AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog |
Digital Visual Inspection and Asset Integrity Management with Wipro’s InspectAI on AWS |
Digital Visual Inspection and Asset Integrity Management with Wipro s InspectAI on AWSAsset integrity management is a key activity for energy companies and with recent advances in the field of machine learning specifically computer vision there are digital technologies that can enhance customers existing workflows and help plan preventative work Learn how Wipro s visual inspection and integrity management solution InspectAI can help customers deploy a cloud based solution and transform their inspection process on AWS |
2021-07-19 17:41:15 |
AWS Media Blog |
Watch on-demand: AWS for Media & Entertainment Virtual Symposium |
Watch on demand AWS for Media amp Entertainment Virtual SymposiumWatch the AWS for Media amp Entertainment Virtual Symposium on demand to hear from AWS experts and partners about the latest services solutions and innovations for media and entertainment Learn about the trends and technologies that are changing the way media is created delivered and experienced Review the sessions below and register to hear about industry … |
2021-07-19 17:49:53 |
AWS Government, Education, and Nonprofits Blog |
Cloud technology propels India’s financial inclusion mission |
Cloud technology propels India s financial inclusion missionThe first step to narrow the financial inclusion gap between Indian citizens in urban and rural areas is for the government to extend financial services to the underserved Mission driven startups in the private sector collaborated with AWS to design and deliver new products in the cloud that helped advance financial inclusion in India by working on a range of challenges from boosting credit growth to bringing citizen services through platforms |
2021-07-19 17:42:50 |
AWS Security Blog |
Implement a centralized patching solution across multiple AWS Regions |
Implement a centralized patching solution across multiple AWS RegionsIn this post I show you how to implement a centralized patching solution across Amazon Web Services AWS Regions by using AWS Systems Manager in your AWS account This helps you to initiate track and manage your patching events across AWS Regions from one centralized place Enterprises with large multi Region hybrid environments must determine whether … |
2021-07-19 17:40:12 |
AWS Security Blog |
Implement a centralized patching solution across multiple AWS Regions |
Implement a centralized patching solution across multiple AWS RegionsIn this post I show you how to implement a centralized patching solution across Amazon Web Services AWS Regions by using AWS Systems Manager in your AWS account This helps you to initiate track and manage your patching events across AWS Regions from one centralized place Enterprises with large multi Region hybrid environments must determine whether … |
2021-07-19 17:40:12 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Embedded Pythonでget-pip.pyに失敗するときの対処方法 |
EmbeddedPythonでgetpippyに失敗するときの対処方法TLDR軽量Python環境installでSSLErrorが出たときの対処方法です。 |
2021-07-20 02:45:32 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
RSAの解説についてわかりやすく説明して下さい。 |
RSAの解説についてわかりやすく説明して下さい。 |
2021-07-20 02:38:31 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
980px〜640px間のスムーズスクロールでの動作不備 |
pxpx間のスムーズスクロールでの動作不備スムーズスクロールの状況jQueryでスムーズスクロールを作っています。 |
2021-07-20 02:26:31 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Cloudinary MO でもっと手軽に画像最適化を導入できるように! |
cloudinary |
2021-07-19 17:00:25 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
CSS Display inline, block, and inline-block |
CSS Display inline block and inline blockIn this post we will discuss the difference between three common CSS display properties inlineblockinline block inlineInline elements do not start from a new line You can not set width or height values for them Even if you set a value it won t have any effect Examples lt span gt lt a gt lt img gt lt u gt lt e gt lt strong gt blockBlock elements always start from a new line They take up the whole space available to them You can set their width and height Examples lt div gt lt header gt lt footer gt lt section gt lt main gt lt aside gt lt h gt lt p gt inline blockThese elements are formatted just like inline but you can set their width and height similar to block Examples lt button gt lt select gt Hope this helped |
2021-07-19 17:44:49 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Npm libraries you need to know for your Node JS App |
Npm libraries you need to know for your Node JS AppNPM Libraries you need to know for Node JsBullThe fastest amp most reliable redis based queue for nodeBull BoardThis is built in top of bull which helps to visualise the queue amp their jobsLodashOne of the best utility library for javascriptJestComplete and ready to set up JavaScript testing solution A great one if you are following Test driven developmentExpress winstonexpress winston provides middlewares for request and error logging of your express app and also provides variety of options as wellUser AgentHelps to determine the device informationIp addressHelps to deal with Ipv amp Ipv addresses in JavascriptUuidHelps in generation of unique identifier to be added in your applicationJoiMost famous amp powerful data validation amp schema description language in JavascriptWinston daily rotate fileIt is a transport of winston that logs information to a rotating file Logs can be removed after some days and also rotation of log files can be based on date size amp limitIf you know anymore famous npm libraries feel free to add below To know more tech related information let s stay connected via Twitter |
2021-07-19 17:41:21 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
What is SEO: A Beginner's Guide to SEO |
What is SEO A Beginner x s Guide to SEOThe full form of SEO is Search Engine Optimization and it is a technique with the help of which we rank our posts in the top position on the first page of any search engine All bloggers goal is to get the first position in search engines like Google and bring more and more traffic to their blog When you start Blogging we must have heard about SEO Any new blogger does not understand this and just spends more and more time writing blog designs and posts But after some time despite working so hard when the visitors of the page on the blog is zero then the desire to know also arises in their minds that what is this search engine optimization why is it necessary and how You understand that just as there are crores of stars in the sky in the same way there are crores of websites on the internet People only know or recognize the website which is famous by the brand name or which the search engine keeps above in the result page You would also like that whatever page you have on your blog should make it to the first place of Google That is why let us know what SEO means What is SEO The full form of SEO is Search Engine Optimization This is a way in which we can rank our posts in search engines This is a technique using which we optimize the post written on our blog so that it ranks in the top position on the first page of search engines like Google Bing Yahoo You are reading this post because it has reached you only because of SEO So now be sure that you are at the right place I will give you all the information about this technique By which you will get every information that will answer every question related to SEO that you are looking for In the beginning a new blogger does not have any idea about this But gradually the new blogger comes to know the importance of this word and also understands that there is no benefit in blogging without search engine optimization If a blogger is not aware of this then that blogger s blog will simply be lost on the internet and will not reach the people For example let s say that there are many stars in the sky but we recognize the ones that give more light or are closer to us If we know optimization well then we can make our blog or website No Rank on position If we do not do Search Engine Optimization we will not see our website or blog anywhere on the result page of the Search Engine Let us understand it with the help of an example Suppose I want to get information about Pen from Google then I will search What is Pen Now Google will show all the articles related to the word Pen in the search result In this we will see many different websites that have written posts about Pen So as we are served the desired website we will simply go to a website and look for the information required If we do not get satisfaction from the information in it then we can see the other posts related to it to find our desired answer The search engine optimization of the blog which is at number in this search result is the strongest only then it is ranking at No position There are chances of getting more traffic by staying ranked in the first position What is SEO A Beginner s Guide to SEORead More |
2021-07-19 17:32:57 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Migrating from Lambda@Edge to CloudFront Functions |
Migrating from Lambda Edge to CloudFront FunctionsI have been using Lambda Edge for several years now first time I used it was back in wrote this post back then I was always under the impression that the Lambda function was running in the edge cache hence the name But I was apparently wrong it runs in the region cache and not in the edge cache That became clear when AWS back in May release the new and shiny CloudFront Functions that was going to run in true edge cache So what are the differences How do we go about to migrate from Lambda Edge to CloudFront Functions In this post I will try to explain the differences and talk about my experience migrating my blog infrastructure to CloudFront functions Lambda Edge vs CloudFront FunctionsSo what are the difference between the two then First of all Lambda Edge run at the at the time of writing this post Regional Caches CloudFront Functions run at the Edge Caches That mean that the your code will run closer to your users The other major differences are around runtime support memory usages execution time and more Here is a table showing the differences FeatureCloudFront FunctionsLambda EdgeRuntimeJavaScript ECMAScript compliant Node js PythonCloudFront triggersViewer request Viewer responseViewer requestViewer responseOrigin requestOrigin responseExecution time millisecond seconds viewer triggers seconds origin triggers MemoryMBMB viewer triggers GB origin triggers Package size KB MB viewer triggers MB origin triggers Network accessNoYesFile system accessNoYesAccess to the request bodyNoYesThat was a lot of differences but what does it mean How do I know which to choose PricingSo what about pricing Is CloudFront Functions or Lambda Edge more expensive With Lambda Edge you pay per million requests plus the execution time FOR EVERY MB SECOND With CloudFront Functions you pay per million Invocations and nothing for execution time That mean that CloudFront Functions is the cheapest option of the two Choosing Lambda Edge or CloudFront FunctionsAs we just saw there are several differences between Lambda Edge and CloudFront functions Which should I use I would say that if you don t need to react on origin triggers have access to the request body need file or network access can finish execution within ms and have really small deployment packages then CloudFront Functions is probably a great match for you Just remember that no network access mean no access to any other AWS service MigratingCloudFront Functions are deployed with the CloudFront distribution in the region of your choice This truly made deployment much easier Lambda Edge always had to be deployed in us east region with CloudFront Functions there was no need to target different regions during deployment I have been using Lambda Edge to make CloudFront act more like a webserver so if a link was pointing to a folder I use Lambda edge to append index html to the path so the correct file is requested from S Since I didn t use any network access my Lambda edge function was rather fast and written in pure Javascript the migration process was rather easy Create the FunctionFirst of all I created a AWS CloudFront Function and deployed that CloudFrontFunction Type AWS CloudFront Function Properties Name UpdatePath AutoPublish true FunctionCode Sub function handler event var request event request var uri request uri uri uri replace index html request uri uri return request FunctionConfig Comment Sub Append index html to folder paths Runtime cloudfront js The Runtime of the function must always be cloudfront js I could not find a good way to keep the code in an external source file and not inline it in the CloudFormation template This is a rather clunky way to add the code for the function I would love to see a deployment similar to how Lambda is deployed Since my code was rather short it is manageable to have it inlined Testing and debuggingWhen the function was deployed I could turn to the console to test it out which was a rather nice experience You can select the trigger and what stage Development or Live you like to use for the test The result is presented in a really nice way It is also possible to perform tests using the CLI in an automatic way This is done using the test function command aws cloudfront test function name ExampleFunction if match ETVABCEXAMPLE event object fileb event object json stage DEVELOPMENTThe event object is Json with the information about stage etc version context eventType viewer request viewer ip request method GET uri mytest headers host value example org The deployment and testing is really nice you can easily deploy a new development version and test it out before going live Logs printed using console log is always sent to CloudWatch logs in us east doesn t matter what edge location the Function runs in logs are in us east So after I had tested the Function it was time to update the CloudFormation template Doing the actual migrationThe last step is to do the actual update of CloudFormation and do the migration I commented out the LambdaFunctionAssociations section and added the FunctionAssociations instead CloudFrontDistribution Type AWS CloudFront Distribution Properties DistributionConfig FunctionAssociations EventType viewer request FunctionARN GetAtt CloudFrontFunction FunctionMetadata FunctionARN LambdaFunctionAssociations EventType viewer request LambdaFunctionARN Ref LambdaARNThe deployment took a couple of minutes but was not that bad After the deployment was done the page was working perfect and I could delete the Lambda Edge function ConclusionMigrating to CloudFront Functions from Lambda Edge was really easy and was accomplished with just a few steps So what did the migration bring I feel that it was easier to debug and test CloudFront Functions Testing was nice and straight forward That logs are always in us east and not as with Lambda Edge where they end up in the region the Lambda Edge function runs in is a killer feature My cost was down slightly but not much I m not using that much I can see cost to be a driver for migration for heavy usage For some reason the page felt more responsive even though it s the same code that is running Can be due to CloudFront Functions running closer to the client can be my imagination I have not done any proper measurements yet In short I would say that if you can you should migrate |
2021-07-19 17:30:10 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Script para abrir webcam com Python utilizando OpenCV |
Script para abrir webcam com Python utilizando OpenCVJápensou em desenvolver algum projetinho que precisa de uma captura de imagem em tempo real mas não sabe por onde começar Nesse post vamos trazer uma solução simples de como fazer um script utilizando Python e OpenCV para abrir a sua webcam Um pouco sobre a biblioteca OpenCVA OpenCV éuma biblioteca de código aberto desenvolvida pela Intel nos anos inicialmente nas linguagens C e C com o objetivo de melhorar o aparato disponível para o desenvolvimento de aplicações assim como nos estudos e pesquisas na área de Visão Computacional Hoje em dia ela ainda éreferência e se tornou multiplataforma e multilinguagem isto é podemos utilizá la em aplicações nos mais diversos sistemas operacionais e linguagens de programação OpenCV Python PERFEIÇÃO O OpenCV não foi apenas desenvolvido para melhorar a experiência em questão de otimização das técnicas e dos algoritmos de processamento de imagem mas também para fácil utilização da biblioteca pelos interessados Quando unimos isso ao Python temos um ambiente perfeito para explorar a criatividade utilizando imagens biblioteca simples e linguagem de sintaxe simples Quer provas Continua lendo este post Instalando o OpenCV na sua máquinaPara iniciar precisaremos instalar o OpenCV na nossa máquina Para isso vocêpode instalar o pacote via pip com o comando abaixo pip install opencv pythonoupip install opencv pythonLembrando que ésempre bom considerar a criação de um ambiente virtual para seus projetos Assim caso vocêqueira compartilhar e receber contribuições iráajudar bastante na configuração local do projeto na máquina do contribuidor além de evitar que alguns erros se tornem incapazes de serem resolvidos Caso não saiba como fazê lo consulte este link da documentação do Python para saber mais Mão na massa Com o OpenCV instalado na máquina podemos partir para o código Crie um arquivo py abra o editor de sua preferência e vamos começar Antes de tudo vamos importar a nossa biblioteca import cv as cvCom o pacote devidamente importado poderemos partir para a captura da imagem pela webcam do seu computador Abrindo a webcam com código Abrir a webcam com um script Python émais fácil do que vocêimagina Vamos utilizar OpenCV para capturar imagens em tempo real Passo O primeiro passo éinstanciar um objeto VideoCapture Essa classe do OpenCV éresponsável por realizar a captura de frames em um vídeo o qual passamos o caminho como parâmetro na criação do objeto No caso da leitura da webcam precisamos passar o seu ID de referência se vocêusa um laptop o ID da sua câmera primária é camera cv VideoCapture Passo Para iniciar o segundo passo éimportante que vocêentenda o que éum vídeo De uma forma bem genérica um vídeo éuma sucessão de imagens que imprimem uma sensação de movimento A cada uma dessas imagens damos o nome de quadros ou frames Fazendo o paralelo disso com lógica de programação qual a estrututa que utilizamos para fazer uma repetição sucessiva de alguma coisa Se vocêrespondeu laço estámais que correto Mas qual laço escolher for ou while Vamos pensar estamos fazendo uma captura de vídeo em tempo real com a nossa webcam então não sabemos quando a captura iráparar desse modo enquanto estiver rodando nosso script eu capturo um frame novo Matamos a charada e vamos de loop while Passando essa ideia para Python temos algo do tipo rodando Truewhile rodando Captura um frame pass Passo Agora podemos partir para todo o código dentro do loop Para fazer a captura do frame da vez usaremos o método read no nosso objeto VideoCapture Esse método retorna uma tupla com dois valores um booleano referente ao status de captura e o próprio frame no formato de um array NumPy O valor do status émuito útil para quando estamos lendo um vídeo passado por um caminho visto que quando chegamos no último frame do mesmo o próximo não poderáser capturado o retorno desse valor seráFalse e poderemos parar a execução do loop sem o lançamento de uma exceção Além disso pode haver algum problema na captura da webcam e isso ser indicado por esse retorno por isso vamos utilizá lo Jáo frame éessencial jáque éo que mais nos interessa A imagem retornada seráo alvo dos processamentos feitos durante a iteração do loop e também serájogada na saída Faremos isso da seguinte forma dissociando os valores retornados em duas variáveis while rodando status frame camera read Passo Chegou o momento de falarmos das condições de parada Queremos parar a captura em dois casos Em casos de erro Caso eu apenas queira parar de executar o scriptVamos unir essas duas condições de parada em apenas uma condição if not status or cv waitKey amp xff ord q rodando FalseParece estranho mas não édifícil de entender O que estamos querendo dizer ébasicamente se deu algo errado na captura da imagem ou o usuário apertou a tecla q então pare o script A função cv waitKey espera que um evento de tecla acionada aconteça e caso ocorra ela retorna o valor da tecla pressionada segundo o padrão UTF Para comparar se a tecla pressionada foi a q combinamos o retorno dessa função com a constante hexadecimal xff e utilizamos a função padrão de python ord q que retorna o valor de uma string passada como parâmetro em UTF Caso ao menos uma dessas condições seja satisfeita a nossa variável rodando passa a receber False e na próxima iteração háa parada do loop Passo Nesse estágio játemos o objeto que captura nossa imagem da webcam a imagem capturada devidamente lida e também uma condição de parada do nosso loop Sónos resta uma coisa jogar essa imagem na saída Para isso utilizaremos a função cv imshow do OpenCV Essa função cria recebe dois parâmetros uma string referente ao nome da janela e o array que se refere a imagem que queremos mostrar Temos tudo que precisamos Para finalmente enxergarmos a captura em tempo real escrevemos a seguinte linha dentro do loop cv imshow Camera frame Finalmente o script Tudo isso resulta em um script de apenas linhas import cv as cv camera cv VideoCapture rodando Truewhile rodando status frame camera read if not status or cv waitKey amp xff ord q rodando False cv imshow Camera frame Com isso temos tudo que vocêprecisa para capturar imagens em tempo real utilizando um script simples em Python junto com OpenCV E o que fazer com esse script Existem várias possibilidades de aproveitar essa base que vão desde detectores atéregistros de imagens para alguma aplicação ou sistema feito em Python Muito obrigada por ter lido atéo fim Se esse post te inspirou a criar alguma coisa não se esquece de postar nas tuas redes e me marcar que eu quero ver e quem sabe eu volte aqui com mais coisas legais para fazer com OpenCV Minhas redes LinkedIn Maria Eduarda de Azevedo SilvaTwitter ddt azevedoGitHub MariaEduardaDeAzevedo |
2021-07-19 17:07:49 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
To-do list with Observer Pattern |
To do list with Observer PatternIn this post we ll be learning about the Observer Pattern by creating a simple To do application In a nutshell the Observer Pattern is similar to Twitter s Followers feature When you post a tweet all your followers get notified and they decide whether to read your tweet or not We can say our Followers are observing our tweets The Observer Pattern has only two components The Subject and the Observers The Observers only want to know when we update the Subject They don t care when it happens Going back to our Twitter analogy our Tweet is the Subject while our Followers are the Observers So how does it relate to our Todo list application We ll uncover the answer while we build the app but first we need to know the features of our app We want to be able to add a unique to do to our listWe want to be able to remove a to do from our listWe want to persist our list on page reloadLet s create the HTML of our Todo app lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html gt lt head gt lt meta charset utf gt lt title gt Observer Pattern lt title gt lt head gt lt body gt lt ul gt lt ul gt lt form gt lt input required type text gt lt button type submit gt Add lt button gt lt form gt lt body gt lt script gt We ll add all our code here lt script gt lt html gt In this HTML we have an unordered list element which will hold our todo items a form element to add a todo item to our list and finally a script element to hold our JavaScript code The Subject will be our todo items So we create an array list to store our todos lt script gt let todos Subject lt script gt Next we create a list of Observers Functions that will make use of the list lt script gt let todos Subject let observers lt script gt Then we implement the add todo functionality Each todo needs to be uniquely identified so assign each item with an ID const form document querySelector form form addEventListener submit event gt event preventDefault const input form elements const item id Date now description input value addTodo item input value Clear text input function addTodo item todos push item Introducing our first observerWhen you try running the app you ll notice nothing is being displayed on screen That s because we haven t hooked up our todos array to our HTML unordered list element Our HTML ul element is interested in our todos array It wants to observe our array list so that it can display it on the screen So it wants to be an Observer Let s implement a function that will display our list function displayTodos const ul document querySelector ul todos forEach todo gt const li document createElement li li innerText todo description ul appendChild li Now we register this function as an Observer by adding it to our list of observers To do that we create a helper function to register new observers function registerObserver observer The observers array is basically an array of functions observers push observer registerObserver displayTodos Despite registering as an observer nothing is being displayed That s because our todos array hasn t notified the observers We create a notifyObservers function that will loop through our observers array and call each observer function to know an update has happened function notifyObservers observers forEach observer gt observer Then we call the notifyObservers function whenever we change the Subject function addTodo item todos push item notifyObservers Add this line Now run the app in your browser and see your todos being added to the list Congratulations on your first bug You ve probably noticed that our list doubles every time we add a new item We can fix that by clearing it first Inside the displayTodos functionfunction displayTodos const ul document querySelector ul ul innerHTML Add this lineNow that we have add functionality working it s time to remove todos First we add a remove button to every li element function displayTodos const ul document querySelector ul ul innerHTML todos forEach todo gt const li document createElement li li innerText todo description Add these lines const button document createElement button button innerText Remove li appendChild button ul appendChild li Then we create a removeTodo function that will handle removing to dos by their ID function removeTodo id todos todos filter todo gt todo id id notifyObservers Then we attach a click event listener to the remove button that will call the removeTodo function Inside the displayTodos functionconst button document createElement button button innerText Remove Attach an event listener herebutton addEventListener click gt removeTodo todo id li appendChild button Introducing the second observerThe final step is to save our list in local storage and load it when we reload the page We want our local storage to be an observer and save the list whenever it is notified function persistData localStorage setItem saved todos JSON stringify todos registerObserver persistData Then we load the saved todos on page load function loadTodos todoList todos todoList notifyObservers window addEventListener load gt const savedTodos localStorage getItem saved todos if savedTodos loadTodos JSON parse savedTodos The Clean CodeOur code is working It meets the minimum requirements but it s not elegant If you follow closely you ll notice there are kinds of code Those that manipulate the unordered list element and those that manipulate the todos array list We are mixing UI logic and State logic which is an attribute of a messy code Let us start by wrapping our state logic in a function and exposing the register add remove and load functions as methods to an object This is called Abstraction Our todos array is no longer visible to the UI logic code So we create the getTodos method for accessing the todos This is called Encapsulation The art of hiding internal state and exposing it via a method function createSubject let todos let observers function registerObserver observer observers push observer function notifyObservers observers forEach observer gt observer function addTodo item todos push item notifyObservers function removeTodo id todos todos filter todo gt todo id id notifyObservers function loadTodos todoList todos todoList notifyObservers function getState return todos return registerObserver addTodo removeTodo loadTodos getState Next we use the createSubject to create a todos subject const subject createSubject function displayTodos const ul document querySelector ul ul innerHTML todos forEach todo gt const li document createElement li li innerText todo description const button document createElement button button innerText Remove button addEventListener click gt subject removeTodo todo id li appendChild button ul appendChild li subject registerObserver displayTodos subject registerObserver gt localStorage setItem saved todos JSON stringify todos window addEventListener load gt const savedTodos localStorage getItem saved todos if savedTodos subject loadTodos JSON parse savedTodos const form document querySelector form form addEventListener submit event gt event preventDefault const input form elements const item id Date now description input value subject addTodo item input value The createSubject function adheres to the Observer Pattern design We subscribe to the todos by registering as observers What about if we no longer want to be notified It s quite simple We can return a function in the registerObserver method function registerObserver observer observers push observer return function observers observers filter currentObserver gt observer Then we can save the return value after registering and call it later to unregister const unregisterDisplayTodos subject registerObserver displayTodos later when we want to unregisterunregisterDisplayTodos displayTodos will no longer be notified FINRedux is a popular JavaScript library that uses the Observer Pattern In the next post we ll demystify redux by creating our own small redux library Happy Coding |
2021-07-19 17:06:25 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
iOS App Review on iPhone: Resume Builder - Professionals on App Store Connect |
iOS App Review on iPhone Resume Builder Professionals on App Store ConnectApp Store Connect YouTube Video iOS App Review on iPhone Resume Builder Professionals on App Store ConnectThe Resume Builder for LinkedIn users is an iOS mobile application that offers a great user experience for building your ideal template to earn your job of your preference LinkedIn has a lot of jobs worldwide but it is needed to upload a great material including in your CV with no time Your job hunting is already started on LinkedIn Good luck Resume Builder Professionals is the next social network for professionals that like LinkedIn networks and groups Build your professional network based on Resume Builder connect with anyone and use your professional profile as an online resume with Apple Sign In Google Sign In Microsoft Sign In and GitHub for developer professionals JOB SEARCH•Search and apply to millions of job openings including your responsive resume•Upload and easily submit your resume to jobs that fit on LinkedIn jobs•Save searches and create alerts to be the first to know about new job openings and worldwide eventsThe Resume Builder Professionals app has a low cost to use and download There are no additional subscriptions or premium plans Find a job create your business find and hire the new talented persons worldwide with a really low cost on all over the world Privacy Policy Terms of Service |
2021-07-19 17:05:33 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Second macOS Big Sur 11.5 Release Candidate beta released to developers |
Second macOS Big Sur Release Candidate beta released to developersThe second Release Candidate for macOS Big Sur version is now available for developers Second Release Candidate for macOS now available for testingNew beta builds can be downloaded by developers through the Apple Developer Center or as an over the air update for existing beta installations Public beta versions are usually provided a short time after their developer counterparts and can be picked up from the Apple Beta Software Program website Read more |
2021-07-19 17:35:40 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple releases tvOS 14.7 to the public with minor fixes and improvements |
Apple releases tvOS to the public with minor fixes and improvementsApple has issued the latest tvOS update to the public introducing minor improvements and bug fixes to the Apple TV platform Credit Andrew O Hara AppleInsiderThe update can be manually installed by heading to the Settings app selecting System and clicking on Software Updates If enabled it can also be installed automatically on an Apple TV or Apple TV K Read more |
2021-07-19 17:07:08 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple issues watchOS 7.6 update to the public |
Apple issues watchOS update to the publicApple has released watchOS a minor update to the Apple Watch operating system focused on bug and security fixes Credit Andrew O Hara AppleInsiderFollowing several rounds of beta testing Apple on Tuesday released the final watchOS update to the public A small update focused on under the hood tweaks watchOS doesn t introduce any new user facing features or changes Read more |
2021-07-19 17:06:32 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple releases iOS 14.7 with bug fixes, security enhancements |
Apple releases iOS with bug fixes security enhancementsA new update to both iOS has been released bringing with them security features general performance improvements and bug fixes Apple releases iOS and iPadOS The new iOS release is now rolling out after beta testing and is available worldwide as Apple s content delivery network propagates Read more |
2021-07-19 17:49:04 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
How to use Focus Mode in iOS 15, macOS Monterey |
How to use Focus Mode in iOS macOS MontereyFocus Mode could well be reason enough to update to macOS Monterey and iOS when they re available Here s what you can do and why you will love it If you re in Focus Mode you see the name of it in Control Center Otherwise this button just says Focus Apple gave us more notifications bleeps and distractions with the iPhone than anyone could have imagined Then it tried to take them all away with the mostly good Do Not Disturb Read more |
2021-07-19 17:30:17 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Watch Ubisoft reveal a new Tom Clancy game at 2PM ET |
Watch Ubisoft reveal a new Tom Clancy game at PM ETUbisoft isn t pinning all its Tom Clancy game strategy on Rainbow Six Extraction The company is revealing a new Tom Clancy game at PM Eastern and you can watch the premiere here through the video below The company didn t say much in advance beyond calling it a quot wild quot experience but a brief clip also below has already spoke volumes about what to expect Get a quick taste of a brand new Ubisoft game right here right now We had a chance to see what it looks like up close and we can t wait to tell you more Keep an eye out on Ubisoft tomorrow July at am PT for the full reveal pic twitter com nZkZBkKNfーIGN IGN July For a start this doesn t appear to be The Division Heartland Instead this would be a competitive team multiplayer shooter that looks like it s set in The Division s take on New York City complete with killstreaks and an escort objective It s not necessarily piggybacking on existing hot games like Valorant but we also wouldn t count on a completely original take This is the company that belatedly hopped on the battle royale bandwagon with Hyper Scape after all Ubisoft had hinted that multiple The Division related games were in the pipeline In that regard this mystery title is just one part of a much larger planned wave It s just a question of whether or not these early projects will be popular enough to justify the rest |
2021-07-19 17:30:08 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
Cisco Networking Academy Launches Free IT Education to Empower All People with Career Possibilities |
Cisco Networking Academy Launches Free IT Education to Empower All People with Career PossibilitiesSkills for All is a free mobile first program that delivers leading edge adaptive and gamified learning experiences including self paced courses interactive tools and career resources that are designed by industry experts |
2021-07-19 17:00:54 |
海外TECH |
CodeProject Latest Articles |
Comparison of Sorting Algorithms |
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2021-07-19 17:51:00 |
海外TECH |
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Creating and Training Custom ML Model to Read Sales Receipts Using AI-Powered Azure Form Recognizer |
Creating and Training Custom ML Model to Read Sales Receipts Using AI Powered Azure Form RecognizerThis article walks you through the steps required to create a custom ML model train it and then use the same model to analyze the sales receipt |
2021-07-19 17:50:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
金融庁職員の新型コロナウイルス感染について公表しました。 |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-07-19 17:15:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
金融庁の業務委託先の従業員の新型コロナウイルス感染について公表しました。 |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-07-19 17:15:00 |
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BBC News - Home |
Two jabs needed to enter nightclubs from September |
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Covid: Critical workers to avoid close contact isolation |
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Covid patients urge caution: 'It's just the worst experience' |
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China accused of cyber-attack on Microsoft Exchange servers |
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2021-07-19 17:28:05 |
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Covid: Who has to self-isolate and what if I'm fully vaccinated? |
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将来への不安がとれない人はこう考えるといいわ。 |
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