投稿時間:2023-01-31 22:26:48 RSSフィード2023-01-31 22:00 分まとめ(30件)

カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
ROBOT ロボスタ オンライン遠隔診療と5G自動運転ロボットで医薬品の自動配送/回収サービスの実証実験 武田薬品工業や川崎重工などが協力 https://robotstart.info/2023/01/31/5g-delivery-robot-shinjyku-02.html オンライン遠隔診療とG自動運転ロボットで医薬品の自動配送回収サービスの実証実験武田薬品工業や川崎重工などが協力シェアツイートはてブ川崎重工業、ティアフォー、KDDI、損害保険ジャパン、menu、武田薬品工業の社は「遠隔診療とG自動配送ロボット」の実証実験の様子を月日に報道関係者向けて公開した。 2023-01-31 12:14:13
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] 「poiq」とAlexaの性能が良すぎて少し困ってる話 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2301/31/news206.html alexa 2023-01-31 21:40:00
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita リストでインデックスを取得してくれる便利な奴 https://qiita.com/gungungult_6423/items/60c2101a0cd2f3936a2d inenumratestringprintinde 2023-01-31 21:53:07
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita オープンソース【LangChain/OpenAI/Gradio】を使ったChatGPTライクな会話チャットボットの作成 https://qiita.com/KENTAROSZK/items/33df89174928f54ae44c chatgpt 2023-01-31 21:16:42
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Rails】Rakeタスク「task xxx: :environment do」の意味 https://qiita.com/takepro14/items/983c1f3d33d85b92dea8 environment 2023-01-31 21:37:15
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Rubyのoptparseを使ってCLIアプリを作成した https://qiita.com/Kazu_Project/items/47ad49fbe86f63820269 optparse 2023-01-31 21:08:11
Linux Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Ubuntu22.04/メモリ不足対応のためスワップ領域を追加する https://qiita.com/k2491p/items/f5596a1f62027614f0f6 ubuntu 2023-01-31 21:24:41
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Rails】Rakeタスク「task xxx: :environment do」の意味 https://qiita.com/takepro14/items/983c1f3d33d85b92dea8 environment 2023-01-31 21:37:15
技術ブログ Developers.IO コマンド一発でEKSベストプラクティスに沿っているかチェックできる! Hardeneksを使ってみた https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/hardeneks/ eksbestpracticesguides 2023-01-31 12:49:05
技術ブログ Developers.IO [GitHub Actions] GitHub App による認証で新規 Issue を Organization の Project (Beta) に自動登録する https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/github-actions-auto-register-issues-to-projects/ organization 2023-01-31 12:02:55
海外TECH MakeUseOf What Is Tokenomics? 6 Key Features of Tokenomics Explained https://www.makeuseof.com/what-is-tokenomics/ explainedbefore 2023-01-31 12:45:15
海外TECH MakeUseOf Honor Set to Launch TWO New Handsets at MWC '23 https://www.makeuseof.com/honor-launch-two-new-handsets-mwc-2023/ details 2023-01-31 12:37:10
海外TECH MakeUseOf The Quick Guide to Using Polygon Bridge https://www.makeuseof.com/guide-to-polygon-bridge/ matic 2023-01-31 12:16:15
海外TECH DEV Community Goodbye to Saccharine Feelings of Clean Code https://dev.to/solidi/goodbye-to-saccharine-feelings-of-clean-code-15o4 Goodbye to Saccharine Feelings of Clean CodeA surprisingly soured reaction has come over me Lately feeling giddy about sweeping up code is absent As time accelerates hyperlinearly within my text editor the bursts of dopamine are no longer an assertion of knowing I m middle aged without its small pleasures I m giving up on clean code and consistency coming full circle in a game of sparking joy If I feel good about mopping up code I ll remind myself that it s time extinguished which steals from what needs doing Whatever I m working on will be sullied over or thrown out anyway Editor s note Feel free to share this rant in your next code review 2023-01-31 12:10:43
海外TECH DEV Community Complete Spring Boot: Build Enterprise Level Apps https://dev.to/lovepreetsingh/complete-spring-boot-build-enterprise-level-apps-2h50 Complete Spring Boot Build Enterprise Level AppsAs we know Java is a widely used language by enterprises because of its Community support Security and Its object oriented behaviour Java is popular so its frameworks Spring Spring boot is one of the Java s widely used framework when it comes to building Industry level applications 🫡Don t worry If you haven t got the meme We got you covered Starting Spring Boot ProjectTo start with Spring Boot application Go to start spring io and generate the project to work on See the below image for reference Note Add Spring Boot Web as Dependency before generating the project Select Maven Dependency Manager and Generate the Project Now Open your project in IntelliJ IDE or any IDE of your choice Note It will take some time to download the dependencies from the internet when you ll open the project first time Running Demo ProgramBefore testing running a demo program some of you might come across annotations Annotations in java or spring boot is nothing but meta data information that doesn t change the action of compiled program but tells the compiler how to treat the program For example PutMapping annotation tells the compiler to treat a particular method as the RESTApi Put endpoint We made some changes in DemoAppication java file as package com example demo import org springframework boot SpringApplication import org springframework boot autoconfigure SpringBootApplication import org springframework web bind annotation GetMapping import org springframework web bind annotation RequestParam import org springframework web bind annotation RestController SpringBootApplication RestControllerpublic class DemoApplication public static void main String args SpringApplication run DemoApplication class args GetMapping hello public String hello RequestParam value name defaultValue world String name return String format Hello s name Here GetMapping and RestController are the two annotations used which tells the compiler that treat these as REST Controller and Get Endpoint Start the Server in terminal of current project directory run mvnw spring boot run to start the server app Now type http localhost hello name Lovepreet in the URL and Hello Lovepreet will show Here is the port on which our App is running and name Lovepreet is the Request Param passed into the Get Mapping Reload Server on SaveNow every time you have to refresh Running the mvnw command again the server whenever you make a change in the code To enable hot reload Go to dependencies and add spring boot devtools as your dependency and refresh rebuild the project to get all dependencies resolved 🫣Now follow the steps to configure the hot reload Check Allow auto make to start even if developed application is currently running and Build project automatically Build Spring Boot Project from ScratchInstall Maven on your PC run brew install maven if on macos Start fresh project and create pom xml file Follow Section from here and paste the content in the pom fileIf IDE ask in pop up to build the project then click on itRun mvn package in the terminal to build the projectNow to add Dependency Paste the content as lt xml version encoding UTF gt lt project xmlns xmlns xsi xsi schemaLocation gt lt modelVersion gt lt modelVersion gt lt groupId gt com example lt groupId gt lt artifactId gt myproject lt artifactId gt lt version gt SNAPSHOT lt version gt lt parent gt lt groupId gt org springframework boot lt groupId gt lt artifactId gt spring boot starter parent lt artifactId gt lt version gt lt version gt lt parent gt lt dependencies gt lt dependency gt lt groupId gt org springframework boot lt groupId gt lt artifactId gt spring boot starter web lt artifactId gt lt dependency gt lt dependencies gt lt project gt After pasting the dependency Pom file looks like the above Now again reload or run mvn packageYou can run mvn dependency tree to see all the dependency installedNow create MyApplication class inside the Directory structure as shown below MyApplication class looks like this import org springframework boot SpringApplication import org springframework boot autoconfigure EnableAutoConfiguration import org springframework web bind annotation RequestMapping import org springframework web bind annotation RestController EnableAutoConfiguration EnableAutoConf annotation do configure tomcat server etc automatically RestControllerpublic class MyApplication public static void main String args SpringApplication run MyApplication class args RequestMapping public String hello return Lovepreet Singh here Finally we are done with Creating Project from scratch Creating an Executable JARJar is a format of archiving source files and directories into a file and also it is an executable Pom file updated lt xml version encoding UTF gt lt project xmlns xmlns xsi xsi schemaLocation gt lt modelVersion gt lt modelVersion gt lt groupId gt com example lt groupId gt lt artifactId gt myproject lt artifactId gt lt version gt SNAPSHOT lt version gt lt parent gt lt groupId gt org springframework boot lt groupId gt lt artifactId gt spring boot starter parent lt artifactId gt lt version gt lt version gt lt parent gt lt dependencies gt lt dependency gt lt groupId gt org springframework boot lt groupId gt lt artifactId gt spring boot starter web lt artifactId gt lt dependency gt lt dependencies gt lt build gt lt plugins gt lt plugin gt lt groupId gt org springframework boot lt groupId gt lt artifactId gt spring boot maven plugin lt artifactId gt lt plugin gt lt plugins gt lt build gt lt project gt Run mvn package again in the CLINow in the target directory you can find myproject SNAPSHOT jar and you can run jar directly using command java jar myproject SNAPSHOT jar Finally Creating REST APIIn software development we do follow three layer architecture Which is CRS i e Controller This layer handles the client s requests Services This layer has all the business logic and Repository This layer is like doing database stuff i e Save Delete Find etc As of now our simple application looks like this Follow this RepoRun the application and make sure it runs on localhost customerThis was it for Part In next blog Part We will see how to use JPA Repository and set POST PUT endpoints to make it a fully fledged REST API If you got some value Do share and save the blog See you soon 2023-01-31 12:08:07
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Cowen forecasts 'soft' iPhone impacting Apple's Q1 2023 financials https://appleinsider.com/articles/23/01/31/cowen-forecasts-soft-iphone-impacting-apples-q1-2023-financials?utm_medium=rss Cowen forecasts x soft x iPhone impacting Apple x s Q financialsApple s holiday quarter results will be lower than according to Cowen with softness expected due to iPhone shipments impacted by Chinese lockdowns iPhone ProFor the December quarter analysts at Cowen model Apple as being down year on year with total revenue at billion The earnings per share for the quarter is expected to rest at Read more 2023-01-31 12:41:00
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Future iPhones could listen for chewing and tell you to diet https://appleinsider.com/articles/23/01/31/future-iphones-could-listen-for-chewing-and-tell-you-to-diet?utm_medium=rss Future iPhones could listen for chewing and tell you to dietApple has been granted a patent for technology that has the iPhone hear chewing prompt you to photograph your food and could then criticize your food choices Apple s newly granted Augmented Reality Calorie Counter patent is split between detection of chewing and then determination of what is being eaten The patent doesn t really explicitly say Apple will complain at you for snacking But that s only because patents are concerned with how something is determined not what is then done with the information Even so this is clearly another avenue for Apple s ever expanding health services But in this case the company says it s needed because of our ever expanding waistlines ーand the perhaps surprising difficulties in counting calories Read more 2023-01-31 12:31:39
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News What to expect from Apple's 2022 holiday quarter earnings report https://appleinsider.com/articles/23/01/23/what-to-expect-from-apples-2022-holiday-quarter-earnings-report?utm_medium=rss What to expect from Apple x s holiday quarter earnings reportApple will be announcing its fiscal first quarter results on Thursday evening Here s what to expect from the holiday quarter earnings ーand what Wall Street is predicting Apple CEO Tim Cook left with CFO Luca MaestriApple revealed on January that it will be holding its investor call on Thursday February at PM Pacific PM Eastern to discuss the first fiscal quarter earnings release from earlier in the day Based on the usual timeline for results details should be released by Apple about half an hour before the call itself Read more 2023-01-31 12:55:43
海外TECH Engadget The US government is reportedly cracking down harder on exports to Huawei https://www.engadget.com/us-government-cracks-down-exports-tech-huawei-125040916.html?src=rss The US government is reportedly cracking down harder on exports to HuaweiThe United States government has reportedly stopped issuing licenses that allow companies in the country to export to Huawei according to The Financial Times If you ll recall the Trump administration added the company to the quot entity list quot making it ineligible from receiving exports from the US without a license The US commerce department issued some companies like Qualcomm licenses to provide Huawei with American tech unrelated to G networks since then ーQualcomm for instance supplies Huawei with G chips for smartphones But the government is reportedly looking to impose a total ban on the sale of American tech to the Chinese firm and this expanded restriction is a step towards making that happen nbsp The US government adds companies to the entity list if it believes they are involved in or quot pose a significant risk of being or becoming involved in activities contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States quot It has previously accused Huawei of having deep ties with the Chinese government and warned allies that the G equipment it makes could be used to spy on other countries and companies Huawei has repeatedly denied the accusation nbsp It s not entirely clear why the US government is moving towards a total ban if this report is indeed true but the Biden administration seems to be taking a tougher stance on China compared to its predecessor Last year it introduced new rules that prohibit the export of powerful semiconductors that could be repurposed for military use as well as chipmaking equipment to China and Russia One possible reason is that Huawei The Times says is backing projects that aim to build a semiconductor supply chain in its country that doesn t rely on imports A former CIA official also told the publication that the government is probably looking to expand the existing export ban because Huawei is a totally different company from when it was added to the entity list Huawei s focus back then was on G technology but it has since changed gears to prioritize its enterprise and government businesses including a cloud service to survive the trade ban Being added to the blacklist had a huge impact on Huawei s revenues in but company executive Eric Xu said the manufacturer was able to pull itself quot out of crisis mode quot in and expects to go back to quot business as usual quot this year A total ban could very well put Huawei back into crisis mode and it would likely affect the revenues of its US suppliers as well That said the Chinese company might have some time to prepare depending on when the export licenses that had already been issued will expire A commerce department spokesperson didn t confirm whether it has truly stopped issuing licenses to American firms telling The Times that it quot continually assess es its policies and regulations quot A source told Reuters however that US officials are in the midst of crafting new policies that would prohibit shipments to Huawei below the G level The new restrictions would reportedly cover products and components related to G WiFi and AI as well as cloud and high performance computing nbsp 2023-01-31 12:50:40
海外TECH Engadget Spotify reaches 205 million Premium subscribers as losses mount https://www.engadget.com/spotify-reaches-205-million-premium-subscribers-as-losses-mount-122503157.html?src=rss Spotify reaches million Premium subscribers as losses mountSpotify just released its Q earnings and announced that it now has million premium subscribers up million from last quarter It also made € billion billion in revenue so it exceeded expectations in both subscriber count and sales It now counts nearly million monthly active users including ad supported and paid subscriber tiers nbsp However its losses continued with € million million in red ink compared to € million in the same period last year due to moves that chief executive Daniel Ek called quot too ambitious quot For all of the company reported a net € million loss million on revenue of € billion billion nbsp Spotify said that the losses were due to quot higher personnel costs primarily due to headcount growth and higher advertising costs quot along with currency fluctuations That helps explain the company s actions last week when it announced that it was laying off percent of its workforce as part of a company wide restructuring nbsp As part of that chief content officer Dawn Ostroff stepped down and Ek said that the company would quot fundamentally change how we operate at the top quot including his own role At the time Ek said that quot in hindsight I was too ambitious in investing ahead of our revenue growth quot Looking ahead to the next quarter Spotify forecasts that it ll hit a half billion monthly active users and see a modest boost to million premium subscribers nbsp 2023-01-31 12:25:03
海外TECH Engadget The Morning After: TikTok's CEO will testify before a congressional committee https://www.engadget.com/the-morning-after-tiktok-ceo-testify-congressional-committee-china-121550619.html?src=rss The Morning After TikTok x s CEO will testify before a congressional committeeThe CEO of TikTok Shou Zi Chew will testify before the House Energy and Commerce Committee on March rd Chew will discuss the app s privacy and data security measures its impact on kids and ties to China where parent company ByteDance is headquartered This is Chew s first appearance in front of a congressional panel TikTok s security and relationship with Chinese authorities have drawn the attention of US officials over the last few years However as CNBC reported discussions between the US and TikTok appear to have stalled The relationship has been a precarious one for several years The company has tried to assuage concerns by storing US user data on domestic Oracle servers and deleting such data from its own servers in the US and Singapore However other stories like TikTok having to fire four employees two each in China and the US who accessed the data of several journalists aren t helping They were said to be looking for the sources of leaks to reporters Also in December a mammoth spending bill passed by lawmakers included a ban of TikTok from federal government owned devices However the relationship has thawed since its nadir during the Trump administration when the president pushed for the social network to shed its US assets That of course never happened Mat SmithThe biggest stories you might have missedHigh school calculators are back thanks to the Internet Archive s Calculator DrawerSan Francisco asks California regulators to halt or slow the rollout of driverless taxisFord slashes Mustang Mach E prices by up to The best smart scales for Hitting the Books High school students have spent a decade fighting Baltimore s toxic legacyWhat to expect from Samsung s February Unpacked event Samsung s profits plunged in due to weak smartphone demandChip sales were down too Samsung has revealed a sharp decline in profit for mainly due to the weak demand for its chips and smartphones the company s main moneymakers The Korean tech giant has posted KRW trillion US billion in annual revenue which is a new record high for the company in its latest earnings report Its operating profit however was down KRW trillion US billion from the year before Sales for Samsung s more affordable phones went down and while flagship sales held up to market expectations they re still lower than in previous quarters The company expects demand for mass market smartphones to weaken even further in quot due to persistent macroeconomic conditions quot That s not great news when the company is holding its first Unpacked event of tomorrow Continue reading Nothing Phone to launch in US later this yearCarl Pei says the upcoming flagship will be “more premium than the Phone EngadgetNothing s Carl Pei has confirmed the company s second phone will launch in the US later this year He described the flagship as “more premium than the Nothing Phone which probably means it ll be more expensive too In an interview with Inverse Pei said the Phone s US launch would be Nothing s top priority this year Pei added that American carrier demands “red tape were the main reason Nothing didn t launch the Phone in the US Continue reading China s biggest search engine may launch a ChatGPT rival in MarchBaidu s service will allow users to get conversation like search results NurPhoto via Getty ImagesChinese search giant Baidu aims to introduce a ChatGPT like AI service that gives users conversational results according to a Bloomberg report Open AI s ChatGPT has taken the tech world by storm thanks to its ability to answer fact based questions write in a human like way and even create code Microsoft invested billion in Open AI back in and reportedly plans to incorporate aspects of ChatGPT into its Bing search engine It s the big thing even Google reportedly sees the technology as a threat to its search business and plans to accelerate the development of its own conversational AI technology Continue reading 2023-01-31 12:15:50
海外科学 NYT > Science E.P.A. Waste Ban Blocks Pebble Mine Project in Alaska https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/31/climate/pebble-mine-epa-decision.html E P A Waste Ban Blocks Pebble Mine Project in AlaskaThe move to ban disposal of mining wastes near the site of the proposed Pebble mine made under the Clean Water Act protects a valuable salmon fishery 2023-01-31 12:53:04
海外科学 NYT > Science Why I Hunt for Sidewalk Fossils https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/31/magazine/sidewalk-fossils.html invite 2023-01-31 12:15:04
海外TECH WIRED Why Bother Bringing Back the Dodo? https://www.wired.com/story/colossal-dodo-deextinction/ philosophical 2023-01-31 12:11:16
金融 金融庁ホームページ 信用格付業者の関係法人の指定に係る金融庁告示(無登録格付の説明事項に係るグループ指定)の一部改正について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/news/r4/shouken/20230131/20230131_groupshitei.html 信用格付業者 2023-01-31 14:00:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Hillsborough disaster: Families profoundly failed, say police https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-64454778?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA critical 2023-01-31 12:45:42
ニュース BBC News - Home Paperchase: Tesco buys Paperchase stationery brand but not its shops https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-64457502?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA paperchase 2023-01-31 12:34:43
ニュース BBC News - Home Shoppers turn to own-label lines to save money https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-64457337?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA prices 2023-01-31 12:03:31
ニュース BBC News - Home Manchester City transfer news: Bayern Munich sign Joao Cancelo https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/64463460?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Manchester City transfer news Bayern Munich sign Joao CanceloBayern Munich sign Portugal full back Joao Cancelo on loan from Manchester City with the option to buy for m euro £m in the summer 2023-01-31 12:35:59
ニュース BBC News - Home Six Nations 2023: Halfpenny returns for Wales against Ireland https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/rugby-union/64464017?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA cardiff 2023-01-31 12:31:00



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