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IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 百貨店はこのまま消えてしまうのか 「いや、復活できる」これだけの理由 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2301/31/news079.html itmedia 2023-01-31 10:30:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 2023年ネクストブレイク・男性タレント 2位「なにわ男子・長尾謙杜」、1位は? https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2301/31/news102.html itmedia 2023-01-31 10:12:00
TECH Techable(テッカブル) 7つの機能に4つのモード!日々変化する肌状態や悩みに合わせて使い分け可能な美顔器 https://techable.jp/archives/194684 使い分け 2023-01-31 01:14:17
TECH Techable(テッカブル) VTuberグループ「NIJISANJI EN」、4月に初の3DARライブ。総勢19名が登場! https://techable.jp/archives/194725 ienarlivecolorspastelstag 2023-01-31 01:14:16
TECH Techable(テッカブル) 空中に設置!LEDミラー付オートソープディスペンサーが発売 https://techable.jp/archives/194694 面倒 2023-01-31 01:14:16
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AWS AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog Wipro’s Email Automation Framework Helps Customers with Content Extraction and Classification https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/apn/wipro-email-automation-framework-helps-customers-with-content-extraction-and-classification/ Wipro s Email Automation Framework Helps Customers with Content Extraction and ClassificationMany organizations derive business understanding and new insights through content analytics and intelligence Wipro s email automation framework leverages machine learning services from AWS that enable organizations to extract data from emails and provide automated instructions which enhance accuracy and improve staff productivity This solution supports data extraction from the mailbox email body and attachments and validates and prioritizes based on the urgency of emails 2023-01-31 01:20:52
AWS AWS Amazon S3 Data Protection Overview - Versioning, Object Lock, & Replication | Amazon Web Services https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b18KlhIgmjQ Amazon S Data Protection Overview Versioning Object Lock amp Replication Amazon Web ServicesIn this Amazon S data protection overview video you ll learn about the native data protection features in Amazon S including S Versioning S Object Lock and S Replication You ll get a brief overview of each of these S data protection features learn how these features can help you meet your data protection goals and get useful tips on how to protect your data using Amazon S Learn more at Subscribe More AWS videos More AWS events videos ABOUT AWSAmazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform offering over fully featured services from data centers globally Millions of customers ーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agencies ーare using AWS to lower costs become more agile and innovate faster awsstorage amazons AWS AmazonWebServices CloudComputing 2023-01-31 01:01:16
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海外TECH DEV Community Elm 2022, a year in review https://dev.to/lucamug/elm-2022-a-year-in-review-33pp Elm a year in review has been another exciting year for Elm with many interesting packages blog posts videos podcasts demos tutorials applications and so on Let s have a look at it in retrospect This is a list of relevant materials I am sure there is stuff that I missed Send me a DM in case you think there is something that I should add or remove At the bottom you will also find some of the companies that hired Elm developers in and a partial list of companies that use Elm If you want to keep up with Elm s related news Subscribe to the Elm Weekly newsletter or follow it on TwitterJoin the Elm community on SlackCheck discourse elm lang orgFollow elmlang on TwitterListen to the Elm Radio podcastBrowse the Elm Craft websiteCheck Incremental Elm Discord for working on Elm open source projectsYou can also check the previous Elm a year in review Here we go January January rd Project ElmLS and VSCode Client are out by Kolja Lampe A new releases of the language server and the VSCode client New features include fuzzy matching when using the workspace symbol search ignoring suppressed elm review errors and lots more January rd Elm Radio episode What s Working for Elm We look at what we can learn by understanding what s working well for Elm and the Elm ecosystem January th Project Early release of the Elm pair editor tool by Jasper Woudenberg Early release of elm pair an editor integration that got teased a couple years ago January th Project elm css by Robin H Hansen elm css is released with huge improvements in performance January th Post Simple code is different from simplistic code Elm vs JavaScript by Marcio Frayze A short journey into the nuance between simple vs simplistic code using JavaScript and Elm as examples January th Announcement Advent of Code by Ryan Haskell Glatz A handful of videos teaching Elm through Advent of Code With this blog post he recaps each of the days he recorded January th Video Introduction to Elm with Lindsay Wardell Some Antics A presentation by Ben Myers Elm is a delightful functional programming language with an emphasis on tooling Join us as Lindsay Wardell shows us how we can get started with Elm today January th Video Functional Programming for Pragmatists A presentation by Richard Feldman at GOTO Copenhagen Do you care more about how well code works than how conceptually elegant it feels Are you more interested in how effectively you can build and maintain software than how buzzword compliant it is Then this is the talk for you People like functional programming for different reasons Some like it for the conceptual elegance or the mathematical properties Richard He likes to build things He likes it when the software he builds works well and is easy to maintain For the past decade he s been using functional programming both professionally and as a hobbyist and has found it has helped him ship higher quality software in less time than in the decade he spent writing object oriented code before January th Project Elm Search by Henrique Buss For those using Mac s now there is an Elm Search extension for Raycast Helping you to more quickly find packages functions and more January th Post Learning Elm the Wrong Way A Series Probably by John PavlickJanuary th Post Lambda Calculus an Elm CLI by James Carlson How to build a calculator in Lambda Calculus January th Elm Radio episode If It Compiles It Works What do we really mean when we say if it compiles it works And how do we make sure our apps stay that way January th Video Elm Part Setup Elm and Write Your First Program A presentation by Kindson The Tech ProJanuary th Post Why I decided to learn Elm and drop React by Bohdan BalovJanuary th Post My Elm experience by Underjord Coming head first into Elm as primarily an Elixir developer January st Post Rethinking Maybes for Elm beginners by Crawford CollinsJanuary rd Announcement McMaster Start Coding has taught over kids by McMaster Start Coding Attention Elm coders Thanks to your participation McMaster Start Coding has taught over kids To celebrate we are hosting a contest and winners get free entry into a summer camp We will select winners every week for weeks straight January th Post You can t do nested record updates in Elm by John PavlickJanuary th Video Wordle in Elm in hms PB timelapse A presentation by Martin JaniczekJanuary th Post Twitter thread about components by Duncan Malashock In elmlang your UI elements don t need to be components the way they might be in React So what should they be Here are a number of common patterns for different requirements January th Post Elm vs HyperScript A Wordle implementation by Luca MugnainiJanuary st Elm Radio episode Optimizing Performance with Robin Hansen We talk about Robin s work optimizing Elm and the opportunities that remain for Elm performance improvements February February th Video Learning Elm while launching a project good idea A presentation by Loïc Knuchel at Elm Online MeetupFebruary th Video Learning Elm while launching a project good idea A presentation by Loïc Knuchel at Elm Online MeetupFebruary th Post Differences between TypeScript and Elm by Luca MugnainiFebruary th Video The Ideal Programming Language A presentation by Richard Feldman amp Erik Doernenburg at GOTO February th Game Three Tenths by Chris Andrejewski A game of precision where you must strike at exactly three tenths along a given path February th Post Hungary for the Power A Closer Look at Hungarian Notation by John PavlickFebruary th Elm Radio episode Large Elm Codebases with Ju Liu Ju Liu joins us to share some tips and techniques from working with a large Elm codebase at NoRedInk February th Podcast Software Unscripted Interactive Style Guides by Richard Feldman Richard Feldman discusses interactive style guides with Tessa Kelly amp Ben Dansby February th Announcement IntelliJ Elm Plugin future by clojj Clojj announced the renovation of the IntellyJ Elm Plugin and already had some success with elm review integration Lamdera project support February th Post Utilizing Elm in a Web Worker by Lindsay WardellFebruary th Post GraphQL and Elm by Ryan Haskell Glatz Making inputs that don t bust your face February st Video Writing a MMORPG game in Elm on both client and server A presentation by Martin Janiczek at NDC Oslo For the better part of last year I ve been writing a multiplayer browser game with both frontend and backend written in the Elm language I ll talk about my setup the good bad and ugly of this approach anecdotes from development what surprised me and what the future holds Who said Elm s for frontend only‽ February st Project Meteor with Elm starter kit by Anthonny Quérouil I have just updated my starter kit to work with elmlang and meteorjs February st Game Katakana Wordle by Flavio Corpa Learn a new KATAKANA word EVERY day February nd Video elm interreactor Clickable compiler messages for the lazy A presentation by Jan Wirth at Elm Online Meetup A clickable compiler messages for the lazy February nd Announcement Announcing Elmcraft a place for all things Elm by Mario Rogic Announcing Elm Craft a place for curated list of books on Elm podcasts or other learning materials February nd Announcement Minidenticons ported to Elm by Laurent Payot Minidenticons a super lightweight SVG identicon generator for client side avatars February th Post React to Elm Migrating React to Elm in Three Ways by Joel AbshierFebruary th Post Tail recursion but modulo cons by Jeroen EngelsFebruary th Elm Radio episode Primitive Obsession We discuss the Primitive Obsession code smell and how introducing types with semantic meaning can improve your Elm codebase March March th Post Getting Started with Vite for React and Elm by Joel AbshierMarch th Project elm map by Luca MugnainiMarch th Post SimulatedHttp functors and sed by AllanderekMarch th Post Using the Builder Pattern for Elm Components by Jesse WardenMarch th Elm Radio episode Category Theory in Elm with Joël Quenneville Joël Quenneville joins us to help us distill down Category Theory patterns and explore what value it brings us as Elm developers March th Announcement New elm review package releases by Jeroen EngelsMarch th Announcement New Elm pair release adds support for Visual Studio Code by Jasper WoudenbergMarch th Tutorial Elm The Complete Guide a web development video tutorial by Carlos Saltos I ve just created a new class for increasing more Elm adoption please help to share it with your friends that want to learn new better ways to create nice web sites using Elm March th Video Hobby scale making web apps with minimal fuss A presentation by Martin Stewart Creating web apps requires setting up a lot of infrastructure Configuring a database managing hosting writing deploy scripts and handling communication between the client and server are only some of the many things that need to be done Unfortunately for many projects this level of control isn t needed and is instead a burden It doesn t need to be this way though In this presentation I ll give an overview of how you can use Elm programming language and the Lamdera framework to create web apps with little effort as well as show some of the apps I ve created using it March th Tutorial Elm The Complete Guide includes ports design and more by ComidocMarch th Post Elm at Talenteca by Carlos SaltosMarch st Post Trying your luck with Elm by ZenobioMarch nd Project Elm Designer is out by Andrea PeltrinMarch rd Post My Little Functor by Michel BellevilleMarch th Video Familiarity or Guarantees Functional Programming for the front end A presentation by Luca Mugnaini at Functional Conf March th Elm Radio episode Dead Code We discuss how to remove dead code in Elm or avoid it altogether in your workflow and why it matters March th Post Install Elm for OpenBSD x by Carlos SaltosMarch th Post Install Elm for Linux arm by Carlos SaltosMarch st Video Code Azimutt feature with Elm collapse columns A presentation by Loïc KnuchelMarch st Project Platformer physics system by Andrea Peltrin I ve done a proof of concept platformer physics system using pixel perfect values in Elm This was hella fun April April nd Video Friday Hacks Why bet the company on Elm for both front and backend A presentation by Choon Keat Although Elm usually runs on the browser this talk explains why it s actually a great choice for building the backend too and why it can be a perfect choice for a startup We will walk through how it even works on the backend and how wonderful life can be in such an environment April nd Post Reading Note Interacting with time in elm by Huy PhungApril th Post Easy dependency integration in Kotlin JS using the Elm ports technique by JulienApril th Video Code Azimutt feature with Elm table amp column notes A presentation by Loïc KnuchelApril th Video Extending Railway Oriented Programming in Elm to Make Complex User Flows Simple Grahame FnConf A presentation by Grahame Dixon at Functional Conf April th Post Reading Note Randomness in Elm by Huy PhungApril th Project Have parcel turn svg into elm modules for you by ChristophApril th Elm Radio episode Developer Productivity We share our productivity and workflow tips and how it changes the way we write Elm code April th Video Introduction to Elm Lang A presentation by Shalk Venter and Gary A presentation organized by Front end Development South Africa April th Project Elm Query by Andrea Callea A handy little package for searching Elm packages from within Sublime Text April th Post My setup for an Elm application from development to production by Huy PhungApril th Video Property based testing primer and examples A presentation by Martin JaniczekApril th Podcast What s New with Elm ft Lindsay Wardell JSJ JavaScript Jabber by Lindsay Wardell Lindsay Wardell from NoRedInk joins the JavaScript Jabber panel this week to discuss her background with Vue and Elm April th Announcement Updates on elm test rs elm test exercism by Matthieu PizenbergApril th Post LETWW Part Regular expressions are quite confusing and difficult to use by John PavlickApril th Podcast Software Unscripted Static Analysis with Jeroen Engels by Richard Feldman Jeroen Engels creator of elm review and co host of the Elm Radio podcast talks about static analysis tools with Richard Feldman April nd Post Elm Bug Free Web App Development by Kaspar L PalgiApril nd Post Why should you try Elm by Álvaro Sánchez Álvaro Sánchez shares their thoughts on why Elm is worth learning April rd Video Web Programming In Elm Getting Started A presentation by Aaron ZimmermanApril th Elm Radio episode Use the Platform We discuss what it means to use the web platform and how that helps improve the user and developer experience in Elm apps April th Post Starter configurations for elm review by Jeroen Engels Jeroen talks about adding starter template configurations to elm review April th Post Why Are Phantom Types Useful by Stefan Wullems In this post Stefan Wullems goes over both what phantom types are as well as why they might be useful May May th Video Offline Elm CSV to JSON GUI application in one video elm ui A presentation by Atle Wee FørreMay th Announcement Custom views in Confidenceman elm select by Jaime Terreu A new release of Confidenceman elm select that adds richer display of options May th Video Applications as Libraries Building elm book and elm admin A presentation by Georges Boris at Elm Online MeetupMay th Survey State of Elm by Martin StewartMay th Announcement Elm url codec Define both URL parser and builder at once by Martin JaniczekMay th Post Using Elm pipelines with andThen to decode a multi object type by Harold CampbellMay th Post Utilizing Native Dialog in Elm by Lindsay Wardell May th Elm Radio episode elm book with Georges Boris Georges Boris joins us to discuss elm book and how it helps iterate on a design language of Elm widgets May th Video A janitor for Elm A presentation by Rupert Smith at Elm Online MeetupMay th Video Game programming and creative coding with Elm A presentation by Erkal Selman at Elm Online MeetupMay th Video Elm Programming Quick Start For Beginners Functional Programming A presentation by Kindson The Tech Pro This tutorial is a quick start of the Elm Programming Language for beginners and other who would like to delve into the world of Functional programming May th Post Introduction to Elm programming language for React developers by Krzysztof KałamarskiMay th Project Elm Heroicons Love by Dan Bruder elm svg icons for your Elm project May th Podcast Software Unscripted Software Design with Dillon Kearns by Richard FeldmanMay th Announcement Guix GNU Build System has added support for Elm packages May th Post Elm s rate of adoption is still quite low Why is this by Duncan Malashock elmlang changed front end development with its intentional design and radical simplicity A few years later evancz encouraged the Elm community Let s be mainstream with a plan to do so After years Elm s rate of adoption is still quite low Why is this May th Video Celebrating years of Elm A presentation by Evan Czaplicki at Elm Online MeetupMay th Post Writing better Elm code with simple List transformations by Harold Campbell A practical walkthrough of using List map in Elm May th Announcement Celebrating years of Elm by Evan Czaplicki Been working on elmlang for over a decade now so I put together some fun stories to celebrate Met so many lovely people through this project and it was a heartwarming surprise to see so many of you in the chat May st Announcement Song Designer made with Elm lt Open for Hacks by Cortland MahoneyMay nd Video The store pattern in Elm A presentation by Martin JaniczekMay nd Announcement elm toastui markdown by awesomo Elm library to use toast ui wysiwyg markdown editor via web component May rd Post Fixing vulnerabilities in Elm s virtual DOM by Jeroen EngelsMay rd Elm Radio episode State of Elm Martin Stewart joins us to share the results from the State of Elm and look at some of the trends May th Project Gren by Robin H Hansen Today I m announcing the first release of Gren An Elm like language that intends to support both frontend and backend development June June th Announcement Release of Simple Iot v by Cliff Brake Simple Iot is a platform that enables you to add remote sensor data telemetry configuration and device management to your project or product June th Announcement A Monkey Interpreter by Dwayne Crooks An Elm interpreter for Monkey a programming language designed by Thorsten Ball June th Elm Radio episode Elm Store Pattern Martin Janiczek joins us to discuss a pattern for declaratively managing loading state for API data across page changes June th Project Building a CHIP emulator in Elm by Martin JaniczekJune th Project Enclojure by Artem Chistyakov Enclojure is a Clojure like scripting language for Elm apps June th Video Hobby scale making web apps with minimal fuss A presentation by Martin Stewart at GOTO Aarhus June th Podcast Functional and Object Oriented Programming with Lindsay Wardell by Richard Feldman Richard and Lindsay talk about their experiences with FP and OOP and some less obvious differences they ve noticed between the two paradigms June th Project Speak amp Spell reproduction in Elm by Andrea CalleaJune th Elm Radio episode Wrap Early Unwrap Late We dive into preventing bugs and making your code more maintainable by wrapping early and unwrapping late June nd Game Graph Bang by Logan LowderJune nd Post Understanding UI Components in Elm by Kasper AndersenJune th Post My first Functional Programming app by Carl Hunter Roach Notes from the perspective of an experienced programmer new to functional programming June th Announcement A milestone for Elm Catalog by Alex Korban Elm Catalog crossed the threshold of packages not counting pre release internal etc Elm Catalog now lists Elm x packages amp Elm tools across all categories June th Video Effect Systems for Mortals A presentation by Eduardo Morango at Elm Meetup BrazilJune th Video Declarative Server State A presentation by Dillon Kearns at Elm Meetup Brazil Elm Meetup Brazil welcomed Dillon Kearns as he demoed some of the upcoming features on elm pages v June th Project A Chip emulator by Danneu July July th Project Elm Root Defender by beefzilla An NPM package to prevent browser extensions from crashing Elm apps July nd Post ESLint equivalents in Elm by Mario Rogic Comparing ESLint functionality and the equivalents in the Elm ecosystem July th Video The Essence of Functional Programming A presentation by Richard Feldman at Functional Conf July th Elm Radio episode Building Trustworthy Tools We discuss how to earn users trust by giving meaningful feedback and giving predictable results July th Elm Radio episode Exploring a New Form API Design We dive into some ideas for a new Form design pulling in a lot of our favorite Elm techniques to make it safe and intuitive July th Video Build Elm Apps with Lindsay Wardell Some Antics A presentation by Ben Myers Previously on Some Antics we dove into the syntax for Elm a functional programming language that compiles down to JavaScript with friend of the show Lindsay Wardell ーbut we weren t able to get to application development in time Join us as Lindsay returns to the stream for a sequel on building Elm apps July th Project Travelm Agency by Andreas Molitor A new major version of Travelm Agency an internationalization code generator for Elm July th Game Type Signature by AndyJuly th Project Nethys Search a search engine for Archives of Nethys by Andreas Lundkvist A search app for the tabletop RPG Pathfinder nd Edition called Nethys Search Repo available at App available at July th Video Static analysis tools love pure FP A presentation by Jeroen Engels at Lambda Days Functional programming languages have many benefits that are often explained from the developer s point of view such as how easy it is to maintain a codebase But we rarely look at it from the point of view of tools Static analysis tools try to infer meaning and intent in order to find bugs and code smells but they can be very hard to write depending on the features of the analyzed language We will look at how explicitness the lack of side effects and dynamic constructs in pure FP languages empower tools to trivially achieve surprising results that would be nearly impossible with other paradigms July th Video Towards Smart E Learning Mentor Dispatch A presentation by Christopher Schankula at Lambda Days The McMaster Start Coding program has taught over K students programming using Elm over the last five years Collectively they have compiled nearly million programs in our online learning platform The COVID pandemic has necessitated the switch to a fully virtual setup which continues as schools have strict visitor limits Virtual learning also necessitates upgrades to the online code compilation and mentoring software we use In particular we need to determine when a student is stuck so as to be able to make better use of mentor resources and proactively help students who are struggling This presentation details data mining efforts to predict metrics such as the length of time that a student is likely to struggle if they are receiving an error in their program in order to dispatch mentors and help the students who need the most attention July th Video Functional Parsing for Novel Markup Languages A presentation by James Carlson at Lambda Days With functional languages like Elm that target the browser one can parse and render both classical and novel markup languages in real time providing authors a pleasant zero config tool for writing and distributing mathematical text The talk will outline how one designs and builds a fault tolerant parser that provides high quality real time error messages in place in the rendered text As case studies we consider two markup languages MiniLaTeX a subset of LaTeX and L an experimental markup with a syntax inspired by Lisp July th Video An Enigma Machine in Elm A presentation by Ju Liu at Lambda Days The Enigma machine was an encryption device that was used by German forces during WW to send secret messages In this talk we will explain exactly how the encryption process works and go through an implementation of it in Elm We will demonstrate how to encrypt and decrypt a message Then we will go over the weaknesses that made it exploitable by Alan Turing and the other fine folks in Bletchley Park By the end of the talk you ll be able to point out all the inaccuracies in The Imitation Game July th Post Introducing Elm Editor a web based IDE for Elm programs by Michael Rätzel August August th Elm Radio episode elm test v with Martin Janiczek Martin Janiczek joins us to talk about fuzz testing why it matters and how the upcoming elm test v changes the way you write fuzzers in Elm August rd Project Airsequel by Adrian Sieber First public beta release August rd Post Day of Elm by Eke Enyinnaya DialaAugust th Post GSoC Kodi Mid Term Evaluation by Mohd ShaheerAugust th Project Chart by Trade Simplr Interactive Trading platform to trade and analyze in the financial markets built with Elm August th Announcement Elm in Parcel Better support for Elm has been release in Parcel including multiple entry points August th Video Introduction to Elm Part A presentation by Programming from A to ZAugust th Video Introduction to Elm Building a Basic Web Application A presentation by Programming from A to ZAugust th Post Notes on Building XcuseMe Exercise tracking for real people by Willy UnterkoeflerAugust th Game Reweave by King Linsyking A Chinese style platformer powered by Elm Implemented with a self made D game engine August th Elm Radio episode The Root Cause of False Positives We explore false positives and negatives in static analysis tools and how Elm helps us avoid them August th Project Announcing Elm Codegen by Matthew Griffith Matt Griffith is super excited to announce elm codegen an Elm package and CLI tool for generating Elm code August th Project Releasing elmjs inspect by Philipp Krüger Why is your elm js file so big Is Elm s dead code elimination on a particular function not working as you expected What libraries cost your users bandwidth Analyse your elm js file size with this tool August th Post Understanding the design of elm url by John KellyAugust th Post Designing an Elm component by Alex EsopostingAugust nd Post Showing a Playing Card From a Single Suite With Elm by Cristian SalcescuAugust rd Video Introduction to Elm A presentation by DP Tech InfoAugust th Game Sudoku amp experiments by David Klemenc The games are a result of inspiration from Sebastian Lague videos August th Announcement Alpha release of ElmLand by Ryan Haskell Glatz Ryan Haskell Glatz announced the release of the latest alpha release of ElmLand with a brand new vite js powered website a guide designed for JS folks new to elmlang a dark mode AND a cool glowing thingie August th Elm Radio episode Projects We Wish We Had Time For We discuss the power of the Elm when paired with developer tools and we go through our notes to look at Elm tools we wish we had the time to build August st Post Removing an annoyance in elm review simplify by Jeroen Engels September September th Video Getting started with elm watch A presentation by Simon LydellSeptember th Project Introducing elm watch elm make in watch mode Fast and reliable by Simon LydellSeptember th Elm Radio episode elm watch with Simon Lydell Simon Lydell joins us to discuss his new Elm dev server which has a minimalist philosophy and maximal refinement September th Game Space Sim by Wolfgang Schuster Getting closer to a point with where it s actually playable though still basically alpha Right now it s basically just a simulation you watch September th Podcast Software Unscripted Lamdera with Mario Rogic by Richard FeldmanSeptember th Post Why I chose Elixir and Elm for Picture it by Rogerio ChavesSeptember st Post Designing Impossible Situations by Jesse WardenSeptember nd Project scripta io by James Carlson Simplified desktop version of using September nd Post MEGA Enchanting decoders part by Ivan Gori In this MEGA s article we ll see some useful patterns to discover magic powers hidden inside Elm decoders September rd Video CodeGen with Types for Humans by Humans A presentation by Matthew Griffith at Strange Loop September rd Video Diagrammar Simply Make Interactive Diagrams A presentation by Pontus Granström at Strange Loop September rd Video JUXT Cast SE Strange Loop Edition A chat with Jared M Smith A presentation by Renzo Borgatti and Jared M Smith at Strange Loop At Strange Loop Renzo Borgatti met Jared M Smith to talk about ELM the so called JavaScript fatigue and much more September th Elm Radio episode elm codegen with Matthew Griffith Matthew Griffith joins us to discuss elm codegen a tool for generating Elm safely and conveniently September th Post Where JavaScript is headed in by Matthew Tyson Which JavaScript frameworks features and tools do developers favor and which are on the way out Let s look at the latest State of JavaScript survey results October October rd Video elm Building a Simple Calculator A presentation by theteachrOctober th Project Hello world by Ryan Haskell Glatz What is Elm Land Learn more about the project s motivation goals and how we can get there together October th Post Introducing Elm as a frontend contender by Kim Tore Jensen Replacing React with Elm as our frontend programming language brings risks rewards and lots of developer happiness October th Post Elm Tauri by James CarlsonOctober th Elm Radio episode Elm at a Billion Dollar Company with Aaron White We discuss how betting on Elm has paid off at Vendr and get a CTO s perspective on using Elm at scale October th Video Functional Programming in Vite with Elm A presentation by Lindsay Wardell at ViteConf Elm is a delightful language for building reliable web applications In this talk we ll explore what Elm is how it compares to Javascript and how we can incorporate it into a Vite based application October th Presentation Yet another way to manage shared state in Elm SPAs by Jeremy H BrownOctober th Project Elm explorations test released by Martin Janiczek Janiczek is happy to announce the version of elm explorations test has been released In it you ll find a nicer to use Fuzz module API the andThen function and lots more October th Game A complete clone of the classic game by Dwayne CrooksOctober th Post Elm D Pool Game Collaboration by Jared M Smith I wrote about my experience collaborating with unsoundscapes on building a D pool game in Elm October th Elm Radio episode Elm and ADD We discuss how Elm is a powerful tool for people with ADD and how lessons learned from ADD can benefit people who don t have ADD October th Video Fullstack happiness using the regal stack A presentation by Jesse Warden at Open Slava October th Project Stringy The string transformer by Luca MugnainiOctober th Video What s new in elm watch A presentation by Simon Lydell November November th Post SVGs as Elm Code by Tessa KellyNovember th Elm Radio episode Types vs Tests We discuss the role of types versus tests and whether they complement each other or make the other obsolete November th Post Much much faster fixes by Jeroen EngelsNovember th Video Designing for Programmer Delight A presentation by Richard Feldman at Software You Can Love November th Project Mammudeck by Bill St Clair I ve been having a blast writing Elm again after a two year hiatus I wrote billstclair elm dynamodb and am using it to make a DynamoDB AppState module so I can have global persistent state for mammudeck November th Project Announcing VendrInc Elm GQL by Matthew Griffith Matt Griffith is announcing vendrinc elm gql A tool for generating Elm modules from GraphQL queries and mutations November th Project Help test the new npm elm package by Simon Lydell Me supermario and evancz with the help of some more folks are working on a new version of the elm npm package November th Post Data Modeling Resources in Elm by Joël Quenneville Some of the best Elm data modeling resources around the web November th Game Liikennematto released into early access by Matias KlemolaNovember th Game Drops by Gábor Kerekes Drops is an implementation of Puyo Puyo by Dividat November th Post Virtual DOM What problem does it solve by Marcio Frayze A post about virual DOM and the declarative approach of Elm to handle it November th Presentation Elm If it compiles it works by Jakob Ferdinand Wegenschimmel A presentation written in elm land that anyone can use Code Live presentation November th Post Slightly more advanced guide to making HTTP calls in Elm by azurewatersNovember th Video Elm language for learning functional programming A presentation by Kajetan Świątek at Devoxx Poland Functional programming is still a mystery for many developers There is an overwhelming amount of math and theory surrounding it to the point of scaring people away But it turns out that with the right tools it is possible to learn FP and to get productive fast November st Elm Radio episode elm gql with Matthew Griffith Matthew Griffith joins us to share his new type safe GraphQL tool and to compare the query builder and query generator approaches November nd Post Contributing to devenv by Brian J CardiffNovember th Post Getting Tailwind to Work with Elm Book by Jesse WardenNovember th Announcement Elm Widgets by Georges Boris Elm Widget a collection of stateless widgets designed to make your experience building elm applications easier and even more delightful was annunced at the Elm Remote Meetup November th Presentation Thought experiment Hiding implementation types in Elm by Jeremy H Brown December December th Video Day Learn Elm with Advent of Code A presentation by Ryan Haskell Glatz Advent of Code Day This series is designed for anyone new to functional programming We use a language called Elm to complete these puzzles together All the solutions and links are available below December th Project Fractale by Adrien Dulac Fractale is part of the “productivity or “asynchronous communication tools family As a developer I am satisfied with the organization and collaboration tools built around Git such as Github Gitlab Gitea But for human beings who are not developers or strangers to these tools they remain too complex and ill adapted December nd Video Day Learn Elm with Advent of Code A presentation by Ryan Haskell Glatz Advent of Code Day This series is designed for anyone new to functional programming We use a language called Elm to complete these puzzles together All the solutions and links are available below December nd Post Custom Focus Rings by Tessa KellyDecember nd Post Learn functional programming with Advent of Code ️ by Ryan Haskell GlatzDecember th Video Day Learn Elm with Advent of Code A presentation by Ryan Haskell Glatz Advent of Code Day This series is designed for anyone new to functional programming We use a language called Elm to complete these puzzles together All the solutions and links are available below December th Video Day Learn Elm with Advent of Code A presentation by Ryan Haskell Glatz Advent of Code Day This series is designed for anyone new to functional programming We use a language called Elm to complete these puzzles together All the solutions and links are available below December th Video Day Learn Elm with Advent of Code A presentation by Ryan Haskell Glatz Advent of Code Day This series is designed for anyone new to functional programming We use a language called Elm to complete these puzzles together All the solutions and links are available below December th Tutorial Day Elm Letting the computer find a correct predicate not AI by Janiczek Martin JaniczekDecember th Elm Radio episode Deliberate Practice We discuss deliberate practice and how it can help you hone your craft and make you even better at using Opaque Types December th Video Day Learn Elm with Advent of Code A presentation by Ryan Haskell Glatz Advent of Code Day This series is designed for anyone new to functional programming We use a language called Elm to complete these puzzles together All the solutions and links are available below December th Post Gaining insight into your codebase with elm review by Jeroen EngelsDecember th Video How to do Property based Testing Shrinkers Right A presentation by Martin Janiczek at Haskell eXchange Property based testing PBT is a valuable tool in the functional programming world it generates test inputs for you finding tricky edge cases you wouldn t be able to find manually and lets you specify and verify laws and invariants about your code with ease Virtually all PBT tools nowadays shrink the failing inputs to a minimal and thus much more helpful counterexample before presenting it to you Implementing shrinkers can be tricky though I ll walk through the common shrinking algorithms seen in QuickCheck Hedgehog ScalaCheck etc their inherent problems and most importantly how to implement shrinking in a way that doesn t suffer from them December th Video Look Ma no graphics card Software based D rendering in Elm A presentation by Julian Antonielli at Elm Online MeetupDecember th Video Day Learn Elm with Advent of Code A presentation by Ryan Haskell Glatz Advent of Code Day This series is designed for anyone new to functional programming We use a language called Elm to complete these puzzles together All the solutions and links are available below December th Project astro integration elm by Angus Findlay I ve created an Elm integration for Astrodotbuild which lets you render Elm islands server side December th Video Day Learn Elm with Advent of Code A presentation by Ryan Haskell Glatz Advent of Code Day This series is designed for anyone new to functional programming We use a language called Elm to complete these puzzles together All the solutions and links are available below December th Post Presenting Styleguide Colors by Tessa KellyDecember th Video Day Learn Elm with Advent of Code A presentation by Ryan Haskell Glatz Advent of Code Day This series is designed for anyone new to functional programming We use a language called Elm to complete these puzzles together All the solutions and links are available below December th Project Gren Hello NodeJS by Robin H HansenDecember th Post Make your own TEA The Elm Architecture by NoahDecember th Post Beware of integer division in Elm by Dwayne CrooksDecember th Project Elm solutions for the Advent of Code by Bill St ClairDecember th Post Elm common tests library test results across the ecosystem by Martin JaniczekDecember th Elm Radio episode Holiday Special Matthew Griffith and Mario Rogic join us to ring in the New Year and look at trends in Elm this year and looking forward next year December th Project Building a better Elm Land by Ryan Haskell GlatzDecember nd Post Notes on Elm programming language by Serhii RiabokonDecember rd Video Hot reloading the Simple IoT UI A presentation by Simple IoTDecember th Project Competition Tracking by Vladimir Kirienko A web app for tracking gliding competitions using Haskell and Elm with websockets Some of the companies that hired Elm developers in Acima Careers Info ActiveState Careers Info Avetta Careers Info Bernoulli Finance Careers Info Buildr Info CareRev Careers Info Caribou Careers Info Corvus Careers Info CrowdStrike Careers Info eSpark Careers Info Field Careers Info Flint Careers Info Generative Info Genesys Careers Info Geora Careers Info GWI Careers Info hello RSE Careers Info Logistically Info Metronome Growth Systems Careers Info MidwayUSA Careers Info MindGym Careers Info Permutive Careers Info PINATA Careers Info PowerReviews Careers Info SAVR Careers Info Structionsite Careers Info Veeva Careers Info Vendr Careers Info For more job related news susbscribe to the Elm Weekly newsletter or to the jobs channel in the Elm Slack Partial list of companies that use ElmAbleton ⬩Acima ⬩ACKO ⬩ActiveState ⬩Adrima ⬩AJR International ⬩Alma ⬩Astrosat ⬩Ava ⬩Avetta ⬩Azara ⬩Barmenia ⬩Basiq ⬩Beautiful Destinations ⬩BEC Systems ⬩Bekk ⬩Bellroy ⬩Bendyworks ⬩Bernoulli Finance ⬩Blue Fog Training ⬩BravoTran ⬩Brilliant ⬩Budapest School ⬩Buildr ⬩Cachix ⬩CalculoJuridico ⬩CareRev ⬩CARFAX ⬩Caribou ⬩carwow ⬩CBANC ⬩CircuitHub ⬩CN Group CZ ⬩CoinTracking ⬩Concourse CI ⬩Consensys ⬩Cornell Tech ⬩Corvus ⬩Crowdstrike ⬩Culture Amp ⬩Day One ⬩Deepgram ⬩diesdas digital ⬩Dividat ⬩Driebit ⬩Drip ⬩Emirates ⬩eSpark ⬩EXR ⬩Featurespace ⬩Field ⬩Fission ⬩Flint ⬩Folq ⬩Ford ⬩Forsikring ⬩Foxhound Systems ⬩Futurice ⬩FörsäkringsGirot ⬩Generative ⬩Genesys ⬩Geora ⬩Gizra ⬩GWI ⬩HAMBS ⬩Hatch ⬩Hearken ⬩hello RSE ⬩HubTran ⬩IBM ⬩Idein ⬩Illuminate ⬩Improbable ⬩Innovation through understanding ⬩Insurello ⬩iwantmyname ⬩jambit ⬩Jobvite ⬩KOVnet ⬩Kulkul ⬩Logistically ⬩Luko ⬩Metronome Growth Systems ⬩Microsoft ⬩MidwayUSA ⬩Mimo ⬩Mind Gym ⬩MindGym ⬩Next DLP ⬩NLX ⬩Nomalab ⬩Nomi ⬩NoRedInk ⬩Novabench ⬩NZ Herald ⬩Permutive ⬩Phrase ⬩PINATA ⬩PinMeTo ⬩Pivotal Tracker ⬩PowerReviews ⬩Practle ⬩Prima ⬩Rakuten ⬩Roompact ⬩SAVR ⬩Scoville ⬩Scrive ⬩Scrivito ⬩Serenytics ⬩Smallbrooks ⬩Snapview ⬩SoPost ⬩Splink ⬩Spottt ⬩Stax ⬩Stowga ⬩StructionSite ⬩Studyplus For School ⬩Symbaloo ⬩Talend ⬩Tallink amp Silja Line ⬩Test Double ⬩thoughtbot ⬩Travel Perk ⬩TruQu ⬩TWave ⬩Tyler ⬩Uncover ⬩Unison ⬩Veeva ⬩Vendr ⬩Verity ⬩Vnator ⬩Vy ⬩W amp W Interaction Solutions ⬩Watermark ⬩Webbhuset ⬩Wejoinin ⬩Zalora ⬩ZEIT IO ⬩ZettleThis list is extracted from several sources such as elm companies Stackshare io blog posts videos talks atc This is all See you in ️ 2023-01-31 01:17:40
海外TECH DEV Community How to trace an email address https://dev.to/ip2location/how-to-trace-an-email-address-28lf How to trace an email addressThe existence of the Internet has radically transformed our daily lives It is hard to imagine a time before the Internet revolution So many services are easily available at our fingertips thanks to the Internet With a few clicks and some typing you can pay your bills apply for loans connect with people globally and so much more Work productivity has skyrocket due to the ease of collaboration with colleagues and customers Families can keep in touch using apps or websites via email or chat or video calls The benefits are tremendous but there are those who seek to abuse the Internet such as scammers Often you hear stories of people falling prey to online scams usually via forged or phishing emails Another bane of the Internet is spam emails not to mention the viruses that can arrive in your email inbox Why email address tracing is a necessityEmail is a wonderful invention and made life easier for people in their lives and work Before the advent of email and the Internet you would need to make phone calls if you need to contact someone Either that or you need to send snail mails or faxes to send someone a message or information Alas with all things there are upsides and downsides to email Scammers also find it easier to reach their victims with emails Scam and phishing emails are clogging everyone s inbox on a daily basis This is why email address header tracing is an important tool to find out who is sending those emails With the IP address of the culprit you can file an abuse complaint with the respective ISP or email providers What is email header Email headers are snippets of metadata that can be found inside every email you send or receive Starting with the email client that sent out the email these bits of info are tagged into each email As the email travels through the Internet via various email servers or relays more info is appended to the headers at each hop along the way to the destination Headers are normally not visible to the email recipients as they are only useful in certain circumstances like troubleshooting email delivery issues The headers should include info like the IP address of the sender email s route content type dates timestamps etc How to view the email headerAs mentioned above email headers are hidden by default in most email clients Follow the below steps to unveil the email headers for your email clients The Gmail Microsoft Outlook Yahoo Outlook com examples are shown below GmailOpen the email that you want to view the headers Click the More icon next to the Reply icon Select Show Original A new window with the full headers and HTML source of the email will be opened Microsoft OutlookDouble click an email message to open it outside of the Reading Pane Click File gt Properties Headers will be displayed within the Internet Headers area in a new dialog box Outlook comOpen the email that you want to view the headers Click the More icon and then select View Select View message source A new dialog box with the full headers and HTML source of the email will be opened Yahoo Mail New VersionOpen the email that you want to view the headers Click the More icon and then select View Raw Message A new window with the full headers and HTML source of the email will be opened Yahoo Mail Classic VersionOpen the email that you want to view the headers Select Raw Message A new window with the full headers and HTML source of the email will be opened For more info please see Let s breakdown the meaning of the data fields inside the email headerAfter you ve gotten your header from your email client you can take a close look at the various fields there Check out this example header from a Gmail account Delivered To  Displays the email recipient s information X Google Smtp Source  Shows the email transferring using a Gmail SMTP server X Received  Displays message received at the first server ARC Seal  Seals the ARC authentication results and the message signature ARC Message Signature  The signature takes a snapshot of the message header information for validation ARC Authentication Results  Stands for Authenticated Receive Chain It is an authentication standard which verifies the identities of the email intermediaries and servers that forward email message to its final destination Return Path  The location where non send or bounce messages end up Received  The “Received line lists each mail server that the email travels through before hitting recipient s inbox The mail server on the top line is the last server the email went through and the bottom line is where the email originated Received SPF  Stands for Sender Policy Framework which authenticates email to stop sender address forgery Authentication Results  Contains a record of the authentication checks carried out DKIM Signature  Stands for DomainKeys Identified Mail which authenticates the email domain sent MIME Version  Stands for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions It is the standard email format which allows various media attachments to the email From  Indicates the email sender details To  Indicates the email recipient details Message ID  Indicates the unique ID that identifies the email Content type  Indicates whether the format of an email was HTML TXT or any other option Steps to trace the origin of the emailSo now let s trace the origin of the email and see what information we can glean from it Copy the email headers from your email client and paste it into the Email Headers text box in then click on LOOKUP You will see the results as below With the IP address found inside the header it is possible to retrieve its geolocation data IPLocation data can show the geolocation information like country region city ISP area code ZIP code usage type and so much more 2023-01-31 01:07:28
海外科学 BBC News - Science & Environment Blueprint to reverse nature's decline revealed https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-64456455?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA decline 2023-01-31 01:11:43
海外科学 BBC News - Science & Environment Green projects are boosting UK growth - CBI report https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-64440827?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA parts 2023-01-31 01:05:44
金融 ニッセイ基礎研究所 鉱工業生産22年12月-2四半期ぶりの減産、当面は弱い動きが続く見通し https://www.nli-research.co.jp/topics_detail1/id=73760?site=nli 業種別には、中国のロックダウン解除を受けて月期に前期比の高い伸びとなった自動車が前期比の低下となったほか、世界的な半導体関連の低迷を反映し、電子部品・デバイスが前期比月期同と四半期連続の減産となった。 2023-01-31 10:56:23
金融 ニッセイ基礎研究所 雇用関連統計22年12月-雇用情勢の改善に陰りがみられる https://www.nli-research.co.jp/topics_detail1/id=73759?site=nli 年月は失業率、有効求人倍率ともに前月と変らなかったが、就業者の増加ペースが鈍化していること、有効求人数が小幅ながらヵ月連続で減少するなど、雇用情勢の改善には陰りが見られる。 2023-01-31 10:00:44
金融 日本銀行:RSS 決済動向(12月) http://www.boj.or.jp/statistics/set/kess/release/2022/kess2212.pdf 決済 2023-01-31 11:00:00
金融 日本銀行:RSS 金融研究所ディスカッション・ペーパー・シリーズ(2023年収録分) http://www.boj.or.jp/research/imes/dps/dps23.htm Detail Nothing 2023-01-31 11:00:00
金融 日本銀行:RSS 金融研究所ディスカッション・ペーパー・シリーズ(E-Series : 英語版)(2023年収録分) http://www.boj.or.jp/research/imes/dps/dps23_e.htm eseries 2023-01-31 11:00:00
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Mo Farah announces return to London Marathon https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2023/01/31/more-sports/farah-london-marathon/ london 2023-01-31 10:41:04
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles IOC rejects ‘defamatory’ criticism from Ukraine https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2023/01/31/olympics/ukraine-ioc-criticism/ IOC rejects defamatory criticism from UkraineUkrainian presidential adviser Mykhailo Podolyak described the body as promoting violence mass murders destruction with its comments on possibly Russian participation 2023-01-31 10:31:15
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Women’s World Cup opener to be held at Stadium Australia https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2023/01/31/soccer/womens-world-cup/women-world-cup-stadium-australia/ games 2023-01-31 10:17:54
ニュース BBC News - Home UK economy only G7 nation to shrink in 2023 - IMF https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-64452995?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA imfthe 2023-01-31 01:30:28
ニュース BBC News - Home Kate's early years campaign is her 'life's work' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-64453394?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA project 2023-01-31 01:19:32
ニュース BBC News - Home 'They call us garbage people': The Syrians surviving off US army waste https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-64400345?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA waste 2023-01-31 01:07:43
GCP Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ freee:データ ウェアハウス構築に BigQuery を採用することで、5 ~ 10 倍のパフォーマンスと運用性、利便性を向上 https://cloud.google.com/blog/ja/topics/customers/freee-adopting-bigquery-to-build-a-data-warehouse/ freeeデータウェアハウス構築にBigQueryを採用することで、倍のパフォーマンスと運用性、利便性を向上個人事業や中小企業などのスモールビジネスに携わるすべての人が、自由に自然体で経営できる環境をつくるための「統合型経営プラットフォーム」を開発、提供するfreee株式会社以下、freee。 2023-01-31 02:00:00
マーケティング AdverTimes ラフォーレ原宿、猫の日に合わせ「にゃふぉーれ原宿」に https://www.advertimes.com/20230131/article410153/ 開催 2023-01-31 01:18:14
マーケティング AdverTimes 主演映画が20カ国以上で公開。意外だった海外の反応は?(岸井ゆきの)【後編】 https://www.advertimes.com/20230131/article409891/ 岸井ゆきの 2023-01-31 01:00:44
GCP Cloud Blog JA freee:データ ウェアハウス構築に BigQuery を採用することで、5 ~ 10 倍のパフォーマンスと運用性、利便性を向上 https://cloud.google.com/blog/ja/topics/customers/freee-adopting-bigquery-to-build-a-data-warehouse/ freeeデータウェアハウス構築にBigQueryを採用することで、倍のパフォーマンスと運用性、利便性を向上個人事業や中小企業などのスモールビジネスに携わるすべての人が、自由に自然体で経営できる環境をつくるための「統合型経営プラットフォーム」を開発、提供するfreee株式会社以下、freee。 2023-01-31 02:00:00



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