IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Apple、「tvOS 14.7」を正式に配信開始 |
applet |
2021-07-19 18:55:23 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Apple、「watchOS 7.6」を正式に配信開始 − 新たに30の地域で「心電図」アプリが利用可能に |
apple |
2021-07-19 18:54:01 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Apple、「iPadOS 14.7」を正式に配信開始 |
apple |
2021-07-19 18:52:03 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Apple、「iOS 14.7」を正式に配信開始 − 「MagSafeバッテリーパック」対応など |
apple |
2021-07-19 18:49:55 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Apple、開発者に対し「macOS Big Sur 11.5 RC」の新ビルドをリリース |
apple |
2021-07-19 18:47:28 |
AWS Marketplace |
Automating updates to your container listings in AWS Marketplace with Catalog API |
Automating updates to your container listings in AWS Marketplace with Catalog APIThe Catalog API for AWS Marketplace enables you as a seller to manage your listings more seamlessly It s available for software packaged as single Amazon Machine Images AMI or containers This post describes how to update your existing container products listed in AWS Marketplace For information about updating single AMI products instead see Automating updates … |
2021-07-19 18:28:36 |
AWS Database Blog |
Schedule jobs with pg_cron on your Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL or Amazon Aurora for PostgreSQL databases |
Schedule jobs with pg cron on your Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL or Amazon Aurora for PostgreSQL databasesScheduling jobs is an important part of every database environment On a traditional on premises database you can schedule database maintenance jobs on the operating system where the database runs When you migrate your databases to Amazon Relational Database Service Amazon RDS or Amazon Aurora you lose the ability to log in to the host and … |
2021-07-19 18:28:25 |
AWS Machine Learning Blog |
Unlock information in unstructured text to personalize product and content recommendations with Amazon Personalize |
Unlock information in unstructured text to personalize product and content recommendations with Amazon PersonalizeAmazon Personalize now enables you to tap into the information trapped in product descriptions product reviews movie synopses or other unstructured text and use it when generating personalized recommendations Product descriptions provide important information about the features and benefits of products Amazon Personalize can use the investments made to create these narratives to increase the … |
2021-07-19 18:43:08 |
Configure PII redaction using Amazon S3 Object Lambda Access Points | Amazon Web Services |
Configure PII redaction using Amazon S Object Lambda Access Points Amazon Web ServicesFive minute demo showing how to quickly set up on retrieval redaction of personally identifiable information PII for text files in Amazon S using S Object Lambda with PII redaction powered by Amazon Comprehend Learn more about PII redaction Subscribe More AWS videos More AWS events videos ABOUT AWSAmazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform offering over fully featured services from data centers globally Millions of customers ーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agencies ーare using AWS to lower costs become more agile and innovate faster AWS AmazonWebServices CloudComputing MachineLearning AmazonComprehend |
2021-07-19 18:24:47 |
lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS Lambdaの実行結果をメールで通知する |
CloudWatchLogsにログが出力されていることが前提となりますので、対象のLambdaのCloudWatchLogsへのアクセス権限を確認し、一度テストで実行するなりしてログを出力しておきましょう。 |
2021-07-20 03:18:59 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
はてなブックマークの破滅的人気コメントを表示する |
はてなブックマークの破滅的人気コメントを表示する何があったかはてなブックマークは、コメント表示改善の一環として、YahooJAPANの「建設的コメント順位付けモデルAPI」を導入し、攻撃的であったり不謹慎であるなど穏当でないコメントが人気コメントに掲載される問題を抑制する取り組みを開始しました。 |
2021-07-20 03:28:48 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Denoで安全にevalしたい (permissionsを引き継がないでWorkerを使う) |
【閲覧注意】どこでもドアの秘密Worker側でDenoの機能を使ってみるオプションにdenonamespacetrueをつけるとワーカー側でDenoが使えるようになる。 |
2021-07-20 03:25:50 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PHP リダイレクト base64 |
asebheaderlocationlexitgt |
2021-07-20 03:27:19 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
移動平均の誤差を失くし、直前の値がなぜか表示されてしまう動作を改善したい |
移動平均の誤差を失くし、直前の値がなぜか表示されてしまう動作を改善したい前提・実現したいこと移動平均を行うプログラムの制作して、実行させると誤差が出てしまうため、誤差をなくせるようにしたいこととそのプログラムの中で変数を宣言するとおかしな動作をしてしまうため解決したいです。 |
2021-07-20 03:13:22 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ReactでCSS変数を使いたい |
ReactでCSS変数を使いたい前提・実現したいことReactTypeScriptnbsp×nbspRailsでアプリケーション開発しています。 |
2021-07-20 03:05:40 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Aurora MySQLでIAM認証する手順と検証メモ |
IAM認証には接続トークンの生成が必要になるが、踏み台からのIAM認証パターンは以下の二種類が考えられる。 |
2021-07-20 03:28:18 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS Lambdaの実行結果をメールで通知する |
CloudWatchLogsにログが出力されていることが前提となりますので、対象のLambdaのCloudWatchLogsへのアクセス権限を確認し、一度テストで実行するなりしてログを出力しておきましょう。 |
2021-07-20 03:18:59 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Microsoft changes course, gives gamers a reason to stick with Windows 10 |
changes |
2021-07-19 18:45:22 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
What’s it like to drive a Bugatti Chiron Pur Sport... in traffic? |
bugatti |
2021-07-19 18:29:49 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Engineering Customer Success w/ Sunil Mavadia |
Engineering Customer Success w Sunil MavadiaCustomer success can make or break any business especially when you re scaling Sunil Mavadia Director of Global Architecture at Cloudbees has been building and scaling customer success teams at software companies since before customer success was a known term Now over a decade later he joins Dev Interrupted to discuss the unique relationship between developers and their customers Listen to the full episode Episode Highlights include How to initiate and scale a customer success initiativeWhen to bring customers and developers togetherWhat dev teams can do to improve customer successHow to structure the conversation between engineering and customer success Join the Dev Interrupted Discord ServerWith over members the Dev Interrupted Discord Community is the best place for Engineering Leaders to engage in daily conversation No sales people allowed Join the community gt gt |
2021-07-19 18:47:26 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
What is Jina? |
What is Jina This Post discusses Jina a neural search framework from Jina AI in layman terms How is search going now We search the internet for a variety of needs from finding the lyrics of your favourite song to ordering food online We use search engines like google to search and get the desired data based on a query Now what is a query Query It is a precise request for information retrieval with database and information systems Query In general a query is a form of questioning in a line of inquiry View on Wikipedia Now after we give a query to a search engine it begins it s work and responds to our query with the results matching For example imagine you search for the new film releasing this weekend you google it like New movie this week release or new film near me These two phrases we use for searching about the to be released film is the query we give to search engine Now search engine uses this and retrieve and present us information data related to the query we gave This is how the process works Traditional query In our day to day life we search I mean query search engines using plain text mostly This approach is traditional Search engines like Google are for general purpose and cannot be tailored for the business needs Moreover this traditional approach is error prone User can misspell the queries or some words mean different in different context This poses a void for Jina to enter the scene Image source growhackscale com How Jina works Jina on the other hand is a neural search framework meaning it uses a deep learning based Neural Search approach to provide out of the box features One clear advantage of Jina is that it enables users to query with unstructured data like images audio video and maps Sounds cool right If it didn t awe you here s another plus it is fully customizable and Open Source This means one can easily tailor their search needs with Jina and provide a highly accurate search results for unstructured query Structured and Unstructured data Ordered data is known as structured data for example CSV and XML files Here data is categorized and ordered in the form of rows and columns Whereas in Unstructured data such orderliness and categorization is difficult and not found Now here Jina wins as it enables users to query with unstructured data like images videos and more This is possible because of the fundamental development of Jina is strongly rooted on Neural Search and deep learning This makes Jina trainable for different use cases Image source lawtomated com Traditional Search VS Neural Search Chill This is not going to be a fight between two ways Both has their own pros and cons Like Neural Search has low query matching capabilities compared to Traditional Search But Neural Search wins in scalability and customizable factor Using Jina We just install Jina using pip install jina in a venv Jina works on flows a fundamental component which manages things to get your application running each flow takes care of real world task A flow contains executor executors are like elements which do data processing for our application We add these executors called MyTransformer and MyIndexer for data encoding and indexing purpose respectively We can visualize this flow using plot function this generates an SVG like below We now add a name to the executors like below so that the generated SVG is readable This now generates a more readable SVG like below We then add executors needed for our purpose and begin our work More detailed explanations are given in Jina Docs Contribute to Jina Jina adores Open Source as it s crown and works on community level to get features onboard Any type of contributions are welcomed and they have a diverse and inclusive community too Head over to the GitHub page and start working on issues If you want to spread a word about Jina Awesome do it soon Any type of contribution is welcomed Love Jina Read these blogs tooCorrect me if I am wrong forgive me if my English is bad |
2021-07-19 18:36:20 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Getting started with Terraform: Terraform Import |
Getting started with Terraform Terraform ImportEven when we are using an Infrastructure as Code tool such as Terraform can be a member of a team including us that will ignore all this workflow and will create manually some resources directly in the cloud provider It is unnecessary to say that it can be a really headache for the team mainly because all the required changes for that resource need to be manually as well and that s why Terraform exists So in this scenario there s a solution in TF and it is the import command Terraform ImportThis is a simple command that will help us in this tricky situations it is going to as its name says import existing infrastructure to be managed by Terraform from now on But be careful there is an important thing to mention here Terraform will not create the configuration file of the resource that was created manually Because of this it is necessary to first write manually a resource configuration block for the resource with the same properties as the one that is already created to which the imported object will be linked So let s do an example with an AWS EC instance Create a file with the provider configuration in this case AWS Create a file in which we need to configure the resource that is already created in the Cloud with the same properties Run terraform import EC instance manuallyLet s start creating the EC instance manually with some basic configuration Here it is important to review all the important properties that this resource has because they need to be the same as the ones that we are goin to set in Terraform to be able to match both resources Creating configuration fileSee that just some attributes are required to mapped both resources Once we have created the configuration file for the resources let s run terraform import aws instance myec i cbfChange the name of the resources and the id according to yours Now the resource that was created manually has been mapped to the local one that we set with Terraform it means that if we change something in the file the change will be reflected in AWS Let s change the Name tag from manual to manual Even when we run the plan command we can see that any resource will be created but just modified it means that there s already an existing created resource with that configuration terraform planterraform apply auto approveThen we can see that the changes were reflected in AWS Now we can manage that resource using Terraform ClosureThe import command is very useful these situations where a resource is created manually occurs very frequently fortunately exists this solution so don t hesitate to use it when it happens to you Oh And just one last thing Terraform will include the feature of creating the configuration file when we run the import command in future releases so this tricky part will be just for a few moment |
2021-07-19 18:25:08 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Null Coalescing Operator in C# |
Null Coalescing Operator in C If you have used javascript before you probably have used the logical OR operator while assigning values to a variable For example let a b c The above code snippet assigns the value of b to a if it is defined else assign c to it In C the operator is used to handle this kind of situations This operator us available in C and later Syntaxa b c The above statement will be equivalent toif b null a c else a b ExamplesBelow are some use cases for operator Throwing an exceptionint val input throw new Exception input cannot be null Assigning a default valueint requiredValue userInput This operator can also be Nestedint a int b null int c int d a b c Console Write d This operator is right associative so the above example will evaluated asa b c a null a |
2021-07-19 18:14:21 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to Squash 3 commits into 1? |
How to Squash commits into Do git log and see the commits you want to squash is commited first if you want squash top commits from your head Use this command git rebase i HEADHere the tilde symbol with pick the top latest three commits and it will pop up in an interactive shell where you can select the top commit and squash other two commits into one by entering s it means squash If your commit is not appearing then do git log and see if not thengit add filesgit commit m your commit |
2021-07-19 18:12:38 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple condemns Pegasus cyberattacks against journalists in new statement |
Apple condemns Pegasus cyberattacks against journalists in new statementTools produced by the NSO Group may have been used to spy on journalists and and activists and Apple has provided a response to the claims Journalists and activists targeted by spywareA report claims that tools developed to spy on criminals have been used on journalists and activists as well The Pegasus tool provided by the NSO Group is capable of jailbreaking a device like an iPhone and spying on the user Read more |
2021-07-19 18:39:10 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple iOS closes market gap with Android because of better brand loyalty |
Apple iOS closes market gap with Android because of better brand loyaltySmartphone activation estimates in the June quarter suggests that Apple s iOS has closed the market share gap with Android Credit Andrew O Hara AppleInsiderFor customers that purchased or otherwise acquired a new phone in quarter ending in June iOS and Android both had of the total market share according to estimates by Consumer Intelligence Research Partners Read more |
2021-07-19 18:36:23 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Up to 16 HyperJuice 100W GaN chargers can be stacked on one outlet |
Up to HyperJuice W GaN chargers can be stacked on one outletHyper has launched what it calls the first W and W GaN USB A and USB C HyperJuice chargers that can be stacked allowing up to chargers to run off a single wall outlet Hyper HyperJuice W GaN stackable USB A and USB C charger HyperJuice are W and W USB A and USB C Gallium Nitride chargers with each having one USB A port and two or three USB C ports respectively The USB A port offers W under Quick Charge while the USB C uses Power Delivery and can output up to W or W depending on the model Read more |
2021-07-19 18:25:35 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple releases iOS 14.7 with bug fixes, security enhancements |
Apple releases iOS with bug fixes security enhancementsA new update to iOS has been released bringing with them security features general performance improvements and bug fixes Apple releases iOS and iPadOS The new iOS release is now rolling out after beta testing and is available worldwide as Apple s content delivery network propagates Read more |
2021-07-19 18:27:05 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
PS4 'cryptofarm' reportedly used bots to grind in-game FIFA currency |
PS x cryptofarm x reportedly used bots to grind in game FIFA currencyEarlier this month officials in the Ukraine busted what appeared to be a cryptocurrency mining operation that used thousands of PS consoles to mine crypto That doesn t quite seem to be the case According to a new report the consoles and allegedly stolen electricity were actually being used to farm and sell digital currency and accounts for EA s FIFA games Ukranian news outlet Delo reported that PCs were running bots on the consoles to play FIFA and automatically earn an in game currency Players can use FIFA coins in the Ultimate Team FUT mode to either scoop up sought after players on an open market or open controversial FUT packs in the hopes of unlocking killer additions for their squads FUT packs can also be opened with real money Although buying or selling FIFA coins with real money is against EA policies that hasn t stopped a thriving black market for the digital currency People sell coins or game accounts loaded with the currency to players who are desperate to build a dream FUT roster One site I checked listed a PS FIFA account with million coins for ーenough to buyUltimate Team modes across EA s sports games are enormously important for the developer s bottom line Last year EA made billion from Ultimate Team which accounted for percent of its net revenue for the fiscal year quot A substantial portion quot of that revenue came from FIFA games Meanwhile FUT packs and other loot boxes have drawn scrutiny from regulators in recent years Since gamers can t see which soccer players they ll unlock when they buy a pack some authorities have described the packs as a form of gambling Belgium banned that type of game mechanic in This summer perhaps in an attempt to stave off the criticism EA started testing a type of FUT pack that allows players to preview the contents |
2021-07-19 18:26:54 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
Preventing Network Loops! A Feature You Need to be Aware of |
Preventing Network Loops A Feature You Need to be Aware ofSpanning Tree or not an occasional network loop is unavoidable Something we have all run into from time to time and spent hours to root cause This is a new way to combat the problem |
2021-07-19 18:34:01 |
海外TECH |
Jeff Bezos Is Going to Space. Day One: Countdown |
Jeff Bezos Is Going to Space Day One CountdownWIRED is reporting daily from Van Horn Texas where the Amazon founder will be among the first passengers aboard Blue Origin s New Shepard rocket system |
2021-07-19 18:36:24 |
海外科学 |
BBC News - Science & Environment |
Oregon Bootleg Fire: Evacuations as largest US fire burns 300,000 acres |
acresthe |
2021-07-19 18:52:49 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: Two jabs needed to enter nightclubs from September |
crowds |
2021-07-19 18:43:58 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: Isolation rules loosened for critical workers |
rules |
2021-07-19 18:22:02 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Prince Harry promises to share 'highs and lows' in memoir |
memoirthe |
2021-07-19 18:12:02 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Shielders 'feeling abandoned' as coronavirus restrictions lifted |
england |
2021-07-19 18:33:40 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
ハイテク大手の買収熱、中国政府がブレーキ - WSJ PickUp |
mampa |
2021-07-20 03:50:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
半導体株に重荷、需給サイクルのピーク迫る - WSJ PickUp |
wsjpickup |
2021-07-20 03:45:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【社説】バイデン政権は移民政策再考を - WSJ PickUp |
wsjpickup |
2021-07-20 03:40:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
副業をすると「定期代支給なし」の契約社員に!?会社の対応はアリかナシか - 組織を壊す「自分ファースト」な社員たち 木村政美 |
2021-07-20 03:35:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
脳を拡張するツール「Notion」で、必要な情報をパッと取り出せる人になる - 仕事を256倍速くするツールを探せ! |
連載「仕事を倍速くするツールを探せ」では、最近出てきたサービスの中でも特にビジネスや勉強に役立つサービスやソフトウエア、ハードウエアをライターが実際に使用し、紹介していきます。 |
2021-07-20 03:30:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
オンライン会議では1対1でも相手の名前を連呼しよう - 人を動かしたければ1分以内で伝えろ! |
沖本るり子 |
2021-07-20 03:25:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
東京「私立中」のべ志願者数ランキング、3位都市大付、2位日大豊山、1位は? - 中学受験への道 |
中学受験 |
2021-07-20 03:20:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
ひろゆきが語る「ネットに批判コメントを書き込む人に言える、たった1つのこと」 - 1%の努力 |
youtube |
2021-07-20 03:15:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
転職に必要なのは「情報」ではなく「思考法」である - マンガ転職の思考法 |
2021-07-20 03:10:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
「本を読んでも難しくて理解できないときどうしたらいいか」への超納得の回答 - 独学大全 |
読書 |
2021-07-20 03:05:00 |
IT |
IT号外 |
オーディブルの自炊、書籍の朗読読み上げ音声を自作できるのかやってみた |
オーディブルの自炊、書籍の朗読読み上げ音声を自作できるのかやってみたその昔、自分が小学生だった頃、母の言ったある言葉が面白くて未だに覚えている。 |
2021-07-19 18:10:57 |