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IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 自工会の豊田章男会長が辞意を表明 トヨタの社長退任で https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2301/31/news088.html itmedia 2023-01-31 01:38:00
AWS AWS - Webinar Channel Getting Started with Amazon DocumentDB Elastic Clusters- AWS Database in 15 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uVb35pd-mA Getting Started with Amazon DocumentDB Elastic Clusters AWS Database in Amazon DocumentDB with MongoDB compatibility is a fully managed native JSON database designed for scaling enterprise workloads Amazon DocumentDB provides you the flexibility of a document database without the time consuming database administration tasks freeing you to focus on innovation In this session learn how Amazon DocumentDB Elastic Clusters can scale within minutes to handle millions of reads and writes with petabytes of storage capacity helping you cost effectively meet the needs of your most demanding document workloads Learn how you can use Amazon DocumentDB Elastic Clusters to meet your throughput storage needs without managing instances or underlying infrastructure Learning Objectives Objective Learn the use cases associated with Amazon DocumentDB Elastic Clusters Objective Gain a technical understanding of Amazon DocumentDB Elastic Clusters as it applies to meeting throughput storage needs Objective Watch a demo to view key features and use cases of Amazon DocumentDB Elastic Clusters To learn more about the services featured in this talk please visit To download a copy of the slide deck from this webinar visit 2023-01-30 16:15:00
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita f2pyの使い方:配列の受け渡しに関する注意点 https://qiita.com/jo4igy/items/64dcc58f704f3eb9e12b fortran 2023-01-31 01:34:16
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita スマホでHTML5のバリデーション時に該当箇所にスクロールしない問題への対処方法 https://qiita.com/shingorow/items/0a4ca6c56682d396e0f6 jquery 2023-01-31 01:05:50
Azure Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Azure Private EndpointでApplication Security Groupがサポートされるようになったので試してみた https://qiita.com/Yosuke_Sakaue/items/4ce134bcb586ea082af8 applicationsecuritygroup 2023-01-31 01:15:25
海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Hide Your WhatsApp Status From Specific Contacts https://www.makeuseof.com/how-to-hide-whatsapp-status-specific-contacts/ status 2023-01-30 16:30:15
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海外TECH MakeUseOf How to Fix the "Windows Can't Connect to This Network" Error in Windows 11 https://www.makeuseof.com/windows-11-windows-cant-connect-to-this-network-error-fix/ steps 2023-01-30 16:15:16
海外TECH DEV Community Meme Monday 👁 https://dev.to/ben/meme-monday-5h2e Meme Monday Meme Monday Today s cover image comes from last week s thread DEV is an inclusive space Humor in poor taste will be downvoted by mods 2023-01-30 16:12:38
海外TECH DEV Community Awesome AI tools to assist you in coding https://dev.to/surajondev/awesome-ai-tools-to-assist-you-in-coding-4nmf Awesome AI tools to assist you in coding IntroductionWith the rise in AI there have been various tools that can help you in doing a variety of tasks Writing code is a skill in which AI can also help you directly or indirectly Today I am going to list down some of the AI tools that can boost your productivity while writing code These tools will help in codebase searchesgenerating code on your commandfinding the vulnerability in the codebaseadding comments to the code and generating documents from codeLet s get started DocumaticA search engine for your codebase Ask Documatic a question and find relevant code and insights in secondsDocumatic is not a typical AI tool but it uses machine learning under the hood to find patterns in the code It is a codesearch engine for your codebase It has become quite important to know the codebase before writing a single code To do that you can perform a different query on the codebase with Documatic It understands natural language so that you don t need to be an expert to make a query As per your query it will fetch you the codeblock from the codebase Rather than being a normal code search tool it also identifies a pattern in the codebase You can also perform different tasks such as dependency mapping and generating a codebase report You can use documatic on the web through your VS Code and from Slack Here is the VS Code Extension link Tabnine GitHub Co pioletYour AI pair programmerBoth tools do the same task of completing code as per the command Both are AI based tools Along with commands they can write code along with you writing code They complete the inline code This works more accurately code with code lines that most other developers used such as connecting to the database making API calls or others Both of them work quite fine without noticeable errors Choosing between them can be your personal choice That s why I will recommend you use both of them to find what s the best suit you MintlifyBuild the documentation you ve always wanted Beautiful out of the box easy to maintain and optimized for user engagement Writing documentation is not easy especially for coders But with Mintlify you can generate documentation You can also generate comments for your codebase using the tool It is available as an extension for VS Code and IntelliJ code editors It s quite easy to generate comments using the tool You just need to highlight the code and click Ctrl for generating the comments VS Code Extension Link Codex SandboxAn API for accessing new AI models developed by OpenAI for coding It is an Open AI model that generates code for you As you do on ChatGPT you just need to enter your command for the code It will give back to you a full fledge program that will run I give it an instruction to extract data from an API for the most goal scored in the premier league It finds an API from where it can extract data and did processing on it to get the exact data It can also find some awesome APIs according to your problem Snyk CodeSecure your code as it s written with static application security testing built by and for developers This tool analyzes the codebase to detect bugs and security issues It uses the DeepCode engine for analyzing the codebase It also provides fix advice to solve and prevent any errors You can just need to connect your codebase through GitHub You can use their code editor extension to scan code directly from the code editor You can also automate it for checking any PR that is made to your codebase for any vulnerabilities Connect With MeTwitterLinkedIn ConclusionThese tools will help you in writing good code that will be less security prone I will recommend you use each tool in your workflow to find out which fits best for you I hope these tools provide benefit to you Thanks for reading the blog post 2023-01-30 16:08:55
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Loupedeck Live and Loupedeck CT review: Customizable controls for creative pros https://appleinsider.com/articles/23/01/30/loupedeck-live-and-loupedeck-ct-review-customizable-controls-for-creative-pros?utm_medium=rss Loupedeck Live and Loupedeck CT review Customizable controls for creative prosThe Loupedeck Live or Loupedeck CT can revolutionize a creative professional s workflow as long as the price doesn t scare you off The Loupedeck Live and CT have light up displays for buttons Technology never stops moving forward and each year we are treated to all manners of dongles panels or tables that bring the tools and functions of applications into clearer focus Or they improve the overall speed and comfort of daily use Read more 2023-01-30 16:53:34
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple Music launches Rihanna's Road to Halftime show in Spatial Audio https://appleinsider.com/articles/23/01/30/apple-music-launches-rihannas-road-to-halftime-show-in-spatial-audio?utm_medium=rss Apple Music launches Rihanna x s Road to Halftime show in Spatial AudioAhead of Super Bowl LVII Apple Music has released music from Rihanna s Road to Halftime show in Spatial Audio and will feature an interview with the artist RihannaStarting Monday subscribers can access her songs with Spatial Audio in Dolby Atmos And on February Apple Music Radio s Nadeska Alexis will interview Rihanna at the Super Bowl LVII Halftime Show Press Conference Read more 2023-01-30 16:41:29
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Daily Deals Jan. 30: $600 off 16" MacBook Pro, $100 off Bose speakers, Apple Watch Series 7 (Cellular) for $279 & more https://appleinsider.com/articles/23/01/30/daily-deals-jan-30-600-off-16-macbook-pro-100-off-bose-speakers-apple-watch-series-7-cellular-for-279-more?utm_medium=rss Daily Deals Jan off quot MacBook Pro off Bose speakers Apple Watch Series Cellular for amp moreSome of the most valuable deals we found today include off Beats Studio headphones off an OKP Life K robot vacuum off a Klipsch home theater speaker system and off iPhone fast chargers Save up to on Apple The AppleInsider Team searches the web for deals at online retailers to develop a list of unbeatable deals on great tech products including discounts on Apple products TVs accessories and other gadgets We post our best finds in our Daily Deals post to help you save money Read more 2023-01-30 16:05:26
海外TECH Engadget The best smart scales for 2023 https://www.engadget.com/best-smart-scale-160033523.html?src=rss The best smart scales for Data is a useful tool in any battle especially if you re opting to wage war against your waistline in an attempt to be healthier Back in I bought a dirt cheap scale and drew my own graph sheets in order to chart my weight s downward progress after a rough year at university I think that while me wouldn t be pleased with my own fitness journey he would love the fact that the process is entirely automated and affordable Consequently allow me to take you and him on a journey to pick the best smart scale to help you on your own journey toward behavior change SafetyThere are valid reasons to weigh yourself but your self worth shouldn t be defined by the number that shows up between your feet If you re looking to alter your body shape that figure could go up as your waistline goes down since muscle weighs more than fat Dr Anne Swift Director of public health teaching at the University of Cambridge said that “weighing yourself too often can result in you becoming fixated on small fluctuations day to day rather than the overall trend over time Swift added that “it s sometimes better to focus on how clothes fit or how you feel rather than your weight A meta analysis from found there may be some negative psychological impact from self weighing A study however said that there may be a positive correlation between regular weigh ins and accelerated weight loss It can be a minefield and I d urge you to take real care of yourself and remember that success won t happen overnight What to look for in a smart scaleWeightA weighing scale that weighs you is probably the top requirement right One thing to bear in mind is that with all these measurements the figures won t be as accurate as a calibrated clinical scale Consequently it s better to focus on the overall body weight trend up or down over time rather than the figures in isolation ConnectivityMost scales will either connect to your phone over Bluetooth or to your home s WiFi network and you should work out your regular weighing routine ahead of time A lot of lower end Bluetooth only models will only record your weight when your phone is present and don t keep local records That means if you routinely leave your phone outside the bathroom you could lose that day s stats WiFi connected scales on the other hand post your stats to a server letting you access them from any compatible device But you need to be mindful that there s a small risk to your privacy should that information be compromised Bone densityThe stronger your bones the less you re at risk from breaks and osteoporosis which you should keep in mind as you get older Clinical bone density tests use low power x rays but higher end scales can offer an approximation from your own bathroom These bone mass tests pass a small current through your feet measuring the resistance as it completes its journey The resistance offered by bones fat and muscle are all different and your scale can identify the difference Body fat percentage and muscle massFat and muscle are necessary parts of our makeup but an excessive amount of either can be problematic Much like bone density a scale can identify both your body fat and muscle mass percentages using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis BIA This measurement tests how well your body resists the electrical signal passing through your body It s a rough rule of thumb that you should have a percent split between fat and muscle but please consult a medical professional for figures specific to your own body and medical needs BMIA lot of scales offer a BMI calculation and it s easy to do since you just plot height and weight on a set graph line Body Mass Index is however a problematic measurement that its critics say is both overly simplistic and often greatly misleading Unfortunately it s also one of the most common clinical metrics and medical professionals will use it to make judgements about your care Pulse Wave VelocityFrench health tech company Withings has offered Pulse Wave Velocity PWV on its flagship scale for some time although regulatory concerns meant it was withdrawn for a period of time It s a measurement of arterial stiffness which acts as a marker both of cardiovascular risk and also other health conditions I ve had anecdotal reports that PWV scales have sent people to the doctor where they ve found they were close to a cardiac event It s worth saying as with all of these technologies that there is limited albeit positive research into how accurate these systems are DisplayLess a specification and more a note that smart scales have displays ranging from pre printed LCDs or digital dot matrix layouts through to color screens On the high end your scale can show you trending charts for your weight and other vital statistics and can even tell you the day s weather If you are short sighted and plan on weighing yourself first thing in the morning before you ve found your glasses contacts opt for a big clear high contrast display App and subscriptionsYou ll spend most of your time looking at your health data through its companion app and it s vital you get a good one This includes a clear clean layout with powerful tools to visualize your progress and analyze your data to look for places you can improve Given that you often don t need to buy anything before trying the app it s worth testing one or two to see if you vibe with it Several companies also offer premium subscriptions unlocking other features including insights and coaching to go along with your hardware Fitbit and Withings both offer these services which you may feel is worth the extra investment each month Data portabilityUsing the same scale or app platform for years at a time means you ll build up a massive trove of personal data And it is or should be your right to take that data to another provider when you choose to move platforms in the future Data portability is however a minefield with different platforms offering wildly different options making it easy or hard to go elsewhere All of the devices in this round up will allow you to export your data to a CSV file which you can then do with as you wish Importing this information is trickier with Withings and Garmin allowing it and Omron Xiaomi Eufy and Fitbit not making it that easy Apps that engage with Apple Health meanwhile can output all of your health data in a XML file PowerIt s not a huge issue but one worth bearing in mind that each scale will either run disposable batteries most commonly xAAA or with its own built in battery pack Sadly all of our crop of smart scales use batteries adding an environmental and financial cost to your scale life That s just about forgivable for scales that cost under but this stretches even to the highest end models When you re spending more than that on a device the lack of a rechargeable cell feels very very cheap indeed The smart scales we testedFor this guide I tested six scales from major manufacturers Mi Xiaomi Body Composition Scale XiaomiOur cheapest model Xiaomi Mi s Body Composition Scale is as bare bones as you can get and it shows It often takes a long while to lock on to get your weight and when it does you ll have to delve into the Zepp Life branded app in order to look at your extra data But you can t fault it for the basics offering limited weight and body composition for less than the price of a McDonald s for four Fitbit Aira Air FitbitFitbit now part of Google is the household name for fitness gear in the US right If not then it must be at least halfway synonymous with it The Aria Air is the company s stripped to the bare bones scale offering your weight and little else but you can trust that Fitbit got the basics right Not to mention that most of the reason for buying a Fitbit product is to leverage its app anyway Anker Eufy Smart Scale P Pro Eufy AnkerEufy s Smart Scale P Pro has plenty of things to commend it the price the overall look and feel it s a snazzy piece of kit and what it offers It offers a whole host of measurements including Body Fat Muscle Mass Water Body Fat Mass and Bone Mass as well as calculating things like your Heart Rate and Basal Metabolic Rate the amount of calories you need to eat a day to not change weight at all all from inside its app In fact buried beneath the friendly graphic the scale offers a big pile of stats and data that should I think give you more than a little coaching on how to improve your lifestyle Shortly before publication Anker Eufy s parent company was identified as having misled users and the media about the security of its products Its Eufy branded security cameras which the company says does not broadcast video outside of your local network was found to be allowing third parties to access streams online Consequently while we have praised the Eufy scale for its own features we cannot recommend it without a big caveat nbsp Omron BCM Body Composition and Scale with Bluetooth OmronGiven its role in making actual medical devices you know what you re getting with an Omron product A solid reliable sturdy strong checks the dictionary for more synonyms dependable piece of kit There s no romance or excitement on show but you can trust that however joyless it may be it ll do the job in question The hardware is limited the app is limited but it certainly checks synonyms again is steady Joking aside Omron s Connect app is as bare bones as you can get since it acts as an interface for so many of its products Scroll over to the Weight page and you ll get your weight and BMI reading and if you ve set a goal you can see how far you ve got to go to reach it You can also switch to seeing a trend graph which again offers the most basic visualization on offer Garmin Index S GarminGarmin s got a pretty massive fitness ecosystem of its own so if you re already part of that world its scale is a no brainer On one hand the scale is one of easiest to use and most luxurious of the bunch with its color screen and sleek design I m also a big fan of the wealth of data the scale throws at you you can see a full color graph charting your weight progress and the various metrics it tracks in good detail If there s a downside it s that Garmin s setup won t hold your hand since it s for serious fitness people not newbies Withings Body Comp WithingsAt the highest end Withings flagship Body Comp is luxurious and luxuriously priced a figure I d consider to be “too much to spend on a bathroom scale For your money however you ll get a fairly comprehensive rundown of your weight body fat vascular age pulse wave velocity and electrodermal activity Its monochrome dot matrix display may not be as swish as the Garmin s but it refreshes pretty quickly and feels very in keeping with the hardware s overall sleek look If there s a downside it s that they ditched the rechargeable battery found in the Withings Body Cardio its former flagship and an excellent scale I d recommend if it were within the parameters of this guide in favor of AAA batteries Which when you re spending this much on a scale makes me feel very nickel and dimed The best cheap smart scale Fitbit Aria Air Mi Body Composition Scale It s very competitive at the low end for the best smart scale and Xiaomi and Fitbit offer dramatically contrasting products for a very low price Fitbit s scale has far fewer features but has better build quality is faster and more reliable than its cheaper rival Crucially it also leverages the Fitbit app which is refined and easy to use offering clean easy to understand visualizations Xiaomi meanwhile offers weight and some basic body composition checks although this extra data is only visualized inside the app From a data perspective the Xiaomi has the edge but its companion app formerly Mi Fit now branded as Zepp Life is terrible The lag time for each weigh in too leaves a lot to be desired with the Xiaomi although I had no qualms about its accuracy When I was a kid and complained about something my nan would say “look you can either have a first class walk or a third class ride And Fitbit s scale here is the very definition of a first class ride polished snappy and with a world class app by its side The Xiaomi meanwhile offers more for your money and charges less but both hardware and software lack any sort of polish It s therefore up to you if you d rather the first class walk or the third class ride The best scale for people who want features and aren t fussed about security Eufy s P ProWell this is awkward Not long before this guide was published it was revealed that Eufy is in the midst of a massive security issue Researchers found that its security cameras which were promised to be secure allowed internet users to access the stream using VLC player Consequently the high praise for Eufy s P Pro I have as a scale will need to be moderated by the fact that we don t yet know how deep the company s promises around privacy and security really run It s unfortunate as the scale does leap head and shoulders above the competition at this level and it surpassed my expectations by quite a bit The ease of use was one thing but the depth of metric data made available in the app and the way it presents that information is fantastic While I don t think the Eufy Life app is better than say Withings class leading Health Mate it offers exactly what a would be weight watcher would need The fact you can get plenty of your vital statistics graphed by hitting two buttons helps you visualize your progress but the stat dashboard laying out everything including your BMR is so useful If you re going all Quantified Self you could theoretically calculate your daily calorie intake to the finest of fine margins looking at this thing every morning The best scale for athletes Garmin Index SI m very partial to Garmin s Index S but I also think it s the sort of scale that needs to be used by people who know what they re doing Almost everything about the hardware is spot on and the only fly in its ointment is the low refresh rate on its color screen I can t say how upsetting it was to see the display refresh in such a laggy unpolished manner especially when you re spending this much money But that s my only complaint and the rest of the hardware and software is otherwise pitch perfect If you re looking to alter your body shape this probably isn t the scale for you it s the scale you buy once you already calculate your BMR on a daily basis The best scale for the worried well Withings Body CompNaturally if you re looking for a machine that ll cater to your every whim and hypochondriac urge then Withings Body Comp is the way forward It s a luxury scale in every sense of the word and you should appreciate the level of polish and technology on show here Apart from the batteries which I ve already said is a cheap and nasty way to save money given that you re dropping this much money on a product The group of people who think it s reasonable to spend on a scale is especially with food and energy prices spiking a fairly small one But if you re the sort who already spends hand over fist to keep your body in check this is probably justifiable as an “investment Knowing all of the extras about your nerve health and arteries is a bonus but let s be clear and say this isn t the scale for everybody Hell you might have second thoughts even if you do have a subscription to Good Yachting Magazine 2023-01-30 16:15:35
Cisco Cisco Blog Delving Deeper into the DoD Zero Trust Strategy – Part 2 https://blogs.cisco.com/government/delving-deeper-into-the-dod-zero-trust-strategy-part-2 deeper 2023-01-30 16:54:30
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Azure Azure の更新情報 Chaos studio - Public preview updates for January 2023 https://azure.microsoft.com/ja-jp/updates/chaos-studio-public-preview-updates-for-january-2023/ january 2023-01-30 17:00:12



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