投稿時間:2023-01-31 03:21:43 RSSフィード2023-01-31 03:00 分まとめ(23件)

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AWS AWS Machine Learning Blog Build a water consumption forecasting solution for a water utility agency using Amazon Forecast https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/build-a-water-consumption-forecasting-solution-for-a-water-utility-agency-using-amazon-forecast/ Build a water consumption forecasting solution for a water utility agency using Amazon ForecastAmazon Forecast is a fully managed service that uses machine learning ML to generate highly accurate forecasts without requiring any prior ML experience Forecast is applicable in a wide variety of use cases including estimating supply and demand for inventory management travel demand forecasting workforce planning and computing cloud infrastructure usage You can use Forecast … 2023-01-30 17:59:20
AWS AWS Management Tools Blog Monitoring Amazon RDS and Amazon Aurora using Amazon Managed Grafana https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/mt/monitoring-amazon-rds-and-amazon-aurora-using-amazon-managed-grafana/ Monitoring Amazon RDS and Amazon Aurora using Amazon Managed GrafanaOrganizations running critical applications on AWS using fully managed database services such as Amazon Relational Database Service Amazon RDS and Amazon Aurora rely on robust monitoring to ensure that their databases are performant and cause no service disruptions to their customers Amazon Managed Grafana is a fully managed and secure data visualization service that you … 2023-01-30 17:28:30
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita decimal と int の違いってなんや? https://qiita.com/__yuporon__/items/67942f040295c4f50169 decimal 2023-01-31 02:26:43
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita decimal と int の違いってなんや? https://qiita.com/__yuporon__/items/67942f040295c4f50169 decimal 2023-01-31 02:26:43
海外TECH MakeUseOf 9 Ways to Fix Blurry Screen Issues on Windows 11 https://www.makeuseof.com/blurry-screen-windows-11-fix/ blurry 2023-01-30 17:16:16
海外TECH DEV Community How To Write Clean Code As A Developer https://dev.to/scofieldidehen/how-to-write-clean-code-as-a-developer-471c How To Write Clean Code As A DeveloperWriting functional code is one thing and making that code readable and accessible for other developers to understand is just as important as the functional code itself Writing clean code means that the code is easy to read understand maintain and organize  Clean coding is an essential skill to have as a developer because it helps other developers understand and work with the code we have written without asking for clarification  Sometimes because our program works as expected we would like to leave our code as it is but this is not advisable In this tutorial we will learn some tips to master the habit of writing clean code as a developer Use Descriptive Names and Naming ConventionsWhen writing codes descriptive names allow us to know what that thing represents for example We could name a variable firstName instead of fName or worst using letters like fn  Using descriptive syntax allows others to know what that variable or value represents Also there are different reserved names that we are not allowed to use so it s better to prefix the name with a letter or word example lt span gt lt span gt const lt span gt lt span gt myVar lt span gt lt span gt lt span gt lt span gt string lt span gt lt span gt goes here lt span gt lt span gt Use Empty Lines To Make Your Code ReadableUsing empty lines in between codes or better still when we use empty lines to separate different functions or arguments our code becomes readable and it s easy to identify where a function ends in between line spacing in javascriptUse Good Formatting And IndentationThe same applies to codes just like we have paragraphs margins and linebreaks in books A good developer should use paragraphs and break his her code into multiple lines to make them clear and easy to read  To fully understand this concept examples of excellent and lousy indentation are below example of a good and bad indentation Well there are some plugins or extensions we could use to format our code VS Code Prettier Atom Atom Beautify Sublime Text PrettifyEnsure Enough Spacing Between Words And SymbolsProper spacing makes our codes readable so as a developer we should avoid conjoining words and symbols so that we can tell what that line of code talks about at a glance Let s look at an example of good spacing and bad spacing  var example param param function    This is an example of a code with good spacing of words and symbols      result param str param   return result       var example hello var example console log example function example input example input  Use Comments Even as we re trying to make our codes self explanatory comments have been a way for developers to explain what a piece of code does and clarify the other developer who intends to maintain the code localStorage is used to store a variable in the syatem s memoryvar notifCounter localStorage getItem notifCounter  localStorage setItem notifCounter notifCounter Avoid Misleading CommentsEven as we use comments we should always try to put our comments in a way that it does not mislead others Here is an example of a misleading comment     clean the last number      function backspace      num document getElementById num      var remove num innerText      remove remove slice        This piece of the comment above the code does not correctly explain what the code does Functions Should Perform Just One ActionWriting short and straightforward functions is an outstanding coding practice Functions should only perform a single task It is better to have two or more functions than a complex one  For example instead of writing thisfunction incrementVariableAndSlice this is a wrong way of writing functions as it would contain many other functions inside write thisfunction incrementVariable this would perform the function first and use the result to perform the second one function slice Other Things To Note When Writing Codes Never repeat or duplicate code Reduce the number of characters in a line Keep it classy Do not send more than three parameters into a function ConclusionWriting clean code comes with many advantages as it helps improve your software quality enables developers to detect errors quickly and enables code maintainability  Too much emphasis on writing clean code can kill productivity It is good always to keep your clean code on the mild side Do not overthink writing clean code at the early stages of a project Just make sure it works well and has no errors Then we can start cleaning our code Resource  MyHatchPadUnoSquareEffective rules to be a programmer 2023-01-30 17:13:28
海外TECH DEV Community Best React UI frameworks to boost Productivity 🚀 🌟 https://dev.to/bitohq/best-react-ui-frameworks-to-boost-productivity-2m43 Best React UI frameworks to boost Productivity ReactJS arguably is one of the most popular and most used JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces UI Due to its popularity there are a lot of frameworks developed to help developers to design high quality and user friendly UI in web development In this article I have curated the top React UI Frameworks that are easy to learn and will boost your productivity as a web developer Top React UI frameworksBefore we look at these frameworks Let s understand what a framework is and the criteria I used to pick these top What is a ReactJS framework It is an essential supporting structure of the react library These frameworks provide ready made components or solutions that are customized in order to speed up your development process In this article I curated the list based on the reviews and impressions from users on GitHubStackOverflownpm Material UIThe most popular React UI framework is Material UI MUI It comes with pre built material components and themes for using React to develop user interface elements Navigational tools sliders drop down menus and many more customizable elements are all included in the Material UI The MUI components follow Google Material Design guidelines which improves the application s speed Material UI offers a large variety of built in theme options mostly used and needed for your development most popular ones include accordions App bar Bottom navigations etc You can explore all the components MUI offers here MUI is currently having over K stars on Github You can check the repo Here Pros and Cons of MUIProsConsSupports older browsers Difficult to read and maintain as components grow in size Provides in depth documentation Design for only Android applications Provides JavaScript TypeScript and es support Expensive for premium components Large community support Strong Google associations leave little room for branding Logical design and easy to use components Small file size Given its extreme flexibility and fixed color palette Material UI is the best choice if you need a lot of customized widgets and components You can checkout there official documentation on getting started you use their official documentation Ant DesignAnt Design by numbers is one of the most popular CSS React frameworks It is best known for designing visually appealing UI components For front end development Ant Design provides a sizable and customized design library and for client development a GUI design The framework s design components are easy to integrate and can be used directly in ReactJS This framework is notably compatible with iOS Android and the web It has built in theme options ranging from typography Data entry Navigation Data display amongst others Explore more of these built in components hereAnt Design currently has over K stars on Github You can check the repo Here Pros and Cons of AntDesignProsConsBeautifully animated components and quick release rhythm Less number of available themes Typescript and Es support Huge file size Support both English and Chinese Poor accessibility support Support iOS Android and web application design Poor documentation compared to other UI libraries Polished and user friendly interface This is a highly recommended UI library if you are looking for a framework that supports iOS Android and web application design It is also a great choice if you are looking for a UI library that supports both English and Chinese You can get started using their documentation Semantic UI ReactSemantic UI The official plugin for Semantic UI is React Over fifty different components including segments progress bars transitions pagination and more are included in the library Despite all of its distinctive features the library could seem a bit complicated to someone who has never used JavaScript before This framework does not have the virtual DOM The Semantic UI React library contains many customizable elements for front end development SEMANTIC UI is currently having over K stars on Github You can check the repo Here Pros and Cons of Semantic UI ReactProsConsClean and in depth documentation Lack of transitions Easy customization Less browser compatibility Really adaptive and good support of different screen sizes Smaller communityExtensible and lots of components Semantic UI React is a great choice if you are looking for a UI library that provides clean and in depth documentation It has a fast growing and active community ready to help you with any issues you may have It is easy to set it up using their Documentation Chakra UIChakra UI provides a set of accessible reusable and composable React components that make it super easy to create websites and apps For limitless composability Chakra UI components are built on top of a React UI Primitive This framework boasts of flexibility composability and Dark Mode as most components in Chakra UI are dark mode compatible Chakra UI comes with a variety of inputs accordions tips and icons as well as dark and light UI settings themes and components Despite the Chakra UI library being new It has a vibrant and engaging community Chakra UI is currently having over K stars on Github You can check the repo Here Pros and Cons of Chakra UIProsConsEasily customizable Chakra UI only offers a limited number of styles and even the variant colors have restrictions on some components Lightweight and fast It lacks some key components in the React ecosystem such as a date picker search bar etc Dark mode support Accessible and responsive Modular and ThemeableAs you can see ChakraUI proves to be modular and accessible On top of that it s also lightweight and fast It is a great choice if you are looking for a UI library that provides dark mode support Check their Documentation on how to get it started React BootstrapThis framework is one of the oldest React UI Frameworks The library has the necessary components to build native mobile applications and website user interfaces While using these frameworks there is no need of including the bootstrap dependencies such as JQuery js in the code React developers can even import individual components directly from the library after installing it in their work environment This feature results in faster development shorter time to code less code better stability and efficient code management React Bootstrap is compatible with various versions of Bootstrap As such you need to ensure you are using the correct combination of versions React Bootstrap currently has over K stars on Github You can check the repo Here Pros and Cons of React BootstrapProsConsA consistent framework that considers most compatibility issues Styles can be very bulky causing a lot of unnecessary output for HTML Light weight and customizable Uneasy to read as the number of classes needed to style a component grows Responsive styles and structures Large file size and unused plugins Well documented support and an active community Hundreds of free and professional templates It is easy to integrate and use if you are already familiar with Bootstrap It is also a great choice if you are looking for a UI library that provides well documented support and an active community ConclusionThe shortlisted react UI frameworks are really vibrant and most used in the React ecosystem It is widely used in most of the noted tech companies that use ReactJS It is also important to note that all the frameworks above have a large and engaging community which makes it easier to find solutions when stuck Happy Hacking Anand hereWhich of these Frameworks have you used before Kindly share your experience in the comments section Was your favourite not mentioned Help others to know about it in the comment section Kindly Like Share and follow us for more 2023-01-30 17:00:39
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple TV+ Timothee Chalamet ad campaign continues with 'A Taste' https://appleinsider.com/articles/23/01/30/apple-tv-timothee-chalamet-ad-campaign-continues-with-a-taste?utm_medium=rss Apple TV Timothee Chalamet ad campaign continues with x A Taste x Timothee Chalamet is back again with another Apple TV in which he continues to pine for his own show on the platform A Taste with Timothee Chalamet Earlier in January Apple released an ad called Call Me that showed Timothee Chalamet feeling left out of Apple s success The new ad called A Taste shows Chalamet praising Apple s taste as he swipes through various shows on Apple TV including Ghosted which has been announced but not launched Read more 2023-01-30 17:44:09
海外TECH Engadget Nothing Phone 2 to launch in US later this year https://www.engadget.com/nothing-phone-2-us-launch-details-carl-pei-interview-175313806.html?src=rss Nothing Phone to launch in US later this yearNothing s Carl Pei has confirmed the upcoming Phone will launch in the US later this year The CEO and co founder described the flagship as “more premium than the Nothing Phone which Engadget saw as “an impressive debut in our review Pei dropped several tidbits in an interview with Inverse First he says the Ear earbuds US launch was a barometer for US demand “We re really excited about the US market because it s a big country said Pei “If you look at our earbuds sales about one third comes from the US And by not launching our phone in the US we re leaving potentially a third of the volume on the table Pei describes the Phone s US launch as Nothing s top priority this year Pei suggests declining smartphone sales indicate the US market is ripe for innovation “From a business point of view Apple and Samsung shouldn t go very niche and try something completely different because they might alienate current users That s where smaller companies like us can come in and try and do something different It s not that we re smarter or that they can t but it just doesn t make sense for them to do it However although stagnation may play a part the biggest reasons for the nosedive have likely been supply chain problems inflation and an unpredictable economy Carl Pei in Steve Jennings via Getty ImagesPei says red tape was the main reason Nothing didn t launch the Phone in the US American carriers demand Android manufacturers comply with various adaptations and preinstalled apps which takes significant resources But the company s rapid growth and proven ability to move volume has given it leverage “When you make a smartphone for the US you need to work with the carriers on certification and adapting some of their features into your OS he said “We didn t have the resources for that before and now we do Pei adds that Nothing has grown from employees in to today Although Pei doesn t spill many secrets about the Phone he hints at a higher end design than its predecessor “We re developing a smartphone that s more premium than the Nothing Phone and software will be a big focus area for us However he stresses that the Phone was also a flagship handset “Mobile chipsets have really improved over the last seven to nine years That s why I want to avoid calling the Phone a flagship because that would mean that the Phone was not a flagship Within our own portfolio of smartphones the Phone was very much a flagship in terms of the amount of care we put into the product That s why I used the word premium to describe the Phone instead which signifies that it s a more premium step up but it s still a flagship just like the Phone 2023-01-30 17:53:13
海外TECH Engadget Cash-strapped EV startup Arrival is laying off half its staff https://www.engadget.com/cash-strapped-ev-startup-arrival-is-laying-off-half-its-staff-172255412.html?src=rss Cash strapped EV startup Arrival is laying off half its staffFor the second time in less than a year electric transport startup Arrival is cutting staff The company announced Monday plans to lay off approximately percent of its workforce The move will reduce Arrival s headcount to about employees In the middle of last year Arrival warned it was strapped for cash and the company s financial position appears to have become more dire since As of the end of Arrival had million cash on hand Following its latest round of layoffs and a handful of other cost cutting measures Arrival says it expects to reduce the cost of day to day operations to about million per quarter Critically Arrival s plan to focus on the US market and take advantage of Inflation Reduction Act incentives is contingent on it raising more money from investors Provided it can secure additional funding Arrival expects to start Van production in Charlotte in On Monday Arrival also announced a leadership change Less than three months after taking over as CEO former Marvel Entertainment chief Peter Cuneo is handing over day to day operations to Igor Torgov Arrival s former executive vice president of Digital Before joining the startup in Torgov held leadership positions at Atol Bitfury Yota Columbus IT and Microsoft It s now on him to turn the once promising startup around Arrival said it would share more information about its financial position on March th 2023-01-30 17:22:55
海外TECH Engadget Ford slashes Mustang Mach-E prices by up to $5,900 https://www.engadget.com/ford-mustang-mach-e-ev-price-cut-170151501.html?src=rss Ford slashes Mustang Mach E prices by up to Ford has slashed prices of its Mustang Mach E electric vehicle by up to eight percent as much as with the extended range battery dropping in price by around percent The entry level models are now around to less expensive according to Reuters which reported that people who are currently waiting for Ford to deliver a Mach E will receive the price cut automatically At least one variant is again eligible for the federal tax credit which applies to EVs that have an MSRP of or less SUVs vans and pickup trucks are eligible for the credit if they have a maximum MSRP of but the Internal Revenue Service does not class the Mach E as an SUV In August Ford increased the price of the Mach E for new orders by between around and compared with the trims The company attributed the price hikes to quot significant material cost increases continued strain on key supply chains and rapidly evolving market conditions quot However it seems those issues have abated somewhat quot At Ford we want to make EVs more accessible so we re increasing Mustang Mach E production and reducing prices across the Mach E lineup quot Ford CEO Jim Farley wrote on Twitter quot Scaling will shorten customer wait times And with higher production we re reducing costs which allows us to share these savings with customers quot Ford built Mach E vehicles in It hopes to ramp up production to an annual run rate of by the end of this year The company is aiming to reach a total EV production rate of by late with the help of new lithium iron phosphate battery packs The move comes after Tesla slashed the prices of its EVs by up to percent earlier this month The five seat Model Y Long Range became eligible for the tax credit after the cut meaning that it s now over percent less expensive 2023-01-30 17:01:51
海外科学 NYT > Science Senior Housing That Seniors Actually Like https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/29/health/elderly-housing-adu.html granny 2023-01-30 17:12:09
ニュース BBC News - Home UK firefighters vote to strike in row over pay https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-64457843?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA brigades 2023-01-30 17:16:42
ニュース BBC News - Home Pakistan mosque blast: Police targeted in attack that kills 59 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-64451936?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA peshawar 2023-01-30 17:46:19
ニュース BBC News - Home Nadhim Zahawi: Sunak says he handled case decisively https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-64453740?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA nadhim 2023-01-30 17:28:55
ニュース BBC News - Home Sichuan: Couples in Chinese province allowed to have unlimited children https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-64457367?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA individuals 2023-01-30 17:04:15
ニュース BBC News - Home Strike dates: Who is striking when and what pay do they want? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-62134314?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA disruption 2023-01-30 17:25:23
ニュース BBC News - Home Six Nations 2023: How each team is shaping up for the tournament https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/rugby-union/64458895?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA tournamentthe 2023-01-30 17:29:12
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 【「世界一受けたい授業」で話題】カリスマ保育士てぃ先生が答える! 子どもに痛い思いをさせないほうがいい理由 - カリスマ保育士てぃ先生の子育てのみんなの悩み、お助け中! https://diamond.jp/articles/-/316322 【「世界一受けたい授業」で話題】カリスマ保育士てぃ先生が答える子どもに痛い思いをさせないほうがいい理由カリスマ保育士てぃ先生の子育てのみんなの悩み、お助け中【YouTube万人、Twitter万人、Instagram万人】今どきのママパパに圧倒的に支持されているカリスマ保育士・てぃ先生の子育てアドバイス本第弾『子どもにもっと伝わるスゴ技大全カリスマ保育士てぃ先生の子育てのみんなの悩み、お助け中』ができましたテレビやSNSで大人気、今どきのママパパに圧倒的に支持されている現役保育士・てぃ先生。 2023-01-31 02:50:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「運気のよい人」と「悪い人」を分ける“たった一つ”のポイントとは?【書籍オンライン編集部セレクション】 - 超★営業思考 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/316733 「運気のよい人」と「悪い人」を分ける“たった一つのポイントとは【書籍オンライン編集部セレクション】超営業思考プルデンシャル生命保険で「前人未到」の圧倒的な業績を残した「伝説の営業マン」である金沢景敏さん。 2023-01-31 02:45:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 京大模試全国1位を獲った男の「試験直前」勉強法 - 逆転合格90日プログラム https://diamond.jp/articles/-/316920 逆転 2023-01-31 02:40:00
ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 「評価される人」と「評価されない人」の決定的な違いとは? - アジャイル仕事術 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/316889 2023-01-31 02:35:00
Azure Azure の更新情報 Generally available: Apply Azure storage access tiers to append blobs and page blobs with blob type conversion https://azure.microsoft.com/ja-jp/updates/generally-available-apply-azure-storage-access-tiers-to-append-blobs-and-page-blobs-with-blob-type-conversion/ access 2023-01-30 18:00:13



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