risk of security and with paid ones the problem is you have to pay money monthly In this article we will be hosting our images on good old trustable Google Drive Step Open Google drive and get the link of the image First log into your Google account and open Google Drive Navigate to the image you want to hostAs an eg I will be hosting my Instagram post png which is stored on my google drive PS if you want to learn more about web development consider following my Instagram webdrip Step Get the sharable linkRight click on the image you want to host and click on Get Link Change the Restricted option to Anyone with link Step Copy the linkCopy the link by clicking Copy Link button or by selecting the link and pressing CTRL C on your keyboard Step Go to hostdriveimage pages devNow go to this website and paste the image link that you have copied from the drive and click on the generate button Step Check if it is workingVoila if you have followed the steps properly your image will be hosted and will be live to be shared on the internet or with your friends To check the image I have hosted click on this link If you any doubts feel free to comment down below would love to help you PS All the images on my blog website are hosted on google drive Do give a visit |
2021-07-20 07:25:03 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How do we browse on internet? |
How do we browse on internet When you type youtube com into your browser Chrome Internet Explorer Firefox etc the browser makes an HTTP request HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol it is responsible for communication between web servers and clients HTTP is a protocol a set of rules or procedures for transmitting data between electronic devices for browsers and servers to talk to each other Humans too have protocols for talking to each other Consider that when you meet someone you often greet him or her with a handshake Browsers and servers also greet and acknowledge each other according to HTTP Whenever you submit a form or click a button on the website you are using HTTP and going through the request and response cycle Clients and servers communicate by exchanging individual messages as opposed to a stream of data The messages sent by the client usually a Web browser are called requests and the messages sent by the server as an answer are called responses HTTP is stateless which means that every request is completely independent eg when you reload the page on the website or navigate to different pages on the website it doesn t remember anything about previous requests response cycle you can visualize this as transactions We can use local storage cookies sessions to enhances user experiences but HTTP at its core is stateless HTTPSHTTPS stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure Data sent back and forth through HTTPS is encrypted with SSL TLS SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer TLS stands for Transport Security Layer Anytime the user is sending sensitive information it should be always through HTTPS eg contact information contact form credit card detail social security number You can add HTTPSby installing an SSL certificate on your web host HTTP Request MethodsSo when you type on the browser you are sending a message from the client your browser to the server the server receives the message and responds by sending the webpage to us The request sent by the browser looks like something as shown belowGET HTTP Host www youtube com When a request is made to a server it has some method attached to it like GET in the above example We are going to see such methods but you can find more on the MDN Docs GETA get request is used when you need to fetch data from the server eg loading a HTML page loading assets like CSS JS XML page etc When you visit a webpage you make a GET request to a server by HTTP POSTA POST request is used when you are adding data to the server eg When you submit a contact form on the website or when you post a blog You are sending data to the server and it will store data in your database PUTA PUT request is used when you want to update data that is already on the server eg change the text image of the blog post DELETEA DELETE request delete data from the server HTTP Status CodeThe response sent by the server when you request for youtube com is shown below HTTP OKContent Type application binary These unusual numbers send by the server are called as status code which tells the status of the request as it is OK you will get the youtube com homepage Other common status codes are as follows Common Status Codes OK OK created Moved to new URL Not modified Cached version Bad Request Unauthorized Not found I m a teapot April fools joke in Internal Server Error HTTP Header FilesThe response given by the server is in two parts i e header and a body The header gives a status of the request server name on which it is running with detail about the content that has been requested as shown below The body is a response that is gonna be an HTML page that you are trying to load data that is sent from the server to the website etc There are three types of header general response request You can read more about HTTP header files on MDN docs IPSo we learned how the server and client respond to each other through HTTP but how the message sent by the client will be sent to the browser and vice versa It is done through IP internet protocol every phone laptop and desktop in the world has a unique address and that unique address is called an IP address In the real world you can think of it as an address of a famous place or shop in your city it will be always unique An IP address is a set of numbers and has parts and each part can take a value from to bit DHCPBack in the day to get internet on your computer your internet service provider had to provide you IP address manually This was not scalable as it requires extra work So we have a protocol called DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol so when you boot your laptop or mobile phone if it has support for that protocol it will automatically assign IP addresses and other communication parameters to devices connected to the network using a client server architecture You can read more about DHCP on Wikipedia DNSDNS Domain Name System will convert the domain name of the website to an IP address it is necessary because we know the website by their name but the internet knows from their IP addresses If you want to look up the IP addresses of a website you can do that by opening the command prompt and typing as shown belownslookup google comyou can copy that address and on your browser type http ip address you will be redirected to google comYou can read more about it on Wikipedia RouterLet s say you type google com on the browser you are sending an envelope i e a request with ip address of the server in this case it will be google com and your own ip address so that server can send the response to you But how this request will get to google datacenter which might be far away from your home The answer is it is done through millions of router around the globe If you are using the internet in your house you might have one too its sole purpose is to take data from your house to the internet and to send the response from the server back to your laptop mobile or desktop etc You can check the route of the website from your command prompt by typing as shown below traceroute google comif that doesn t work type tracert instead of traceroute TCPNow we have figured out how we can get the IP address of the server and the client and how we send them using routers all across the world But how does the server know which data to send back to you The data you have requested might be a webpage voicemail image video etc For this We need another protocol on our request envelope which we send to the server it is called TCP Transmission Control Protocol TCP is a number that corresponds to a number which is a service that you want to send or access on your computer for example SSH DNS HTTP HTTPS SMTPwhen we access the webpage we use or TCP protocol You can test this by typing or it will redirect you to google com page You can also test it on the command line as shown belowcurl I It should return with OK Status code and with content type as text html and with other stuff You can read more about TCP on Wikipedia TCP IPWhen you request a video or a high quality image from the internet it will not send you a whole image or video at once but with pieces of information using TCP IP protocol IP ensures every computer on the internet that speaks this protocol has an address TCP ensures delivery of the data to the users You can read more about TCP IP in WikipediaGET HTTP Host www youtube com For more such insights checkout my blog website blog webdrip in |
2021-07-20 07:20:11 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Create a simple Facebook and Instagram AR filter |
Create a simple Facebook and Instagram AR filterHello folks We all are using social media and have used various AR Filters which are available on Facebook and Instagram Well what if I tell you that we can create our own AR Filter and publish it so that everyone can use it This blog post will go through all the steps needed to create a simple AR Filter Step Install SparkAR Studio and SparkAR playerSpark AR Studio Spark AR Studio is the place where we will be creating the effectSpark AR Player Spark AR Player is the place where we will be testing our effect Android and iOS Step Keep your assets readyI recommend that all the images you want in your effect must be ready in one folder so that it will be easy to just add those images as material later You can create the assets with the help of PhotoshopAR Library CanvaAny editing app you wish to use Step Open Spark AR studioCreate a blank projectThis is how our working environment looks like Step Add a face trackerBy adding a Face Tracker to your effect you can track the face movement of the user Right click in the scene panel and add a Face tracker Step Add planesOnce again right click in the scenes panel and add a plane to your project And drag it under the face tracker This will sync the plane with your face movement Step Add material to the plane Click on the plane in the scenes panelNow add material to your plane on the right side Try to rename the materials such that you will be able to understand them later Step Adding texture to the material On the right side you will be able to see the texture Select your assets from the drop down or by choosing the file Step AdjustmentsYou can adjust the position of the plane by playing around with the x y and z axes You can also perform image transformations by changing the values Step Testing Now we are ready with our filter and it s time for testing You can test it using Spark AR Player Step Publish your effectNow it s time for the world to use your AR Filter Click on the Publish button You have to provide the required details for publishing the filter and you re done from your side Note Keep a small AR Filter demo video and also a logo for your AR Filter ready before clicking the Publish button Congratulations you can now create and publish your own AR Filters Thank you |
2021-07-20 07:02:58 |
海外科学 |
BBC News - Science & Environment |
Oregon Bootleg Fire: Evacuations as largest US fire burns 300,000 acres |
oregon |
2021-07-20 07:08:56 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
公社債投資家別条件付売買(現先)月末残高 (旧公社債投資家別現先売買月末残高) |
条件 |
2021-07-20 09:00:00 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
公社債店頭売買高 |
店頭 |
2021-07-20 09:00:00 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
今週のレポート・コラムまとめ【7/13~7/19】:なぜテレワークは日本で普及しなかったのか-経済、働き方、消費への影響と今後の課題 |
2021-07-20 16:57:18 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
2020年度 生命保険会社決算の概要 |
目次ー保険業績全社ー大手中堅社の収支状況基礎利益は微増利差益は、逆ざや解消以降の最高水準を、引き続き更新当期利益は実質増加内部留保重視、配当も安定的な水準ソルベンシー・マージン比率高水準を維持ーかんぽ生命の状況ートピックス新型コロナウィルス感染拡大の影響と各社の対策等外貨建資産の動向年度の全生命保険会社の業績を概観する。 |
2021-07-20 16:40:11 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
じわりと進む円高、持続性をどう見るか?~マーケット・カルテ8月号 |
デルタ株の動向には注意が必要だが、米長期金利の低下はリフレトレードの修正を含む一時的なもので、米金融政策の先行きを踏まえると金利水準も下がりすぎていると考えられる。 |
2021-07-20 16:03:26 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
党派性が反映される米国のコロナ感染状況~ワクチン接種に消極的な共和党の地盤州で感染が拡大、引き続き米景気回復のリスクに |
党派性が反映される米国のコロナ感染状況ワクチン接種に消極的な共和党の地盤州で感染が拡大、引き続き米景気回復のリスクに米国の日のコロナ新規感染者数日移動平均は足元で万人と年初の万人からは大幅に減少しているものの、月中旬に万人台前半となっていた水準に比べて感染者数のリバウンドが明確になっている図表。 |
2021-07-20 16:45:50 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Olympic Village COVID-19 infection bubble already ‘broken,’ health expert says |
Olympic Village COVID infection bubble already broken health expert saysInternational Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach admitted Tuesday that the IOC had not known how complex holding the games during the pandemic would be |
2021-07-20 16:29:59 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: Boris Johnson resisted autumn lockdown as only over-80s dying - Dominic Cummings |
autumn |
2021-07-20 07:01:10 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
UK to bake in 33C amid extreme heat warning |
marbella |
2021-07-20 07:43:03 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Premier League footballer held over child sex allegations |
allegationsthe |
2021-07-20 07:49:05 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Gold for Biles, Peaty & Jones? Silver for Daley? Crunching the stats to predict Tokyo 2020 medallists |
Gold for Biles Peaty amp Jones Silver for Daley Crunching the stats to predict Tokyo medallistsData company Gracenote forecasts the Tokyo medal table Team GB medallists and the international stars to watch |
2021-07-20 07:00:50 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
ゴリラの生息地、9割消失も 温暖化や土地開発、今後30年で |
土地開発 |
2021-07-20 16:13:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
欧州洪水、死者196人に 独西部で不明者多数、被害拡大も |
西部 |
2021-07-20 16:04:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
真夏の中国で「自然災害リスク」が高まる背景 異常気象が増えて、干ばつや洪水の可能性も | 「財新」中国Biz&Tech | 東洋経済オンライン |
biztech |
2021-07-20 17:00:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
伝説のRPG『夢幻の心臓II(FM-7版)』が「プロジェクトEGG」でリリース開始 |
夢幻の心臓ii |
2021-07-20 16:48:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
丸亀製麺、完全新作「シビ辛麻辣坦々うどん」本場四川の香辛料を使用した夏メニュー |
丸亀製麺 |
2021-07-20 16:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
2D対戦格闘『MELTY BLOOD: TYPE LUMINA』にプレイアブルキャラクターとして「軋間紅摩」が参戦! |
meltybloodtypelumina |
2021-07-20 16:20:00 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
コーセー 毎月17日には来店客とSDGsを学ぶイベントを定期開催 |
銀座 |
2021-07-20 07:30:55 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
一人ひとりの多様性や個性に寄り添う 倫理的なデータ活用で価値を創出する |
一人ひとり |
2021-07-20 07:00:50 |