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IT 気になる、記になる… Nothing、「Phone (2)」を今年後半に発売へ https://taisy0.com/2023/01/31/167811.html nothing 2023-01-30 15:58:12
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] 「PS5は世界中の小売店で」 SIE、PS Blogで供給増を約束も“日本語版から省いた一節” https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2301/31/news084.html itmedia 2023-01-31 00:01:00
AWS AWS Management Tools Blog Create event-driven workflow with AWS Resource Groups lifecycle events https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/mt/create-event-driven-workflow-with-aws-resource-groups-lifecycle-events/ Create event driven workflow with AWS Resource Groups lifecycle eventsAWS Resource Groups recently announced a new feature that pushes group lifecycle changes to Amazon EventBridge A resource group is a collection of AWS resources in the same AWS Region that are grouped either using a tag based query or AWS CloudFormation stack based query and group lifecycle events make it easier for AWS customers to receive … 2023-01-30 15:59:05
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海外TECH DEV Community Chat backend with Supabase & Socket.io https://dev.to/nsmet/chat-backend-with-supabase-socketio-55nn Chat backend with Supabase amp Socket ioLet s build the back end for a real time chat application in Supabase using Node js If you re interested in how this connects up with a React Native client we ll also be publishing an article on this soon Source code Step Download a http clientWe will be using a http client extensively in this tutorial We use Postman and We uploaded our Postman collection on GitHub so you can import it into Postman and use the queries we set up Step Setting up your Supabase accountHead over to and create a new project Take note of your anon public key and service role you ll need this later on You can also retrieve this later in the settings Step Creating your databaseFirst step in setting up our database is creating the needed tables In this case we go for the simplest approach Our base models User username id created dateConversation name of the conversation who the owner is id created dateMessage conversation id the actual message content who sent it id created dateWe can capture this setup in the following Query CREATE TABLE users id UUID PRIMARY KEY default uuid generate v username VARCHAR NOT NULL created at TIMESTAMP NOT NULL CREATE TABLE conversations id UUID PRIMARY KEY default uuid generate v name VARCHAR NOT NULL owner user id UUID REFERENCES users id NOT NULL created at TIMESTAMP NOT NULL CREATE TABLE user conversation id UUID PRIMARY KEY default uuid generate v user id UUID REFERENCES users id conversation id UUID REFERENCES conversations id CREATE TABLE messages id UUID PRIMARY KEY default uuid generate v conversation id UUID REFERENCES conversations id user id UUID REFERENCES users id message TEXT NOT NULL created at TIMESTAMP NOT NULL Head over to Supabase →SQL Editor and copy paste the above Query Now hit run You can head back over to Table Editor to see your newly created tables Now we re done with our database setup we ll create a Node JS server Step Setup a new Node JS serverSource codeCreate a new folder locally and runnpm initRun through the wizard and at the end you should have a base package json for us to start from Now let s install some dependencies we ll need for this project npm install supabase supabase js body parser dotenv express socket ionpm install D types express types node typescript eslint eslint plugin typescript eslint parser eslint nodemon ts node typescriptOur main dependencies are Supabase for intereacting with our database Body parser for our requestsDotenv for env variablesExpress for our serverSocket IO for our websocketFor our development dependencies we re going to install TypescriptTypes for Typescript Eslint ExpressEslintNodemon to watch for file changesTs node for NodeIn your package json add the following changes main index ts scripts start nodemon r dotenv config src index ts lint eslint fix test echo Error no test specified amp amp exit Your package json should look this name supabase node chat backend version description Node backend for a chat application using Supabase main index ts scripts start nodemon r dotenv config src index ts lint eslint fix test echo Error no test specified amp amp exit repository type git url git keywords supabase node chat author Nick Smet license ISC bugs url homepage readme dependencies supabase supabase js body parser dotenv express socket io devDependencies types express types node typescript eslint eslint plugin typescript eslint parser eslint nodemon ts node typescript Next up create a basic folder layout and create the files shown in this list Note I m using Yarn as my dependency manager here but you can also use NPM Below is some boilerplate code for some files already env example envSUPABASE PROJECT URL SUPABASE PUBLIC ANON eslintignoredist eslintrc jsmodule exports parser typescript eslint parser parserOptions ecmaVersion latest Allows the use of modern ECMAScript features sourceType module Allows for the use of imports extends plugin typescript eslint recommended Uses the linting rules from typescript eslint eslint plugin env node true Enable Node js global variables rules no console off import prefer default export off typescript eslint no unused vars warn gitignore Logslogs lognpm debug log yarn debug log yarn error log lerna debug log Dependency directoriesnode modules dotenv environment variables file env env testdisttsconfig json compilerOptions Visit to read more about this file Projects incremental true Save tsbuildinfo files to allow for incremental compilation of projects composite true Enable constraints that allow a TypeScript project to be used with project references tsBuildInfoFile tsbuildinfo Specify the path to tsbuildinfo incremental compilation file disableSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect true Disable preferring source files instead of declaration files when referencing composite projects disableSolutionSearching true Opt a project out of multi project reference checking when editing disableReferencedProjectLoad true Reduce the number of projects loaded automatically by TypeScript Language and Environment target es Set the JavaScript language version for emitted JavaScript and include compatible library declarations lib es Specify a set of bundled library declaration files that describe the target runtime environment jsx preserve Specify what JSX code is generated experimentalDecorators true Enable experimental support for TC stage draft decorators emitDecoratorMetadata true Emit design type metadata for decorated declarations in source files jsxFactory Specify the JSX factory function used when targeting React JSX emit e g React createElement or h jsxFragmentFactory Specify the JSX Fragment reference used for fragments when targeting React JSX emit e g React Fragment or Fragment jsxImportSource Specify module specifier used to import the JSX factory functions when using jsx react jsx reactNamespace Specify the object invoked for createElement This only applies when targeting react JSX emit noLib true Disable including any library files including the default lib d ts useDefineForClassFields true Emit ECMAScript standard compliant class fields moduleDetection auto Control what method is used to detect module format JS files Modules module commonjs Specify what module code is generated rootDir src Specify the root folder within your source files moduleResolution node Specify how TypeScript looks up a file from a given module specifier baseUrl Specify the base directory to resolve non relative module names paths Specify a set of entries that re map imports to additional lookup locations rootDirs Allow multiple folders to be treated as one when resolving modules typeRoots Specify multiple folders that act like node modules types types Specify type package names to be included without being referenced in a source file allowUmdGlobalAccess true Allow accessing UMD globals from modules moduleSuffixes List of file name suffixes to search when resolving a module resolveJsonModule true Enable importing json files noResolve true Disallow import s require s or lt reference gt s from expanding the number of files TypeScript should add to a project JavaScript Support allowJs true Allow JavaScript files to be a part of your program Use the checkJS option to get errors from these files checkJs true Enable error reporting in type checked JavaScript files maxNodeModuleJsDepth Specify the maximum folder depth used for checking JavaScript files from node modules Only applicable with allowJs Emit declaration true Generate d ts files from TypeScript and JavaScript files in your project declarationMap true Create sourcemaps for d ts files emitDeclarationOnly true Only output d ts files and not JavaScript files sourceMap true Create source map files for emitted JavaScript files outFile Specify a file that bundles all outputs into one JavaScript file If declaration is true also designates a file that bundles all d ts output outDir build Specify an output folder for all emitted files removeComments true Disable emitting comments noEmit true Disable emitting files from a compilation importHelpers true Allow importing helper functions from tslib once per project instead of including them per file importsNotUsedAsValues remove Specify emit checking behavior for imports that are only used for types downlevelIteration true Emit more compliant but verbose and less performant JavaScript for iteration sourceRoot Specify the root path for debuggers to find the reference source code mapRoot Specify the location where debugger should locate map files instead of generated locations inlineSourceMap true Include sourcemap files inside the emitted JavaScript inlineSources true Include source code in the sourcemaps inside the emitted JavaScript emitBOM true Emit a UTF Byte Order Mark BOM in the beginning of output files newLine crlf Set the newline character for emitting files stripInternal true Disable emitting declarations that have internal in their JSDoc comments noEmitHelpers true Disable generating custom helper functions like extends in compiled output noEmitOnError true Disable emitting files if any type checking errors are reported preserveConstEnums true Disable erasing const enum declarations in generated code declarationDir Specify the output directory for generated declaration files preserveValueImports true Preserve unused imported values in the JavaScript output that would otherwise be removed Interop Constraints isolatedModules true Ensure that each file can be safely transpiled without relying on other imports allowSyntheticDefaultImports true Allow import x from y when a module doesn t have a default export esModuleInterop true Emit additional JavaScript to ease support for importing CommonJS modules This enables allowSyntheticDefaultImports for type compatibility preserveSymlinks true Disable resolving symlinks to their realpath This correlates to the same flag in node forceConsistentCasingInFileNames true Ensure that casing is correct in imports Type Checking strict true Enable all strict type checking options noImplicitAny true Enable error reporting for expressions and declarations with an implied any type strictNullChecks true When type checking take into account null and undefined strictFunctionTypes true When assigning functions check to ensure parameters and the return values are subtype compatible strictBindCallApply true Check that the arguments for bind call and apply methods match the original function strictPropertyInitialization true Check for class properties that are declared but not set in the constructor noImplicitThis true Enable error reporting when this is given the type any useUnknownInCatchVariables true Default catch clause variables as unknown instead of any alwaysStrict true Ensure use strict is always emitted noUnusedLocals true Enable error reporting when local variables aren t read noUnusedParameters true Raise an error when a function parameter isn t read exactOptionalPropertyTypes true Interpret optional property types as written rather than adding undefined noImplicitReturns true Enable error reporting for codepaths that do not explicitly return in a function noFallthroughCasesInSwitch true Enable error reporting for fallthrough cases in switch statements noUncheckedIndexedAccess true Add undefined to a type when accessed using an index noImplicitOverride true Ensure overriding members in derived classes are marked with an override modifier noPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature true Enforces using indexed accessors for keys declared using an indexed type allowUnusedLabels true Disable error reporting for unused labels allowUnreachableCode true Disable error reporting for unreachable code Completeness skipDefaultLibCheck true Skip type checking d ts files that are included with TypeScript skipLibCheck true Skip type checking all d ts files So what have you done exactly You created a new project with Typescript support and that also has built in Eslint validation Now that the admin is done let s get to the fun stuff Step Create a basic Express serverOpen up index ts and put in the following codeimport express from express import bodyParser from body parser import cors from cors const app express app use bodyParser urlencoded extended false app use bodyParser json app use cors app get function req res res send Hello World app listen Now open up the terminal and runnpm run start Open up the browser and go to http localhost You should now see “Hello world Congrats you just setup your Express server Step Setup our TypesWe re going to have two type files supabase types ts →This contains our database types generated by Supabasetypes ts →General model types of our applicationOpen up the terminal and go inside of the “src folder Now run First authenticate with Supabasenpx supabase login Generate the types filenpx supabase gen types typescript project id YOUR PROJECT ID schema public gt src supabase types tsIn your types ts file you can insert the followingimport Socket from socket io export interface TypedRequestBody lt T gt extends Express Request body T export interface TypedRequestQuery lt T gt extends Express Request query T export interface TypedRequestQueryWithBodyAndParams lt Params ReqBody gt extends Express Request body ReqBody params Params export interface TypedRequestQueryAndParams lt Params Query gt extends Express Request params Params query Query export interface TypedRequestQueryWithParams lt Params gt extends Express Request params Params export interface User id string username string created at string export interface Conversation id string name string user owner id string created at string export interface Message id string user id string message string created at string export interface UserConversation user id string conversation id string export interface SocketConnectedUsers key string socketId string socket Socket user User export interface SocketSocketIdUserId key string string For now focus on User Message Conversation UserConversation The other ones will become clearer in a minute Step Connect to your Supabase DBin utils supabase ts insert the followingimport createClient from supabase supabase js import Database from supabase types const supabase createClient lt Database gt process env SUPABASE PROJECT URL as string process env SUPABASE PUBLIC ANON as string export default supabase We will create a new client that connects to our database Don t forget to fill in your env with SUPABASE PROJECT URL and SUPABASE PUBLIC ANON Step First endpoints Creating and searching for usersIn this example we won t allow users to authenticate they can just signup with a username This is not production ready code in production you do want some form of authentication Open up src controllers user controller ts and Add in the followingimport Response from express import supabase from utils supabase import TypedRequestBody TypedRequestQuery from types export const createUser async function req TypedRequestBody lt username string gt res Response const data error await supabase from users upsert username req body username created at new Date toISOString toLocaleString select if error res send else res send data export const searchUsers async function req TypedRequestQuery lt user id string q string gt res Response let query supabase from users select if req query q query query like username req query q query query neq id req query user id limit const data error await query if error res send else res send data We have two functions createUser When a new user wants to start messaging they should first signup and receive their user idsearchUsers Searching on all users when starting a new conversationNote For searching users you can see that “q is optional Now in src index ts define the endpoints Add the import import createUser searchUsers from controllers user controller Add the user endpointsapp post users create createUser app get users search searchUsers If we try the users create endpoint out from a http client e g Postman it works perfectly Step Fetching all conversations and creating a new oneOpen up src controllers conversation controller ts and add in the following codeimport Response from express import supabase from utils supabase import TypedRequestBody TypedRequestQuery TypedRequestQueryWithBodyAndParams TypedRequestQueryAndParams User Message from types export const getAllConversations async function req TypedRequestQuery lt user id string gt res Response get all conversations this user is attached to const paticipatingConversationIds await supabase from user conversation select conversation id eq user id req query user id if paticipatingConversationIds data length return res send const conversations await supabase from conversations select messages id conversation id message created at users id username or owner user id eq req query user id or id in paticipatingConversationIds data map item any gt item conversation id return res send conversations data Our first function will be retrieving all conversations this user is a part of A user can be part of a conversation in two ways As the owner owner id on the conversations table As a participant of a conversation user conversation table First let s look at conversations which they re a participant in Then we will get all conversations where they re the owner or where the id is found in our participant conversations Quick Aside Currently we return all messages within the conversation But ideally we d like to return the most recent messages and then get more as they scroll up But Supabase in their client SDK doesn t allow a good way to do this at the moment as far as we ve seen To get around this you could potentially write your own Postgres function also known as a stored procedure for fetching messages incrementally Next up add in the following code to create the conversation src controllers conversation controller tsexport const createConversation async function req TypedRequestBody lt owner id string participant ids string group name string gt res Response const owner id participant ids group name req body first create the conversation const conversation await supabase from conversations upsert name group name owner user id owner id created at new Date toISOString toLocaleString select if conversation error res send let participants User if participant ids length gt amp amp conversation data length attach all our users to this conversation const pivotData await supabase from user conversation upsert participant ids map participant id gt return user id participant id conversation id conversation data id select if pivotData data length find our actual users const actualParticipantUsers await supabase from users select in id participant ids if actualParticipantUsers data length participants actualParticipantUsers data if conversation error return res sendStatus else const conv Conversation conversation data participants return res send conv We receive the desired group name the participants and who the owner is We will create our base conversation first so we have its id Then we fill in the user conversation table to add in the participants In index ts add the following imports and endpointsimport createConversation getAllConversations from controllers conversation controller CONVERSATION ENDPOINTSapp post conversations create createConversation app get conversations getAllConversations Try it out in Postman and you should have just created your first chat conversation Step Getting conversation messages and sending a new messageIn the same src controllers conversation controller ts file add in these two functions src controllers conversation controller tsexport const getConversationMessages async function req TypedRequestQueryAndParams lt conversation id string last message date Date gt res Response const conversation id req params const last message date req query let query supabase from messages select id conversation id message created at users id username order created at ascending true eq conversation id conversation id if last message date query query gt created at last message date const messages await query res send messages data The client sends us conversation id and we use that to get all messages in a specific conversation using eq conversation id conversation id There is also the option to give a last message date this you could use to only fetch the new messages created after the last message the client has in memory src controllers conversation controller tsexport const addMessageToConversation async function req TypedRequestQueryWithBodyAndParams lt conversation id string user id string message string gt res Response const conversationid req params conversation id const user id message req body const data await supabase from messages upsert conversation id conversationid user id message created at new Date toISOString toLocaleString select users id username conversations get the users in this chat except for the current one const userConversationIds await supabase from user conversation select user id eq conversation id conversationid if data error res send else res send data data a ddMessageToConversation is used to create a new message and link the message to a specific conversation Try creating a new message from your http client and you should get something like the following response Step Adding Socket IO for realtime communicationOpen up your src utils socket ts file and paste in the following starting code src utils socket tsimport Server from socket io import SocketConnectedUsers SocketSocketIdUserId User Message Conversation from types class Socket private static instance Socket private io private users SocketConnectedUsers private socketIdUserId SocketSocketIdUserId private constructor server Server this io server this io on connection socket gt console log a user connected socket on join user User gt this users user id socketId socket id socket socket user this socketIdUserId socket id user id socket on disconnect gt const userId this socketIdUserId socket id if userId delete this users userId delete this socketIdUserId socket id static getInstance server Server if this instance return this instance if server this instance new Socket server return this instance return Error Failed to init socket export default Socket The class is going to be a singleton a class that can have only one object and will be used across our app We initialise our websocket in the constructor and keep track of who is connected We also write a function getInstance that returns the singleton This will be used by the rest of our application In the client we use the event “join as our connected event This indicates a new client has come online and wants to connect to our websocket for realtime events When this happens we keep track of this new user that is connected And we also keep track of it in the reverse format so we link socket id to user id socket on join user User gt this users user id socketId socket id socket socket user this socketIdUserId socket id user id The event “disconnect is used to clean up our users when the client goes offline So our in memory list of users doesn t keep growing endlessly We also remove the data we created above socket on disconnect gt const userId this socketIdUserId socket id if userId delete this users userId delete this socketIdUserId socket id Head over to index ts and update it with the following code import Server from socket io import http from http import Socket from utils socket const server http createServer app const ioServer new Server server Socket getInstance ioServer change toapp listen gt server listen In short We create a new instance of our Socket IO server using our getInstance function and listen on port for incoming messages Next step is to add in two socket events Notify when a conversation has a new messageNotify when a user is added to a new conversationIn src utils socket ts file add these two functions public static sendMessageToUsers userIds string message Message userIds forEach item gt const user this instance users item if user user socket emit message message public static notifyUsersOnConversationCreate userIds string conversation Conversation userIds forEach item gt const user this instance users item if user user socket emit newConversation conversation Both functions take an array of userIds that we will use to send direct messages to if connected Last step is to hook it up in src controllers conversation controller ts ADD AN IMPORT STATEMENT import Socket from utils socket UPDATE THE FOLLOWING FUNCTIONSexport const createConversation async function req TypedRequestBody lt owner id string participant ids string group name string gt res Response UPDATEif conversation error return res sendStatus else const conv Conversation conversation data participants Socket notifyUsersOnConversationCreate participant ids as string conv return res send conv export const addMessageToConversation async function req TypedRequestQueryWithBodyAndParams lt conversation id string user id string message string gt res Response UPDATE if data error res send else if userConversationIds data amp amp userConversationIds data length gt const userIdsForMessages userConversationIds data map item gt item user id filter item gt item user id Socket sendMessageToUsers userIdsForMessages as string data data as Message res send data data When a new conversation is created we notify the client of the connected users who are participants in that conversation with all the data they need to render that conversation Socket notifyUsersOnConversationCreate participant ids as string conv And when a new message is added to a conversation we also notify users who are in that conversation with the message data Socket sendMessageToUsers userIdsForMessages as string data data as Message And…that s it You just created your very first Supabase Node Chat backend from scratch This code is way off being production ready But should give you a good idea or starting point to develop awesome chat applications of your own You can find all the code here More articles in this seriesWhatsApp UI in React Native part 2023-01-30 15:06:13
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