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IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 学生の成績など300件、学内で2年以上“丸裸”だった 琉球大が謝罪、「Microsoft Teams」の設定ミス https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2301/23/news170.html itmedia 2023-01-31 06:45:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 回転寿司の「迷惑行為」なぜ起きる? 専門家が指摘する「機械化の弊害」とは https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2301/27/news191.html ITmediaビジネスオンライン回転寿司の「迷惑行為」なぜ起きる専門家が指摘する「機械化の弊害」とは回転寿司チェーンで、利用客による悪質ないたずらが相次ぎ発覚している。 2023-01-31 06:30:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 2022年の暗号資産シェア率ランキング、上位の銘柄は? https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2301/30/news174.html itmedia 2023-01-31 06:30:00
IT ビジネス+IT 最新ニュース なぜインテルは世界一になれたのか? 日本にとっては悲劇、3番目の社員がした伝説の英断 https://www.sbbit.jp/article/cont1/105456?ref=rss この苦境を「英断」によって乗り切り、インテルの新時代を切り開いたのが、当時の社長であり、「インテル番目の社員」であるアンドリュー・グローブ氏です。 2023-01-31 06:40:00
IT ビジネス+IT 最新ニュース 個人目標ばかりを追う「プレイングマネージャー」が生まれる明確な理由、見直すべきは? https://www.sbbit.jp/article/cont1/105535?ref=rss 個人目標ばかりを追う「プレイングマネージャー」が生まれる明確な理由、見直すべきは部下を管理するだけでなく、自らもプレーヤーとして活躍することが求められるプレイングマネージャー。 2023-01-31 06:10:00
Google カグア!Google Analytics 活用塾:事例や使い方 高級スマホ三脚を買ったら超絶便利だった https://www.kagua.biz/review/smartphone/highspec-sumaho-3kyaku.html 高級 2023-01-30 21:00:56
海外TECH DEV Community What the HAL? The Quest for Finding a Suitable Embedded Rust HAL https://dev.to/apollolabsbin/what-the-hal-the-quest-for-finding-a-suitable-embedded-rust-hal-2i02 What the HAL The Quest for Finding a Suitable Embedded Rust HAL IntroductionWhen starting out with embedded Rust I used to naively think that all existing HALs adopt more or less the same approach Probably something closer to what one would see in other languages Soon after I came to realize that I was mistaken In fact for a beginner this probably gets even more confusing Making the choice of a HAL to start out with can become really tough Especially for one that may not have much background in embedded In this post I attempt to categorize and explain the differences between different HALs that exist right now As the embedded Rust space is continuously evolving this post is not one expected to last for the ages I only figure that anybody starting out would like to have a better understanding of the different options out there before picking a HAL If you find this post useful and to keep up to date with similar posts here s the list of channels you can follow subscribe to Twitter → apollolabsbin Newsletter →SubscribeGit Repo All Code Examples →Link Though first there is something I want to get out of the way Embedded HAL is not a HAL Well maybe not in the sense of what is commonly known for a HAL to do Consequently the naming comes as a big source of confusion and it s important to clarify before moving forward The embedded hal can be thought of as a crate that sits on top of an existing HAL crate to define common behavior through traits Meaning that the embedded hal cannot and does not operate as a standalone HAL but rather is adopted by existing device HALs to define common behavior This is a really powerful concept as it enables the creation of platform agnostic drivers Moving on HAL Capabilities Different HALs offer different features capabilities Some of these capabilities include the following Device Support LevelIdeally one would like a single HAL to support all controllers Meaning that one codebase is portable among all devices Obviously that is not the case though there are HALs that have a support level more than others For example there are HALs that support a full series of controllers ex STM only a family in a series ex STMFxx or even only a single device Typestate AdoptionCertain HALs leverage the Rust type system to manage pin configuration and check pin compatibility at compile time This is a nice feature to have to ensure that you are configuring pins correctly For example the compiler would generate an error if one tries to configure a UART peripheral connection to a pin that does not support UART I personally think that the adoption of typestate might be a desirable feature for a beginner Incorrectly configuring pins can lead to a frustrating debugging experience for a beginner if typestate isn t adopted Embedded hal SupportThis is about the level of support of embedded hal traits The more traits supported the better compatibility the HAL would have std SupportFor the most part given resource limitations embedded Rust HALs do not support std libraries However some devices with more resources and advanced features Ex networking or wireless would require std support Some Other Considerations DocumentationNeedless to say how well a HAL is documented is a really important aspect Having many APIs with poor descriptions or even outdated signatures can send one into a spin Ease of UseThis could mean several things and it all goes to the steepness of the learning curve especially in Rust One is how friendly the API is Another is how verbose the code can get Finally how complicated is it to implement things like interrupts API CoverageThis has to do with how much of the device features are supported in a HAL Meaning that some HALs do not necessarily implement all features in a controller or family of controllers This would result in one having to potentially leverage a different crate Ex PAC level crate to achieve a particular implementation Categorizing HALs In the below table I compare some of the HALs I came across according to the earlier mentioned parameters While the table is not exhaustive most HALs fall within similar categories that are going to be discussed right after Crate Examplesesp hal variantsesp idf halEmbassy HALs Ex embassy nrf embassy stm amp embassy rp STM HAL amp nRF HALVarious HALs for the STM Ex stmfxx hal stmfxx hal etc nRF Device HALsDevice Support LevelFamily Support through individual HALs esp hal espc hal etc Series Support Various ESP variants Series SupportFamily SupportFamily SupportFamily and Device Level Support Depending on CrateAdopts TypestateYesYesNo but still ensures that pin configurations are correct in an alternative manner NoYesYesembedded hal Style APIYes for the most part Yes for low level hardware access Does not adopt embedded hal style API however supports embedded hal integration Does not adopt embedded hal style API however supports embedded hal integration Yes There are small variations among crates for devices in the same series Yes There are small variations among crates for devices in the same series std SupportNoYesNoNoNoNoDocumentationWell documented by espressif Well documented by espressif Can be outdated in some areas Need to refer to the source code at times Not all aspects are accurate for all variants Depends on CrateDepends on CrateEase of useDealing with interrupts and DMAs can be difficult Code can get relatively verbose Requires a somewhat different approach than other HALs The learning curve can be somewhat steep Set up can be more involved Very easy to use friendly API Non verbose code Need to get into async to do multi threaded Really friendly API Strips out a lot of the annoyances of trait based HALs Dealing with interrupts and DMAs can be difficult PAC struct promotion to HAL can be confusing Code can get relatively verbose without a framework like RTIC Dealing with interrupts and DMAs can be difficult PAC struct promotion to HAL can be confusing Code can get relatively verbose without a framework like RTIC API CoverageVery good coverage There is a lot of consistency among different ESP HALs Very good coverage The nrf HAL is probably the most complete One can find missing implementations Better coverage for STM devices than nRF Depends on CrateDepends on CrateFrom what can be observed in the table Rust based HALs seem to all fall within four categories embedded hal trait based HALs There could be a better description than this However this category has the widest base of implementations with more options than can be mentioned here A more comprehensive list can be found on the awesome embedded Rust repository Embassy HALs Current HALs provide support only for the stm rp and nRF HALs with std support This is exclusive to ESP devices right now Typestate free HALs This is in exchange for better ergonomics as the author claims Only two HALs fall in this category right now which are the STM HAL amp nRF HAL So What Route Should I Take That s the million dollar question I often think if I were to do things all over would I pick the same route Below I analyze the different routes and give my personal opinion on each The Embassy RouteEmbassy has the friendliest API and configuration is a breeze Even setting up interrupts and DMA is quite straightforward However at some point one would have to get involved with async This is not a bad thing really on the contrary it probably is better to adopt going forward However as a personal preference I d rather avoid any underlying frameworks if beginning with embedded I like to understand how to interact directly with a controller without any intermediaries embedded hal Trait based HAL RouteWhile API in this route is not as friendly as embassy and certain things like interrupts can be a bit painful I think it still is worth picking It is a route I personally took and it helped me understand certain concepts better Though this is a route where most options of HALs exist to choose from The challenge here is picking a HAL with a good level of support and documentation Obviously this is not easy to figure out for a beginner The great part right now is the emergence of the ESP HALs with official support from Espressif As such an ecosystem is quickly growing around them At the time I started Espressif support for ESP HALs was still non existent However if I would start over one of the ESP HALs would certainly be my choice HALs with std Support RouteI would avoid this route in the beginning due to some of the same reasons I would in embassy Add to it that the APIs are not nearly as friendly as embassy s and the code can get quite verbose Typestate free RouteFor the HALs that exist in this route the nice part is that they are relatively easy to work with Though I figure typestate would be helpful for a beginner to not shoot themselves in the foot Additionally it introduces a nice feature in Rust not available in other languages commonly used in embedded like C Finally HALs in this route don t seem to be as popular as other HALs ConclusionNavigating the HAL space in embedded Rust can be a rough experience This post analyzes the Rust HAL space and looks at the different options that exist Have any questions comments Share your thoughts in the comments below Reminder if you found this post useful and to keep up to date with similar posts here s the list of channels you can follow subscribe to Twitter → apollolabsbin Newsletter →SubscribeGit Repo All Code Examples →Link 2023-01-30 21:13:00
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple renews comedy 'Acapulco' for third season https://appleinsider.com/articles/23/01/30/apple-renews-comedy-acapulco-for-third-season?utm_medium=rss Apple renews comedy x Acapulco x for third seasonApple TV bilingual comedy series Acapulco has been picked up for a episode third season Acapulco Acapulco initially debuted in and ran for a second season in The show is set to enter production on its third season in Spring Read more 2023-01-30 21:45:08
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Competing rumor says no folding iPad in 2024 https://appleinsider.com/articles/23/01/30/competing-rumor-says-no-folding-ipad-in-2024?utm_medium=rss Competing rumor says no folding iPad in A new rumor by Mark Gurman contradicts earlier reports of a folding iPad coming in while doubling down on a light year for iPads in An Apple foldable conceptAnalyst Ming Chi Kuo uses supply chain data to predict possible release windows for Apple products with a generally high level of accuracy A report on Monday suggested Apple would hold off on iPad updates until with a new iPad mini and foldable iPad arriving in that year Read more 2023-01-30 21:12:29
海外TECH Engadget Frontier rolls out 5Gbps fiber internet across the US https://www.engadget.com/frontier-5gbps-fiber-internet-expansion-213754502.html?src=rss Frontier rolls out Gbps fiber internet across the USYou re now more likely to have meaningful choice for fast fiber internet service Frontier has introduced a symmetrical Gbps plan that is Gbps for uploads and downloads across all its fiber markets in the US The company claims it s the first quot major quot provider to manage the feat You ll have to pay per month which includes installation and a router or more than the Gbps tier However it might be worth the outlay if you regularly download massive files or share your data with other heavy duty users in your household You ll need a WiFi e router and supporting devices like the Pixel or MacBook Pro to make use of the extra speed without relying on Gbps Ethernet Frontier estimates that it takes less than two minutes to download a minute K movie Whether or not Frontier offers the best deal depends on the rivals in your area AT amp T s Gbps plan has been available for a year but will cost Google Fiber is on the cusp of offering Gbps for but it covers only a handful of cities Frontier may well beat cable companies though Comcast already has Gbps service in some areas but the per month pricing and non symmetric uploads make it less practical The higher price for Gbps service may not be thrilling if Gbps already seemed expensive Even so the rollout suggests competition is heating up among multi gig internet providers That s good news for customers ーyou may see more aggressive performance or pricing as telecoms jockey for your business 2023-01-30 21:37:54
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ビジネス 東洋経済オンライン 東大生直伝「大学受験の緊張を簡単にほぐす」秘技 雰囲気に飲まれやすい受験生に知ってほしい! | 生まれつきの才能は不要 東大「逆転合格」の作法 | 東洋経済オンライン https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/649470?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=http&utm_campaign=link_back 大学受験 2023-01-31 06:20:00



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