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Google Official Google Blog Get to know our privacy and data tools https://blog.google/products/admanager/get-to-know-our-privacy-and-data-tools/ relevant 2023-01-30 15:00:00
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita ChatGPTは本当にプログラミングができるのか 自分の本の練習問題で実験した https://qiita.com/makaishi2/items/f5d9fa2203f8d0271b7b chatgpt 2023-01-30 23:07:41
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【SSG】なぜAstroは素晴らしいのか https://qiita.com/ken7253_/items/c39b6b203e6fbc96779a astro 2023-01-30 23:42:36
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Docker初心者の自分のメモ書き https://qiita.com/yufyaj/items/5de887a0890c5a58784b docker 2023-01-30 23:51:30
Azure Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Azure Private Link 経由でWebAppにアクセスする https://qiita.com/Yosuke_Sakaue/items/d3a6974745c6c05ae293 azures 2023-01-30 23:38:54
技術ブログ Developers.IO Amazon Athenaのクエリ実行処理をシンプルにできる「Athena-Query」を使ってみた https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/using-athena-query/ classmethodathe 2023-01-30 14:48:57
技術ブログ Developers.IO [レポート] Amazon S3 による Shutterstock のクラウド ストレージ革命 #STG003 #reinvent https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/stg003-shutterstocks-cloud-storage-revolution-with-amazon-s3-reinvent-2022/ amazons 2023-01-30 14:40:18
海外TECH MakeUseOf What Is a Color Accurate Monitor and How Can You Check? https://www.makeuseof.com/what-is-a-color-accurate-monitor-how-can-you-check-accuracy/ digital 2023-01-30 14:45:16
海外TECH MakeUseOf 6 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Update to OxygenOS 12 on Your OnePlus Phone https://www.makeuseof.com/reasons-not-to-update-to-oxygenos-12/ Reasons Why You Shouldn x t Update to OxygenOS on Your OnePlus PhoneWhen your OnePlus phone receives the OxygenOS update should you install it straight away Here are some reasons why you might want to wait 2023-01-30 14:45:16
海外TECH MakeUseOf 3 Pros and Cons of Using an Arduino Clone in Your Projects https://www.makeuseof.com/arduino-clone-pros-cons-projects/ discover 2023-01-30 14:30:15
海外TECH MakeUseOf The LastPast Data Breach: Do Hackers Have Your Encryption Keys? https://www.makeuseof.com/lastpass-data-breach-worse-than-thought/ breach 2023-01-30 14:24:21
海外TECH MakeUseOf Save Hundreds on the Meta Quest Pro VR Headset With First Discount Ever https://www.makeuseof.com/meta-quest-pro-vr-deal/ discount 2023-01-30 14:13:47
海外TECH MakeUseOf Campfire Audio Orbit Review: Superb Sound, Excellent Style https://www.makeuseof.com/campfire-audio-orbit-review/ audio 2023-01-30 14:06:15
海外TECH DEV Community Music Monday — What are you listening to? (60's Edition) https://dev.to/music-discussions/music-monday-what-are-you-listening-to-60s-edition-3k6o Music Monday ーWhat are you listening to x s Edition cover image source giphyWe ve been time traveling through the decades for the past couple of weeks and are sticking with the theme again this week This time we re headed to the swingin s Motown the British Invasion bossa nova surf rock psychedelic rock folk the genres of the s spread far out and wide Whether you re inspired by the unhinged acid laced sounds of Hendrix s electric blues or are more drawn to the radio friendly straight laced bubblegum pop of the era I d like to hear what ya are into How we doIn this weekly series folks can chime in and drop links to whatever it is they ve been listening to recently browse others suggestions If you like talking about music consider following the org music discussions for more conversations about music music discussions Follow Let s talk about music Hop in that time machine and let s head back to the sixties Note you can embed a link to your song using the following syntax embed https This should work for most common platforms Really looking forward to listening to y all s suggestions 2023-01-30 14:50:19
海外TECH DEV Community 🎯 9 Essential React Hooks Every Developer Should Know https://dev.to/naubit/9-essential-react-hooks-every-developer-should-know-278l Essential React Hooks Every Developer Should KnowToday s post could be controversial since some people could say hey this hook is not that important but you know that is the beauty of the Internet everyone can say their opinion So these are some hooks every React developer should know and understand And if you are a beginner and reading this don t worry I added code examples to each one React Hooks were introduced in React and quickly became essential for any React developer since they made creating maintainable and reusable components much more straightforward Today I will talk about essential ones to know useStateThe useState hook is the most basic hook in React being used every time As you probably already know it adds a state to your functional components The way it works is it returns an array with two elements The first element will be the current state and the second is a function that updates the state Here you have a basic code example using it useEffectThe useEffect hook is used to perform side effects in your functional components In other words it is a function called when some variables change their value It has two arguments the first is a function containing your side effects what you want to do when those variables change and the second is an array of the dependencies that we want to watch for changes so React re runs this effect Time for a code example useContextThe useContext hook is a more advanced hook compared to the previous two But it is essential to know it It makes it easy to consume context in your functional components In other words you can think of context as a way to share data between components without having to pass props down the component tree So it would be like a state hook shared between components but only for reading not updating useReducerThe useReducer hook is used to manage your functional components complex state and action logic It takes a reducer function and an initial state as arguments and returns the current state and a dispatch function The reducer function is just a function that returns the next state based on the current state and an action This is the most similar to the useState hook since it allows reading and writing the state but instead of a single state value you can have an entire state object which can be accessed anywhere in your application Don t worry if it sounds complex with the following example you will quickly understand it useCallbackThe useCallback hook is used to return a memorized callback function that only changes when one of its dependencies changes Usually you use this when you have in your component a heavy function so you don t want to re run it in every re render the component has only when it is necessary when the variables used by that function are changed As you know it is useful for optimizing performance The way to use it is like this ️useMemoThe useMemo hook is used to return a memoized value that only changes when one of its dependencies changes It is similar to the useCallback hook but is for memoizing values instead of function returns Like the other hook it is useful for optimizing performance since it avoids unnecessary calculations on every render A good basic example would be In the previous example we are using the useMemo hook to avoid sorting the data array every time the component is rendered improving the performance of the component useRefThe useRef hook is used to access the value of a DOM element or a component instance in your functional components It will return an object with a current property that you can use to access that DOM element In the previous example we used the useRef hook to access the input element and set it as focused when clicking the button This hook is useful when we need a direct reference to an element for example here getting the focus to the input element useImperativeHandleThe useImperativeHandle hook is less known but it is useful It is used to customize the instance value of a forwardRef component If you don t know what a forwardRef is that would be another thing to learn but I can not explain it in this article since it is out of the scope But I would recommend you check this doc This hook helps expose some internal state or methods of a component to the parent component In the previous example the useImperativeHandle hook is used to expose a custom interface TextInputRef to the parent component This interface has a single method focuswhich can be used to set focus on the text input from the parent component The parent component could access this method through the ref prop passed to the TextInput component useDebugValueThe last one is another unknown one The useDebugValue hook displays a custom label for your hook in the React Developer Tools It takes as its first argument a value and optionally it takes a formatted function as its second argument In this example the useDebugValue hook provides a custom label for the count state variable in the React developer tools That label will change depending on the value ofcount  to indicate if the count var is high or low As you can see this can be really helpful in debugging since it provides more context about the state of your component We are at the end of the article and as I promised we have seen hooks that I feel are important to know These hooks make it easier to build and manage your React components and since you can find them in any codebase it is good to know Let s Connect My Twitter thenaubit My Substack here I will publish more in depth articles 2023-01-30 14:33:41
海外TECH DEV Community K6 - Outil simple et rapide de Load Testing https://dev.to/mxglt/k6-outil-simple-et-rapide-de-load-testing-1oad K Outil simple et rapide de Load TestingQuand on fait du Load Testing sur ses APIs on est souvent confrontéàplusieurs problèmes L outil n est pas vraiment simple àutiliser par tousL outil ne permet pas d aller simplement àdes hauts volumesLa visualisation des résultats n est pas très accessibleAujourd hui on va voir comment K résout ces différents soucis Qu est ce que K Crééen K est un outil de Load Testing open source développéen Go Il a étéconçu afin de faciliter la vie des développeurs pour effectuer les tests de charge car le marchéet le contexte dans les sociétés faisaient que cette tâche était àde plus en plus de leur responsabilité Le projet a étéensuite aquis en juin par Grafana Labs avec l objectif d accélérer le développement du projet En quoi il répond aux problèmes évoqués plus tôt Simple d utilisationLa grande force de cet outil est qu il est très rapide àinstaller et àutiliser En minutes montre en main vous pouvez l avoir installé crééun premier script et l avoir exécuté De plus le langage utilisépour la rédaction des cas de tests est le javascript Que vous venez de n importe quel langage vous saurez rapidement vous y retrouver De plus la flexibilitédu langage aide pour justement éviter d être bloquédans la rédaction de certains blocs de code Haute performancesPar rapport àdes outils utilisant la JVM pour être exécuté K a besoin de bien moins de ressources pour faire tourner ses tests De facto il vous sera bien plus simple d augmenter le volume générépar une instance Visualisation des donnéesVis àvis de pas mal d outils K permet une intégration avec Grafana Datadog ou autres afin d avoir une bonne visualisation des résultats mais aussi être capable de les suivre en temps réel facilement Allez voir par vous même leur documentation et expérimentez l outil Tout est simple àutiliser tout est documentéparfaitement avec toutes les étapes pour les différents setups Vis àvis de tous les outils que j ai pu utiliser celui làest celui que je préfère car contrairement aux autres je ne suis pas obligéde relire la documentation dans tous les sens pour me rappeler de comment fonctionne un script auquel je n ai pas touchédepuis un bout En conclusion n hésitez pas àl essayer et dites moi ce que vous en pensez LiensSite K Projet GitHub J espère que ça vous aidera 2023-01-30 14:17:00
海外TECH DEV Community The ultimate guide to variables in JavaScript https://dev.to/veronikasimic_56/the-ultimate-guide-to-variables-in-javascript-5b8o The ultimate guide to variables in JavaScriptIt was a day of potato harvest Working on the field all day isn t easy and you are ready to go home to your family You sit down sigh deeply and enjoy a bit of fresh air Suddenly the king s herald appears Hear ye hear ye His Majesty the King hereby declares that a new tax on all peasants merchants and traders within the kingdom shall be imposed The revenue from this tax shall be used to fund the king s big appetite All merchants and traders are required to pay this tax in full and failure to do so shall result in severe penalties Quickly you collect all potatoes and make a run for it No way you are giving the potatoes you stole fair and square to some king You end up in the woods and hide behind a big bush thinking It would be nice to store all of this potatoes somewhere safe And just like that you hear a voice Hey you those are some nice looking potatoes Would you like me to take care of them Var Who is that Show yourself before I throw one of my potatoes on you My name is var I have been storing various things for peasants and kings for years But now it seems that the whole world has forgotten about me Hmm I m kind of tired from carrying these potatoes It would be nice to rest Ok var store them var potatoes Thank you for this opportunity Now if you want to retrieve them just say the magic word console log Is there a way to protect them even more It took me a long time to steal them How about this var potatoes console log potatoes Output So no You ain t block scoped How am I going to protect them then I may not be block scoped but I am function scoped function protectPotatoes var potatoes console log potatoes Now no one can access them Even our great queen and king could not get them OutputReferenceError potatoes is not definedIn fact I can even give them decoy potatoes and shadow your original potatoes var potatoes function protectPotatoes var potatoes console log potatoes Output Ha Does this happen because potatoes are globally scoped when they are defined outside the function And now when they are inside the function that is they are function scoped they are only available inside that function block Well for a peasant you sure do know a lot of JavaScript For that I m going to show you what else I can do with your potatoes console log potatoes var potatoes OutputundefinedYou see even though we haven t met yet I believed in you I knew you were going to bring me some potatoes The way I see it is this var potatoes console log potatoes var potatoes Aha So you are hoisted at the top I can just declare that there are going to be some potatoes in the future I don t need to assign anything yet But there s just one thing I have been wondering What if someone does this var potatoes var i if i gt var potatoes console log potatoes Well yes now your potatoes aren t safe anymore How are you only eating potatoes if you know so much JavaScript Output I think this isn t a very good trait of yours You are quirky and untrustworthy What did you just say to me Say goodbye to your precious potatoes var potatoes var potatoes console log potatoes Output Noooooooo my potatoes No wonder no one likes you You can even redeclare Tell you what if you can guess what s going to happen now I m going to bring your potatoes back console log potatoes function getPotatoes var potatoes console log potatoes getPotatoes console log potatoes Well I guess that I am having french fries for dinner The correct answer is Ha WRONG What you get is nothing You see before the function is called the first console log potatoes is executed But since there are no potatoes yet we get an error Also what are french fries OutputReferenceError potatoes is not defined Like I would tell you thief Let As you walk through the woods defeated hopeless and potatoless you come across a tree of chestnuts After fighting a squirrel you are faced with the same problem A second voice appears Hail fellow well met Nice chestnuts you got there What are you going to do with them Who are you var is that you again Get away from me Oh easy there my friend I am not var My name is let I am var s cousin I can store those chestnuts for you let chestnuts var did the same thing before she stole my potatoes Now I am forced to eat chestnuts for dinner I don t know if you noticed but I am not a squirrel Really And what about those two very long front teeth It s unfortunate that you ran into var But I can assure you that I am different Oh really And why should I trust you Because I can protect your chestnuts let chestnuts console log chestnuts OutputReferenceError chestnuts is not defined Now this is what I want So you are block scoped unlike that malicious var What else can you do Can you hide them inside a function Well yes that runs in our family function protectChestnuts let chestnuts console log chestnuts OutputReferenceError chestnuts is not defined And what about decoy chestnuts Can you do something like this let chestnuts function protectChestnuts let chestnuts console log chestnuts Yes I ve also inherited this from var Output And what about this console log chestnuts let chestnuts Well no I can t do that I have to be sure there are chestnuts before I can show them to you I am not as gullible as var OutputReferenceError Cannot access chestnuts before initialization Aha I guess you also don t have a problem with this let chestnuts let i if i gt let chestnuts console log chestnuts Don t worry even if someone has number they won t be able to steal your chestnuts I am block scoped as you said Output There s got to be something wrong with you Well yes there is but I don t like talking about it Since your teeth remind me of Mary I ll tell you anyway Who s Marry Your mother No she was my rabbit Anyway I can t do this let chestnuts let chestnuts console log chestnuts OutputSyntaxError Identifier chestnuts has already been declared Aha so you can t steal them Hey look another chestnut Please store this one as well let chestnuts chestnuts console log chestnuts OutputWell now that I look at them I want them for myself While I can t redeclare I can reassign let chestnuts chestnuts console log chestnuts Output Noooooo you give them back I thought we were friends Don t I remind you of your rabbit We ate that rabbit Bye now Const So here you are again all alone in the woods your stomach growling potatoless chestnutless You walk down to the creek and find a bunch of mushrooms Quickly you take as much as you can and think Although I like stealing I don t like it when someone does it to me Is there anyone I can trust You hear another voice which makes you wonder where all of these voices are coming from Yo what s good y all It s your boy const the one and only true variable straight outta JS I m here to spit fire and drop some knowledge Can you store this for me and not steal it Ha I guess you ve met var and let Not very nice are they But don t worry const mushrooms And what if someone tries to do this const mushrooms console log mushrooms I got you rabbit man Don t worry Your mushrooms are safe OutputReferenceError mushrooms is not defined I have been cheated more than once What about this function protectMushrooms const mushrooms console log mushrooms No way I ain t like that I am guarding your shrooms We good OutputReferenceError mushrooms is not defined So you are also block scoped Can you do this const mushrooms function protectMushrooms const mushrooms console log mushrooms For sure If you want them shrooms tough luck Output And you can t steal them What about reassigning and redeclaring const mushrooms const mushrooms console log mushrooms const mushrooms mushrooms console log mushrooms Can t do that ain t no way OutputSyntaxError Identifier mushrooms has already been declaredTypeError Assignment to constant variable Finally I have found a friend Oh look another mushroom Please store this one as well const mushrooms mushrooms console log mushrooms I ain t with it even for you dawg I m out I only keep values that don t change TypeError Assignment to constant variable What I am deeply offended Now I am starting to miss var and let You didn t just say that Oh I am hurt I bet let and var didn t show you that we can do this const mushrooms amount mushrooms amount console log mushrooms Output amount Nooooooooo Not again I thought you can t reassign values Well I can t except when it s objects I kind of dig their vibe Wrap UpAfter a whole day s work you go home potatoless chestnutless mushroomless Out of all the voices you ve met var is the most relaxed one it s function scoped Storing values inside var is not very safe since those values can be reassigned and redeclared Let is a little bit more rigid since it doesn t allow redeclaring but it does allow reassignment It s block scoped just like const which is the strictest of them all It doesn t allow redeclaring or reassigning but it does have a soft spot for objects Very useful knowledge for a medieval peasant don t you think 2023-01-30 14:14:08
海外TECH DEV Community Validate Form during Browser Idle for Performance Optimization https://dev.to/nuko_suke/validate-form-during-browser-idle-for-performance-optimization-42fn Validate Form during Browser Idle for Performance OptimizationWhen do you validate the value entered by the user in the input form Perhaps you check it at real timing or just after tapping a button like Submit I suggest new way of form validation which uses requestIdleCallback By checking the data entered by the user while the browser is idle the result of the validation is already available when the user taps a button like Confirm It makes us faster response to button taps This article introduces the example using idle task v which wraps requestIdleCallback conveniently Example of ReactThis is the example of react hooks import useRef useEffect from react import setIdleTask forceRunIdleTask cancelIdleTask from idle task export default function useValidateWhenIdle input string validate input string gt boolean const idleTaskIdRef useRef NaN useEffect gt const validateTask gt validate input idleTaskIdRef current setIdleTask validateTask return gt cancelIdleTask idleTaskIdRef current input validate return forceRunIdleTask idleTaskIdRef current The component that uses this hooks is as follows import styles css import useValidateWhenIdle from useValidateWhenIdle import useState ChangeEventHandler FormEventHandler from react const validateUserName userName string boolean gt return a zA Z test userName export default function App const userName setUserName useState const validateResultPromise useValidateWhenIdle userName validateUserName const handleUserNameChange ChangeEventHandler lt HTMLInputElement gt target gt setUserName target value const handleSubmit FormEventHandler lt HTMLFormElement gt async event gt event preventDefault const isValid await validateResultPromise if isValid alert YourName userName else alert userName is invalid return lt form onSubmit handleSubmit gt lt label gt FirstName lt input type text value userName onChange handleUserNameChange gt lt label gt lt input type submit value Submit gt lt form gt First let s take a closer look at the useValidateWhenIdle hooks useValidateWhenIdle takes two arguments input String to be validatedvalidate Function that takes a string to be validated and validates itThe return value is the Promise of the validation result We will also take a closer look at the internal processing const idleTaskIdRef useRef NaN useEffect gt const validateTask gt validate input idleTaskIdRef current setIdleTask validateTask return gt cancelIdleTask idleTaskIdRef current input validate The setIdleTask of idle task makes the argument function run while the browser is idle setIdleTask validateTask will cause validateTask a function that validates user input values to be executed while the browser is idle The return value of setIdleTask is an ID This ID can be used to cancel the execution of an idle function or to retrieve the result of an idle function We uses useRef to keep track of the ID Then useEffect makes us ensure that validation is performed while the browser is idle each time a user entered value is changed In the useEffect cleanup function we use cancelIdleTask to cancel the target process if it has not yet been executed return forceRunIdleTask idleTaskIdRef current The result of a function registered with setIdleTask can be retrieved with forceRunIdleTask If the function has already been executed while the browser is idle the result is returned if it has not yet been executed it is executed immediately Next let s take a closer look at the components on the side that use useValidateWhenIdle hooks import styles css import useValidateWhenIdle from useValidateWhenIdle import useState ChangeEventHandler FormEventHandler from react const validateUserName userName string boolean gt return a zA Z test userName export default function App const userName setUserName useState const validateResultPromise useValidateWhenIdle userName validateUserName const handleUserNameChange ChangeEventHandler lt HTMLInputElement gt target gt setUserName target value const handleSubmit FormEventHandler lt HTMLFormElement gt async event gt event preventDefault const isValid await validateResultPromise if isValid alert YourName userName else alert userName is invalid return lt form onSubmit handleSubmit gt lt label gt UserName lt input type text value userName onChange handleUserNameChange gt lt label gt lt input type submit value Submit gt lt form gt This is an example of a basic React form implementation What are the key points const validateResultPromise useValidateWhenIdle userName validateUserName The useValidateWhenIdle appears The first argument is a string to be validated and the second argument is a function that defines the validation logic And the return value is Promise of the validation result It is used when the Submit button is pressed as follows const handleSubmit FormEventHandler lt HTMLFormElement gt async event gt event preventDefault const isValid await validateResultPromise if isValid alert YourName userName else alert userName is invalid When the Submit button is pressed we get the validation result by using async await The page implemented with the code introduced so far can be viewed at the following URL Let s see if the validation actually takes place while the browser is idle By adding the following code the results of the validation function execution will be output to the browser s console import configureIdleTask from idle task configureIdleTask debug true If you put text in the input area you will see that validation is taking place during idle Measurements taken from the Performance tab of the Chrome Developer Tools show that functions are running while the browser is idle You can see the example in CodeSandbox ConclusionI introduced how to validate form during browser idle by using idle task This article will also help you to optimize your website If you found this helpful please help someone else by sharing it or tagging someone in the comments Thanks 2023-01-30 14:04:42
海外TECH DEV Community Josh – How I found myself into tech https://dev.to/josue_mutabazi/josh-how-i-found-myself-into-tech-4ag Josh How I found myself into techWho Josue Mutabazi Josh He always had a love for computers but never imagined he would become a software engineer Growing up he had dreams of becoming a doctor but after a chance to encounter his brother in law a former computer science lecturer at the University of Rwanda at the time he began to explore the world of technology Josue s mother who was a school secretary was a big influence on his interest in computers He would often accompany her to her office after class and watch her type on the computer She had spent years in this career from the days of typewriter machines in the early s and had become an expert typist Josue was fascinated by her skill and knew that if he practiced more on computers he could become a good typist like her Only and Only that was the dream with computers Later after completing high school Josue s brother in law gave him access to his computer which was full of tutorials and algorithmic questions answers and encouraged him to pursue a career in software engineering He enrolled in a college program for Information Technology at the Adventist University of Central Africa AUCA and began to learn the skills he needed to become a software engineer From the start of his college his brother in law told him Choose between two things Finish the years of college and your next life is full of success and opportunities or your next life will be filled with the complete opposite of that it s all in your hands He encouraged Josue to work hard and the results of that hard work can be seen today IntermissionAs he progressed in his studies Josue joined a developer community called GDG Kigali where he gained valuable experience and met other passionate developers and eventually became a lead GDG stands for Google Developers Group which is a developer community where developers can learn connect and build with Google technologies It s a global community of developers who are passionate about Google s developer technologies and want to learn share and connect with other developers He also joined a public speaking Toastmasters club Techy Talkers at CMU and became a proficient public speaker He also had the opportunity to interact with professors from Carnegie Mellon University Africa CMU which was a great opportunity for him to learn from different perspectives and from experienced people in the field After college Josue secured his first internship at HISP Rwanda a recommendation from some kLab fellows who knew HISP Rwanda was looking for SE interns Thanks to him He spent many hours at the lab learning and experimenting with different technologies and soon gained a reputation as a skilled developer This led to his first job as a Software Engineer at HISP Rwanda after the internship where he worked on several national and international digital solutions for governments and NGOs specifically in the health sector Over the years Josue continued to gain experience and move up in his career taking on roles at the Clinton Health Access Initiative CHAI as Software Coordinator in the Hepatitis program and later at Akros Inc In CHAI he helped with the implementation of software solutions in the field of health and had the opportunity to work with different teams developing scalable products that helped to improve the health sector of Rwanda In his current role as Informatics and Data Use Advisor for the USAID funded project Ingobyi he is able to use his knowledge and experience to help improve the health sector for the people of Rwanda He is now a proud software engineer public speaker and community leader and is grateful for the support and guidance of his brother in law who helped him discover his passion for technology In Josue took another step in his career he registered his software development consulting firm Global Kwik Koders Inc in Rwanda where he currently serves as CEO this company is helping many other companies NGOs and individuals bring their software need to reality He holds a bachelor s degree in Information Technology and pursuing his Master of Science in Information Technology from the University of Kigali Josue s journey in tech has been a testament to the power of hard work and perseverance and also has been filled with growth learning and opportunities Despite facing many challenges and obstacles he never gave up on his dreams and continued to push himself to achieve his goals He is now a proud software engineer public speaker and community leader and is proud of the impact he has made in the tech industry and continues to as well as being grateful for the support and guidance of his brother in law who helped him discover his passion for technology Thanks for taking the time to read a short story about me 2023-01-30 14:02:58
海外TECH Engadget The best GPS running watches for 2023 https://www.engadget.com/2019-07-16-the-best-gps-running-watches-for-2019.html?src=rss The best GPS running watches for Because I m the editor of Engadget by day and a volunteer coach in my free time I often get asked which GPS watch to buy People also ask what I m wearing and the answer is All of them I am testing all of them For my part the best running watches are quick to lock in a GPS signal offer accurate distance and pace tracking last a long time on a charge are comfortable to wear and easy to use Advanced stats like VO Max or maximum oxygen intake during workouts with increasing intensity are also nice to have along with training assessments to keep your workload in check and make sure you re getting in effective aerobic and anaerobic workouts It s also a plus when a watch supports other sports like cycling and swimming which all of these do to varying extents As for features like smartphone notifications and NFC payments they re not necessary for most people especially considering they drive up the asking price Without further ado I bring you capsule reviews of four running watches each of which I ultimately recommend none of which is perfect And keep in mind when it comes time to make a decision of your own there are no wrong answers here I like Apple and Garmin enough for instance that I switch back and forth between them in my own training The best running watch that s also a smartwatch Apple WatchPros Stylish design a great all around smartwatch you ll want to use even when you re not exercising automatic workout detection heart rate and blood oxygen monitoring support for lots of third party health platforms auto pause feels faster than on Garmin watches zippy performance and fast re charging optional LTE is nice to have Cons For iPhone users only shorter battery life than the competition might concern endurance athletes fewer performance metrics and settings than what you d find on a purpose built sports watch Don t think of the Apple Watch as a running watch Think of it as a smartwatch that happens to have a running mode Almost eight years after the original Watch made its debut Apple has successfully transformed its wearable from an overpriced curiosity to an actually useful companion device for the masses But being a gadget for the masses means that when it comes to running the Apple Watch has never been as feature rich as competing devices built specifically for that purpose Before I get to that a few words on why I like it The Apple Watch is the only one of these watches I d want to wear every day And I do After reviewing Apple Watches for years I finally purchased one in fall The most recent model is stylish or at least as stylish as a wrist worn computer can be and certainly more so than any running watch I ve encountered The aluminum water resistant body and neutral Sport band go with most outfits and will continue to look fresh after all your sweaty workouts and jaunts through the rain And the always on display is easy to read in direct sunlight The battery life is hours according to Apple Indeed I never have a problem making it through the day I m often able to put the watch back on after a night of forgetting to charge it and still have some juice left If you do forget even a few minutes of charging in the morning can go a long way even more so now that the Watch supports even faster charging than before Plus the new low power mode in watchOS can help you extend the life of your Watch on particularly long days That said it s worth noting that other running watches claim longer usage time ーbetween and hours in some cases When it comes to workouts specifically Apple rates the battery life with GPS at up to seven hours Given that I would trust the Watch to last through a short run or even a half marathon but I m not sure how it would fare in one of my slow five hour plus marathons We haven t put the higher end Apple Watch Ultra through such paces yet but it s worth mentioning that it has the longest battery life of any Apple Watch with a promised hours and we got about three days worth of regular use during our testing The built in Activity app is simple and addictive I feel motivated to fill in my move active calorie exercise and stand rings each day I enjoy earning award badges even though they mean nothing I m grateful that the Apple Health app can pull in workouts from Garmin and every other brand featured here and then count that toward my daily exercise and stand goals but not my move goal curiously My one complaint is that the sensors don t always track standing time accurately I have failed to receive credit when standing for long periods in front of a stove but occasionally I ve been rewarded for doing absolutely nothing Cherlynn Low EngadgetAs for running specifically you re getting the basics and not much else You can see your distance calorie burn heart rate average pace and also rolling pace which is your pace over the past mile at any given moment You can also set pace alerts ーa warning that you re going faster than you meant to for example Like earlier Apple Watches you can also stream music or podcasts if you have the cellular enabled LTE model Because the watch has a GPS sensor you can leave your phone at home while running Of course no two brands of running watches will offer exactly the same distance readout on a run That said though Apple never explicitly claimed the Watch offers improved accurate distance tracking the readouts here do feel more accurate than on earlier models It s possible that Apple is making ongoing improvements under the hood that have added up to more accurate tracking performance For indoor runners the Apple watch integrates with some treadmills and other exercise equipment thanks to a two way pairing process that essentially trades notes between the device and gym gear formulating a more accurate estimate of your distance and effort using that shared data In my experience the Watch usually agrees with the treadmill on how far I ran which is not always the case with other wearables I also particularly appreciate that the Apple Watch automatically detects workouts after a certain period of time I use this feature daily as I walk to and from the subway and around my neighborhood After minutes the familiar vibrating tick with a message asking if I want to record an outdoor walk The answer is always yes and the watch thankfully includes the previous minutes in which I forgot to initiate a workout Regardless of the workout type all of your stats are listed on a series of pages which you swipe through from left to right In my early days using the watch it was tempting to use the Digital Crown as a stopwatch button similar to how I use other running watches This urge has mostly subsided as I ve gotten more comfortable with the user interface Like many of its competitors the Apple Watch has an auto pause option which I often use in start and stop workouts I also found in side by side comparisons one watch on each wrist that auto pause on the Watch reacts faster than on Garmin models Conveniently the Apple Watch can export workouts to MyFitnessPal so you get credit for your calorie burn there Of note the Watch has all of the health features that the previous generation including a built in ECG test for cardiac arrhythmias along with fall detection a blood oxygen test respiratory tracking emergency calls and menstrual tracking Also like previous models there s a built in compass and international emergency calling Unfortunately the stats themselves are fairly limited without much room for customization There s no mode for interval workouts either by time or distance There s also not much of an attempt to quantify your level of fitness your progress or the strenuousness of your workouts or training load None of this should be a dealbreaker for more casual runners For more detailed tracking your best bet is to experiment with third party running apps for the iPhone like Strava RunKeeper MapMyRun Nike Run Club and others It s through trial and error that I finally found an app with Watch support and timed intervals But at the end of the day it s easier to wear a purpose built running watch when I m running outdoors sync my data to Apple Health get my exercise and standing time credit and then put the Apple Watch back on the first chance I get But if you can only afford one smartwatch for training and life there s a strong case for choosing this one The best for triathletes Garmin Forerunner Pros Accurate distance tracking long battery life advanced fitness and training feedback stores up to songs works with Garmin Pay Cons Garmin s auto pause feature feels slower than Apple s more advanced features can sometimes mean the on device UI is tricky to navigate features like Garmin Pay drive up the price but may feel superfluous If the Apple Watch is for people who want a smartwatch that also has some workout features the Garmin Forerunner is for athletes in training who want a purpose built device to help prepare for races The various sensors inside can track your heart rate VO Max and blood oxygen with the option to track all day and in sleep as opposed to just spot checking On the software side you get daily workout suggestions a rating that summarizes your performance condition animated on screen workouts a cycling power rating a sleep score and menstruation tracking You can also create round trip courses as well as find popular routes though Garmin s Trendline populating routing feature Like other Garmin watches even the entry level ones you also get feedback on your training load and training status unproductive maintaining productive peaking overreaching detraining and recovery a “Body Battery energy rating recommended recovery time plus Garmin Coach and a race time predictor And you can analyze “running dynamics if you also have a compatible accessory The slight downside to having all of these features is that the settings menu can be trickier to navigate than on a simpler device like the entry level Forerunner Fortunately at least a home screen update released back in fall makes it so that you can see more data points on the inch screen with less scrolling required Speaking of the screen the watch available in four colors is easy to read in direct sunlight and weighs a not too heavy g That light weight combined with the soft silicone band makes it comfortable to wear for long stretches Garmin rates the battery life at up to seven days or up to hours with GPS in use That figure drops to six hours when you combine GPS tracking with music playback In my testing I was still at percent after three hours of GPS usage Most of my weekday runs are around minutes and that it turns out only puts a roughly two or three percent dent in the battery capacity In practice the watch also seemed quicker than my older Forerunner Music to latch onto a GPS signal even in notoriously difficult spots with trees and cover from tall buildings As always distance tracking is accurate especially if you start out with a locked in signal which you always should Like I said earlier though I did find in a side by side test Garmin s auto pause feature seems sluggish compared to Apple s Aside from some advanced running and cycling features what makes the one of the more expensive models in Garmin s line are its smartwatch features That includes Garmin Pay the company s contactless payments system and the ability to store up to music tracks on the device You can also mirror your smartphone notifications and use calendar and weather widgets Just know you can enjoy that even on Garmin s entry level model more on that below I can see there being two schools of thought here if someone plans to wear this watch for many hours a week working out it may as well get as close as possible to a less sporty smartwatch Then there s my thinking You re probably better off stepping down to a model that s nearly as capable on the fitness front but that doesn t pretend as hard to be a proper smartwatch For those people there s another mid range model in Garmin s Forerunner line that s cheaper and serves many of the same people who will be looking at the The Forerunner offers many of the same training features It also mostly matches the on pool swimming but you do appear to lose a bunch of cycling features so you might want to pore over this comparison chart before buying if you re a multisport athlete What you give is Garmin Pay the option of all day blood oxygen tracking the sleep score a gyroscope and barometric altimeter floors climbed heat and altitude acclimation yoga and pilates workouts training load focus the Trendline feature round trip course creation Garmin and Strava live segments and lactate threshold tracking and for this you would need an additional accessory amway At the opposite end of the spectrum for people who actually wish the could do more there s the Forerunner LTE which true to its name adds built in LTE connectivity This model also holds songs up from on the and adds niceties like preloaded maps and a host of golfing features if golf is also your jam The best for most people Garmin Forerunner SPros Accurate distance tracking long battery life heart rate monitoring and interval training at a reasonable price lightweight design offered in a variety of colors smartphone notifications feel limited but could be better than nothing Cons Garmin s auto pause feature feels slower than Apple s I purposefully tested the expensive Garmin Forerunner first so that I could start off with an understanding of the brand s more advanced tech Testing the Forerunner S then was an exercise in subtraction If I pared down the feature set would I miss the bells and whistles And would other runners It turns out mostly not As an entry level watch the S offers everything beginners and even some intermediate runners could want including distance tracking basic fitness tracking steps calories heart rate monitoring and a blood oxygen test Also as much as the S is aimed at new runners you ll also find modes for indoor and outdoor cycling elliptical machines stair climbers and yoga Coming from the I was especially pleased to see that many of Garmin s best training and recovery features carry down even to the base level model That includes training status training load training effect Garmin Coach Body Battery stress tracking a race time predictor and running dynamics analysis again an additional accessory is required Like other Garmin watches you can enable incident detection with the caveat that you ll need your smartphone nearby for it to work It even functions as a perfunctory smartwatch with smartphone notifications music playback controls calendar and weather widgets and a duo of “find my phone and “find my watch features Although I ve criticized Garmin s smartwatch features in the past for feeling like half baked add ons I was still pleasantly surprised to find them on what s marketed as a running watch for novices As for the hardware the watch feels lightweight at grams for the mm model g for the mm It s available in five colors slightly more than Garmin s more serious models The inch screen was easy to glance at mid workout even in direct sunlight The battery which is rated for seven days or hours in GPS mode does not need to be charged every day In fact if it really is beginners using this their short runs should barely put a dent in the overall capacity As with the Forerunner my complaint is never with the battery life just the fact that you have to use a proprietary charging cable And while this watch wasn t made for competitive swimmers you can use it in the pool without breaking it The ATM water resistance rating means it can survive the equivalent of meters of water pressure which surely includes showering and shallow water activities For what it s worth Garmin sells a slightly more expensive model the Forerunner which for adds respiration rate tracking menstrual tracking an updated recovery time advisor and pacing strategies The best under Amazfit Bip SPros Lightweight design long battery life accurate GPS tracking built in heart rate monitor water resistant basic smartwatch features Cons Crude user interface limited support for third party apps can t customize how workout stats are displayed on the screen pausing workouts feels labored which is a shame because you ll be doing it often I kept my expectations low when I began testing the Bip S This watch comes from Amazfit a lesser known brand here in the US that seems to specialize in lower priced gadgets Although I didn t know much about Amazfit or its parent company Huami I was intrigued by the specs it offered at this price most notably a built in heart monitor ーnot something you typically see in a device this cheap As you might expect a device this inexpensive has some trade offs and I ll get to those in a minute But there s actually a lot to like The watch itself is lightweight and water resistant with a low power color display that s easy to read in direct sunlight That low power design also means the battery lasts a long time ーup to hours on a charge Perhaps most importantly it excels in the area that matters most as a sports watch In my testing the built in GPS allowed for accurate distance and pace tracking If you re not a runner or you just prefer a multi sport life the watch features nine other modes covering most common activities including walking yoga cycling pool and open water swimming and free weights And did I mention the heart rate monitor These readings are also seemingly accurate What you lose by settling for a watch this cheap is mainly the sort of polished user experience you d get with a device from a tier one company like Apple or even Garmin not that Garmin s app has ever been my favorite either In my review I noticed various goofs including odd grammar and punctuation choices and a confusingly laid out app I was also bummed to learn you could barely export your data to any third party apps other than Strava and Apple Health You also can t customize the way data is displayed on screen during a workout while your goals don t auto adjust the way they might on other platforms Fortunately at least these are all issues that can be addressed after the fact via software updates ーhopefully sooner rather than later 2023-01-30 14:15:13
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